A Threat Taxonomy For Mhealth Privacy
A Threat Taxonomy For Mhealth Privacy
A Threat Taxonomy For Mhealth Privacy
David Kotz
Institute for Security, Technology, and Society
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755 USA
Abstract—Networked mobile devices have great potential to new security and privacy issues [7]. In this paper, we focus
enable individuals (and their physicians) to better monitor their on privacy; it is therefore essential that we define it clearly
health and to manage medical conditions. In this paper, we for the context of healthcare. Fortunately, others have thought
examine the privacy-related threats to these so-called mHealth
technologies. We develop a taxonomy of the privacy-related deeply about this issue; we adopt the definition selected
threats, and discuss some of the technologies that could support by the National Committee for Vital and Health Statistics
privacy-sensitive mHealth systems. We conclude with a brief (NCVHS), a key advisory committee to the US Department of
summary of research challenges. Health and Human Services. “Health information privacy is an
I. I NTRODUCTION individual’s right to control the acquisition, uses, or disclosures
of his or her identifiable health data. Confidentiality, which is
Healthcare information technology has potential to improve
closely related, refers to the obligations of those who receive
healthcare quality, improve efficiency, and reduce cost, and is
information to respect the privacy interests of those to whom
currently on the cusp of major innovations and widespread
the data relate. Security is altogether different. It refers to
deployment around the world. In this paper, we specifically
physical, technological, or administrative safeguards or tools
examine the privacy challenges involved in mobile computing
used to protect identifiable health data from unwarranted
and communications technologies used for personal-health
access or disclosure” [8]. We also follow NCVHS and define
monitoring. Such mHealth technology appears promising in
PHI as “personal health information.”
many ways: enabling physicians to remotely monitor their
Clearly, privacy is important in any healthcare information
patients’ health and improve the quality of healthcare, enabling
system. What is different or especially challenging about
patients to manage their health more easily, and reducing the
mHealth privacy? First, mHealth allows for the collection of
cost of care by allowing patients to spend less time in the hos-
far more medical data about the Patient, as many mHealth
pital or make fewer visits to their doctor. The UN Foundation
devices collect data continuously over extended periods of
recently formed the mHealth Alliance specifically to explore
time. Second, mHealth allows much broader range of health-
and promote the value of mobile computing technologies in
related information to be collected, not just physiological data;
improving healthcare in developing nations [1].
In mHealth, Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs), connected many mHealth applications will collect information about
wirelessly to wearable, portable, and even embeddable sensors, Patient lifestyle and activities (such as food habits and diet
will enable long-term continuous medical monitoring for many details, location tracks, physical activity, or social interac-
purposes: for outpatients with chronic medical conditions tions). Third, mHealth will enable a broad range of health-
(such as diabetes), individuals seeking to change behavior related applications: sharing data with your health provider,
(such as losing weight), physicians needing to quantify and as in a traditional doctor relationship, but also sharing data
detect behavioral aberrations for early diagnosis (such as with an insurance company (e.g., to confirm compliance with
depression), or athletes wishing to monitor their condition a medication regimen), with lifestyle coaches (e.g., diet advis-
and performance. (In this paper, we use the term “Patient” to ers), with athletic coaches (e.g., sports teams or health-club
describe the subject of sensing in all such use cases, using the trainers), or with family (e.g., to support a relative’s recovery
capitalized form as a reminder of its broader meaning.) The from surgery). In such settings, privacy is a complex issue:
resulting data may be used directly by the Patient [2] or may the Patient needs subtle control over the collection, recording,
be shared with a physician for treatment [3], with an insurance dissemination, and access to their mHealth data. In an earlier
company for coverage, with a scientist for research [4], with paper [9], we present a privacy framework for mHealth, built
a coach for athletic training [5], or with family members on well-known healthcare privacy frameworks. In this paper,
and friends in social-networking communities targeted towards we contribute a taxonomy of threats for mHealth privacy, and
health and wellness [6]. These citations are only examples. survey some existing technical solutions to those challenges.
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broad categories of medical records. An Electronic Health and other activities that open the platform to compromise.
