TE As Proxy For Deep Ocean Atm Evolution
TE As Proxy For Deep Ocean Atm Evolution
TE As Proxy For Deep Ocean Atm Evolution
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Sedimentary pyrite formed in the water column, or during diagenesis in organic muds, provides an
Received 29 July 2013 accessible proxy for seawater chemistry in the marine rock record. Except for Mo, U, Ni and Cr,
Received in revised form 8 December 2013 surprisingly little is known about trace element trends in the deep time oceans, even though they
Accepted 15 December 2013
are critical to developing better models for the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere and evolutionary
Available online xxxx
pathways of life. Here we introduce a novel approach to simultaneously quantify a suite of trace elements
Editor: G. Henderson
in sedimentary pyrite from marine black shales. These trace element concentrations, at least in a first-
Keywords: order sense, track the primary elemental abundances in coeval seawater. In general, the trace element
palaeo-oceanography patterns show significant variation of several orders of magnitude in the Archaean and Phanerozoic,
sedimentary pyrite but less variation on longer wavelengths in the Proterozoic. Certain trace elements (e.g., Ni, Co, As,
trace elements Cr) have generally decreased in the oceans through the Precambrian, other elements (e.g., Mo, Zn, Mn)
ocean chemistry have generally increased, and a further group initially increased and then decreased (e.g., Se and U).
oxygenation proxy
These changes appear to be controlled by many factors, in particular: 1) oxygenation cycles of the Earth’s
ocean–atmosphere system, 2) the composition of exposed crustal rocks, 3) long term rates of continental
erosion, and 4) cycles of ocean anoxia. We show that Ni and Co content of seawater is affected by global
Large Igneous Province events, whereas redox sensitive trace elements such as Se and Mo are affected
by atmosphere oxygenation. Positive jumps in Mo and Se concentrations prior to the Great Oxidation
Event (GOE1, c. 2500 Ma) suggest pulses of oxygenation may have occurred as early as 2950 Ma. A flat to
declining pattern of many biologically important nutrient elements through the mid to late Proterozoic
may relate to declining atmosphere O2 , and supports previous models of nutrient deficiency inhibiting
marine evolution during this period. These trace elements (Mo, Se, U, Cu and Ni) reach a minimum in
the mid Cryogenian and rise abruptly toward the end of the Cryogenian marking the position of a second
Great Oxidation Event (GOE2).
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction of the global ocean (Holland, 1984; Anbar et al., 2007; Scott et
al., 2008; Partin et al., 2013). Most of the redox sensitive TE, as
Whole rock variation of trace elements (TE) — in particular Mo, well as multitude of other TE in black shales, are concentrated in
U, V, Cr and Ni — in black shales deposited in marine environments early-formed pyrite (Huerta-Diaz and Morse, 1992; Large et al.,
have been successfully used to interpret palaeo-redox conditions 2007, 2009; Gregory et al., in press). Laser Ablation-Inductively
on the ocean floor (Lyons et al., 2003; Tribovillard et al., 2006; Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICPMS) techniques devel-
Reinhard et al., 2013), including temporal changes in oxygenation oped to study zonation in the composition of pyrite (FeS2 ) in var-
ious ore systems (Danyushevsky et al., 2011) have demonstrated
how this information can be used to study potential sources of
* Corresponding author. metals (Meffre et al., 2008), track changes in the chemistry of hy-
E-mail address: ross.large@utas.edu.au (R.R. Large). drothermal fluids (Large et al., 2009), determine the evolution of
0012-821X/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
210 R.R. Large et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389 (2014) 209–220
Table 1
Summary of TE variations in the Archean and Proterozoic oceans based on sedimentary pyrite composition.
Eon/Era Trace elements enriched* in ocean Trace elements depleted* in ocean Little change in mean trace element
Across GOE2 (c. 660 Ma) Mo, Se, Zn, Cd, Ni, Co, As, Cu, Mn, Bi, Ba, W, Sn Ag, Cr, V, Tl
Hg, Pb, Sb, Te, U
Neoproterozoic to 660 Ma# Cu, Bi, Ba Mo, Zn, Ni, As, Se, Cd, Tl, Hg, Cr, Ag, Co, Mn, Pb, U, V, W, Sn
Sb, Te
Mesoproterozoic As, Tl Mo, Co, Mn, Hg, U, Cr, Ba, V, W, Te Zn, Ni, Se, Cd, Cu, Pb, Bi, Sn, Ag, Sb
Palaeoproterozoic Cu, Bi, U, Cr, V, W Mo, Zn, As, Cd, Co, Tl, Hg, Ba, Ag, Sb, Ni, Se, Mn, Pb, Sn
Across GOE1 (c. 2500 Ma) Mo, Se, Tl, Mn, U Zn, Cd, Ni, Co, As, Cu, Ag, Sb, Hg, Te, V, W
Pb, Bi, Cr, Ba, Sn
Archean Ni, As, Co, Cu, Hg, Bi, Cr, W, Sn, Sb, Te Mo, Zn, Se, Cd, Mn, U, Ba Tl, Pb, V, Ag
Compared with the range of average values through time (0 to 3.5 Ga).
