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atten aa ae 16 CHAPTER Direction (1-10) : Each of the questions below contains three elements. These three elements | may or may not have some linkage. Each group of the elements may fit into one of the diagrams at (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e} You have to indicate groups of elements in each of the questions fit into which of the diagrams given below. The letter indicating the diagram is the answer. FRAC I-10): CAR ea wa Wel A a | rrr fea i the At HF fare wer a wey ost wan @ sk wi twee SFA (a), (b), (c), (a) eH (e) fea wa fea 8 fare ww a water ti att faa ar wr et 1. Vegetable, Potato, Cabbage wat, amg, at Table, Chair, Furniture aa, af, wie Week, Day, Year were, fea, Ie Judge, Thief, Criminal ara, a, 9 390 Husband, Wife, Family fa, wei, sfae Square, Rectangle, Polygon. wi, or, AEH 7. Bus, Car, Vehicle 38, eT, aH ‘Anxiety, Intelligence, Bathroom 9. House, Bedroom, Bathroom m, fen, Bre Mustard, Barley, Potato wea, oh, a, Directions (1 1-20 ):n the following | questions, three classes are given. Out of the five figures that follow, you are to indicate which figure will | best represent the relationship | amongst the three classes. | fac 11-20) fd a ve A aa we agai a acta fra va ¢ sh a fer fol na 81 ad fas a eR oT 2 si wet didn at i a fa) ® (b) ©, ) (a) S « 11. Elephants, Wolves, Animals 12. Metal, Iron, Chlorine ag, ate, Fas 13. Mammals, Cows, Crows eral, 4, Fa 15, | | 10. Rakesh Y¢ 14. Women, Mothers, Widows atta, Are, ferret 15. Authors, Téachers, Men ara, fers, snect Kerala, Bihar, India oe, faen, aKa Automobiles, Cars, Motor- cycles area, an, Hecarefre Brick, House, Bridge Baw Tea, Coffee, Beverages awa, are, 4 vad Boys, Students, Athletes Tee, oF, wee Directions (21 ~ 30) : Each of these questions below contains three groups of things. You are tc choose from the following five lettered dia- grams, the one that depicts the cor- ect relationship among the groups of things in each question. Fga(21-30): fet wa wea a ie FR % mega ar aie & ste ofa fees ft 7 tle a ad fer a ane rT at aie ald t1 eID wo si 0 ® .G 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. fedav Readers Publication Pvt. Li © scanned with OKEN Scanner‘21, Tennis fans, Cricket Players, ‘Students 22. Flowers, Clothes, White 23. Smokers, Lawyers, Non-smokers {Ser SG are, sate, yoo =a ae 24. Human beings, Teachers, Graduates 25. Males, Fathers, Doctors yey, fray, ciaex 26. Fathers, Uncles, Men Fra, ara, are 27. Musicians, Men, Women 28. Whales, Fishes, Crocodiles 8a, Fest, aE 29. Anti-social elements, Pickpock- ets, Blackmailers Seen ae, Seen, a He Ea 20, Tall men, Black haired people, Indians WA att, wa we we a, se Directions (31 ~ 35) : Given below are five possible membership schemes. In each case, mark the one you feel appropriate description of the three listed items. FRa(31-35): fea 7a we A a aT asi at aia t sk ofa farmed fea Te tm aat fen a WF wet dan cit 31. 32, 33. 35. 36. 37. Apple, Golden apples, Fruits 7%, Gee 4, Fc Triangles, Scalene triangles, Right-angled triangles Fag, fromang fags, Hail Frys Star, moon, sun ay, eam, Words with no vowel, Words with one vowel, Words with at least two vowels eR thea as, UH Ered TR, FH Sart em aftr Names beginning with no vowel, Names beginning with atmost one vowel, Names beginning with atleast two vowels. fanaa qe HF a 7H, we aE tad, wade age a Which of the following sets is best represented in the given Logical Venn Diagrams have also done either Chartered or Cost Accountancy or both. Which of the following figures rep- resent these facts.? we wat & date Fae at daar ok a ora aaa tS ap a Hh aor at i ae seer Gare Ht drat aR th wet Bae, aa Beara ae ard ta eat 8 ah fer el ve a aera 2? aD ) & oe ecco In a class of 46 students, 18 played football, 17 played cricket including 6 who played both Cricket and football. 16 stu- dents played hockey including 4 who played cricket, but not foot- ball. Five students played carrom but no outdoor games. Which of the following figures represents these facts? 38. diagram? WH Fe F 46 wat Aa, 18 Bae fam age Fa eh a age ‘eet #17 fade Gad &, 6 finde Ta faa & organ wath #2 Oo (a) Animals, Insects, Cockroaches / RRR, 3, freee (b)Males, Females and herma- phrodites/ 4, @i, fefett (States, Districts, Union ‘Territories /1-4, fre, ita via (d)Country, States, Districts/ 2a, 0, fren In the Accounts Department of a ‘company, there are some who are ‘only chartered accountants and some who are only cost accoun- tants. A few hold both chartered ‘and cost accountancy qualifica- tions. Besides these, there are others who hold Management Ac- ‘countancy qualifications. Some of these Management Accountants Fee Set det B16 wr eal ed 4 wal wa ide dat tq Fede Gi 5 oa oem Sea 1 eq aE EAT Get el Ged Bi Fer Rae aac wal dau wat ae fered a er wt @ & ® © (a) O Q O Some of the cricket players are tennis players, some tennis players are hockey players, no | ctcket player isa hockey player Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the above statements? Ap fate fear, ara feral ¢, ae hrm fren, ata frenet &, a fire farere}, wat fizere ae #1 Ra wa feed 28 ath a fas Rel a ade woe sagan wel ee eel #2 39. 391 @ scanned with OKEN ScannerLogical Venn Diagrams fra (61-69) 2 FATE Hy fa) &® {b) ® eID «Qy In a dinner party both fish and ‘meat were served. Some took only fish and some only meat. There ‘Were some vegetarians who did not. accept either. The rest accepted both fish and meat. Which of the following logic diagrams correctly reflects this situation? we the Wd a sect shots a vets far a & aE cin ae set aa ¢ okt qu cn dae ota at fi sig 4 gp th ward tata a wot atc ots ra ats wh SH ake fam fier faa a ‘Rees fear a frees a wh 40. Directions (41 -60):1n each of these | questions, three words are related in some way. The relationship among the words in the question can best be represented by one of the five diagrams (a), (b), (c), (d) and (@) given below. Mark your answer accordingly FRAC 41-60): FA we A eT EB ‘ist & eaten aot waar shea oh fae wel wr at dae ote oar FS ie um caidt &, ach frees a wer at 392 41. Teacher, College, Student | 42. Mother, Homosapien, Woman | eg, ate 43. Iron, Lead, Nitrogen 44. Cabinet, Home Minister, Minister | winica, yet, wat 45. Parrots, Birds, Mice a, TE, Professor, Birds, Mice ster, fate, ‘Men, Rodents, Living beings Parents, Mother, Father cafe, ra, Feat English, Latin, Greek Nitrogen, Ice, Air STEN, ei, Fal Musicians, Singers, Women Elephant, Carnivore, Tiger eh ier Wa, Fish, Herring, Animals living in water seh, feren weet, sia ste |. Hospital, Nurse, Patient sre, 78, dt Rice, Mustard, Beetroot waa, wel Gre Nose, Hand, Body ae, 4, TE Rings, Ornaments, Diamond rings a, TH, a at te Furniture, Tables, Books write, a, fra Indoor Games, Chess, Table Tennis Ww sit det a ad Ga, arg, aa tha ‘ Sailor, Ship, Ocean afte, era, HeTEM Directions (61 ~ 69) : Each of these questions below contains three group of things. You are to choose from the following five diagrams, the one thet depicts the correct relationship among the three groups of things ik each question. 