Leadership - Nursing Management by Gaurav Karanjekar

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SUBMISSION ON :- 09/10/2024
 Name Of Student :- Mr. Gaurav Karanjekar

 Name Of Evaluator :- Prof. Dr. Deepa Reddy

 Subject :- Nursing Management

 Topic :- Leadership

 Venue :- Class Room

 Date : -09/10/2024

 Duration :- 45 Minute

 Group :- M.SC. nursing 2 nd year

 Teaching Method : lecture cum Discussion

 A.V. Aids :- P.P.T. Chart, hand out

 Previous knowledge of the group : Group has some

previous knowledge regarding Ledearship.

General Objective:
At the end of seminar, learner will be able to integrate knowledge of
leadership theories, demonstrate emotional intelligence, and apply practical
leadership skills, empowering them to become effective leader in diverse

Specific Objectives:
After completion of the seminar the student will be able to –
1. Define Leadership
2. Describe the features of leadership
3. Analyse the characteristics of leadership.
4. Explain the functions of leadership.
5. Explain the qualities of leadership.
6. Evaluate the importance of leadership.
7. Compare the theories of leadership.
8. Identify leadership styles.
9. Analyse the attribution of good leadership style.
10.Discuss the qualities of good nursing leader.
11.Explore the functions of leader with its implications.

Leadership has probably been written about, formally researched and informally discussed
more than any other single topic. Leadership still remains an unexplainable phenomenon. It is
known to exist and to have tremendous influence on human performance, but its inner
workings and specific dimensions cannot be precisely spelled out.
Leadership is interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed through
communication process, towards the attainment of a specific goal or goals.
-L.M.Prasad, 2006
Leadership is the process of influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically
towards achieving objectives.
-BarnardKeys, 1990
Leadership refers to the relation between an individual and group around some common
interest and behaving in a manner directed or determined by leader‖.
-Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
1. Leadership is a continuous process of behaviors, it is not one-shot activity.
2. Leadership may be in terms of relations between a leader and his followers which arise out
of their functioning for common goals.
3. By exercising his leadership, the leader tries to influence the behavior of individuals or
group of individuals around him to achieve common goals.
4. The followers work willingly and enthusiastically to achieve these goals.
1. Leadership is a process of influence.
2. Leadership is related to situation.
3. Leadership is the function of stimulation.
4. Leadership gives an experience of helping attain the common objectives.
5. Employees must be stratified with the type of leadership provided.

1. Determination of goals
2. Organization of activities
3. Achieving co-ordination
4. Representation of group
5. Providing guidance
6. Inspiration of employees
7. Building employees moral
8. Facilitating change
Traits of a leader are as follows.
(i) Physical trait
- Sound health
- Good vitality and endurance
- Performs duties
- Satisfactory
(ii) Psychological traits
- Personal mannerism
- Enthusiasm
- Ability to inspire
- Co-operation
- Forcefulness
- Tactfulness
(iii) Traits of Character
- Integrity
- Self discipline
- Willingness to accept responsibility
- Physical and moral courage


