Spring Home & Garden

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A Special Supplement
to the
Pocahontas Record-Democrat
and the Laurens Sun

We d n e s d a y, A p r i l 24 , 2 0 24
Page 2 • Wednesday, April 24, 2024 A supplement to the Pocahontas Record-Democrat and Laurens Sun

Four trends to take muted interiors from drab to dreamy

shelves. Accentuate the painting it a daring color. For more fresh decor
greenery with pops of the Don’t be afraid to choose ideas and design tips, visit
same color throughout the one hue for the outside FrogTape.com.
room to create a sense of of the door and another Whether you choose
cohesion. for the inside. For this one or all of these trends,
Elevated Exteriors. project, apply FrogTape they can be tackled by
It’s not just the interiors Multi-Surface Painter’s DIYers with a range of
of the home that should Tape before painting, so skillsets to transform
speak to personal style, the that trim around the door dull living spaces into the
outside should, too! Give and doorknob is protected home of your dreams.
the front door a facelift by from paint bleed.

Color tips to make your home exterior pop

(StatePoint) Home • UV protection: Think Technology, Color Keeper
exteriors make a first of it as sunscreen for Anti-Fade Protection,
A simple, but effective, way to boost the mood of a space is to fill impression, setting the your house. This layer of Weather Barrier Shield
it with large blooms. Place a modern plant stand in an empty corner tone for neighbors, guests, protection helps shield and SPX-2000 UV Blocker.
or between rooms as a divider, and layer in green houseplants or ones and if a property is on your siding from the These components work
with colorful leaves on the shelves. Photo courtesy of StatePoint the market --prospective destructive effects of the together to combat fade
Media home buyers. So how sun’s UV rays. and increase weather
do you boost your curb • Weather barrier resistance.
StatePoint) While cabinets or panels on brightly colored pillows appeal and make your shield: Anti-weathering The Entry Door
neutral tones continue the island a vivid color. and throws, bohemian- exterior pop? According to materials on the siding’s The entry door is an
to be popular this year Calming blue will ensure style macramé, wall art those in the know, a lot of surface can help ensure amazing place to make a
among home DIYers, bold a relaxed and laid-back and a rug with geometric it has to do with color. long-lasting color fidelity color statement. However,
and colorful surroundings feeling, while fuchsia patterns. As long as the “Choosing deep, bold and low-maintenance if you buy an exterior
also are trending right will energize the design. colors are complementary colors for your door or freedom for your home’s replacement door and
now. Nayak recommends using to each other, the blend siding can provide eye- exterior. try to finish it yourself,
From adding dramatic FrogTape Delicate Surface of styles and textures will catching focal points and • Heat resistance: achieving the flawless
style to the kitchen to Painter’s Tape to prevent catch the eye and make dramatically increase Heat-resistant inorganic finish you’re hoping for
giving an unexpected paint bleed and achieve the room feel refreshed curb appeal,” says Jon pigments ensure exacting is easier said than done.
space a splash of color, crisp paint lines. The low- with little effort. Lapp, vinyl siding product deep colors, reflect heat Then there’s the trim, and
these ideas—inspired by adhesion tape is designed Nourishing Green. A manager at ProVia. from exterior walls, and possibly sidelights and a
the 2024 FrogTape Design to prevent damage on simple, but effective, way To help you make deflect solar rays to reduce transom that also need
Trends, as identified by surfaces like cabinets, to boost the mood of a selections that work best solar heat build-up and to be painted to match or
celebrity interior designer freshly painted walls, space is to fill it with large for your home and vision, unsightly weathering. coordinate with the door
Taniya Nayak—will make wallpaper and more. blooms. Place a modern ProVia is offering the • Anti-fade protection: color.
areas around your home Dynamic Décor. If plant stand in an empty following insights: A strong molecular chain, From classic hues, such
pop in 2024. painting projects aren’t in corner or between rooms Siding found in super polymer as rustic bronze or forest
Colorful Kitchens. the plan for this year, revive as a divider, and layer in Color and texture play vinyl siding, is engineered green, to trending colors
Make the kitchen a focal a living room or bedroom green houseplants or ones significant roles in the for superior color like avocado or burnt
point by painting the by adding a collection of with colorful leaves on the overall look and style retention. orange, you can ensure a
of a home, so consider “At first, it might consistent, beautiful and