46. 47, 48. 49, 50. 51. 582. / 53. | 58. 56. 87. 58, 59, 60. Rakes! h Yadav Readers Publication Thy rete ta frre a a Reis © Qo @©o Carrot, Food, Vegetable cant, SSH, Test Tie, Shirt, Pantaloon af, we, WaT Shirt, Collar, Pocket vd, ater, te. Petals, Bouquet, Flowers ya HGS, TERT, FH Dogs, Pets, Cats aM, Teg wre, fare Brinjal, Meat, Vegetables ‘am, ai, wat Rhombus, Quadrilaterals, Poly- gons FTE, SEY, AEH Languages, French, German Sun, Planets, Earth i, we, yea Directions (70-71) : Choose the Venn diagram which best illustrates the three given classes in each of the fol lowing questions: . FRIC70-71) : ae fea HR Fea mh eat a ae aid eat 61. 62. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. (b) fe) Classroom, Blackboard, Schoo! ar, Sead, fret Students of Law, Students Science, Men fat wel ard ur, faa Br, sre 70. 71. a ae Ses @ scanned with OKEN ScannerLogical Venn Diagrams TYPE-1 1. (b)y 9. (b) y 16. (ce) | 23. (a) 7 30. (co) | 37. (co) 1 44. (b) 751. (@) J 58. (a) 165. fd) 2. (b)} 10. «J 17, (| 24. (| 31. @] 38. (© 145. @) [52 @) [50 ( | 66. Ce) 3. (a)} 11. ( } 18. @ | 25. @) | 32. @ | 39 () 46. fe) 153. () | 60, () | 67. (a) 4. f)] 12. mH] 19. @ | 26. @ | 33. | 40. @ [47 [54 © Jor @ | 68. 5. (b)} 13. (b) | 20. (a) | 27. (a) | 34. (d)] 41. (© 148. © 155. ©) Jo62 i [6% () 6. (a) } 14. (@)} 21. () | 28. (bo) | 35. te) | 42. tb) 149. (€) 156. ©) fos. (a) | 70. fa) 7. (o)} 15. (@) | 22. (@ | 29. @ | 36. | 43. () | 50. @) 157, ) Joa, @ [ 71. () 8) Vegetable Potato Cabbage Potato and cabbage are entirely different. But both are veg- etable. arg she aint la: Ce-aRE tug wat @ (b) Furniture Table ee ‘Table and chair are entirely dif ferent, But both are items of furniture. aa ste aah OF TR A fs Boy wit Week (e) Criminal c= All thieves are criminal, but “rier judge is different ‘woh si soca 1 ig sree fir | wt (b) Husband, Husband and wife are entirely different but both are parts of a family. Wt, woh UH Tt a ha: fir #1 Family ‘Afr Sef afta Foor th (a) (b) Polygon Square Wite Rectangle Vehicle Bus and car are entirely differ- ent. But both are vehicle. aa ok an we-aat a pit: fae We ae ti 8 ©) Oo eigence Qo Bathroom 9 () ‘ath room 10. (¢) © scanned with OKEN ScannerLogical Venn Diagrams 36. (c) Animal being Mammals 24. (e) eae Insects, me ‘iC Seat ‘Cockroaches Crom reached {b) Male: Female's Widow 28. (d) aes ie @o- wees ‘Fathers’ Men — 26. (e) Hermaphrodites 15, (a) Authors Teachers Unele State : © District . Fathers tn On ba 16. (c) India 27. (a) LO Bihar Men Yusicane Women 17. (¢) Atomobies — | 28. (6) vane) Qn fal os Sena ia Con oT 29. (@) ieteancmens | andy 18. (e) House on ‘ce mer — 38. (c) Cricket ina F ‘Black Haired . (e) Tat Brick 30. (c) aly uD af Beverage ue ioe Footsa @)— camo 31. (a) : Tea re Apples 39. (co) Hockey : Student Golden Apes ie eat " Cricket tennis Eettaneed 40. (a) ‘Ate only fish, aa, a Ate both meat and Sah tie Ate only meat 21. (c) Studerte Es “Tennis fana ww 41. (¢) cotese (a) es mp 2 Ome : as wo CO sora eae, ache Flowers ymite Clothes mm a esild ‘words with at » ‘woman oe ‘ost one toed ‘words wi te vowel ee a: smokere On ween , = a ‘Homosapien Ral Kesh Yadav Readiors Publication Pvt Li? @ scanned with OKEN Scanner@ scanned with OKEN Scanner
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