Function Generation Using Freudenstein's Equation
Function Generation Using Freudenstein's Equation
Function Generation Using Freudenstein's Equation
Freudensteins Equation
The development begins with the loop closure equation for a four-bar linkage, as shown in text Figure 11.25, reproduced in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1: Loop closure diagram, showing ri and i for all four links.
The loop closure equation simply sums the position vectors around the complete four-bar linkage, and in vector form is given by r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 = 0. Each link has length r and is at angle , hence the complex form may be written as r1 ej1 + r2 ej2 + r3 ej3 + r4 ej4 = 0 (2) (1)
We can expand (2) using Eulers identity, then separate Real and Imag terms. Before doing that, notice that the angle of link 1 is 1 = 180 , thus cos 1 = 1 andd sin 1 = 0. Finally, for conciseness, use the short form cos i = ci sin i = si With these substitutions, equation (2) yields the two equations r1 + r2 c2 + r3 c3 + r4 c4 = 0 (3) (4)
r2 s2 + r3 s3 + r4 s4 = 0
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Since the input of our mechanism will be link 2, and the output will be link 4, angles 2 and 4 should be preserved in the solution, but angle 3 should be eliminated. Elimination of 3 is done by solving (3) and (4) for the 3 terms, then squaring and adding: (r3 c3 ) = (r1 r2 c2 r4 c4 )
2 2 2 2
+ (r3 s3 ) = (r2 s2 r4 s4 ) One gets a nice result on the left side, but the right is messy:
2 r3 = f (r1 , r2 , r4 , 2 , 4 )
By using the trigonometric identity for cos(2 4 ), the result can be written as K1 c2 + K2 c4 + K3 = cos(2 4 ) where r1 r4 r1 K2 = r2 2 2 2 r2 r1 r2 r4 K3 = 3 2r2 r4 K1 = (6)
If we have three precision points for the linkage, we will have three corresponding values for 2 and 4 , and can hence write (6) three times. We will then have three equations in three unknowns and can solve for the three Ki . Knowing the Ki then allows the calculation of the link lengths ri . Actually we can only calculate three ri ...let r1 = 1 and calculate the remaining three. As the entire linkage is scaled up or down it behaves the same.
Typically the designer will have in mind some function they wish to emulate, and a corresponding interval, such as y= (10)
The structural error in a function generator is simply the error between the mathematical function and the actual mechanism, usually expressed as a percentage. A good choice of precision points will help reduce the structural error. One good choice for the three precision points is using Chebyshev Spacing, which is simply a kind of equal spacing around a circle, then projection onto the horizontal bisector of the circle (see text Figure 11.13). With Freudensteins Equation we are limited to three precision points. We also have the bounds of the interval on x as given in (10). 2.1.1 Solution for Three Precision Points
Let the minimum and maximum values of independent variable x be called xi and xf . Our three precision points x1 , x2 , x3 will t between xi and xf ; the sequence will be xi x1 x2 x3 xf . 2
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Text equation (11.5) gives the Chebyshev solution for the three points; expressed using my notation they are xj = 1 1 (2j 1) (xf + xi ) + (xf xi ) cos , j = 1, 2, 3. 2 2 6 (11)
For the example dened by (10), the three Chebyshev precision points I obtained are: x1 = 1.0670 x2 = 1.5000 x3 = 1.9330 Note that with three points the middle point will always be in the center of the function interval. (12)
We cannot directly t the mechanism to the function given in (10). For one thing, the ranges of the independent (x) and dependent (y) variables may be unsuitable for use as joint angles. For example, in the function of (10), are the extrema of x (1 and 2) to be interpreted as 2 in degrees? radians? What about 4 ? The extrema of y are 1 and 0.25; will these work as joint angles for 4 ? We must solve for a linear mapping between the function y = f (x) and the joint angles 2 and 4 . Specically, we must solve for scaling parameters a, c and bias parameters b, d in the linear mappings 2 = ax + b 4 = cy + d 2.2.1 Initial and Final Joint Angles (13) (14)
To nd the mapping between function values x and y and joint angles 2 and 4 we must select the initial and nal values for 2 and 4 . This will specify the conguration of the linkage at the extremes of motion. Although the selection of these angles is arbitrary, use common sense (some experience will help). Dene these initial and nal joint angles as 2i 2f 4i 4f (15)
