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Free Association
Most Common…
1Tumor arising from bone in adults Multiple Myeloma
Adrenal Medullary Tumor – Adults Pheochromocytoma
Adrenal Medullary Tumor – Children Neuroblastoma
Arteries of stroke Lateral striate
Bacterial Meningitis – adults Neisseria meningitidis
Bacterial Meningitis – elderly Strep pneumoniae
Bacterial Meningitis – newborns E. coli
Bacterial Meningitis – toddlers Hib
B cell defect (genetic) Isolated IgA deficiency
Bone Tumors Metasteses from Breast & Prostate
Brain Tumor – Child Medulloblastoma (cerebellum)
Brain Tumor –Adult Astrocytoma (including Glioblastoma Multiforme) then: mets, meningioma, Schwannoma
Breast Carcinoma Invasive Duct Carcinoma
Breast Mass Fibrocystic Change (Carcinoma is the most common is post-menopausal women)
Bug in Acute Endocarditis Staph aureus
Bug in debilitated, hospitalized pneumonia pt Klebsiella
Bug in Epiglottitis Hib
Bug in GI Tract Bacteroides (2nd – E. coli)
Bug in IV drug user bacteremia / pneumonia Staph aureus
Bug in PID N. Gonnorrhoeae
Bug in Subacute Endocarditis Strep Viridans
Cardiac 1Tumor – Adults Myxoma “Ball Valve”
Cardiac 1Tumor – Child Rhabdomyoma
Cardiac Tumor – Adults Metasteses
Cardiomyopathy Dilated (Congestive) Cardiomyopathy
Carpal bone fractured scaphoid
Cause of 2HTN Renal Disease
Cause of Addison’s Autoimmune (2nd – infection)
Cause of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (then, 11-)
Cause of Cushings Exogenous Steroid Therapy (then, 1ACTH, Adrenal Adenoma, Ectopic ACTH)
Cause of death in Alzheimer pts Pneumonia
Cause of death in amyloidosis Chronic renal failure
Cause of death in Diabetics MI
Cause of Death in SLE pts. Lupus Nephropathy Type IV (Diffuse Proliferative)
Cause of Dementia Alzheimer’s
Cause of Dementia (2nd most common) Multi-Infarct Dementia
Cause of food poisoning Staph aureus
Cause of mental retardation Down’s
Cause of mental retardation (2nd most common) Fragile X
Cause of preventable blindness Chlamydia
Cause of Pulmonary HTN COPD
Cause of SIADH Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
Chromosomal disorder Down’s
Congenital cardiac anomaly VSD (membranous > muscular)
Congenital early cyanosis Tetralogy of Fallot
Coronary Artery thrombosis LAD
Demyelinating Disease Multiple Sclerosis
Dietary Deficiency Iron
Disseminated opportunistic infection in AIDS CMV (Pneumocystis carinii is most common overall)
Esophageal cancer SCCA
Fatal genetic defect in Caucasians Cystic Fibrosis
Female Tumor Leimyoma
Form of Amyloidosis Immunologic (Bence Jones protein in multiple myeloma is also called the Amyloid Light Chain)
Form of Tularemia Ulceroglandular
Gynecologic malignancy Endometrial Carcinoma
Heart Murmur Mitral Valve Prolapse
Heart problem in AIDS Pericarditis
Heart tumor in adults myxoma
Heart tumor in kids rhabdomyoma
Heart Valve in bacterial endocarditis Mitral
Heart Valve in bacterial endocarditis in IV drug users Tricuspid
Heart Valve involved in Rheumatic Fever Mitral then Aortic
Hereditary Bleeding Disorder Von Willebrand’s Disease
Liver 1Tumor Hepatoma, seen in women on oral contraceptives
Liver Disease Alcoholic Liver Disease
Location of Adult brain tumors Above Tentorium
Location of Childhood brain tumors Below Tentorium
Location of GI tuberculosis Ileocecal
Lysosomal Storage Disease Gaucher’s
Motor Neuron Disease ALS
Myocarditis cause Coxsackie B
Neoplasm – Child Leukemia
Neoplasm – Child (2nd most common) Medulloblastoma of brain (cerebellum)
Nephrotic Syndrome Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Opportunistic infection in AIDS PCP
Osteomyelitis in IV drug user Pseudomonas
Osteomyelitis in sickle cell Salmonella
Ovarian Malignancy Serous Cystadenoma
Ovarian Tumor Hamartoma
Pancreatic Tumor Adeno (usually in the head)
Patient with ALL / CLL / AML / CML ALL - Child / CLL - Adult over 60 / AML - Adult over 60 / CML - Adult 35-50
Patient with Goodpasture’s Young male
Patient with Reiter’s Male
Pituitary Tumor Prolactinoma (2nd – Somatotropic “Acidophilic” Adenoma)
Primary Hyperparathyroidism Adenomas (followed by: hyperplasia, then carcinoma)
Pt. With Hodgkin’s Young Male (except Nodular Sclerosis type – Female)
Pt. With Minimal Change Disease Young Child
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Hypocalcemia of Chronic Renal Failure
Sexually transmitted disease Chlamydia
Site of Diverticula Sigmoid Colon
Site of metastasis Regional Lymph Nodes
Site of metastasis (2nd most common) Liver
Sites of atherosclerosis Abdominal aorta > coronary > popliteal > carotid
Skin Cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma
Stomach cancer Adeno
Testicular Tumor Seminoma
Thyroid Cancer Papillary Carcinoma
Tracheoesophageal Fistula Lower esophagus joins trachea / upper esophagus – blind pouch
Tumor of Infancy Hemangioma
Type of Hodkin’s Mixed Cellularity (versus: lymphocytic predominance, lymphocytic depletion, nodular sclerosis)
Type of Non-Hodgkin’s Follicular, small cleaved
Vasculitis (of medium & small arteries) Temporal Arteritis
Viral Encephalitis HSV
Worm infection in US Pinworm (2nd – Ascaris)
• Fastest growing tumor – Burkitt’s
• PE’s are found in half of all autopsies
• Courvoisier’s Law: tumors that obstruct the common bile duct cause enlarged gallbladders, but obstructing gallstones do not
(too much scarring).
• Only DNA virus to replicate in cytoplasm: Pox
• Only RNA virus to replicate in nucleus: Influenza
• Bacillus anthracis has the only protein capsule
• Bordetella pertussis (Whooping Cough) elicits lymphocytosis rather than granulocytosis
• Bronchioalveolar carcinomas grow without destroying the normal architecture of the lung
• Cryptococcus neoformans often lacks a capsule and, when stained with GMS, looks just like Pneumycistis carinii, except that
Cryptococcus lacks the prominent nucleoli.