PNS - BAFS.76.2016 - Coconut Sap Sugar - BPS1
PNS - BAFS.76.2016 - Coconut Sap Sugar - BPS1
PNS - BAFS.76.2016 - Coconut Sap Sugar - BPS1
The revised Philippine National Standard for Coconut Sap Sugar – Specifications
(PNS/BAFS 76:2016) was undertaken by the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries
Standards (BAFS) through the Technical Working Group (TWG) as provided for in Special
Order 336 Series of 2016. The TWG is composed of members from the Philippine Coconut
Authority (PCA), Sugar Regulatory Agency (SRA), Food and Nutrition Research Institute
(FNRI), Food Development Center (FDC), Philippine Coconut Research and Development
Foundation Inc. (PCRDF Inc.), and United Coconut Associations of the Philippines (UCAP).
This standard provides the minimum requirements and specifications for commercially
produced Coconut Sap Sugar.
PNS/BAFS 76:2016 was drafted and revised in accordance with the rules
given in the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) Directives, Part 1.
This standard replaces PNS/BAFS 76:2010, Coconut Sap Sugar – Grading and Classification.
The revision in this standard considered modifications due to national legal requirements
and current developments on food safety and quality related to the production and
processing of coconut sap sugar.
Coconut Sap Sugar - Specifications
1 Scope
This standard provides the minimum requirements for commercial Coconut sap sugar
obtained from fresh sap tapped from an unopened inflorescence of coconut trees,
Cocos nucifera Linn.
2 References
The titles of the standard publications and other references of this standard are listed on
the inside back cover.
3 Definitions
coconut sap
liquid oozing out from the tapped unopened inflorescence of the coconut palm
coconut sap sugar
a sweetener in solid form, derived from pure fresh coconut sap obtained by boiling
extraneous and foreign matters
4 Minimum Requirements
Parameter Values
Water activity, aw ≤ 0.60
Moisture content, MC (%) ≤ 3.5
Glucose (%) 2.0 -3.0
Fructose (%) 1.0-4.0
Sucrose (%) 78.0 – 89.0
Ash (%) ≤ 2.4
Parameter Values
Salmonella (/25g) Negative
E. coli Negative
Coliform count < 10 cfu/g or < 3 MPN/g
Total plate count < 500 cfu/g
Yeast and mold count < 10 cfu/g
5 Contaminants
5.1 The coconut sap sugar should be free from filth and extraneous matters.
5.2 Coconut sap sugar should conform with heavy metals in amount not
hazardous to human health.
6 Hygiene
Coconut sap sugar should be prepared and handled in accordance with the appropriate
sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice – General Principles of
Food Hygiene (RCP 1 – 1969, Rev. 4 - 2003), Code of Hygienic Practice for Coconut Sap
Sugar (PNS/BAFS 167:2015), BFAD Administrative Order No. 153 Series of 2004,
Revised Guidelines on Current Good Manufacturing, Packing, Repacking, or Holding
Coconut Sap Sugar - Specifications
The sampling and analytical procedure for coconut sugar should conform with the
Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) 20th ed. 2016, Bacteriological Analytical
Manual (BAM) and Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of
Foods by the American Public Health Association (APHA).
8 Packaging
8.1 Coconut sap sugar should be packed in suitable containers which will
safeguard the integrity of the product.
8.2 The packaging materials should be made of substances which are safe and food
grade suitable for the intended use.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
FDA AO 0030 s. 2014. Revised Rules and Regulation Governing the Labeling of
Prepackaged Food Products Further Amending Certain Provisions of
Administrative Order No. 88-B s. 1984 or the “Rules and Regulations Governing
the Labeling of Food Products Distributed in the Philippines and For Other
Manohar, Erlene C., Nina Marie L. Kindipan and Lorna V. Sancha. Coconut Sap Sugar. A
High Value and Promising Health Food from Coconut. Philippine Coconut
Manohar, E.C., N. M. L. Kindipan and L. V. Sancha. 2007. Coconut Sap Sugar Production.
From Farm to Market and Wealth and Health. Paper presented as Finalist in
the Best Paper Competition of 19th Federation of Crop Science Societies of the
Philippines Scientific Conference. June 15, 2007. Development Academy of the
Philippines, Tagaytay City, Philippines.
Masa, Dina B. and Grace R. Ramat. 2008. Standardization of Process Parameters for
Coconut Sugar Production. PCA-Aroman Coconut Seed Production Center,
Aroman, Cotabato City. Project Report. April 2 - 10, 2008. 27 pp.
Coco Sugar Good for Diabetics. 2007. Press Release by Coconut Media Service,
Philippine Coconut Authority, Department of Agriculture, Elliptical Road,
Diliman, Quezon City. 5 pp.
Pumono. 1992. ASEAN Food Journal. 7(4), as cited by Ticzon, Sancha and Magat. 1997.
Philippine Coconut Authority, R&D Technical Report No. 4, 1997.
Coconut Sap Sugar - Specifications
Secretaria, M. I., R. M. Ebuna and S. S. Magat. 2003. On-farm Production and Processing
of Selected Coconut Sap Based Natural and Nutritious Food Products From
SCTNP Scheme. Coconut Research and Development (CORD) Journal. XIX (2):20-
31. Publication of Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC), Jakarta,
Secretaria, M. I., R. M. Ebuna, S. S. Magat. 2003. Producing High Value “Organic and
Green” Foods from Coconut Sap at Village Level. Increase your Farm Income
thru Product Diversification Scheme. Techno Guide Sheet No. 8, Series of 2003.
RDE Branch, Zamboanga Research Center and Davao Research Center,
Philippine Coconut Authority, Department of Agriculture. 2pp.
Ticzon, S. G., L. V. Sancha and S. S. Magat. 1997. Sugar from Coconut Sap in Relation to
Nut Production: A Review. Diliman, Quezon City. ARDB, 1997. 53 pp. (R&D
Technical 1 Report No.4).
Trinidad, T. P., A.C. Mallilin, R. S. Sagum, and R. R. Encabo. Nutritional and Health
Benefits of Coconut Sap Sugar. Coconuts Today. vol. 21, pp. 13-15, November
2006 – October 2007.
Coconut Sap Sugar - Specifications
Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards
Philippine National Standard for Coconut Sap Sugar - Specifications
Ms. Karen Kristine A. Roscom
OIC- Executive Director
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Ms. Celia Raquepo Ms. Josephine Nieva
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Technical Secretariat
BPI Compound Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
Telephone (632) 920.6131 / 455.2856 / 467.9039
Telefax (632) 455.2858 / 456.6552