Neoproterozoic prior to GOE2 (Tonian-Cryogenian).
that are stoichiometric in the pyrite structure (e.g., Co, Ni, As, Se) All LA-ICPMS analyses of pyrite were performed at the Cen-
tend to remain and even become enriched during metamorphism tre for Ore Deposit and Exploration Science (CODES), University of
(Large et al., 2007, 2011b). Tasmania (see Supplementary Information for LA-ICPMS method-
ology). LA-ICPMS element maps clearly show those TE that are
2.2. Sample selection, rationale and analysis evenly distributed through the pyrite (e.g., Se in Fig. 1e), com-
pared with those that are zoned (Cu, Fig. 1h), those with a
patchy distribution (As, Fig. 1i), and those dominated by inclusions
In this study, samples of sedimentary pyrite were selected on
(Mo and Zn, Fig. 1f–g). The time-resolved signal of an individ-
the basis of: (1) metamorphic grade of the host shale, (2) texture
ual LA-ICPMS analysis (Fig. 1k) provides information on the likely
of pyrite and (3) Co/Ni ratio of pyrite, as outlined below.
form of elements incorporation in the pyrite (Large et al., 2009;
Thomas et al., 2011). Removal of the effects of matrix micro-
1. Black shales of mid greenschist facies or below were chosen.
inclusions leads to the pyrite compositions measured on several
Post lithification metamorphism and/or hydrothermal activity
pyrite grains from the same black shale sample commonly exhibit-
leads to recrystallisation of earlier pyrite forms and commonly
ing a variation of less than one order of magnitude (ppm scale),
results in pyrite overgrowths with euhedral outer surfaces and
compared with the overall dataset variation of up to four orders of
well developed crystal growth zones with alternation of TE
magnitude for any given TE (see example in Supplementary Fig. 1).
chemistry (Large et al., 2009, 2013; Thomas et al., 2011). These
latter euhedral and zoned pyrite types have been studiously
avoided in this current study, as their chemistry reflects the 2.3. Proof of concept
composition and conditions of the metamorphic or hydrother-
mal fluids rather than the precursor seawater chemistry during Five separate lines of evidence support our contention that vari-
sedimentation. Samples with pyrrhotite were also rejected, as ations in the TE composition of early-formed sedimentary pyrite in
previous studies have shown a marked loss of TE during con- black shales are a good first order proxy for TE variations in the
version of pyrite to pyrrhotite (Thomas et al., 2011). ocean through time (Table 1). The physical/chemical connection
2. Pyrite was selected that retained textures indicative of syn- between early-formed sedimentary pyrite and seawater underpins
genesis or formation during early diagenesis. Textures indica- our first line of evidence. Syngenetic pyrite which forms in eu-
tive of diagenetic pyrite include; framboids, microcrystalline xinic water columns adsorbs TE from the seawater (Huerta-Diaz
pyrite in clouds in the shale, microcrystalline pyrite aligned and Morse, 1992) is an obvious proxy for seawater TE chem-
parallel to bedding, small cubic euhedral and bladed crystals, istry (Berner et al., 2013). However, diagenetic pyrite in anoxic to
small porous patches and rounded or elongate zoned nod- dysoxic bottom water conditions forms by biogenic reduction of
ules (Fig. 1a–d) (Huerta-Diaz and Morse, 1992; Large et al., sulfate in the pore waters of seafloor muds within the first few
2007, 2009; Guy et al., 2010). Pyrite textures indicative of centimetres of the seafloor (Wilkin et al., 1996). In this environ-
metamorphic and/or hydrothermal growth, including medium ment the muds contain from 60 to 85% seawater (Baldwin and But-
and large sized euhedral crystals (>1 mm), clear crystals with- ler, 1985; Harrold et al., 1999) and thus ensure a strong connection
out inclusions, and pyrite which cuts across the bedding as between pyrite chemistry and seawater chemistry, even though
blebs or veins, were not selected for analysis. Textural dis- sedimentary clays and organic matter are likely to play a role in
crimination between diagenetic and metamorphic pyrite tex- partitioning TE into pyrite. The seawater content of seafloor muds
tures was assisted by etching pyrite with nitric acid (Large remains over 40% in the top 100 to 200 m (Baldwin and Butler,
et al., 2007), coupled with the LA-ICPMS mapping technique 1985) and thus diagenetic pyrites forming at considerable depth
when required (Fig. 1e–j, Supplementary Fig. 7) (Large et al., will maintain a seawater connection influenced by matrix interac-