Record (EHR) is created and managed by a healthcare provider Although any viable solution, and any real deployment,
(hospitals and other clinical organizations), whereas a Personal will doubtless be more complex than implied by the above
Health Record (PHR) is created and managed by the Patient description, this architecture provides a structural basis and
herself. Since PHRs pose at least as many privacy challenges terminology for our discussion of prior work and upcoming
as EHRs, we focus primarily on PHRs in this paper. research challenges, below.
In the patient-centric PHR model, typified by Google
Health [10] and Microsoft’s HealthVault [11], Patients control C. Contributions
all their PHI via web portals, including operations to create, We make three broad contributions in this paper:
import, update, read and delete records; both PHRs allow 1) we identify a taxonomy of privacy threats in mHealth,
compatible devices to upload PHI directly to the Patient’s 2) we survey prior work and existing technologies, and
record via wireless connections to the Internet. Patients are 3) we identify several important research challenges.
allowed to share information in their PHRs with external health
service providers, caregivers, coaches, trainers and doctors. II. T HREAT TAXONOMY
Another common case is the vendor-supplied PHR, in which Recalling the NCVHS definition of privacy (in a healthcare
an mHealth-device vendor provides an application-specific setting) as the user’s right to “control the acquisition, uses, or
record of the data collected by that device, accessible to the disclosures of his or her identifiable health data” [8], a threat
Patient on the vendor’s website. The mHealth-related privacy to user privacy is the possibility that his right to control his
issues in such a system are the same as those in the patient- PHI is weakened or eliminated due to erroneous or malicious
centric PHRs mentioned above. We expect Patients will be actions. When these threats are realized, the consequences can
challenged, however, to manage their privacy across multiple be severe: exposure of identifiable Patient health data leading
PHRs, and to understand the subtle complexities of their trust to loss of money or reputation, time spent recovering from
relationships with vendors, wireless carriers, Internet service medical identity theft, harm to health, or even death.
providers, and healthcare providers. Table I summarizes these threats, organized by the type of
Architecture and Terminology: We imagine an infrastructure threat: mis-use of Patient identities, unauthorized access or
in which each Patient carries a mobile node (MN), which may modification of PHI, or disclosure of PHI. For each category,
be their mobile phone or other mobile Internet device (MID), we consider three types of adversary: the Patient himself
and a personal collection of sensor nodes (SNs) that can or herself, insiders (authorized PHR users, staff of the PHR
measure data about their activity (accelerometers, pedometers, organization, or staff of other mHealth support systems), and
location) or physiology (electrocardiograms, pulse oximeters, outsiders (third parties who act without authorization).
blood-glucose meters, weight scales). These sensors may be In the following subsections, we survey existing technolog-
carried by the Patient, worn by the Patient, embedded in ical approaches to mitigate these and related threats. Although
their living space, or implanted in their body. The sensors this survey cannot be comprehensive, due to the limited
communicate with the MN through a wireless body-area length of this paper, we draw on the literature in healthcare
network. The MN is responsible for coordinating the sensors, information technology, mobile computing, pervasive comput-
collecting the sensor data, (optionally) aggregating or pre- ing, wireless networks, sensor networks, cryptography, and
processing the sensor data, and reporting the data to a PHR. computer security.
The MN also serves as the Patient’s primary interface to the
PHR, with respect to managing the data-collection process and A. Identity threats
subsequent sharing of the data. In the first section of Table I we explore threats related
The Consumers of these records (including doctors and to Patient identity. There are three concerns here. First, the
other clinical personnel, insurance companies and other Patient may lose (or share) their identity credentials, enabling
billing-related personnel, researchers and regulators) access others to have access to their PHI in the PHR (or in their MN).
