PII: S0016-7037(17)30471-4
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2017.08.004
Reference: GCA 10409
Please cite this article as: Cole, D.B., Zhang, S., Planavsky, N.J., A new estimate of detrital redox-sensitive metal
concentrations and variability in fluxes to marine sediments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2017), doi: http://
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A new estimate of detrital redox-sensitive metal concentrations and variability in
Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Corresponding Author: Devon Cole, Devon.Cole@yale.edu (617) 823-3950
The enrichment and depletion of redox sensitive trace metals in marine sediments have
been used extensively as paleoredox proxies. The trace metals in shale are comprised of
constituents, potentially complicating the use of this suite of proxies. Untangling the
and isotopic signals of iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), uranium (U), and vanadium (V)
observed in the rock record. Traditionally, a single crustal average is used as a cutoff for
detrital input, and concentrations above or below this value are interpreted as redox
study of soils across the continental United States – which upon transport will become
marine sediments – and their elemental concentrations, we find large deviations from
detrital tracers (Al, Ti, Sc, Th) and provide new estimates for detrital contributions to the
ocean. The variability in these elemental ratios is present over large areas, comparable to
the catchment-size of major rivers around the globe. This heterogeneity in detrital flux
highlights the need for a reevaluation of how the detrital contribution is assessed in trace
metal studies, and the use of confidence intervals rather than single average values,
1. Introduction
Enrichments of transition metals in marine sediments, such as Cr, V, U, Mo, and Fe,
are some of the most widely used redox proxies in modern and ancient sedimentary
systems (e.g., Tribovillard et al., 2006). The basic idea behind using these trace elements
conditions. With Cr, V, U, and Mo (herein referred to redox sensitive trace metals),
increased solubility in oxic conditions results in large metal enrichments under oxygen-
poor conditions. Iron, though the system is slightly more complex, is also typically
enriched in anoxic sediments as the result of a benthic shuttle from reducing sediments
underlying oxic waters and an efficient Fe trap in anoxic settings (e.g., Lyons and
Severmann, 2006). Mobilization of redox sensitive trace metals occurs during oxidative
chemical weathering at Earth’s surface, and subsequent riverine transport to the ocean.
Upon entering reducing conditions in the marine system, in either the water column or
the sediment pile, these metals can be reduced and or converted to more insoluble particle
reactive phases (e.g., Algeo and Maynard, 2004), resulting in precipitation and
sequestration within the sediment. Because solubility is linked to redox state, metal
enrichments in sediments have the potential to act as a very powerful tracer of past redox
Redox sensitive trace metals enrichments have also been used extensively to explore
global marine redox conditions (e.g., Algeo, 2004; Partin et al., 2013; Reinhard et al.,
2013; Scott et al., 2008). The dissolved marine reservoir size of redox sensitive trace
metals is directly linked to the global marine redox landscape (e.g., Algeo, 2004;
Emerson and Huested, 1991; Hastings et al., 1996). Assuming a constant input term, in a
well oxygenated ocean the size of the dissolved marine redox sensitive metal reservoir is
larger than in an anoxic ocean due to inhibited marine burial under oxic conditions. This
results in large metal enrichments in the few anoxic regions of a well-oxygenated ocean
and small enrichments in anoxic settings in a largely anoxic ocean (see Reinhard et al.,
2013; Scott et al., 2008). One of the major appeals of this approach is that these
enrichments can be directly translated into a quantitative mass balance models (e.g.,
More recently, this approach has been taken a step further with the use of redox
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sensitive metal isotope systems (e.g., δ Cr, δ Mo, δ U). Beyond enrichments, isotopic
data can provide much more detailed information about the surface cycling of these
elements and potentially the nature of the reductive sinks (i.e., euxinic, ferruginous,
suboxic). These systems are also appealing as they can be translated into quantitative
isotope mass balances, which have led to substantial insights into the evolution of global
redox conditions (e.g., Arnold et al., 2004; Dahl et al., 2010; Kendall et al., 2011; Tissot
and Dauphas, 2015; Wang et al., 2016a; Wang et al., 2016c; Weyer et al., 2008). It
should be recognized however, that a detrital correction has to be applied for many
potential seawater archives, thus first requiring recognition of the potential for variation
Chromium, vanadium, and uranium are emerging isotope proxies of particular interest
as they have the potential to transform our understanding of variable redox systems.
Acknowledgment of the heterogeneity in the detrital input of these metals is critical in for
the quantification of authigenic isotope signals, and for the recognition of small but
potentially provide a unique signal for weakly reducing (suboxic) or oscillating redox
conditions, as these two elements are the most easily reduced of the redox-sensitive suite
of trace metals (Algeo and Maynard, 2004; Calvert and Pedersen, 1993; Li et al., 2015b).
Chromium can be reduced via nitrate reduction, making it the most easily reduced of the
traditional suite of trace metals (Gueguen et al., 2016; Rue et al., 1997). Vanadium also
has unique redox behavior as it can be reduced twice, and can be sourced from suboxic
sediments (Calvert and Pedersen, 1993; Hastings et al., 1996). In the case of Cr, small
these could likely be revealed with isotopic analyses, which would distinguish an
deposition under an oxidizing earth atmosphere). The V isotope system is also likely to
provide a unique signature of suboxic conditions, making both of these systems critically
Earth’s oceans.