Leadership is an important factor for making any type of organizations successful. The
importance of good leadership can be discussed as follow;
i) Motivating employees
Motivation is necessary for work performance, higher the motivation, better the performance.
A good
leader, by exercising his leadership, motivates the employees for high performance.
ii) Creating confidence
A good leader may create confidence in his followers by directing them, giving them advice
getting through them good results in the organization.
iii) Building morale
Morale is expressed as attitude of employees towards organization, management and
voluntary cooperation
to offer their ability to the organization. High morale leads to high productivity and
organization stability.
According to the personal research board of the Ohio university, there are five types of
these are:
a. The Bureaucrat Leadership
Who sticks to routine, appease his superiors, and avoid his subordinates.
b. The diplomat leadership
Who, is opportunistic and exploits people. He generally rouses distrust.
c. The autocrat leadership
Who is directive and expects objects obedience his subordinates to be antagonistic to him.
d. The expert
The leader who I s concerned only with his own field of specialization. He treats his
subordinates as
e. The quarter back
Because of custom Kings begot kings and became king leader.
Individuals in formal leadership roles were accepted without questions. This is similar to the
great man theory which states the great leaders are born with the ability to lead, influence and
direct others. Under the leader, who identifies himself with his subordinates even at risk of
displeasing his superiors.
The oldest view of leadership considered it a birth right. Kings and queens ascended to
thrones this perspective leader may not be developed, but researcher given a number of
theories to explain leadership and its development.
Some theories of leadership are:
1. Great man theory or Charismatic theory.
2. Trait theory.
3. Behavioral theory.
4. Situational theory or Contingency theory.
5. New theory of leadership.
6. Path-goal theory of leadership.
1. Great Man Theory or Charismatic Theory
The Plato explained in Republic some insight of leadership. Subsequent studies based on the
insights suggested that a leader is born and is not made.
A leader has some charisma which acts as influencer. Charisma is a Greek word meaning-
Gift. Thus charisma is a god gifted attribute in a person which makes him a leader
irrespective of the situations in which he works. Charismatic leaders are those who inspired
followers and have major impact on their organization through their personal vision and
Characteristics of charismatic leaders
- Charismatic leaders are having very high power of influencing others
- They have extremely high levels of self confidence, dominance and ability to convince the
Basic assumptions
- Leaders in general and great leaders in particular have some exceptional inborn leadership
- These inborn qualities are sufficient for a leader to be successful.
- Since these qualities are inborn, these cannot be enhanced through education and training.
Further, since these qualities are of personal nature, these cannot be shared by others.
- These leadership qualities make a leader effective and situational factors do not have any
Charismatic leadership have importance to explain transformational leaders who inspires his
followers through vision and energy, while other theories discuss more about transaction
leaders, who determine what subordinates need to do achieve objective and help them.
- It implies that nothing can be done to develop leaders in the organizations.
- A charismatic leader may fail in the changed situation thus the situational variable play their
own role in determining leadership effectiveness.
2. Trait Theory
Under the influence of the behaviorist psychological thought, researcher accepted the fact
that leadership traits are not completely inborn can also be acquired through learning and
experience. Ralph M. Stogdill (1974) suggested the trait theory after evaluation of various
traits suggested by the researchers.Trait is defined as-relatively enduring quality of an
individual. Various trait theories have suggested these traits in a successful leader‖.
Physical and constitutional factors (Height, Weight, Physique, Energy, Health, Appearance)
 Intelligence
 Self confidence
 Sociability
 Will
 Dominance
The current research on leadership traits suggests that some factors do help differentiate
leaders from non-leaders. Various traits that needed for leadership can be classified into
innate and acquirable traits.
1. Innate qualities
Qualities which are possessed by various individuals since their birth. These qualities are
natural often known as God-gifted. On the basis of such qualities, it is said that-Leaders are
born and not made‖. These qualities cannot be acquired by the individuals. The major innate
qualities are:
a) Physical features:
Physical features of a man are determined by heredity factors. Heredity is the transmission of
the qualities from ancestor to descendant through a mechanism lying primarily in the
chromosomes of the germ cells. To some extent, height, weight, physique, health and
appearance are important for leadership.
b) Intelligence
For leadership level of intelligence is required. Intelligence is generally expressed in terms of
mental ability. Intelligence to a great extent, is a natural quality in the individuals because it
is directly related to brain.
2. Acquired qualities
These are qualities of leadership are those which can be acquired and increased through
various processes. Many of these traits can be increased through training program. Following
are the major qualities essential for leadership.
a) Emotional stability
A leader should have high level of emotional stability. He should be free from bias, is
consistent in action and refrains from anger. He is self confident and believes that he can
meet most situations successfully.
b) Human relations A successful leader should have adequate knowledge of human relations
that, is how he should deal with human beings. Since an important part of a leader‘s job is to
develop people and get their voluntary cooperation knowledge of people and their
relationship to each other.
c) Empathy
Empathy relates to observing the things or situation from others point of view. The ability to
look at things objectively and understanding them from others point of view is an important
aspect of successful leadership.
d) Objectivity
Objectivity implies that what a leader does should be based on relevant facts and information.
He must assess these without any bias or prejudice.
e) Motivating skill
Not only a leader is self motivated but he has requisite quality to motivates his followers.
Though there are many external forces which motivate a person for higher performance, there
is inner drive in people also for motivation to work.
f) Technical skills
The leading of people requires adherence to define principles which must be understood and
followed for greater success. The ability to plan, organize, delegate, analyze, seek advice,
make decision, control and win cooperation requires the use of important abilities which
constitute technical competence of leadership.
g) Communicative skills
A successful leader knows how to communicate effectively. Communication has great force
in getting the acceptance from the receivers of communication. A leader uses communication
skillfully for persuasive, informative and stimulating purposes. Normally, a successful leader
is extrovert as compared to introvert.
h) Social skills
A successful leader has social skills. He understands people and knows their strengths and
He has the ability to work with people and conducts himself so that he gains their confidence
and loyalty and people cooperate willingly with him.
Implications of the theory
The two very implications are:-
- The theory emphasis that a leader requires some traits and qualities to be effective.
- Many of these qualities may be developed in individuals through training and development

