_27. RPS OBE PERBANKAN SYARIAH (review 2024) (1)

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COURSE CODE Course Cluster Credits Semester Date
AUTHORIZATION RPS Developer Course Coordinator Coordinator Study Program

Rachma Indrarini, S.EI, M.SEI Clarashinta Canggih., SE., CIFP Dr. Achmad Ajib Ridlwan
Learning Outcome PLO attached to Course
PLO-1 (S) Responsible for their own work and can be held accountable for the achievement of the organisation’s work
PLO-3 (P) Able to master the theory of Islamic Economics, Islamic Business, and Islamic Finance as a whole
PLO-7 (KU) Able to make the right decisions based on information and data analysis, and able to provide instructions in choosing various alternative
solutions and able to communicate alternative solutions
PLO-11 (KK) Able to demonstrate the operation of Islamic Financial Institutions, Islamic Public Financial Institutions and Islamic Business
Course Learning Outcome (CLO)
CLO-1 Able to be responsible for own and group work
CLO-2 Able to analyse the theory of Islamic Banking
CLO-3 Able to analyse financial data information of Islamic Banks
CLO-4 Able to demonstrate the operation of Islamic Banks
Sub CLO-1 Able to describe the concepts in Islamic banking (CLO2)
Sub CLO-2 Able to examine the product management of Islamic banks (CLO2)
Sub CLO-3 Able to examine the function of human resource in Islamic banks (CLO4)
Sub CLO-4 Able to examine marketing concepts in Islamic banks (CLO4)
Sub CLO-5 Able to analyse Islamic banking risks (CLO3)
Sub CLO-6 Able to analyse profit sharing and profit margins of Islamic bank products (CLO4)
Sub CLO-7 Able to examine ALMA in Islamic banks (CLO3)
Sub CLO-8 Able to examine corporate governance of Islamic banks (CLO2)
Correlation of CLO and Sub-CLO

