ML For Health

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The University of Melbourne

Machine Learning Applications for Health

Team 8

Risk Prediction Modeling for

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) using
Early Indicators in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Jingwei Zhang 1067859

Jiyang XIN 1322761
Ritwik Giri 1301272
Sanskar Bhaia 1111612
Vibhuti Rajpal 1305409


The study predicts the mortality risk of ICU patients with ventilator-associated
pneumonia (VAP) from the MIMIC-IV database. Early indicators for predicting
patient survival were identified using appropriate cohort selection and data pre-
processing methods. The study considered early vital signs and laboratory mea-
surements collected across all ICU stays, along with the patient’s demographic
information. It comprehensively describes the timeline considered for each of the
indicators. The aim is to provide a practical, stepwise approach to mortality pre-
diction and provide clusters to identify distinct patterns among VAP patients.
The results show how early predictors are crucial in mortality prediction amongst
VAP patients. It will empower healthcare professionals to manage and mitigate
mortality risks associated with VAP in the ICU proactively, ultimately improving
patient care and outcomes.
1 Introduction
Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) are at risk of both critical illness-related
mortality and comorbidities, such as hospital-acquired infections. The second most
common of these is ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). About 25% of patients
in the ICU encountered VAP-related difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(Russo et al., 2022).

According to surveys, there are 250,000 to 300,000 cases in the United States each
year, with 5 to 10 cases per 1,000 hospital admissions (Koenig and Truwit, 2006).
VAP patients have an attributed mortality rate between 0 and 50% (Koenig and
Truwit, 2006), indicating that VAP is a disease with high prevalence and high im-

According to the clinical definition, VAP is a form of hospital-acquired pneumonia

(HAP) that occurs after more than 48 hours of mechanical ventilation (Kalil et al.,
2016). VAP is supported when bacterial growth exceeds a specific threshold for tra-
cheal aspirates/ Mini-Bronchoalveolar lavage/ Protected Specimen Brush (Koenig
and Truwit, 2006).

In this study, we extract, clean, and feature data from the MIMIC database to fore-
cast the likelihood of mortality in VAP-identified patients. We selected early pre-
dictors for survival prediction based on a review of diverse research papers (Zhang
et al., 2022). They not only match with clinical expertise but also capture complex
insights from the VAP research.

We will exploit the power of both Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning
(ML) approaches. Supervised ML predicts key mortality risk factors in VAP pa-
tients. We’ll compare results from logistic regression, SVM, XGBoost, and Random
Forest. Unsupervised ML performs clustering tasks to discern distinctions among
the identified salient features.

The study empowers healthcare workers to proactively use early indicators to miti-
gate VAP-related mortality risk.

2 Methods
This section provides an overview of the methodology used for the digital phenotyp-
ing of VAP patients. It describes data preprocessing, feature selection, ML method-
ologies and model evaluation techniques. Finally, we discuss the ethical aspects of

the dataset.

2.1 Data Source

In this study, we utilized the MIMIC-IV v2.2 database, encompassing patients from
BETH Israel Deaconess Medical Centre between 2008 and 2019 (Johnson et al.,
2023). Among 299,712 hospital admissions, we focused on the 16.98% (50,920 cases)
necessitating ICU services, with 48.59% (24,726 cases) involving ventilation sessions.

MIMIC Modules Data Tables

HOSP admissions, d labitems, emar, emar detail,
labevents, microbiologyevents, patients
ICU d items, chartevents, icustays, datetimeevents,
inputevents, outputevents, procedureevents

Table 1: Data Sources by Modules

2.2 Cohort Identification

For a comprehensive analysis of VAP in the extensive MIMIC dataset, we first
established a well-defined set of criteria to identify relevant cases. Below are the key
terms that are integral to our research.

• Ventilation Duration: This applies to ICU patients who have been on me-
chanical ventilation for more than 48 hours.

• Clinical Indicators: For VAPs, we are considering the presence of 3 clinical

indicators, Fever (Temperature > 38 ◦ C, Leukocytosis (WBC ≥ 12,000 cells/
mm3), and Leukopenia (WBC < 4,000 cells/mm3)(Kalanuria et al., 2014)

• Microbiology Event - Pathogen Growth: Any respiratory specimen has

countable bacteria. VAP is supported as soon as bacterial growth reaches a
predetermined threshold (Wimberley et al., 1979). In this research, we are
considering the following thresholds:
◦ High values for tracheal aspirates (≥ 1,000,000 colony forming units
◦ High values for mini-BAL (mini-bronchoalveolar lavage) (10,000 cfu/mL).
◦ High values for protected specimen brush (PSB) (1000 cfu/mL).
These thresholds minimize misdiagnosing tracheobronchial colonization as VAP
(i.e., low false-positive rate) (Baselski et al., 1992).

For clinical indicators and microbiology events, we considered post-48-hour ventila-
tion session observations until the ICU end time (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Phenotype Factors Timeline

A patient is diagnosed with VAP if they fall into either of the two categories.

Category 1:
ICU Patients on ventilation for over 48 hours with specified clinical indicators.

Category 2:
ICU Patients on ventilation for over 48 hours with significant microbiology events.

When considering both categories, we obtained a cohort of 3538 distinct patients

(Figure 2).

Figure 2: Cohort Identification Flowchart

2.3 Feature Selection

We analyzed all patient ICU stays and established timeframes for the features. To
ensure robust data coverage, we calculated averages across all their ICU stays. Our
features were categorized into 4 timeframes.

• Hospital Admission Time:

◦ The average Comorbidity Index incorporates morbidities like diabetes,
kidney/liver disease, etc., which may increase the mortality risk in VAP

• Before the start of ventilation:

◦ Average lab and vital test results from ICU stay with over 48 hours of

• During Ventilation:
◦ Check whether the patient received a Bronchoscopy procedure in their
last ICU stay.

• Post Ventilation:
◦ Average BMI, WBC count, and body temperature from post-ventilation
to the end of the ICU stay.

Along with the above features, we have also considered the following:

• Total ICU stays

• Total ventilation stays

• Total hours of ventilation

A detailed timeline of the features is presented in the following diagram (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Feature Selection Timeline

2.4 Data Prepossessing

To ensure the completeness of the selected data, we only consider the patients with
at least one record of the selected lab and vital tests (Figure 3) in between ICU in-
time and ventilation start time. The cohort was reduced to 2290 distinct patients.

Figure 4: Reduced Cohort

2.4.1 Handling Null Values

We exclude features with over 50% null values. For the remaining features, we fill
null values by imputing means to retain valuable information.

Figure 5: Missing Values

2.4.2 Column Mapping Process

Patients with known ’date of death’ are marked as 1 in the ‘death flag’ column, our
response variable. Gender is encoded as 0 for males and 1 for females.

2.4.3 Handling High Correlation

Highly correlated features may overfit ML models by sharing redundant information.
We eliminate one column from each strongly correlated pair for our classification

model (Table 2).

Table 2: Top Correlated Traits

2.4.4 Feature Scaling

We standardize all numeric columns using the Standard Scaler to ensure consistent
scaling. It enables fair comparisons among different features with varying units and

2.4.5 Feature Significance

At the end of the preprocessing stage, we identify the most significant features i.e.
features that highly impact the mortality. This step will reduce the possible over-

We have used the Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) algorithm to get the top
15 scaled features identified by the logistic regression, SVM, Random Forest, and
XGBoost estimators.

Figure 6: Feature Significance

2.5 Machine Learning Methods

We are addressing the problem of predicting mortality risk in VAP patients. We are
building classification models (Logistic, SVM, Random Forest, XGBoost) to classify
patients based on their survival status. These models have previously demonstrated
strong recognition rates for VAP research (Liao et al., 2019). These classification
models are adequate for our high-dimensional dataset (features = 15).

Additionally, we’re applying K-means clustering to group patients based on early

indicators and bronchoscopy procedure status. It helped us identify patterns and
analyze how different features relate to mortality risk within these clusters. PCA
was used for dimensionality reduction for Cluster Visualisation.

Figure 7: Machine Learning Approaches

2.6 Evaluation Methods

In our problem, we have an imbalance distribution of the binary response variable
(death flag) (Figure 8). Hence, using accuracy as the primary performance metric
may be misleading as it does not account for the class distribution.

To address this, we focus on the F1-score, AUC-ROC, and MCC. These metrics are
more appropriate for evaluating the model’s ability to accurately predict the ‘death’
category while considering the class imbalance, which is crucial in this medical con-

Figure 8: Class Distribution of Patient Outcomes

F1-Score is a balanced metric for imbalanced classes. It combines precision and

recall and provides a harmonic mean that accounts for both false positives (FP) and
false negatives (FN).

2 · TP
F 1 score = (1)
2 · TP + FP + FN

AUC-ROC evaluates the model’s ability to distinguish between classes without

being affected by class distribution, making it robust in scenarios where one class is

MCC considers true and false positives and negatives, providing a reliable measure
of model performance that’s unaffected by class size differences.

(T P × T N ) − (F P × F N )
M CC = p (2)
(T P + F P )(T P + F N )(T N + F P )(T N + F N )

2.7 Ethical Considerations

When using medical data, data sharing must protect patient privacy. The MIMIC
database is de-identified, complying with HIPAA Safe Harbor provisions.(Moosavi,
2022). The MIMIC resource was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review
Board at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, waiving the need for informed
consent in the data-sharing program. (Johnson et al., 2023).

3 Results
The results section comprises three key segments. We start with Exploratory Data
Analysis to understand the cohort. Next, we evaluate various classification models
and perform feature importance analysis. Finally, we present clustering outcomes
to identify patient subgroups. Data is divided into 80% training and 20% testing
sets to assess model performance.

3.1 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

The cohort obtained at 2.4 was used to obtain the following EDA results.

Metric Total Died Survived

Cohort Information
Total Patients 2290 780 1510
Gender Information
Males 1391 456 935
Females 897 324 573
Demographic Information (Average Age in years)
All Patients 60.75 64.40 58.85
Patients with Bronchoscopy 60.26 63.48 58.67
Females 61.82 65.00 60.02
Males 60.05 63.98 58.14
Procedure Information
Patients with Bronchoscopy 1077 355 721

Table 3: Summary of Cohort Characteristics

Mortality Information %
Males Who Died 32.78 %
Females Who Died 36.12 %

Table 4: Gender Mortality Information

3.1.1 Cohort Overview

Within a cohort of 2290 patients, we observed a 65.9% survival rate (1510). However,
34.06% of patients did not survive (780).

3.1.2 Bronchoscopy’s Impact
Bronchoscopy had a promising 67% survival rate, with survivors averaging 58.8
years, notably younger than non-survivors, who had an average age of 64.4 years.

3.1.3 Gender and Age Differences

The cohort had a slight male predominance (60.8%) with comparable average ages
for male and female ICU patients at 60 and 61.8 years, indicating no significant age
difference between the genders.

3.2 Classification Results

In the context of our binary classification results (Table 5), it is evident that the
SVM algorithm demonstrates superior performance compared to other algorithms.
SVM achieves higher scores in key metrics such as F1 score, MCC, and AUC-ROC.
Notably, logistic regression also delivers robust performance, closely following SVM.
In contrast, XGBoost and Random Forest underperformed.

Table 5: Binary Classification Results of Different Models

The AUC value of 0.71 indicates that the SVM model has reasonably good discrim-
inative power in distinguishing between survival and mortality outcomes (Figure
9). An F1 score of 0.56 and Sensitivity of 0.70 indicate the model’s strength in
identifying mortality cases.

Figure 9: ROC-AUC Comparison of Different Models

3.3 Feature Importance Analysis

We have categorized the features based on their observed timeline. For each fea-
ture type, we performed feature importance analysis using the SVM and Logistic
estimators (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Feature Importance Analysis

3.3.1 Early Indicators
Elevated Anion Gap and Alkaline Phosphatase levels significantly increase VAP
mortality risk, while Creatinine, Eosinophils, Basophils, and Free Calcium levels
have a less pronounced impact. Lower Chloride levels also modestly contribute to
increased VAP mortality risk.

3.3.2 General Information

Age, comorbidity index, and ventilator duration are key indicators. Higher age and
comorbidity index, along with prolonged ventilator support, elevate VAP mortality

3.3.3 Post-Ventilation Observation

Post-ventilation, a higher Average WBC Count elevates VAP mortality risk. A lower
Average BMI slightly increases the risk, with a relatively low impact.
A detailed impact analysis of all the features is provided in the Appendix 2.

3.4 Clustering Results

K-means clustering sought distinct trends among VAP patients, particularly eval-
uating the impact of the Bronchoscopy procedure, as depicted in Figure 3. The
influence of Early Indicators and Post-Ventilation observations was also assessed to
identify high-risk patients.
Principal Component Analysis (dimensionality reduction) was used to visualise the
3 clusters identified by K-Means (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Cluster Visualisation for K = 3

Table 6: Cluster Analysis summary

Figure 12: Relationship between Bronchoscopy and Mortality in VAP Patients

The key observations are listed in the (Table 6). It depicts how the early indicators
results affect the mortality and how the bronchoscopy procedure might reduce the
mortality of the VAP patients (Figure 12). Box plots are provided for further com-
parisons for all feature categories (Figure 13 ,14 ,15).

Figure 13: Box Plots for Early Predictors grouped by Clusters

Figure 14: Box Plots for General Information grouped by Clusters

Figure 15: Box Plots for Post-Ventilation Observation grouped by Clusters

4 Discussion and Conclusion

In the absence of standardized diagnostic criteria, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
(VAP) poses a significant diagnosis challenge. As a result of our study, we demon-
strate how early indicators may be able to predict the likelihood of VAP, facilitating
timely intervention and reducing complications. The study examined a range of
indicators that previous research has identified as contributing factors to VAP di-
agnosis at different points during patients’ Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stays.