Units may be either degrees or radians; I will use degrees in my MATLAB function. For the current example, I chose the following initial and nal joint angles: 2i ... 2f = 60 ... 120 4i ... 4f = 225 ... 315 (16) (17)
Thus I specied that link 2 has a travel of 60 , while that of link 4 is 90 . Both links 2 and 4 swing symmetrically through vertical. This all seemed reasonable to me, at least as a starting point. 2.2.2 Matrix Solution for Mapping Parameters
Consider the mapping for independent variable x and crank angle 2 (the mapping between y and 4 is handled similarly). Substitution of the extremum values for both variables yields the two equations axi + b = 2i axf + b = 2f Equations (18)(19) can be arranged in matrix/vector form as xi xf 1 1 a = 2i b 2f 3 (20) (18) (19)
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which is exactly in the form Ax = b, where A and b are known, and x = a simply x = A1 b Computing this is what MATLAB is made for, and the way to solve this is >> x = A^{-1}*b; >> x = inv(A)*b; >> x = A\b; % This is the "old" way % This is the "old" way % This is the "new" way (preferred)
Then of course the scaling parameter a = x(1) and the bias parameter b = x(2). As I indicated earlier, the procedure for dependent variable y and joint angle 4 is similar. You will, of course, get dierent scaling and bias parameters. For the current example, I obtained the following values: a 60 = , b 0 2.2.3 Creation of Precision Joint Angles c 120 = d 345 (21)
With the mappings between function variable space (x, y) and mechanism joint space (2 , 4 ) known, we can map the three function precision points to corresponding precision joint angles. From the xi of (12) and the function in (10) you can compute the corresponding yi . Then using the xi and yi you use the mappings of Section 2.2.2 to produce the corresponding precision joint angles 2 and 4 . This is given in the text as Table 11.3 (p. 354). For my example that table is shown below as Table 1. Note that the two joint angles move through their full range of motion. Position 1 2 3 x 1 1.0670 1.5000 1.9330 2 2 60 64.0192 90.0000 115.9808 120 y 1 0.8784 0.4444 0.2676 0.25 4 225 239.5946 291.6667 312.8847 315
Now we are ready to nd the four link lengths ri , which will dene the mechanism. 2.3.1 Matrix/Vector Formatting and the Solution for K1 ...K3
The rst step is to reformat equation (6) using the three precision point values from Table 1. For convenience, I will denote the angles 2 and 4 corresponding to precision point i (rows 1..3 in the table) as 2i and 4i , thus in this example we will have 21 = 64.0192 22 = 90.0000 23 = 115.9808
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By substituting (22)(24) into (6) we are doing a three position synthesis of this linkage. Note that we cant use the rst and last rows of Table 1; we already used those to get the mapping (parameters a, b, c, d) between function space and joint space (Section 2.2). The resulting matrix/vector equation is given by cos(21 41 ) K1 c21 c41 1 c22 c42 1 K2 = cos(22 42 ) cos(23 43 ) K3 c23 c43 1
A x b
where c21 = cos 21 , c42 = cos 42 , etc. In (25) quantities A and b are known, and the solution for vector x is x = A1 b, When programming this in MATLAB, the following syntax is preferred (as indicated earlier, I believe): >> x = A^{-1}*b; >> x = inv(A)*b; >> x = A\b; 2.3.2 Finding ri from K % This is the "old" way % This is the "old" way % This is the "new" way (preferred) (26)
With the three elements of K known, link lengths ri are given by equations (7)(9). Obviously, with only three equations we cannot solve for four quantities. So just set r1 = 1 and solve for r2 , r3 , and r4 . The kinematical relationship between 2 and 4 will be the same regardless of the overall size of the linkage, as long as the relationship between link lengths is preserved. So the nal result can be scaled up or down to a convenient size for construction.
Next Steps
The two remaining sections are important, and will be presented in the following order: Constructing a modelthis will probably require some iteration of the linkage synthesis; also required the construction of measurement scales for both links 2 and 4; this is eectively a mechanical implementation of the joint space function space mapping of Section 2.2. Structural errorhow accurate is the function generator? This will required construction of an ADAMS simulation, archiving of the result, and MATLAB analysis of these data to determine error.
