Hurricane Milton is projected to continue moving northeast through,
the Gulf of Mexico and make landfall along the western coast of
Florida's peninsula the evening of Wednesday, October 9, 2024: and
‘The storm is forecasted to track along South and Southeast Georgia
between Wednesday night and ‘Thursday morning, bringing heavy
rainfall and tropieal storm foree wind gusts; and
‘The National Hurricane Center predicts Hurricane Milton may
produce severe impacts in those affected areas of Georgia, including
flash flooding from substantial rainfall and downed trees and power
‘outages due to strong winds; and
Potential flooding, fallen trees, downed power lines, and debris may
render Georgia's network of roads impassable in affected counties,
isolating residences and persons from access to essential public
services; and
Preliminary reports from county emergency management agencies
and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security
‘Agency indicate need for assistance in the impacted areas; and
Assistance from the State of Georgia is necessary to provide for the
public's safely, protect public andl private property, and maintain the
Social and economic welfare of the State; and
On September 24, 2024, due to the projected impact of Tropical
Storm Helene in the State of Georgia, I issued Executive Order, declaring a State of Emergency for Tropical Storm
Helene; andWatreas:
On October 4, 2024, 1 renewed the State of Emergeney for Tropical
Storm Helene until October 9, 2024, by issuing Executive Order; and
On October 8, 2024, I renewed the State of Emergency for Tropical
Storm Helene until October 16, 2024, by issuing Executive Order; and
‘This Order shall ereate a coexisting state of emengency in the State of
Georgia with the State of Emergeney for Tropical Storm Helene
described in the immediately preceding paragraphs; and
“The responses by the State to this State of Emergency for Hurricane
Milton and the State of Emergeney for Tropical Storm Helene should
all proceed simultaneously, without one impeding the other; and
‘The Federal Motor Carvior Safety regulations, 49 C.E-R. § 390, et
‘seq, limit the hours of operators of commercial motor vehicles may
dive; and
49 CER. § 390.23 allows the Governor of a State to suspend these
rules and regulations for up to fourteen (14) days if the Governor
determines that an emergency condition exists; and
‘The Governor is vested with the emergency powers cited herein as
the Chief Executive of this State; and
Code Section 38-3-28 provides that “Tall orders, rules, and
regulations promulgated by the Governor” have the force and effect
flaw; and
As Chiof Executive, the Governor is tasked with protecting the
citizens of this State, including during a state of emergeney; and
Code Section 38-3-51(0)(1) vests the Governor with the power to
enforce all laws, rules, and regulations ‘relating to emergency
management and to assume direct operational control of all civil
forces and helpers in the state; and
Code Section 98-3-51(0)(4) vests the Governor with the power to
perform and exercise such other functions, powers, and duties as
may be deemed necessary to promote and secure the safety and
protection of the civilian population; and
In consultation with state emergeney preparedness officials, I have
determined that the following actions are necessary and appropriate
Page 2 of7OnpeReD:
to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of Georgia's residents
and visitors
‘That a State of Emergency exists in the following Georgia counties
dlue to the potential negative impact of Ilurricane Milton:
Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Bertien, Bibb, Brantley, Brooks, Bryan,
Bulloch, Butts, Camden, Candler, Chariton, Chatham, Clinch, Coffee,
Cook, Crisp, Dougherty, Echols, Effingham, Evans, Glynn, Houston,
Jeff Davis, Lanier, Liberty, Long, Lowndes, Melntosh, Monroe,
Muscogee, Pierce, Sereven, Tattnall, Toombs, Ware, and Wayne.
‘That the State of Emergency declared by this Order shal coexist with
the State of Emergency for ‘Tropical Storm Helene declared by
Executive Order 09.24.2401, and renewed by Executive Orders and 10.08.2401. ‘The existence or termination of one
shall not impinge the other,
‘That any orders derivative of or appurtenant to this Onder addressing
this State of Emergeney for Hursicane Milton shall not inftinge,
‘overturn, oF in any Way amend any orders that have been issued for
the purpose of responding to the State of Emengeney for Tropical
Storm Helene declared by Executive Order 09.24.2401, and
renewed by Executive Orders and
Iris ruxmmen
‘That all resources of the State of Georgia be made available to assist
in preparation, response, and recovery activities throughout the
affected areas, and the’ Georgia Emergency Management and
Homeland Security Agency shall activate the Georgia Emergency
Operations Plan.
‘That state agencies shall coordinate all public and emergency
information, activities, releases, and response efforts related to this
emergency ‘with the Georgia Emergency Management and
Homeland Security Agency.
Pages of 7OnDERED:
‘That the Georgia Department of Transportation and Georgia
Department of Public Safety shall take all necessary action to ensure
the expeditious movement of utility vehicles, equipment, and
personnel through the State to climinate’ power outages.
‘That state agencies shall provide sufficient personnel required forthe
staffing of the Georgia State Operations Center or other command,
control, and coordination ‘as may be designated by the
Director of the Georgia Emergeney Management and Homeland
Security Agency and shall provide such personnel, vehicles,
equipment, and other resources needed to protect life and property’
and to ensure continuation, restoration, and recovery of essential
public services.
‘That the Georgia Department of Defense provide up to two hundred
fifty (250) Georgia National Guard troops to be used in preparation,
response, and reeovery efforts for this State of Emergeney for
Hurricane Milton
‘That said Georgia National Guard troops be called up to State Active
Duty as necessary by the Adjutant General.
‘That the federal rules and regulations limiting hours that operators,
of commercial vehicles may drive are suspended to ensure the
iminterrupted supply of goods and services necessaty to respond to
this State of Emergency for Hurricane Milton, including petroleum
products. This declared emergency justifies a suspension of Patt 305
(river's hours of service) of Tile qy of the Cole of Peleral
Regulations. The suspension will remain in effect for fourteen (14)
days or until the emergency condition ceases to exist, whichever is
less. Nothing herein will be construed as an exemption from the
Commercial Driver's License requirements in 49 C.F.R. § 383 and
the financial requirements in 49 CER. § 387.
Page 4 0f7OnDERED:
‘That no motor carrier operating under the terms of this State of
Emergeney for Hurricane Milton will require or allow an ill or
fatigued driver to operate a motor vehicle. A driver who notifies a
motor vehicle carrier that he or she needs immediate rest will be
given at least ten (10) consecutive hours off-duty before being
required to return to service.
Iris rurrnEr
‘That weight, height, and length for any vehicle traveling through the
‘State of Georgia, for the purposes of providing relief related to this
‘State of Emergeney, which traverses roadways maintained by the
State of Georgia, excluding interstates, shall not exceed the
‘A. A maximum gross vehicle weight for vehicles equipped with
five (5) weight-bearing axles, with an outer bridge span of not
Jess than fifty-one (51) feet, shall not exceed a gross vehi
weight of ninety-five (95) thousand pounds, @ maximum
‘width of ten (10) feet, and an overall length of one hundred
(100) feet. Continuous travel is authorized with the proper
B. Ifthe width of said vehiele exceeds eight (8) feet six (6) inches,
and is traveling after daylight, defined as thirty (30) minutes
before sunset to thirty (30) minutes after sunrise, the
‘transporter is required to have a vehicle front and a rear
cescort/amber light when traveling on a two-lane roadway and
a vehiele rear escort when traveling on a four-lane highway.
‘Transporters are responsible for ensuring that they have
proper oversize signs, markings, lags, and escorts as defined
jin the Georgia Department of Transportation Rules and
Iris rurraee
‘That commercial vehicles operating outside the normal weight,
height, and length restrictions under the authority of this State of
Emergency shall be issued permits by the Georgia Department of
Public Safety. Said vehicles shall be subject to any special conditions
the Georgia Department of Public Safety may list on applicable
permits. Nothing in this Executive Order shall be construed to allow
any vehicle to exceed weight limits posted for bridges and like
structures, nor shall anything in this Executive Order be construed
Poge 5 0f7OxpERED:
to relieve compliance with restrictions other than those specified in
this Onder or from any statute, rule, order, or other legal requirement
not specfieally waived herein,
Oversize permits may be issued by the Georgia Department of Public
Safety, Motor Carriey Compliance Di normal business
hours, Monday through Friday by calling 404-635-8176 or through
the Georgia Permitting and Routing Optimization System online
portal at this website:,
Pursuant to Code Section 10-1-393.4, price gouging related to goods
and. services necessary for preparation, response, and recovery
activities fr this State of Emergency for Hurricane Milton, including
motor fuel, diesel fuel, and other petroleum products, would be
detrimental to the social and economie welfare of the citizens ofthis
‘State and is therefore prohibited.
Iris rurrier
‘That ifone or more of the provisions contained inthis Order shall be
held to be invalid, in violation of the Georgia Constitution, in
violation of Georgia lav, or unenforceable in any respect, such
invalidity, violation, or unenforceability shall not affect any’ other
provisions of this Order, but, in such ease, this Order shall be
construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had
never been contained within the Order.
‘That no provision of this Order shall limit, infringe, suspend, or
supplant any judicial order, judgment, or decree issued pursuant to
the laws or constitution of this State or the laws or constitution of the
United States, nor shall any person use any provision this Order as a
defense to an action in violation of a judicial order, judgment, oF
decree by any court created pursuant fo the laws or constitution of
‘hls State or the laws or constitution of the United States.
‘That this Order does not suspend operation of any state or federal
law or regulation, except as specifically described herein.
Page 6 0f7IrisrurrHer
Onpenen: The Office of the Governor may continue to issue guidance on the
scope of thi Order as needed through communication media,
ineluding social media, without need for further Executive Orders.
All provisions uf te Order shall bevome effective upon signature and
shall be valid for a period of eight (8) days, expiring Wednesday,
October 16, 2024, at 11:59 P.M., unless this State of Emergency is
renewed by the Governor
Iris rurrHer
OnpeRED: That this Order shall be effective upon signature,
‘This 8 day of October 2024
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