Public Administration
Public Administration
Public Administration
Discipline Notes
A. Ancient Roots of Public Administration: Perspectives
from India (Kautilya’s Arthashastra)
The early Vedic period saw many tribes electing their own
chiefs to handle their responsibilities and administration.
The first form of the 'State' in India can be traced back to the
times of Manu, the first King according to Hinduism, who was
appointed to bring order to society and ensure mutual
benefit and justice.
About the hermeneutics research methodology, which
involves interpreting and understanding ancient literature
and religious texts as well as contemporary texts and
systems of meaning.
Hermeneutics extends beyond written documents to any
object subject to interpretation.
The hermeneutic system includes investigating and
interpreting human behavior, including language, social
institutions, and ritual behaviors. Kautilya's Arthashastra,
written in Sanskrit, is interpreted in this paper in the context
of management.
The sutra or aphorism system of teaching with any body of
language is a unique system developed and used for many
thousands of years.
The text translates some of Kautilya's sutras or aphorisms
into the context of modern organizational management and
provides interpretation and explanation of the terms used in
the Arthashastra, such as the state as an organization, the
king as the CEO, ministers as department managers, kosh as
finances, danda as the administrative or management
system, durg as the security system, and bal as the