Using classification models for VAP patients, we explored the influence of early in-
dicators on mortality risk and identified the most critical early warning signs. In
particular, we found that Anion Gap, Chloride, and Creatinine had a high impact
on patient outcomes.

When the anion gap increases, there is likely to be an acid-base imbalance that is
associated with VAP. High Creatinine levels can suggest kidney injury associated

with VAP, while high chloride levels can indicate fluid status. The relevance of these
markers in VAP management has been demonstrated in numerous studies investi-
gating their diagnostic and prognostic capabilities (Dafal et al., 2021; Pfortmueller
et al., 2018; Murugan et al., 2010). Critical care can be significantly improved by
applying this knowledge, potentially reducing fatality rates.

To conclude, our study utilized clustering techniques to emphasize the importance

of bronchoscopy procedures at the time of ventilation. It is consistent with Zhang et
al.’s observation in their study (Zhang et al., 2022) that patients with Bronchoscopy
exhibit lower mortality rates.

There are, however, challenges and limitations associated with the development of
machine learning models for predicting VAP patient mortality. A limitation of the
MIMIC dataset is that it lacks data that specify the exact time at which the patient
contracted VAP. Additionally, the specific nature of the MIMIC dataset may restrict
our ability to provide a universally applicable solution.

In future research, data collected immediately after mechanical ventilation should

be used to perform prediction tasks. Having access to such data would allow health-
care professionals to intervene and potentially improve patient outcomes before the
48-hour mark.

Furthermore, our study relied solely on one source of data, which may limit the
generalizability of our findings. Due to the retrospective nature of the study, it is
difficult to assess how this algorithm might impact patient outcomes in a real clinical
setting. Future research needs to be prospectively validated to guarantee that the
findings can be applied to clinical practice in a meaningful way.

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Appendix 1
Team Contributions

Table 7: Student Contributions

Name StudentID Contribution
Jingwei Zhang 1067859 50%
789012 30%
Jiyang XIN 1322761 20%
Ritwik Giri 1301272 Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Project administration, So
Sanskar Bhaia 1111612 15%
Vibhuti Rajpal 1305409 10%
Appendix 2
Feature impact on VAP Related Mortality
Feature Feature Definition Associated Mortality Risk
Early Higher age associated with
Age Patient’s chronological age
Indicators increased VAP mortality risk
Difference between cations
Early Elevated anion gap increases
Anion Gap and anions indicating
Indicators VAP mortality risk
metabolic acidosis
Elevated levels increase VAP
Early Alkaline Enzyme found in the liver and
mortality risk related to liver
Indicators Phosphatase bones
or bone diseases
Elevated rate increases VAP
Early Number of heartbeats per
Heart Rate mortality risk due to cardiac
Indicators minute
Elevated levels increase VAP
Early Waste product indicating
Creatinine mortality risk due to kidney
Indicators kidney function
Type of white blood cell Lower counts increase VAP
Eosinophils involved in the immune mortality risk due to immune
response system imbalance
Lower temperature increases
Early Body temperature in degrees
Temperature VAP mortality risk due to
Indicators Celsius
health concerns
Lower levels increase VAP
Early Calcium not bound to
Free Calcium mortality risk affecting muscle
Indicators proteins
and nerve function
Lower counts increase VAP
Early Type of white blood cell
Basophils mortality risk due to immune
Indicators involved in allergic reactions
system imbalance
Higher ALT levels increase
ALT Enzyme found in the liver VAP mortality risk due to
liver damage
Lower levels increase VAP
Early Electrolyte maintaining
Chloride mortality risk due to
Indicators acid-base balance
metabolic imbalances
Higher index increases VAP
General Comorbidity Assesses comorbid conditions
mortality risk due to
Information Index and their impact on mortality
comorbid conditions
Total More stays increase VAP
General Number of times on a
Ventilator mortality risk related to
Information ventilator
Stays respiratory issues
Post Higher count increases VAP
Average Average white blood cell
Ventilation mortality risk related to
WBC Count count in the blood
Observation infection or inflammation
Post Lower BMI increases VAP
Average body mass index of a
Ventilation Average BMI mortality risk due to
Observation underlying health issues

Table 8: Detailed Feature Analysis

Appendix 3

• AG: Anion Gap

• ALT: Alanine Aminotransferase
• AUC-ROC: Area Under the Curve-Receiver Operating Characteristic
• BMI: Body Mass Index
• BUN: Blood Urea Nitrogen
• CFU: Colony-Forming Unit
• FN: False Negative
• FP: False Positive
• HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
• HAP: Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
• ICU: Intensive Care Unit
• MCC: Matthews Correlation Coefficient
• MCH: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
• MCHC: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
• MCV: Mean Corpuscular Volume
• MIMIC: Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care
• ML: Machine Learning
• PaCO2: Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide in Arterial Blood
• PaO2: Partial Pressure of Oxygen in Arterial Blood
• PCA: Principal Component Analysis
• PSB: Protected Specimen Brush
• PT: Prothrombin Time
• PTT: Partial Thromboplastin Time
• RBC: Red Blood Cells
• RFE: Recursive Feature Elimination
• RDW: Red Blood Cell Distribution Width
• SVM: Support Vector Machine
• TN: True Negative
• TP: True Positive
• VAP: Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
• WBC: White Blood Cells
Appendix 4
Project Notebook

Python notebook below explains the code in detail.

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Importing required packages

In [3]: # Importing required packages and function to connect to GCP

import pandas as pd # Import the Pandas library for data manipulation.

import os # Import the OS library for working with the operating system.F
from datetime import timedelta # Import timedelta from datetime for time-related calculations.

# Access data using Google BigQuery.

from google.colab import auth # Import the authentication module from Google Colab.
from import bigquery # Import the BigQuery client library.

# Authenticate the user to access Google BigQuery data.


# Set up environment variables for the Google Cloud project.

project_id = 'physionet-data-395201' # Replace with your own project ID.
if project_id == 'physionet-data':
raise ValueError('You must change project_id to your GCP project.')

os.environ["GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT"] = project_id # Set the project ID as an environment variable.

# Read data from BigQuery into Pandas dataframes.

def run_query(query, project_id=project_id):

# Set the dataset you want to work with in BigQuery.

dataset = 'mimiciv'

Project Flow and stages

Digital Phenotyping
Key terms related to digital phenotyping
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Definition for Phenotyping:
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In the context of this analysis, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia is defined as follows:

1. Mechanical Ventilation Duration:
Duration >= 48 Hours: Patients who have been on mechanical ventilation for a duration of 48 hours or longer.
2. Clinical Indicators:
Leukocytosis and Fever: Patients who exhibit leukocytosis (an elevated white blood cell count) or leukopenia (low WBC) and fever
after 48 hours of ventilation and before the end of their ICU stay.
3. Microbiology Events (bacterial growth):
High Value for Tracheal Aspirates: Patients with microbiology events showing high values for tracheal aspirates.
High Value for Mini-BAL: Patients with microbiology events showing high values for mini-BAL (mini-bronchoalveolar lavage).
High Value for PSB: Patients with microbiology events showing high values for protected specimen brush (PSB).
These criteria are used for phenotyping and identifying cases of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) within the dataset.

VAP diagnosis conditions

Final Phenotype Identification
In the final phenotype identification, we are looking for patients who meet one of the following sets of criteria:
1. Mechanical Ventilation Duration and Clinical Indicators: Patients who have a prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation, and they
exhibit specific clinical indicators such as Leukocytosis and Fever.
2. Mechanical Ventilation Duration and Microbiology Events: Patients who have a prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation and
experience significant microbiology events, specifically high values in tests like tracheal aspirates, mini-BAL, or PSB (Protected
Specimen Brush).

Step 1: First we find the patients with ventilation more than 48 hours
Step 1a: To Find Patients with ICU Stays > 48 Hours
Step Description: In this step, we focus on identifying patients who have spent more than 48 hours in the intensive care unit (ICU).
1. We begin by considering patients in the ICU setting.
2. The primary objective is to distinguish patients who have had ICU stay of more than 48 hours.
A patient undergoes ventilation inbetween the ICU stays. Hence, to get the patients with more than 48 hrs of ventilation, we first find
patients with ICU time greater than 48 hours.
In [4]: # Query to find patients with ICU stays greater than 48 hours

# Defining the SQL query

icu_admission_query = '''
subject_id, -- Patient identifier
icu_stay.intime AS icu_intime, -- Admission time to the ICU
icu_stay.outtime AS icu_outtime, -- Discharge time from the ICU
icu_stay.los AS los, -- Length of stay in the ICU
icu_stay.rn AS icu_seq, -- ICU Stay Sequence
icu_stay.total_icu_stays -- Total number of ICU stays for the patient (>24hrs)
COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY subject_id) AS total_icu_stays
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.icustays`
) AS icu_stay
WHERE icu_stay.los >= 2 -- Filter for ICU stays longer than 48 hours
ORDER BY subject_id;

# Running the query and storing the result in a DataFrame

icu_admission_table = run_query(icu_admission_query)

# Displaying the first few rows of the resulting DataFrame

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Out[4]: subject_id icu_intime icu_outtime los icu_seq total_icu_stays

0 10001884 2131-01-11 04:20:05 2131-01-20 08:27:30 9.171817 1 1
1 10002155 2129-08-04 12:45:00 2129-08-10 17:02:38 6.178912 1 3
2 10002155 2130-09-24 00:50:00 2130-09-27 22:13:41 3.891447 2 3
3 10002348 2112-11-30 23:24:00 2112-12-10 18:25:13 9.792512 1 1
4 10002428 2156-04-12 16:24:18 2156-04-17 15:57:08 4.981134 1 4

Step 1b: To Find Patients with Ventilation Stays > 48 Hours

Step Description: In this step, we focus on identifying patients who have spent more than 48 hours in the ventilation sessions.
1. We begin by considering patients in the "FinishedRunning" stage of ventilation.
2. The primary objective is to distinguish patients who have had ventilation sessions of more than 48 hours.
1. We are considering all the ventilation types, i.e. Invasive, Non-Invasive and Mask.
2. In the modelling stage, we will use ventilation type as a factor to see if the impact of the ventilation type on the mortality.
In [5]: #Create a Common Table Expression (CTE) named VentilationItemID
#This CTE selects item IDs and labels from the d_items table for items related to ventilation.
patients_with_vent_session = run_query("""

WITH VentilationSessions AS (
pe.subject_id, -- Patient identifier
pe.starttime AS vent_starttime, -- Start time of the procedure
pe.endtime AS vent_endtime, -- End time of the procedure
vid.label AS ventilation_type, -- Label description for the ventilation item
WHEN pe.value >= 2880 THEN pe.value -- 48hours has 2880 mins
END AS vent_duration, -- Duration of the procedure (null for values < 2880)
pe.valueuom AS duration_unit, -- Unit of measurement for duration
pe.patientweight, -- Patient's weight at the time of the procedure
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY pe.subject_id ORDER BY pe.starttime) AS vent_seq_no,
COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY pe.subject_id) AS total_vent_stays
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.procedureevents` AS pe
SELECT itemid, label
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.d_items`
WHERE LOWER(label) LIKE '%ventilation%'
) AS vid ON vid.itemid = pe.itemid
WHERE pe.statusdescription LIKE 'FinishedRunning'
ORDER BY pe.subject_id, pe.starttime)

SELECT subject_id,
FROM VentilationSessions
WHERE vent_duration IS NOT NULL


Out[5]: subject_id vent_starttime vent_endtime ventilation_type vent_duration duration_unit patientweight vent_seq_no total_vent_stays
0 10001884 2131-01-13 2131-01-19 Invasive 9465.0 min 65.0 3 4
04:00:00 17:45:00 Ventilation
1 10001884 2131-01-15 2131-01-19 Invasive 6576.0 min 65.0 4 4
04:07:00 17:43:00 Ventilation
2 10002428 2156-04-19
Ventilation 4135.0 min 43.0 1 3
3 10002428 2156-05-11 2156-05-20 Invasive 12640.0 min 48.4 3 3
16:05:00 10:45:00 Ventilation
4 10003400 2137-02-25
Ventilation 3760.0 min 93.0 1 4

Explanation of the code's purpose and logic

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Step 1c: We combine the results obtained in step 1a and 1b.
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Step Description: In this step, we focus on filtering the patients who have had ICU stays greater than 48hrs AND ventilation sessions
greater than 48 hours
1. We combined the two dataframes obtained in step 1a and step 1b.
2. Intuitively, the ventilation stay should start between the ICU stays. But, there are some patients whose ventilation started some minutes
before their ICU intime. Hence, i have added a delta of 15 mins
1. The resulting table combines information about patients' ICU stays and ventilation sessions. For each ICU stay lasting more than 48
hours, the table will include rows corresponding to all ventilation sessions that lasted more than 48 hours during that specific ICU stay.
In [6]: #Perform inner join
result_df = pd.merge(icu_admission_table, patients_with_vent_session, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [7]: # filter
ventilation_and_icu_data = result_df[
(result_df['vent_starttime'] >= result_df['icu_intime'] - pd.Timedelta(minutes=15)) & (result_df['vent_endtime'] <

In [8]: # result data

ventilation_and_icu_data = ventilation_and_icu_data[['subject_id', 'icu_seq', 'total_icu_stays',
'icu_intime','icu_outtime', 'los',
'vent_seq_no', 'total_vent_stays',
'vent_starttime','vent_endtime', 'vent_duration', 'duration_unit'

End of Step 1
In this step, we have identified a total of 8034 patients who met the following criteria:
They had ICU stays lasting more than 48 hours.
During these extended ICU stays, these patients also had ventilation sessions that lasted more than 48 hours.

