She has done the most recently to develop and refine the art of this kind of interpretation. Mrs. Jacobson lived from 1893 to 1990. Another expert in the field is William Lilly. He wrote in the 17th Century!
Another essential tool for interpreting charts this way is Rex E. Bills The Rulership Book, also widely available on the Internet. The Rulership Book tells you what sign rules just about anything you can think of from Israel to the kitchen sink. This information is critical to horary and electional chart interpretation. Mrs. Jacobsons book on horary is called Simplified Horary Astrology
Lets look at some of the basic steps for reading an electional chart for an operation. Suppose a client has come to asking when is the best time for surgery to remove her uterus. 1. The first thing is to identify the rulership of the area of the body being operated on. We establish this through Bills Rulerships book or general knowledge -- the uterus is a reproductive organ and is therefore ruled by Scorpio and the planet Mars. The rest of the interpretation follows these general guidelines. 2. The 8th house signifies surgery (Jacobson: The 7th rules the doctor or physician: the surgeon who usually cuts away a part that then dies is ruled by the death-8th.).. 3. The 1st house signifies the patient. 4. Mercury represents the instruments the surgeon will use. 5. The recovery process is signified by the 6th house. Examine the rulers of these houses and the planets that inhabit them to see what kind of aspects and information are revealed, positive or negative. For example, if Taurus rules the 6th house, the ruler of that house is Venus. Look to see where Venus is in the chart and how it is aspected in order to find out how the recovery process will go.
Electional astrology requires us to set aside neutral New Age interpretations of planets and aspects and to label certain planets and aspects as the ancients did: benefic planets are good; malefic planets are bad. The malefic planets are Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Any planet in any aspect to these planets is considered afflicted. This is bad. The benefic planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. These planets can aspect each other positively with conjunctions but negatively with squares and oppositions, in which case they are considered afflicted. The Moon is of critical importance in electional astrology. We look primarily to see what sign the Moon is in and what aspects it makes before leaving the sign. The best signs for the Moon are Taurus and Cancer. The worst sign for the Moon is Scorpio. For a good ending to surgery, the Moon should not be Voidof-Course (nothing will come of it) and it should make a good aspect before leaving its sign. Jacobson introduced a Part of Surgery, similar to the Arabic Parts (such as the Part of Fortune with which most of us are familiar). The Part of Surgery is derived by adding the cusp of the first house to Saturn and then subtracting Mars. Look to see if the resulting point in the chart is positive and well aspected. There are some definite no-nos in electional interpretation: 1. the Sun and Moon cannot be in the sign ruling the part of the body to be operated on (in this case Scorpio) 2. the Ruler of the 1st, the patient, cannot be in bad aspect to the Ruler of the 8th, the surgeon, or the surgeon cannot help the patient and nothing will come of the operation 3. the Moon cannot be in the same sign as Mars or applying to a quincunx with Mars 4. the Ascendant, its ruler, a planet in the 1st or 8th houses, the Sun, Moon or Mars cannot be in conjunct with one of the evil fixed stars. If youre not sure what the evil fixed stars are, these are the greatest offenders: Hamal, the Death Wound, at 6 Taurus; Caput Algol or Medusas Head at 24 Taurus; Aldebaran (violence) at 8 Gemini; Serpentis, the Cursed
Degree, at 9 Scorpio; Antares, evil presages and danger of fatality, at 8 Sagittarius: and Scheat, death by drowning (including pneumonia) at 29 Pisces. For more information see Fixed Stars. Expect to see some affliction on the angles of the chart. After all, if Saturn, Neptune, Uranus or Pluto were not hovering at an angle, there would be no indication of serious surgery pending. However, more than one of these planets indicates a need to pick another time. There are some further distinctions to this kind of electional medical chart interpretation, but these are the basics. After you have the chart analyzed, you might do a few more for around the same time period and see if you can get better results. There is no such thing as the perfect time for an event. Some astrologers are not willing to do electional astrology readings for fear of taking on the responsibility. It is wise to prepare a potential client for the fact that 85% or more of the success of the operation relies on the intelligence and skill of the doctor and the odds given. The rest of the process can be enhanced by timing and that is what a good electional chart can do. What Ive found with my clients is that their intuition is good and in most cases is already directing them to an appropriate date and time for success. In medical astrology, barring true emergency room procedures, much of the choice of timing is in the hands of doctors, whose schedules cant be rearranged. Many people must wait up to 6 months for an operation. The good part of this is that it does allow time for fine tuning if a client consults you early in the process.
persons born in the daytime (Sun in 7th - 12th houses) should use the AM formula while persons born in the evening (Sun in 1st - 6th houses) should use the PM formula. Sometimes it's best to try both formulas. 3. Press the "Find Arabic Part" button to view the Arabic Part. The result is a point on the chart listed as degrees and minutes of a particular sign. Now what?? Let's say you run the Part of Marriage and end up with a part equivalent to 10 deg, 18min of Libra. Since the Part of Marriage relates to all matters dealing with marriage, you could use this as a starting point to examine a host of marriage related questions for an individual. Beginning astrologers can lookup the meaning of Libra and see that it is indeed a sign wellsuited to marriage and partnerships in general (as opposed to say, Aries, which is more of a loner-type sign). Advanced astrologers can use the degrees and minutes to cast comparison and composite charts of individuals and events against the parts data to acheive highly informative results. For example, an excellent day to get married would be a day in which favorable aspects are made to the natal Part of Marriage. Or an excellent partner would be someone whose Part of Marriage makes favorable aspects to that of his/her partner.