2009, 2013; Thomas et al., 2011). tions. The significance of matrix/pore water interaction in effecting
3. Chemical screening of the pyrite was undertaken following LA- a change in sedimentary pyrite chemistry can be evaluated from
ICPMS analysis. On a Co versus Ni plot, samples which showed data on pyrite TE depth profiles in recent sedimentary environ-
a linear array parallel to Co/Ni = 1, and with Co/Ni < 2 were ments from Huerta-Diaz and Morse (1990, 1992). Their data, col-
selected as suitable. This is based on previous work (Bajwah lected from a range of anoxic to euxinic sedimentary environments
et al., 1987; Large et al., 2009) that have shown diagenetic in the Gulf of Mexico, shows that most TE in sedimentary pyrite
pyrite commonly has Co/Ni 2, whereas hydrothermal pyrite increase with depth from 0 up to 100 cm depth. However, the in-
has higher Co values that trend away from the Co/Ni = 1 line. crease is variable, depending on sedimentary environment and the
More than 80% of our data was deemed acceptable on this ba- TE measured, and is commonly in the range of 1.4 to 6 times (less
sis. than one order of magnitude), compared to the 2 to 4 orders of
212 R.R. Large et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389 (2014) 209–220
Fig. 2. a, Changes in mean LA-ICPMS analyses of Mo, As, Ni, Co and Se in the paragenetic stages of sedimentary pyrite from the Neoproterozoic Khomolkho Formation, Siberia
from Large et al. (2007). Py1 = syngenetic to early diagenetic pyrite; py2 = early diagenetic pyrite; py3 = late diagenetic pyrite; py4 = metamorphic pyrite; py5 = late
metamorphic pyrite; pyrrhotite = late metamorphic pyrrhotite replacing pyrite. b, Range in TE content (Se, As, Ni and Mo) plotted against pyrite framboid size for a Late
Permian black shale from the Perth Basin, Western Australia. The range in individual TE for each framboid size is similar.
magnitude variation exhibited by sedimentary pyrite in our sam- The third line of evidence, based on our framboid data from
ples from different epochs and eras through time. the Perth Basin in Late Permian marine black shales (Thomas
The second line of evidence comes from a study of the LA- et al., 2004) shows there is no substantial difference in the TE
ICPMS composition of a range of different textural and paragenetic (range ppm) of small (5 μm) syngenetic framboids, compared
pyrite types, from syngenetic, through diagenetic to metamorphic, with larger (6 to 35 μm) pyrite framboids (Fig. 2b). All sizes of
in the Neoproterozoic Khomolkho Formation in the Lena Gold- framboids in this Late Permian black shale sample show similar TE
field, Siberia (Large et al., 2007). This study demonstrated a general contents (40 to 800 ppm Ni and As; 3 to 80 Mo and Se; Fig. 2b)
trend of steady to decreasing mean TE content in pyrite with time, suggesting that early-formed sedimentary pyrite is a first order
from syngenetic to diagenetic to metamorphic through the para- recorder of TE variations irrespective of its framboid size and mode
genesis (Fig. 2a). The changes during diagenesis for all five TE are of origin (syngenetic or diagenetic).
substantially less than one order of magnitude. This suggests that The fourth line of evidence is exhibited in Fig. 3, which demon-
the first order (2 to 4 orders of magnitude) temporal changes are strates a first order positive relationship between the LA-ICPMS TE
unlikely to relate to diagenesis in the seafloor muds, but more composition of sedimentary pyrite from an actively forming sed-
likely reflect the changes in TE content of seawater within and imentary basin the Cariaco Basin on the Venezuela shelf (Lyons
overlying the muds. et al., 2003; Piper and Perkins, 2004), and the TE composition of
R.R. Large et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389 (2014) 209–220 213
The final proof of concept for the approach proposed here in-
volves comparing our data on the TE composition of pyrite with
the TE content of whole rock black shale samples, particularly
for Mo, which is commonly used to interpret palaeo-ocean con-
ditions and changes in oxygenation of the atmosphere/ocean sys-
tem through time (Lyons et al., 2003; Tribovillard et al., 2006;
Scott et al., 2008). A small group of black shale samples from the
Devonian Popovich Formation, Nevada, reveal similar down-hole
trends (Fig. 4); those TE concentrated in pyrite such as Mo and
Se are commonly between 10 to 100 times the whole rock value,
depending on the percentage of sedimentary pyrite and organic
matter in the sample.
In order to evaluate the deep time variability of TE in sedimen-
tary pyrite in black shales, we compare Mo data on whole rock
euxinic and/or organic-rich black shales from Scott et al. (2008)
with our data on the Mo content of sedimentary pyrite in black
shales over the same time interval (Fig. 5a and b). The two data
patterns are remarkably similar, with several times more Mo in
Fig. 3. Positive correlation (large dashed field) between mean TE concentrations in pyrite compared with the whole rock values, even though Mo is
current ocean and mean TE concentrations in modern sedimentary pyrite from Cari- present both in the sedimentary matrix and in the sedimentary
aco Basin. Vanadium, U and Ba do not fall in the same field as the other traces, as pyrite (Fig. 1) (Chappaz et al., 2014). A second comparison is made
they are concentrated in non-sulfide inclusions within the pyrite.
with the Ni/Fe ratio measured on whole rocks and minerals in ma-
rine Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) (Konhauser et al., 2009) (Fig. 5c
and d). Again the two datasets show similar patterns, although the
Konhauser et al. (2009) plot contains no Phanerozoic data due to
the lack of BIFs in this era. In summary, our pyrite TE plots have
reproduced the temporal trends in the previous whole rock data
and confirm the value of sedimentary pyrite as a proxy for deep
time variations of TE in the oceans.
Fig. 5. Comparison of published data on temporal variation in whole rock Mo and Ni analyses on black shales and BIFs with LA-ICPMS analyses of sedimentary pyrite in black
shales. a, Mo whole rock black shale data from Scott et al. (2008) and b, Mo in sedimentary pyrite derived from this study. c, Ni/Fe whole rock and mineral data from BIFs
(Konhauser et al., 2009) and d, Ni in sedimentary pyrite derived from this study.
All TE show high frequency and high amplitude variations through (Trend 2) shows a similar pattern to Ni, but with more varia-
the Phanerozoic suggesting geologically rapid changes in ocean tion (Fig. 6d). Most of the segments on the time curve when Ni
chemistry over this latter period of Earth history. It should be em- and Co in pyrite exceeds 1000 ppm and 500 ppm respectively,
phasised that the four trends discussed above are a first attempt to overlap with episodes of Large Igneous Province (LIP) eruptions of
group the data, but in fact each TE shows its own individual pat- mafic lavas and associated intrusives, both subareal and submarine
tern (Supplementary Figs. 3 and 5), that is probably controlled by (Prokoph et al., 2004) (Fig. 7). The komatiitic LIPs of the Archaean
a number of factors, which are beyond the scope of analysis here. are particularly enriched in Ni and Co, and thus contributed to the
A brief discussion of the temporal trends of the five TE shown in sustained high levels of Ni and Co to the global oceans and sed-
Fig. 6, and comparison between these pyrite TE trends and those imentary pyrite (Fig. 7). The highest Phanerozoic Ni and Co were
previously published for whole rock datasets follows below. measured in sedimentary pyrite of 250 Ma from the Perth Basin
Molybdenum (Trend 1) is a conservative TE in the current Western Australia; values up to 48,000 ppm Ni and 16,000 Co
ocean, present as the soluble MoO4 = species (Helz et al., 1996). were recorded, indicating the likelihood of widespread enrichment
The general rise in the Mo time curve (Fig. 6b) is attributed to of the global ocean in Ni and Co due to the Siberian Trap erup-
oxygenation of the atmosphere, particularly in the Neoarchean and tions. It is noteworthy that these Siberian eruptions are associated
Phanerozoic, leading to increased continental oxidative weathering with the largest nickel ore bodies on Earth, Norilsk and Talnack.
such that supply of Mo to the oceans exceeded the drawdown Arsenic (Trend 2) (Fig. 6e) also exhibits a declining trend
into seafloor sediments (Anbar et al., 2007; Scott et al., 2008; through the Precambrian. However, the As pattern has two seg-
Dahl et al., 2011). Our time curve shows that Mo in pyrite com- ments; 1) a continuous decrease from a mean of 5000 to 300 ppm
menced at a relatively low 0.5 to 1 ppm at 3500 Ma and increased in pyrite over the period 3000 to 1800 Ma; 2) followed by a rise to
through a series of steps to reach 10 to 70 ppm at 1000 Ma. The 10,000 ppm at 1400 Ma and fall to the Cryogenian TE trough, ris-
step up at around 2500 Ma likely corresponds to the Great Oxi- ing again at GOE2 around 660 Ma. The cause for the sharp decline
dation Event (GOE1) (Farquhar et al., 2001; Holland, 2006) when in As through Late Archean and Early Proterozoic is not source-
appreciable O2 first accumulated in the atmosphere. In the Neo- rock controlled, as unlike Ni and Co, As is not enriched in ultra-
proterozoic there is a trough in the Mo time curve (referred to as mafic or mafic rocks (Reimann and Caritat, 1998), and alternative
the Cryogenian TE trough hereafter) that concludes with the Stur- As-bearing Archean source rocks are not known. A possible expla-
tian glaciation and proposed Snowball Earth (Hoffman et al., 1998). nation for the As trend relates to the fact that As forms a soluble
A rapid rise corresponding to a second Great Oxidation Event (re- arsenate complex (HAsO24− ) in oxic to anoxic ocean conditions and
ferred to here as GOE2) occurred during the Neoproterozoic when soluble polysulfide complex (H2 As3 S− 6 ) in euxinic ocean conditions
oxygen rose to significant levels that ultimately supported the rise (see Supplementary Table 5). Thus higher levels of volatile ele-
of animal diversity. Our TE data suggests a threshold was reached ments, S and As, associated with a degassing Earth in the Archean,
by 660 Ma, earlier than recent estimates that place this event ei- may have contributed to stable arsenic polysulfide complexes in
ther shortly after the Marinoan Glaciation (630 Ma) (Sahoo et al., the mainly H2 S-bearing Archean ocean, which declined in concen-
2012) or prior to the late Ediacaran (580–550 Ma) (Fike et al., tration through the Early Proterozoic as H2 S levels in the ocean
2006; Canfield et al., 2007; Scott et al., 2008). dropped and As was drawn-down into seafloor pyrite. An increase
Nickel (Trend 2) is a nutrient TE present as Ni2+ in the mod- in As through the Mesoproterozoic (Fig. 6e) supports a switch to
ern ocean. The Ni time curve (Fig. 6c) shows an overall decrease anoxic conditions as the SO24− /H2 S ratio of the ocean continued to
through the Precambrian to 660 Ma, but most of the drop oc- increase, followed by an As decline as euxinic conditions took hold
curs in the Archaean, decreasing from around 2500–10,000 ppm to again in the Neoproterozoic (Poulton and Canfield, 2011).
just under 1000 ppm through the Palaeoproterozoic. This pattern, Selenium (Trend 3) (Fig. 6f), like Mo, is sourced from the ox-
also seen in Ni/Fe ratio in BIFs (Fig. 5c), is attributed to cooling idative weathering of continental pyrite, with release of selenite
upper mantle and decreased eruption of Ni-rich komatiite ultra- and selenate species (SeO23− and SeO24− ; see Supplementary Fig. 6),
mafic rocks from about 2700 Ma (Konhauser et al., 2009). Cobalt which accumulate in the ocean. Selenium is a nutrient TE, with
R.R. Large et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389 (2014) 209–220 215
Fig. 6. a–f, Temporal trends of Mo, Ni, Co, As and Se measured by LA-ICPMS analysis of sedimentary pyrite in black shales. Each symbol represents a single pyrite analysis in
(a). The curves presented in (b–f) are derived from a 19 point rolling mean (or moving average).
significant biological uptake and eventual accumulation on the 3.1. Selenium as a proxy for deep time atmosphere–ocean oxygenation
seafloor in both organic matter and by substitution for S in sedi-
mentary pyrite (Diener and Neumann, 2011; Mitchell et al., 2012). In Fig. 8 we compare the temporal trend of Se in pyrite with
Se shows strong narrow peaks around 3000 and 2500 Ma, rising to Mo, U and Cr, three of the commonly employed whole rock
a flat trend between 2500 and 1700 Ma, with a major perturbation proxies for atmosphere–ocean oxygenation (Anbar et al., 2007;
Scott et al., 2008; Partin et al., 2013; Reinhard et al., 2013). All
from 1800 to 1300 Ma, then declines to a trough at 900 to 660
four redox-sensitive TE show related trends through the Archean
Ma, before rising again at GOE2. The stoichiometric substitution
and Proterozoic.
of Se for S in pyrite, its homogeneous distribution in sedimentary
The temporal trend of U (Fig. 8c) is broadly similar to Se
pyrite (Fig. 1e, Supplementary Fig. 7), high enrichment in pyrite
(Fig. 8b), stepping up through the late Archean and Early Protero-
versus the black shale matrix (Supplementary Table 4), low vari- zoic to a broad peak around 1700–1400 Ma, and then decreasing
ability in pyrite from the same sample (Supplementary Fig. 1), and into the Cryogenian TE trough from 1000 to 660 Ma. The broad U
tendency to remain in pyrite even after significant recrystallisation peak around the mid Proterozoic may relate to the abundance of
(Large et al., 2007; Thomas et al., 2011), indicate the Se content hot U-bearing granites in the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic (Wilson
of sedimentary pyrite may be a superior oxygenation proxy com- and Akerblom, 1982; Wyborn et al., 1992) that would have pre-
pared to other commonly used proxies, as further discussed be- sented an enriched source rock of U for the contemporary oceans.
low. Chromium (Fig. 8d), like Ni and Co (Fig. 7), is elevated in the
216 R.R. Large et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389 (2014) 209–220
Fig. 7. Intervals of major LIPs (Prokoph et al., 2004), juxtaposed with the time curves
for Co and Ni. Most highs for Ni and Co in sedimentary pyrite coincide with the
periods of high numbers of LIPs (green bars). The extreme minimum in Ni and Co
around 400 Ma is a good match for a period of minimum LIP activity from 300 to
500 Ma, whereas the maximum at 250 Ma matches the Siberian Trap LIP eruptions.
Fig. 9. Schematic of the major findings of this paper related to redox sensitive TE variations and oxygenation of the ocean–atmosphere. The red line is the estimated
oxygenation curve based on the Se content of sedimentary pyrite. The baseline % PAL (Present Atmospheric Level) is from Sahoo et al. (2012).
proterozoic (Canfield, 1998) nutrient TE would be scarce, thus lim- data, and these previous estimates, we speculate that atmospheric
iting the ecological distribution of eukaryotic algae and adversely O2 may have decreased from a level around 10–20% PAL at 1800
effecting marine evolution. Our data on the biologically important Ma to the Cryogenian TE trough at 1–5% PAL between 800 and 660
nutrient TE (Mo, Zn, Co, Cd, Se, Ni, Ag, Mn, U, V and Cr; Sup- Ma (Fig. 9).
plementary Figs. 3–5) supports this hypothesis and shows that
although these TE exhibit various trends in detail, they all show 4. Strengths, weaknesses and caveats of sedimentary pyrite
a relative depletion from 1200 to 700 Ma compared to their early proxies for ocean chemistry
Phanerozoic values, and in most cases their Neoarchean to Palaeo-
proterozoic values. For the redox sensitive TE that are employed The TE variation in sedimentary pyrite, determined by LA-
as atmosphere–ocean oxygenation proxies, Mo, U, Cr and Se there ICPMS, has the potential to enable the development of sev-
are two possible causes for these trends; (1) low values of these eral ocean–atmosphere proxies through time including: ocean TE
TE represent gradual drawdown of these elements in a predom- chemistry, ocean pH, ocean sulfate content, ocean–atmosphere
inantly sulfidic deep ocean (Anbar and Knoll, 2002; Reinhard et oxygenation, ocean anoxic events, ocean productivity and ocean
al., 2013), with limited renewal by continental erosion due to low hydrothermal activity. Although there are strengths associated with
levels of tectonic activity over the period 1800 to 700 Ma. Atmo- this approach, there are also several weaknesses and caveats.
spheric oxygen remains constant in this scenario (Canfield, 2005;
4.1. Strengths
Holland, 2006) Alternatively, (2) the decline in these redox sensi-
tive TE signal a gradual decrease in atmosphere oxygenation from
Sedimentary pyrite concentrates many of the redox sensitive
1800 to 800 Ma, with the lowest O2 levels forming the Cryoge-
and nutrient TE, in particular, Se, Mo, Cu, Ni, Ag, As, Cd, Co, Mn, Sb
nian TE trough between 800 and 660 Ma, prior to the rise at
well above their content in the sedimentary matrix of black shales
GOE2. Other workers (Shen et al., 2003; Planavsky et al., 2011;
(Fig. 4, Supplementary Information). This means, that by using the
Poulton and Canfield, 2011; Partin et al., 2013) provide evidence LA-ICPMS technique, the minimum (down to ppb levels) and max-
for sustained low levels of O2 during the mid Proterozoic, although imum (over wt% levels) of TE in pyrite can be measured accurately,
none have suggested a significant O2 decline during this period. enabling proxies for both maximum and minimum levels of TE in
In considering these two scenarios, there is little evidence to the oceans to be developed. This has not been previously possible.