Step 2: Identifying Patients with Clinical Indicators

In this step, we aim to identify patients with clinical indicators, Leukocytosis and Fever. The criteria for this identification are as follows:
We will consider the test results for the observations that were charted after patients have undergone ventilation sessions lasting
48 hours or more and before the respective ICU end time associated with that ventilation session.
Step 2a: Identifying Patients Diagnosed with Fever
In this step, we focus on the patients identified in the previous step and determine if they were diagnosed with fever, defined as a body
temperature exceeding 38 degrees Celsius.
Step Description:
1. We utilize a query to retrieve all body temperature tests where the recorded temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius for the patients
identified in Step 1.
2. Subsequently, we filter the tests to include only those performed after 48 hours of the ventilation session and before the
respective ICU end time associated with that ventilation session.
In [10]: query = f"""

WITH TempInfo AS (
SELECT itemid, label
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.d_items`
WHERE LOWER(label) LIKE '%temperature celsius%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%temperature fahrenheit%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%temperaturef_apacheiv%'

lb.subject_id, -- Patient identifier
lb.charttime, -- Vital sign chart time
lb.valuenum , -- Vital sign value number
lb.valueuom -- UoM

`physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.chartevents` AS lb,
TempInfo as ti

where lb.itemid = ti.itemid

AND lb.subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, ventilation_and_icu_data_distinct_subject_ids))}) -- Filter for specified s
AND ((lb.valuenum > 38 AND lb.valueuom LIKE '%C') OR (lb.valuenum > 100.4 AND lb.valueuom LIKE '%F'))


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# Execute the query and retrieve patient demographic information.
patients_with_fever = run_query(query)

# Display the first few rows of the result.


Out[10]: subject_id charttime valuenum valueuom

0 16780877 2124-12-22 20:39:00 104.3 °F
1 16207680 2154-08-16 09:00:00 103.9 °F
2 16215286 2181-02-04 09:00:00 103.5 °F
3 15795343 2112-03-11 23:00:00 39.9 °C
4 17399377 2172-07-02 02:00:00 39.4 °C

Filter the tests to include only those performed after 48 hours of the ventilation session and before the respective ICU end time
associated with that ventilation session.
In [11]: result_df = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data, patients_with_fever, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [12]: patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation = result_df[

(result_df['charttime'] >= result_df['vent_starttime'] + timedelta(hours=48)) &
(result_df['charttime'] <= result_df['icu_outtime'])

In [13]: #renaming the column names to make it more readable

patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation.rename(columns={'valuenum': 'body_temp', 'valueuom': 'temp_scale', 'chartti
'los': 'icu_los', 'duration_unit': 'vent_duration_unit'}, i

<ipython-input-13-a4ee555a8c4e>:2: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:

patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation.rename(columns={'valuenum': 'body_temp', 'valueuom': 'temp_scale', 'char
ttime': 'temp_charttime',

In [14]: patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation.head()

Out[14]: subject_id icu_seq total_icu_stays icu_intime icu_outtime icu_los vent_seq_no total_vent_stays vent_starttime vent_endtime ven
4 10002428 2 4 192156-04-
2156-04-26 7.032894
18:58:41 1 3 2156-04-19
2156-05- 2156-05-22 10.977222 2156-05-11 2156-05-20
19 10002428 4 4 11 14:16:46 3 3 16:05:00 10:45:00
2196-02- 2196-02-29 4.952106 2196-02-24 2196-02-27
20 10004235 1 1 24 15:58:02 1 1 16:52:00 16:28:00
2144-04- 2144-05-01 9.711146 2144-04-21 2144-05-01
64 10004401 5 7 21 13:53:03 6 8 21:23:00 13:53:00
2144-04- 2144-05-01 9.711146 2144-04-21 2144-05-01
68 10004401 5 7 21 13:53:03 6 8 21:23:00 13:53:00

In [16]: # Distinct subject ids

patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_ids = patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation['subject_
patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_ids = patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_


Step 2b: Identifying Patients Diagnosed with Leukocytosis

In this step, we focus on the patients identified in the previous step and determine if they were diagnosed with Leukocytosis or Leukopenia.
Leukocytosis (white blood cell count ≥ 12 K/uL) or leukopenia (white blood cell count < 4 K/uL)
Step Description:
1. We utilize a query to retrieve all White blood cell lab tests done for the patients diagnosed with fever and meets the defined
Leukocytosis OR leukopenia definition.
2. Subsequently, we filter the tests to include only those performed after 48 hours of the ventilation session and before the
respective ICU end time associated with that ventilation session.
In [17]: query = f"""

SELECT itemid
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.d_labitems`
WHERE LOWER(label) LIKE '%white blood cells%'

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lb.subject_id, -- Patient identifier
lb.charttime AS WBC_charttime, -- Vital sign chart time
lb.valuenum AS WBC_count , -- Vital sign value number
lb.valueuom AS WBC_scale -- UoM

`physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.labevents` AS lb,
WBCInfo as wi

where lb.itemid = wi.itemid

AND (lb.valuenum >= 12 OR lb.valuenum < 4)
AND valueuom like 'K/uL'
AND lb.subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_ids))}) -- Filt

# Execute the query and retrieve patient demographic information.

patients_with_leukocytosis = run_query(query)

# Display the first few rows of the result.


Out[17]: subject_id WBC_charttime WBC_count WBC_scale

0 10007818 2146-06-26 03:43:00 23.7 K/uL
1 10021927 2180-09-21 09:46:00 48.0 K/uL
2 10035168 2144-07-31 12:55:00 67.5 K/uL
3 10035168 2144-09-24 10:45:00 37.7 K/uL
4 10035168 2145-01-11 00:30:00 2.0 K/uL

Filter the tests to include only those performed after 48 hours of the ventilation session and before the respective ICU end time
associated with that ventilation session.
In [18]: result_df = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data, patients_with_leukocytosis, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [19]: patients_with_leukocytosis_and_fever_after_48hr_ventilation = result_df[

(result_df['WBC_charttime'] >= result_df['vent_starttime'] + timedelta(hours=48)) &
(result_df['WBC_charttime'] <= result_df['icu_outtime'])

In [20]: # Distinct subject ids

patients_with_leukocytosis_and_fever_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_ids = patients_with_leukocytosis_and_feve
patients_with_leukocytosis_and_fever_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_ids = patients_with_leukocytosis_and_feve


End of Step 2
In this step, we have identified a total of 3474 patients who meet a combination of two key criteria:
1. ICU Stays and Ventilation Sessions: These patients had ICU stays lasting more than 48 hours, and during these extended ICU stays,
they also had ventilation sessions that persisted for more than 48 hours.
1. Clinical Indicator Criteria: We further refined our identification to focus on patients who were diagnosed with specific clinical
indicators, including fever, leukocytosis, and leukopenia. These diagnostic criteria were assessed after the patients' 48-hour ventilation
sessions and before the respective ICU end times for those ventilation sessions.

Step 3: Identification of patients with Microbiology Events (bacterial growth).

•Endotracheal aspirates: ≥1,000,000 colony forming units (cfu)/mL
•Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL: 10,000 cfu/mL
•PSB: 1000 cfu/mL
In this step, we aim to count the pulmonary pathogens using the readings mentioned above. The criteria for this identification are as
We will consider the test results for the observations that were charted after patients have undergone ventilation sessions lasting
48 hours or more and before the respective ICU end time associated with that ventilation session.
In [21]: query = f"""


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spec_type_desc as path_spec_type_desc,
charttime AS path_charttime,
WHEN LOWER(spec_type_desc) LIKE '%tracheal aspirate%' THEN 'Endotracheal aspirates – ≥1,000,000 colony forming
WHEN LOWER(spec_type_desc) LIKE '%bronchial brush%' THEN 'Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL – 10,000 cfu/mL'
WHEN LOWER(spec_type_desc) LIKE '%mini-bal%' THEN 'Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL – 10,000 cfu/mL'
END AS path_comment_data
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.microbiologyevents`
-- Filter spec_type_desc
LOWER(spec_type_desc) LIKE '%tracheal aspirate%'
OR LOWER(spec_type_desc) LIKE '%bronchial brush%'
OR LOWER(spec_type_desc) LIKE '%mini-bal%'
-- Filter negative comments
AND comments IS NOT NULL
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%absent%'
AND comments NOT LIKE '___'
AND comments NOT LIKE '%No Cytomegalovirus (CMV) isolated%'
AND comments NOT LIKE '%No Herpes simplex (HSV) virus isolated%'
-- Additional filters for invalid events
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%test cancelled%'
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%invalid%'
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%not detected%'
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%unknown amount%'
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%no respiratory viruses isolated%'
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%rare growth%'
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%sparse growth%'
AND LOWER(comments) NOT LIKE '%negative%'
and charttime is not null;


# Execute the query and retrieve patient demographic information.

pulmonary_pathogens_info = run_query(query)

# Display the first few rows of the result.


Out[21]: subject_id path_spec_type_desc path_charttime path_comment_data

0 14071688 Mini-BAL 2160-03-31 16:14:00 Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL – 10,000 cfu/mL
1 12624383 Mini-BAL 2173-12-19 17:07:00 Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL – 10,000 cfu/mL
2 17615845 Mini-BAL 2151-02-06 08:31:00 Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL – 10,000 cfu/mL
3 19459496 Mini-BAL 2148-07-19 16:10:00 Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL – 10,000 cfu/mL
4 19609358 Mini-BAL 2160-11-09 16:31:00 Bronchoscopic- or mini-BAL – 10,000 cfu/mL

Filter the tests to include only those performed after 48 hours of the ventilation session and before the respective ICU end time
associated with that ventilation session.
In [22]: result_df = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data, pulmonary_pathogens_info, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [23]: patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth_after_48hr_ventilation = result_df[

(result_df['path_charttime'] >= result_df['vent_starttime'] + timedelta(hours=48)) &
(result_df['path_charttime'] <= result_df['icu_outtime'])

In [24]: # Distinct subject ids

patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_ids = patients_with_abnormal_bacterial
patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_ids = patients_with_abnormal_bacterial


End of Step 3
In this step, we have identified a total of 299 patients who meet a combination of two key criteria:
1. ICU Stays and Ventilation Sessions: These patients had ICU stays lasting more than 48 hours, and during these extended ICU stays,
they also had ventilation sessions that persisted for more than 48 hours.
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1. Microbiology Events (bacterial growth): We further refined our identification to focus on patients who surpassed the threshold value
of the pulmonary pathogens. These diagnostic criteria were assessed after the patients' 48-hour ventilation sessions and before the
respective ICU end times for those ventilation sessions.
Final Phenotype Identification
In the final phenotype identification, we are looking for patients who meet one of the following sets of criteria:
1. Mechanical Ventilation Duration and Clinical Indicators: Patients who have a prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation, and they
exhibit specific clinical indicators such as Leukocytosis and Fever.
For this, we have identified 3474 patients.
1. Mechanical Ventilation Duration and Microbiology Events: Patients who have a prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation and
experience significant microbiology events, specifically high values in tests like tracheal aspirates, mini-BAL, or PSB (Protected
Specimen Brush).
For this, we have identified 299 patients.
Next, we will combine the patients obtained from both the condition and that will make our Final phenotype.
In [25]: final_phenotype_patients = list(set(patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth_after_48hr_ventilation_distinct_subject_id

In [26]: len(final_phenotype_patients)



Important Note: We Are Not Utilizing the ICD Table
It's crucial to emphasize that in our current analysis, we are not making use of the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) table. Our
primary objective at this stage is to verify the accuracy of our phenotyping conditions, ensuring they correctly identify the desired patient

Checking how many are there in

USING IT FOR ANY FILTARATION) the ICD code diagnosis table (NOT
In [27]: # Selecting from ICD code diagnosis table
query = f"""
SELECT icd_code, long_title
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.d_icd_diagnoses`
--ventilator associated pneumonia
lower(icd_code) LIKE '99731%'
OR lower(icd_code) LIKE 'j95851%'
SELECT di.subject_id
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.diagnoses_icd` as di
JOIN VAP_ICD as ICDEvents ON ICDEvents.icd_code = di.icd_code
AND di.hadm_id IS NOT NULL
AND di.subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, final_phenotype_patients))}) -- Filter for specified subject IDs
df_t = run_query(query)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1091 entries, 0 to 1090
Data columns (total 1 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 subject_id 1091 non-null Int64
dtypes: Int64(1)
memory usage: 9.7 KB


Total phenotype length: 3538
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Extracting important information we got from Step 1

In [28]: # Create a copy of the original DataFrame to work with
icu_admission_table_sum = icu_admission_table.copy()

# Calculate the total ICU duration for each patient (subject_id) by summing the 'los' column within each group
icu_admission_table_sum['total_icu_duration'] = icu_admission_table.groupby('subject_id')['los'].transform('sum')

# Select and retain only the columns 'subject_id', 'total_icu_stays', and 'total_icu_duration'
icu_admission_table_sum = icu_admission_table_sum[['subject_id', 'total_icu_stays', 'total_icu_duration']]

# Remove duplicate rows based on all columns, keeping one row per unique combination
icu_admission_table_sum = icu_admission_table_sum.drop_duplicates()

In [29]: icu_admission_table_sum.head()

Out[29]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration

0 10001884 1 9.171817
1 10002155 3 10.070359
3 10002348 1 9.792512
4 10002428 4 25.015093
8 10002430 1 2.922593

In [30]: # Can have mutiple stays

icu_admission_table[icu_admission_table['subject_id'] == 10002155]