The following is a list of some other Arabian parts and how to calculate them.:
Asc.+Sun -Moon (pm) Asc. +Sun -Merc Asc.+Sun -Venu Asc.+Sun -Mars Asc.+Sun -Jupt Asc.+Sun -Satu Asc.+Sun -Uran Asc. +Sun -Nept Asc.+Sun -Plut Asc.+Moon-Sun Asc.+Moon-Mere Asc.+Moon-Venu Asc.+Moon-Mars Asc.+Moon-Jupi Asc.+Moon-Satu Asc.+Moon-Uran Asc.+Moon-Nept Asc.+Moon-Plut Asc.+Moon-8th Asc.+Merc-Sun Asc.+Merc-Moon Asc.+Merc-Venu Asc.+Mere-Mars Asc.+Merc-Jupi Asc.+Merc-Satu Asc.+Merc-Uran Asc.+Merc-Nept fortune or Asc+moon-sun(am) Liberty Harmony Retribution & Retaliation Connections, Fame, Recognition Father Individuality, Coincidence Imprisonment, Captivity Interaction Fortune & Material Benefit Servants & Service Mother, Friends Royalty Luck Inheritance & Legacy, Real estate Friends Insincerity Galvanization Ancestral Heritage Commerce Faith, Belief, Trust, & Friends Accord & Harmony Disputes & Arguments Hope, Association Danger, Violence, Debt Provocation Gossip
Asc.+Merc-Plut Asc.+Venu-Sun Asc.+Venu-Moon Asc.+Venu-Merc Asc.+Venu-Mars Asc.+Venu-Jupi Asc.+Venu-Satu Asc.+Venu-Uran Asc.+Venu-Nept Asc.+Venu-Plut Asc.+Venu-7th Asc.+Mars-Sun Asc.+Mars-Moon Asc.+Mars-Merc Asc.+Mars-Venu Asc.+Mars-Jupi Asc.+Mars-Satu Asc.+Mars-Uran Asc.+Mars-Nept Asc.+Mars-Plut Asc.+Jupi-Sun Asc.+Jupi-Moon Asc.+Jupi-Merc Asc.+Jupi-Venu Asc.+Jupi-Mars Asc.+Jupi-Satu Asc.+Jupi-Uran
Opinion Love & Appreciation Daughters Treasure and Profit Play and Sport Praise Faithfulness, Dedication, Loyalty Fascination Deceit Popularity Divorce Commerce & Business, Drive Trickery & Aggression Intelligence, Skill Fulfillment Debate, Daring action Sickness & Upsets Surprise Disappointment Preparation Increase & Benefits Sons Social Standing Mother, Love & Marriage Extravagance, Discord, Lawsuits Death of Parents Sudden Luck
CUNNING OF MEN TOWARD WOMEN- Ascendant plus Venus minus Sun CUNNING OF WOMEN TOWARD MEN- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Venus DANGER/VIOLENCE & DEBT- Ascendant plus Mercury minus Saturn DARING,STRENGTH, DOMINION- Ascendant plus Moon minus ruler of first house DEATH- Ascendant plus 8th house cusp minus Moon DEATH OF SIBLINGS- Ascendant plus (third house cusp plus10 degrees) minus Sun DEATH OF BROTHERS/SISTERS- Ascendant plus Midheaven minus Sun DEEP REFLECTION- Ascendant plus Moon minus Saturn DESIRE FOR WORLDLY PLEASURES- Ascendant plus Part of Spirit minus Part of Fortune DESTINY- Midheaven plus Sun minus Moon DISAPPOINTMENT- Ascendant plus Mars minus Venus DISASSOCIATION- Ascendant plus Moon minus Mars DISCORD- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Mars DISINTEREST/BOREDOM- Ascendant plus Sun minus Venus DIVORCE- Ascendant plus Venus minus seventh house cusp EARTH'S CULTIVATION- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Venus ENEMIES- Ascendant plus twelfth house cusp minus ruler of twelfth house EROS or appetite- Ascendant plus Venus minus Part of Spirit EXCELLENCE, NOBILITY- Ascendant plus Part of Spirit minus Part of Fortune FAITH, religious- Ascendant plus Mercury minus Moon FAITH AND HOPE- Ascendant plus Venus minus Saturn FATHER- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Sun FATHER'S DEATH- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Saturn FATHER, FATE, & KARMA- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Sun FATHERS-IN-LAW- Ascendant plus Venus minus Saturn FERTILITY & ABUNDANCE- Ascendant plus Mercury minus Moon FORTUNE- Ascendant plus Moon minus Sun FRIENDS- Ascendant plus Mercury minus Moon GOODNESS OF THE SOUL- Ascendant plus Sun minus Mercury GRANDFATHERS- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Sun's sign GRANDPARENTS- Ascendant plus Saturn minus second house cusp HAPPINESS- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Saturn HEAVY PLACE- Mercury plus Mars minus Saturn HISTORIES, SCIENCE, LITERATURE- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Sun HONOR- Ascendant plus 19 degrees Aries minus Sun HONORABLE ACQUAINTANCE- Ascendant plus Sun minus Part of Fortune HOPES AND WISHES- Ascendant plus eleventh house cusp minus Moon HOUR OF MARRIAGE- Ascendant plus Moon minus Sun (same as part of fortune) HOW NATIVE IS LOVED OR HATED- Ascendant plus Part of Spirit minus Part of Fortune HUSBANDRY- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Venus INCREASE- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Sun INFIRMITIES, ACCIDENTS- Ascendant plus Mars minus Saturn INFIRMITIES- Ascendant plus Mars minus Mercury INFLUENCE- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Moon INHERITANCES- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Mercury INHERITANCES, POSSESSIONS- Ascendant plus Moon minus Saturn INITIATIVE- Ascendant plus Sun minus Mars INTELLIGENCE- Venus plus Moon minus Sun
INVESTIGATION- Mercury plus Mars minus Saturn JOURNEYS (short)- Ascendant plus third house cusp minus Mercury JOURNEYS BY LAND- Ascendant plus ninth house cusp minus Ruler of ninth house JOURNEYS BY WATER- Ascendant plus 15 degrees Cancer minus Saturn KILLING PLANET- Ascendant plus Moon minus ruler of first house KINGDOM- Jupiter plus Midheaven minus Sun KINGSHIP- Ascendant plus Moon minus Mars KINGSHIP AND KINGS- Ascendant plus Mars minus Mercury KINGSHIP AND VICTORY- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Sun LABOR AND AFFLICTION- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Part of Spirit LARGE BODIES- Ascendant plus Mars minus Part of Fortune LIBERTY OF PERSON- Ascendant plus Sun minus Mercury LIFE (vitae)- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Jupiter LONELINESS- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Venus LOVE- Ascendant plus Part of Spirit minus Part of Fortune LOVE, BEAUTY, & PEACE- Ascendant plus Venus minus Sun LUCK- Ascendant plus Moon minus Jupiter LUXURY- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Venus MARRIAGE- Ascendant plus seventh house cusp minus Venus MARRIAGE CONTRACTS- ninth house cusp plus third house cusp minus Venus 1-MARRIAGE OF WOMEN- Ascendant plus Mars minus Sun 2-MARRIAGE OF WOMEN- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Venus MALE CHILDREN- Ascendant plus Moon minus Moon's ruler MALE OR FEMALE CHILDREN- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Mars MALE OR FEMALE CONCEPTION- Ascendant plus Sun's dispositor minus Moon's dispositor MEMORY- Ascendant plus Mars minus Moon 1-MEN'S MARRIAGES- Ascendant plus Venus minus Saturn 