Although there have been, without question, large steps forward in our understanding
of marine redox evolution from trace metal geochemistry, uncertainties about the
conditions at the time of deposition have been problematic and may have led, in some
cases, to spurious conclusions from redox sensitive trace metal studies. The detrital
detrital value must be established for paleoredox proxies of interest, in order to resolve
assessment of this authigenic component – the target of both enrichment and isotopic
All redox-sensitive trace elements are delivered to the ocean in both dissolved form
and as detrital particulate material. For some metals, such as molybdenum (Mo), there is
a very small detrital component, in most cases making redox interpretations robust with
respect to, and regardless of, changing background detrital input (Crusius et al., 1996).
(i.e., dithio-, trithio-, tetrathiomolybdate), though each successive step is roughly one
order of magnitude slower (Erickson and Helz, 2000; Helz et al., 1996). Thus,
enrichments are strongly tied to sulfide levels and the presence of persistent euxinia
(Erickson and Helz, 2000; Scott and Lyons, 2012). Other redox-sensitive metals, such as
Cr and V, have the potential to be much more easily reduced, and thus function as more
sensitive indicators of reducing environments (Algeo and Maynard, 2004; Rue et al.,
1997). Similarly, U also responds to all reducing conditions, though reduction occurs
primarily in the sediment column (Algeo and Maynard, 2004). Unfortunately, Cr and V,
in particular, have a very large detrital component, adding significant complexity to the
(background detrital input) (e.g., Perkins et al., 2008). Indeed, the majority of transition
metals used in redox studies (i.e., Fe, Cr, V, U) have a substantial detrital component
(e.g., Algeo, 2004; Reinhard et al., 2013; Sahoo et al., 2012), requiring careful
Understanding the average composition of the crust has been the focus of numerous
studies since as early as the late 19th century, eventually expanding to estimates of
average crustal trace element values (e.g., Clarke, 1889; Condie, 1993; Eade and Fahrig,
1971; Gao et al., 1998; Goldschmidt, 1937; Kamber et al., 2005; Rudnick and Gao, 2014;
Shaw et al., 1967; Taylor and McLennan, 1985; Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961;
Wedepohl, 1995). Broadly, there are two basic approaches used to make these estimates –
either calculating weighted average values for rocks exposed on Earth’s surface (e.g.,
sedimentary rocks or glacial deposits which sample the crust (e.g., Goldschmidt 1937;
Taylor and McLennan, 1985). The strengths and weaknesses of each of these studies and
the level of consistency between them is discussed at length by Rudnick and Gao (2014),
who, present their own best estimate of average crustal composition which we refer to
throughout this study. It should be noted however, that non-negligible variation remains
overall consistency of these numerous studies, none of the work outlined above provides
working on a basinal or local scale, or in the case of small but non-negligible authigenic
enrichments. The latter is particularly pertinent in both the Precambrian and in restricted
basins, where the marine reservoir of metals such as Cr, U, and V is already depleted due
to widespread anoxic waters (Algeo, 2004; Algeo and Rowe, 2012; Partin et al., 2013;
Reinhard et al., 2013). Further, at very low oxygen levels (i.e., much of the
result of the availability of oxidants. For Fe, in particular, oxygen levels of at least 0.01 %
but possibly as high as 1% present atmospheric levels (Crowe et al., 2013) are needed to
limit runoff of Fe(II). Below these levels, it is possible the detrital flux could appear
al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2016). In the place of empirical constraints on detrital flux to a
basin, which are often limited to recent deep sea cores, or even the relationship of a basin
with the open ocean (frequently the case in deep time), crustal averages are used as
cutoffs for authigenic enrichment with no consideration for potential variability both
laterally (between basins) or through time (within a single basin experiencing changes in
detrital input source, rate of erosion, or rate of deposition). Unfortunately, this can result
in the failure to clearly distinguish a redox driven signal, especially in the case of
depletions or small enrichments. Some researchers (e.g., Algeo and Maynard, 2004) have
used trace metal concentrations in grey shales within the same or adjacent sedimentary
units as a baseline for detrital input (assuming oxic deposition of these sediments),
however this still fails to account for variation of the detrital input through time, and
lithology (e.g., low organic content) is not a practically robust redox indicator (e.g.,
Myrow, 1990). Further, such an approach is not always possible in many settings. Others
such as Perkins et al. (2008) have used redox-sensitive/detrital tracer ratios to identify a
slope associated with detrital contribution and identify points above this lower limit to be
from a system where authigenic metal enrichment is not possible, then this slope will
represent a mixing line between authigenic and detrital components, rather than a solely
detrital contribution. More recently, variability has been demonstrated for Cr/Ti in
modern oxic marine sediments (Gueguen et al., 2016). However, there is potential for
processes resulting in the loss or gain of metals in oxic sediment, adding complexity to
the problem, and suggesting that a clearer picture of the detrital contribution may come
examined the source of this material – modern soils – from the United States Geologic
Survey (USGS) North American Soil Geochemical Landscapes Project covering the
continental United States. The results of the sampling campaign are available from the
USGS archives and were released in USGS open file report 2014-1082 (Smith et al.,
2014). We suggest that topsoils provide a reasonable analogue for marine detrital
contribution as these sediments will be eroded and directly transferred to the marine
system. These findings indicate that a more holistic approach, beyond the use of a mean
crustal cutoff value to quantify the detrital contribution, is required to make a significant
database has allowed a new estimate of surficial variability in trace metal composition of
sediments just prior to their transport to the ocean, allowing a first approximation of
2. Methods
In order to provide new estimates of the detrital contribution of redox-sensitive metals to
marine sediments, and emphasize both the complexity and variability of these systems we
have investigated a suite of redox-sensitive metal/detrital tracer ratios from across the
continental United States. Our analysis builds from a soil database (see Smith et al.,
2014), which includes elemental concentrations of 45 major and trace elements from
more than 4,850 localities. All of the samples in this database were collected between
2007 and 2010 based on the sampling procedure outlined in Smith et al. (2014). All
samples were sieved to < 2mm grain size, specifically targeting the fine fraction and to
avoid the anomalous analysis of individual large grains. All elemental analyses were
digestion. For further details on collection and analyses, see Smith et al. (2014).
