BP Math
BP Math
BP Math
Topic:Matter Around Us.
Teaching periods:15
Children would be able to :
-Know Characteristics of Matter.
-Classify Matter.
-Explain Temperature Scale.
-Interconversion of states of Matter.
-DescribeLatent Heat.
-Understand phenomenon of Evaporation.
Previous Knowledge Testing:
-Children will be asked about definition & examples of matter.
-States of matter like solids,liquids and gases..
-Boiling, freezing, melting,Evaporation etc.
-Measuring scale of temperature. .
Vocabulary-Latent,Fusion, diffusion, Kinetic energy, Sublimation.
Students would be taught about-
-Definition ,character istics & classification of matter.
-Role of heat in interconversion of solid,liquid and gases.
-definition &importance of latent Heat.
-Evaporation and factors effecting it..
Recapitulation: After this topic Students will be clear about following points
-Differences between solid ,liquid & gases.
-Phenomenon of Boiling, melting, Evaporation, condensation, freezing, Sublimation.
-Kelvin& Celsius scale.
-Significance of Evaporation.
Integration with other domains:
Temperature conversion involves mathematical calculations using formula
T =t+273.
PLearning Outcome:
Students will be able to
-Correlate unitsTemperature .
-draw matter triangle & learn role of heat & pressure.
-Use of earthern pots, dessert coolers,cotton clothes during summer.
Coscholastic activities:Participantion of students
Students will be able to separate mixture of ammonium chloride,common salt& sand in lab using
Feedback & remedial teaching:
Discussion & written practice of fill up,assertion-reasoning, true/false,matching
statements,multiple choice questions, one word &other exercises will be done.
Oral discussion and written test will be conducted.
Inclusive Practices and Full Participation without Discrimination
Lesson would be taught equally to all students without any discrimination. All students would be treated
same irrespective of their social ,economic status.
Sustainable Development Goals
By teaching this chapter,we may proceed towards achieving the SDG of drinking water using earthen pots
by using the concept of cooling water due to evaporation.Increasing the use of earthen pots will also help
the poor people to earn their lively hood.
Previous knowledge testing: Student would be asked about elements, compounds, mixture and physical
and chemical changes.
Innovative methods:htps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2RqAE0wbqk&feature=youtu.be
Vocabulary: Aqueous, non-aqueous solution, saturated, unsaturated, coloidal, tyndall effect, Brownian
motion, solubility
Integration with other domain: Calculations for the numerical of the concentration of the solution can be
corelated with mathematics.
Co-scholastic activity: Students will be shown virtual lab activities related to this chapter.
It will help in enhancing learning process of students.This ensures that students get to learn effectively.
Sustainable Development Goals After doing this topic children will get knowledge about
purity of solution used in their daily life which will help to maintain their health and
Topic – Structure of Atom
Class Transaction- 15 periods
Objectives –
Z=p=e A=n+p
• Later on Bohr Bury Scheme would be explained by which distribution of electrons in different orbits
will take place.
• Students will also be explained about valence electrons and valency, isotopes and isobars.
Previous knowledge testing – Students will be asked about the fundamental building blocks
of matter i.e atoms and molecules.
• What is atom made up of ?
• What makes the atom of one element different from the atom of another element. Are the
atoms indivisible?
Vocabulary Used – Matter, Electron, Proton, Neutrons, cathode rays, anode rays,
Thomson’s Model of atom, Rutherford model, Atomic number, Mass number, Bohr’s model, Distribution
of electrons in shells, Valency, Isotopes, Isobars.
Procedure –
• Students will be told about the existence of changed particles in matter.
• Students will be told about the discovery of cathode rays and electrons by showing
discharge tube experiments in smart class.
• Discovery of canal rays or anode rays and Proton would be explained.
• Students will be told about Thomson’s model of atom, Rutherford’s model of atom in which
scattering experiment would be explained.
• Drawbacks of Rutherford’s model would also be explained along with Bohr’s model of atom.
Discovery of Neutron would also be explained.
Recapitulation –
Students will be able to recapitulate the properties of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
Students will be able to recapitulate the comparison of all proposed models of distribution of electrons in
Students will also draw various e nergy levels around the nucleus of an atom as proposed
by Neils Bohr.
