Nano Tech 20
Nano Tech 20
Nano Tech 20
We report on the control of magnetization reversal in exchange-biased Co/CoO nanorings
resulting from the competition between field-cooling-induced unidirectional anisotropy at the
Co/CoO interface and shape anisotropy of the elongated Co nanorings. We observed that the
magnetization reversal mechanisms and magnitudes of exchange bias fields are strongly
dependent on the strength and orientation of the cooling field relative to the major axis of the
nanorings. Our results demonstrate a convenient technique to control the magnetization reversal
modes in ferromagnetic nanorings.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
Figure 1. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and a schematic of Co (25 nm)/CoO (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) elongated nanoring arrays after
such as IrMn or FeMn [13–15], to date there has been no (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) multilayers were deposited using e-beam
work on the magnetic properties of exchange-biased rings evaporation. The base pressure of the chamber was better than
incorporating oxide AFM layers such as CoO. Using CoO 5 × 10−7 Torr before deposition. The magnetic film was then
as the AFM layer is suitable due to its Néel temperature removed from the unexposed areas by ultrasonic-assisted lift-
TN = 291 K, which is just below room temperature, thus off in OK73 resist thinner. Lift-off completion was determined
enabling the exchange bias to be reset conveniently. In by the colour contrast of the patterned film and confirmed
addition, due to its large magnetocrystalline anisotropy, CoO- by inspection under a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
based exchange-biased nanorings are useful model systems for Details of the fabrication process are described elsewhere [18].
magnetic characterization [16]. Also, it is important to note Figure 1 shows the SEM image of the nanoring arrays after
that the elongated shape of the nanorings introduces shape lift-off. The dimensions of the nanorings, as indicated in the
anisotropy, and its orientation with respect to the applied field schematic, are 830 nm and 585 nm along the major and minor
and exchange bias direction is extremely crucial in triggering axes, respectively, with a width of 160 nm. An edge-to-edge
a change of the magnetization reversal mechanism. Moreover, spacing of 430 nm was used to prevent any dipolar interactions
owing to the strong dependence of switching fields of rings in the nanoring arrays. Magnetic properties of the exchange-
on thermal activation effects [17], it is also important to biased nanoring arrays were characterized using a vibrating
investigate the temperature-dependent properties of exchange- sample magnetometer (VSM) as a function of temperature. To
biased rings in order to accurately distinguish between the set the exchange bias for all measurements, the samples were
contributions of various physical parameters, and thus tailor field-cooled in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field HFC
the magnetization reversal accordingly. from T = 300 K (above the Néel temperature TN = 291 K for
In this work, we investigate the effects of exchange bias bulk CoO) to the desired set point temperature T at various
on the magnetization reversal in arrays of elongated Co/CoO field-cooling angles α with respect to the major axis of the
nanorings as a function of temperature. We observe that the ring. The hysteresis loops were measured at T with external
reversal mechanism is markedly modified by exchange bias, magnetic field applied at an angle θ to the major axis of the
and magnetization reversal occurs via shifted vortex states ring. The samples were finally warmed back to T = 300 K to
when the nanorings are field-cooled and measured along the reset the exchange bias.
major axis of the nanorings. We will also demonstrate how
the reversal modes and easy axis in nanorings can be tuned at 3. Results and discussion
low temperatures by carefully controlling the direction of field
cooling. 3.1. Temperature dependence of exchange bias and switching
fields in nanorings
2. Experimental details We have systematically investigated the magnetic properties
of the nanoring arrays as a function of temperature. The
Arrays of elongated nanorings were fabricated over a very representative easy axis hysteresis loops for Co (25 nm)/CoO
large area on commercially available Si substrates using deep (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) nanoring arrays and a continuous
ultraviolet (DUV) lithography at 248 nm exposing wavelength. unpatterned film deposited under identical conditions are
To create patterns in the resist, the substrates were coated plotted in figure 2 ( HFC = 5 kOe, α = 0 and θ =
with a 60 nm thick anti-reflective layer followed by 480 nm 0). For direct comparison, the corresponding hysteresis
of positive DUV photoresist. A Nikon lithographic scanner loops for a control experiment with unbiased Co (25 nm)/Cu
with KrF excimer laser radiation was used to expose the (2 nm) nanoring arrays of identical dimensions were also
resist. For pattern transfer, polycrystalline Co (25 nm)/CoO measured. As expected, above the Néel temperature of
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Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 015304 D Tripathy et al
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