Double Bottom Vac Trailers
Double Bottom Vac Trailers
Double Bottom Vac Trailers
Double Bottom Vac Tractors
Preventive Maintenance Program
Version 1.0
1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Preventive Maintenance Policy............................................................................................. 2
4. Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 2
4.1. Inspecting ..................................................................................................................... 2
4.2. Testing and Diagnosing .............................................................................................. 3
4.3. Calibrating .................................................................................................................... 3
4.4. Certifying ...................................................................................................................... 3
5. Training ................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Key Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 4
6.1. Drivers ........................................................................................................................... 4
6.2. Mechanics ..................................................................................................................... 4
6.3. Service Center Managers/Designees ......................................................................... 4
6.4. Director of Fleet Maintenance .................................................................................... 4
7. Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 4
8. References .............................................................................................................................. 5
8.1. MBI ................................................................................................................................ 5
8.2. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations ................................................................. 5
9. Program Management ........................................................................................................... 5
9.1. Program Custodian ..................................................................................................... 5
1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to establish the requirements for the performance of
preventive maintenance to ensure compliance with industry best practices, manufacturers’
recommendations and specifications, and regulatory requirements to maximize life
expectancy and operational safety of double bottom vac tractors.
2. Scope
This document applies to the employees of MBI Energy Services, subsidiaries, and affiliated
4. Requirements
4.1. Inspecting
Drivers shall complete a pre-trip inspection prior to use on a highway to ensure
safe operation. Deficient findings shall be documented on a driver vehicle
inspection report (DVIR) (paper or electronic) and submitted to the Service
Center Department in accordance with the Commercial Motor Vehicle Program.
Equipment with deficient findings shall be placed out of service until verified by
service center personnel.
Drivers shall complete a post-trip inspection following the completion of any trip
and before the tractor is used again. Deficient findings shall be documented on
a DVIR (paper or electronic) and submitted to the Service Center Department in
accordance with the Commercial Motor Vehicle Program. Equipment with
deficient findings shall be placed out of service until verified by service center
Authorized, qualified mechanics shall perform repairs noted on the pre-/post-trip
inspection and deficiencies noted from other inspections. Repairs shall be
completed in conformance with manufacturers’ specifications (i.e., parts,
Defects shall be verified by an authorized, qualified mechanic and a
• that they were corrected; or
• need not be corrected for safe operation.
Authorized, qualified mechanics shall complete a Routine Inspection Checklist on
a unit that has documented, identified deficiency(ies) or is brought into a service
center for any reason (e.g., flat tire, return from vendor, return to active service).
The mechanic shall document repairs made in the fleet information management
system (FIMS).
5. Training
5.1 There is no training required for this program document.
6. Key Responsibilities
6.1. Drivers
Complete and document pre-/post-trip inspections.
6.2. Mechanics
Perform routine and preventative maintenance, and annual inspections.
Perform repairs, inspections, and certification.
6.3. Service Center Managers/Designees
Manage service center documentation for completeness and accuracy and fulfill
recordkeeping requirements.
Ensure annual vehicle inspections are performed.
Ensure repairs are completed in conformance with manufacturers’ specifications
(i.e., parts, procedures).
6.4. Director of Fleet Maintenance
Manage the Preventive Maintenance Program.
7. Glossary
Term Description/Definition
critical event An activity involving a commercial motor vehicle in use other than on a
highway Any road, street or way, whether on public or private property open to
public travel.
open to public travel Is available, (except during scheduled periods, extreme weather, or
emergency conditions), passable by four-wheel standard passenger
cars, and open to the general public for use without restrictive gates,
prohibitive signs, or regulation other than restrictions based on size,
weight, class, or registration. Toll plazas of public toll roads are not
considered restrictive gates.
qualified mechanic A mechanic who holds a certified Annual Inspector Qualification Form.
8. References
8.1. MBI
Commercial Motor Vehicle Program.
8.2. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance 49 C.F.R. 396.
9. Program Management
9.1. Program Custodian
The vice president of HSE is the custodian of this program. This program shall be
reviewed and revised as needed (e.g., regulatory change, near miss/incident management
corrective action) or every three years. 9.2. Program Revision History This program’s
revision history is shown in table 9.1.