3. Behavioral Theory:
Behavioral theory of leadership given by Lewin K. Lippitt (1953) emphasis, that strong
leadership is the result of effective role behavior. Leader ship shown by a person‘s acts more
that by his traits. For a leader to operate effectively, groups need some one to perform two
major functions
A. Task related functions
It is problem solving functions related to providing solution to the problems faced by the
group, in performing jobs and activities.
B. Group related functions
It is also called as social functions, related to actions of mediating disputes and ensuring that
individuals feel valued by the group.
An individual who is able to perform both roles successfully would be an effective leader.
These two roles may require to different sets of behavior from the leader, known as
leadership styles.
Leadership behavior may be viewed in two way: functional and dysfunctional. Functional
behavior influence followers positively and includes such as setting clear goals, motivating,
building team spirit etc. Dysfunctional behavior may be inability to accept employee‘s ideas
so it is unfavorable to the followers and denotes ineffective leadership.
Implications of the theory
Behavioral theory of leadership has some important implications for managers. They can
shape their behavior which appears to be functional and discard the behavioral which appears
to be dysfunctional.
- A particular behavior may be functional at a point of time but it may be dysfunctional at
another point of time. Thus the time elements will be a decider of the effectiveness of the
behavior and not the behavior itself.
- Effectiveness of leadership behavior depends on various factors which are not in the leader
but external to him like nature of followers and the situations under which the leader‘s
behavior takes place. These factors have not been given adequate consideration.
4. Situational Theory
Situational leadership theory also known as contingency theory given by Paul Hersey and
Ken Blanchard was first time applied in 1920 in the armed forces of Germany with the
objectives to get good generals under different situations.
The prime attention in situational theory of leadership is given to the situations in which
leadership is exercised. There for, effectiveness of leadership will be affected by the factors
associated with the leader and factors associated with the situation.
The various factors affecting leadership effectiveness may be broadly be classified into two
major categories: Leader’s behavior and situational factors. The combination of these factors
determines leadership effectiveness.
A. Leader’s behavior
Leader’s behavior is affected by two variables.
1. Leader’s characteristics
2. Leader’s hierarchical position in the organization
1. Leader’s characteristics
An individual‘s behavior is influenced by intelligence and ability, his characteristics like his
personality, attitudes, interest, motivation and physical characteristics such as age, sex and
physical features. Thus the behavior of the leader is also influenced by all these factors. All
these factors are internal to leader.
2. Leader’s hierarchical position
Leader‘s hierarchical position in the organization is important because persons at different
levels face different kind of problems. That affects the degree of participation between
superior and his subordinates in arriving at decisions to solve the problems. Managers at
higher levels are more concerned with long-run complex problems which require more
participation in decision making.
Managers at lower levels are more concerned with short run problems involving the daily
operations which may not require high level of participation. The degree of participation
affects the leader‘s behavior.
B. Situational factors
Besides the leader‘s related factors, leadership effectiveness is affected by situational factors
are these factors affect the leader‘s behavior. To the extent, a leader matches the requirement
of these factors, his leadership will be effective. The various situational factors may be group
in four categories.
1. Subordinates characteristics
The subordinate‘s characters are relevant to the effectiveness of leadership such as
personality, attitudes, interest, motivation and physical characteristics such as age, sex and
physical features.
2. Leader’s situation
The leader‘s situation in respect to his subordinates is an important factor affecting leadership
effectiveness. There are two main variables which determine the leader‘s situation. Leader‘s
position power and leader subordinate relations. Leader‘s position power helps in influencing
other, while low position power makes the leader‘s task more difficult. Another factor, which
is leader – subordinate relations is based on the classic exchange theory which suggests that
there is two way influences in a social relationship. Thus good followers need to succeed in
their own jobs with the help of the leader while helping their leadership to succeed at theirs.
