Course Outline Banking Laws and Practices
Course Outline Banking Laws and Practices
Course Outline Banking Laws and Practices
1.1 Banking History
1.1.1 Inception and evolution of banking
1.1.2 Role of Bank
1.1.3 Pakistani banking sector,
1.1.4 Banking developments in Pakistan,
2.1 Banks and Financial Markets
2.1.1 Role of Bank in financial markets
2.1.2 IPO and banking system
2.1.3 Financial environment and banking system of Pakistan
3.1 Types of Banks and Financial Institutions
3.1.1 Types of banks
3.1.2 Central Bank and its functions
3.1.3 Pakistani banking sector
4.1 Interest Free Banking (Islamic Banking)
4.1.1 Interest-free Banking (Islamic Banking)
4.1.2 Difference between Islamic and Conventional Banking
4.1.3 Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Banking
4.1.4 History of Islamic Banking in Pakistan
4.1.5 Islamic Banking Contracts/Products
4.1.6 Functions of Islamic Bank
5.1 Banking Laws in Pakistan
5.1.1 Contract Act 1872
5.1.2 Negotiable Instrument Act 1881
5.1.3 The Banker’s Book Evidence Act 1891
5.1.4 Foreign Exchange Act, 1947
5.1.5 State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956
5.1.6 Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962
5.1.7 Nationalization of Banks Act, 1974
5.1.8 Financial Institutions Finance (Recovery) Ordinance 2001
5.1.9 Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010
6.1 Requirements of Banking Companies Ordinance 1962 (Revised)
6.1.1 Preliminary
6.1.2 Banking business
6.1.3 Winding up of banking business
6.1.4 Banking Mohtasib
6.1.5 Miscellaneous
7.1 Funds of Banks (Sources and Utilization)
7.1.1 Internal sources
7.1.2 External sources
7.1.3 Funds utilization by banks
8.1 Operations and Products of Banks
8.1.1 Fund based operations products.
8.1.2 Non-fund-based operations and products
8.1.3 Agency services
8.1.4 General services
9.1 Bank Customers (Retail/Individual)
9.1.1 Bank, banking company and customer
9.1.2 Functions of bank
9.1.3 Banker-Customer relationship
9.1.4 Right and duties of banker and customer
9.1.5 Personal accounts
10.1 Bank Customers (Corporate/Institutional)
10.1.1 Legal requirements to open a bank account.
10.1.2 Accounts of institutional customers (corporate entities)
11.1 Cheques and Types of Checks
11.1.1 Cheque and essentials of cheque
11.1.2 Reasons for Dishonor/bounce of cheque
11.1.3 Remedies regarding dishonor of cheque
11.1.4 Types of cheques
11.1.5 Crossed cheques.
12.1 Banking Instruments
12.1.1 Introduction
12.1.2 Type of banking instruments
12.1.3 Role of bank
13.1 Financing Products of Banks
13.1.1 Type of financing products
13.1.2 Short term financing products
13.1.3 Medium-term financing products
13.1.4 Long term financing products
14.1 Principles and Forms of Lending in Pakistan
14.1.1 Type of bank lending
14.1.2 Principles of bank lending
14.1.3 Forms of lending
15.1 Foreign Exchange and Banks
15.1.1 Foreign Exchange Act, 1947
15.1.2 Role of banks in foreign exchange market
15.1.3 Buying and selling of foreign currencies
16.1 Role of Banks in Economy
16.1.1 Economic role of bank
16.1.2 Merits and demerits of banking industry for economy
16.1.3 Role of bank in the economy
17.1 Digital Banking
17.1.1 Financial technology and banking
17.1.2 Digitization of banking
17.1.3 Products of digital banking
18.1 Contemporary Banking Practices and Emerging Trends
18.1.1 Banking Developments in Pakistan: A Journey from Conventional Banking to Islamic
18.1.2 Islamic Banking Experience of Pakistan: Comparison of Islamic and Conventional
18.1.3 Islamic Banking and Prohibition of Interest / Riba
18.1.4 An Overview of the Operations/Products offered by Islamic Banks in Pakistan
18.1.5 Investigation of Services Utilization Decisions in Islamic Banking: Role of Motives
and Behavior
18.1.6 An Analysis of Functions of Functions performed by Islamic Banks: A Case of
18.1.7 Comparative Study of Islamic Banking Products: Perception of Bankers and Islamic