MHealth Taxonomy 2014

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Health Technol.

(2014) 4:299–308
DOI 10.1007/s12553-014-0093-8


mHealth taxonomy: a literature survey of mobile

health applications
Phillip Olla & Caley Shimskey

Received: 30 September 2013 / Accepted: 14 December 2014 / Published online: 30 January 2015
# IUPESM and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract There has been tremendous increase in both the mHealth is accepted as a component of eHealth. To date,
different types of Mobile Health (mHealth) applications and however, a standardized definition of mHealth has not been
the number of applications being created for both the clinical established. The WHO Global Observatory for eHealth (GOe)
and consumer healthcare space. The rapid proliferation of defines mHealth as:
mHealth applications is creating confusion in the domain
among both consumers and healthcare professionals due to “Medical and public health practice supported by mo-
uncertainty about reliability, security, regulation, and integra- bile devices, such as mobile phones, patient monitoring
tion concerns. New applications are being developed faster devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other
than researchers, patients, and healthcare professionals can wireless devices. mHealth involves the use and capital-
grasp the multiplicity of the mHealth applications and the ization on a mobile phone’s core utility of voice and
various ways they can be used. This paper proposes a taxon- short messaging service (SMS) as well as more complex
omy of existing and emerging mHealth applications to help all functionalities,” [61].
users understand this domain.
The rapid development of mHealth applications has
outpaced the adoption of the technologies. This has created a
Keywords mHealth . Mobile health . Digital health . mHealth
growing need for high quality mobile health research both in
the United States and internationally to carefully study and
address the information gaps and barriers for adoption [38,
46]. The mHealth field is interdisciplinary, composed of var-
1 Introduction
ious parties including biomedical engineering, healthcare pro-
fessionals, and Information Technology (IT) specialists. The
mHealth, or Mobile Health, is a global phenomenon that has
interdisciplinary nature of the field increases the need and
received significant attention over the last decade. mHealth is
dissemination of quality research because it is imperative that
a rapidly advancing field that uses mobile technologies such
all parties have consistent and reliable information while
as mobile phones, software applications, and devices to sup-
working together in mHealth initiatives.
port the achievement of health objectives.
The increased adoption of mHealth applications in organi-
The adoption of mobile and wireless technologies in
zations and society [62] is undeniable; many organizations are
healthcare has the potential to transform health service deliv-
now incorporating mHealth strategies or initiatives into the
ery on a global perspective. This transformation is a result of
healthcare technical infrastructure. mHealth has intrinsic orga-
the following achievements: rapid advances in mobile net-
nizational value that can provide process efficiency improve-
works and applications, the trend of integrating mobile health
ments, that can be a market differentiator [53]. mHealth can
solutions into institutional health systems, and the increase in
lead to increased physician engagement and satisfaction as
funding, regulation and evidence.
well as increase patient autonomy [8] and satisfaction [32].
P. Olla (*) : C. Shimskey
The abundance of mHealth applications has created unique
Madonna University, 36600 Schoolcraft rd, Livonia, MI 48150, USA challenges in mHealth adoption. It is important that stake-
e-mail: holders understand the issues in the correct context of the
300 Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308