Sub-CLO 1 Sub-CLO 2 Sub-CLO 3 Sub-CLO 4 Sub-CLO 5 Sub-CLO 6 Sub-CLO 7 Sub-CLO 8

Course Description Course Description This course provides students with an understanding of Islamic Banking regarding Islamic banking operations at the staff and managerial
levels. The basics of Islamic banking will focus on understanding related to operational systems (profit sharing arrangements), regulations, monetary and
banking policies. By using the contextual learning approach (simulation model) and case based learning, students are expected to be able to master in depth
both in theory and practice so that they can apply this knowledge in the world of work and the financial industry.
Learning Materials 1. Basic concepts of muamalah transactions and the concept of usury
2. Basic concepts of Islamic banking
3. The concept of management in Islamic banking
4. Funding Management of Islamic banks
5. Islamic bank financing management
6. Management of other Islamic Banking Service Products
7. Human Resource Function of Islamic Banks
8. Marketing Concept of Islamic Bank
9. Profit sharing and profit margin of financing products
10. Profit sharing and profit-sharing ratio of funding products
11. ALMA of Islamic banks
12. Corporate Governance of Islamic Banks
Reference Main:
1. Hasan, Zubair. 2023. Islamic Banking and Finance: Second Edition. New York:Routledge
2. Habib, Syeda Fahmida.2018.Fundamentals of Islamic finance and banking. United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons
3. Agustin, Hamdi; Rusby, Zulkifli. 2022. Manajemen Perbankan Syariah: Konsep dan Praktik. Depok:Rajagrafindo Persada
4. Antonio, Muhammad Syafi'i. 2019. Bank Syariah Dari Teori Ke Praktik. Jakarta:Gema Insani
5. Karim, Adiwarman A. 2017. Bank Islam Analisis Fiqih dan Keuangan. Depok:Rajagrafindo Persada
6. Ikatan Bankir Indonesia. 2014. Memahami Bisnis Bank Syariah. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
7. Ikatan Bankir Indonesia. 2015. Strategi Bisnis Bank Syariah. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
8. Danupranata, Gita. 2015. Manajemen Perbankan Syariah. Jakarta: Salemba Empat
9. Muhammad. 2015. Manajemen Dana Bank Syariah. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers
10. Muhammad. 2016. Manajemen Pembiayaan Bank Syariah. Yogyakarta: UPP STIM YKPN
11. Susilo,Edi. 2017. Analisis Pembiayaan dan Risiko Perbankan Syariah. Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar
12. Susilo,Edi. 2017. Praktikum Analisis Pembiayaan dan Risiko Perbankan Syariah. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
13. Sjahdeini, Sutan Remy. 2014. Perbankan Syariah Produk-produk dan Aspek-aspek Hukumnya. Jakarta:Kencana
14. Wahyudi, Imam; Dewi, Miranti Kartika; Rosmanita, Fenny;Prasetyo, Muhammad Budi; Putri, Niken Iwani Surya; Haidir, Banu. 2010. Manajemen Risiko
Bank Islam. Jakarta: Salemba Empat
15. Rustam, Bambang Rianto. 2018. Manajemen Risiko Perbankan Syariah Di Era Digital: Konsep dan Penerapan Di Indonesia. Jakarta:Salemba Empat
16. Peraturan perundang-undangan terkait bank syariah
17. Dayanti, R., & Indrarini, R. (2019). Faktor Internal dan Faktor Eksternal yang mempengaruhi Profitabilitas Bank Umum Syariah. Jurnal Ekonomi Islam,
2(3), 163-182.
18. Canggih et al. 2022. Are Islamic Banks Still Sound Amidst Pandemic?. El Dinar: Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah. Vol. 10. No. 2
19. Nurafini, Fira. 2022. Studi Perbandingan Tingkat Kesehatan Bank antara Bank Syariah dan Bank Konvensional di Indonesia selama Pandemi Covid-
19. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam. Vol 8. No. 2
20. Frizky et al. 2023. Analysis of The Islamic Commercial Bank Performance in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of The International
Conference of Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES).
21. Alrojak et al. 2023. The Effect of MSME Financing of Islamic Commercial Banks and Islamic Rural Banks on Economic Growth in Indonesia. Proceedings
of The International Conference of Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES).
22. Nurafini et al. 2023. Macroeconomics Variable and Non-Performing MSMEs Financing: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis. International Journal of
Communication, Humanities and Management.
Team Teaching Clarashinta Canggih
Rachma Indrarini
Fira Nurafini
Maryam Bte Badrul Munir
Required courses
Forms of Learning,
Learning Methods, Learning Materials
Assessment Assessment