the PHR through some Client computer. The security issues Second, insiders may use Patient identities for medical fraud,
on this platform are largely out of scope of this paper. for example, by submitting fraudulent insurance claims [12];
In this paper we focus on the mobile aspects of the infras- the result can be financially or even medically damaging to the
tructure, and the associated networks to support mobility. Mo- Patient. Furthermore, in the growing problem of medical iden-
bility and networking bring many risks: the sensor data may tity theft, outsiders (or insiders) may use a Patient’s identity
be intercepted (impacting privacy), tampered with (leading to to obtain medical services [13], potentially with financial or
incorrect data and care decisions), or blocked (leading to loss medical damage to the Patient. Finally, in some settings (such
of information to researchers or care providers). Furthermore, as research) Patient identities are removed from the PHI, and
MNs or SNs may be lost or stolen, resulting in possible the risk is that an outsider may combine the de-identified data
exposure of any data or encryption keys they contain. Finally, with data from another source to re-identify the Patients, that
since we expect that Patients would like to use their existing is, to re-link Patient identity to their PHI [14].
mobile phone as their MN, these risks are compounded The most relevant work addresses authentication,
because health-sensing tasks must share the phone with email anonymization and re-identification.
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P RIVACY- RELATED THREATS IN M H EALTH SYSTEMS under a range of Patient activities.
Authenticating the provider. HIPAA states that covered
Identity threats: mis-use of patient identities entities must “implement procedures to verify that a person or
patients leave PHR credentials on public computer (identity loss)
patients share passwords with outsiders (identity sharing) entity seeking access to electronic protected health information
patients reveal passwords to outsiders (social-engineering attack) is the one claimed” [24], and the 2009 HITECH Act extends
insiders mis-use identities to obtain reimbursement (insurance fraud) [12] this rule to business associates [25]. Most of the issues here are
insiders mis-use identities to obtain medical services (identity theft) [13]
outsiders mis-use identities to obtain medical services (identity theft) [13] the same as for authenticating Patient access, above. The US
outsiders re-identifying PHI in de-identified data sets [14] Department of Veterans affairs has implemented “single sign-
outsiders observe patient identity or location from communications on” authentication to enable users to easily access multiple
Access threats: unauthorized access to PHI or PHR portals of the department using only one set of government
patients consent preferences, as expressed, do not match those desired issued credentials.
patients intentional (or unintentional) access beyond authorized limit The National Health Service (NHS), in the UK, is one of
patients mistaken modifications, because of over-privilege or inadequate
controls the largest national-scale EHR projects underway anywhere.
insiders mistaken modifications, because of over-privilege or inadequate The NHS Care Records Service (CRS) is a secure service
controls [15] that links patient information from different parts of the NHS,
insiders intentional unauthorized access, for curiosity or malice [15], [16]
insiders intentional modifications, to obtain reimbursement (insurance enabling authorized NHS staff and patients to have access
fraud) [12] to health information [26]. A registration authority within
outsiders intentional unauthorized access, for curiosity or malice [17] each healthcare organization is responsible for verifying the
outsiders intentional modifications, for fraud or malice [17]
identities of healthcare professionals and support staff, and to
Disclosure threats: unauthorized disclosure of PII and PHI register all caregivers allowed to access CRS. The registration
data at rest, in the PHR: authority issues a smart card to each caregiver; the smart card
patients inadvertent disclosure due to malware or file-sharing tools [13]
insiders inadvertent disclosure due to malware or file-sharing tools [13]
is printed with the user’s name, photo and a unique identity
insiders inadvertent disclosure due to sharing passwords [15] number. The system uses these cards and identities to provide
insiders intentional disclosure, for profit or malice [16] role-based access to patient information. However, there have
outsiders intentional disclosure, for profit or malice [16]
been reports of “inappropriate access” by sharing of passwords
data at rest, in the mobile devices:
and PINs by the staff, which poses a serious insider risk [27].
patients loss of MN or SN exposes PHI, keys, SN types, sensing tasks
outsiders theft of MN or SN exposes PHI, keys, SN types, sensing tasks Authenticating devices. Consider our reference architec-
data in transit: ture. When a mobile node (MN) communicates with sensor
outsiders eavesdrop on SN-MN, MN-PHR, PHR-PHR, PHR-client; traffic nodes (SNs), it must determine whether they are authentic
analysis and/or content decryption [18, for example] sensors, that is, they are valid (truly the sensors they claim
outsiders observe presence and type of sensors on patient [19]
to be), untampered (not compromised by an adversary), and
correct (they are the specific instances attached to the desired
1) Authentication: Authentication protocols and mecha- Patient, not another Patient nearby). Similarly, the SNs must
nisms are used to authenticate the Patient (to ensure that the determine whether the MN requesting data is the correct MN,
correct Patient is being sensed), to authenticate the provider that is, the one authorized to receive sensor data. Finally, MNs
(to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the provide reports to, or obtain configuration from, healthcare
medical equipment or sensor data), and to authenticate devices services; these transactions also require mutual authentication
(to ensure that only valid sensing equipment can participate, so that the service believes the data comes from the correct
and that data is sent to the authentic information systems). MN (really, the correct Patient), and the MN believes the
Authenticating the Patient. The most common method of data is sent to (or configuration comes from) an authorized
authenticating Patients to a PHR or other healthcare IT system healthcare service.
is to verify a combination of their username and password. Of Fundamentally, these authentication challenges may be eas-
course, this method is susceptible to a variety of well-known ily solved by asymmetric cryptography and a public-key
attacks. Some PHR providers are testing or deploying two- infrastructure. The problem is not so simple, however, for
factor authentication [20]. five reasons. First, these mobile devices are necessarily small
In mHealth applications there are additional challenges. The and their resources are limited; asymmetric cryptography is
data consumers need to be sure that the data collected by computationally expensive. Second, these devices are often
sensors is collected from the correct Patient; otherwise the disconnected from the Internet, or have a weak connection to
data may be interpreted incorrectly and result in treatment the Internet, obviating solutions that assume a live connection
errors or incorrect conclusions in research or public-health to (for example) a certificate authority. Third, these devices
monitoring [21]. It may be possible to use biometric data for are small and may be easily lost or stolen, leading to a loss or
authentication, or more correctly, for identity verification [22, exposure of embedded keys. Fourth, key distribution and key
for example]. Several research studies propose methods based storage require secure and easy-to-use solutions, and yet some
on features from electrocardiography (or similar biometrics) nodes have little or no human interface. Finally, some of the
to verify Patient identity [23]. It remains an open problem to devices (notably the MN) may be owned and configured by
find a robust biometric that is usable, inexpensive, and reliable the Patient rather than by the medical device manufacturer or
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healthcare provider. other providers or to entities such as a marketing department,
We have seen few solutions in the literature that attempt to medical researchers, or public-health officials. Presenting the
address the broad key-management challenge in the context of privacy policy in an understandable format – such that the Pa-
mHealth. One approach considers mote-class sensor nodes and tient can set her preferences to provide or withhold consent –
demonstrates techniques for secure key exchange, biometric is a major challenge. Bellman et al. describe risks to Patient
methods to authenticate the Patient, and an encryption protocol privacy due to the manner in which “opt-in” or “opt-out”
to protect the sensor data [28]. Others have demonstrated that questions are posed on a consent form [31]. The Healthcare IT
it is feasible and inexpensive to couple mote-class sensor nodes Standards Panel (HITSP), a public-private partnership between
with hardware-encryption support like that in a TPM [29]. US governments (federal and state) and health-related organi-
Finally, since mobile devices like the MN and SN can zations, has released an interoperability standard specifying the
be easily lost or stolen, secure key storage is an important management of machine-interpretable “consent directives” that
challenge lest the keys become available to an adversary. Patients may issue to healthcare organizations on the access,
2) Anonymity: The HIPAA Privacy Rule states that covered collection, use and disclosure of their data [32].
entities may use or disclose PHI that is de-identified without 2) Access Control: A mechanism for controlled access to a
restriction [30]. Covered entities that seek to release such PHI Patient’s PHI, which restricts access to only legitimate entities,
must determine that the information has been de-identified is necessary to ensure Patient privacy. Standards bodies in the
using either statistical methods to verify de-identification or US, such as HL7 Standards Development Organization, have
by removing certain parts of the PHI as specified in the chosen the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) model [33] to
Rule. Under the Rule, a covered entity can de-identify PHI enforce access control in traditional healthcare IT systems.
by removing all 18 elements that could be used to identify Although RBAC is not “privacy-aware” (access is either
the Patient or the Patient’s relatives, employers, or household granted or denied), Ni et al. discuss how to extend standard
members. The Rule also requires the covered entity to have RBAC to make it “privacy-aware” and enforce authorizations
no actual knowledge that the remaining information could be at a finer level of granularity [34]. The RBAC model fits well
used alone or in combination with other information to identify in an organized healthcare setting, such as a hospital, because
the Patient. The HITECH Privacy Rule does not add anything each entity in a hospital has a specific role and follows a well-
new to this section of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. defined hierarchy. On the other hand, identifying roles and
managing role membership is difficult in large organizations.
B. Access threats
And, certain features, such as “break-the-glass” to override
In the next section of Table I we explore threats related to access control rules in medical emergencies, do not exist in
unauthorized access to PHI, whether in the MN or the PHR. traditional RBAC [35].
The first threat comes from the Patient himself or herself, 3) Auditing: Both HIPAA [24] and HITECH [25] require
because (under the definition of health information privacy) the users within the healthcare provider’s organization to be held
Patient has a right to control the collection, use, and disclosure accountable for their actions when handling Patients’ protected
of PHI; if the Patient fails to express their consent consistent health information. There are different approaches to main-
with their actual preference, for whatever reason, they may taining audit controls for such information; one approach [36]
allow broader-than-intended collection, access or disclosure. specifies a profile for the Audit Trail that contains sufficient
Insiders may “peek” at Patient data, out of curiosity, or with information to answer questions such as: “For some user:
the intent to harm the Patient (e.g., an employer who snoops on which Patient’s PHI was accessed? For some Patient PHI:
employer-provided PHR and fires workers with expensive con- which users accessed it? What user authentication failures
ditions) [15], [16]. Outsiders may break into Patient records, were reported?” Such approaches help detect unauthorized
which may lead to embarrassment (e.g., exposing a Patient’s access, illegal disclosure of PHI, and attempts by hackers to
psychiatric data to his divorced spouse) [17]. break into a PHR system.
Several of these threats involve the modification of health 4) Data integrity: HIPAA [24] states that covered entities
records. In a PHR, Patients (or insiders [15]) may mistakenly must “implement policies and procedures to protect electronic
modify their data if the access-control policies are too permis- PHI from improper alteration or destruction”. In an mHealth
sive, or if the mechanisms too easily allow mistakes. Insiders setting, the Patient’s MN is responsible for confidentiality and
may modify PHI intentionally, to obtain reimbursement via integrity of the data, at least within the body-area network;
insurance fraud [12]. Outsiders may also modify a Patient’s typical solutions include encryption or a cryptographically-
PHI, for fraud or malice [17]. secure hash. Again, because key management is fundamental
In this subsection we survey work on consent management to achieving data confidentiality, there is a need to investigate
(allowing the Patient to determine what access is permitted), mechanisms for key management in mobile environments.
access control (policies and mechanisms), auditing (to support
detection of violations), and data integrity.
C. Disclosure threats
1) Consent Management: A common legal requirement
is that PHR service or healthcare providers obtain consent In the final section of Table I we explore threats related to
from a Patient before disseminating her medical records to the disclosure of PHI, including data at rest and data in transit.
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We now survey work related to secure data transmission, health information, or learn the type of sensor nodes, both
device presence, and device compromise and theft. of which may expose information about the Patient’s medical
1) Secure Transmission: Although both HIPAA [24] and condition. Moreover, any key material may be obtained by the
HITECH [25] require secure communication between HIPAA- adversary, potentially allowing the adversary to decrypt previ-
covered entities, our concern here is an adversary who wishes ous, current, or future communications between the Patient’s
to obtain confidential medical information from observing MN and SNs, or between the MN and the PHR. Furthermore,
the network communications between the MN and its SNs, the key material may enable the adversary to inject false data
or between the MN and the distant health services. In the into the MN or health records system, or even to reconfigure
mHealth setting, we must assume the use of wireless networks the Patient’s other devices. Finally, the key material may
and open standards. There are four fundamental challenges. enable the adversary to decrypt data stored in the PHR. The
First, the adversary may inspect the wireless-network pack- specific risks depend on the protocols used for data transfer,
ets and obtain sensitive medical data; this problem can be on the encryption methods used, and on the security of key
resolved by encrypting all communications with a secure generation, distribution, revocation, and storage. We have not
encryption method and an appropriately strong encryption seen any complete solution to this problem in the literature.
key. Most emerging services use HTTP over SSL, but we A possibly more insidious threat is the unintended dis-
know of one approach leveraging SIM-card support in mobile closure of sensor data by applications installed by the user,
phones [37]. Key management remains a challenge, however. including applications unrelated to healthcare. The security
Second, even if the wireless-network traffic is encrypted, community is just beginning to address this threat [41].
in some settings it is possible for a clever adversary to use
traffic analysis to determine characteristics of the traffic [38]. III. S UMMARY AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS
It may be possible, for example, to determine the type of
sensor node from the pattern of its communications, or the We believe it is essential to consider privacy in the de-
type of medical application by observing the pattern of MN sign and implementation of any mHealth system, given the
communications [18]. sensitivity of the data collected. In this paper we outline a
Third, the adversary may use physical-layer or link-layer threat taxonomy for mHealth privacy, and we discuss some
fingerprinting methods to identify the device type. In gen- the technologies that could support privacy-sensitive mHealth
eral, fingerprinting techniques observe subtle differences in systems. Because of page limitations, our survey is necessarily
the network behavior of devices, because of implementation not comprehensive.
differences across manufacturers, models, revisions, or even Much research remains; consider, for example, the following
individual devices [39, for example]. questions. How can the Patient use their MN to easily manage
Fourth, because the wireless medium is open, an active consent, i.e., express preferences over collection, dissemi-
adversary may inject frames or may selectively interfere with nation and retention of PHI, and make consent decisions
(cause collisions with) wireless frames. These methods may when requests occur? How should MN hardware and software
enable the adversary to create a man-in-the-middle situation, architecture change to help protect Patient privacy and enable
to use link-layer fingerprinting methods, or to compromise the them to manage privacy? What technology would help to
devices in a way that divulges their secrets. Indeed, there are enforce control over PHI? What solutions provide reliable
increasing concerns (and demonstrated attacks) regarding the Patient identity verification and preserve Patient privacy in
wireless communications of implanted medical devices [19]. the process? What are effective algorithms to anonymize
2) Device presence: A Patient may consider the fact that PII before disclosing it to another party, e.g., for research
they are using personal medical sensors to be private informa- or for a medical opinion? What mechanisms can be used
tion; a Patient may not want an employer to know, for example, to support accountability and non-repudiation? What support
that she is wearing a fetal monitor. The challenge, then, is to services does an mHealth system need? Consider policymak-
allow MN-SN communication, without exposing to an eaves- ers, certification bodies, manufacturers, remote management,
dropper the fact that they are medical devices, nor to allow and a key-management infrastructure. Finally, how does one
the adversary to track the Patient’s location via recognizable address the inevitable trade-offs (e.g., between anonymity and
device identifiers. We are unaware of any research specific accountability, or Patient authenticity and privacy)?
to the mHealth context. Most of the relevant work relates to
network-identifier privacy [40, for example, about Wi-Fi]. It ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
remains to be seen whether there is a standards-compliant
solution in which the link-layer identifiers (and other fields This research results from a program at the Institute for
related to link-layer discovery) can be constructed to not leak Security, Technology, and Society at Dartmouth College, sup-
information about sensor type. ported by Intel Corporation, by NSF Trustworthy Computing
3) Device compromise, theft: The Patient’s MN may be award 0910842, and by the Department of Health and Human
compromised, for example, by an email-borne virus. The MN Services (SHARP program) under award number 90TR0003-
or SN devices may be lost or stolen. In any case there are 01. Many thanks to colleagues at Intel and Dartmouth for their
several risks. The adversary may obtain access to personal feedback, particularly Amit Baxi and Sasikanth Avancha.
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