2-MEN'S MARRIAGES- Ascendant plus Venus minus Sun MILITARY DARING- Ascendant plus Moon minus Saturn MONEYLENDERS- Ascendant plus Mercury minus Saturn MOTHER- Ascendant plus Moon minus Venus MOTHER'S DEATH- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Venus NECESSITIES- Ascendant plus third house cusp minus Mars NECESSITY, CONSTRAINTS- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Mercury NEGOTIATION- Ascendant plus Mars minus Jupiter NOBILITY OR HONOR- Ascendant plus 19 degrees Aries minus Moon NOBLES- Ascendant plus Sun minus Mercury NUMBER OF BROTHERS- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Mercury OCCUPATION & DESTRUCTION- Ascendant plus Mercury minus Saturn ORATION, PROFUNDITY OF COUNSEL- Ascendant plus Moon minus Saturn PASSION- Ascendant plus Mars minus Sun PERIL- Ascendant plus Ruler of eighth house minus Saturn PLAYS- Ascendant plus Venus minus Mars PLEASURE- Ascendant plus seventh house cusp minus Venus POVERTY- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Part of Spirit REAL ESTATE- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Mercury REASON & SENSE- Ascendant plus Mars minus Mercury RELIGION- Ascendant plus Venus minus Moon
RETRIBUTION- Ascendant plus Sun minus Mars RUMORS- Ascendant plus Moon minus Mercury SECRET ENEMIES- Ascendant plus Mars minus Saturn SECURITY- Ascendant plus Venus minus Mercury SENTIMENT- Ascendant plus Venus minus Jupiter SERIOUS MATTERS- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Saturn 1-SERVANTS- Ascendant plus Moon minus Mercury 2-SERVANTS- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Mercury SEXUAL ATTRACTION- Ascendant plus fifth house cusp minus Ruler of fifth house SICKNESS & MURDER- Ascendant plus Mars minus Saturn SKILL OR TALENT- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Mercury SOLDIERS AND MINISTERS- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Mars SONS- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Moon SOUL- Fourth house cusp plus Moon minus Sun SPECULATION- Ascendant plus fifth house cusp minus Jupiter SPIRIT, FUTURE- Ascendant plus Sun minus Moon STABILITY- Ascendant plus Part of Spirit minus Part of Fortune SUBSTANCE (goods and possessions)- Ascendant plus second house cusp minus Ruler of 2nd house SUCCESS- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Part of Fortune SUCCESS IN INVESTMENT- Ascendant plus Venus minus Saturn SUDDEN ADVANCEMENT- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Saturn SUICIDE- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus twelfth house cusp SURGERY & ACCIDENT- Ascendant plus Saturn minus Mars TRADE (buying and selling)- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Part of Spirit TRADESMEN- Ascendant plus Venus minus Mercury TRUTH, GOOD WORKS- Ascendant plus Mars minus Mercury VALOR, DARING- Ascendant plus Part of Fortune minus Mars VICTORY, HAPPINESS- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Part of Spirit VOCATION & STATUS- Midheaven plus Moon minus Sun WHAT KIND OF WORK THE NATIVE DOES- Ascendant plus Moon minus Saturn WIDOWHOOD- Ascendant plus fifth house cusp minus Venus WISDOM- Ascendant plus Sun minus Saturn 1-WISDOM & PATIENCE- Mercury plus Jupiter minus Saturn 2-WISDOM & PATIENCE- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Saturn WORK- Ascendant plus Jupiter minus Sun WORLDLINESS- Ascendant plus Venus minus Part of Fortune HOW TO CALCULATE: First one must memorize the order of the signs; Aries is 1, Taurus is 2,
Gemini is 3, Cancer is 4, Leo is 5, Virgo is 6, Libra is 7, Scorpio is 8, Sagittarius is 9, Capricorn is 10, Aquarius is 11 and Pisces is 12.
The first part of the equation is usually your Ascendant, say it is 11 degrees, 44 minutes of Aquarius. The first line will look like this: 11 11 44 Second line, say add your Moon which we will say is 13 degrees, 15 minutes of Aries. So now it looks like this:
THEN we subtract the last item, assume it is the Moon which we will say is 22 degrees, 33 minutes of Cancer.
For my students, I would meditate on these parts, integrate them with the natal chart, and try to see a Past Life/Present Life pattern. These were quite popular, as you can imagine, and even I was impressed with some of the feedback. I remember one girl had a Part on a 7th House planet. Her chart showed difficulty in relationships. When I meditated on these Parts, I saw her as one of some mans many wives traveling to Utah with the Mormons. I felt this caused problems in relationships as she had Uranus in the 7th. That was quite strange but, when the girl heard this, she angrily confided that she had been raised in the Mormon church but had left the church because and she went off on many hostile reasons and the history of many wives. We could not believe this. I found this so much fun but it was too much work and I did not continue this in the 1990s. This is just for fun. I am not going to defend this concept. I did it for about 10 years. I do not know how I came up with this. It is completely an intuitive process.
Filed in General Astrology 1. Micheline Cloutier Says:
May 10, 10:46 PM
Hi, Lynn, I checked my part of spirit it falls at 26 d virgo (but thats for pm births) that one falls in my second house but you said we had to minus the moo, and that is for am births at the nonend calculator arabic site, so did that one too, but that works out to 20 d cancer and that would conjunct my part of fortune???? and falls into my 11th house now same with the part of destiny. i did the pm one (i forgot to say i was born in canada at 21:57) it works out to gemini 15 degrees (nice one it opposes my sun) falls into my 10th house am one if you take out the moon this one is at aries 9 degrees falls into my into my 8th house i dont know how to do the math for the other suff but I will try to figure it out myself. Thanks again
I not use Day/Night charts for calculating these Parts. So, do not make the adjustment. Frankly, I do not find that this technique works for me. My Part of Fortune is in the 10th House, not using the am/pm correction. This fits me better than using the Night calculation that puts it in the 4th House. So, with the calculations, do not take Day/Night into consideration. I did not do this in the 1980s when I used this technique. This is an intuitive technique so it may be easier to experiment with friends and not yourself, until you feel confortable with this process.
