What Do You Usually Eat For Breakfast
What Do You Usually Eat For Breakfast
What Do You Usually Eat For Breakfast
What’s the
What’s your
strangest food Do you like Do you prefer
favourite ice
you have ever spicy food? sweet or salty?
cream flavor?
What’s your Do you watch Could you live
How often do
favourite TV films in without
you watch TV?
program? English? watching TV?
How many
When do you Do you watch How often do
hours a day do
usually watch the news on you go to the
you usually
TV? TV? cinema?
watch TV?
What’s the
Do you like What’s your Do you have a
worst film you
science fiction favourite TV TV in your
have ever
films? series? bedroom?
What’s your How often do What’s your What’s your
favourite kind you listen to favourite favourite
of music? music? singer? band?
How do you
What’s your
Do you like Do you play an feel when you
least favourite
singing? instrument? listen to
kind of music?
How many
What’s your What objects What objects
rooms are
favourite room are in the are in your
there in your
in your home? kitchen? bedroom?
What do you
Would you like
What objects think is the Is there a
to live in a big
are in your worst colour garden in your
city or in a
living room? for a living house?
small town?
What kind of If you could be
animals can Do you prefer an animal, Do you have
you find in a cats or dogs? what would pets?
zoo? you be?
What’s the
What’s your What animals What animals largest animal
favourite do you think can you find in animal you
animal? are cute? a farm? have ever