Constructing a Model
Design Iteration
In the problem I assign, you will be given the following: Function y = f (x) and range xi x xf Required range of rotation for 2 and 4 You will be free to select both starting angles 2i and 4i . You will nd that many starting angle selections will result in awkward values for ri . It will be very valuable to be able to quickly compute the ri , thats the reason for writing a MATLAB function to obtain the solution.
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nd link lengths ri
OK? yes
An Example of Iteration
Following the previous work, Ill assume the following: Function is y = 1 over the range 1 x 2 x2 Input link 2 shall rotate 60
Output link 4 shall rotate 90 I wrote MATLAB function freud.m, which is given as >> help freud [r,c2,c4] = FREUD(fn,xi,xf,t2i,t2f,t4i,t4f) This function performs three-point kinematic synthesis of a four-bar mechanism using Freudensteins Equation. Function handle "fn" computes the mathematical function. xi and xf specify the range of the independent variable, and Chebyshev spacing is used to determine the three precision points for the dependent variable. Angles t2i, t2f, t4i, and t4f (DEG) specify the limits of motion of links 2 and 4. Returned 4x1 array r contains the link lengths, with r(1) = 1, while returned arrays c2 and c4 contain the scaling & bias parameters to go to/from [x y] space to [t2 t4] space to check the accuracy. 6
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Initial Parameters. Ill begin by specifying initial angles such that both links swing their respective angles such that they are vertical at the midpoint. Since the swing angles are 60 and 90 , respectively, this results in initial and nal joint angles of: 2i = 60 2f = 120
4i = 225 4f = 315
(27) (28)
Heres how to dene a function handle in MATLAB; the dots in the 1/x2 expression are to enforce an element by element evaluation (which is necessary inside the freud.m function): >> fn = @(x) 1./x.^2; >> xi = 1; >> xf = 2; % fn is now a "function handle" pointing to 1/x^2 % starting point of interval % ending point of interval
Heres what happens with these values: >> r = freud(fn,xi,xf,60,120,225,315) r = 1.0000 5.9295 1.3220 5.4793
This doesnt look too great; links 2 & 4 are 5 inches long while the ground and coupler link 3 are around 1 inch long. Ill iterate using the starting position of link 2 and see what happens... >> r = freud(fn,xi,xf,50,110,225,315) r = 1.0000 3.2393 0.7870 3.2829 % These are better
>> r = freud(fn,xi,xf,10,70,225,315) r = 1.0000 1.6253 0.7624 1.3332 % % Stop changing t2i now Now vary t4i % link 3 is a little longer...good
>> r = freud(fn,xi,xf,10,70,260,350) r = 1.0000 1.3589 1.6715 1.9384 % Now we have fairly equal lengths. Try this.
Looks to me like the last iteration gives reasonable link lengths: theyre all similar magnitudes and link 2 is not as long as it began. So Ill construct this one. BTW, you can imagine how tedious this would be without a computer...
I used corrugated cardboard for the frame, and manila folder stock for the links. Thumbtacks served as joints. I measured as accurately as I could. 7
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Oh, and I scaled the whole thing up by a factor of THREE so small construction errors are not so critical. Therefore the nal link lengths are r1 = 3.0000 in r2 = 4.0767 in r3 = 5.0145 in r4 = 5.8152 in 3.3.1 Basic Linkage
I sketched the linkage in both INITIAL and FINAL positions to get an idea of the overall size, then cut a frame from heavy cardboard (an HP printer box, actually). After carefully locating points O2 and O4 on the cardboard, I measured and cut links 2, 3, and 4 from manila folder stock. Remember to leave a little extra length on links 2 and 4 for a pointer. I used thumbtacks to assemble everything. I should have taken a photo of it at this point (before I created the input and output scales, but I forgot. Heres a photo of the whole thing in Figure 3. The scales are discussed in the next section.
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but as yet there are no scales for x (motion of link 2) or y (motion of link 4). The nal step is to create scales which relate the range of the function independent and dependent variables to the angles of links 2 and 4, respectively. In a sense this a graphical version of the mapping of Section 2.2. Since that mapping is LINEAR, both input and output scales will also be LINEAR, with equal spacing between tic marks. All you must do is draw a scale such that the extremal angles of link 2 (10 and 70 ) match up with x = 1 and x = 2 on the x scale. Likewise the extremal angles of link 4 (260 and 350 ) match up with y = 1 and y = 0.25 on the y scale. Then subdivide each scale into convenient divisions. A closer view of my x and y scales are shown in Figure 4.
The function generator linkage was synthesized using only three points along the range, hence it is bound to have some structural error (theoretical dierence between the function produced by the linkage and the original mathematical function). To nd the structural error we need an EXACT model of the linkage, and a means to acquire accurate measurements of angles 2 and 4 . This is a PERFECT application for an ADAMS model! Well use ADAMS to simulate the linkage and acquire the data, and subsequent MATLAB processing to determine the structural error.
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ADAMS/View Simulation
The Problem
As discussed in class, there is a problem when creating the ADAMS/View simulation. If you create the ADAMS/View model at the initial positionusually by creating links 2 and 4, rotating them into position, then connecting them with link 3you will nd that the length of link 3 from ADAMS/View is DIFFERENT than that from the Freudenstein analysis in MATLAB. The problem is that there is ALWAYS error in the linkage EXCEPT at one of the three precision points. Therefore, one should really create the ADAMS/View model with the linkage at one of the precision points. The logical precision point to use is #2, which is at the midpoint of the range in x. 4.1.2 The Solution
To create the ADAMS/View model at the midpoint, do the following: 1. Find the midpoint of independent variable x: this is simply xm = xi + xf . In my example, this is xm = 1.5. 2 2. Using the mapping 2 = ax + b, nd the link 2 angle midpoint 2m .
3. Find the midpoint of dependent variable y: nd this using the function you are given: ym = f (xm ). 4. Using the mapping 4 = cy + d, nd the link 4 angle midpoint 4m . It will probably not be the midpoint between 4i and 4f . 5. Create links 2 and 4 in ADAMS/View, and rotate them into position using 2m and 4m . 6. Connect their endpoint markers with link 3. The length of this link should equal that from the Freudenstein MATLAB analysis. A screenshot of my ADAMS/View model is shown in Figure 5 below. The xed marker out to the right is part of a ANGLE MEASURE (discussed in the ADAMS Guide Section 6.2). Since this model was created at the midpoint, 2 = 40 and 4 = 326.6667 .
Construction of the model in this way is straightforward, however there is problem running the simulation: the linkage is not at the INITIAL position, its at the MIDPOINT!. How can you start from the initial position? The easiest way is to specity a Displacement Initial Condition when you specify the angular velocity of link 2. After you create the joints, you Modify joint 12 to give it an angular velocity. I typically use 2 rad/sec, since then the link will rotate 360 in 1 second, and simulation durations are easy to calculate. 10
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However, the window used for specifying this angulara velocity also gives you the opportunity for a Disp. I.C. which the key to our initial position. Simply set this Disp. I.C. to the value thatwhen added to the midpoint angle of link 2will result in the desired initial angle. For example, my 2m = 40 , but I want to start at 2i = 10 . So I want to apply a Disp. I.C. of 30 . See below:
When you start the simulation the linkage will instantly snap down to the new initial position and begin moving. If it doesnt, something is amiss. Then you must also set the simulation time duration such that it only moves through the range of the function. In my case I set the angular velocity of link 2 to be 2 = 2 rad/s (29)
so link 2 would make a full revolution in 1.00 second. The since I wish 2 to move through an arc of 60 (10 70 ) the time duration must be t = 1/6 (End Time or Duration) (30)
You should have ANGLE MEASURES (discussed in the ADAMS Guide Section ??) to record angles 2 and 4 . Although not necessary, it might be useful to plot these angles in the ADAMS/Postprocessor window; such a plot is shown in Figure 6. Note that this a plot in which 4 is plotted vs 2 , rather than time t. This is a data plot in the ADAMS/Postprocessor and you must click that button (after which you will be prompted for the variable to use for the horizontal axis). By the way, I had to add 180 to 4 to get the range I wanted, since ADAMS doesnt measure 4 like Figure 1. The whole purpose of creating the ADAMS/View model is to get accurate angle data from your actual synthesized linkage. These data will then be analyzed using a MATLAB function for structural error determination. 4.2.1 Linkage Data File
You should Export the Numeric Data (just 2 and 4 ) from the ADAMS/Postprocessor to a le. The procedure for exporting data is covered in the ADAMS Guide Section ?? When you open the le you will see the following:
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Theta 4 (deg)
Theta 2 (deg)
Figure 6: Plot of actual linkage 4 vs 2 . A. B. .plot_1.curve_1.x_data (deg) .plot_1.curve_1.y_data (deg) B 2.600000E+002 2.603948E+002 2.607884E+002 2.611808E+002 ... 3.502321E+002 3.502902E+002 3.503483E+002
You can see that the rst column goes from 10 to 70 as expected, while the second column goes from 260 to 350.3483 (instead of 350 exactly). There is the rst example of some error. 4.2.2 Formatting for MATLAB Processing
The le shown above cannot be imported into MATLAB directly. You must rst delete all the text that appears above the numerical data; that can be done with any text editor.
