Biology Departmental Meeting
Biology Departmental Meeting
Biology Departmental Meeting
1. Opening prayer
2. Welcome remarks
3. Minutes correction and adoption
4. Staffing
5. Curriculum
6. BGCSE Results Analysis
7. Vote of thanks
8. Closing prayer
Opening prayer
Welcome Remarks
The chairperson welcomed everyone back from school holidays. He extended a special welcome to new
members in the department and wished them a good and productive stay. He urged every member of
biology department to work hard towards improving students performance in biology. He concluded his
welcome remarks by informing the house that he was standing in for the STI Mrs Ngueja, and therefore
he was to limit his contributions, for the most part, to what the STI has prepared for and made available
to him to share with the department in this meeting.
Corrections were made and minutes were adopted to be the true record of what transpired in the
Form 5
triple Science double
topic No. of Topic No. of
weeks weeks
Transport and circulation 3 Transport and circulation 3
Gaseous exchange 2 Respiration 2
Respiration 2 Biotechnology 2
Biotechnology 5 Homeostasis 2
Excretion 3
End of June
Results analysis-BGCSE
Biology department performed poorly in the 2022 BGCSE examinations at around 53.3%
(A-C) and 96.6%(A-E).
Discussion of results in IIAA format
Feedback from BEC has revealed that our learners do not do well in paper 3.poor
performance in this paper can be attributed to the following:
-inadequate tests and exam feedback to learners
-low turnup rates by learners for extra lessons and biology clinic
-low teacher-individual students contact time
- low capacity building
poor biology examination results
poor academic performance by the school
Biology teachers need training in marking, setting of paper 3
learners need to be given more practice on paper 3.
Liase with other subject teachers to draw a schedule for remedial lessons
Teachers need to create time for individual students or see them in small groups.
Department to conduct capacity building workshops
Accountable individuals are
Biology subject teachers
Senior Teacher I Biology
Biology clinic
Practice tests (practicals)
The senior teacher was applauded for her initiative of setting the whole paper for end of month
tests. Biology teachers strongly believed that the initiative would provide more practice in
paper 3 and 4 for learners in triple sciences. students.
Vote of thanks
Mr. Kepaletswe thanked biology teachers and encouraged them to do their work diligently in
order to improve the academic performance of learners in biology.
Closing prayer
Mr. Tebogo closed the meeting with a word of prayer.