Week Sub-CLO Student Assignments [ Reference ]
Weight (%)
[Estimated Time]
Indicator Criteria & Form Offline Online
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1,2,3 Able to describe the 1. The accuracy of Criteria: Lectures and Case WAG (discussion) 1.1 Basic concept of 5%
concept of Islamic analysing the basic Holistic rubric Based Learning Google Classroom (materials) with muamalah transaction
Banking concepts of muamalah [3 x 3 x 50 minutes] Google Meet (lectures) dan Case 1.2 Usury, finance and bank
transactions Test form: Studies (Case Based Learning) interest
2. The accuracy of Answering questions Google Form (tes) 1.3 Usury in religious and
analysing usury in Assignment [3 x 3 x 50 minutes] historical perspective
financial institutions Answer the related 1.4 Usury in economic
3. The accuracy of question about Assignment perspective
analysing the basic Islamic Banking 1.5 Financial institutions
concepts of sharia Answer the related question about 2.1 Islamic banking and
banking Islamic Banking economic issues
4. The accuracy of 2.2 Definition and
analysing the concept of development of Islamic
operational banks in Indonesia
2.3 Financial institutions in
Al-Quran, classical and
modern perspectives
2.4 Basic concepts of
muamalah transactions
2.5 Basic principles of
2.6 Profits and risks of
Islamic banks
2.7 Banking management
2.8 Differences between
Islamic banks and
conventional banks
3.1 Management in Islam
3.2 Human aspects and
nature as the basis of
Islamic management
3.3 Elements of Islamic
management and its
implications in Islamic
3.4 Organisation and
working mechanism of
Islamic banks
3.5 Operational system of
Islamic banks
3.6 Operational principles of
Islamic banks
3.7 Operational activites of
Islamic banks
4,5,6,7 Able to examine the 1. Accuracy in analysing Criteria: Lectures and Case WAG (discussion) 4.1 Capital Management of 10%
product management of the concept of Islamic Holistic rubric Based Learning Google Classroom (materials) with Islamic Banks
Islamic banks bank fund management [3 x 3 x 50 minutes] Google Meet (lectures) dan Case 4.2 Fund Management of
2. Accuracy in analysing Non-test form: Studies (Case Based Learning) Islamic Banks
the funding needs of Analyse the funding Assignment Google Form (tes) 4.3 Funding Calculation
Islamic banks needs of Islamic banks 1. Funding Needs [3 x 3 x 50 minutes] 5.1 Definition of Islamic
3. Accuracy in analysing Analyse Islamic bank Analysis Financing
the concept of Islamic financing 2. Financing 5.2 Working Capital Financing
bank financing Analysis Assignment 5.3 Investment Financing
management 1. Funding Needs Analysis 5.4 Consumption Financing
4. Accuracy in analysing 2. Financing Analysis 5.5 L/C Transaction
financing needs in 5.6 Syariah Card
accordance with the 5.7 Islamic Bank Financing
type of financing. Management
5. The accuracy of 6.1 Islamic Bank Financing
identifying Islamic bank 6.2 Financing Analysis
financing with the 6.3 Financing Monitoring
contract used and Supervision
6. Accuracy in analysing 6.4 Management of Non
Islamic bank financing Performance Financing
7. Accuracy in analysing 7.1 Other Banking Service
problem financing Products (Wakalah,
8. Accuracy in analysing Kafalah, Hiwalah)
other banking service [2,3]
8 Mid Semester Exam 20%
9 Able to Analyse the Accuracy in Analysing the Criteria: Lectures and Case WAG (discussion) 9.1 Human Resource 5%
Function of Human Function of Human Resorces Holistic Rubric Studies (Case Google Classroom (Materials) with Procurement Function
Resources in Islamic Based Learning) Google Meet (Lectures) and Case 9.2 Work Capability
Banks Non-test Form: Studies (Case Based Learning) Development
Analyse Videos and 9.3 Maintenance Function
[3 x 3 x 50
Scientific Articles [1 x 3 x 50 minutes] Sharia Human Resources
minutes] 9.4 Qualification of Human
Assignment: Resources of Islamic
Assignment: Banks
Analyse Videos and Scientific
Analyse Videos and [4,5]
Articles About
Scientific Articles
About Islamic Bank
Human Resources
10 Able to analyze 1. Accuary in Analysing Criteria: Lectures Google Classroom (Discussion) 10.1 Marketing Concept 5%
marketing concepts in The Marketing Concept Holistic Rubric Google Meet (Lecture) 10.2 Marketing Stratergy
Islamic banks 2. The Accuary of of Islamic Banks
Examining the Non-test Form: [1 x 3 x 50 minutes] 10.3 Marketing Mix of
Marketing Stratergy of Class Discussion Islamic Banks
Islamic Bank Products Participation [4,5]