Out[30]: subject_id icu_intime icu_outtime los icu_seq total_icu_stays

1 10002155 2129-08-04 12:45:00 2129-08-10 17:02:38 6.178912 1 3
2 10002155 2130-09-24 00:50:00 2130-09-27 22:13:41 3.891447 2 3

Calculating Total ICU Stays and Total ICU Duration

In our analysis, we need to consider both the total number of ICU stays and the total ICU duration.
1. Total ICU Stays (total_icu_stays):
This metric encompasses the complete count of ICU stays for each patient.
It includes all ICU stays, regardless of their duration, including those that are less than 48 hours.
2. Total ICU Duration (total_icu_duration):
This metric focuses specifically on the cumulative duration of ICU stays that **exceeded 48 hours.
It excludes the durations of ICU stays that were shorter than 48 hours.
In [31]: # Create a copy of the original DataFrame to work with
patients_with_vent_session_sum = patients_with_vent_session.copy()

# Calculate the total ICU duration for each patient (subject_id) by summing the 'los' column within each group
patients_with_vent_session_sum['total_vent_duration'] = patients_with_vent_session.groupby('subject_id')['vent_duratio

# Select and retain only the columns 'subject_id', 'total_icu_stays', and 'total_icu_duration'
patients_with_vent_session_sum = patients_with_vent_session_sum[['subject_id', 'total_vent_stays', 'total_vent_duratio

# Remove duplicate rows based on all columns, keeping one row per unique combination
patients_with_vent_session_sum = patients_with_vent_session_sum.drop_duplicates()

In [32]: patients_with_vent_session_sum.head()

Out[32]: subject_id total_vent_stays total_vent_duration duration_unit

0 10001884 4 16041.0 min
2 10002428 3 16775.0 min
4 10003400 4 14479.0 min
7 10004235 1 4296.0 min
8 10004401 8 62724.0 min

In [33]: # Can have multiple ventilation stays

patients_with_vent_session[patients_with_vent_session['subject_id'] == 10001884]

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Out[33]: subject_id vent_starttime vent_endtime ventilation_type vent_duration duration_unit patientweight vent_seq_no total_vent_stays
0 10001884 2131-01-13 2131-01-19 Invasive 9465.0 min 65.0 3 4
04:00:00 17:45:00 Ventilation
1 10001884 2131-01-15 2131-01-19 Invasive 6576.0 min 65.0 4 4
04:07:00 17:43:00 Ventilation

Calculating Total Ventilation Sessions and Total ventilation Duration

In our analysis, we need to consider both the Total Ventilation Sessions and Total ventilation Duration.
1. Total Ventilation Sessions (total_vent_stays):
This metric encompasses the complete count of Ventilation sessions for each patient.
It includes all ventilation sessions, regardless of their duration, including those that are less than 48 hours.
2. Total Ventilation Duration (total_vent_duration):
This metric focuses specifically on the cumulative duration of Ventilation sessios that **exceeded 48 hours.
It excludes the durations of ventilation sessions that were shorter than 48 hours.
In [34]: import warnings

# Suppress all warnings


In [35]: result_df = pd.merge(icu_admission_table_sum, patients_with_vent_session_sum, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [36]: # Filter the DataFrame to select rows with subject IDs in 'final_phenotype_patients'
ventilation_and_icu_data_sum = result_df[result_df['subject_id'].isin(final_phenotype_patients)]

# Convert 'total_vent_duration' from minutes to days

ventilation_and_icu_data_sum['total_vent_duration'] = ventilation_and_icu_data_sum['total_vent_duration'] / 1440

# Round 'total_vent_duration' to three decimal places

ventilation_and_icu_data_sum['total_vent_duration'] = ventilation_and_icu_data_sum['total_vent_duration'].round(3)

# Round 'total_icu_duration' to three decimal places

ventilation_and_icu_data_sum['total_icu_duration'] = ventilation_and_icu_data_sum['total_icu_duration'].round(3)

# Drop the 'duration_unit' column

ventilation_and_icu_data_sum = ventilation_and_icu_data_sum.drop('duration_unit', axis=1)

In [37]: ventilation_and_icu_data_sum.head()

Out[37]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration

3 10004235 1 4.952 1 2.983
4 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558
7 10005606 1 6.595 1 3.778
8 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226
9 10007818 1 20.529 1 20.174

In [38]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 3538 entries, 3 to 8359
Data columns (total 5 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 subject_id 3538 non-null Int64
1 total_icu_stays 3538 non-null Int64
2 total_icu_duration 3538 non-null float64
3 total_vent_stays 3538 non-null Int64
4 total_vent_duration 3538 non-null float64
dtypes: Int64(3), float64(2)
memory usage: 176.2 KB

Extracting important information we got from Step 2

In [39]: patients_with_fever_sum = patients_with_fever_after_48hr_ventilation.copy()

In [40]: # Define a function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

def fahrenheit_to_celsius(fahrenheit):
return (fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9

# Convert 'temp_scale' to lowercase for consistency

patients_with_fever_sum['temp_scale'] = patients_with_fever_sum['temp_scale'].str.lower()

# Convert temperatures to Celsius based on 'temp_scale'

patients_with_fever_sum['body_temp'] = patients_with_fever_sum.apply(
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lambda row: fahrenheit_to_celsius(row['body_temp']) if 'f' in row['temp_scale'] else row['body_temp'], axis=1)

# Drop the 'temp_scale' and 'temp_charttime' columns

patients_with_fever_sum = patients_with_fever_sum.drop(['temp_scale', 'temp_charttime'], axis=1)

# Select only 'subject_id' and 'body_temp' columns

patients_with_fever_sum = patients_with_fever_sum[['subject_id', 'body_temp']]

# Calculate the average body temperature for each patient

patients_with_fever_sum['avg_body_temp'] = patients_with_fever_sum.groupby('subject_id')['body_temp'].transform('mean'

# Round the 'avg_body_temp' to three decimal places

patients_with_fever_sum['avg_body_temp'] = patients_with_fever_sum['avg_body_temp'].round(3)

patients_with_fever_sum = patients_with_fever_sum.drop('body_temp', axis=1)

# Drop duplicate rows

patients_with_fever_sum = patients_with_fever_sum.drop_duplicates()

# Reset the index and drop the old index column

patients_with_fever_sum.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

In [41]: patients_with_fever_sum.head()

Out[41]: subject_id avg_body_temp

0 10002428 38.500
1 10004235 38.500
2 10004401 38.222
3 10005606 38.250
4 10005817 38.685

The avg body

and before thetemp indicates
respective ICUthe
endaverage temperature
time associated withofthat
patient aftersession.
48 hours of the ventilation session
In [42]: patients_with_leukocytosis_sum = patients_with_leukocytosis_and_fever_after_48hr_ventilation.copy()

In [43]: # Drop the 'WBC_count' and 'temp_charttime' columns

patients_with_leukocytosis_sum = patients_with_leukocytosis_sum.drop(['WBC_scale', 'WBC_charttime'], axis=1)

# Select only 'subject_id' and 'WBC_count' columns

patients_with_leukocytosis_sum = patients_with_leukocytosis_sum[['subject_id', 'WBC_count']]

# Calculate the average WBC for each patient

patients_with_leukocytosis_sum['avg_WBC_count'] = patients_with_leukocytosis_sum.groupby('subject_id')['WBC_count'].tr

# Round the 'avg_body_temp' to three decimal places

patients_with_leukocytosis_sum['avg_WBC_count'] = patients_with_leukocytosis_sum['avg_WBC_count'].round(3)

patients_with_leukocytosis_sum = patients_with_leukocytosis_sum.drop('WBC_count', axis=1)

# Drop duplicate rows

patients_with_leukocytosis_sum = patients_with_leukocytosis_sum.drop_duplicates()

# Reset the index and drop the old index column

patients_with_leukocytosis_sum.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

In [44]: patients_with_leukocytosis_sum.head()

Out[44]: subject_id avg_WBC_count

0 10004235 15.100
1 10004401 9.288
2 10005606 16.186
3 10005817 13.257
4 10007818 18.686

The avg white blood cell (WBC) indicates the average WBC of the patient after 48 hours of the ventilation
session and before the respective ICU end time associated with that ventilation session.
In [45]: result_df = pd.merge(patients_with_leukocytosis_sum, patients_with_fever_sum, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [46]: step1_2_patient_info = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data_sum, result_df, on='subject_id', how='left')

In [47]: step1_2_patient_info.head()

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Out[47]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp

0 10004235 1 4.952 1 2.983 15.100 38.500
1 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222
2 10005606 1 6.595 1 3.778 16.186 38.250
3 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685
4 10007818 1 20.529 1 20.174 18.686 38.056

Extracting important information we got from Step 3

In [48]: patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth = patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth_after_48hr_ventilation[['subject_id'

In [49]: patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth = patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth.drop_duplicates()

In [50]: step1_2_3_patient_info = pd.merge(step1_2_patient_info, patients_with_abnormal_bacterial_growth, on='subject_id', how=

In [51]: step1_2_3_patient_info.head()

Out[51]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp path_spec_type_desc

0 10004235 1 4.952 1 2.983 15.100 38.500 NaN
1 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 NaN
2 10005606 1 6.595 1 3.778 16.186 38.250 NaN
3 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685 NaN
4 10007818 1 20.529 1 20.174 18.686 38.056 NaN


NOTE: THE DATA ONLY HAS 300 records for the pathogen test information.
In [52]: final_digital_phenotype = step1_2_3_patient_info.copy()

In [53]: final_digital_phenotype.head()

Out[53]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp path_spec_type_desc

0 10004235 1 4.952 1 2.983 15.100 38.500 NaN
1 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 NaN
2 10005606 1 6.595 1 3.778 16.186 38.250 NaN
3 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685 NaN
4 10007818 1 20.529 1 20.174 18.686 38.056 NaN

In [54]: final_patient_cohort_subject_ids = final_digital_phenotype['subject_id'].drop_duplicates()

final_patient_cohort_subject_ids = final_patient_cohort_subject_ids.tolist()


In [55]: set(final_patient_cohort_subject_ids ) == set(final_phenotype_patients)


Feature Selection
Risk Assessment Factors
A. Patient Characteristics
1. Average BMI (Body Mass Index): Average BMI before the ventilation of 48 hrs started.
1a. First we find all the height and weight measurement of the patient before the start of its 48 hrs ventilation session.
NOTE: We are considering the average of weight that was taken before each ventilation stay
1b. Then we find the average BMI
2. Gender
3. Age
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B. Outcome Variable
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1. Date of Death: This is the variable we aim to predict or assess, representing whether the patient passed away or not.

C. Medical Data
1. Lab Test Results - Average of the lab results taken between the ICU intime and before the first ventillation session for that ICD
2. Vital Test Results - Average of the vital results taken between the ICU intime and before the first ventillation session for that ICD

D. Patient History
1. Co-morbidity Index: This factor represents the patient's pre-existing medical conditions and co-morbidities when they were initially
admitted to the first ICU stay. It helps us understand the patient's overall health condition.

E. Bronschopy
1. Bronchoscopy Procedure: Check if the patient has received Bronchoscopy Procedure during its ventilation session (that lasted for
more than 48 hours).

A. Patient Characteristics
BMI Value
1. First, we will find the height of the patients
2. Next, we will use the weight we got in our ventilation_and_icu_data table
In [56]: query = f"""

WITH ht_in AS (
c.subject_id, c.stay_id, c.charttime
-- Ensure that all heights are in centimeters
, ROUND(CAST(c.valuenum * 2.54 AS NUMERIC), 2) AS height
, c.valuenum AS height_orig
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.chartevents` c
WHERE c.valuenum IS NOT NULL
-- Height (measured in inches)
AND c.itemid = 226707

, ht_cm AS (
c.subject_id, c.stay_id, c.charttime
-- Ensure that all heights are in centimeters
, ROUND(CAST(c.valuenum AS NUMERIC), 2) AS height
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.chartevents` c
WHERE c.valuenum IS NOT NULL
-- Height cm
AND c.itemid = 226730

-- merge cm/height, only take 1 value per charted row

, ht_stg0 AS (
COALESCE(h1.subject_id, h1.subject_id) AS subject_id
, COALESCE(h1.stay_id, h1.stay_id) AS stay_id
, COALESCE(h1.charttime, h1.charttime) AS charttime
, COALESCE(h1.height, h2.height) AS height
FROM ht_cm h1
ON h1.subject_id = h2.subject_id
AND h1.charttime = h2.charttime

SELECT subject_id, height As height_cm, charttime As height_charttime

FROM ht_stg0
AND subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, final_phenotype_patients))}) -- Filter for specified subject IDs
ORDER BY subject_id

# Execute the query and retrieve patient demographic information.

patient_height_info = run_query(query)

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# Display the first few rows of the result.