Using this database, we have compiled ratios of widely used redox-sensitive proxies
to their most commonly employed detrital tracers. That is, we have examined the ratios of
processes relative to tracers that are considered conservative (i.e., they will remain in
particulate form). These ratios, rather than just concentrations, are employed in order to
ideally circumvent dilution effects, changes in sedimentation rate, and changes in flux
related to continental weathering. The following ratios were compiled, and the data was
then interpolated over maps of the continental US; V/Al, V/Ti, V/Sc, U/Al, U/Th, Cr/Ti,
Cr/Al, Fe/Al, and the detrital tracer Al/Ti. We have then examined the distribution of
values for each elemental ratio in comparison to widely accepted continental crustal
size scales. To quantify the lateral persistence of deviation from crustal means in the
database, a 1000 iteration Monte Carlo resampling procedure was executed for Cr/Ti,
V/Al, and Fe/Al. More specifically: An area was randomly selected from a database of
the world’s 405 largest modern drainage basins from the Global Runoff Data Center
(GRDC, 2016) and a height-width ratio (ranging from 0.5 to 2) was randomly assigned to
a rectangle of that area. This rectangle was then overlain on the geographic dataset for
each elemental ratio and the mean and standard deviation of the data points within that
area were calculated. This process was then repeated 1000 times for each elemental ratio.
Herein, the means generated from this resampling procedure are referred to as the
Finally, to investigate variability with soil depth for cases where the primary physical
erosion is the result of catastrophic erosion events (i.e., mass wasting, e.g., Osterkamp
and Friedman (2000)), we have examined the difference and variability between the
horizon – partially weathered parent material) or a sample from 80-100 cm depth if the C
horizon is deeper than 1 m (Smith et al., 2014). Ratios of Cr/Ti and V/Al from each of
these three horizons were examined to investigate shifts in mean values and variability,
both laterally and vertically. This vertical variation through the soil profile also provides
information about preferential loss during weathering, and the variable nature of these
3. Results
For all elemental ratios considered, we find significant variance away from crustal
average values of Rudnick and Gao (2014) in topsoils across the continental US. Cr, V,
and Fe show very large distributions, while U remains closer to the crustal average. These
chosen, though the relationship between soil means and crustal means can vary
depending on the detrital tracer (e.g., V/Ti and V/Al). Further, we find that variations
from the crustal averages are consistently maintained on large, laterally continuous
scales, demonstrated by the catchment resampled means of topsoil ratios for Cr/Ti, V/Al,
and Fe/Al. Means and standard deviations of the U.S. soil data and crustal averages for
3.1 Chromium
The mean topsoil value for Cr/Ti is 0.015 ± 0.094 (2SD), which is substantially lower
than the continental crustal average of 0.02 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014), while the mean
topsoil value for Cr/Al is 9.015 ± 46.101 (2SD) compared to the crustal average of
11.288 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014). Rudnick and Gao (2014) report 1 sigma errors,
however these are based on variation between other published crustal estimates, and are
rarely considered in redox-focused geochemical studies, thus, herein we refer only to the
crustal average. Chromium shows the largest disparity between the topsoil mean and the
continental crustal averages of all elemental ratios considered in this study. The Cr/Ti
data is also highly variable and this variability is maintained in the catchment resampled
data, where the catchment resampled mean is 0.015 ± 0.015 (2SD) (Fig.1). Further, when
the standard deviations for each of the 1000 resampled areas are compiled, the mean of
resampling procedure accurately reflects the true distribution of the data. In addition, we
have examined the soil data from the A and C horizons, in addition to the topsoil (Fig. 2).
The A horizon mean is 0.013 ± 0.014, while the C horizon mean is 0.015 ± 0.128. With
consideration of the large standard deviations for all three soil horizons, these means
show no significant difference related to soil depth, using a T-test (p-value = 0.94 for C
horizon compared to topsoil, and p-value = 0.88 for C horizon compared to A horizon).
3.2 Vanadium
Three ratios were examined for V (V/Al, V/Ti, V/Sc), along with catchment resampling
for V/Al, and the percentage change between the C horizon and the topsoil ratios of V/Al
(Figs. 3, 4). The mean topsoil value for V/Al is 13.279 ± 12.758 (2SD) compared to the
crustal average of 11.9 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014). The mean topsoil value for V/Ti is
229.283 ± 246.471 (2SD) compared to the crustal average of 252.8 (Rudnick and Gao,
2014). Finally, the mean topsoil value for V/Sc is 9.135 ± 5.598 (2SD) compared to the
crustal average of 6.9 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014). The large-scale lateral variability of V
was tested with catchment resampling for V/Al, where the catchment resampled mean is
13.127 ± 6.182 (2SD), while the mean 2SD of the resampled areas is 9.155 (Fig. 3).
Significantly, this mean is similar to the topsoil mean, indicating that the resampling
procedure accurately reflects the distribution of the original data. We also examined
variation within the soil profile for V/Al, and find that the mean for the C horizon is
13.470 ± 13.582 (2SD). Using a t-test, we find that the C horizon and topsoil do not show
3.3 Uranium
Uranium was compared to the two detrital tracers Al and Th. The topsoil mean for U/Al
is 0.578 ± 1.134 (2SD) in comparison to the crustal mean of 0.33 (Rudnick and Gao,
2014), while the topsoil mean of U/Th is 0.285 ± 0.369 (2SD) compared to the crustal
mean of 0.26 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014) (Fig. 5). The catchment resampled mean for U/Th
is 0.282 ± 0.102 (2SD), while the mean 2SD of the resampled areas is 0.179.