From text Section 11.8, Structural error is dened as the theoretical dierence between the function produced by the synthesized linkage and the function originally prescribed. The function originally prescribed is simply y = f (x), in this case it is y= 1 over the range 1 x 2 x2 (31)
The function produced by the synthesized linkage is related to the data in the le you exported (and to the plot of Figure 6. It is related by the inverse of the mapping we found in Section 2.2. This mapping is given by (13)(14), repeated below: 2 = ax + b 4 = cy + d 12
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Inverse Mapping
In Section 2.2 we used this mapping to go from (x, y) (2 , 4 ), now we need to go the other way. We must take the (2 , 4 ) data and nd the corresponding (x, y) data. This shouldnt be too dicult to gure out. 4.3.2 MATLAB Error Function
You should write a MATLAB function called error.m to calculate the percentage error over the entire range of motion. The syntax should be >> help struc_err function [x,y,ya] = struc_err(fn,data,c2,c4) computes the structural error of a four-bar function-generating mechanism. Function handle "fn" defines the prescribed mathematical function. Parameter "data" is a 2-column array with link 2 angle (DEG) in column 1, and link 4 angle (DEG) in column 2. Parameters "c2" and "c4" are the 2x1 arrays of scaling and bias coefficients which map from variable space to link angle space. The "structural error" is simply the difference between the actual function y values and the ones from the linkage. Returned vectors "x", "y", and "ys" are the function dependent variable, exact independent variable, and approximate independent variable (from your linkage). 4.3.3 Application to this Example
Using the ADAMS/View model of the four-bar with link lengths of p. 8 and the initial and nal angles for 2 and 4 from the last execution of freud() on p. 7, I exported the angle data from ADAMS/Postprocessor into an array called data. After editing out the text at the top of the le, I loaded it into MATLAB and began the error analysis as shown below (comments typed in after I pasted it here): >> [r,c2,c4] = freud(fn,xi,xf,10,70,260,350); % Do design, get c2 and c4 mapping parameters >> load data; % Load the numeric file containing theta_2 and theta_4 from ADAMS simulation >> [x,y,ya] = struc_err(fn,data,c2,c4); % Do error analysis using data, c2, c4 Now we have the exact (actual function) and approximate (my linkage) data. Plot of Exact and Approximate Results. We can plot both the exact and approximate results for dependent variable y versus independent variable x. The plot is shown in Figure 7. It looks like there is good agreement, although some error is evident. It is interesting to compare the plot of Figure 7 to that of Figure 6the curves are completely dierent! Thats due to the mapping between joint angle space (2 , 4 ) and function space (x, y).
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0.25 1
Plot of Percentage Error. More meaningful is a plot showing the % error of the function generator linkage. If you have exact vector variable y, approximate vector variable ya , you know that the % error is given by % error = y ya 100 y (32)
In MATLAB, you must perform an element-by-element operation (you cant divide one vector by another), using the dot prex like this: perror =((y-ya)./y)*100; The dot operator, when prexed to any MATLABbasic arithmetic operation, performs the operation element-byelement on the vector arguments. That is, it divides element i of the numerator vector by element i of the denominator vector, and returns a result the same length as the arguments. Very useful. The plot of % error is shown in Figure 8.
The synthesized linkage based on only three points has less than 1.2% error over the range of the function. Not bad!
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1.2 1
Max 1.16%
0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Min. 0.80%