Unit III DesignAgainstFluctuatingLoads
Unit III DesignAgainstFluctuatingLoads
Unit III DesignAgainstFluctuatingLoads
Unit 3
ME – 1, Batch - C
Unit contain
Variation in Properties of Materials
Load Application
Abrupt Changes in Section
Discontinuities in the Component
Machining Scratches
Stress concentration factor
• Determination
1.mathematical method based on the theory of elasticity and
2.experimental methods like photo-elasticity.
3.FEA packages
• The charts for stress concentration factors for different geometric
shapes and conditions of loading shown below
• A fl at plate with an elliptical hole and subjected to tensile force, is shown in
Fig. the theoretical stress concentration factor at the edge of hole is given by,
Force flow around sharp corner Force flow around Rounded corner
2)Repeated stresses
3)Reversed stresses
Fatigue failure
• The phenomenon of decreased resistance of the materials to
fluctuating stresses is called fatigue failure
• Fatigue cracks are not visible till they reach the surface of the
component and by that time, the failure has already taken place.
The fatigue failure is sudden and total.
• Suface finish factor values for steel material are shown in above graph
whatever is the machining method; the value of surface fi nish factor for cast
iron parts is always taken as 1.
Design for finite and Infinite life
• There are two types of problems in fatigue design— (i) components
subjected to completely reversed stresses, and (ii) components subjected to
fluctuating stresses.
• The problems on fluctuating stresses are solved with the help of the modifed
Goodman diagram,
• The design problems for completely reversed stresses are further divided into
two groups groups—(i) design n for infinite life, and (ii) design for finite life.
• Case I: When the component is to be designed for infi nite life, the endurance
limit becomes the criterion of failure. The amplitude stress induced in such
components should be lower than the endurance limit in order to withstand
the infi nite number of cycles.
• Such components are designed with the help of the following equations
• Case II: When the component is to be designed for finite life, the S–N curve
can be used
• The Goodman line is widely used as the criterion of fatigue failure when the
component is subjected to mean stress as well as stress amplitude. It is
because of the following reasons:
• (i) The Goodman line is safe from design considerations because it is
completely inside the failure points of test data.
• (ii) The equation of a straight line is simple compared with the equation of
parabolic curve.
• If the mean component of stress (sm) is very large and the alternating
component (sa) very small, their combination will defi ne a point in the region
BCF that would be safely within the Goodman line but would yield on the first
cycle. This will result in failure, irrespective of safety in fatigue failure.
• The portion BF of the Goodman line is a vulnerable portion and needs
correction. This is the reason to modify the Goodman line.
• The permissible stresses are as follows: