CQI-12 Ver 3 Understanding and Implementation
CQI-12 Ver 3 Understanding and Implementation
CQI-12 Ver 3 Understanding and Implementation
Faculty :-
Mangesh Rajhansa
Mob: 9545223656 ; 9860317504
Email : mvrajhansa1@gmail.com
Email : sairajconsultant2016@gmail.com
LinkedIN: @Mangesh Rajhansa
SAIRAJ Consultant
13,“Samarth Residency“,Govind Nagar,
Nashik, Maharatstra state / INDIA
TopQM-Systems GmbH & Co. KG
Oberer Schafackerweg 1
+91 9545223656; +91 9860317504
74850 Schefflenz´/ Germany mvrajhansa1@gmail.com;
Phone +49 6293 9289 888 mangesh.rajhansa@topqm.de
Email: info@topqm.de
IATF – Members
IATF – Members
USA France
Italy UK Germany
Source: www.iatfglobaloversight.org, current status 2019
Sai Raj Consultant
4 © TopQM-Systems GmbH & Co. KG , D-74850 Schefflenz
Understanding & Implementation of CQI-12 ver. 3
Who is the AIAG ?
the old
PPAP SPC MSA QS9000 Core Tools
Manuals Information
Forms Expert know-how
CQI-Standards Publications
The AIAG thus founded the various “CQI-Working Groups“ for the special
processes responsible for developing the respective process tables.
CQI-12 requirements,
Customer requirements,
Regulatory requirements and,
Organization’s own requirements.
Process Tables
Job Audit
(kind of an Product Audit)
CQI-12 Cover sheet & Main-Questionnaire
(kind of a System & Process Audit)
Structure of CSA
The Layout of CQI-12 questions (Section 1-3) was restructured to more clearly
specifying detailed requirements
The questions from the Main Audit Questionnaier were divided into individual
questions, which are identical to the previously specified, Requirements &
Guidance in the main questions.
This means that the Auditor must increase the scope of the audit evidence to
accommodate the necessary details in the audit report
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Assessor Qualifications :
3) Assessor shall possess knowledge of and be familiar with
the application of automotive quality core tools including
• Statistical Process Control (SPC),
• Measurement System Analysis(MSA),
• Part Approval Process (PPAP),
• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), and
• Advanced Quality Planning(APQP).
Application of CSA:
All requirements of CSA are generic and are intended
to be applicable to all organizations performing
Coating regardless of type, size and product.
Page 10
• Do the Root cause analysis & Record Implementation Date for the
Corrective Actions.
Facility Name
Phone No
Fax No
Email ID
Captive Coater– Yes / No
Commercial Coater– Yes / No
Date of assessment
Date of Previous Assessment
Types of Coating Processing in this facility
Assessors Details
No of “Non conforming” Findings
No of “Non conforming” Findings in Job Audit
Sections of CSA : -
• Section 1
– Management Responsibility & Quality Planning
• Section 2
– Floor & Material Handling Responsibility
• Section 3
– Pyrometry
The organization shall complete a Job audit during the annual CSA.
The scope of the job audit is intended to verify the overall effectiveness
of the Coating system.
The job audit shall be performed when applicable parts are available.
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Calibration before first use in the working temperature range and at intervals no greater
than 150 C
Certificates should state actual temperature , nominal temperature, correction factor for
each point, provider of calibration data and calibration method. Interpolation between
test points is allowed, extrapolation outside test points is not.
Replace every 4 years , if Noble metal (B,R,S & Platinum RTDs ) is used all
Ovens & Process Tanks. or Base Metal ( K,J,N,T ) used for Ovens .
Replace every 2 years for base metals (K,J,N,T ) used for Process Tanks.
Replace every 2 years for base metals (K,J,N,T ) used for Process Tanks.
± 1.1ºC (± 2.0ºF)
Oven systems with a process
Base Metal Types Calibrate before first use. Primary or Secondary or
temperature control tolerance
(K, J, N, T) Replace every two years (2,3) Standard ± 0.4% whichever is
of 20⁰C (30⁰F) or less.
± 1.1ºC (± 2.0ºF)
Base Metal Types Calibrate before first use. Primary or Secondary or
Other Ovens
(K, J, N, T) Replace every four years (2,3) Standard ± 0.4% whichever is
± 1.1ºC (± 2.0ºF)
Base Metal Types Calibrate before first use. Primary or Secondary or
Process Tanks
(K, J, N, T) Replace every two years (2,3) Standard ± 0.4% whichever is
± 1.1ºC (± 2.0ºF)
Calibrate before first use.
Noble Metal Types Primary or Secondary or
All Ovens and Process Tanks Replace or recalibrate every four years
(B,R,S, Platinum RTD) Standard ± 0.4% whichever is
1. Non-Expendable
2. Thermocouples shall be replaced whenever needed (e.g., failed SAT or damaged thermocouple); however,
thermocouples shall be replaced minimally as stated
above. Thermocouples may either be purchased calibrated or calibrated internally and shall meet requirements of
3. Base metal thermocouples shall not be recalibrated.
± 1.1ºC (± 2.0ºF)
Base Metal Types TUS As per Table P3.1.3 Recalibration Primary or Secondary
Test Thermocouples or
(K, J, N, T) SAT prohibited (1) Standard
± 0.4% whichever is greater
1. Thermocouples shall be dedicated to a specific, unalterable purpose (TUS, SAT, Load Sensing, Control,
Monitoring, or Recording). Thermocouples that have achieved their maximum permitted number of uses for
this assigned application shall not be repurposed for other CQI-12 compliance requirements.
2. Under no circumstance shall any expendable base metal thermocouple be used beyond six months from date of first use.
Offset values applied are limited & shall not exceed 5⁰C for the correction of
instrument calibration error. An additional offset of 5⁰C is allowed for the
correction of an SAT error & another 5⁰C of offset for the purpose of centering a
TUS result.
When offsets are used a documented procedure shall exist which at a minimum
describes each of the following:
Limited to controlling, monitoring,
potentiometer or
± 0.6ºC (± 1.0ºF) or or recording instrument calibration,
Field Test digital instrument, Primary or Secondary
12 ± 0.1% of reading, performance of system accuracy
Instrument electronic data standard
whichever is greater tests and temperature uniformity
recorder, or data
acquisition system.
Oven SAT & Process Tank temperature checks shall be performed using a test
thermocouple ,conforming the requirements of thermocouples as per P3.1.2 ,
coupled with a test instrument meeting the requirements of instrumentation as
per P3.2.1
A new oven SAT or process tank daily temperature checks shall be performed
after any maintenance that could affect the SAT or temperature check accuracy,
e.g. Replacement of lead wire, replacement of control thermocouple, or
replacement of control instrument
For oven systems, the SAT shall be performed while the oven is operating at a
typical operating temperature using Probe Method A
The tip (measuring junction) of the test thermocouple shall be no further than
50 mm from the tip (measuring junction) of the oven control, monitoring &
recording thermocouple/RTD.
If the operating temperature range of the ovens qualified work zone is less
than or equal to 170 Deg C, then only the max. operating temperature to
be surveyed / tested.
When performing the TUS, the oven system parameters during the test
shall replicate the oven system parameters during normal production. The
pre heating of the oven system is permissible if the oven is preheated in
normal production.
Sai Raj Consultant
Understanding & Implementation of CQI-12 ver. 3
Temperature Uniformity Survey ( TUS): P3.4
TUS shall be performed with a dense, full production load or simulated
production load which shall represent the maximum permissible load rate for the
oven during normal production.
Time required to achieve the set temperature shall meet the most stringent
applicable customer or process specifications.
This data is then compared with the data from the process record.
( the soak time should be clearly shown ).
When the furnace control normally cycles around set point, & the TUS
thermocouples have stabilized, continue the data collection for a minimum
of 30 minutes.
This data is then compared with the data from the process record.
( the soak time should be clearly shown ).
All the readings of all TUS thermocouples and control thermocouples are within
+/-10 Deg C of the temperature controller set point or other more stringent
customer specifications.
The time required to achieve target part temperature did not exceed the time
limit specified in customer specifications, process sheet or technical data sheet.
The upper tolerance was not exceeded at any time by any TUS thermocouple
or temperature controller thermocouple.
If the TUS results are not within the established limits, the cause of the
deviation shall be determined and documented.
The equipment shall not be used for additional processing until the cause
has been corrected and the TUS has been performed successfully.
Thank You !!