Integration with other domain –
Various topics can be correlated with English language. Various diagrams and like atomic
structures of elements can be related with art work. Numericals related to different topics can
be related to mathematical work.
Participation of students –
Students will observe the existence of changed particles in matter by doing activity of
rubbing the comb with dry hair and then bringing it near small pieces of paper.
The numerical related to finding ofthe students. no of neutrons/ electrons/ protons would be done by
Students would be able to draw atomic structures of some important elements and the
arrangement of electrons in various shells.
Learning outcomes –
Assessment – Assessment of qualifying knowledge can be done on the basis of Lab activities, Group
discussion or by assignments. It can also be done by questioning during class discussion
Feedback and Remedial Teachings.
Students who will be lagging behind in studies, would be paid extra attention. They would be given
simple tests for practice. They would be taught again in a simpler and easier way’
Inclusive Practices and Full Participation without Discrimination
Students with different geographical identities ,such as students from village ,small towns ,and
aspirational districts would be given equal opportunities for receiving quality education.
Vocabulary Used –
Historical account of divisibility of matter, Law of chemical combination, Law of constant proportions,
Dalton’s Atomic theory, Atom, Modern Symbols of Atoms of the elements, Atomic mass Molecule, ion,
Writing chemical formulae, mole concept.
Innovative methods –
An activity will be performed by taking of conservation of mass. BaCl2 & Na2SO4 in the laboratory to
explain the law
They will actively participate in various discussions in which students will do cross talks on
points supporting original and modified Dalton’s atomic theory.
Procedure –
Students will be told about history of divisibility of matter.
Laws of chemical combination (Law of conservation of mass will be explained by
explaining the activity in which BaCl2 & Na2SO4 taken. ➢
Students will be explained Law of constant proportions by taking the example of water. ➢
Main postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory will be explained by giving examples. ➢
Students will be explained Modern day symbols of elements with some guidelines for
writing the symbols. ➢
Students will also be told about the remarkable concept – Atomic mass. ➢
Different examples for Molecules of elements, molecule of compounds will also be
explained. Two types of ions and rules for writing chemical formula will also be taken. ➢ Very
important topic mole concept will also be explained by giving numerical.
Recapitulation –
Students will be able to recapitulate
two laws of chemical combination and
then do numericals on the basis of these laws. ➢
They will also recapitulate Dalton’s atomic theory, main postulates followed by
its drawbacks. ➢
They will also draw the table of symbols of different elements with their valencies. ➢
On the basis of Atomic masses they will also do numerical based on Molecular mass
& formula mass. ➢
Students will also recapitulate positively changed ions & Negatively charged ions and also do
the rules for writing chemical formula. ➢
Numericals based on Mole concept will be done in which one mole represents 6.022 X 1023
particles will also be taken.
Participation of Students –
Students will observe the activity to prove the law of conservation of mass. ➢
Students will solve the numerical related with both the laws. ➢
Students will speak about the characteristics of atoms and will write the symbols of
elements in their notebook. ➢
Students will write the atomicity of various molecules I.e. monoatomic, diatomic,
triatomic, and polyatomic. ➢
Students would be able to write the formula of various compounds and also numerical
based on atomic classes. ➢
They would be able to solve the numerical related to mole concept.
Learning Outcomes –
Students will be able to
o list the postulates of Dalton’s Atomic theory o State and write the atomic symbols of
first 20 elements. o State and write the atomic number and mass number for first 20
They will identify element present in a compound. Recall the molecular mass of elements.
Compute the molecular mass of compounds.
Assessment – Assessment of qualifying knowledge can be done on the basis of lab activities,
group discussion or by assignments.
It can also be done by questioning during clas s discussion.
Feedback and Remedial Teachings.
There are always some students in the class who might find it difficult to understand and learn the
structures of biomolecules. For such students, topic would be discussed again in such a manner so
that they may also follow the chapter. Practice tests would also be given to such students.
Inclusive Practices and Full Participation without Discrimination
Focus would be laid to achieve an inclusive and equitable society. Bridging the social category
gaps would be one of the major goals of imparting education.