Property Staging
Property Staging
Property Staging
Ms. Carmina L. Castillo,
Property Staging in Real Estate
Home (Property) Staging is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in real estate marketplace..
● Goal: to make a home more appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling the
property more swiftly and for a higher price.
● Focus: improving a property’s appeal by transforming it into a welcoming, attractive product
that anyone might be interested to have.
Note: Real estate practitioners usually use arts, painting, accessories, lights, greenery, and carpet to
give the potential buyers a more attractive first impression of the property being sold.
Today, a more professional interior designing has become essential ingredient to present a
property beautifully, both in person and online.
Home staging is typically an
Concept of 02. important part of open house.
Property Start a home
Staging means setting up a
staging staging house in a way that makes it
more appealing to the buyers.
Staging is the art of Some individuals stage
preparing a home their own homes; Others First step is to clean the house
for sale hire home staging by removing dirts, stains and
professionals any unpleasant odors.
Open the drapes or
blinds. Make sure
windows are clean • Professional cleaning, Second step is to make
• Maintain spotless repair, and decoration necessary repairs to increase a
kitchen and bathrooms may be used to make the property’s ability to sell.
• Make sure shrubbery house appear more
and grass are cut and larger, brighter, cleaner
and definitely more Owners or brokers may
• Add plants and flowers inviting to potential consider giving the wall a
• Consider painting your buyers fresh coat of paint.
house indoors with
neutral colors
Working with
Interior Design
Interior Designers work closely with
with architects, civil engineers,
mechanical engineers, and
construction laborers to determine
how interior spaces will function,
look, and be furnished.
Set up good resources for home decor
Get in touch with local renters of
furnitures, art supplies, and Shops
wood crafters
Be familiar with local shops and
paint sellers
Find a storage facility to keep your Key term: Interior Design
supplies so you can reuse them for
future staging jobs The art and science of enhancing the interior of a
building to achieve a healthier and more
aesthetically pleasing environment for the
people using the space.
Is an art of preparing the
property for sale
To do:
Change colors
Move & add
Add lighting
furnitures accessories
Adding fixtures or bulbs is The mood of a room can be
Different strategies can be
necessary. drastically affected by colors;
employed to make rooms feel
Accessories can be anything from
more open and comfortable
flowers to wall hangings.
including grouping furniture away
from walls, or adding a book case
or dresser to a room.
Developing a quality product, In todays modern competetitive real
offering it in an attractive package estate bussinesses, one must attract
and advertising it to the target market. patrons both online and in person
Latest trends
Keeping up with the Tips: Practice at your
latest fashionable ideas in own home. Take photos
home furnishings, and include the photos
draperies, ambient in your portfolio or add
lighting, and color the photos to your
schemes is important to website.
invite new buyers.
Staging Interior decorating
The purpose of staging is to give Interior decorating tends to be
potential buyer the feeling of “home”. expensive. Property that has
It is focus on the buyers’ senses and been decorated by a professional
mentally drawing them into imagining interior designer is nice to look
themselves as the owners of the at, but does not give the feeling
property. of “home”.
gives you a
head start on
Twelve reasons for staging
To give the property a competitive edge over To make it easier to clean and maintain
other properties in the same area, encouraging because of less clutter and greater space;
better offers;
To help overcome views on outdated
To help the buyer(s) emotionally disconnect property;
from the property;
To give the property the appearance of a
To enable the seller(s) to emotionally larger, more comfortable home;
disconnect from the property;
To shorten the time the property will be on
To encourage both parties to buy and sell, the market for sale;
making negotiations much easier;
To give buyers and sellers a sense of pride
To make moving and packing easier for the
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