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Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 015304 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/20/1/015304

Controlling the magnetization reversal in

exchange-biased Co/CoO elongated
D Tripathy1, A O Adeyeye1,4, N Singh2 and R L Stamps3
Information Storage Materials Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, National University of Singapore, 117576, Singapore
Institute of Microelectronics, 11 Science Park Road, Singapore Science Park II,
117685, Singapore
School of Physics, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia


Received 15 September 2008, in final form 31 October 2008

Published 5 December 2008
Online at

We report on the control of magnetization reversal in exchange-biased Co/CoO nanorings
resulting from the competition between field-cooling-induced unidirectional anisotropy at the
Co/CoO interface and shape anisotropy of the elongated Co nanorings. We observed that the
magnetization reversal mechanisms and magnitudes of exchange bias fields are strongly
dependent on the strength and orientation of the cooling field relative to the major axis of the
nanorings. Our results demonstrate a convenient technique to control the magnetization reversal
modes in ferromagnetic nanorings.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction defect interrupting the continuity of magnetization [6], de-

centring the ring core [7] and creating artificial defects in
Rapid advances in lithography techniques for fabricating the ring by a focused ion beam [8] have been effective
nanostructures with controlled dimensions and geometry has in manipulating the reversal mechanism in rings. These
triggered extensive research in magnetic nanostructures [1]. techniques, however, involve alterations in the physical shape
Of particular interest is the magnetization reversal in thin of the ring structure.
film ring structures due to distinct magnetic states, namely Alternatively, exchange bias [9], which refers to the
the flux-closure or ‘vortex’ state, in which the magnetization shift of hysteresis loop along the magnetic field axis,
is oriented circumferentially without any domain walls, and can also be employed to tune the magnetic properties of
the ‘onion’ state with two opposite head-on (180◦ ) domain nanostructures. This shift was first reported by Meiklejohn
walls [2]. Due to elimination of the high energy vortex core, and Bean in partially oxidized Co particles and was attributed
the vortex state in rings, unlike discs, is a stable magnetic to the exchange interaction at the interface between the
configuration. Ring elements have thus been proposed as a ferromagnetic (FM) Co core and the antiferromagnetic (AFM)
potential candidate for magnetic random access memories [3] CoO shell [10]. It has been shown previously that the magnetic
and magnetic biosensors [4]. For device applications states in NiFe/IrMn discs can be controlled by exchange
incorporating ring elements, however, it is essential to have bias, such that reversal occurs via vortex formation only
a reproducible and experimentally controllable magnetization when the applied field direction is close to the exchange
reversal mechanism. Techniques such as fabricating notches bias direction [11]. Recently, exchange bias has also been
in the ring by e-beam lithography to create an attractive local demonstrated to be an effective means for tailoring the
pinning potential [5], adding tips to the ring as a geometrical magnetization reversal of elliptical dots [12]. Although there
have been some reports on room temperature studies of
4 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
multilayer ring structures consisting of metallic AFM layers

0957-4484/09/015304+06$30.00 1 © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 015304 D Tripathy et al


Figure 1. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and a schematic of Co (25 nm)/CoO (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) elongated nanoring arrays after

such as IrMn or FeMn [13–15], to date there has been no (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) multilayers were deposited using e-beam
work on the magnetic properties of exchange-biased rings evaporation. The base pressure of the chamber was better than
incorporating oxide AFM layers such as CoO. Using CoO 5 × 10−7 Torr before deposition. The magnetic film was then
as the AFM layer is suitable due to its Néel temperature removed from the unexposed areas by ultrasonic-assisted lift-
TN = 291 K, which is just below room temperature, thus off in OK73 resist thinner. Lift-off completion was determined
enabling the exchange bias to be reset conveniently. In by the colour contrast of the patterned film and confirmed
addition, due to its large magnetocrystalline anisotropy, CoO- by inspection under a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
based exchange-biased nanorings are useful model systems for Details of the fabrication process are described elsewhere [18].
magnetic characterization [16]. Also, it is important to note Figure 1 shows the SEM image of the nanoring arrays after
that the elongated shape of the nanorings introduces shape lift-off. The dimensions of the nanorings, as indicated in the
anisotropy, and its orientation with respect to the applied field schematic, are 830 nm and 585 nm along the major and minor
and exchange bias direction is extremely crucial in triggering axes, respectively, with a width of 160 nm. An edge-to-edge
a change of the magnetization reversal mechanism. Moreover, spacing of 430 nm was used to prevent any dipolar interactions
owing to the strong dependence of switching fields of rings in the nanoring arrays. Magnetic properties of the exchange-
on thermal activation effects [17], it is also important to biased nanoring arrays were characterized using a vibrating
investigate the temperature-dependent properties of exchange- sample magnetometer (VSM) as a function of temperature. To
biased rings in order to accurately distinguish between the set the exchange bias for all measurements, the samples were
contributions of various physical parameters, and thus tailor field-cooled in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field HFC
the magnetization reversal accordingly. from T = 300 K (above the Néel temperature TN = 291 K for
In this work, we investigate the effects of exchange bias bulk CoO) to the desired set point temperature T at various
on the magnetization reversal in arrays of elongated Co/CoO field-cooling angles α with respect to the major axis of the
nanorings as a function of temperature. We observe that the ring. The hysteresis loops were measured at T with external
reversal mechanism is markedly modified by exchange bias, magnetic field applied at an angle θ to the major axis of the
and magnetization reversal occurs via shifted vortex states ring. The samples were finally warmed back to T = 300 K to
when the nanorings are field-cooled and measured along the reset the exchange bias.
major axis of the nanorings. We will also demonstrate how
the reversal modes and easy axis in nanorings can be tuned at 3. Results and discussion
low temperatures by carefully controlling the direction of field
cooling. 3.1. Temperature dependence of exchange bias and switching
fields in nanorings
2. Experimental details We have systematically investigated the magnetic properties
of the nanoring arrays as a function of temperature. The
Arrays of elongated nanorings were fabricated over a very representative easy axis hysteresis loops for Co (25 nm)/CoO
large area on commercially available Si substrates using deep (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) nanoring arrays and a continuous
ultraviolet (DUV) lithography at 248 nm exposing wavelength. unpatterned film deposited under identical conditions are
To create patterns in the resist, the substrates were coated plotted in figure 2 ( HFC = 5 kOe, α = 0 and θ =
with a 60 nm thick anti-reflective layer followed by 480 nm 0). For direct comparison, the corresponding hysteresis
of positive DUV photoresist. A Nikon lithographic scanner loops for a control experiment with unbiased Co (25 nm)/Cu
with KrF excimer laser radiation was used to expose the (2 nm) nanoring arrays of identical dimensions were also
resist. For pattern transfer, polycrystalline Co (25 nm)/CoO measured. As expected, above the Néel temperature of

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 015304 D Tripathy et al

process involving onion to vortex transition (domain wall de-

pinning and propagation process) and then a transition from
vortex to reverse onion state (nucleation process followed by
spread of reverse domain) [19]. For fields sweeping from
positive to negative saturation, we observed that the onion state
is maintained at remanence and the transition from onion to
vortex state occurs abruptly at H1 = −95 Oe. The second
transition from vortex to reverse onion state is less abrupt and
occurs at H2 = −600 Oe. Moreover, the vortex state of the
nanoring arrays, which is represented in the hysteresis loops
by the plateau-like region between the two transitions, is not
flat and may be attributed to switching field distributions in an
ensemble of nominally identical nanorings.
As the samples are field-cooled in HFC = 5 kOe below
the Néel temperature TN = 291 K of CoO, the hysteresis
loops exhibit marked modifications. We first consider the
hysteresis loop for the unbiased nanorings at T = 200 K.
Figure 2(b) shows that, apart from an obvious increase in
switching field distributions with decreasing temperature, the
transition from onion to vortex state occurs at H1 = −165 Oe,
while the transition from vortex to reverse onion state occurs at
H2 = −610 Oe. These enhancements in switching fields when
compared to the hysteresis loop measured at T = 300 K may
be attributed to reduced thermal excitations as the temperature
is decreased, thus entailing higher switching fields to overcome
the energy barriers required for magnetization reversal [17].
For exchange-biased nanorings, the hysteresis loop is shifted
by HE = 147 Oe (as compared to a larger shift of HE = 163 Oe
in the continuous film) along the magnetic field axis due to
unidirectional coupling between the Co and CoO layers. Due
to strong exchange coupling with the CoO layer, the switching
fields for the exchange-biased nanorings are also significantly
different from their unbiased counterparts. As the external
field is reduced from positive to negative saturation (decreasing
branch of hysteresis loop), domain walls in the nanorings are
strongly pinned along the field-cooling direction. This pinning
acts as an additional energy barrier which has to be overcome
so that the domain walls can de-pin and propagate in order
to form the energetically favourable vortex state. Once the
external field is large enough to compensate the exchange bias,
the nanorings reverse via a shifted vortex state. The transition
from onion to vortex state thus occurs at a higher switching
field H1 = −385 Oe, while the transition from vortex to
reverse onion state now occurs at H2 = −865 Oe. Figure 2(c)
shows that, as temperature is reduced to T = 90 K, both
Figure 2. Easy axis hysteresis loops for Co (25 nm)/CoO (5 nm)/Cu the unbiased and exchange-biased nanorings exhibit further
(2 nm) nanoring arrays, and Co (25 nm)/Cu (2 nm) nanoring arrays broadening of switching field distributions and enhancements
and a continuous film measured at (a) T = 300 K, (b) T = 200 K in switching fields H1 and H2. An increase in HE to 260 Oe
and (c) T = 90 K after field-cooling from T = 300 K in the presence was also observed for the exchange-biased nanorings.
of a 5 kOe field applied along the major axis of the ring.
Figure 3 shows the temperature dependence of annihila-
tion fields ( HA1 and HA2 ), nucleation fields ( HN1 and HN2), and
HE for the exchange-biased nanorings. Here, HA1 ( HN1 ) and
CoO, both the exchange-biased and unbiased nanoring arrays HA2 ( HN2 ) are defined as the annihilation (nucleation) fields in
exhibit identical and symmetric hysteresis loops at 300 K, the descending and ascending branches of the hysteresis loops,
as shown in figure 2(a). Similarly, the continuous film also respectively. As shown in figure 3(a), we observed that HA2
exhibits a symmetric and square hysteresis loop with a small is relatively insensitive to temperature variations and remains
coercive field HC = 24 Oe. The hysteresis loops for the fixed at ∼725 Oe for all temperatures. In contrast, HA1 is
nanorings are typical of a two-step magnetization reversal strongly dependent on temperature and its magnitude increases

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 015304 D Tripathy et al

and nucleation fields are in relatively good agreement and

increase with decreasing temperature. The increase in HE
may be attributed to a reduction in thermal excitations with
decreasing temperature, which results in the reduction of
thermally activated de-pinning of the CoO domain walls. The
reduction of thermal excitations is of considerable significance
due to the three-dimensional confinement of the CoO layer in
the nanorings, which makes the CoO domain walls particularly
susceptible to thermally activated de-pinning for thin CoO
layers [20]. Moreover, as temperature is decreased, anisotropy
and exchange energies in the CoO layer also have to compete
with smaller thermal excitations. This tends to enhance the
stability of the CoO spin lattice and thus increases the pinning
strength exerted by the CoO layer on the Co layer [9].

3.2. Tuning of easy axis and magnetization reversal

Exchange bias provides an additional parameter to experimen-
tally tune the magnetization reversal and spin orientations in
nanorings by controlling the field-cooling angle α . To probe
this effect, the nanorings were field-cooled from 300 to 200 K
in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field of 5 kOe applied
at an angle α with the major axis of the nanorings. The
hysteresis loops were then measured at 200 K by applying the
external field along the major axis of the nanorings (θ = 0) and
along the field-cooling direction (θ = α ). Shown in figure 4
are the representative hysteresis loops for the exchange-biased
nanoring arrays. It can be clearly seen that the magnetization
reversal in the nanorings is drastically modified as α is varied.
Comparing the hysteresis loops measured along the major axis
of the nanorings with the hysteresis loop of the exchange-
biased nanorings shown in figure 2(b) (α = 0, θ = 0), we
observed that, as α is increased, there is a gradual change
in reversal mechanism modes due to the interplay between
different energies involved in the system. Moreover, this
change is also accompanied by the appearance of asymmetry
in the hysteresis loop shape. When the nanorings are field-
cooled at varying angles α with respect to the major axis,
the energetically favourable direction set in the CoO layer
along the major axis due to shape anisotropy is altered due
to competition with the unidirectional anisotropy induced by
Figure 3. Dependence of (a) annihilation field HA , (b) nucleation
field-cooling. Applying the external field along the major axis
field HN and (c) exchange bias field HE on temperature for Co
(25 nm)/CoO (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) nanoring arrays after field-cooling will try to re-orient the spins in the Co layer at different angles
from T = 300 K in the presence of a 5 kOe field applied along the from the field-cooling direction and thus result in an increase
major axis of the ring. in the exchange energy of the system [11]. Consequently,
magnetization reversal via onion → vortex → reverse-onion
transitions is no longer energetically favourable, resulting in
monotonically from 725 Oe to 1225 Oe as temperature a re-orientation of spins in the nanorings. This behaviour
is reduced from 300 K to 90 K, respectively. Similarly, manifests itself in the increasingly sheared nature of the
figure 3(b) shows that, while HN2 changes only slightly hysteresis loops as α is increased. The hysteresis loops also
with decreasing temperature, HN1 is markedly modified. We show strong dependence on the orientation of the external field
observed that HN1 decreases progressively with decreasing θ . Figure 4 also shows that, for each α , HE is largest along the
temperature and becomes negative below T = 185 K. The field-cooling direction and reduces along the major axis of the
experimental values of HE can be evaluated either from the ring. This may be attributed to the stronger pinning strength
two annihilation or two nucleation fields. Figure 3(b) shows the along the field-cooling direction. It can thus be envisaged
temperature dependence of HE for both the cases. We observed that the easy axis in elongated nanorings can be engineered
that the values of HE determined from both annihilation by carefully controlling the field-cooling direction.