application. Some of the issues faced include privacy, regula- starting point for organizing mHealth information in a way
tion, security, reliability, device management, support, that promotes user knowledge and understanding of the var-
persuaviness, and interoperability. All these concerns must ious components of the domain.
be purposefully addressed and evaluated and planned for as
an organization crafts an mHealth strategy [29, 32, 45].
This paper is organized as follows: First, we review litera- 3 Research approach
ture about the use of taxonomies in information management
and systems research and describe the rationale and intended 3.1 Development of the mHealth taxonomy
purpose of our mHealth taxonomy; second, we describe our
research approach and the development of our taxonomy; We used a qualitative research coding approach [47] to ana-
third, we present the taxonomy and explain its components; lyze the findings from the literature and create our categories.
fourth, we discuss the proposed taxonomy in relation to the Our categories were refined by developing a rule for inclusion
challenges and barriers to mHealth adoption; and finally, we in the form of a propositional statement based on the purpose
make some concluding remarks. of the various mobile applications and concepts, coupled with
sample data [33].
We opted for an open coding model to identify various
2 Background dimensions of work performed using the following keyword
search ‘mobile health’, mHealth, telemedicine, healthcare
The word taxonomy originates from the Greek word taxis, apps, mobile health apps. We used the research tool called
which means arrangement or order, and nomos, meaning law Scopus to perform an initial search. Over a 10-year period
or science. In the context of information management, the publications in this area have grown by 60 % from 5409 to 13,
term taxonomy is used in both a specific context to refer to a 707. The data including abstracts and links to full papers was
hierarchical classification or categorization system and in a loaded into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
broad sense, referring to any means of organizing concepts of During the second level, our approach to category devel-
knowledge [21]. opment involved reviewing the document types. We removed
When developing a taxonomy, it is important to consider all patent data, reviews, notes, letters, business reports and
appropriately separating elements of a group into subgroups that focused on conference papers, journal and book chapters. We
are mutually exclusive, unambiguous, and as a whole, include also focused the publications on medical, nursing and phar-
all possibilities. For a taxonomy to be applicable in the real macological publications, eliminating other fields such as
world, it must also be uncomplicated and easy to understand and computer science, engineering, environmental science, chem-
use. We do not intend to present our taxonomy as an absolute istry, and optics.
classification scheme, but rather as a starting point to examine The next step involved reviewing the various publications
core components of the dimensions and categories of mHealth to identify categories, common themes and ideas. We created
applications that could lead to a widely accepted taxonomy. a subset of the 20,000 records downloaded for 2011–2014 by
The World Health Organization published an article date restricting the output 1 year. The results were then cate-
discussing barriers to implementing mHealth technologies gorized into 50 thematic areas that was a combination of
into health practices. Of those identified, lack of knowledge applications categories, lesson learned, technological and so-
was the second highest rated barrier to implementation [61]. cial issues. These thematic areas where then synthesized into
Research and publication of reliable findings is needed for all the framework. The framework was then tested against the
identified barriers. We propose that our taxonomy may be a larger dataset to ensure applicable mHealth systems fit within
helpful foundation for addressing the lack of knowledge the taxonomy.
inhibiting the adoption of mHealth.
Rapidly emerging mHealth technologies has resulted in an 3.2 mHealth taxonomy characteristics
overwhelming amount of unorganized information; informa-
tion that is necessary to understand before successful imple- We define the taxonomy in the context of dimensions, by
mentation can take place. Categorizations of available medical which we mean the major characteristics of the interaction
applications in meaningful groupings with definitions with between the mobile user and the applications; the purpose of
intended purpose of uses have not yet been suggested. In the application and the constituents of the application. Within
identifying this gap, our research goal was to review available each dimension we use the methods outlined by [37] to define
literature about existing and emerging medical applications categories that follow the following characteristics:
and in doing so, systematically place them into appropriate
categories with definitions and purpose of use in an under- & Collectively exhaustive. All current mHealth apps fall
standable organizational scheme. The aim is to provide a into one of the categories within a dimension.
Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308 301

& Mutual exclusivity. No application falls into more than test closer to the patient, means that the patient, physician, and
one category within a dimension. medical team receive the results faster allowing for clinical
& Usefulness and utility: It should be concise. It should not management decisions to be made more immediately.
contain too many dimensions or too many categories in Common tests include: blood glucose testing, coagulation
each dimension, because an extensive classification testing, rapid cardiac markers, drugs of abuse screening, urine
scheme with many dimensions and many categories testing, pregnancy testing, fecal occult blood analysis, food
would be difficult to comprehend and difficult to apply. pathogens screening, infectious disease testing and cholesterol
& Inclusive. It should contain enough dimensions and cate- screening [52].
gories to be of interest. Typically mobile POC solutions are implemented through
& Comprehensive. It should provide for classification of all the use of sensors, phone attachments, and handheld instru-
current applications. ments that are connected via wireless technologies such as
& Extendible. It should allow for additional dimensions and Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Near Field
new categories within a dimension when new dimensions Communication (NFC) [23] or apparatus that fit directly onto
emerge. the device. Mobile PoC devices can ensure cheaper, faster,
and smarter POC testing approaches by making testing more
cost effective for developing world clinical scenarios. The
4 mHealth taxonomy products are classified into groups described in the next sec-
tion (Fig. 3).
Our suggested mHealth taxonomy contains eight categories
based upon the application’s intended purpose as illustrated in Mobile attachments A mobile diagnostic attachment is a
Fig. 1. Some of the categories have subcategories, both of mechanism that attaches to the mobile phone to capture bio-
which are briefly described in their respective section. After medical information or readings [63]. Typically the attach-
determining use, technical modalities and policy consider- ments will attach to the microphone or the camera but any
ation categories are listed and described. The idea is, once device that is physically attached to the mobile device falls
within this category. Examples include the mobile attachment
an application is placed into a use category, it’s technological
and policy aspects will be examined by the information fitting to detect cancer [50], the CAPTRA attachment to diagnose
into the corresponding categories. In doing so, researchers and cataract [41] and NETRA refractive disorders [40] and mobile
microscope used for the detection of diseases [51].
potential users will be able to evaluate the application’s
strengths and weaknesses. Categories within the technical
modalities and policy consideration dimensions are briefly Embedded software application An embedded software ap-
plication is a software program that runs on the mobile device
explained in their respective section, as well (Fig. 2).
and uses the core functionality of the device to diagnose a
disease, medical state, or patient condition without connecting
4.1 Dimension one: medical use cases to external devices, attachments, or foreign sensors that are not
native to the mobile device. An example of this type of
4.1.1 Point of care diagnostics mHealth app is the Spirosmart [25] application that can detect
peakflow or IDA Health [39] which is an application on the
Point-of-care diagnostics refers to devices and tests that are phone that uses the camera to read rapid diagnostic tests.
used for medical testing at or near the patient. The underpin-
ning of this concept is convenience and speed. Bringing the Connected devices Connected devices describe a series of
applications that connect to an external device to capture
Level 4 : Conceptual • emerge
Theoretical concept
from saturated patient information and use the mobile device to store and
Framework categories and themes transmit the information. Examples include the blood glucose
• Thematc Coding meter [2], weight scales [7], pulse oximeters which connects
Level 3 • Develop highly reined
theme from level 2 directly to mobile phone. These types of applications allow
• Category Development
data to be shared to support decision making or loaded to an
Level 2 • Forcusing the Level 1 electronic logbook.

Level 1
• Open Coding In vivo sensors ‘In vivo sensors’ are sensors embedded under
• Scopus Search Extract
the skin or ingested into the body that can communicate with
mobile devices. An example of this type of sensor would be
the smart pill that is ingested [4], and the glucose monitor that
Fig. 1 Coding model adapted from [20] is injected under the skin [18].
302 Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308

Fig. 2 mHealth taxonomy

Medical Use Cases

Point of Wellness Education Eficiency

Care and and
Diagnostic Reference Productivity

Patient Compliance Behavior Environ-

Monitoring Modiication mental

Technical Modalities

Device Interface OS Type Features


Policy Consideration

Regulation Data Management Security

Dermal sensors This type of sensor could be worn by the patient monitoring applications are designed to be outside
patient to capture information and then transmitted back to the of conventional clinical settings [5], but the advances in
mobile device. There are several applications that embed wireless and sensor technology is providing opportunities
wearable sensors in cloths [42], watches or wristbands [44]. for innovative monitoring within the hospital setting.
Another examples of this type of applications include a bed There have been significant advances in home monitoring
pressure mat to monitor for bed sores [24]. to support chronic disease management strategies that can
improve the individual’s quality of life [31]. Patient mon-
4.1.2 Patient monitoring itoring applications are intended to help patients to main-
tain independence, identify complications, and minimize
mHealth applications in the patient monitoring category personal and healthcare costs (Fig. 4).
use a combination of technology solutions to enable mon- An additional benefit of this approach is that patients and
itoring of patients. Currently, the majority of current their family members take comfort knowing that if a problem
arises, there will be support. With the changes to the new
healthcare rules in the USA, a new model of care is emerging
In vitro Dermal that supports patients at home to recover from serious proce-
dures and manage complex self-care processes such as home
hemodialysis and anticoagulation monitoring. For a more
comprehensive discussion on models for monitoring we rec-
ommend Prawar et al. Although technology from the POC
group may be integrated into this group, the key features that
Softeware Point of Care
Devices differentiate this group are the addition of the remote moni-
App Diagnostics
toring tools [34], trend analysis of physiological parameters,
sharing data with HIT systems, and the enabling of early
detection of patient deterioration [35]. These features have
revealed a reduction emergency department visits, hospi-
talizations, and duration of hospital stays [43]. Another
type of application in this category are apps that allow
users or patients to track and monitor personal biometrics
Fig. 3 Point of care diagnostics category using sensors for wellness or disease management purpose
Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308 303

young adults to promote sexual wellness. There are studies

Clinical that show some short term behavior changes [19, 58]. Current
solutions are typically stand-alone interventions that use a
single conduit such as the SMS text to send out information
to clients or potential clients or a hotline via Interactive Voice
Response. There are some innovative mobile solutions that
use gamming, avatars, alerts and reminders to support behav-
Home Monitoring Self ior modification.
Cessation programs such as smoking [22] can be delivered
via mobile phone text messaging or applications. Cessation
programs have reported an increases in self-reported quitting
in the short term [59]. These applications can also apply an
automated model delivered via video messaging, mobile
phone text messaging on continuous abstinence [60].

Fig. 4 Patient monitoring

4.1.5 Compliance
[30]. This trend is sometimes referred to as Quantified Self
or Measured Life movement. Compliance or adherence refers to the extent to which a
patient accurately follows a medical or healthcare plan [17].
4.1.3 Wellness Typically this term is associated with compliance to a medi-
cation regime [16, 36]. However, recent usage of the term
Wellness applications are those designed to support the user in have been linked treatment related models such as self-testing
leading a healthy lifestyle. These applications are not neces- with medical devices such as glucose meters, personal
sarily designed to prevent any specific disease process, but exercise/diets regimes, and therapy sessions [9] (Fig. 6).
rather, to promote the healthy behaviors of the users. Some of Applications in this category support the client in ad-
the applications in this category incorporate gaming technol- hering to their designated treatment plan with features
ogy to provide a more engaging experience for the user aimed including interactive medication and appointment re-
at positively impacting health [48]. Common applications are minders along with patient education [34]. These applica-
directed towards dieting [54] or exercise [26] and many have a tions can have a profound effect on patient health because
log feature for users to track their behaviors. compliance is achieved by participation by the patient and
the health-care provider and tools that contribute to a
4.1.4 Behavior modification positive physician-patient relationship are critical factors
to cultivating treatment compliance [58].
mHealth applications and platforms are frequently used for
delivering behavior modification communication. This cate-
gory includes applications intended to help users modify and Treatment
improve their health status via health promotion measures or
cessation support [15]. The communication may be for health
promotion, awareness, education and demand creation [55].
This category is one of the most prominent types of service,
especially in developing countries for health education pur-
poses [10] (Fig. 5).
The rationale for the popularity off this service is the
abundance of low cost mobile phones and the availability of
low-cost SMS text messages to reach a wide variety of audi- Compliance
ences from expecting mothers such as text for babies and

Behaivor Self
Cessation Promotion

Fig. 5 Behavior modification Fig. 6 Compliance applications

304 Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308

4.1.6 Instructional applications

Instructional mHealth applications are those apps designed to
be health education resources for either patients or healthcare Service Tele-
workers [12] (Fig. 7). Delivery Diagnosis
mHealth reference apps are point-of-care clinical reference
utilities that contain up-to-date, searchable, peer-reviewed
medical information categorized by medical specialty, disease Eficiency &
or training purpose [27]. Within this category the professional Logistics Communication
educational categories relate to applications targeted specifi-
cally for healthcare professionals typically grouped by medi-
cal discipline or disease focused [11]. From a consumer per-
spective, instructional educational applications relate to appli-
cations that educate consumers on health-related concerns [8].
Data Process

4.1.7 Efficiency and productivity

Fig. 8 Efficiency and productivity
Healthcare productivity is a category of mobile applications
dedicated to helping healthcare professionals accomplish spe- patient’s medical needs. Crisis management was performed
cific tasks such as charting on mobile devices [57], viewing using SMS messaging and crowdsourcing [61].
and editing mobile medical records, viewing diagnostic im-
ages on mobile devices [56], and scheduling activities. Any
application designed to aid in healthcare efficiency and pro- 4.2 Dimension two: technical modalities
ductivity would be included in this category (Fig. 8).
4.2.1 Device type
4.1.8 Environmental health
What kind of device is required to run the application?
Environmental health applications are designed to provide There are various types of mobile devices available on the
users with information about environmental factors impacting market today [13]. The two most prominent in the healthcare
community health. These applications typically use the loca- industry are the smartphone and the tablet. Different compa-
tion of the user to give information about factors including the nies make different versions of these two mobile devices.
UV index and allergen levels (Fig. 9). Applications may be designed for one particular device pro-
An example of how environmental health apps can impact duced by one particular developer or the application may be
disaster management was seen following the Haiti earthquake. compatible with multiple devices produced by multiple devel-
The Ushaidi service played a key role in the aftermath of the opers. Healthcare organizations will want to know the device
Haiti earthquake by allowing users to report on a variety of required by the application to determine if the devices adopted
problems such as collapsed building, blocked roads, and by the organization will run the application.


Education Instructional Reference


Profesional Allergies Disasters

Fig. 7 Instructional applications Fig. 9 Environmental monitoring

Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308 305

4.2.2 User interface tablets are available with different storage capacity and are
priced according to the amount of memory the user wants.
Is the user interface of the application user friendly?
The user interface, or UI, is used to describe the look and On-device storage How much storage space is required by the
feel of the on-screen menu and navigational system. It encom- application?
passes how it works, color scheme, responses to button ac- Mobile devices have varying amounts of on-device stor-
tions. It is imperative that a UI that is easy to use and adaptable age. The newest devices can be purchased with 16 gigabytes
to various scenarios is used [49]. Having the capability to (GB), 32 GB, or 64 GB storages capacities [45]. A single
support gestures, widgets, personalized set-ups will make it picture will take up less memory than a movie. Larger apps,
easier to customize how a Nurse will interact with the appli- such as drug reference manuals, will take up more memory
cations and Operating Systems. than a drip calculation. The amount of storage space required
by an application is a necessary consideration for a healthcare
4.2.3 Operating system organization, especially if they intend on using several
mHealth applications.
Which operating system is required to support the application?
An operating system (OS) is a system of software that On-site servers Is the application compatible with the hospi-
programs or controls a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The tal’s on-site server?
leading mobile operating systems today are arguably iOS by A server is a central computer that stores data and applica-
Apple Inc., Windows by Microsoft, Android by Google Inc., tions others can access via a network. Urban hospitals and
BlackBerry OS by Research In Motion (RIM), and Symbian corporations that use private, closed servers require login access.
OS by Nokia and Accenture [44]. Mobile applications work The information and data hospitals create and store, such as lab
with operating systems the same way cellular networks work and test results, radiology imaging, and health information,
with mobile phones; a smartphone is initially designed to which is usually encrypted for security, is stored at a central
work on a specific network and is run by a specific OS. location. Corporations provide extensive security measures,
More and more apps are designed to be compatible with depending on the sensitivity of data stored, at this central
various operating systems, or the app is written for multiple location. Other computers access the server information through
OS platforms allowing more consumers have access to the the private network, often hardline (as opposed to wireless), for
app, regardless of which OS their mobile device utilizes. The viewing and data entry. Individual computers, or workstations,
operating system required by the application is important to located throughout the hospital do not store all the data on each
the healthcare organization because for the application to be computer, but rather each computer is able to access to the
adopted, it must be compatible with the healthcare organiza- central server where the data is stored. This is why a nurse
tion’s OS. working on one computer workstation is able to log-off, move
down the hall or to different floor, log-on to the server from
another computer workstation, and access the same information.
4.2.4 Features
Cloud computing Does the application use cloud computing?
Which mobile device features are necessary to run the The latest addition to smartphone and tablet storage is
application? wireless third-party servers, now commonly called “cloud
Standard smartphones include communication abilities via computing”. Cloud computing is based on sharing of re-
audio, video, text, and email, have a camera with video sources and applications to achieve coherence and economies
recording features, and store enormous amounts of data [14]. of scale. At the underpinning of cloud computing is the
Some applications may require features like high definition broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared ser-
video recording, autofocus, or LED flash. The healthcare vices. Because both technology and security measures are
organization will need to insure the application will run with progressing for wireless computing, virtual storage sources
the features on the mobile devices chosen by the organization. are now growing in popularity as well as capacity.
Smartphones and tablets now have the ability to quickly, and
4.3 Dimension three: policy consideration wirelessly, access secure data, which users store in advance,
with a third party server, usually for a fee.
4.3.1 Data management
4.3.2 FDA regulation
Memory, or digital storage capability, enables users to store
information, contacts, calendars, pictures, music [1], movies, In October 2013, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
mobile apps, and application data. Many smartphones and responded to the growing number of medical applications and
306 Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308

issued guidance for the regulation of mobile medical apps. regulations. This is frequently achieved through an Advanced
Not all apps, such as reference guides, will be regulated. Encryption Standard (AES) encryption or a VPN that usually
Those that enable users to input patient-specific information involves a unique individual identification name and pass-
transform the mobile device into a medical device. An exam- word for each employee [28].
ple is a blood glucose monitor or stethoscope application, and Institutions and healthcare facilities often have security
those that are an extension of a currently used medical device, measures prepared and primed before a device is linked to
such as a remote display of bedside monitors, will be regulated the facility and its specific hospital programs that store PHI. If
[3]. a healthcare worker is careless and leaves a paper with PHI in
Mobile device applications provide great potential for a public area, that worker is in violation of HIPPA and can be
chronic disease management such as diabetes. But to realize held accountable. This also applies to digital PHI. The
that full potential, developers must closely align with regula- healthcare worker should take the same precautions they have
tory bodies such as the (FDA) or European Union counterpar- done throughout their career and keep patient information
ty CE process. private and secure. Just as all computers in hospitals are
Certain apps assist patients’ to live healthier lives, assisting password protected, healthcare workers should password pro-
with dietary choices, monitoring exercise, and recording other tect their personal smartphones or tablets, which is included
factors important to overall health. App developers may ex- on all operating systems, if they use them at work.
plain how using the app can help reduce the risk of developing
a disease like diabetes. However, the use of the word “diabe-
tes” places the app in a category of apps that require may
regulation [6]. 5 Discussion: considerations for adoption
Any application that is required in the clinical setting for
use by either patient, medical professional will require regu- Although we have determined that most of the applications
latory approval. will comfortably belong to a dimension, there are opportuni-
ties for application developers to allow their products to
4.3.3 Mobile security operate in multiple dimensions by removing or adding certain
features’ to their product offering. An example is the point of
In a clinical setting security may be a concern for mHealth on care technology that is used for spot-checking a variable such
smartphones and tablets if patient health information (PHI) or as glucose or pulse or SPO2. If that same application were
EHR is accessed, stored, or inputted to the device. As the trend configured to send in the SPO2 every 30 s, then the applica-
of BYOD (bring your own device) continues in popularity tion would be a patient monitoring system. The same technol-
among employers in the healthcare industry, there is a risk of ogy can be configured to different purposes hence changing
being non compliant with the new rules under the Health its position within the taxonomy. This is important because the
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). complexity of adoption challenges will be dependent on how
Before clinicians’ view their work email on smartphones or the solution is intended to be used.
tablets, most institutions of employment will walk them As beneficial as smartphones and tablets are to healthcare
through the set-up process to ensure PHI is secure. This often practice, there are some challenges that impede the progres-
includes using only secure networks, user authentication, and sion of this technology into the wider Health Information
individual passwords. Even after this is done, many times Technology infrastructure. By understanding the purpose of
healthcare personnel cannot send email from their mobile the application and the position in the above taxonomy, along
device because of the security measures in place that prevent with the role it plays in the wider infrastructure, we can begin
smartphones and tablets from storing information. This is a to understand the significance and consequences of groups of
safeguard institutions implement before access to secure in- applications. Some of the considerations that affect the usage
formation, such as employee email, is allowed on personal of the taxonomy relate to where the application will be used,
devices. regulation, and clinical or personal use.
In many situations, viewing secure PHI on a mobile device
is similar to viewing the information on the computers at large
hospitals. The data is not stored on each device or computer 6 Conclusion
itself, but accessed through the device or computer’s server.
This is how nurses can access their patient’s information for The advancements in mobile technology have taken the po-
various computers in a hospital, and do not need to travel back tential of the mHealth to new heights. Smartphones and tablets
to one specific computer. The PHI, like an x-ray image or a have features that provide more capabilities than a laptop or
patient chart, is often stored on the hospital server, which is desktop such as high-resolution camera, GPS, and embedded
then accessed through a secure network that meets HIPPA sensors, and these features are transforming the role that
Health Technol. (2014) 4:299–308 307

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