support a static tectonic regime, as this period of the middle to late The LA-ICPMS technique used here enables 22 TE to be analysed
Proterozoic saw the amalgamation (1300–1000 Ma) and breakup simultaneously. This enables the trends of a suite of redox sensi-
(900–700 Ma) of the super continent Rodinia (Li et al., 2008; tive elements (e.g., Mo, Se, Cu, U and Cr) to be compared on the
Condie et al., 2011). Active erosion during these events would same sample set. Furthermore, TE in both the pyrite and sedimen-
involve a continuous supply of nutrient TE to the oceans. How- tary matrix are quantified, and thus TE concentrated in the matrix,
ever the normalised 87 Sr/86 Sr curve of riverine runoff compared (e.g., U, V, W, Sn and Ba) can also be tracked through time.
with mantle influence (Shields, 2007), indicates a decline in ero- Pyrite analyses involve only one mineral, and thus there are less
sive supply of Sr which parallels the Se and U time curves. On complications than whole rock analyses of black shales, where TE
the other hand, low O2 may have caused the nutrient deficiency, are partitioned amongst a number of minerals and organic matter,
which is corroborated by carbon isotope evidence for low pro- of varying proportions, plus seawater and pore fluids. Sedimentary
ductivity (Anbar and Knoll, 2002). Canfield (2005) suggests that pyrite forms in black shales from sub-oxic to euxinic environments,
atmospheric oxygen rose to a level of 5 to 10% Present Atmo- and thus sampling is not restricted to a particular redox facies in
spheric Level (PAL) around 1800 Ma and remained constant until order to apply the technique. This enables a much larger popula-
about 700 Ma. Planavsky et al. (2011) suggest a lower level of 1 to tion of black shales to be included in deep time research. A de-
10% PAL throughout the Meso- and Neoproterozoic. Based on our tailed petrographic study of sedimentary pyrite allows the effects
218 R.R. Large et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389 (2014) 209–220
of late diagenesis, metamorphism and hydrothermal overprints to may contain diagenetic nodules or partially recrystallised fram-
be fully assessed and thus avoided in sample selection. boids. Great care is required to record the textural and paragenetic
changes in pyrite in order to undertake analyses on the early-
4.2. Weaknesses formed pyrite or their partially recrystallised equivalents.
In order to place pyrite TE analyses in a temporal context, high
Sedimentary pyrite develops both in the water column (syn- quality geochronology is required. For Phanerozoic samples, fossil
genetic) and in the sea floor muds (diagenetic), and yet the tech- assemblages can yield detailed chronological resolution. In Pre-
nique proposed here does not take into account the modification cambrian settings, the U–Pb analysis of zircon can provide high
of seawater TE chemistry by interaction with minerals, other than quality constraints on the timing of eruption of tuffs and/or max-
pyrite, in the muds. Our analyses are a mixture of syngenetic and imum depositional ages for silt- and sand-dominated strata that
early diagenetic framboidal pyrites plus nodular pyrites that de- may be interbedded with black shale sequences. U-bearing au-
veloped during late diagenesis, probably several meters below the thigenic mineral phases also provide at least a minimum age of
seafloor. Diagenetic nodular pyrite that forms during late diagen- deposition of the host rocks, and in some cases may date diagen-
esis, commonly contains lower TE concentrations (Fig. 2; Large et esis. Where available, we have preferred chronological constraints
al., 2007), but no more than an order of magnitude less than syn- based on these techniques in order to minimise uncertainties re-
genetic and early diagenetic pyrite in the same sedimentary unit. lated to whole rock dating methods, however the age resolution
and uncertainties vary significantly (Supplementary Table 2). A ma-
We argue that seawater is the principal component of pore flu-
jor caveat of any temporal analysis such as this is the accuracy and
ids, and as framboidal pyrite develops in the top few centimetres
resolution of chronological constraints.
of the muds, when seawater is >60% of the muds, then a strong
chemical connection between pyrite and seawater is maintained.
5. Conclusions
These same assumptions apply in the use of strontium, carbon and
oxygen isotopes of sedimentary carbonate as a proxy for their re-
The use of sedimentary pyrite as a proxy for TE trends in
spective isotope variations in the palaeo-ocean (Veizer et al., 1999;
the palaeo-ocean has opened a new window into deep time, and
Shields and Veizer, 2002).
presents exciting possibilities. Several lines of evidence indicate
The TE in early formed (syngenetic and early diagenetic) pyrite
that for any particular black shale depositional environment, syn-
can be strongly modified by later diagenetic, metamorphic or hy-
genetic pyrite that forms in the water column and diagenetic pyrite
drothermal processes and thus have little relationship to the orig-
that forms in the top few meters of the seawater-saturated muds,
inal seawater chemistry. This is a major issue, especially for those
will have a similar first order TE composition that relates to the
elements loosely held in the pyrite structure, such as Mo (Chappaz
TE composition of the seawater at that time. Processes during di-
et al., 2014). However, the approach proposed here is to under-
agenesis do not substantially change the mean first order TE con-
take petrographic studies of pyrite textures in order to screen out
tent of sedimentary pyrite. However, metamorphic processes that
samples with evidence of metamorphic and hydrothermal influ-
cause recrystallisation of pyrite and conversion to pyrrhotite at
ences (e.g., Thomas et al., 2011). Selenium in pyrite is very robust
moderate to high metamorphic grades, may be accompanied by
to metamorphic influences and is the best of the redox sensitive TE
major changes in many TE concentrations. Therefore, this study
(Fig. 9). Black shales and associated pyrite are of little use as sea-
has concentrated on early-formed (syngenetic to diagenetic) pyrite
water proxies for samples above middle greenschist facies due to
and avoided samples with obvious metamorphic or hydrothermal
major TE exchange with metamorphic fluids (Pitcairn et al., 2006;
pyrite and/or pyrrhotite.
Large et al., 2011b).
Our data suggest that for most TE, temporal variations in con-
Our data indicate a wide variation in the TE content of sedi-
centration have been over 2 to 4 orders of magnitude. The concen-
mentary pyrite from the same sample. However, many TE show a
trations of some TE, like Ni, Co and Cr, generally decrease through
variation of less than one to two orders of magnitude. This degree
time, but with significant variation, commonly related to changes
of variation could be considered to relate to ocean TE variation,
in the composition of the exposed crust. Other redox sensitive TE
or to the inherent variability of syngenetic and early diagenetic
like Mo and Se, generally increase through time, and are princi-
pyrite, and the effects of diagenesis and low-grade metamorphism.
pally controlled by oxygenation trends in the ocean–atmosphere
The variation of one order of magnitude in a single sample is
significantly less that the variation of up to 4 orders of magni-
A schematic diagram of our major findings is given in Fig. 9.
tude in the full dataset through time. Studies on single drill core
This figure uses the Se content of sedimentary pyrite as a proxy for
(Supplementary Fig. 1) show the variation in individual samples
variations in atmosphere oxygenation. This proxy is based on the
compared to the mean variation through a stratigraphic section,
premise that oxidative weathering of pyrite in continental rocks
and clearly demonstrate that robust trends in the TE are related to leads to the release of selenium as both the selenate and selen-
stratigraphic position. ite species. Under neutral to alkaline oxygenated conditions the
In addition to the concentrations of TE in seawater, a number selenate species remains highly soluble, where it can be read-
of other factors may have an effect on the TE content of diage- ily transported via river systems to the ocean. However under
netic pyrite, including; the matrix composition of the sediment, low oxygen conditions, continental weathering releases little sol-
the amount of pyrite produced, pH of pore fluids, degree of biopro- uble Se, because the reduced forms of Se (selenide, elemental Se0
ductivity and preferred electron acceptors. Although these factors and organo-selenium complexes) are relatively insoluble. Thus sig-
are assumed here to have a second order effect, they each need nificant increases in atmospheric oxygen, accompanied by active
further evaluation. erosion, can lead to a major increase in the supply of soluble Se
to the ocean, to be subsequently trapped in sedimentary pyrite in
4.3. Caveats seafloor muds.
The Se curve derived from sedimentary pyrite, along with
The most coherent TE data on early-formed sedimentary pyrite curves for other redox sensitive TE (e.g., Mo, U, Tl, Mn, Cd, Ag),
is obtained by the analysis of pyrite framboids, and these must be show significant increases in TE abundance of one to two orders
the first priority in any analytical strategy. However many black of magnitude at GOE1 and GOE2 (Fig. 9). However our data for
shales of greenschist facies do not contain framboidal pyrite, but some TE shows sharp rises prior to GOE1, suggesting pulses of
R.R. Large et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389 (2014) 209–220 219
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