[ 244 ]
tree rings reveal climate change 245
Figure 1. Location of all tree-ring chronology sites archived publicly in the Inter-
national Tree Ring Data Bank (ITRDB).
training who established the modern basis for the field through his
interest in extending the record of sunspots via their effect on weather
and therefore tree growth (Douglass 1914, 1919, 1929; Webb 1983).
Douglass founded the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the Univer-
sity of Arizona in 1937 (Creasman et al. 2012). The earliest years of
dendrochronology were also closely linked with archaeological research
on the pre-Hispanic cultures of southwestern North America (Nash
1999), with Douglass, archaeologist Emil Haury, and their colleagues
successfully matching the growth patterns from rings of living trees
with those in remnant archaeological timbers to establish absolute
dates for settlement and construction (Douglass 1929; Haury 1962).
Douglass was also interested in using the longevity of ancient giant
sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) to link societal and climatic
changes over several millennia in the ancient Americas (Huntington et
al. 1914). Indeed, Douglass—a Member of the American Philosophical
Society—presented on his climate investigations of sequoia at the 1922
Meeting of the Society in Philadelphia (Douglass 1922).
More than a century of dendrochronology research has now
resulted in a network of tree-ring chronologies covering all the conti-
nents except Antarctica (Figure 1). This global tree-ring database is
most dense in the mid- and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere,
due to a mix of the history, location, and scholarly focus of major tree-
ring laboratories and individual researchers, the location and existence
of forest regions with long-lived trees, and the numerous challenges
associated with tropical dendrochronology (Eckstein et al. 1981; Stahle
1999). Depending on their location, tree-ring chronologies record a
tree rings reveal climate change 247
diverse set of climate signals (St. George 2014; St. George and Ault
2014). In semi-arid regions, tree-ring width variation is most often
controlled by precipitation or soil moisture and record information
about regional hydroclimate variability. At high latitude and high
elevations near tree line, temperature limitations are more likely to
determine ring width and wood density. Moist temperate forests in the
mid-latitudes often have trees whose growth reflects a mix of tempera-
ture and precipitation signals. Thus, sampling strategies for recon-
structing past climate variability and change are guided by the metric
of interest: for reconstructions of past temperature, high latitude, high
altitude, and wood density chronologies contain the strongest tempera-
ture signal, while forests where moisture in the primary limiting factor
on growth are the target for hydroclimate studies. This principle allows
the global network of tree-ring data to be used to reconstruct different
aspects of Earth’s climate, depending on the geography and ecology of
the proxy network.
The retrospective nature of paleoclimatology and dendroclima-
tology therefore offer insights into the past. But the long-term perspec-
tive afforded by tree-ring data and the climate reconstructions that can
be generated from them also provide context for present climate vari-
ability and change. The paleoclimate record contains and offers for
analysis a much more expansive understanding of the potential range
of behaviors in Earth’s climate system and the opportunity to better
estimate the occurrence of rare and extreme events.
et al. 2016). Barnett and Pierce (2009) modeled potential future water
delivery scenarios for the Colorado River, using two different riverflow
baselines: one from instrumental observations alone and one using
tree-ring estimates of the multicentennial riverflow. They found that
scenarios using the long-term tree-ring estimated flow had a higher
likelihood of future and imminent shortfalls as the 21st century
progressed, compared to using only recent observations of riverflow.
Climate change in the Colorado River Basin exacerbated future water
deficits in their simulations, but both the timing and the magnitude of
simulated shortfalls depended on assumptions about the baseline
conditions and differed between short instrumental and long-term tree-
ring estimates. Rajagopalan et al. (2009) modeled future water supplies
and reservoir status in the Colorado River Basin under future demand,
management, and climate change scenarios, using the tree-ring
250 kevin j. anchukaitis
Figure 4. Drought intensity (reflected by the PDSI) for the late 12th-century Colo-
rado River drought identified by Meko et al. (2007), revealing a pattern of
pan-continental drought at the time. Tree-ring reconstruction field data from
Cook, Seager et al. (2010).
the magnitude and spatial patterns associated with changes due to radi-
ative forcing anomalies from volcanic eruptions, solar variability, and
greenhouse gas emissions, and characterize patterns of internal climate
system variability at timescales from decadal to centennial. These
reconstructions also provide an out-of-sample opportunity to test the
general circulation (climate) models used to project future changes in
climate due to anthropogenic global warming.
The first tree-ring reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere tempera-
ture was developed by Jacoby and D’Arrigo (1989). Although limited
in time span, their reconstruction showed that 20th-century tempera-
tures were anomalously warm compared to the previous three centu-
ries. Subsequent research by Mann, Bradley, and Hughes (1998, 1999)
extended Northern Hemisphere reconstructions back to 1400 CE and
then through the entire last millennium. The Mann, Bradley, and
Hughes (1999) curve, which became known as the “Hockey Stick,”
showed an overall trend toward cooling temperatures from the Medi-
eval Period until the late 19th century, and then a rapid warming (the
“blade” of the hockey stick) associated with anthropogenic warming of
the climate system. Esper, Cook, and Schweingruber (2002) subse-
quently developed a new reconstruction that preserved more low-fre-
quency variation in their past temperature estimates, suggesting the
magnitude of change over the last millennium was greater than that
reconstructed by Mann, Bradley, and Hughes (1999), but generating a
similar overall long-term history. Debates—often acrimonious and
frequently carried out in the public and policy spheres—about data
and methods for reconstructing last millennium temperature, about the
true shape and magnitude of the Northern Hemisphere’s Common Era
temperature history, and whether present temperature were higher than
those in the Medieval past, continued for the following decade (Frank,
Esper, Zorita et al. 2010; Smerdon and Pollack 2016).
Recent effort to reconstruct the large-scale temperature history of
the planet have built on lessons learned over the last decade. There has
been an increased focus on assembling large open-access databases of
proxy records (Ahmed et al. 2013; Emile-Geay et al. 2017), thorough
investigation and development of statistical reconstruction methods
(Esper et al. 2005; Smerdon 2011; Frank, Esper, Raible et al. 2010;
Tingley and Huybers 2010; Tingley et al. 2012; Hakim et al. 2016;
Smerdon and Pollack 2016), increased focus on uncertainty identifica-
tion and quantification (Tingley et al. 2012; Tingley and Huybers 2013;
Evans et al. 2014; Emile-Geay et al. 2013), and investigation and
modeling of the proxy systems themselves (Frank, Esper, Zorita et al.
2010; Evans et al. 2013; Esper et al. 2015). Although one approach to
large-scale temperature reconstruction now makes use of large
tree rings reveal climate change 255
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