Thus, if the leader has good subordinates and good relations with them, he is likely to be
more effective.
3. Group factors
Various group factors like task design, group composition, group norms, group cohesiveness
and peer group relationship affect leadership effectiveness and performance. If these factors
are favorable, the leader will be effective.
4. Organizational factors
Organizational factors like organizational climate and organizational culture affect leadership
effectiveness. If these are conductive, the leader will be effectiveness.
Implications of the theory
- It offers clues why a manager who is successful in one situation, fails when there is change
in the situation.
- A manager may do better by adopting management practices including leadership which
match with the situational variables.
5. New Theory of Leadership:
Bennis and Manus (1995) suggest new theory of leadership based on an extensive study of 90
leaders who participated in interview for the purpose of discovering what is common to
leadership and leadership. The findings of this study concluded that there are four types of
human handling skills common to leaders. The authors elaborate in great detail the specific of
these skills and refer to them as strategies.
A. Strategy I: Attention through vision
B. Strategy II: Attention through communication
C. Strategy III: Attention through inspiration. (Ability to trust in others)
D. Strategy IV: Attention through positivity
Implications of the theory-
 Leadership can be learned and cultivated.
 Leaders are not necessary charismatic. In fact, leadership is more than a characteristic
and charisma just may be the result of effective leadership.
 Leadership is not limited to those who reside at the top of the organization. Rather,
 opportunities exist at all levels of the organization. It is not so much the exercise of
power but
 the empowerment of others.
6. Path-Goal Theory
The path-goal theory of leadership associated most closely with Martin Evan‘s and Robert
House theory of direct extension of the expectancy theory of motivation.
This theory of leadership suggesting that the primary functions of a leader are to make valued
or desired reward‘s available in the workplace and to clarify for the subordinate the kinds of
behavior that will lead to those rewards that is leader should clarify the paths to goal
1. Leader Behavior
The most fully developed version of path goal theory identifies four kinds of leader behavior.
 Directive behavior
It is letting subordinates know what is expected of them, giving guidance and direction and
scheduling work.
 Supportive leader behavior
It is being friendly and approachable, showing concern for subordinates welfare and treating
member‘s as equal‘s.
 Participative leader behavior
It is consulting subordinates, soliciting suggestion‘s and allowing participation in decision
 Achievement - oriented leader behavior
It is setting challenging goal, expecting subordinates to perform at high level’s encouraging
subordinates, and showing confidence in subordinates abilities.
In contrast to Fiedler‘s theory, Path-goal theory assumes that leader‘s can change their style a
behavior to meet the demands of particular situation.
2. Situational Factor’s
Like other situational theories of leadership, Path-goal theory suggest that appropriate leader
style depends on situational factor‘s.
Path-goal theory focuses on the situational factors of the personal characteristics of
subordinates and environmental characteristics of the workplaces.
1. Autocratic style of leadership
2. Democratic style of leadership.
3. Laissez-faire style of leadership.
4. Bureaucratic style of leader ship:
Autocratic leader ship is described as
 Authoritarian leadership
 Directive leadership
 The leader is referred to as Extreme form of -Dictator.
Autocratic leadership
The leader assumes complete control over the decisions and activities of the group.
The authority for decision making is not delegated to persons in lower level positions
(centralized organization)
Personality of the leader:
1. Firm personality, insistent, self assured, highly directive, dominating, with or without
2. Has high concern for work than for the people who perform the task
3. Uses the efforts of the workers to the best possible shows no regard to the interests of the
4. Sets rigid standards and methods of performance and expects the subordinates to obey the
rules and follow the same.
5. Makes all decisions by himself or herself related to the work & pass orders to the workers
and expect them carry out the orders.
6. There is minimal group participation or none from the workers
7. Thinks that what he or she plans and does is the best. May listen to them by not influenced
by their suggestions.
8. Has no trust or confidence in the subordinates in turn they fear and feel they have nothing
much in common
9. Exercises power, manipulates the subordinates to act according to his goals plans and
keeps at the centre of attention.