3. stephanie Says:
May 11, 04:01 PM
Hello, just discovered your webpage while searching for details of Arabic Parts. Worked out mine and boyfriends p.o.Karma and we are 1 apart but when I worked out the composite Karma it comes out opposite. Is this right or should I consider it also the same as Natal ? Im experimenting with branches of astrology to try to comprehend a complicated relationship and the further I go, the more tangled it gets ! Our charts have very little conjunct but moons are in the same sign. Is this conjunction of points common ? I have checked my maths twice, just to confirm. Your response would be gratefully appreciated.
4. Lynn Koiner Says:
May 11, 04:23 PM
STEPHANIE: I have never used the Part of Karma. I would not rely too much on these Parts here except for your personal chart. Personally, when someone asks me about a relationship, I look at the chart of the other person, list their assets and liabilities and then the person can decide if they want to pursue the relationship. So, regardless, I do not think the Part of Karma is important at all.
5. Gingo Scott Says:
May 24, 07:42 AM
Lynn, I am fascinated by this but I cant find interpretations for the Arabic Parts anywhere on the internet with the exception of the Part of Fortune. Can you help me with this? Thanks!
I do not have any books with such interpretations but I know there is at least one such book. Contact Dave at Dave knows every book on astrology ever written. He can surely tell you.
7. Jamie Says:
Apr 29, 09:25 PM
what do you think about the part of fortune in quincunx to the part of spirit? I have the part of fortune in Pisces in the 2nd house, 13 degrees, conjunct the 3rd house cusp at 17 degrees, and the part of spirit in Libra at 13 degrees in the 9th house conjunct the mid-heaven at 20 degrees Libra, Juno at 15 degrees Libra, Sun at 13 degrees Libra, and Mars at 11 degrees Libra.
8. Deb Says:
Oct 7, 07:16 AM
I was stalked by a crazy nut for 9 and a half years and sure enough, my point of bondage was on the stalkers sun and my point of enmity was on the stalkers mercury. This has made a believer out of me re: the Arabian points.
9. Peter MacKay Says:
Nov 14, 11:57 PM
Hello Lynn I came across this page by chance, and I am glad I did. My Descendant is 16Tau20. My Part of Bondage is 18Tau19. I have been married twice first time for 15 years, second time for only a year. I was almost married a third time. But, and heres the thing, whenever I am in a marriage-type relationship, I feel absolutely and overwhelmingly restricted and suppressed. I walk up the aisle, and I know in my heart that Im making a mistake, yet I think in my mind I am doing the right thing. I cant explain it with words, Lynn, but marriage or similar to me is anathema. I wish it were otherwise. Peter
10. Micheline Says:
Nov 22, 02:44 AM
This is so interesting. I am going to check this out when I get some time at home. Thanks for this article!!! How to Calculate the Formulas
There are two primary methods: numerical, and spatial. The numerical method is based on inserting the degree of the mentioned planet/point into the formula in the proper place, and completing the calculations. In the numerical method, there are two ways to convert the degrees for calculation. The simplest way is to use the following table to convert the degree to a proper numeral. To do this, use the number given for the relevant sign, then add the actual degree within the sign. This, of course, is based on the 360 degree circle. No number is allowed to go over 360 or below 0. Any number which does, must either have 360 added or subtracted to give a working number which falls within the specified range (0-360). Use Equal house Campanus system. 1. Aries = 0 2. Taurus = 30 3. Gemini = 60 4. Cancer = 90 5. Leo = 120 6. Virgo = 150 7. Libra = 180 8. Scorpio = 210 9. Sagittarius = 240 10. Capricorn = 270 11. Aquarius = 300 12. Pisces = 330 The traditional way to convert the degrees, and the way I actually learned,is somewhat more cumbersome and confusing for students, given that a single "number" is comprised of portions in several difference bases. I will give a brief example, and leave the details to those who really want to explore the subject. For example, to calculate the Part of Marriage in my chart using the formula Asc + H7 - Venus. Asc = 26 Cancer 46 H7 = 26 Capricorn 45 Venus = 16 Cancer 17 This could be written as: 26 Cancer 45 Ascendent + 26 Capricorn 44 + 7th House - 16 Cancer 17 - minus = PART OF MARRIAGE
Using the traditional method of calulation, sign is assigned a number of 0-11on a scale of 12. The degrees remain in a base of 30 (30 degrees per sign), and the seconds of arc are of course 60 per degree. Thus, this could also be written as:
116.45 + 296.45 - 106.17 = 307.30 = 7 Aquarius 30 The trick with this is to remember when moving between signs, degrees, and seconds, to carry and subtract in the appropriate base for that portion of the "number." So, if you add the first two "numbers," the seconds add up to 90; you must subtract 60, leaving 30, and carry the number 1 over to the degree column. The advantage of this method is that you can, without performing the calculations, rapidly get a good idea of the sign and house location of the final result, simply by performing a rough calculation based on the houses, and a bit of the degrees. Naturally, to use in a proper delineation, one must have the accurate result to use with transits, directions, and progressions. (NOTE: Trying to calculate arabic parts is basically useless unless one has a rectified chart for the native.) However I have also added what is also believed to work when ascendent is not known. To calculate a formula using a spatial method, also known as the method of the ancients, is very different, and will give different results based on your preferred house system. Be forewarned. A simplistic approach would be to overlay a transparent copy of your chart, with the subtracted planet/point on the natal Asc, and then mark the location of the added planet/point. This is for working purposes only. For further consideration I am adding the points for your future reference. FORTUNA: Asc + Moon - Sun COMMERCE: Asc + Mercury - Sun MARRIAGE: Asc + 7th House - Venus LOVE: Asc + Venus - Sun PASSION: Asc + Mars - Sun INCREASE: Asc + Jupiter - Sun DIVORCE: Asc + Venus - 7th House FATALITY: Asc + Saturn - Sun CATASTROPHE: Asc + Uranus - Sun TREACHERY: Asc + Neptune - Sun ORGANIZATION: Asc + Pluto - Sun SPIRIT: Asc + Sun - Moon FAITH: Asc + Mercury - Moon FEMALE CHILDREN: Asc + Venus - Moon MALE CHILDREN: Asc + Jupiter - Moon MERCHANDISE: Asc + Fortuna - Spirit SORROW & IMPRISONMENT: (see Merchandise) LIFE: Asc + Moon - Full Moon (just prior to birth) MOTHER: Asc + Moon - Venus (also friends) FATHER: Asc + Sun - Saturn INHERITANCE: Asc + Moon - Saturn SICKNESS: Asc + Mars - Saturn SIBLINGS: Asc + Jupiter - Saturn JOURNEY BY WATER: Asc + 15' Cancer - Saturn TRAVEL BY LAND: Asc + 9th House - Lord 9th