Put Us in Your Plans

pairing your vinyl siding be difficult to tell the lasting finish by having

with other materials, such difference between a good your manufacturer paint
as manufactured stone, vinyl siding panel and an the door before it leaves
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and batten. Whether you time, the true strength the color will also be
Call in and talk with one of our West Iowa Bank go for soft earth tones and quality of each panel under warranty. Look for
or deep hues of primary will be revealed,” says a manufacturer that crafts
‘ƒƥ ‡”•–‘†ƒ›Ǩ colors, color retention
technologies will maintain
It’s for this reason that
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the look through the ProVia’s entire lineup interior and exterior colors
years. To that end, here of super polymer vinyl and other specifications
‘‡ ’”‘˜‡‡–‘ƒ• are a few qualities to look siding is formulated with tailored to your taste.
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home exterior project, visit
Home Loans provia.com. In addition to
photo galleries of finished
‘‡“—‹–›‘ƒ• projects, the site’s home
designer tools allow you
to visualize how various
‡ǦƤƒ ‹‰ Bode elements will look on your
Algona home.
By selecting
Fenton professional-quality
exterior products, you
Laurens can ensure long-lasting
durability and a big boost
www.westiowabank.com 712.841.2588 West Bend +Z\/DXUHQV‡ in curb appeal.

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A supplement to the Pocahontas Record-Democrat and Laurens Sun Wednesday, April 24, 2024 • Page 3

Expert landscaping tips for choosing and installing plants

(StatePoint) The to spend time in.
perfect landscape may For a lush look, think
start with a healthy, lush in terms of layers when
lawn, but for interest and considering composition.
depth, you’ll also need to Much like in a painting,
consider the plants that you should have
surround it. background, middle
Thankfully, it’s easy ground, and foreground
to make considerable layers. Your background
improvements to your layer should consist of
backyard life using tips taller evergreen shrubs
from professionals. to provide something
Landscape designer Doug alive and green to look
Scott has partnered with at all year long, no
lawn care equipment matter what’s happening
manufacturer Exmark, in front of them. Your
to offer these tips for middle ground layer
selecting and installing should be lower than
plants that will beautify the background layer
your outdoor living areas. to create interest, and
Choosing Plants is where you can add a
• Choose plants well- contrasting evergreen
suited for your specific shrub or pop of color
growing conditions. with a perennial plant.
Knowing your growing Finally, your foreground
zone is important, layer should help The perfect landscape may start with a healthy, lush lawn, but for interest and depth,
however you should transition the planting
also be mindful how beds to your lawn space.
you’ll also need to consider the plants that surround it. Photo courtesy of StatePoint Media
conditions like sun You can accomplish this that it sits at, or just 6. Soak your plant episode of “Done-in- “Now that you have
exposure can change as with smaller perennials, above, the level it did in with more water. a-Weekend Projects,” the inspiration and
you move around your evergreens, annuals or the pot. 7. Finish by adding an original series from know-how needed to
yard. creeping ground covers. 4. Backfill with soil, mulch, making sure it’s Exmark. To watch the choose and install plant
• Choose the right size When addressing stopping to add water pulled away from the video, visit Backyard Life, material, you can create
plants for the space. Bear drifts, read the plant when the hole is about base of your plant. which is part of a unique landscaping that reflects
in mind that what you’re labels to know how large halfway full. Scott offers more multimedia destination who you are and how
planting today is much they’ll grow. This can help 5. Fill the rest of the insights in “How to with a focus on helping you’d like to live outside,”
smaller than what it will ensure plants grow in hole with soil, then firmly Choose Plants for homeowners make the says Scott.
be once it’s matured. together as they mature, press down. Landscaping,” a recent most of outdoor spaces.
Always read a plant’s but are not overcrowded.

JEFF’S For all your home

care label to understand Installing Them
its optimal growing 1. Dig a hole that’s
conditions and size at about two times the improvement needs.
maturity. diameter of the pot

• From a design your plant’s being
perspective, think transplanted form, and
in terms of texture, about the depth of the Mowing | Thatching ‡:DOOV‡3OXPELQJ‡(WF
layers and drifts. When pot.

addressing the overall 2. Mend in compost Leaf Pick up
texture of your planting or soil conditioner to give
beds, choose plants
that vary in form, size,
your plant the organic
material it needs to
Tyler Behrendsen 515-570-9371
color and leaf structure.
This will create greater
thrive. If you’d like, add
slow-release fertilizer, CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE 515-890-2091
interest, and a space and mix well.
that’s more visually 3. Place your plant in
appealing and enjoyable the hole, making sure

Junk in the Trunk Days

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in 62 Colors
Page 4 • Wednesday, April 24, 2024 A supplement to the Pocahontas Record-Democrat and Laurens Sun

Spring cleaning: Don’t toss that ‘junk’

(StatePoint) From ones,” says Al Crisafulli, sold it for almost half a and equipment, such
baseball cards and sports Auction Director at Love million dollars, a figure as balls, bats, gloves
equipment to postcards of the Game Auctions, which would top a million and uniforms, can also
and photographs, is that an internet sports dollars today. be valuable, especially
“junk” in your attic or auction house that helps Here are some of his if you had a family
basement dusty treasure families identify and sell tips to determine if your member who played
or just dusty? We’ve all valuable sports cards sports collectibles are minor or major league
heard of families getting and memorabilia. valuable: sports. Note that items
rich from the sale of rare Crisafulli has assisted The Older, the from before the 1960s
memorabilia they found people in selling tens Better with Cards are highly collected.
when spring cleaning. of millions of dollars of Vintage sports cards Also look for equipment
A little time spent baseball card collections, from the early periods endorsed by star players.
determining if items are autographs, sports of sports are collectible, Condition matters, but
valuable and where to equipment and more. especially Hall of Famers. game-used equipment
sell them can pay off Such sales can be Do you have stars from from professionals can
in the long run.“The life changing. In one the 1960s, 1950s or be valuable in almost
sale of older sports instance, he researched a earlier? Look for names any condition.
cards, postcards and family’s old baseball bat like Mickey Mantle, Save Postcards and
photographs can yield and proved it was game Jackie Robinson, Babe Photographs
thousands of dollars, used by Hall of Famer Ruth, Honus Wagner or If you have old
even tens of thousands Lou Gehrig. His Love Ty Cobb. Even non-star photographs, cabinet
or more for the right of the Game Auctions cards can be valuable, cards or postcards
especially in nice of sports stars or

Tom's Plumbing, Heating condition with sharp

corners and no creases.
ballparks, they should
be evaluated. Those

& Cooling Tom & Kathy Lumsden

Really early cards from from pre-1960 can be
the 1880s through the A good rule of thumb is that the older a expensive. Look for early
1930s are particularly sports item is, the more valuable it might be, “real photo” postcards
Install and repair furnaces, air conditioners, desirable, such as those especially from before the 1950s going back from the 1900s through
water heaters, and softeners by tobacco, gum and to the 1880s, an expert told StatePoint Media. the 1940s, which are
candy brands, such as Photo used via StatePoint/(c) Delpixart/ photographs printed on
— Tankless Heaters Available — Old Judge, Piedmont, iStock via Getty Images Plus postcard backs.
Install and repair well pumps & motors Sweet Caporal, American Popular stars are
and related well work Caramel, Goudey or memorabilia, focus on a Cards aren’t the only key, meaning original
Diamond Stars. specialty auction house, potentially valuable images like Babe Ruth
‡QG$YH1:3RFDKRQWDV,RZD When determining such as Love of the Game, things. Look for older or early ballparks can
where to sell cards and which employs trained promotional and be valuable, as opposed
experts in researching advertising ephemera to images of your
sports ephemera, and spotlighting sports stars, family members playing
maintains bidder lists of especially items that sports or of popular
sports collectors. More promote sporting goods, vacation destinations.
information is available at food or tobacco brands. When examining
loveofthegameauctions. Ads from magazines photographs, look for
com. aren’t valuable, but markings on the back,
Don’t Overlook store displays, signs and such as photographer,
Memorabilia and premiums can be pricey. publication and date
Equipment Old sporting goods stamps. Also set aside
cabinet cards, which are
photographs from the
1880s through the 1930s
General Carpentry, adhered to cardboard
Repair & “A good rule of thumb
Cement Work is that the older a sports
item is, the more valuable
it might be, especially
from before the 1950s

With 51 years of 6729(5&216758&7,21 going back to the 1880s,”

says Crisafulli.
Brian Stover This spring cleaning
season, don’t rush to

banking experience,
 ‡3RFDKRQWDV,$ haul “junk” to the curb.
Examine it first.

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A supplement to the Pocahontas Record-Democrat and Laurens Sun Wednesday, April 24, 2024 • Page 5

Myer takes over greenhouse

when I was a kid,” Myer
Myer had her own
section of the garden
and even her own
pond for it. She would
enter her flowers at the
Pocahontas County
Fair, earning Grand
Champion designations
for her work.
“I thought flowers
would be my thing,” she
The flowers, she
added, are the best part
of the job.
She said she ordered
some of the same types of
flowers that the previous
owner would stock each
spring, but she also
By Erin Sommers greenhouse to the other. Myer said. added different items as
pokyrdnews@gmail. “I feel like we’re going to She said she’s well — several varieties
com have an early spring.” happy to “provide the of geraniums, some
Faith Myer is Myer is renting the community a service that new vines and different
bringing her artist’s greenhouse from the would no longer be here. dahlias.
sensibility and eye to the former owner. Myer ... They’re all excited that So far, the community
greenhouse on Highway had previously worked this place is still going to has been supportive,
4 in Pocahontas. with Ann Bittner at the be here.” stopping in to shop
Now known as Art by greenhouse and has, in She also loves flowers. and expressing their
Faith’s Greenhouse, the the past, set up a tent to “My mother always excitement to see the
shop is up and running sell her original artwork had a wonderful garden greenhouse continue on.
for the spring. on the property.
“I’m ahead of Bittner and Myer had


everybody, one of the a conversation about the
only greenhouses with future of the greenhouse
blooms this early,” Myer
said of the colorful
once Bittner decided she
was ready to retire. Joe Hinners
flowers that can be seen “She asked me if I was
FREETES 515-890-8982
from one side of the interested in running it,” CONSTRUCTION ES IM
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Quality custom designed pre-engineered buildings.
Green Thumb®
2 cu. ft. Premium Mulch Choose
'HEELH 7RP:LWW‡1HZHOO,RZD‡ black, brown or red in 26 lbs., 35 lbs. or 40 lbs.
'H[WHU0DKUW‡6WRUP/DNH,RZD‡ beds, walkways and natural areas.
L 186 457, 458; 192 210, 212, 213; 200 424,
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Green Thumb® Kink-free. Safe for drinking water. Patented design
Farm Wiring 3 ft. x 50 ft. Black
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Landscape Fabric Helps stop
weeds without weed control chemicals.
Lets water, air and nutrients in. L 184 803

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Wiring -6.00 MAIL-IN REBATE*

17.99 9.99 13.99
Green Thumb ® FINAL PRICE Preen®
5,000 sq. ft. Weed & Feed Apply Miracle-Gro® 5.6 lb. Garden Weed
when weeds are growing to kill weeds while 2 cu. ft. Potting Mix Preventer Provides 900 sq.
feeding lawn. Continuously feeds for up to Helps you grow bigger, more beautiful plants. ft. coverage. Safe for over 200
4 months. L 225 487 Not available in all areas. Feeds plants up to 6 months. L 206 554 *Limit 10 per ÀRZHUVYHJHWDEOHVWUHHVDQG
VTIW L 225 488 offer. Consumer responsible for taxes. shrubs. L 689 867

Farm & Home Established 1959
Page 6 • Wednesday, April 24, 2024 A supplement to the Pocahontas Record-Democrat and Laurens Sun

Seven reasons to upgrade to electric

and induction cooking appliances
(StatePoint) Cooking are also harmful to With sales of electric
with gas? Industry the environment, appliances on the rise, a
experts say there contributing to air quality few select manufacturers
are many reasons to issues and climate have taken note, and
consider retiring your change. In fact, national to meet customer
gas-powered appliances. annual emissions demand, have recently
To help you from gas cooktops introduced additional
understand what your are equivalent to the options offering style and
kitchen may be missing, emissions transmitted sought-after features.
Melissa Haber, the vice from half a million cars. For example, the Italian
president of EuroChef 2. They’re easy to brand Verona offers
USA, the exclusive maintain. Compared electric ranges in its
importer of the Verona to the metal grates of a Prestige and Designer
and Lofra brands of conventional gas stove, Collections that deliver
residential cooking the flat surface of an an upgraded look,
appliances, offers seven electric or induction with single and double
reasons why your next cooktop is nearly oven options to suit
home upgrade should effortless to clean. A varying needs and
include making the swap damp dish rag and soap tastes. All are equipped
to electric or induction works for most cleanup with five burners that
cooking. sessions. For more Electric and induction appliances are easy to maintain and offer accommodate pots of any
1. You’re health- and involved messes, a little safer ways to cook. Photo courtesy of StatePoint Media. size, and a multi-tasking
eco-conscious. Gas vinegar goes a long way. Induction cooking also which combine elegant The installation process dual element that ranges
appliances at home 3. They offer safety has safety benefits, since design with modern for electric appliances on from simmer to boil with
are associated with an benefits. With no open only the cooking vessel is cooking features, are the other hand is easier the simple turn of a
increased risk of asthma flame, electric appliances directly heated and the a good example of how and less expensive. Not knob.
and other illnesses, lower the risk of burns or surface of the cooktop accurate temperature able to replace your gas “As more consumers
particularly in children, fires, particularly those itself does not retain or control allows you to appliances with electric? have come to realize the
as they emit harmful air with safety features such give off heat. prepare meals like a Investing in a range hood value and advantages of
pollutants like nitrogen as “power on” lights and 4. You value precision. professional in the is a sensible solution that electric and induction
dioxide and methane, residual heat warnings Induction cooking is comfort of home. can cut your appliance’s cooking, it became
even when they’re not in that inform users when faster and more efficient 5. Making changes air pollution by about important to us to offer
use. The same pollutants the surface is still hot. than cooking with gas. can be feasible. Installing half. them the same versatility
The high-end induction a gas hookup can be 6. You’ll be ahead of and style they might
Art by Faith is proud to announce that we have taken ranges offered by the costly, time-consuming the curve. A growing expect with traditional
over Rhythm & Blooms Greenhouse. We are happy to Italian brand Lofra, and involve inspections. number of cities and gas-powered cooking
be given the opportunity to serve the Pocahontas area. municipalities are appliances,” says Haber.
banning new gas hookups Whether you want to

$UWE\)DLWK¶V Interior design, for appliances to reduce prioritize your family’s

air pollution and help health and safety, or
interior and fight climate change. you simply want to
Making the switch to embrace the convenience
exterior painting electric or induction can of modern cooking
for new and help you get ahead of the technology, electric and
Custom interior designs & décor regulatory curve. induction appliances can
Just North of the intersection existing homes
of Hwy. 3 & 4 Pocahontas, IA 712-358-1655 “Perfection in every detail” 7. New options are
being introduced.
be a game changer in
your kitchen.
906 1st Ave. N.W., Pocahontas, IA | 712.358.4061
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A supplement to the Pocahontas Record-Democrat and Laurens Sun Wednesday, April 24, 2024 • Page 7

Five smart home products for the modern home

(StatePoint) As you getting on with other “Alexa, microwave frozen everyone’s experience
navigate the demands activities. For a modern, veggies” or “Alexa, defrost can be customized for
of modern life, it’s eco-friendly kitchen, 1 pound of ground meat” them. Another option is
empowering to know that prioritize energy-efficient can revolutionize how a Sharp Roku TV OLED
your living spaces can features and advanced you spend your time in 4K Ultra HD television,
keep up. Here are five cleaning technology. the kitchen. which works with
smart home technologies 3. Air purifiers: 5. Televisions: Thanks popular voice assistants,
that can help you take Create a mindful living to smart televisions, you making it a perfect fit for
control and elevate your environment with a can elevate your binge- any smart home.
home into a sanctuary of Smart Air Purifier like watching sessions and “Embracing the future
modern convenience and the Plasmacluster 7000 truly immerse yourself in of smart living can
elegance. Series KCP110UW stunning visuals, vibrant save you time, energy
1. Ovens: With a smart Smart Air Purifier and colors and seamless and hassle. From the
oven, you may be able Humidifier by Sharp, streaming experiences kitchen to the living
to limit the incidence which is compatible from the comfort of your room, let smart devices
of traditional kitchen with Amazon Alexa and home. Use your voice to seamlessly integrate
snafus. For example, Google Assistant to allow find shows, play music, into your daily routine,”
the Sharp Smart voice control. (Assistant and control smart home says Peter Weedfald,
Convection Wall Oven devices sold separately.) devices with a Sharp senior vice president of
with Microwave Drawer Embracing the future of smart living can Monitor your home’s air AQUOS XLED 4K Ultra sales and marketing for
Oven (SWB3085HS), a save you time, energy and hassle. Photo quality, adjust settings HD Mini LED Google Sharp Home Electronics
combination appliance, remotely, and even TV. With personalized Company of America.
features a single
courtesy of StatePoint Media receive notifications watchlists and profiles,
simple-to-use, full-color to choose settings based help in the kitchen, when it’s time to replace
touchscreen control on popular foods and especially when it comes your air purifier’s filters
panel. It Works with
Alexa to accept voice
commands. (Alexa-
recipes and giving you
the ability to save up to
30 of your favorite menu
to cleaning? A smart
dishwasher can simplify
daily chores. Many smart
using the SHARP AIR
4. Microwaves:
Hwy. 10 Hardware
compatible device sold items and cook times for models can be operated Today’s smart microwave
separately.) You can
turn the oven on and off
easier access. Whether
you’re a seasoned chef
and monitored remotely
from your smartphone,
over- 114 Hwy. 10, Laurens, IA
hands-free, keeping the or just starting your so you can receive the-range and even
control panel clean. This
model is an excellent
culinary journey,
highly functional smart
a notifications when the
cycle is complete or
Microwave Drawer ovens,
which can be installed
example of what oven can be a game customize wash settings under the counter or in
technological innovation changer in your kitchen. with the touch of a an island to complement
can bring to home 2. Dishwashers: button to keep cleanup your lifestyle. Simple
cooking—allowing you Who doesn’t love extra moving along while voice commands like

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3348 350th Avenue, 1008 Sunset Drive, 1402 Hwy. 169,

Lost Island Lake, Ruthven Pocahontas Bode
t«›ƒã½›ù ÝݮĦ ZƒÝÃçÝݛÄͲ‘Ù›ƒ¦›
DĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌĞĚ ŚŽŵĞ͕ ϭ͕Ϯϭϲ ƐƋ͘ Ō͘ ůŝǀŝŶŐ ƐƉĂĐĞ͕ ϯ Built in 1968 with 2090 sq. ft. of living space, 5 1.39 acres m/l - Ranch style home built in
ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ϮďĂƚŚƐ͕ϭϭͬϮĐĂƌĚĞƚĂĐŚĞĚŐĂƌĂŐĞĂŶĚ bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, main floor laundry, central 1975 with 1,392 sq. ft. living. 4 bedrooms,
ƉƌŝǀĂƚĞďĂĐŬLJĂƌĚǁŝƚŚƐŚĞĚ͘sĞƌLJŶŝĐĞ͘ vac, 2 car attached garage, newer siding and windows, 1 full bath, two 1/2 baths, main floor laundry,
storage shed out back. Very nice neighborhood. very nice hardwood floors. Finished basement.

204 South 4th Street, 100 Broad Street, Rolfe

Mallard ZƒÃƒ›»›ÙÝ
5.83 acres, 3 bedrooms, 2
:›Ù¦›ÄÝ baths, many new updates
Ranch style home with 3
bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath. - interior and exterior. Full
Many newer updates. basement with walk-out
Attached 2 car garage, patio. Many outbuildings in
single car unattached, good shape. 2 car garage,
3 car on shop. Shop small bar n and other
has bathroom and in outbuildings. Very private
floor heat. 2 lots. area and nice neighborhood.

42500 180th Ave., Laurens

Ranch style home built in 2012. 3 bedroom, 2 full bath,
fireplace, main floor laundry, has had may newer updates.
2 car garage and many usable outbuildings.

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J&J Holdings LLC
^ƚĂŶĮĞůĚ J&J Holdings LLC

Ϯ͘ϱϯ ĂĐƌĞƐ ŵͬů ĂĐƌĞĂŐĞ͘ WŝůĞ ŽĨ ŐŽŽĚ ďůĂĐŬ Ěŝƌƚ ǁŝůů ϮďĂƌĞůŽƚƐ͘ƉƉƌŽdžŝŵĂƚĞůLJϭϬϬdžϮϴϬ͘sĞƌLJŶŝĐĞĐŽƌŶĞƌ &ŽƌŵĞƌdƌĂŝůĞƌWĂƌŬͲϮ͘ϯϲĂĐƌĞƐŵͬů͘ĂƌĞůŽƚŝƐĐůŽƐĞ


Rick Winegarden ~ Broker/Owner - 712-358-0974
Lori Jergens ~ Sales Associate - 712-480-3593
Russ Jergens ~ Sales Associate - 515-890-1813
Abi Klumpp ~ Sales Associate - 712-358-0986
ò((OP3RFDKRQWDV,$‡ZZZVDOHEDUQQFQQHW Becky Johnson ~ Sales Associate - 712-299-6551

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