A democratic leader ship is described as
- Participative or
- Consultative style of leadership
1. This style is characterized by a sense of equality among leaders and followers.
- The leader is people oriented
- Focuses on the human aspects
- Builds effective work group
- Togetherness is emphasized
2. Open system of communication prevails
- The group participate in work related decisions .(sharing the thoughts in problem solving)
3. The interaction between the leader and the group is friendly and trusting
- The leader brings the subject to be discussed to the group
- Consults
- Decision of the majority is made and implemented by the entire group
- Makes final decision after seeking input from the total group.
- Therefore the group feels they have important contribution to make, Freedom – ideas
drawn, develop sense of responsibility for the good of the whole.
4. Leader works through people not by domination but by suggestions and persuasions
- The leader motivates the workers to set their own goals, makes their own work plans and
evaluates their own performance.
- Informs the overall purpose and the progress of the organization
5. Performance standards exist to provide guide lines and permit appraisal of workers thus
results in high productivity.


Also known as
- Permissive
- Free -rein,
- Anarchic, Ultra liberal style of leadership.
The leader gives up all power to the group.
Characteristic features
1. This encourages independent activity by the group members.
- An outsider would not be able to identify the leader in such a group
- The leader exerts little or no influence on the group members.
- There is lack of central direction, Supervision, coordination and control.
2. Group members are free to set their own goals determine their own activities and allowed
to do A variety of goals may be set by every individual and it will be difficult to carry out to
accomplish the task by the group easily.
3. This style may be chosen by the leader or it may evolve because;
- the leader is too weak to exert any influence on the group and
- Attempting to please everyone to feel good.
- And fails to function as an effective leader.
4. This style is effective in highly motivated professional groups.eg: research projects where
independent thinking is rewarded or when the leader feels that the problem must be solved by
the group alone
5. This style is not useful in a highly structured health care delivery system or any institution
6. The group where there is no appointed leader will fall in to this category.


