Supermarket: Show Details
Supermarket: Show Details
Supermarket: Show Details
Angel Enriquez
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Supermarket Vs Market The advantage of the markets, apart from being beautiful and enjoyable, is that you can speak to the producers and support them, whereas supermarkets will cream off most of a small-producers profits. It is obvious which market stalls are selling their own specialist products, like home-grown vegetables, poultry, or foie gras, as oppose to those traders who are selling lots of different cheeses, vegetables or meat, that they themselves have bought. Although the fact that a stall may have simply bought its stock is no reason not to support them, instead of a supermarket! It is absolutely brilliant - for me, anyway! - to be able to ask a stall owner, selling one type of cheese, for example, how their animals live and how the cheese is made. A market stall selling just their own cheese or poultry will often have a pictures of their livestocks living conditions. In a supermarket, even if a cheese or wine does come from nearby, it is likely that the products are manufactured from milk or grapes that are delivered to a coop by lots of different farmers, who may keep their animals indoors, fed on hay or pellets for a more regular milk production. Individual shops, such as bakers, butchers and chocolate shops are a superb resource. They sell their own produce, or the owner can tell you all about where their stock and ingredients come from (usually local). In France, those that have chosen to dedicate their lives to running their own specilaist
outlet, will have studied their trade and production skills for a number of years before getting started. This is why the standard of hand-baked pastries, for example, is so incredible. While these shops can be more expensive than the supermarkets, the quality of your purchases will be significantly higher, usually fresher, and with less preservatives etc. You don't have to wait until market day to stock up on goodies from these shops, and they do need support; more and more French consumers are falling into the supermarket trap, and if we're not careful the specialists will die out, like so many did in they UK. In conclusion, markets are more fun and vibrant than supermarkets, with tasters, freebees, hustle, bustle etc, but are, along with specialist shops, also fantastic if you are curious about the origins of what you are eating. Cost-wise, the market stalls and individual shops cannot compete with the supermarkets.
Abstract Consumer expectations on functional attributes and perceived shopping value influences consumer satisfaction and loyalty. This study investigates the relationship between functional attributes, utilitarian and hedonic shopping value. The creation of utilitarian and hedonic shopping value is examined in the India supermarket and traditional retail (bazaar) format context. The consumers expectations on product quality, assortment and service quality positively influences the perceived shopping value at supermarket context and negatively influences (product quality and service quality) at traditional retail format context. The results supported predicted differences in the relationships across the retail formats. The study
suggests the opportunity for global retailing giants to start business in India and the need for paying attention to functional attributes to achieve shopping value and re-patronage intention. Key words: Functional attributes hedonic and utilitarian value and retail format Introduction Shopping value is a key determinant of customer value in retail marketing. Creating and delivering shopping value is a precondition for retailers to survive in todays competitive marketplace (Rintamaki et al., 2006). Shopping value has been considered as a multidimensional International Journal of Global Business, 4 (2), 15-27, December 2011 16 outcome of the shopping process (Babin et al., 1994). Literature has identified two dimensions of shopping value; hedonic and utilitarian. Utilitarian shopping value reflects the task-related value of a shopping experience and hedonic shopping value reflects the multisensory, fantasy and emotional value received from the shopping experience (Babin and Attaway, 2000; Jones et al., 2006). It is imperative for the retailers to understand the consumers motivation process of hedonic and utilitarian shopping value. Identifying the key retailing components that add value to consumers and motivate their shopping intention is crucial. Functional attributes are believed to stimulate consumer decision making process and that influences shopping value (Sit and Merrilees, 2005). However, the effect and significance of functional attributes on shopping value varies on the ground of retail format from which the consumers do shopping (Anand and Sinha, 2009). The realization of hedonic and utilitarian value at supermarket can be different from traditional
retail format (bazaar). Prior research has well explained the characteristics of hedonic and utilitarian shopping values and its effect on customer satisfaction and reportage intention (Olsen and Skallerud, 2009; Stoel et al., 2004). However, research explaining the antecedents to hedonic and utilitarian values is limited. And, the creation of shopping value at various retailing format is less investigated. Further, very few researches have investigated the complex inter relationship between shopping value, functional attributes and retail formats, even though such relationships are salient to create satisfied and loyal customers base for the business. Therefore, the study aimed at investigating how the consumers perceived importance of functional attributes (product, store and service attributes) influences the creation of hedonic and utilitarian value at supermarket and traditional (bazaar) retail formats. International Journal of Global Business, 4 (2), 15-27, December 2011 17 Literature Review Shopping Value Shopping value results from the benefits shoppers derive from a shopping experience and is consists of two distinct dimensions, utilitarian value, and hedonic value (Dawson et al., 1990; Lotz et al., 1999; Stoel et al., 2004). Utilitarian shoppers are well planned and predetermined. Utilitarian shoppers are sensitive to convenience, product assortment, quality of merchandise and price (Sarkar, 2011). Hedonic shoppers are entertainment and exploration oriented (Rintamaki et
al., 2006). Hedonic value derives from the psychological forces that encourage shoppers to engage in shopping (Bhatnagar and Ghosh, 2004; Sit and Merrilees, 2005). Such psychological forces are beyond task completion and are characterized by shopping products in a deliberate and efficient manner (Babin et al., 1994). In addition, hedonic motives are driven by enjoyment, fun and adventure. Jones et al. (2006) examined interactions between shopping value and satisfaction and found that customer satisfaction, word of mouth loyalty and re-patronage anticipation are influenced the greater extent by both product and non-product-related and utilitarian and hedonic aspects of shopping. According to Dodds and Monroe (1985), hedonic and utilitarian value varies depending on the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes. Functional attributes such as product, store and service quality play a key role in the creation of shopping value. Functional Attributes Functional attributes are tangibles that influence consumers purchase motivation and decision making (Sit et al., 2003). The nature, characteristics and components of functional attributes differ across industries. For example, functional attributes for food and entertainment industry includes the variety of eateries, friendly service and convenience (Sit and Merrilees, 2005), while the attributes for food and grocery retail industry includes; product quality, assortment, service International Journal of Global Business, 4 (2), 15-27, December 2011 18 quality and
store atmosphere. Supporting the salience of functional attributes for retailing, choice theory suggests that, consumers decision making process depends on the product attributes; quality, price, variety, assortment and value of the products (Gwin and Gwin, 2003; Vishwanathan and Childers, 1999). The attributes model proposed by Gwin and Gwin (2003) posits that consumer choice is based on maximising utility from the product attributes subject to budget constraints. Such functional attributes also influences customer satisfaction, loyalty and retail patronage. Retail format The retail format identifies retailer capabilities and serves as competitive advantage (Goldman, 2001) and influences consumers choice behavior. Developing economies undergo retail format transition to position themselves competitively within the region and globally. India experiences retail format transition, since 1990. Despite a rapid retail format transition, organized retail (supermarket) sector in India accounts for only about 5 % of the total retail market (Anand and Sinha, 2009). The Indian retail sector is dominated by traditional retail format such as bazaar, shandy, corner shop and grocery store. As the choice set of consumers is continuously expanding in terms of availability of store formats, customer choice behavior is erratic (Anand and Sinha, 2009). For example, grocery purchases in India are primarily done either in bulk or in small fillup purchases. While the fill-up purchases are more frequent, they are largely unplanned and done on a need
