BSCI Audit Report - 2022
BSCI Audit Report - 2022
BSCI Audit Report - 2022
on site
Gimex Clothing Ltd.
This is an extract of the online monitoring result, generated on 07/09/2022, and is only valid as
an acknowledgement of the result. To see all the details, review the full monitoring result, which is
available here - The English version is the legally binding one.
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© amfori, 2021
Overall rating
A B C D E None
Section rating
PA 4: No Discrimination A
PA 5: Fair Remuneration B
PA 8: No Child Labour A
PA 10: No Precarious Employment A
General description
A semi announced full audit was conducted at 'Gimex Clothing Ltd.' which is located at ' Dhonaid, Zirabo, Ashulia, 1349 Dhaka,
Bangladesh'. The auditee solely occupies the factory premises (rented) since the beginning of its establishment in April 2013.
Factory licenses were found valid during audit (except fire license and waiver certificate for power generator) and it corresponds
to the auditee´s actual situation (company name, address, number of building, etc). At present, there are 381 employees
at the factory (including process workers, senior management members, mid-level management staff, administrative staffs,
etc.). The employees comprise of both permanent and workers-on-probation. Orders from customers remain relatively high
between January to May, remains low from August to October and remains moderate in rest of the months as reported by the
The factory has manufactured all kinds of knitted garments (including t-shirt, tops, etc. for adults and children). The main
production processes are listed as follows: Cutting> Sewing > Finishing (Pressing to Packing)
Facility premises consists of 03 sheds and 01 building on a land area of 40,000 square feet. Detailed description of all structures
are furnished below:
Shed 1: HRD office, medical room, office room, finishing section, fabrics store, finished goods area, spot removing room, fire
control panel room and management kitchen.
Shed 2: Bonded warehouse, child care, cutting, sample, Inspection room, Tea room, Cad room, Dust sucker room.
Shed-3: Ground floor - Security room, IE planning room, accessories store room, sewing section, power room, maintenance
1st floor (RCC part) – office.
2nd floor- MD & Director office, accounts room, commercial room, meeting room.
Audit Process:
The audit team has conducted the audit in 01 day as per the audit plan shared with the factory management. 03 auditors were
present on the audit dat, 24 August 2022. After a short site visit, an opening meeting was held with the factory management and
workers representatives where auditors explained the purpose, scope and process of the audit, and gave a brief presentation
on amfori BSCI code and auditing protocol. Onsite visit was conducted with a factory representative. Subsequently, the supplied
documents as per audit requirements had been thoroughly reviewed. The time scope applicable for this audit begins from
August 2021 to till the audit date (recent 12 months). For worker’s interviews, the auditors selected workers from different
production processes, different grades and different age groups. The confidentiality and comfort of the interviewees were
ensured throughout all interviews.
Management Cooperation:
Factory management was fully cooperative with the audit team and auditors were allowed access to all areas and assisted them
to perform workers interview in the separate confidential manner, take photos and collect all required information on time.
Closing meeting: A final closing meeting was held at the end of the audit. Findings discussed with all who were attended
in closing meeting. Onsite findings report was issued in English language. Management representative and workers
‘representative agreed all the findings and both were signed on the findings report.
i) The number of workers mentioned in the initial audit application was 550, but during factory visit it was found that the number
of workers were 381. According to management comment and relevant document review, a large number of female workers
visited their home town during 'Eid-ul-Adha' and did not return to work.
ii) Below documents & photos are not applicable for this factory:
1. Collective bargaining agreements (There is no trade union. Collective bargaining agreement is not applicable.)
2. Dormitories (There are no dormitories in the facility premises.)
3. High-risk health and safety areas (As per risk assessment, there are no major health and safety risks.)
4. Inconsistencies between time and production records
Site Details
Site : Gimex Clothing Ltd.
Site amfori ID : 050-000043-002
GICS Classification
N.A. N.A.
N.A. N.A.
Key Metrics
Other Metrics
Factory is in progress to integrate the amfori BSCI code of conduct in day-to-day business. A thorough observation of the
facility's operations revealed gaps on implementation in the following amfori BSCI performance areas- social management
system, workers involvement and protection, fair remuneration, decent working hours, occupational health and safety, no
precarious employment, protection of the environment and ethical business behavior etc.
Facility management did not develop the necessary policies and processes to prevent and address any adverse human rights
impacts that may be detected in its supply chain.
The facility management has set up the company’s mission and vision with specific long term goals to protect their workers,
attain sustainable growth etc but no monitoring activities was taken to follow up that strategic plan is working or not.
Facility management has provided training to the staff and workers on amfori BSCI code of conduct, but enough awareness was
not found from the workers, production supervisors and workers’ representatives regarding amfori BSCI COC.
(i) Facility has grievance management policy and procedure for its employees but the policy does not define how to deal
with potential conflict of interest. (ii) Facility has no policy and procedure on external grievance mechanism (for suppliers,
communities, etc.)
PA 5: Fair Remuneration
The facility has conducted several surveys for defining workers family basket but still they did not define their food basket
considering the daily nutrition requirements and workers demographic profile, hence they did not define living wage for the
region they are operating.
(i) Facility did not have the provision for encashment of un-availed annual leave for the staffs (e.g. sample man, cutter man etc.)
[Reference: Bangladesh Labour Rules, 2015, Rule 107 (2) (ii) Based on documents review, workers and management interview
it was noted that festival holiday work compensation were not being ensured to the security guard as per law. The security
guards were got two days compensatory wages but one day substitute holiday was not being ensured by the facility. [Reference:
Bangladesh Labor Law 2006(ammentment-2018) section 118(3)
Through documents review, workers and management interview it has been noted that factory practiced seven days weekend
work before festival leave as a general work day which has been adjusted with festival leave. As a result all sampled workers
has worked more than 48 hours (excluding OT hours) per week for general day duty (weekend worked). Factory has opened
as general work on 18th & 25th February 2022, 11th March 2022 & 22nd April 2022 which has already been adjusted with Eid
Ul Fitr leave and also conducted general work on 27th May 2022, 10th & 24th June 2022 which has been adjusted with ‘Eid Ul
Azha’ leave. [Reference: Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 section 102 and amfori BSCI Calibration Meeting Minutes]
(i) Facility management did not involve workers’ representatives and workers in the drifting and enforcement of the internal
procedure on occupational health and safety. (ii) Facility is in progress of complying health & safety rules and regulations as, few
gaps have been noted related to building approval, risk assessment, license etc.
Facility did not assess the risk of compressor and kitchen section so workers of the mention area were not aware about their
workplace related risk. (ii) Facility has physically challenged workers (Unable to talk) but there is no risk assessment found
concentrating those workers. [Reference: Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015, Schedule 4(2) B (1)]
i) Fire license was found expired from 1.7.2022. Facility applied for renewal on 28/7/2022. [Reference: Fire Prevention and
Extinction Act 2003, Section 4 (12)] ii) Facility did not have building construction approval for Shed 2 and Utility building.
[Reference: Building Construction Act 1952, Section 3(1)]
Facility did not have waiver certificate for 01 (one) diesel power generator (250 kVA) from the concerned authority. [Reference:
Energy Regulatory Commission Rules 2006, Rule 9 (1, b)]
Factory does not have dining hall facility for the workers to take meal. Moreover, no canteen found in facility where workers can
buy snacks or light foods. [Reference: Bangladesh Labour Law 2006, Section 93 (1) and Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015, Rule
PA 10: No Precarious Employment
4th part of employee service book (record of annual leave) had not been updated by the factory. [Reference: Bangladesh Labor
Rules 2015, Rule 21]
Facility did not identify significant impacts and environmental implications of the changes that were made to factory premises
such additional of utility building, installation of generator, boiler etc. through competent person or organization in order to
prevent or minimize harm made to the surrounding communities, resources, supply chain etc. Note that, last Environment
Impact Assessment (EIA) was performed in the year 2015, however some crucial changes were made to the facility site since.
The facility did not implement any program yet to promote water conservation and water waste reduction.
Facility management has identified possible areas of corruption in it’s business activities but did not provide training to the
relevant employees on those areas yet. Also, the facility does not have any a ‘reward’ mechanism to encourage integrity among
workers and for reporting unethical behaviors.
Facility has kept the employee files in confidential manner but they have no policy and procedure for workers personal data
protection, exchange, handling etc.