Out[56]: subject_id height_cm height_charttime

0 10004235 183.000000000 2196-02-24 14:39:00
1 10004401 170.000000000 2144-06-05 19:46:00
2 10004401 168.000000000 2144-01-26 22:28:00
3 10004401 170.000000000 2144-04-05 09:32:00
4 10004401 170.000000000 2144-05-15 23:06:00

In [57]: #Perform inner join

result_df = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data, patient_height_info, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [58]: patient_avg_bmi_before_vent = result_df[

result_df['height_charttime'] <= result_df['vent_starttime'] ]

In [59]: patient_avg_bmi_before_vent = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent[['subject_id', 'height_cm', 'patientweight' ]]

In [60]: patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent.copy()

In [61]: # Calculate the average height and weight for each patient
patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum['avg_ht_cm'] = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent.groupby('subject_id')['height_cm'].transfor
patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum['avg_wt_kg'] = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent.groupby('subject_id')['patientweight'].tran

patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum.drop(['height_cm', 'patientweight'], axis=1)

patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum['avg_ht_cm'] = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum['avg_ht_cm'].round(3)

patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum['avg_bmi'] = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum['avg_wt_kg'] / ((patient_avg_bmi_before_v

patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum.drop(['avg_wt_kg', 'avg_ht_cm'], axis=1)

patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum = patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum.drop_duplicates()
patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)

In [62]: patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum.head()

Out[62]: subject_id avg_bmi

0 10004235 29.860551
1 10004401 31.149509
2 10005606 26.543366
3 10005817 29.330163
4 10007818 25.186267


Age, Gender and Death Information

In [63]: query = f"""

anchor_age AS age,
END AS death_flag
FROM `physionet-data.mimic_core.patients`
WHERE anchor_age <> 0
AND subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, final_phenotype_patients))}) -- Filter for specified subject IDs


# Execute the query and retrieve patient demographic information.

patient_general_info = run_query(query)

# Display the first few rows of the result.


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Out[63]: subject_id gender age death_flag

0 15069820 F 18 0
1 13207437 M 18 0
2 17716301 M 19 0
3 11842879 F 19 1
4 17400046 F 19 0


Medical Data
Lab Test Results
Average of the lab results taken between the ICU intime and before the first ventillation session for that ICD sequence.
In [64]: ###DO NOT RUN. I have already taken the CSV for this.
query = f"""

WITH lab_events_Hematology AS (
SELECT itemid, label, fluid, category
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.d_labitems`
LOWER(label) LIKE '%white blood cell%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'neutrophils'
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'lymphocytes' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'basophils' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'eosinophils' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'monocytes' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%red blood cells%'
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'hematocrit' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'hemoglobin' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'mcv' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'mch' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'mchc' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'rdw' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE '%platelets%' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
-- Electrolytes and Blood Gases
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'anion gap'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'bicarbonate'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'total calcium'
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'free calcium' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Blood Gas')
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'chloride'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'sodium'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'potassium'
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'base excess' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Blood Gas')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'ph' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Blood Gas')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'pco2' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Blood Gas')
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'po2' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Blood Gas')
-- Metabolic Markers
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'lactate' AND fluid LIKE 'Blood' AND category LIKE 'Blood Gas')
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'creatinine'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'urea nitrogen'
OR (LOWER(label) LIKE 'glucose' AND fluid LIKE 'Urine' AND category LIKE 'Hematology')
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'sct - normalized ratio'
-- Coagulation
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'pt'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'ptt'
-- Liver Function
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%alanine aminotransferase (alt)'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'alkaline phosphatase'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%lactate dehydrogenase (ld)'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'bilirubin, total'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE 'albumin'

SELECT subject_id,

`physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.labevents` AS lb,
lab_events_Hematology AS leh
WHERE lb.itemid = leh.itemid
AND lb.subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, final_phenotype_patients))}) -- Filter for specified subject IDs
ORDER BY label, valueuom;

lab_results_all = run_query(query)

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Out[64]: subject_id charttime label valuenum valueuom flag

0 10413295 2174-11-27 09:09:00 Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 24.0 IU/L None
1 10952678 2141-09-06 08:50:00 Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 161.0 IU/L abnormal
2 11088384 2177-08-19 05:25:00 Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 14.0 IU/L None
3 11885477 2176-09-11 08:20:00 Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 20.0 IU/L None
4 12453404 2126-11-26 16:10:00 Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 18.0 IU/L None

In [ ]: # csv_filename = 'lab_results_all.csv'
# lab_results_all.to_csv(csv_filename, index=True)

In [ ]: lab_results_all = pd.read_csv('/content/lab_results_all.csv')

In [65]: #Perform inner join

result_df = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data, lab_results_all, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [66]: #Average of the lab results taken between the ICU intime and before the first ventillation session for that ICD sequen
patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = result_df[
(result_df['charttime'] >= result_df['icu_intime'] )&
(result_df['charttime'] <= result_df['vent_starttime'])

In [67]: patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session[['subject_id',

column_mapping = {
'label': 'lab_test',
'charttime': 'lab_charttime',
'valuenum': 'lab_test_value',
'valueuom': 'lab_test_uom',
'flag': 'lab_test_flag'

patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.rename(columns=column_mapping, inplace=True)

In [68]: patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session[['subject_id', 'icu_

#Taking the first ventilation session information for the ICU sequence
patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.sort_values(by=['subject_id', 'icu_seq', 'vent_seq_no', 'lab_test' ],

patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.groupby(['subject_id

patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session[['subject_id', 'lab_

In [69]: patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.head()

Out[69]: subject_id lab_test lab_test_value

0 10004401 Anion Gap 17.571429
1 10004401 Base Excess -4.833333
2 10004401 Basophils 0.000000
3 10004401 Bicarbonate 20.000000
4 10004401 Chloride 96.142857

Get the normal range for different lab tests

In [70]: distinct_lab_tests = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session['lab_test'].drop_duplicates()
distinct_lab_tests = distinct_lab_tests.tolist()


In [71]: # get the reference range for these lab tests

query = f"""
WITH lab_events_Hematology AS (
SELECT itemid, label, fluid, category
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.d_labitems`
label IN ({', '.join([f"'{test}'" for test in distinct_lab_tests])})
SELECT distinct label, ref_range_lower, ref_range_upper
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`physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.labevents` AS lb,
lab_events_Hematology AS leh
WHERE lb.itemid = leh.itemid
AND ref_range_upper <> 0
AND (ref_range_upper IS NOT NULL)
AND (ref_range_lower IS NOT NULL)

reference_range_info = run_query(query)

Out[71]: label ref_range_lower ref_range_upper

0 Free Calcium 1.12 1.32
1 Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD) 94.00 250.00
2 White Blood Cells 4.00 10.00
3 Hematocrit 34.00 45.00
4 Hematocrit 36.00 48.00

We take the average of the lower and upper range, if we have multiple of these rows.
In [72]: reference_range_info.sort_values(by=['label'], inplace=True)
reference_range_info = reference_range_info.groupby(['label']).mean().reset_index()
reference_range_info = reference_range_info.round(3)

In [73]: reference_range_info.head()

Out[73]: label ref_range_lower ref_range_upper

0 Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 0.000 40.000
1 Albumin 3.450 5.000
2 Alkaline Phosphatase 38.000 117.333
3 Anion Gap 8.667 18.000
4 Basophils 0.000 1.500

Now that we have our range, we append patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session with the flag value
In [74]: # Merge the DataFrames based on the 'lab_test' column
patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.merge(reference_rang

# Function to determine 'flag' based on the lab_test_value and reference range

def determine_flag(row):
if row['lab_test_value'] >= row['ref_range_lower'] and row['lab_test_value'] <= row['ref_range_upper']:
return 'Normal'
return 'Abnormal'

# Apply the function to create the 'flag' column

patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session['flag'] = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.apply(determ

patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.drop(
# Drop the extra 'label' column
patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.drop(['label','ref_r

In [75]: patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)

In [77]: patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.drop(['index'], axis

In [78]: distinct_lab_tests = patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session['lab_test'].drop_duplicates()

distinct_lab_tests = distinct_lab_tests.tolist()


A total of 34 labtests are considered

In [79]: patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.head()

Out[79]: subject_id lab_test lab_test_value flag

0 10004401 Anion Gap 17.571429 Normal
1 10004401 Basophils 0.000000 Normal
2 10004401 Bicarbonate 20.000000 Abnormal
3 10004401 Chloride 96.142857 Normal
4 10004401 Creatinine 2.028571 Abnormal

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Vital Test Results
In [80]: query = f"""

WITH vital_signs_selected AS (
SELECT itemid, label, category, unitname
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.d_items`
WHERE LOWER(label) LIKE '%heart rate%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%arterial pressure%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%respiratory rate (total)%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%temperature celsius%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%temperature f%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%spo2%'
OR LOWER(label) LIKE '%urine output%'

SELECT lb.subject_id, -- Patient identifier

vital_signs_selected.label as Vital_Test, -- Vital sign label
vital_signs_selected.category as Vital_Test_Category, -- Vital sign category
lb.charttime As Vital_Test_charttime, -- Vital sign chart time
lb.valuenum As Vital_Test_Value, -- Vital sign value number
vital_signs_selected.unitname AS Vital_Test_uom, -- Unit of measurement

FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.chartevents` AS lb
JOIN vital_signs_selected ON vital_signs_selected.itemid = lb.itemid
AND lb.subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, final_phenotype_patients))}) -- Filter for specified subject IDs

vitals_results_all = run_query(query)


Out[80]: subject_id Vital_Test Vital_Test_Category Vital_Test_charttime Vital_Test_Value Vital_Test_uom

0 17478232 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 2171-07-22 16:00:00 99.5 °F
1 17678798 Respiratory Rate (Total) Respiratory 2176-03-30 03:00:00 10.0 insp/min
2 18078191 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 2151-01-22 16:00:00 99.1 °F
3 19599196 Temperature Celsius Routine Vital Signs 2148-05-10 11:00:00 38.2 °C
4 10236326 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 2122-09-27 18:00:00 97.7 °F

In [ ]: csv_filename = 'vitals_results_all.csv'
vitals_results_all.to_csv(csv_filename, index=True)

In [ ]: vitals_results_all = pd.read_csv('/content/vitals_results_all.csv')

In [81]: #Perform inner join

result_df = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data, vitals_results_all, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [82]: #Average of the lab results taken between the ICU intime and before the first ventillation session for that ICD sequen
patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session = result_df[
(result_df['Vital_Test_charttime'] >= result_df['icu_intime'] )&
(result_df['Vital_Test_charttime'] <= result_df['vent_starttime'])

In [83]: patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session = patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session[['subject_id', '

'Vital_Test_uom' ]

In [84]: patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session[patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session['subject_id'] == 1

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Out[84]: subject_id icu_seq vent_seq_no Vital_Test Vital_Test_Category Vital_Test_Value Vital_Test_uom

187 10004401 1 1 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 99.4 °F
193 10004401 1 1 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 96.5 °F
202 10004401 1 1 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 96.9 °F
262 10004401 1 1 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 99.4 °F
272 10004401 1 1 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 98.1 °F
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6758 10004401 3 4 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 98.8 °F
9444 10004401 5 6 Respiratory Rate (Total) Respiratory 20.0 insp/min
10192 10004401 5 6 Heart Rate Routine Vital Signs 70.0 bpm
11562 10004401 6 7 Temperature Fahrenheit Routine Vital Signs 96.7 °F
12812 10004401 6 7 Heart Rate Routine Vital Signs 70.0 bpm
171 rows × 7 columns

In [85]: group_columns = ['subject_id', 'icu_seq', 'vent_seq_no', 'Vital_Test', 'Vital_Test_Category', 'Vital_Test_uom' ]

value_column = 'Vital_Test_Value'
result_df_1 = patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session.groupby(group_columns)[value_column].mean().reset_inde

In [86]: group_columns = ['subject_id', 'Vital_Test', 'Vital_Test_Category', 'Vital_Test_uom']

value_column = 'Vital_Test_Value'
result_df_2 = patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session.groupby(group_columns)[value_column].mean().reset_inde

In [87]: patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session = result_df_2.copy()

In [88]: patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session.head(5)

Out[88]: subject_id Vital_Test Vital_Test_Category Vital_Test_uom Vital_Test_Value

0 10004401 Heart Rate Routine Vital Signs bpm 78.031250
1 10004401 Heart Rate Alarm - Low Alarms bpm 54.583333
2 10004401 Heart rate Alarm - High Alarms bpm 120.000000
3 10004401 Respiratory Rate (Total) Respiratory insp/min 21.454545
4 10004401 SpO2 Desat Limit Alarms % 87.000000


Bronschopy Procedure
In [89]: query = f"""
-- Define bronchoscopy items
WITH bronchoscopy_info AS (
SELECT * FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.d_items`
WHERE LOWER(label) LIKE 'bronchoscopy'

pe.subject_id, -- Patient identifier
pe.starttime, -- Bronchoscopy start time
pe.endtime, -- Bronchoscopy end time
bi.label, -- Bronchoscopy label

`physionet-data.mimiciv_icu.procedureevents` AS pe
JOIN bronchoscopy_info AS bi ON bi.itemid = pe.itemid
AND pe.statusdescription LIKE 'FinishedRunning'
AND subject_id IN ({', '.join(map(str, final_patient_cohort_subject_ids))}) -- Filter for specified subject IDs

bronchoscopy_patient_info = run_query(query)


Out[89]: subject_id starttime endtime label

0 10004401 2144-01-29 14:52:00 2144-01-29 14:53:00 Bronchoscopy
1 10004401 2144-01-27 19:12:00 2144-01-27 19:13:00 Bronchoscopy
2 10004401 2144-01-27 20:25:00 2144-01-27 20:26:00 Bronchoscopy
3 10004401 2144-01-28 14:36:00 2144-01-28 14:37:00 Bronchoscopy
4 10005817 2135-01-09 17:11:00 2135-01-09 17:12:00 Bronchoscopy

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In [90]: #Perform inner join

result_df = pd.merge(ventilation_and_icu_data, bronchoscopy_patient_info, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [91]: result_df.head()