In this kind of leadership the leader functions only on lines with rules and regulations. The
leader cannot be flexible and does not like to take any risk out of the rules.
e.g. Defense leaders: They are strictly adhering to the rules and maintain the discipline of
• No one functions always with a particular leadership style.
• No single style is appropriate for all situations.
• At times combination of styles may be most appropriate
E.g.: a midway between authoritarian and democratic or between democratic and laissez
faire. Comparison of leadership styles
1. Managerial abilities:
- Plans , organizes, makes decisions effectively encourages cooperation and participation
- Assists nurse/subordinates in solving the problems and provides consistent feed back
- Provides rationale for difficult decisions
- Assess abilities of the workers , guides them to develop new skills
- Knows her/his job and does it well and has confidence in self and others
- Welcomes different opinions and is more interested in giving than receiving
- Provides the workers with adequate facilities.
2. Interpersonal relationships:
- Shows supportive and caring behavior towards subordinates
- Is a good listener and sensitive to others needs
- Guides and motivates to act and work together
- Establishes relationships with all types of workers, and able to work with others
3. Temperament: (Nature or character)
- Reliable, open, honest and sincere
- Shows a sense of humor tactful, friendly and loyal
- Calm and charismatic, modest neat and patient
- Positive energetic, hard worker, happy and enthusiastic
- Shows a balance between work and home life or personal life
4. Credibility and forward thinking:
- Acts as a role model and influences others.
- Acts as an activist, challenger, creative thinker, change agent , innovator, risk taker and
courageous .
- Acts as a facilitator and solution seeker.
5. Professionalism:
- Committed to the profession and maintains confidentiality
- Instills hope and pride in the profession
- Stands for rights while considering other‘s rights( assertive )
6. Advocacy:
- Acts as an advocate for others specially for nursing profession and for nursing staff
- Acts as an advocate with physician
- Acts as patient advocate
- Acts as an advocate for nursing education and students for the rights and standards
Implications to nursing:
Regardless of the style selected the nurse managers should be aware of the effect of the style
adopted in the hospital, unit or educational institution, staff and on the level of work
performance. Effective leadership improves the job performance and quality on the whole.
-Development of team work One of the primary functions of leader is to develop and
combine his followers as a team. Given the followers‘competence, potential and needs, the
leader needs to create a congenial and healthy working environment for his work team.
-Representing the team The leader serves as a linking pin between his/her team members and
grievance of his subordinates to the management and also helps to solve problems by
participating in problem solving process.
-Counseling the work men When team member face problems in doing their work, they seek
guidance and advice from their leader. Problems may be technical or emotional in nature.
-Managing time One of the functions of the leader is to ensure the timely completion of
activities undertaken by
his/her members. He has to appreciate the trite saying a ―stitch in time saves nine
-Using proper power Leader has to exercise his power and authority over his subordinates as
per the demand of the situation exercise response from the subordinates.
-Securing group effectiveness Leader needs to provide for a reward system to improve the
efficacy of capable workman, delegate authority and invite participation of employees in
decision-making. Availability of necessary and adequate resources and communicating
necessary information to the employees also help leader to secure effectiveness of group
Leadership in nursing is pivotal in ensuring quality patient care and effective healthcare team
management. Effective nursing leadership involves various styles such as transformational,
transactional, and situational leadership. Each style has distinct characteristics and is suited to
different scenarios within healthcare settings. Transformational leadership focuses on
motivation and inspiring the team, while transactional leadership is more task-oriented.
Situational leadership emphasizes flexibility, adapting the approach to the context and
individuals involved. Key qualities of successful nursing leaders include effective
communication, emotional intelligence, decision-making ability, and a focus on both patient
and staff needs. The importance of leadership training and education cannot be overstated in
developing these skills among nursing professionals.

Here I conclude my seminar today we are discussed on leadership, feature, characteristics,
theories, qualities, types and function of leadership.
1. Kumar S, Singh A. Nursing Management. 1st ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers; 2018. p. 50-75.
2. Bhatia R. Effective Nursing Management. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Sagar Publications; 2019.
p. 100-125..
3. Patil P, Mane A. Nursing Leadership and Management in India. 1st ed. Mumbai:
Elsevier; 2020. p. 80-95.
4. Rani J, Rao P. Principles of Nursing Management. 1st ed. Hyderabad: Wolters Kluwer
India; 2021. p. 60-85.
5. Choudhary K, Gupta A. Nursing Management: An Indian Perspective. 1st ed. New
Delhi: CBS Publishers; 2020. p. 150-175.

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