3.4 Iron
Iron was investigated in comparison to Al. The topsoil mean of Fe/Al is 0.476 ± 1.223
(2SD) in comparison to the crustal average of 0.48 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014). The
catchment resampled mean is 0.472 ± 0.302 (2SD), while the mean 2SD of the resampled
areas is 0.406 (Fig. 6). The mean of the C horizon is 0.475 ± 0.427 (2SD), consistent
with, on average, quantitative iron retention during weathering. Using a T-test we find
that the C horizon and topsoil do not show a statistically significant difference (p-value =
Finally, we examined Al/Ti ratios, which are utilized as a detrital or provenance tracer.
The topsoil mean of Al/Ti is 19.026 ± 17.640 (2SD) in comparison to the crustal mean of
21.24 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014) (Fig. 7). We have also considered the relationship
between Cr/Ti and Al/Ti. Because Cr contribution is primarily derived from mafic
igneous rocks, an inverse relationship might be expected between Cr/Ti and Al/Ti, given
that these ratios are lower and higher, respectively, in felsic versus mafic igneous rocks.
If this is the case, the use of Ti as a normalizing detrital tracer should also help to
normalize for the influence of mafic vs. felsic contributions of Cr. However we find no
We have also examined the relationship between Al contents and each of the four
primary ratios (Cr/Ti, V/Al, U/Th, Fe/Al), and compared this data to the global average
values for suspended sediment in rivers from Viers et al. (2009). We find that our
distributions show no relationship with Al contents, and reflect the published riverine
values and their ranges, despite some slight offsets, which are discussed below (Fig. 9).
4. Discussion
Accepting the significant heterogeneity of trace metal concentrations and ratios in surface
sediments observed in this study, we consider the use of crustal cutoff values for
normalization of trace elements have been discussed previously (Van der Weijden, 2002),
however we seek to emphasize an awareness of the surface heterogeneity that can plague
normalization schemes, based on empirical data from surface sediments. The potential for
deviations from crustal means on catchment-size scales is very high, especially for V and
Cr, as discussed below. This type of variation can present on both lateral, basin-wide
scales, as well as vertically, in the rock record (Walther, 1894), leading to flawed
paleoredox reconstructions. Though this study does not build from a global dataset, the
drainage basins that collectively can at least provide an approximation of the magnitude
of variability that may be expected from a larger, global dataset. It is likely that pollution
has affected some samples of this study, however it is unlikely that these samples drive
the broad spatial variability observed in the elemental ratios examined. Minimally,
recognition of the capacity for background variability is especially critical in the analyses
of individual stratigraphic sections, or even multiple sections within a single basin. The
indicates that the resolvability of truly redox-driven signals is, in many cases, too poor to
4.1 Chromium
used detrital tracers for Cr (e.g., Cole et al., 2016b; Crowe et al., 2013; Gueguen et al.,
2016; Konhauser et al., 2011; Reinhard et al., 2013; Reinhard et al., 2014). Traditionally,
the continental crust average Cr/Ti value of 0.02 (Rudnick and Gao, 2014) is used as a
cutoff value to characterize the detrital contribution to marine sediments, and values
above 0.02 are considered evidence of authigenic enrichment resulting from reduction
Cr/Ti and Cr/Al of topsoils across the US (Fig. 1) indicates a confidence interval rather
than a single crustal average cutoff value is a more useful means of gauging Cr
enrichments in marine sediments. Importantly, this interval is so large that its practical
applications will be notably limited, requiring either the analyses of large and statistically
substantial data sets, or else use of alternative geochemical techniques such as isotopic
Critically, we find not only major variability away from this crustal average value in
individual samples, but also persistent and widespread areas where topsoil Cr/Ti values
fall well below the canonical crustal average. This is most apparent in the catchment
resampled distributions, which show that sub-crustal means and substantial variation
persist on catchment-size scales (Fig. 1C). Most crucially, it is this potential to sustain
deviations away from the mean crustal value over a large and continuous areal extent that
will most significantly impact the resolvability of the background detrital contribution in
that a detrital flux well below the crustal average used in many Cr isotope studies could
the interpretation of isotopic analyses (e.g., Cole et al., 2016b; Gueguen et al., 2016).
Further, within the soil profile, the mean Cr/Ti value of the topsoil, the A horizon,
and the C horizon all fall below the crustal average (Fig. 2). Most notably, we find that
overall variability is essentially maintained vertically through the soil profiles on a large
scale, indicating that varying degrees and rates of erosion – whether a result of mass
wasting or continuous removal – will have little effect on the variation potential of the
detrital flux to the ocean. Further, considering the significant range of percentage change
in Cr/Ti between the C horizon and topsoil, it is likely a large variety of surface processes
enable the mobilization of Cr, making the detrital flux from a particular regolith difficult
to classify based only on rock type. These findings suggest that resolving true authigenic
enrichments based solely on concentrations will be very difficult, and generally limited to
scenarios with either a detailed understanding of source material and sedimentation rate,
individual stratigraphic sections. At this scale, variation in the detrital flux has the
potential to exert a major control on the Cr/Ti signal, greatly skewing redox
interpretations if this flux is dissimilar from the crustal mean. This includes scenarios
with a Cr rich detrital flux that could appear to have an authigenic enrichment or, in
contrast, the concealment of significant enrichments when coupled with a Cr-poor detrital
flux. Both cases are particularly relevant in Precambrian studies: there is potential for the
former in the Archean while weathering an ultramafic crust and the likelihood of the
latter case through the Mesoproterozoic where the marine reservoir of Cr has been drawn
down by widespread anoxia, making only muted authigenic enrichments possible relative
to the Phanerozoic (e.g., Reinhard et al., 2013). Further there is significant variation in
the mapped distributions between Cr/Al and Cr/Ti (Fig 1), suggesting that the choice of
detrital tracer could also have an outsized impact on the interpretation of redox-driven
While the findings of this study elucidate the presence of a large error bar on the
et al., 2015a; Reinhard et al., 2013), we suggest that as the geographic and temporal scale
of a study increases, redox trends tend to become more robust. While some error in
interpretation is likely for individual samples, when interpreted in concert with multiple
formations globally or as broad-scale trends through time, such interpretations are likely
to remain robust.
Finally, as an emerging isotope system (e.g., Cole et al., 2016b; Frei et al., 2009; Frei
et al., 2013; Planavsky et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2016c; Wille et al., 2013), it is vital that
the target of these investigations. In some cases, large datasets and a statistical approach
can remedy the ambiguity of small authigenic signals (e.g., Cole et al., 2016). In other
cases, as our understanding of the system develops, Cr isotopes have the potential to
4.2 Vanadium
Vanadium was compared to three different commonly used detrital tracers (Al, Ti, Sc) in
order to demonstrate not only variability in V, but also the impact of the chosen detrital
tracer and the heterogeneity within these systems that are generally considered stable,
constant and frequently interchangeable. Notably, all three V ratios not only show large
standard deviations, but also the means of the soil data show no consistent offset
direction from crustal averages – the V/Ti soil mean falls below the crustal mean, while
both the V/Sc and V/Al soil means fall above the crustal means (Fig. 3). The significance
of these incongruous relationships between soil and crustal means is twofold; first, the
variability related to bedrock type and crustal heterogeneity, and secondly, this further
emphasizes that on the scale of small enrichments, the choice of a particular detrital
tracer compared solely to the crustal mean could significantly impact the interpretation of
maintained over large drainage-basin areas, demonstrating the potential for sustained
detrital inputs substantially different from the crustal average in the V system (Fig. 3).
This widespread lateral variability that exists in the present will result in similar
variability through time within the sediment column in the depositional basin (Middleton,
1973; Walther, 1894). While the expression of variability in background detrital V/Al
will be the result of a number of factors including weathering and sedimentation rates, we
suggest without a local understanding of both the processes at work and V/Al ratio of the
source material, a single V/Al cutoff for detrital input cannot be implemented without a
We also find, based on the percentage change in V/Al between the C horizon and the
topsoil samples from individual sites, that there is potential for both increases and
decreases in the ratio as a result of local processes (Fig. 4). While preferential loss of V
from the soil will primarily be the result of chemical weathering – resulting in dissolution
and removal of that V from the detrital flux entirely – the potential for variation vertically
through the soil profile can influence the nature of the detrital flux, especially if the
primary physical weathering in a region is the result of high energy catastrophic erosion
(i.e storms) as opposed to the low energy more sustained removal of only the topsoil
Further, the percentage change in V/Al from C horizon to topsoil provides a measure
relative losses and gains in V between the C horizon and the topsoil, indicative of the
bound fraction and oxidation and dissolution (Emerson and Huested, 1991; Shiller and
Mao, 2000; Wehrli and Stumm, 1989). Such added complexities in the surface cycling of
V only make unraveling the detrital and authigenic contributions to marine sediment
more difficult. This highlights the possibility of varying detrital contribution from a
specific area based not just on bedrock composition, but relative activity of surface
processes including chemical weathering, oxidation and reduction within the soil profile,
and mobilization via organic and oxide sorption. Without additional data that can provide
more highly resolved information on the redox setting, it is very difficult to make
4.3 Uranium
Uranium was compared to Al and Th, the most commonly used U detrital tracers (e.g.,
Adams and Weaver, 1958; Anbar et al., 2007; Andersen et al., 2014; Calvert and
Pedersen, 1993; Morford et al., 2001; Partin et al., 2013; Wignall and Myers, 1988).
Similar to other proxies considered, variation from crustal means does persist, however
the standard deviations, especially for U/Th, remain much smaller than those for V or Cr.
This suggests that the U detrital flux is much more consistent, and less likely to result in
major stratigraphic deviations in the depositional system than V or Cr. Notably, the
topsoil mean for U/Th is very similar to the crustal average, however the U/Al mean
displays considerably more offset (Fig. 5). This is likely at least in part, the result of
similarities in atomic size and elemental behavior of U and Th, and provides a
compelling case for choosing a detrital tracer that is most chemically similar to the
element of interest.
The smaller scale variability in the U/Th system may make the use of a confidence
enrichment (see 5.1 Recommendations). Despite these more muted effects compared to
other redox-sensitive systems, it still remains important to recognize the potential for
small variations. This is particularly the case when considering small-scale changes in U
Additionally, in isotopic studies, the isotopic value of the U detrital flux is constant (e.g.,
De Corte, 2016), however it is likely important to consider the potential for variation in
the magnitude of this term in the overall U isotope mass balance. In such studies, the use
of a confidence interval rather than a crustal cutoff remains the most conservative and
4.4 Iron
Iron, and in particular iron speciation, has been the focus of decades of work seeking to
local redox proxy, although more complicated, is also based on Fe scavenging under
anoxic conditions (e.g., Poulton and Raiswell, 2002). Iron is, of course, more soluble
of a benthic shuttle of iron from reducing marine sediments (anoxic sediments underlying
an oxic water column) and a strong Fe trap in anoxic settings (foremost in euxinic
settings) (Lyons and Severmann, 2006; Raiswell and Canfield, 1998; Severmann et al.,
the total iron content of the sediment (e.g., Berner, 1970; Poulton and Canfield, 2005;
Raiswell and Canfield, 1998). Significantly, there is the potential to convert more highly
reactive species to the unreactive silicate bound fraction via metamorphism, thus
disguising redox driven enrichments. It has been suggested (Raiswell et al., 2011) that
Fe/Al ratios could help resolve evidence of this type of alteration, by exposing
constrain the detrital Fe contribution and further elucidate redox settings (e.g., Cruse and
Lyons, 2004; Lyons and Severmann, 2006; Lyons et al., 2003; Partin et al., 2013) (Fig 6).
Enriched Fe/Al ratios are relied upon as an indicator of reducing environments, however
similar to the other redox tracers discussed herein – that, minimally, a confidence interval
must be used in assessing sedimentary Fe/Al values, rather than a single average cutoff.
As with other proxies discussed, the potential for detrital variability is too great to draw
realistic conclusions about redox based on Fe/Al alone, especially on a local scale. Using
that deviate from crustal averages over large areas, resulting in sustained and non-
negligible variation from crustal mean values in the detrital flux to the adjacent
depositional basin.
Al/Ti ratios, which are a provenance tracer and a ratio generally considered to not be
susceptible to alteration during surface processes. This ratio (Al/Ti) has been used to
distinguish mafic and felsic source rocks (e.g., Hayashi et al., 1997; Huang et al., 2013).
The variability of Al/Ti observed in this study suggests that the detrital tracers
themselves, which are relied upon for remaining relatively constant through the time
interval of many sedimentary redox studies (at least on the scale of individual
stratigraphic units), have the potential to vary greatly themselves (Huang et al., 2013)
(Fig. 7). Given that Al/Ti ratios are likely to reflect the felsic to mafic composition of the
parent rock and that the composition of the parent can greatly impact the supply of redox-
sensitive trace metals (e.g., Cr is concentrated in mafic rocks), it might be possible for
However, we find no relationship between Cr/Ti and Al/Ti (Fig. 8, r-squared value =
0.002). This not only suggests that the choice of a particular detrital tracer can impact the
result of a study, but also suggests that redox-sensitive trace element variability cannot be
Considering the lack of a strong relationship between Cr/Ti and Al/Ti, and given the
lack of clear redox-sensitive metal depletion in the topsoil, we suggest that surficial
variability is primarily driven by inherited variation, rather than the result of variable
surface weathering within the soil. The majority of the Earth’s weatherable surface area
(i.e., exposed continental area) is comprised of sedimentary rocks (Bluth and Kump,
1991), driving this inherited variability and adding complexity beyond what is observed
in igneous rocks. While, for example, Cr is primarily sourced from mafic rocks and it
may appear possible correct for this with a detrital tracer such as Ti, we find instead that
the variation within the weatherable sources is too great for this to be an effective method
Lastly, we have compared each of our redox sensitive metal ratios for which we have
suggested new confidence intervals (Cr/Ti, V/Al, U/Th, Fe/Al) to aluminum content, and
then examined this data in relation to average global river suspended sediment values
from Viers et al., (2009) (Fig. 9). We find that for all ratios, increasing Al content results
in sustained variability within that ratio, and that this variability remains too high to
further constrain detrital flux ratios based on Al content. While our database only
investigates the fine sediment fraction (< 2mm), it is this fraction that is likely to be the
most consistent (e.g. larger grain sizes tend to be even more variable; e.g., Bouchez et al.,
2011). Further, the global averages fall within our suggested confidence intervals for all
four ratios (Fig. 9), providing a second line of evidence for our dataset being generally
representative of the detrital material being transported to the marine system. However, it
is apparent that the river averages tend toward higher ratios and Al concentrations than
the majority of our soil data. This is likely a result of sorption effects of dissolved
elements present in the riverine system, as well as the exclusion of material being
transported in the bed load. As such, we suggest our examination of soil data as opposed
baseline range for detrital fluxes that is not complicated by additional factors involved in
riverine transport.
5. Future Directions
5.1 Recommendations
We suggest use of confidence intervals for Cr/Ti, V/Al, U/Th, and Fe/Al based on the
catchment resampled mean values and two times the standard deviation of these means,
which are summarized in Table 2. For U and V, the least variable ratios (U/Th and V/Al)
were chosen and are recommended for future studies. In some cases, these confidence
intervals (especially for U/Th) may provide a narrow enough constraint to elucidate
enrichments are likely to develop. In other cases, especially for Cr and V, the observed
variation in soils is so extensive that the confidence intervals define a very broad range
that will generally fail to distinguish authigenic enrichments, except for in the most
extreme cases of enrichments (e.g., Bakken Shale, Karma and Parslow, 1989). In these
cases, further analyses such as isotopic work will be required to definitively classify the
paleoredox conditions.