Out[91]: subject_id icu_seq total_icu_stays icu_intime icu_outtime los vent_seq_no total_vent_stays vent_starttime vent_endtime vent
2144-01- 2144-02-06 10.636238
0 10004401 1 7 26 13:44:15 1 8 2144-01-30
2144-01- 2144-02-06 10.636238 2144-01-30 2144-02-03
1 10004401 1 7 26 13:44:15 1 8 13:00:00 08:01:00
2144-01- 2144-02-06 10.636238 2144-01-30 2144-02-03
2 10004401 1 7 26 13:44:15 1 8 13:00:00 08:01:00
2144-01- 2144-02-06 10.636238 2144-01-30 2144-02-03
3 10004401 1 7 26 13:44:15 1 8 13:00:00 08:01:00
2144-02- 2144-02-19 6.843345 2144-02-12 2144-02-16
4 10004401 2 7 12 14:42:24 2 8 19:00:00 10:35:00

In [92]: patients_with_bronchoscopy_bw_ventilation = result_df[

(result_df['starttime'] >= result_df['vent_starttime']) &
(result_df['endtime'] <= result_df['vent_endtime'])

In [93]: # Distinct subject ids

distinct_subject_ids_1 = patients_with_bronchoscopy_bw_ventilation['subject_id'].drop_duplicates()
distinct_subject_ids_1 = distinct_subject_ids_1.tolist()


In [94]: data = {
'subject_id': distinct_subject_ids_1,
'bronchoscopy': 1

patients_with_bronchoscopy = pd.DataFrame(data)

In [95]: patients_with_bronchoscopy.head()

Out[95]: subject_id bronchoscopy

0 10005817 1
1 10007818 1
2 10011365 1
3 10021927 1
4 10032381 1

END OF Bronschopy Procedure

Charlson-Comorbidity Index
In [96]: patient_comorbidity_index = """

WITH diag AS (
, CASE WHEN icd_version = 9 THEN icd_code ELSE NULL END AS icd9_code
, CASE WHEN icd_version = 10 THEN icd_code ELSE NULL END AS icd10_code
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.diagnoses_icd`
, com AS (
-- Malignant Neoplasm
WHEN (icd10_code LIKE 'V109%') THEN 2
ELSE 0 END) AS malignancy,
-- Acute Myocardial Infarction
WHEN (icd9_code LIKE '410%' OR icd10_code LIKE 'I21%') THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) AS mi,
-- Congestive Heart Failure
WHEN (icd9_code LIKE '39891%' OR icd10_code LIKE 'I50%') THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) AS chf,
-- Cerebrovascular Disease

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WHEN (icd9_code LIKE '43401%' OR icd9_code LIKE '43411%'
OR icd9_code LIKE '43491%' OR icd10_code LIKE 'I63%') THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) AS cerebrovascular_disease,
-- Chronic Pulmonary Disease
WHEN (icd9_code LIKE '496%' OR icd10_code LIKE 'I279%'
OR icd10_code LIKE 'J44%') THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) AS chronic_pulmonary_disease,
-- Liver Disease
WHEN (icd9_code LIKE '571%'
OR (icd10_code LIKE 'K7%' AND icd10_code >= 'K70' AND icd10_code <= 'K77')) THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) AS liver_disease,
-- Kidney Disease
WHEN (icd10_code LIKE 'N18%' OR icd9_code LIKE '585%') THEN 2
ELSE 0 END) AS kidney_disease,
-- Diabetes
WHEN (icd9_code LIKE '250%'
OR (icd10_code LIKE 'E10%' AND icd10_code >= 'E10' AND icd10_code <= 'E11')) THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) AS diabetes
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.admissions` ad
ON ad.hadm_id = diag.hadm_id
GROUP BY ad.hadm_id
, ag AS (
anchor_age + (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ad.admittime) - anchor_year) AS age,
WHEN (anchor_age + (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ad.admittime) - anchor_year)) <= 50 THEN 0
WHEN (anchor_age + (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ad.admittime) - anchor_year)) <= 60 THEN 1
WHEN (anchor_age + (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ad.admittime) - anchor_year)) <= 70 THEN 2
WHEN (anchor_age + (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ad.admittime) - anchor_year)) <= 80 THEN 3
END AS age_score
`physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.admissions` ad
`physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.patients` p
ad.subject_id = p.subject_id
malignancy + mi + chf + cerebrovascular_disease + chronic_pulmonary_disease
+ liver_disease + kidney_disease + diabetes
AS charlson_comorbidity_index
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciv_hosp.admissions` ad
ON ad.hadm_id = com.hadm_id
ON com.hadm_id = ag.hadm_id
patient_comorbidity_index_info = run_query(patient_comorbidity_index)

Out[96]: subject_id charlson_comorbidity_index

0 16648184 5
1 13375185 5
2 14271881 5
3 17373919 5
4 19265652 5

In [97]: patient_comorbidity_index_info = patient_comorbidity_index_info[patient_comorbidity_index_info['charlson_comorbidity_i

In [98]: # Distinct subject ids

distinct_subject_ids_1 = patient_comorbidity_index_info['subject_id'].drop_duplicates()
distinct_subject_ids_1 = distinct_subject_ids_1.tolist()


In [99]:

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<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 3540 entries, 0 to 3539
Data columns (total 9 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 subject_id 3540 non-null Int64
1 total_icu_stays 3540 non-null Int64
2 total_icu_duration 3540 non-null float64
3 total_vent_stays 3540 non-null Int64
4 total_vent_duration 3540 non-null float64
5 avg_WBC_count 3476 non-null float64
6 avg_body_temp 3476 non-null float64
7 path_spec_type_desc 301 non-null object
8 path_comment_data 301 non-null object
dtypes: Int64(3), float64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 286.9+ KB

In [100… #Perform inner join

result_df = pd.merge(final_digital_phenotype, patient_comorbidity_index_info, on='subject_id', how='inner')
result_df = result_df[['subject_id', 'charlson_comorbidity_index']]
result_df = result_df.drop_duplicates()

In [101… result_df.head()

Out[101]: subject_id charlson_comorbidity_index

0 10004235 2
1 10004401 2
5 10005606 1
6 10005817 3
7 10005817 4

In [102… patient_comorbidity_index_info = result_df.copy()

In [103… # Final Comorbidity Index table


Out[103]: subject_id charlson_comorbidity_index

0 10004235 2
1 10004401 2
5 10005606 1
6 10005817 3
7 10005817 4

END OF Charlson-Comorbidity Index

In [104… final_digital_phenotype.head()

Out[104]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp path_spec_type_des

0 10004235 1 4.952 1 2.983 15.100 38.500 Na
1 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 Na
2 10005606 1 6.595 1 3.778 16.186 38.250 Na
3 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685 Na
4 10007818 1 20.529 1 20.174 18.686 38.056 Na

In [105… patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum.head()

Out[105]: subject_id avg_bmi

0 10004235 29.860551
1 10004401 31.149509
2 10005606 26.543366
3 10005817 29.330163
4 10007818 25.186267

In [106… patient_general_info.head()

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Out[106]: subject_id gender age death_flag

0 15069820 F 18 0
1 13207437 M 18 0
2 17716301 M 19 0
3 11842879 F 19 1
4 17400046 F 19 0

In [107… patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session.head()

Out[107]: subject_id lab_test lab_test_value flag

0 10004401 Anion Gap 17.571429 Normal
1 10004401 Basophils 0.000000 Normal
2 10004401 Bicarbonate 20.000000 Abnormal
3 10004401 Chloride 96.142857 Normal
4 10004401 Creatinine 2.028571 Abnormal

In [108… patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session.head()

Out[108]: subject_id Vital_Test Vital_Test_Category Vital_Test_uom Vital_Test_Value

0 10004401 Heart Rate Routine Vital Signs bpm 78.031250
1 10004401 Heart Rate Alarm - Low Alarms bpm 54.583333
2 10004401 Heart rate Alarm - High Alarms bpm 120.000000
3 10004401 Respiratory Rate (Total) Respiratory insp/min 21.454545
4 10004401 SpO2 Desat Limit Alarms % 87.000000

In [109… patients_with_bronchoscopy.head()

Out[109]: subject_id bronchoscopy

0 10005817 1
1 10007818 1
2 10011365 1
3 10021927 1
4 10032381 1

In [110… patient_comorbidity_index_info.head()

Out[110]: subject_id charlson_comorbidity_index

0 10004235 2
1 10004401 2
5 10005606 1
6 10005817 3
7 10005817 4

In [111… result_df_1 = pd.merge(final_digital_phenotype, patient_avg_bmi_before_vent_sum, on='subject_id', how='left')

result_df_2 = pd.merge(result_df_1, patient_general_info, on='subject_id', how='left')
result_df_3 = pd.merge(result_df_2, patients_lab_results_before_ventilation_session, on='subject_id', how='left')
result_df_4 = pd.merge(result_df_3, patients_vital_results_before_ventilation_session, on='subject_id', how='left')
result_df_5 = pd.merge(result_df_4, patients_with_bronchoscopy, on='subject_id', how='left')
result_df_6 = pd.merge(result_df_5, patient_comorbidity_index_info, on='subject_id', how='left')

In [112… result_df_6.drop(['path_spec_type_desc', 'path_comment_data'], axis=1, inplace=True)

In [113… column_mapping = {
'flag': 'lab_test_flag'

result_df_6.rename(columns=column_mapping, inplace=True)

In [114… result_df_6['bronchoscopy'] = result_df_6['bronchoscopy'].fillna(0).astype(int)

In [116… identified_final_cohort = result_df_6.copy()

In [117… csv_filename = 'identified_final_cohort.csv'

identified_final_cohort.to_csv(csv_filename, index=True)

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In [ ]: identified_final_cohort = pd.read_csv('/content/identified_final_cohort.csv')

Data Pre-processing
Drop Null values
In [120… #dropping columns that got created while dataframe was saved as a csv file
identified_final_cohort.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis = 1, inplace = True)

In [121… result_df = identified_final_cohort.copy()

In [122… result_df.head()

Out[122]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp avg_bmi gender
0 10004235 1 4.952 1 2.983 15.100 38.500 29.860551 M
1 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M

2 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M

3 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M

4 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M

In [123… #drop columns that have NaNs

result_df = result_df[result_df['lab_test'].notnull()]
result_df = result_df[result_df['lab_test_value'].notnull()]
result_df = result_df[result_df['Vital_Test'].notnull()]
result_df = result_df[result_df['Vital_Test_Category'] != 'Alarms' ]
result_df = result_df[result_df['Vital_Test_Value'].notnull()]

In [124… result_df = result_df.drop(['lab_test_flag', 'Vital_Test_Category', 'Vital_Test_uom'], axis=1)

result_df.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)

In [125… result_df.head()

Out[125]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp avg_bmi gender
0 10004401 7 53.95 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M
1 10004401 7 53.95 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M
2 10004401 7 53.95 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M
3 10004401 7 53.95 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M
4 10004401 7 53.95 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M

In [126… lab_info_df = result_df.copy()

In [127… lab_info_df = lab_info_df[['subject_id', 'lab_test', 'lab_test_value']]

In [128… lab_info_df.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)

lab_info_df.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)

In [129… # Pivot the dataframe to create the desired structure

lab_info_df = lab_info_df.pivot_table(index='subject_id', columns='lab_test', values='lab_test_value', aggfunc='first'

# If you want to replace NaN with None, you can use the following line:
lab_info_df = lab_info_df.where(lab_info_df.notna(), None)

In [131…

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<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2290 entries, 0 to 2289
Data columns (total 35 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 subject_id 2290 non-null Int64
1 Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 1393 non-null float64
2 Albumin 1099 non-null float64
3 Alkaline Phosphatase 1386 non-null float64
4 Anion Gap 1961 non-null float64
5 Basophils 1211 non-null float64
6 Bicarbonate 1963 non-null float64
7 Bilirubin, Total 1383 non-null float64
8 Chloride 1966 non-null float64
9 Creatinine 1965 non-null float64
10 Eosinophils 1211 non-null float64
11 Free Calcium 1635 non-null float64
12 Glucose 164 non-null float64
13 Hematocrit 2041 non-null float64
14 Hemoglobin 2034 non-null float64
15 Lactate 1953 non-null float64
16 Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD) 1077 non-null float64
17 Lymphocytes 1211 non-null float64
18 MCH 2033 non-null float64
19 MCHC 2034 non-null float64
20 MCV 2033 non-null float64
21 Monocytes 1211 non-null float64
22 Neutrophils 1211 non-null float64
23 PT 1938 non-null float64
24 PTT 1928 non-null float64
25 Potassium 1963 non-null float64
26 RDW 2032 non-null float64
27 Red Blood Cells 2033 non-null float64
28 SCT - Normalized Ratio 1 non-null float64
29 Sodium 1962 non-null float64
30 Urea Nitrogen 1970 non-null float64
31 White Blood Cells 2033 non-null float64
32 pCO2 2072 non-null float64
33 pH 2080 non-null float64
34 pO2 2073 non-null float64
dtypes: Int64(1), float64(34)
memory usage: 628.5 KB

In [132… vital_info_df = result_df.copy()

In [133… vital_info_df = vital_info_df[['subject_id', 'Vital_Test', 'Vital_Test_Value']]

In [134… vital_info_df.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)

vital_info_df.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)

In [135… # Pivot the dataframe to create the desired structure

vital_info_df = vital_info_df.pivot_table(index='subject_id', columns='Vital_Test', values='Vital_Test_Value', aggfunc

# If you want to replace NaN with None, you can use the following line:
vital_info_df = vital_info_df.where(vital_info_df.notna(), None)

In [136…

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2290 entries, 0 to 2289
Data columns (total 6 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 subject_id 2290 non-null Int64
1 Heart Rate 2224 non-null float64
2 Respiratory Rate (Total) 1947 non-null float64
3 Temperature Celsius 303 non-null float64
4 Temperature Fahrenheit 1981 non-null float64
5 Urine output_ApacheIV 1 non-null float64
dtypes: Int64(1), float64(5)
memory usage: 109.7 KB