PRIVATE ENEMIES: Asc + 12th House - Lord 12th DEATH: Asc + 8th House - Moon PERILOUS YEAR: Asc + Lord 8th - Saturn SUDDEN ADVANCEMENT: Asc + Sun - Saturn In the event of an unknown birth time then use the following formula. Bring the SUN to the Ascendant and create an Equal House Chart using the degree of the sun, now look for the following: If sun were 3 Gemini new ascendent would be 3 Gemini. SUN TO ASCENDANT MERCURY Position: Point of Commerce VENUS Position: Point of Love MARS Position: Point of Passion JUPITER Position: Point of Increase SATURN Position: Point of Fatality URANUS Position: Point of Catastrophe NEPTUNE Position: Point of Treachery PLUTO Position: Point of Organization Now bring the MOON to the Ascendant degree and the following is found: MOON TO ASCENDANT SUN Position: Point of Spirit MERCURY Position: Point of Faith VENUS Position: Point of Female Children JUPITER Position: Point of Male Children As a point of reference, my Natal Point for Divorce is 18 Sagittarius. When my progressed MOON conjuncted this point, I filed for a divorce. I saw it coming and thought that I could prevent the event. Needless to say, I was unable to correct and change the divorce. On my Natal Point for Marriage 20 Virgo, I saw my MOON progressing to this degree. As I did not have a relationship at the time, I did not see the event of marriage. When my progressed MOON hit that degree, I met a man and was married a short time later. My mother died when my progressed MOON hit my point for Death of a Parent. So as you can see this little known point can have a major influence on our lives. I have a list of 177 lots if anyone is interested. I have done extensive work and research in this and the Blue Moons. Currently I have a research / teaching article I have done. Thanks Cece Stevens, Professional Astrologer FREE ASTROLOGY TOOLS ARABIC PARTS ONLINE CALCULATOR
Love and Marriage A + 7H Venus Mens Marriage A + Venus Saturn Time of Marriage A + Moon Sun Passion A + Mars Sun Sexual Energy A + Pluto Venus Sexual Attract A + 5 H L5 False Love A + Neptune Venus Divorce A + Venus 7H Success and Fame A + Jupiter Part fortune Recognition A + Jupiter Sun
Accidents and Sickness A + Mars - Saturn Fatality, Surgery, Police A + Saturn - Sun Suicide A + 8 H - Neptune Sorrow, Prison A + Sun - Mercury Death of Parent A + Jupiter - Saturn Benefice Change A + Pluto - Jupiter Sudden Parting A + Saturn - Uranus Journey by Water A + 15 Cancer Saturn Journey by Land A + 9 H L 9th Luck A + Moon - Jupiter
About The Arabic Parts Pages Many of the formulas are duplicated under different subjects. Some of the subjects have multiple formulas. Some of the formulas with multiple subjects will be listed in multiple places under each individual term; others are listed with all the terms at one location. This list includes both modern and ancient parts. Please test both and see which you prefer for your delineations. I give credits for my sources, and they give credits for theirs. I hope later to index these a variety of ways -- by relevant house, by planets/points used in the formula, by formula, modern vs. ancient, who knows what else -- but I felt that this alphabetical list would be most helpful in just getting started.
Accomplishment Activity Administrators Advancement Anareta (Taker of Life) Ancestors & Relations Agriculture Allegiance Aloofness; Aptness Appreciation Aptness; Aloofness Armies & Police Art Astrology Assassination (I) Assassination(II)
Asc + Sun - Jupiter Asc + Venus - Mars Asc + Mars - Mercury Asc + Sun - Saturn Asc + Moon - R(Asc) Asc + Mars - Saturn Asc + Saturn - Venus Asc + Saturn - Sun Asc + Mercury - Saturn Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Mercury - Saturn Asc + Saturn - Mars Asc + Mercury - Venus Asc + Mercury - Uranus Asc + H12 - Neptune Mars + Neptune - Uranus "The Degree of Assassination is 24 Leo/Aquarius. To activate this degree one must have Sun, Moon, Ascendant or one of the parts of Assassination *on* this degree. Other significators on this degree warn the native to be guarded in public and private affairs, as this degree tends to make the native emotionally offensive." (RHG, pg. 33) Asc + Jupiter - Mercury Asc + Fortuna - Spirit Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Neptune Asc + Jupiter - Uranus Asc + Jupiter - Mercury H12 + R12 - Neptune Asc + Uranus - Sun
( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) for women (RHG) reverse ( AL ) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (JHH) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG)
Assassination **
Assurance; Benevolence Bad Luck Beauty Behest Bequest Benevolence; Assurance Bereavement Bigotry
Birth, Expected
Asc + Lord of Moon's House - Moon Distance from Saturn (Lord of Time) to 21 Libra (Saturn's Exaltation) (NOTE: the formula given does not specifically say to refer the distance back to the ascendent, but I assume that is what is intended) Asc + Moon - R(Asc) Asc + Fortuna - Mars Asc + Moon - Moon's Dispositor Asc + Sun - Venus Asc + Jupiter - Moon Asc + Saturn - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Saturn Asc + 10 degrees of H3 - Sun Asc + Saturn - Mercury Asc + Fortuna - Spirit Asc + Fortuna - Moon Asc + Neptune - Jupiter Asc + Lord of Saturn's House - Saturn Asc + R(Sun's sign) - Sun (NOTE: Some ancient sources reverse these two.)
Birth, Noble
(RHG) reverse
Boldness (I) Boldness (II) Bondage & Slavery Boredom; Disinterest Boys (Sons) Brethren Brothers & Sisters Brothers & Sisters, Death of Brothers & Sisters, Number of Buying & Selling (I) Buying & Selling (II) Cancer & Malignancy Captivity (I) Captivity (II) for Day Birth
(RHG) reverse (JHH) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) (ELH) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (JHH) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (ELH) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (JHH) (JHH)
Captivity; Mind Captivity, Prisons, and Escape Therefrom Catastrophe Catastrophe & Exile Caution Celebrity of Rank Change Charm & Good Manners Children
Asc + H3 - Mercury Asc + Fortuna - Saturn Asc + Uranus - Sun Asc + Uranus - Saturn Asc + Neptune - Saturn Asc + Sun - Saturn Asc + Uranus - Pluto Asc + Moon - Mercury Asc + Saturn - Jupiter
( AL ) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (JHH)
Children (Time, Number, & Asc + Jupiter - Mars Sexes of) Children, Male (I) Children, Male (II) Coincidence Commerce (I) Commerce (II) Commerce; Communication Comfort Condition of Males Condition of Females Confidence Conquest Constancy Contentment Controversy Cooperation (I) Cooperation (II) Corruptness Cucumbers & Melons Curiosity Cutting & Surgery Damage Danger, Violence, Debt Daughters Death, Disaster Death (medieval) Death of Parents Death of Siblings Debilitated Bodies Debt Asc + Jupiter - Moon Asc + Moon - Jupiter Asc + Mars - Uranus Asc + Mars - Sun Asc + Mercury - Sun Asc + Mercury - Sun Asc + Venus - Moon Asc + Jupiter - Mars Asc + Venus - Moon Asc + Uranus - Saturn Asc + Saturn - Sun (NOTE: Use Jupiter if Saturn is combust) Asc + Spirit - Fortuna Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Mars H7 + Moon - Sun Asc + Moon - Mercury Asc + Neptune - Venus Asc + Saturn - Mercury Asc + Moon - Mercury Asc + Saturn - Mars Asc + Neptune - Mars Asc + Mercury - Saturn Asc + Venus - Moon Asc + H8 - Moon H8 + Saturn - Moon Asc + Jupiter - Saturn Asc + 10 Gemini - Sun Asc + Mars - Fortuna Asc + Mercury - Saturn
(RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (ELH) ( AL ) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) (ELH) ( AL ) (ELH) (RHG) ( AL ) (JHH) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse
Decapitation Deceit Deep Reflection Delusion Dependence Despair, Penury & Fraud Destiny Destruction Disappointment (I) Disappointment (II) Disassociation Discernment & Education Discord; Lawsuits Discord; Controversy Disease; Defects, and Time of Onset (Hermes) Disease, Defects, and Time of Onset (Ancients) Disinterest; Boredom Disputes Distress, Upset Divination Divorce (I) Divorce (II) Dramatization Eccentricity Endings Energy Enmity (I) Enmity (II) Entertainment Expected Birth Faith & Religion Faithfulness False Love
H8 + Mars - Moon Asc + Venus - Neptune Asc + Moon - Saturn Asc + Neptune - Moon Asc + Jupiter - Moon Asc + Fortuna - Spirit MC + Sun - Moon Asc + Mars - Sun Asc + Mars - Neptune Asc + Mars - Venus Asc + Moon - Mars Asc + Moon - Mercury Asc + Jupiter - Mars Asc + Jupiter - Mars Asc + Mars - Saturn Asc + Mars - Mercury Asc + Sun - Venus Asc + Mercury - Mars Asc + Mars - Saturn Asc + Neptune - Mercury Asc + Venus - H7 Venus + 180 [n.a.] Asc + Moon - Uranus Asc + Mercury - Uranus Asc + Mars - Venus Asc + Pluto - Venus Asc + Mars - Saturn Asc + H12 - R12 Asc + Uranus - Jupiter Asc + Lord of Moon's House - Moon Asc + Mercury - Moon Asc + Saturn - Mercury Asc + Neptune - Venus
( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (JHH) (RHG) (JHH) (RHG) (RHG) (JHH) reverse (RHG) ( AL )
Fame, Wisdom Family Fascination Fatality Father (I) Father (II) Female Children Finances Finding Lost Objects Foolhardiness Fortuna Fraud Friends (I) Friends (II) Friendship & Love Friendship & Enmity Genius Girls (Daughters) Glory Good Manners & Charm Gossip Grandparents Hailaj (Excitement of Transportation as in Elevation) Heritage Higher Education Honor & Nobility (Day Births) Honor & Nobility (Night Births) Hope Horsemanship, Bravery
Asc + Jupiter - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Saturn Asc + Venus - Uranus Asc + Saturn - Sun (NOTE: Use Jupiter if Saturn is combust per RHG) Asc + Sun - Saturn Asc + Saturn - Sun Asc + Venus - Moon Asc + R2 Moon + H4 - R(Asc) Asc + Saturn - Uranus Asc + Moon - Sun Asc + Neptune - Mercury Asc + Moon - Uranus Asc + Mercury - Moon Asc + Spirit - Fortuna Asc + Spirit - Fortuna Asc + Sun - Neptune Asc + Venus - Moon Asc + Spirit - Fortuna Asc + Moon - Mercury Asc + Mercury - Neptune Asc + Saturn - H2 Asc + Moon - New or Full Moon Prior to Chart Asc + Moon - Saturn Asc + H9 - Mercury Asc + 19 Aries - Sun Asc + 3 Taurus - Moon Asc + Mercury - Jupiter Asc + Moon - Saturn
( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (JHH) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (JHH) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse? (JHH) ? (JHH) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) (ELH) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse
Husbandry, Fortune in
Asc + Saturn - Venus Asc + New or Full Moon Prior to Birth - Moon (NOTE: JHH has very different instructions for finding the Hyleg, but they don't boil down to a formula. You might be interested in checking out both.) Asc + Jupiter - Sun Asc + Fortuna - R(Asc) Asc + Fortuna - Neptune Asc + Jupiter - Sun Asc + Sun - Uranus Asc + Saturn - Moon Asc + Moon - Saturn Asc + Sun - Mars Asc + Fortuna - R(Asc) Asc + Moon - Neptune Asc + Neptune - Uranus Asc + Mercury - Jupiter Asc + Sun - Uranus
Hyleg; Life
Impression Imprisonment, Sorrow (I) Imprisonment, Sorrow & Captivity (II) Increase Individuality Influence Inheritance Initiative Injury to Business Insincerity Inspiration Integrity Intellectuality
(RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RGH) (RGH) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) reverse (RHG) reverse (JHH) (RHG)
Intercourse (Verbal, Trade, Asc + Venus - Sun and for ??female??) Intercourse (Verbal, Trade, Asc + Mars - Moon and for ??male??) Intrusion Issue of Affairs Journeys Journeys by Air(I) Journeys by Air(II) Journeys by Land Journeys by Water Karma Killing Planet (Anareta) Kings, Rulers Asc + Mercury - Neptune Asc + Lord of New or Full Moon Prior to Birth Asc + H9 - R9 Asc + H9 - Uranus Asc + Uranus - Cusp of House Uranus Occupies Asc + H9 - R9 Asc + 15 Cancer - Saturn Asc + Saturn - Sun (NOTE: Use Jupiter if Saturn is combust) Asc + Moon - R(Asc) Asc + Moon - Mars
Labor Lawsuits Lawsuits, Discord & Controversy Legality, Legalizing Liberty of Person Life; Hyleg Life (Female) Life (Male) Life; Reincarnation Loneliness Lost Animal Love Love & Entertainment Love & Marriage (I) Love & Marriage(II) Love of Brethren Luck Luck, Bad Luck; Release Madness Male Children Man's Marriage
Asc + Saturn - Venus Asc + Mercury - Mars Asc + Jupiter - Mars H9 + H3 - Venus Asc + Sun - Mercury Asc + New or Full Moon Prior to Birth - Moon Asc + Moon - Full Moon Prior to Birth Asc + Moon - New Moon Prior to Birth Asc + Saturn - Jupiter Asc + Jupiter - Venus Asc + Mars - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Venus Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Venus Asc + Venus - Jupiter Asc + Saturn - Sun (NOTE: Use Jupiter if Saturn is combust) Asc + Moon - Jupiter Asc + Fortuna - Spirit Asc + Mercury - Mars Asc + Neptune - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Moon Asc + Venus - Saturn
(RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (ELH) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (JHH) (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) (ELH) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse ( AL )
Manifestation is Consistency
Asc + Moon - (Sun + 144 + Pi) NOTE: This one came to RHG from an esoteric student. It needs further testing and study. In the chart, this is supposed to be the complexity of life (RHG) versus simplicity of life; and shows obstacle or release, depending on the native's development. (RHG, pg. 36) Asc + H7 - Venus Asc + Jupiter - Venus Asc + Venus - Jupiter ( AL ) (ELH) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG)
conditions fascilitating it) Marriage of Men(I) Marriage of Men(II) Marriage of Women Marriage of Women(II) Marriage, Time of Mastery Memory Merchants and their work Mind; Captivity Mind (modern) Asc + Venus - Saturn Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Saturn - Venus Asc + Mars - Moon Asc + Moon - Sun Asc + Moon - Saturn Asc + Mars - Moon Asc + Venus - Mercury Asc + H3 - Mercury Asc + Mars - Mercury (RHG) reverse (JHH) (JHH) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (JHH) (JHH) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (JHH) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (JHH) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (JHH)
Mind, Understanding, Skill Asc + Mars - Mercury & Intelligence -- Male Mind, Understanding, Skill Asc + Moon - Venus & Intelligence -- Female Miracles Misconduct by Women Misinterpretation Misunderstanding Modesty Mother Mother & Family Murder Asc + Pluto - Sun Asc + Mars - Moon Asc + Uranus - Moon Asc + Neptune - Mars Asc + Mercury - Moon Asc + Moon - Venus Asc + Jupiter - Venus Asc + Moon - R(Asc)
Murder & Sickness, Place Asc + Mars - Saturn of Necessity & Wish Needs & Desires, Realization of Negotiation Obstruction; Caution Occultism Offspring Operations and Orders in Medical Treatment Asc + Mars - Saturn Necessity & Requirements Asc + H3 - Mars Asc + Mercury - Fortuna Asc + Mars - Jupiter Asc + Neptune - Saturn Asc + Neptune - Uranus Asc + Moon - Venus Asc + Jupiter - Sun
Organization Originality Ostracism & Loss Parents (trad.)(I) Parents (trad.)(II) Parents, Death of Partners Passion; Destruction Passion; Emotion & Affection Peace Peril Peril (II) Permanence Perversion Play Popularity (I) Popularity (II) Possessions Praise & Acceptance Prejudice Profession Property (Movable) Property Management Race & Race Consciousness Radical Change Rapid Change & Variety Real Estate Real Estate (II)
Asc + Pluto - Sun Asc + Uranus - Mercury Asc + Uranus - Sun Asc + Saturn - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Saturn Asc + H7 - Venus Asc + Mars - Sun Asc + Mars - Venus Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + H8 - Saturn Asc + R8 - Saturn Asc + Spirit - Fortuna Asc + Venus - Uranus Asc + Venus - Mars Asc + Venus - Pluto Asc + Mars - Neptune Asc + Moon - Saturn Asc + Venus - Jupiter Asc + Mercury - Moon Asc + Moon - Saturn Asc + H2 - R2 Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Moon - Pluto Asc + Pluto - Uranus Asc + Venus - Mars Asc + Moon - Saturn Asc + Jupiter - Mercury
(RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (ELH) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) for women ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) reverse (RHG) for women ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) reverse
Reasoning & Eloquence (Mind - modern) Recognition Rectitude Release; Luck Religion (I) Religion (II) Repression Retribution Resigning (Dismissal) Revelation
Asc + Mars - Mercury Asc + Jupiter - Sun Asc + Mars - Mercury Asc + Mercury - Mars Asc + Sun - Moon Asc + Mercury - Moon Asc + Saturn - Pluto Asc + Sun - Mars Saturn + Jupiter - Sun Asc + Moon - Neptune
(RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (JHH) reverse ( AL ) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (JHH) needs to (RHG) be tested ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (ELH) (JHH) (JHH) ( AL )
Revered by Man, Constant in Affairs & Honorable Asc + Sun - Fortuna Acquaintances Ritual Ceremonies H9 + H3 - Venus Ruler (Those concerned in Asc + Moon - Saturn nativities) Ruler's Victory Secret Enemies Security Self-Entrapment Self-Undoing Sensitivity Sentiment Servants, Slaves Asc + Saturn - Sun (NOTE: Use Jupiter if Saturn is combust) Asc + H12 - R12 Asc + Venus - Mercury Asc + Neptune - Sun Asc + H12 - Neptune Asc + Mercury - Jupiter Asc + Venus - Jupiter Asc + Moon - Mercury
Sex (of an unknown person, such as an unborn MC + Asc - Moon child) Sex & Love Sex Drive & Libido Sexual Attraction Sickness Slander Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Pluto - Venus Asc + H5 - R5 Asc + Mars - Saturn Asc + Saturn - Neptune
Slyness Sons Sons-in-law Speculation (I) Speculation (II) Spirit Stability Stimulation Success Success in Investment Sudden Advancement (I) Sudden Advancement (II)
Asc + Neptune - Pluto Asc + Jupiter - Moon Asc + Venus - Saturn Asc + H5 - Jupiter Asc + Jupiter - Neptune Asc + Sun - Moon Asc + Saturn - Mercury Asc + Pluto - Venus Asc + Jupiter - Fortuna Asc + Venus - Saturn Asc + Fortuna - Saturn Asc + Sun - Saturn
( AL ) ( AL ) (ELH) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (JHH) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) ( AL ) ( AL ) ( AL ) (ELH) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) ( AL ) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (JHH) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (RHG)
Sudden Advancement (II Asc + Sun - Jupiter if Saturn combust) Sudden Luck Sudden Parting Suicide (I) Suicide (II) Suicide (III) Surgery; Accident Surprise Sweet Foods Temperment Time for Action Timidity Timidity & Hiding Torture Asc + Jupiter - Uranus Asc + Saturn - Uranus Asc + H8 - Neptune Asc + Jupiter - H12 Asc + Jupiter - Neptune Asc + Saturn - Mars Asc + Mars - Uranus Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Sun - Mercury Asc + Jupiter - Sun Asc + Saturn - Neptune Asc + Mercury - Moon MC + Saturn - Moon
Traditions & Knowledge of Asc + Jupiter - Sun Affairs Tragedy, Fate, Fatality Asc + Saturn - Sun
Travel by Air (I) Travel by Air (II) Travel by Land Travel by Water Travel, Faith, Trust & Belief (modern) Treachery Treasure Trickery Trickery & Deceit Trickery & Deception of Men & Women Trickery & Deception of Men by Women Unchastity of Women Understanding & Wisdom Unpreparedness Unusual Events Valor & Bravery Vanity Venture Victory, Triumph & Aid Violence (I) Violence (II) Vitality Vocation & Status Waste & Extravagance Wastefulness Wealth Weddings Widowhood Women, Chaste Women, Unchaste
Asc + H9 - Uranus Asc + Uranus - Cusp of House Uranus Occupies Asc + H9 - R9 Asc + 15 Cancer - Saturn Asc + Mercury - Moon Asc + Neptune - Sun Asc + Venus - Mercury Asc + Mars - Moon Asc + Spirit - Mercury Asc + Venus - Sun Asc + Mars - Moon Asc + Mars - Moon Asc + Sun - Saturn Asc + Uranus - Mars Asc + Uranus - Moon Asc + Fortuna - Mars Asc + Venus - Neptune Asc + Mercury - Venus Asc + Jupiter - Spirit Asc + Moon - R(Asc) Asc + Mercury - Spirit Asc + Mercury - Sun MC + Moon - Sun Asc + Jupiter - Mars Asc + Uranus - Venus Asc + H2 - R2 H9 - H3 - Venus Asc + Vindemiatrix - Neptune Asc + Venus - Moon Asc + Mars - Moon
( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse ( AL ) (ELH) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) ( AL ) (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) (RHG) (RHG) reverse (RHG) reverse (RHG) (JHH) ( AL ) ( AL ) (RHG) (RHG) (JHH) reverse (RHG) reverse
Work and the Thing Which Asc + Jupiter - Sun Must Be Done Worldliness Asc + Venus - Fortuna
Abundance in Asc + Sun - Moon the Home Accomplishme Asc + Sun - Jupiter nt Activity Asc + Venus - Mars
Advancement Asc + Sun - Saturn Ancestors Asc + Mars - Saturn The Degree of Assassination is 24 Leo/Aquarius.
To activate this degree one must have Sun, Moon, Ascendant or one of the parts of Assassination *on* this degree. Other significators on this degree warn the native to be guarded in public and private affairs, as this degree tends to make the native emotionally offensive.
MC + Sun - Moon
Disease, Defects and Asc + Mars - Saturn Time of Onset Divorce Venus + 180 [n.a.] Asc + Saturn - Sun (NOTE: Use Jupiter if Saturn is combust) Asc + Moon - Sun
Operations and Orders in Asc + Jupiter - Sun Medical Treatment Passion and Asc + Mars - Sun Destruction Race and Race Asc + Moon - Pluto Consciousness Self Entrapment Self Undoing Asc + Neptune - Sun Asc + H12 - Neptune
The concept of "lots" goes back to Ptolemy and perhaps as far back as 300 BCE. The concept originated with the Chaldeans, was enhanced by the Greeks and then taken up by the Arabs during the European Dark Ages. These formulae are called "lots" or Arabic Parts after Al-Biruni (b. 973 AD). Abu'l-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-Biruni wrote a book called, "The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology", translated by R. Ramsay Wright and published in London by Luzac & Co., 1934. Here is a comment about Al-Biruni by a well known German Orientalist scholar, F. Krenkow: Commenting on E. Sachau's words, German Orientalist F. Krenkow (1872-1953) wrote: Though I am not quite as enthusiastic, Professor Sachau is stated to have been in calling him (Biruni) the greatest intellect that ever lived on this earth, I will readily admit with others, that he was a most remarkable man and in advance of his time.
There are several malefic Fixed Stars in the constellation Taurus the Bull.
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. The sun passes through this constellation from mid-May to late June.
The red star alpha Tau, called Aldebaran, represents the glowing eye of the bull. The open star cluster of the Hyades forms the head.
Aldebaran in Arabic means "the follower" (i.e., of the Pleiades, the star cluster that precedes it). Aldebaran is the 13th brightest star in the heavens, a red star.
In esoteric astrology, Aldebaran is a Fixed Star. The Fixed Stars had special meaning to the ancients. If you'd like to learn more, click here to visit my webpage on the Fixed Stars. Aldebaran is one of 3 (originally 4) malevolent (bad) Fixed Stars in Taurus. Its meaning is RESPONSIBLE POSITION AND DANGER OF VIOLENCE. Here are the other 3 Fixed Stars in Taurus: Hamal, THE DEATH STAR 9 Taurus - this year, April 29
Caput Algol, MEDUSA'S HEAD (DEATH BY DECAPITATION) 24 Taurus, this year May 15
May 20
Aldebaran, due to the Procession of the Equinoxes, is currently at 8 Gemini and it opposes Antares, EVIL PRESAGES AND DANGER OF FATALITY at 8 Sagittarius.
Some of these meanings are overly dramatic by today's standards of communication, especially since we don't like to lable things as "good" or "bad", but they do tell you a bit more about the esoteric side of the sign Taurus.
Astronomically speaking ... the Pleiades open cluster of stars is 10 million years old (?) and is smaller and more compact than the Hyades cluster. It has not yet had time to dissipate as much as the Hyades. Over the years, the stars in the Pleiades will move farther and farther apart because the gravity within the cluster isn't strong enough to keep them in their original positions. One day in the far future, the Pleiades will be as spread out as the Hyades are now. There are many more than 7 stars now visible in the constellation with the naked eye.