As shown in this study, the use of single crustal averages to distinguish authigenic
enrichments of most redox-sensitive metals does not account for the considerable crustal
most of which frequently lack the resolvability to independently distinguish redox driven
enrichments without additional analyses. These issues are most problematic in analyses
based on individual stratigraphic sections or basins (e.g., Li et al., 2015b; Zhang et al.,
2016). As data sets increase in size and global distribution, there is potential to highlight
redox-driven enrichments using a statistical approach. For example, to deal with detrital
Cr/Ti element variability, Cole et al. (2016) compared large datasets from several
formations from different time intervals with similar Cr/Ti ranges. The basic idea behind
this approach was that although a single formation may have an anomalous Cr/Ti ratio,
large datasets from many units capture the full variability of different crustal inputs, that
While this study is based on a dataset restricted to the continental United States, we
suggest that this assessment of detrital variability represents a major step forward in
understanding the potential for lateral, large-scale variation. The U.S. also encompasses a
reasonable microcosm of the global weatherable shell. As larger databases emerge, this
could be assessed with a similar study using a more expansive global dataset, however
considering the catchment scale variability observed here, we suggest that our
variation, and would certainly be a step forward from the use of a single cutoff value.
Iron can provide a success story for the future of redox-sensitive transition metals, as a
more thoroughly explored system than other transition metals discussed here. The use of
both Fe speciation and the Fe isotope system have proven very powerful tools to improve
the resolvability of the system beyond the more ambiguous enrichments (e.g., Poulton
and Canfield, 2005; Severmann et al., 2008; Sperling et al., 2015). Using a similar
framework of coupled techniques from other systems (Cr, U, V), it is conceivable that the
resolution of redox studies can be greatly enhanced. To add such resolvability to trace
metal redox proxies, we highlight the utility of emerging isotopic systems such as Cr and
marine redox. Further, isotopic approaches can prove particularly useful in identifying
potential shifts in the efficiency of chemical weathering (i.e. supply of oxidants), but if
taken a step further, this can also provide information about the subsequent impact on the
magnitude of the detrital flux. While our understanding of these systems is still
developing, the established basic framework can already function as a valuable new tool
The Cr isotope system has the potential to provide new insights about weakly
rapidly removed through a variety of reduction pathways, including nitrate reduction, and
sequestered in the sediment (Graham and Bouwer, 2010; Pettine et al., 1994; Rue et al.,
1997). The detrital Cr fraction appears in most cases to retain the unfractionated bulk
silicate earth value of δ53Cr = – 0.124 ± 0.101‰ (Gueguen et al., 2016; Schoenberg et al.,
2008; Wang et al., 2016b), however, in the case of a well-oxidized earth atmosphere,
subsequent reduction in the marine system, imparting a fractionated signal (Ellis et al.,
2002; Kotaś and Stasicka, 2000; Reinhard et al., 2014; Schauble et al., 2004), resulting in
ratio of .025, let us consider two cases; 1) 100% of the Cr is detrital or 2) 50% of the Cr
is detrital, while the other 50% is derived from seawater. If we assume a seawater δ53Cr
value of 1.0 ‰, the sample from the first scenario would retain an unfractionated crustal
value, while the second would likely have a distinctly fractionated value of ~ 0.5 ‰,
representing the relative isotopic mass balance of the two components. Significantly, both
of these scenarios are likely based on our predicted range of detrital Cr/Ti ratios.
individual depositional environments that more poorly constrained enrichments alone are
Vanadium, similar to Cr, also has the potential to elucidate suboxic conditions (sensu
Scott et al., 2008), filling in the gradient of potential redox environments. It has been
suggested that V can be sourced from suboxic sediment (Hastings et al., 1996; Morford
and Emerson, 1999; Sahoo et al., 2012; Thomson et al., 2015), released along with Mn2+
(Morford et al., 2005) – thus a decrease in V could potentially signal a shift to a more
oxidized system. Additionally, V can be reduced twice – first from its oxidized state
V(V) to V(IV) under mildly reducing conditions and then removed from the sediment via
formation of ligands or adsorption (Emerson and Huested, 1991; Morford and Emerson,
1999; van der Sloot et al., 1985), and secondly to V(III) in the presence of H2S which can
(Breit and Wanty, 1991; Wanty and Goldhaber, 1992). This two-step reduction of V
lends this system to tracking varying states of anoxia in the marine system resulting from
detrital V contribution, it is unlikely that such shifts can be recognized based on changes
in concentration alone. However, with the emergence of the V isotope system, though
still in incipient stages, there is potential that isotopic fractionations paired with elemental
(Prytulak et al., 2013). Further it is also conceivable that with a large enough dataset, a
statistical analysis of V concentration changes through large time intervals, and the
relationship of these V concentrations with other redox-sensitive trace metals, that some
In sum, despite the current limitations of these nascent systems, major insights can
still be gained from simplistic applications of the Cr and V isotope systems. The coupled
conditions and in spite of a poor understanding of the V and Cr global isotope mass
Uranium isotopes, though also still in the early stages, have been explored more
widely than the Cr and V systems (e.g., Andersen et al., 2014; Andersen et al., 2016;
Asael et al., 2013; Kendall et al., 2013; Kendall et al., 2015; Tissot and Dauphas, 2015;
Weyer et al., 2008). Uranium is primarily reduced within the sediment column (Algeo
and Maynard, 2004; McManus et al., 2005), and reduction under anoxic conditions
imparts large fractionations from seawater values. Thus, the areal extent of this sink can
impact the U isotopic value of seawater compared to the riverine input, the latter of which
is considered constant (De Corte, 2016). Using a quantitative mass balance framework,
these relationships can be used to reconstruct the areal extent of reducing marine
environments (e.g., Kendall et al., 2015; Tissot and Dauphas, 2015). However, detrital
corrections must be made in order to elucidate the isotopic value of the authigenic
component (e.g., Asael et al., 2013; Lu, 2016), yet the potential for variation of this term
is rarely considered. Use of the confidence intervals suggested in this study can thus
provide a means of assessing the potential variation in this term, the subsequent ‘error
6. Conclusions
In examining some of the most commonly used redox-sensitive transition metals and
a variety of detrital tracers in the soils of the continental US, we find pervasive and
laterally extensive heterogeneity in all systems that suggests the detrital contribution of
these elements in the rock record must be assessed with extreme caution. The prevalence
of detrital material with trace metal/detrital tracer ratios significantly different from those
of the average crust suggests that using crustal averages to estimate detrital metal fluxes
sedimentary redox studies, and must be considered especially carefully in local and
in these systems, which can help to elucidate enrichments clearly driven by redox
conditions even in the face of major surficial variability. In cases where enrichments
remain ambiguous, the application of emerging isotope systems can provide a means to
improve the resolvability of trace element enrichment redox proxies, and the coupled use
of these tools will be a major step forward in our ability to understand a spectrum of
redox environments.
The authors acknowledge funding from the Alternative Earths Team of the NASA
Foundation. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the detailed and thoughtful reviews
from Julien Bouchez and Tom Algeo, which improved the manuscript considerably.
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Figure Captions
Figure 1. Distribution of Cr/Al and Cr/Ti in topsoils from the continental US. A)
Distribution of Cr/Al raw data. B) Distribution of Cr/Ti raw data and C) the catchment
resampled distribution. Red dashed lines denote the mean of the raw or resampled
distribution respectively, while the black dashed line denotes the crustal mean value of
Rudnick and Gao, 2014. D and E) Raw data interpolated across the continental US for
Cr/Al and Cr/Ti respectively.
Figure 2. Distribution of Cr/Ti in topsoil (A), A horizon (B), and C horizon (C). Red
dashed lines denote the mean of the raw data, while the black dashed line denotes the
crustal mean value of Rudnick and Gao (2014). D) Distribution of the percentage change
between C horizon Cr/Ti and topsoil. E) Interpolated map of the data in (D).
Figure 3. Topsoil distributions (left) and interpolated maps (right) of V/Ti (A), V/Sc (B),
and V/Al (C) which shows the raw data (dark blue) and catchment resampled distribution
(light blue). Red dashed lines denote the mean of the raw data, while the black dashed
line denotes the crustal mean value of Rudnick and Gao (2014).
Figure 4. Distribution of V/Al in topsoil (A), A horizon (B), and C horizon (C). Red
dashed lines denote the mean of the raw data, while the black dashed line denotes the
crustal mean value of Rudnick and Gao (2014). D) Distribution of the percentage change
between C horizon V/Al and topsoil. E) Interpolated map of the data in (D).
Figure 5. Topsoil distributions (left) and interpolated maps (right) of U/Al (A) and U/Th
(B). Red dashed lines denote the mean of the raw data, while the black dashed line
denotes the crustal mean value of Rudnick and Gao (2014).
Figure 7. Distribution of Al/Ti in topsoils from the continental US (left) and interpolated
data (right). Red dashed lines denote the mean of the raw or resampled distribution
respectively, while the black dashed line denotes the crustal mean value of Rudnick and
Gao ( 2014).
Figure 8. Al/Ti compared to Cr/Ti from topsoils across the continental US.
Figure 9. A) V/Al , B) Cr/Ti, C) U/Th, D) Fe/Al all compared to Al content. Grey circles
and error bars represent average global river suspended sediment element concentrations
and 2SD from Viers et al. (2009). Black dashed lines show the upper and lower limit of
our recommended confidence intervals while red dashed lines show the crustal means of
Rudnick and Gao (2014).
Table 1. Soil and crustal means
2 2 2 Upper
Elemental Topsoil A horizon C horizon
StdDev StdDev StdDev Continental Units
mean1 1 1
Ratio mean mean
(±) (±) (±) Crust2
V/Ti 229.28 246.47 252.80 ppm/wt%
V/Al 13.28 12.76 13.34 12.92 13.47 13.58 11.90 ppm/wt%
V/Sc 9.13 5.60 6.90 ppm/ppm
Cr/Ti 0.015 0.094 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.128 0.02 ppm/ppm
Cr/Al 9.015 23.050 11.29 ppm/wt%
U/Al 0.578 1.134 0.33 ppm/wt%
U/Th 0.285 0.369 0.26 ppm/ppm
Fe/Al 0.476 1.223 0.475 0.427 0.48 wt%/wt%
Al/Ti 19.03 17.64 21.24 wt%/wt%
Smith et al., (2014)
Rudnick and Gao, (2014)
Table 2. Recommended Confidence Intervals
Catchment Upper
Elemental 2 StdDev Confidence
resampled Continental
Ratio (±) Interval
mean Crust1
6.95 –
V/Al 13.13 6.18 19.31 11.90
Cr/Ti 0.015 0.015 0 – 0.030 0.02
0.180 –
U/Th 0.282 0.102 0.384 0.26
0.170 –
Fe/Al 0.472 0.302 0.773 0.48
Rudnick and Gao, (2014)
A. D.
f [normalized]
0.02 >30
0 10 Cr/Al 20 30
f [normalized]
0.08 C.
C. C Horizon
B. 0.15
f [normalized]
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
C. 0.15
f [normalized]
0.1 resamp.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
A. Topsoil D.
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
B. A Horizon -80 -40 0 40 80
E. V/Al (C horizon relative to topsoil) (%)
f [normalized]
C. C Horizon
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
f [normalized]
f [normalized]
0.12 B.
f [normalized]
0 20 40 60 80
R2 = 0.002
V/Al *104
Cr/T i
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
Al (wt %) Al (wt %)
1.5 C. D.
Fe/A l
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
Al (wt %) Al (wt %)