Comobidity Index
In [137… result_df.drop(['lab_test', 'lab_test_value', 'Vital_Test', 'Vital_Test_Value'], axis=1, inplace = True)

In [138… result_df.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)

In [139… result_df.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)

In [140… result_df.head()

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Out[140]: subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp avg_bmi gender
0 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M
1 10005606 1 6.595 1 3.778 16.186 38.250 26.543366 M
2 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685 29.330163 M
3 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685 29.330163 M
4 10007818 1 20.529 1 20.174 18.686 38.056 25.186267 M

In [141… cmob_result = result_df.groupby('subject_id')['charlson_comorbidity_index'].mean().reset_index()

In [142…

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2290 entries, 0 to 2289
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 subject_id 2290 non-null Int64
1 charlson_comorbidity_index 1628 non-null Float64
dtypes: Float64(1), Int64(1)
memory usage: 40.4 KB

In [143… result_df.drop(['charlson_comorbidity_index'], axis=1, inplace = True)

In [144… result_df.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)

Combining all the results

In [145… #Perform inner join
preprocessed_cohort = pd.merge(result_df, cmob_result, on='subject_id', how='inner')
preprocessed_cohort = pd.merge(preprocessed_cohort, vital_info_df, on='subject_id', how='inner')
preprocessed_cohort = pd.merge(preprocessed_cohort, lab_info_df, on='subject_id', how='inner')

In [146… preprocessed_cohort.head()

subject_id total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp avg_bmi gender
0 10004401 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M
1 10005606 1 6.595 1 3.778 16.186 38.250 26.543366 M
2 10005817 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685 29.330163 M
3 10007818 1 20.529 1 20.174 18.686 38.056 25.186267 M
4 10011365 1 8.703 2 7.390 12.750 38.683 18.783723 F
5 rows × 52 columns

In [ ]: csv_filename = 'preprocessed_cohort.csv'
preprocessed_cohort.to_csv(csv_filename, index=True)

In [ ]: preprocessed_cohort = pd.read_csv('preprocessed_cohort.csv')

In [148… preprocessed_cohort['Temperature Celsius'] = preprocessed_cohort['Temperature Celsius'].combine_first((preprocessed_co

preprocessed_cohort = preprocessed_cohort.drop(columns=['Temperature Fahrenheit'])

In [150… preprocessed_cohort['charlson_comorbidity_index'].fillna(0, inplace=True)

preprocessed_cohort.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis = 1, inplace = True)

preprocessed_cohort.drop(['subject_id'], axis = 1, inplace = True)

#checked hosp patient table
preprocessed_cohort['gender'] = preprocessed_cohort['gender'].fillna('M')
preprocessed_cohort['death_flag'] = preprocessed_cohort['death_flag'].fillna(0)
preprocessed_cohort['death_flag'] = preprocessed_cohort['death_flag'].astype("int")

Next, we remove rows with high null values

In [151… # Check for null values in each column
null_counts = preprocessed_cohort.isnull().sum()

# Calculate the percentage of null values in each column

percentage_null = (null_counts / len(preprocessed_cohort)) * 100

# List columns with more than 80% null values

columns_with_high_null = percentage_null[percentage_null > 40]

# Print null counts and columns with high null values

print("Null Counts:")

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print("\nColumns with More Than 40% Null Values:")

Null Counts:
total_icu_stays 0
total_icu_duration 0
total_vent_stays 0
total_vent_duration 0
avg_WBC_count 37
avg_body_temp 37
avg_bmi 160
gender 0
age 2
death_flag 0
bronchoscopy 0
charlson_comorbidity_index 0
Heart Rate 66
Respiratory Rate (Total) 343
Temperature Celsius 283
Urine output_ApacheIV 2289
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 897
Albumin 1191
Alkaline Phosphatase 904
Anion Gap 329
Basophils 1079
Bicarbonate 327
Bilirubin, Total 907
Chloride 324
Creatinine 325
Eosinophils 1079
Free Calcium 655
Glucose 2126
Hematocrit 249
Hemoglobin 256
Lactate 337
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD) 1213
Lymphocytes 1079
MCH 257
MCHC 256
MCV 257
Monocytes 1079
Neutrophils 1079
PT 352
PTT 362
Potassium 327
RDW 258
Red Blood Cells 257
SCT - Normalized Ratio 2289
Sodium 328
Urea Nitrogen 320
White Blood Cells 257
pCO2 218
pH 210
pO2 217
dtype: int64

Columns with More Than 40% Null Values:

Urine output_ApacheIV 99.956332
Albumin 52.008734
Basophils 47.117904
Eosinophils 47.117904
Glucose 92.838428
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD) 52.969432
Lymphocytes 47.117904
Monocytes 47.117904
Neutrophils 47.117904
SCT - Normalized Ratio 99.956332
dtype: float64

In [152… # Drop columns that are not important

columns_to_drop = ['Urine output_ApacheIV', 'Albumin', 'Basophils',
'Eosinophils', 'Glucose', 'Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD)', 'Lymphocytes',
'Monocytes', 'Neutrophils', 'SCT - Normalized Ratio']

preprocessed_cohort.drop(columns=columns_to_drop, inplace=True)

Check the total number of lab tests and vital information considered
In [ ]: preprocessed_cohort = preprocessed_cohort.rename(columns=lambda x: x.lower().replace(' ', '_'))

In [153… preprocessed_cohort.head()

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total_icu_stays total_icu_duration total_vent_stays total_vent_duration avg_WBC_count avg_body_temp avg_bmi gender age death
0 7 53.950 8 43.558 9.288 38.222 31.149509 M 82
1 1 6.595 1 3.778 16.186 38.250 26.543366 M 38
2 2 18.332 2 13.226 13.257 38.685 29.330163 M 66
3 1 20.529 1 20.174 18.686 38.056 25.186267 M 69
4 1 8.703 2 7.390 12.750 38.683 18.783723 F 73
5 rows × 40 columns

In [ ]: csv_filename = 'preprocessed_cohort_2290_mean_null.csv'
machine_learning_data.to_csv(csv_filename, index=True)

Remove the highly correlated columns

In [ ]: import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandas.plotting import table

# Sample data (replace with your actual data)

data = preprocessed_cohort.copy()

# Calculate the correlation matrix

corr_matrix = data.corr()

# Set up the matplotlib figure

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))

# Define a custom color palette

cmap = sns.diverging_palette(230, 20, as_cmap=True)

# Create the correlation heatmap with color intensity

sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, cmap=cmap, annot=False, fmt=".2f", cbar=True)

# Customize the plot

plt.title("Correlation Heatmap", fontsize=16)

# Calculate the top 10 correlated pairs (excluding pairs with corr = 1)

corr_pairs = (corr_matrix.unstack().sort_values(ascending=False)
.drop_duplicates().head(11)) # Change '11' to '10' to exclude pairs with corr = 1

# Create a DataFrame for the top 10 correlated pairs with rounded correlations
corr_pairs_df = pd.DataFrame(corr_pairs, columns=["Correlation"])
corr_pairs_df.index.names = ["Feature 1", "Feature 2"] # Adjust index names

# Exclude pairs with corr = 1 (keeping the top 10)

corr_pairs_df = corr_pairs_df[corr_pairs_df['Correlation'] < 1]

# Round the correlation values to 2 decimal points

corr_pairs_df['Correlation'] = corr_pairs_df['Correlation'].round(2)

# Create a table image with wider columns

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
table_data = corr_pairs_df.reset_index()
tab = table(ax, table_data, loc='center', cellLoc='center', colWidths=[0.4, 0.4, 0.2]) # Adjust column widths

# Make index names bold

tab.scale(1, 1.5)
for (i, j), cell in tab._cells.items():
if i == 0:


# Save the table image as a PNG file

plt.title("Top 10 Correlated Pairs", fontsize=14)
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) # Reduce space between title and table
plt.savefig("correlation_pairs_table.png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.2)

# Display the plot

<ipython-input-9-bd8c42afd4de>:11: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrame.corr is deprecated.

In a future version, it will default to False. Select only valid columns or specify the value of numeric_only to sile
nce this warning.
corr_matrix = data.corr()

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Removing Outliers
get_whisker_range: The get_whisker_range function calculates and prints the lower and upper whisker values. It is used to eliminate
the outliers.
box_plot: This function creates a box plot for selected columns in a dataset. It also calculates the whisker range for the columns by
calling the get_whisker_range function for the outlier removal process.
remove_outliers: This function filters out outliers from the dataset based on the specified bounds
comparision_plot: This function plots the comparison between different statistics for the original and outlier-removed dataset
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feature_scaling: This function standardizes the numeric columns of the dataset

In [ ]: #Data Manipulation

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#Data Visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import seaborn as sns


from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler # For data scaling

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans # For K-means clustering
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # For Principal Component Analysis
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score # For Silhouette score

# Function to calculate and print the lower and upper whisker values for the columns
def get_whisker_range(dataset, columns_to_exclude):
# Select columns to analyze, excluding those in 'columns_to_exclude'
selected_columns = [col for col in dataset.columns if col not in columns_to_exclude]

# Initialize a dictionary to store whisker values for each column

whisker_dict = {}

# Calculate whisker values for each selected column

for column in selected_columns:
Q1 = dataset[column].quantile(0.25)
Q3 = dataset[column].quantile(0.75)
IQR = Q3 - Q1
lower_bound = Q1 - 1.5 * IQR
upper_bound = Q3 + 1.5 * IQR

# Store the whisker values in the dictionary

whisker_dict[column] = {'Lower Whisker': lower_bound, 'Upper Whisker': upper_bound}

# Filter the dataset to include only data within the whisker range
dataset = dataset[(dataset[column] >= lower_bound) & (dataset[column] <= upper_bound)]

# Print the whisker values for each column

for col, values in whisker_dict.items():
print(f"Column: {col}")
print(f"Lower Whisker: {values['Lower Whisker']}")
print(f"Upper Whisker: {values['Upper Whisker']}\n")

return whisker_dict

# function to visualize the box plots and return the values of the IQR range of the box plot
def box_plot(dataset, columns_to_exclude, disp):

# Drop specified columns from the dataset

dataset = dataset.drop(columns=columns_to_exclude)

#get whisker range

whisker_dict = get_whisker_range(dataset, columns_to_exclude )

if (disp == True):
# Create a box plot for the remaining columns
boxplot = dataset.boxplot(figsize=(10, 7))

# Add a title to the box plot

plt.title('Box Plot for Selected Columns')
# Show the plot

return whisker_dict

# Function to remove outliers from a dataset based on lower and upper bounds for each column
def remove_outliers(bounds, dataset, columns_to_exclude):

# Get the list of columns after excluding non-numeric columns

selected_columns = [col for col in dataset.columns if col not in columns_to_exclude]

# Iterate through selected columns and filter out outliers

for col in selected_columns:
lower_bound = bounds[col]['Lower Whisker']
upper_bound = bounds[col]['Upper Whisker']
dataset = dataset[(dataset[col] >= lower_bound) & (dataset[col] <= upper_bound)]

#return clean dataset with removed outliers

return dataset

# plot the comparison graph between the summary statistics of the original and outlier-removed dataset
def comparision_plot(statistics_to_compare, dataset,summary_stats,cleaned_data_summary_stats, columns_to_exclude ):

# Select columns to analyze, excluding those in 'columns_to_exclude'

selected_columns = [col for col in dataset.columns if col not in columns_to_exclude]

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# Create an empty DataFrame to store the statistics for comparison
comparison_df = pd.DataFrame({'Column': selected_columns})

# Creating a dataframe that contains the statistics value for both the dataset (with and without outliers)
for stat in statistics_to_compare:
mean_original = summary_stats.loc[stat, selected_columns].values
mean_no_outliers = cleaned_data_summary_stats.loc[stat, selected_columns].values
comparison_df[f'{stat}_Original'] = mean_original
comparison_df[f'{stat}_No_Outliers'] = mean_no_outliers
print (f"Difference in {stat} statistic between original and cleaned dataset is\n")
diff = abs(cleaned_data_summary_stats.loc[stat] - summary_stats.loc[stat])
print (f"Percentage change in {stat} statistic between original and cleaned dataset is\n")
print((diff / summary_stats.loc[stat]) * 100)

# To better visualization, we set the index

comparison_df.set_index('Column', inplace=True)

# Create a bar chart to compare the statistics

ax = comparison_df.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(12, 6), colormap='viridis', width=0.7)
ax.set_title('Comparison of Summary Statistics (Original vs. No Outliers)')
ax.set_xticklabels(selected_columns, rotation=45, ha="right")
ax.legend(title='Dataset', loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1))

# Annotate the bars with values

for p in ax.patches:
ax.annotate(f'{p.get_height():.2f}', (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height()),
ha='center', va='center', fontsize=8, color='black', xytext=(0, 5),
textcoords='offset points')

# Show the plot


#Standardize selected numeric columns in the dataset to have mean=0 and standard deviation=1
def feature_scaling(dataset, columns_to_exclude):

# initialize StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()

selected_columns = [col for col in dataset.columns if col not in columns_to_exclude]

# Apply the scaler to the selected columns

dataset[selected_columns] = scaler.fit_transform(dataset[selected_columns])
return dataset, scaler

In [ ]: standardized_data_red_cleaned = remove_outliers(whisker_info, standardized_data_red, ['death_flag'])