basis primarily from the nearest traditional market (bazaar) and is considered as a compulsive shopping. Bulk grocery purchase is periodic and can be considered as a planned behavior (Block and Morwitz 1999), which is utilitarian shopping value. There has been a limited understanding on how the consumers perceived importance on functional attributes changes over retail format and what shopping value the consumer receive from the retail formats. International Journal of Global Business, 4 (2), 15-27, December 2011 19 Relationships between Key Constructs Literature has identified product quality, product assortment, service quality and store atmosphere as functional attributes and that believed to influence hedonic and utilitarian motive (Lee et al., 2009; Olsen and Skallerud, 2009 Stoel et al., 2004). According to Obermiller and Bitner (1984), consumers tend evaluate the product quality positively when they view the products in a pleasant environment than view the same products in an emotionally unpleasant environment. The pleasant and favorable supermarket environment creates a sense of arousal and happiness and creates positive shopping value (Sirion and Howard, 2011). However, shoppers may not expect the same level of pleasantness at the traditional retail format (bazaar) and that may lead negative influence on shopping value. Lee et al., (2009) find a positive association between variety-seeking tendency and utilitarian shopping value in online auctions. Utilitarian consumers achieve shopping efficiency at online market place by being able to access many comparable items in one place (Lee et al., 2009). Similarly, feelings of excitement and gratification generated by finding a variety of items at online market place create hedonic shopping
value. As the availability of product variety and variety seeking tendency of both supermarket and traditional market consumers are similar, we propose positive relationship between product assortment and shopping value. Similarly, the shoppers perceived importance of product quality and service quality at supermarkets and the enhanced services offered at supermarkets believed to facilitate the utilitarian and hedonic shopping value. However, the product quality and services offered at the traditional markets are expected to be low, the study proposes negative effect on shopping value. Thus, a conceptual model explaining the relationship between functional attributes and shopping value is developed. Figure 1 shows the relationship. Retailing format is considered as a moderating variable. Therefore the study hypothesizes that; International Journal of Global Business, 4 (2), 15-27, December 2011 20 In supermarket retail format H1. The Shoppers perceived importance of product quality is positively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value H2. The Shoppers perceived importance of product assortment is positively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value H3. The Shoppers perceived importance of store atmosphere is positively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value H4. The Shoppers perceived importance of service quality is positively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value In traditional retail format (bazaar)
H5. The Shoppers perceived importance of product quality is negatively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value H6. The Shoppers perceived importance of product assortment is positively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value H7. The Shoppers perceived importance of store atmosphere is negatively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value H8. The Shoppers perceived importance of service quality is negatively related to (a) utilitarian shopping value, and (b) hedonic shopping value Methodology The survey was undertaken in India. Two Indian cities were randomly selected and from each city retailing chains and traditional markets (bazaar) were randomly selected for survey. Mall intercept interviews and systematic sampling techniques were followed. A total of 332 questionnaires were received. After cleaning the data and eliminating the respondents withmissing values, the analysis was performed with an effective sample size of 319 respondents. The measures for this study were adapted from prior research (Babin et al., 2005; Choudhury et al., 1998; Kaul, 2007; Rintamaki et al., 2006). The questionnaire was translated and back translated from English to an Indian language. All constructs were measured using multi-item, 7 Product Quality Product Assortment
Store Atmosphere Service Quality Utilitarian Value Hedonic Value Moderating variable Supermarket Bazar (Traditional store) International Journal of Global Business, 4 (2), 15-27, December 2011 22 point Likert-type scales anchored from 1= strongly disagree/dissatisfied/worst to 7= strongly agree/ satisfied/ excellent. Regression analysis was used to analyse the data. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out. The measurement model showed an acceptable fit ( 2 = 2823.2 with df = 380, RMSEA= 0.09, NNFI = 0.90 and CFI = 0.89). Measurement items that are cross-loaded and had a regression weight below .60 were excluded from further analyses (Hu and Bentler, 1999). The standardised factor loadings for the measurement items were above .60. The average variance extracted ranges from .65 to .79. The discriminant validity of the constructs is also tested by calculating the average variance extracted and compare the square root of this to theinter construct correlations. Results and Discussion The study explains the complex relationship between the functional attributes, shopping value and retail format. Table 1 shows the result. The results indicated significance of functional attributes in the realization of shopping value. As we proposed the effects of functional attributes
differ across the retail format. In supermarket, the effect of shoppers perceived expectation of product quality ( = .19, p < .05), product assortment ( = .09, p < .05) and service quality ( = .35, p < .05) on utilitarian shopping value is positive and significant, and supported Hypotheses H1 (a), H2 (a) and H4 (a). Similarly the effect of product quality ( = .19, p < .05), product assortment ( = .14, p < .05) and service quality ( = .23, p < .05) on hedonic shopping value is positive and significant, and supported Hypotheses H1 (b), H2 (b) and H4 (b). It is obvious that the superior product and service quality offered at supermarket outlet creates utilitarian and hedonic motives among the shoppers. However, the effect of store appearance on utilitarian ( = -.90, p < .05) and hedonic ( = -.94, p < .05) shopping value is negative and significant and International Journal of Global Business, 4 (2), 15-27, December 2011 23 partially supported hypotheses H3 (a) and H4 (b). The negative results indicate the required improvement in store appearance to achieve hedonic and utilitarian value. In traditional retail format, as we expected, the effect of shoppers perceived expectation of product quality ( = -.42, p < .05) and store appearance ( = -.56, p < .05) on utilitarian value is negative and significant and supported hypotheses H5 (a) and H7 (a). Similarly the product quality ( = -.63, p < .05) and store appearance ( = -.24, p < .05) effect on hedonic value is negative and significant and supported hypotheses H5 (b) and H7 (b). As the traditional markets and (Bazaar)
in India is old fashioned, less hygienic and follows poor product handling process, the negative effect is plausible. However, traditional market (bazaar) in India provides wide varieties of choices for shopping and is reflected in the positive and significant effect of product assortment on utilitarian ( = .76, p < .05) and hedonic value ( = .73, p < .05) and supported hypotheses H6 (a) and H6 (b). In fact, shoppers receive wide array of groceries, fruits and vegetables at traditional markets than supermarkets. It is interesting to note that the local market in India dont offer expected service to shoppers and thus the effect of service quality on hedonic and utilitarian shopping value is not supported. Conclusion and Implications The study suggests that functional attributes facilitate the shoppers motive of hedonic and utilitarian value. Interestingly, Indian supermarkets have the capability of offering hedonic and utilitarian value to shoppers, while the traditional markets are far behind. However, store appearance at both supermarket and traditional markets failed to motivate the shoppers shopping value. Retailers need to invest resources to modify the supermarket appeal to offer hedonic and utilitarian value to customer. The rapid transition in retailing format and shoppers orientation towards supermarket suggests the retailers to focus on functional attributes. Traditional markets require rapid changes in their retailing strategy for survival and to compete with supermarkets.
Indian retailers and international players planning a foray into India retailing sector should pay considerable attention to functional attributes, consumer motives and shopping value.
LITERATURE REVIEW RETAIL MODERNIZATION: Retail modernization in developing countries and its effect on the broader food system has been a major focus of research since the early 2000s. The most visible banner for this work has been the supermarket revolution. Supermarkets existed in Latin America from at least the 1960s, but began to grow much more rapidly in that region during the economic boom and opening to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of the 1990s. Growth began later in East/Southeast Asia and Central Europe, followed by selected countries of Africa (Reardon et al, 2004). This growth, together with new procurement practices that the firms work to apply, has lead to a rash of studies attempting to document and anticipate the impacts of these firms on existing actors in the food system, and to draw policy implications for governments and donors. Early Expectations of Supermarket Takeover: Though distinctions are made between countries, regions, and types of food products, recurring themes in the supermarket revolution literature have been the rapid rise of supermarkets, the difficulty of smaller
retailers to compete with them, the difficulty of small processors to compete with large processors for the new supermarket market, and the urgent need to deal with the exclusion of smallholders from the supermarket channel. Until very recently, conditions for supermarket expansion in Africa have been seen to lag but not to differ fundamentally from those in other regions of the developing world; Africa has been portrayed as a later wave in the surge of supermarket expansion, with take-off having already occurred in East and Southern Africa and beginning in West Africa (Reardon et al, 2004). The following quote encapsulates this view: Our premise is that supermarkets will continue to spread over the (African) region and thus their requirements will either gradually or rapidly, depending on the country, become those faced by the majority of farmers Understanding those procurement systems is thus a way of predicting what will be the challenges and opportunities facing farmers in the next 5-10 years (Weatherspoon and Reardon, 2003; parentheses and emphasis added). More Cautious Voices on the Supermarket Story: More cautious views regarding the likely rate of supermarket expansion were expressed early in Asia, and over the past two years in Asia, Africa, and even Latin America. Patterns in Latin America are relevant as a potential indicator of future patterns elsewhere. Coca-Cola (2003) notes that emerging consumers infrequently shop if at all at large supermarkets in Brazil, despite the heavy market penetration of such outlets in that country. They refer to the myth (that) its just a matter of money & time until emerging consumers flock to large supermarkets (p. 12), and
conclude in general for Latin America that small retailers have a sustainable business model. Farina and Nunez (2005) echo this conclusion in Brazil, noting the persistent diversity of retail outlets, and that the number of independent supermarkets (as opposed to large chains) and traditional retailers has grown, and their share in food sales has increased in recent years. Goldman et al (1999) identified the persistent continued strength of wet markets in Hong Kong despite that citys developed economy; they attribute this strength to these traditional markets adaptation to consumer shopping habits. Goldman (2000) was one of the first to identify consumers selective adoption of supermarkets, whereby consumers who regularly shop in supermarkets continue to purchase fresh food in traditional outlets; these findings echo those of others showing continued retail diversity even where supermarkets have expanded most. In recent work in Vietnam, Cadilhon et al (2006) anticipate strong growth of supermarkets (from a base of only 2%) but suggest that policy makers should not promote the modernization of food systems at the expense of traditional channels, which meet important consumer needs. Maruyama et al (2007) also see strong growth, but cite serious challenges for supermarkets in lowering their prices and enhancing their locational convenience, both of which are key factors for the great mass of consumers in Africa and Asia. Wet markets refer to traditional open air markets. 3 Reviewing literature on supermarkets in Africa, Humphrey (2006) concludes that the extent of transformation of retailing as a consequence of (supermarket expansion) is
overestimated. In Kenya, where supermarkets had penetrated more than in any SSA country outside South Africa and perhaps Zambia, Tschirley et al (2004a) and Tschirley et al (2004b) show that supermarket chains held less than 2% of the national urban fresh produce market in late 2003, and that nearly all fresh produce purchases in these supermarkets were made by consumers in the top 20% of the income distribution. They calculate that, to reach a 10% market share in 10 years, supermarket sales of fresh produce would have to grow 22% per year in real terms. In a cross-country econometric analysis, Traill (2006) estimates that Kenyan supermarkets will hold at most a 16% share of total food sales by 2013; this would correspond to a 4%-5% share of fresh produce. Ayieko et al echo findings elsewhere of diverse shopping habits among consumers, noting that 94% of Nairobi consumers frequented at least three different types of retail outlets in the previous month. By 2006, Reardon and Timmer (2006) had noted the very small market shares of supermarkets in nearly all of SSA. They suggested considerable uncertainty about the rate at which the supermarket sector will grow even in Kenya and Zambia; in most of the rest of SSA, they deemed it unlikely that we will see supermarket growth for several decades. In India, market reform and opening to FDI, along with prospects for 7% yearly growth in retail sales in a market of 1.2 billion people, have generated billions of dollars of planned investment in supermarkets by local and multi-national firms, including WalMart and Carrefour. Yet supermarket shares in India are currently very low (around 2%), due to the countrys massive and complex small retail sector. Supermarkets there face the 20/20/20 challenge: they must grow their food sales by 20% a year for 20 years just to reach a 20%
market share. Such unprecedented growth would still leave more traditional channels holding 80% of the food market. Supermarkets and the Exclusion of Small Farmers: Concern about exclusion of smallholder farmers from supermarket supply channels is most acute in fresh produce, since it can be direct marketed to supermarkets by farmers. Concerns are based on the efforts of fresh produce procurement managers to provide consumers with a stable, yearround supply of safe, high quality produce at competitive prices. Farmers that cannot meet these criteria, especially the need for fixed quantities every week of the year, fall off the supermarkets preferred supplier lists. Smallholder farmers are especially challenged in this regard, and evidence is mounting that all but a tiny minority, whether independent or in farmer groups, are unable to remain on preferred supplier lists on a sustained basis 4 . As a result, medium- and large-scale farmers supply the overwhelming majority of produce moving through preferred supplier programs in Africa. Yet these programs carry a tiny fraction of the food trade in African countries. For example, in Kenya in late 2003, this share was less than two-tenths of one percent of all 4 Regoverning Markets, 2004; personal interview with Mr. Willie Minnie, Procurement Manager for Freshmark Zambia (September 2005); Reardon and Berdegue, 2002; Reardon and Timmer 2006. 4 food purchased in urban areas 5 . Thus, while smallholder exclusion from large supermarket supply chains is a reality, it cannot now be considered among the top tier of rural policy
concerns in this area of the world; nor is it likely to become a top tier concern over the next 10-20 years in most countries, given projected supermarket shares over this time. DOMESTIC AND REGIONAL MARKETS AS A FOCUS OF GROWTH: Nontraditional agricultural exports have received large amounts of analytical attention over the past decades. Donor support to market oriented agriculture for smallholder farmers has also focused heavily on export markets, while domestic food markets remain undercapitalized, risky, rudimentary, and relatively thin (World Bank, 2007). Both traditional and non-traditional exports have and will continue to be important sources of growth for some farmers in some countries. Kenyas exports of fresh and prepackaged vegetables and fresh flowers to Europe may be the continents best example of success in a non-traditional sector, but other countries are achieving some success along a similar path. Yet even in Kenya, the domestic horticultural system is four- to five times larger by value than exports (Tschirley et al 2004a), and involves many times more smallholder farmers and traders; in Zambia, the domestic fresh produce system is 10-20 times larger than exports. In China in the early 2000s, the domestic horticultural market was 40-50 times larger than exports. Expected income growth in many countries of east Asia, in India, and in Kenya and some other countries of Africa, combined with the large size of the domestic and regional markets, means that the domestic system will be the main contributor to growth in products such as horticulture and livestock, which have high income elasticities of demand 6
. Domestic staples markets also show great growth potential, especially when adjusted for falling rural:urban population ratios; in many countries of Africa, these ratios are expected to fall from about 2:1 to nearly 1:1 over the next 10-20 years, meaning that each farmer will need to nearly double the food they produce for the domestic market 7 . These domestic systems are nearly always tied-in with regional neighbors, whether for maize, other food staples, livestock, or fresh produce. USAID (2005; Table 1) specifically recommends, in the case of horticulture in SSA, that development of the local and regional market be prioritized over export; in Asia it prioritizes regional trade over exports to developed countries. English et al (2005) suggest in Kenya that poverty reduction from horticultural exports to developed countries is likely to come much more from employment effects than from smallholder production for that market. Urban populations in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia are expected to increase by 130% and 70%, respectively, over the next 25 years 8 . Even modest income growth could push total 5 Based on a 2% market share by supermarket chains in fresh produce, a 20% share of fresh produce in urban consumer expenditure, and 40% of supermarket chain fresh produce procurement occurring through preferred supplier programs (Neven and Reardon, 2004, for Kenya): 0.02*0.2*0.4 = .0016 = 0.16% 6 See English et al (2006) for a contrary review of Kenyas horticultural export success story and its varied