11 Able to analyze the risk Accuary in analysing Islamic Criteria: Lectures Google Classroom (discussion) 11 Risk in Islamic Banking 5%
of Islamic banking Banking Risks Holistic Rubric Google Meet (lecture)
[1 x 3 x 50 minutes] [6,10, 12, 14, 15]
Non-test Form:
Class Discussion

12,13 Able to Analyse Profit 1. Accuracy in analysing Criteria: Lectures and Case WAG (discussion) Google 12.1 Shariah basis in 10%
Sharing and Profit the concept of profit Holistic rubric Studies (Case Based Classroom (materials) with Google profit sharing
Margins on Islamic Bank sharing and profit Learning) Meet (lectures) and Case Studies 12.2 Principles of profit
Products margin Non-test Form: [3 x 3 x 50 minutes] (Case Based Learning) sharing of financing
2. Accuracy in analysing Analysing profit products
profit sharing and sharing, profit margin, Assignment: [2 x 3 x 50 minutes] 12.3 Profit sharing of
profit margins of and profit-sharing ratio Analysing profit financing products
financing products on funding and sharing, profit margin, Assignment: 13.1 Profit sharing of
3. The accuracy of financing products and profitsharing ratio Analysing profit sharing, profit funding products from a
analysing profit on funding and margin, and profit-sharing ratio on consumer perspective
sharing and profit financing products funding and financing products 13.2 Profit sharing of
sharing ratio of funding products from
funding products the perspective of
from a consumer Islamic banks
perspective 13.3 Profit sharing ratio
4. The accuracy of calculation
analysing profit [2,3]
sharing and
profitsharing ratio of
funding products
from the perspective
of Islamic banks
5. The accuracy of
analysing the profit-
sharing ratio
14 Able to examine ALMA in 1. Accuracy in identifying Criteria: Lectures and Case WAG (discussion) Google 14.1 Islamic banking 5%
Islamic banks financial information of Holistic rubric Studies (Case Based Classroom (materials) with Google financial information
Islamic banks Learning) Meet (lectures) and Case Studies 14.2 ALMA
2. Accuracy in analysing Non-test form: (Case Based Learning) 14.3 Treasury
ALMA of Islamic banks Analyse the health [3 x 3 x 50 minutes] Management Activities
3. Accuracy in analysing level of Islamic [1 x 3 x 50 minutes] 14.4 Islamic Commercial
the Financial Soundness Commercial Banks and Assignment: Banks Soundness
of Islamic commercial BPRS. Analyse the health Assignment: 14.5 BPRS Soundness
banks level of Islamic Analyse the health level of Islamic 14.6 Financial Ratio of
4. The accuracy of Commercial Banks Commercial Banks and BPRS. Islamic banks
analysing the Financial and BPRS
Soundness level of [2,3, 13]
15 Able to examine corporate The accuracy of examining Criteria : Lectures Google Classroom (discussion) 15.1 Corporate Governance 5%
governance in Islamic corporate governance in Holistic rubric Google Meet (lecture) Concept
Bank Islamic banks [1 x 3 x 50 minutes] 15.2 Islamic Banking
Non-test form: Corporate Governance
Analyse the corporate Policy
governance report of
Islamic banks [6,15]

16 Final Exam 30%

Notes :
1. Learning Outcomes of Graduates of PRODI (ELO-PRODI) is the ability possessed by each graduate of PRODI which is an internalization of
attitudes, mastery of knowledge and skills in accordance with the level of the study program obtained through the learning process.
2. ELOs imposed on courses are some of the learning outcomes of study program graduates (ELO-PRODI) used for the formation / development of a
course consisting of aspects of attitude, general skills, specific skills and knowledge.
3. Course CP (CLO) is an ability that is specifically described from the ELOs charged to the course, and is specific to the study material or learning
material of the course.
4. Course Sub-CLOs are abilities that are specifically described from CLOs that can be measured or observed and are the final abilities planned
at each learning stage, and are specific to the learning material of the course.
5. Indicators of ability assessment in the process and student learning outcomes are specific and measurable statements that identify the ability or
performance of student learning outcomes accompanied by evidence.
6. Assessment criteria are benchmarks used as a measure or measure of learning achievement in assessment based on predetermined indicators.
Assessment criteria are guidelines for assessors so that the assessment is consistent and unbiased. Criteria can be quantitative or qualitative.
7. Form of assessment: test and non-test.
8. Forms of learning: Lecture, Reception, Tutorial, Seminar or equivalent, Practicum, Studio Practice, Workshop Practice, Field Practice, Research,
Community Service and or other equivalent forms of learning.
9. Learning Methods: Small Group Discussion, Role Play & Simulation, Discovery Learning, Independent Learning, Cooperative Learning,
Collaborative Learning, Contextual Learning, Project Based Learning, and other equivalent methods.
10. Learning Materials are details or descriptions of study materials that can be presented in the form of several topics and sub-topics.
11. The assessment weight is the percentage of assessment of each sub-CLO achievement which is proportional to the difficulty level of the sub-
CLO achievement, and totals 100%.
12. FL = Face to Face Learning, SA = Structured Assignments, IL = Independent Learning. (TM=Tatap Muka, PT=Penugasan terstruktur,
BM=Belajar mandiri.)

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