In [ ]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 629 entries, 1 to 2288
Data columns (total 24 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 total_vent_duration 629 non-null float64
1 avg_WBC_count 629 non-null float64
2 avg_body_temp 629 non-null float64
3 avg_bmi 629 non-null float64
4 age 629 non-null float64
5 Heart Rate 629 non-null float64
6 Respiratory Rate (Total) 629 non-null float64
7 Temperature Celsius 629 non-null float64
8 Chloride 629 non-null float64
9 Creatinine 629 non-null float64
10 Lactate 629 non-null float64
11 MCH 629 non-null float64
12 MCHC 629 non-null float64
13 PT 629 non-null float64
14 PTT 629 non-null float64
15 RDW 629 non-null float64
16 Red Blood Cells 629 non-null float64
17 Urea Nitrogen 629 non-null float64
18 White Blood Cells 629 non-null float64
19 pCO2 629 non-null float64
20 pO2 629 non-null float64
21 bronchoscopy_0 629 non-null uint8
22 bronchoscopy_1 629 non-null uint8
23 death_flag 629 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(21), int64(1), uint8(2)
memory usage: 114.3 KB

Feature Selection
Using RFE (Recursive Feature Elimination)
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In [154… import pandas as pd

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE

# Define the response variable and predictor variables

response_variable = 'death_flag'
predictor_variables = [col for col in standardized_data.columns if col != response_variable]

# Create the design matrix (X) and response variable (y)

X = standardized_data[predictor_variables]
y = standardized_data[response_variable]

# Split the data into a training set and a test set

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# Initialize estimators for RFE

estimators = [
('Logistic Regression', LogisticRegression()),
('SVM', SVC(kernel='linear'))

# Initialize a dictionary to store feature rankings

feature_rankings = {estimator_name: [] for estimator_name, _ in estimators}

# Perform RFE with each estimator and collect feature rankings

for estimator_name, estimator in estimators:
rfe = RFE(estimator, n_features_to_select=20), y_train)
feature_rankings[estimator_name] = rfe.ranking_

# Combine the rankings based on the frequency of features being in the top 15
from collections import Counter
combined_rankings = Counter()
for estimator_name, ranking in feature_rankings.items():
for feature_index, rank in enumerate(ranking):
if rank <= 15:
combined_rankings[feature_index] += 1

# Select the top 10 features based on the voting mechanism

selected_feature_indices = [feature_index for feature_index, count in combined_rankings.most_common(15)]

# Get the names of the selected features

selected_features = [predictor_variables[i] for i in selected_feature_indices]

In [ ]: len(selected_features)

Out[ ]:

In [ ]: standardized_data_reduced = standardized_data[selected_features + ['death_flag' , 'gender']]

Machine Learning Models

Feature Importance
In [ ]: from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
# Define the response variable and predictor variables
response_variable = 'death_flag'
predictor_variables = [col for col in standardized_data.columns if col != response_variable]

# Create the design matrix (X) and response variable (y)

X = standardized_data[predictor_variables]
y = standardized_data[response_variable].astype(int)

# Split the data into a training set and a test set

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Initialize estimators for RFE

estimators = [
('Logistic Regression', LogisticRegression()),
('SVM', SVC(kernel='linear'))

# Initialize a dictionary to store feature rankings

feature_rankings = {estimator_name: [] for estimator_name, _ in estimators}

# Perform RFE with each estimator and collect feature rankings

for estimator_name, estimator in estimators:
rfe = RFE(estimator, n_features_to_select=20), y_train)
feature_rankings[estimator_name] = rfe.ranking_

# Combine the rankings based on the frequency of features being in the top 15
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from collections import Counter
combined_rankings = Counter()
for estimator_name, ranking in feature_rankings.items():
for feature_index, rank in enumerate(ranking):
if rank <= 15:
combined_rankings[feature_index] += 1

# Select the top 10 features based on the voting mechanism

selected_feature_indices = [feature_index for feature_index, count in combined_rankings.most_common(15)]

# Get the names of the selected features

selected_features = [predictor_variables[i] for i in selected_feature_indices]

# Now, 'selected_features' contains the names of the top 15 features selected by the majority of the estimators
print("Selected Features:", selected_features)

Selected Features: ['total_icu_stays', 'total_vent_stays', 'total_vent_duration', 'avg_WBC_count', 'avg_body_temp',

'avg_bmi', 'age', 'charlson_comorbidity_index', 'Heart Rate', 'Respiratory Rate (Total)', 'Temperature Celsius', 'Ala
nine Aminotransferase (ALT)', 'Alkaline Phosphatase', 'Anion Gap', 'Bilirubin, Total']

In [ ]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Fit the selected estimator on the training data

selected_estimator = LogisticRegression() # You can replace this with 'SVM' if needed[selected_features], y_train)

# Get the coefficients/importance of the features

feature_importance = selected_estimator.coef_[0] # For Logistic Regression, change this for SVM if needed

# Sort the features by importance in descending order

sorted_indices = (-feature_importance).argsort()
sorted_features = [selected_features[i] for i in sorted_indices]
sorted_importance = feature_importance[sorted_indices]

# Choose a color map for the feature importance

color_map = plt.get_cmap('Oranges') # Use 'Oranges' for positive values

# Normalize the feature importance values to the range [0, 1]

normalized_importance = (sorted_importance - sorted_importance.min()) / (sorted_importance.max() - sorted_importance.m

# Create a bar chart with varying colors based on feature importance

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))
bars = plt.barh(sorted_features, sorted_importance, color=color_map(normalized_importance))
plt.xlabel('Feature Importance (Coefficient Value)')
plt.title('Feature Importance for Mortality Prediction')

# Invert the y-axis to show the most important feature at the top

# Add a color bar to indicate the significance of feature importance

sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=normalized_importance.min(), vmax=normalized_import
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm)
cbar.set_label('Normalized Feature Importance')

# Add feature importance values to the right of the bars

for feature, importance in zip(sorted_features, sorted_importance):
if importance > 0:
plt.text(importance, feature, f'{importance:.2f}', ha='left', va='center', fontsize=9)
plt.text(importance, feature, f'{importance:.2f}', ha='right', va='center', fontsize=9)

<ipython-input-147-490735cf65f8>:33: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning:

Unable to determine Axes to steal space for Colorbar. Using gca(), but will raise in the future. Either provide the *
cax* argument to use as the Axes for the Colorbar, provide the *ax* argument to steal space from it, or add *mappable
* to an Axes.

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Logistic Regression
In [ ]: # Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.metrics import (
precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, accuracy_score, confusion_matrix,
classification_report, roc_auc_score, roc_curve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoef

# Define response variable and predictor variables

response_variable = 'death_flag'
predictor_variables = [col for col in standardized_data_reduced.columns if col != response_variable]

# Create the design matrix (X) and response variable (y)

X = standardized_data_reduced[predictor_variables]
y = standardized_data_reduced[response_variable]

# Split the data into a training set and a test set

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# Calculate class weights

class_counts = y_train.value_counts()
total_samples = len(y_train)
class_weights = {0: total_samples / (2 * class_counts[0]), 1: total_samples / (2 * class_counts[1])}

# Fit a logistic regression model

model = LogisticRegression(class_weight=class_weights, max_iter=1000) # Increase max_iter if necessary, y_train)

# Make predictions on the test set

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

# Calculate evaluation metrics

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
tn, fp, fn, tp = conf_matrix.ravel()
sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
specificity = tn / (tn + fp)
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred)
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)
f1_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
y_prob = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] # Probability of the positive class
roc_auc_log = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_prob)
fpr_log, tpr_log, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_prob)
balanced_acc = (sensitivity + specificity) / 2
mcc = matthews_corrcoef(y_test, y_pred)

# Add MCC to the list of evaluation metrics

print(f'Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): {mcc:.2f}')
# Plot the ROC curve
plt.plot(fpr_log, tpr_log, color='darkorange', lw=2, label=f'ROC curve (AUC = {roc_auc_log:.2f})')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=2, linestyle='--')
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title('Receiver Operating Characteristic')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

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# Output the evaluation metrics
print("Evaluation Metrics:")
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}')
print(f'Sensitivity: {sensitivity:.2f}')
print(f'Specificity: {specificity:.2f}')
print(f'F1 Score: {f1_score:.2f}')
print(f'AUC-ROC: {roc_auc:.2f}')
print(f'Balanced Accuracy: {balanced_acc:.2f}')

# Output the confusion matrix

print("\nConfusion Matrix:")
labels = ["True Negative", "False Positive", "False Negative", "True Positive"]
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
print(f"{labels[i * 2 + j]:<15}: {conf_matrix[i][j]:<5}", end="\t")
print() # Start a new line for the next row

# Generate and display the classification report

print("\nClassification Report:")
classification_rep = classification_report(y_test, y_pred)

Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): 0.27

Evaluation Metrics:
Accuracy: 0.63
Sensitivity: 0.68
Specificity: 0.61
F1 Score: 0.53
AUC-ROC: 0.67
Balanced Accuracy: 0.65

Confusion Matrix:
True Negative : 292 False Positive : 183
False Negative : 68 True Positive : 144

Classification Report:
precision recall f1-score support

0 0.81 0.61 0.70 475

1 0.44 0.68 0.53 212

accuracy 0.63 687

macro avg 0.63 0.65 0.62 687
weighted avg 0.70 0.63 0.65 687

Support Vector Machines

In [ ]: # Perform one-hot encoding
standardized_data_reduced_svm = pd.get_dummies(standardized_data_reduced, columns=['gender' ])

In [ ]: # Import necessary libraries

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.metrics import (
precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, accuracy_score, confusion_matrix,
classification_report, roc_auc_score, roc_curve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

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response_variable = 'death_flag'
predictor_variables = [col for col in standardized_data_reduced_svm.columns if col != response_variable]

# Create the design matrix (X) and response variable (y)

X = standardized_data_reduced_svm[predictor_variables]
y = standardized_data_reduced_svm[response_variable]

# Split the data into a training set and a test set

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

class_counts = y_train.value_counts()
total_samples = len(y_train)

# Tackle the class imbalance problem by using class_weight="balanced"

svm_model = SVC(class_weight="balanced", probability=True), y_train)

# Make predictions on the test set

y_pred = svm_model.predict(X_test)

# Calculate evaluation metrics

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
tn, fp, fn, tp = conf_matrix.ravel()
sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
specificity = tn / (tn + fp)
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred)
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)
f1_score = f1_score(y_test, y_pred)
y_prob = svm_model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
roc_auc_svm = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_prob)
fpr_svm, tpr_svm, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_prob)
balanced_acc = (sensitivity + specificity) / 2
mcc = matthews_corrcoef(y_test, y_pred)

# Add MCC to the list of evaluation metrics

print(f'Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): {mcc:.2f}')
# Plot the ROC curve
plt.plot(fpr_svm, tpr_svm, color='darkorange', lw=2, label=f'ROC curve (AUC = {roc_auc_svm:.2f})')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=2, linestyle='--')
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title ('Receiver Operating Characteristic')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

# Beautify the evaluation metrics

print("Evaluation Metrics:")
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}')
print(f'Sensitivity: {sensitivity:.2f}')
print(f'Specificity: {specificity:.2f}')
print(f'Precision: {precision:.2f}')
print(f'Recall: {recall:.2f}')
print(f'F1 Score: {f1_score:.2f}')
print(f'AUC-ROC: {roc_auc:.2f}')
print(f'Balanced Accuracy: {balanced_acc:.2f}')

# Output the confusion matrix

print("\nConfusion Matrix:")
labels = ["True Negative", "False Positive", "False Negative", "True Positive"]
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
print(f"{labels[i * 2 + j]:<15}: {conf_matrix[i][j]:<5}", end="\t")
print() # Start a new line for the next row

# Generate and display the classification report

print("\nClassification Report:")
classification_rep = classification_report(y_test, y_pred)

Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): 0.32

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Evaluation Metrics:
Accuracy: 0.66
Sensitivity: 0.70
Specificity: 0.64
Precision: 0.47
Recall: 0.70
F1 Score: 0.56
AUC-ROC: 0.67
Balanced Accuracy: 0.67

Confusion Matrix:
[[304 171]
[ 63 149]]
True Negative : 304 False Positive : 171
False Negative : 63 True Positive : 149

Classification Report:
precision recall f1-score support

0 0.83 0.64 0.72 475

1 0.47 0.70 0.56 212

accuracy 0.66 687

macro avg 0.65 0.67 0.64 687
weighted avg 0.72 0.66 0.67 687

In [ ]: # Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, classification_
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load your data into a DataFrame (your_dataframe)

response_variable = 'death_flag'
predictor_variables = [col for col in standardized_data_reduced.columns if col != response_variable]

# Create the design matrix (X) and response variable (y)

X = standardized_data_reduced[predictor_variables]
y = standardized_data_reduced[response_variable]

# Split the data into a training set and a test set

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

class_counts = y_train.value_counts()
total_samples = len(y_train)

# Tackle the class imbalance problem by calculating the scale_pos_weight

positive_samples = sum(y_train == 1)
negative_samples = sum(y_train == 0)
scale_pos_weight = negative_samples / positive_samples

# Create and train the XGBoost model with class imbalance handling
xgb_model = XGBClassifier(scale_pos_weight=scale_pos_weight), y_train)

# Make predictions on the test set

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y_pred = xgb_model.predict(X_test)

# Calculate evaluation metrics

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
tn, fp, fn, tp = conf_matrix.ravel()
sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
specificity = tn / (tn + fp)
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred)
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)
f1_score = f1_score(y_test, y_pred)
y_prob = xgb_model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
roc_auc_xg = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_prob)
fpr_xg, tpr_xg, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_prob)
balanced_acc = (sensitivity + specificity) / 2
mcc = matthews_corrcoef(y_test, y_pred)

# