Arts 9, Lesson 2
Arts 9, Lesson 2
Arts 9, Lesson 2
- The purpose of Egyptian paintings is to make the deceased afterlife place pleasant.
- It emphasizes the importance of life after death and the preservation of the knowledge
of the past.
- Most paintings are stylized, symbolic, and shows profile view of a person or animal. The
main colors used were black, red, blue, gold and green derived from mineral pigments.
- The paintings of the walls on the tomb showed events of the life of the king while he was
still on earth and the scenes he expects to encounter in the underworld.
- Symbolic elements such as forms, hieroglyphics, relative size, location, materials, color, actions,
and gestures were widely used. Their tombs are the most expensive sculptures.
- The most common materials used for sculptures were wood, ivory, and stones.
1. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the gods. They were represented as composite
creature with animal head on human bodies.
2. Relief compositions were arranged in horizontal lines to record an event or to represent an
3. Most of the time the gods were shown larger than humans.
4. Empty spaces were filled with hieroglyphics.
5. All individual components were all brought to the plane of representation and laid to writing.
18th Dynasty, 1375 – 1357 B.C.
- Realistic, with heavy lidded eyes, slender neck, determined chin and pure profile under
her heavy crown.
- Queen refers to the Great Loyal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh.
- This architectural style was developed during the pre-dynastic period, 4,000 BC
1. The structure has thick sloping walls with few openings to maintain stability.
2. The exterior and interior walls along with columns and piers were covered with hieroglyphics
and pictorial frescoes and carvings on brilliant colors.
3. Ornamentations were symbolic including scarab (sacred beetle), solar disk, vulture, and
common motifs.
4. The temples were aligned with astronomically significant events like solstices (comes from the
Latin word sol meaning “sun“ and stitium meaning “stoppage“, as the sun appears to stand
still) and equinox.
- Are the most substantial ancient structures of the world. The three pyramids are the
funerary structures of the Three kings of the 4th dynasty (2575 – 2465 BC)
Khufu (Cheops) whom the Great Pyramid was attributed to; Khafa (Chephren) whom the pyramid next
to the Great Pyramid is attributes; and the smallest is attributed to Menkaura (Mycerinus).
These pyramids were made highly confusing with may tunnels to create confusion for robbers.
Egyptian temples were built for the gods. They also served as key entrance for economic activity.
Ancient temples were made of perishable materials like wood, reed matting, and mud brick. Their walls
were covered with scenes that were carved onto the stones and painted.