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 015304 D Tripathy et al

Figure 5. Dependence of HE on the field-cooling strength HFC after

cooling from 300 to 200 K along the major axis of the nanorings
(α = 0), and then measuring the hysteresis loops at 200 K by
applying the external field along the major axis of the nanorings
(θ = 0).

were then measured at 200 K by applying the external field

along the major axis of the nanorings (θ = 0). Figure 5
shows the dependence of HE on the field-cooling strength HFC
for the exchange-biased nanorings. Initially there is a sharp
increase in HE with increasing HFC up to ∼1 kOe, beyond
which HE decreases monotonically. The initial increase
in HE with increasing HFC is due to an enhancement in
the degree of alignment of the Co spins in the nanorings.
Consequently, the effect of averaging of exchange anisotropy
due to randomness is reduced, and a net enhancement in
HE is observed. With increasing HFC , the Zeeman energy
due to coupling between the cooling field and the CoO spins
increases, thus tending to re-orient the CoO spins along the
field-cooling direction. For large enough HFC, the Zeeman
coupling overcomes the exchange coupling at the Co/CoO
interface, thereby weakening the pinning strength exerted on
the Co spins by the CoO spin lattice in the nanorings. Hence,
the Zeeman coupling increasingly dominates the magnetic
interactions in the Co/CoO nanorings, and for large enough
fields the system freezes in a configuration in which the energy
associated with such internal interactions is not minimized.
Figure 4. Hysteresis loops of Co (25 nm)/CoO (5 nm)/Cu (2 nm) Consequently, the nanorings exist in a state of high interface
nanoring arrays field-cooled from 300 to 200 K in a 5 kOe field magnetic energy, thus reducing HE. As HFC becomes larger,
applied at an angle α with the major axis of the nanorings, and then the Co/CoO interface energy in the nanorings is continuously
measured at 200 K by applying the external field along the major axis enhanced and the exchange coupling is weakened due to
of the nanorings (θ = 0) and along the field-cooling direction the Zeeman coupling, thereby reducing the magnitude of HE
(θ = α ) for (a) α = 15◦ , (b) α = 45◦ and (c) α = 90◦ .
further. Similar drastic changes in the magnitude of HE were
also reported previously for FeF2 –Fe bilayers [21]. On the
other hand, for the Co/CoO continuous film, we observed that
3.3. Effect of field-cooling strength HE increases only slightly with increasing HFC , till HFC is
comparable to the coercive field, beyond which it saturates to
We have also tuned the reversal mechanisms in the exchange- an almost constant value for larger cooling fields.
biased nanorings by adjusting the strength of the cooling field
HFC. To ensure identical initial magnetization states, the 4. Conclusions
nanorings were first saturated at 300 K in HFC = 8 kOe
along α = 0, before field-cooling to 200 K along α = 0 In summary, our systematic study on Co/CoO elongated
with HFC varying between 0 and 5 kOe. The hysteresis loops nanoring arrays conclusively shows that the magnetization

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