contributions to growth and poverty reduction. 7 See Tschirley et al 2006a for information on Mozambique. 8 United Nations World Population Prospects: The 2005 Revision 5 food demand up by an additional twenty- to thirty percentage points beyond these figures, especially for fresh produce and livestock. Traditional marketing systems will continue to carry the largest share of this food, and many are inadequate even for current volumes. Major investment is thus needed in improved wholesale and retail facilities and in transport infrastructure to reduce very high transport costs (especially in Africa). MARKET INFORMATION: TRADITIONAL MIS AND COMMODITY EXCHANGES: Key references on market information in Africa are Weber et al (2005) and Tollens (2006a). See also Tollens (2006b) for an assessment of recent experience with commodity exchanges. A useful general reference is Shepherd (1997). Frustration with the frequently moribund status of publicly funded Market Information Systems (MIS) has lead to substantial experimentation with private systems, typically organized around Agricultural Commodity Exchanges (ACE). In SSA outside of South Africa, Kenya and Malawi have operating exchanges (though Malawis is nascent), and one is being actively promoted in Ethiopia 9 . These initiatives are important and will undoubtedly generate valuable lessons for improving market information. Yet Weber et al (2006) and Tollens (2006b) both make two points. First, MIS and ACE are not substitutes:
the purpose of an ACE is more narrow than the broad market development objectives of an MIS. Second, much market information is of a public good nature, especially in the underdeveloped market systems that prevail in Africa and Asia. This type of information will therefore be under-produced by private systems. Those private systems that are able to turn a profit will tend to produce a narrow range of time-sensitive information that they can sell. As a result, public investment is required if the broad array of information needed by smallholder farmers and policy makers it to be produced. Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange (KACE) and Malawi Agricultural Commodity Exchange (MACE), while evaluated positively by Tollens, are not expected to be sustainable for some time. We suggest that a hybrid approach to market information is needed. The objective of the hybrid approach is to provide increasingly relevant information to small farmers and the private trade, while at the same time providing policy makers with analysis and perspective that strengthens and refines government commitment to making markets work. Key elements of this hybrid approach are: Government needs to maintain and strengthen its commitment to collecting and disseminating a broad set of basic market information local, regional and international prices, supply information, and outlook, and changing policies and practices that affect trade. . At the same time, these information services need to have the financial and managerial autonomy to generate revenue, seek additional outside funds (e.g., from donors), and manage these funds.
To ensure support for government budgetary allocations, these services need to cultivate private sector support. They need to see their role as promoters of trade, not just reporters of trade. Mainstreaming these types of attitudes requires training and mentoring over time; 9 See, 6 May, 2007. %20Devil%20is%20in%20the%20Details-ECEX.htm 6 Where ACEs exist, MIS should establish formal links with them. Finally, national MISs need to be linked together with their neighbors through efficient means of communication so that information available in one country is immediately available in all countries of the region. No hybrid MIS combining all these characteristics exists in Africa that we know of; this is a major funding opportunity for donors wishing to promote improved market performance in agriculture. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT): Modern ICT such as cell phones, the web, and email are increasingly being used in MIS in Africa. The very rapid expansion of cell phone ownership, even in rural areas of Africa, means that these tools could be especially useful. Little if any research has been done on their effectiveness; Tollens (2006a) indicates generally that much experimentation is still taking place, and no standard model has yet emerged. Two points should be kept in mind about this potentially useful tool. First, cell phone systems use SMS messages, meaning that the spectrum of information available through these systems is likely to be substantially
narrower than that on local and provincial radio. Second, cell phones are not likely in the foreseeable future to be able to reach as many farmers as local and provincial radio broadcast in the local language. For these reasons, Weber et al stress that modern ICT tools should be used, but that radio is likely to remain the most effective means of providing broad-based unbiased information to help improve the bargaining power of farmers and in informing public decision makers about how markets function . For the potential of radio to be realized, the high cost of running spots on some state controlled radio stations needs to be brought down, and local private stations need to be utilized as much as possible. Private sponsorship of MIS broadcasts is one way forward. CONTRACT FARMING FOR EXPORT CROPS: For smallholder farmers to compete in a globalized economy, they need access to production inputs and to updated information about production and post-harvest practices needed to ensure productivity, quality, and timeliness. Due to cash flow constraints, many farmers require these inputs on credit, yet both input and credit markets frequently work poorly in SSA and poorer areas of Asia. Under these conditions, contract farming arrangements, also known as outgrower schemes, have governed production of a wide range of cash crops throughout the developing world for many decades. 10 When effective, these approaches allow smallholder farmers to profit from a crop they might ordinarily not have access to, and allow processors and exporters to benefit from these farmers low costs of production while
ensuring sufficient supply to make their investment profitable. 11 10 See Glover (1990) for a review of experience in East and Southern Africa through the late 1980s. See Birthal et al (2005) for several case studies from India, and Zola for a broader review in Asia. 11 These low costs of production are related primarily to the very low price at which many smallholder farmers are willing to sell their labor in production of the crop, and to the low supervisory costs inherent in using primarily family labor. See Binswanger and McIntire (1984). 7 Yet the conditions under which contract farming can be expected to emerge and persist are relatively restrictive, relating primarily to production and marketing characteristics of the crop and to characteristics of the market into which farmers sell (Delgado 1999; Benfica and Tschirley 2002 12 ). Numerous examples exist of failed efforts, primarily related to the inability of processors to recover input credit (often referred to as sideselling; Stringfellow 1996, Glover 1990). Poulton et al (2004) and Tschirley et al (2007) suggest a trade-off between competition and coordination in contracting for cotton in Africa: competition frequently results in better prices to farmers, but can also undermine input credit provision and product quality. As a result, highly competitive output markets lead to the failure of contract farming and reversion to approaches less dependent on external inputs, with less extension assistance, and less able to capture
quality premia. Donor assistance to contract farming can be useful in the following circumstances: Supporting the costs of more intensive extension assistance from contracting companies who might be undercut by competitors if they had to bear all the costs themselves; current examples include GTZ support to Dunavant/Zambias YIELD program for cotton and USAID assistance to cotton extension in Uganda. To help bridge the gap between unorganized smallholder farmers and new investors; NGOs can often be effective in helping organize farmers around a new commercial opportunity and in reducing the prospect of side-selling. SMALLHOLDER OVERVIEW The key issue for smallholders in the area of retail modernization is the rate at which modern retail outlets will grow, and the extent to which smallholder farmers will be excluded from these firms preferred supplier networks. After six- to seven years of research, the preponderance of evidence suggests three things: smallholders are indeed widely excluded from these systems, but only a tiny fraction of food production in Africa and Asia flows through them, and the market share of supermarkets in most of the region will grow much more slowly than had once been anticipated. Retail sectors in all these areas will remain highly diversified, and traditional wet markets, small shops, kiosks, and street vendors will retain majority market shares for the foreseeable future. Our own conclusion, therefore, is that smallholder welfare will be more heavily influenced by developments in these systems than by access to the supermarket sector per se. Rapid growth in domestic and regional markets, driven by urbanization and income growth, will present
great growth opportunities for smallholder farmers. Hybrid MIS, featuring a judicious mix of radio, cell phone, and internet technology, could help smallholder farmers exploit these opportunities. Contract farming is sometimes the only way that smallholder farmers can gain access to high value added cash crops; donor support for improved extension assistance and organization of farmers under these schemes can have a high payoff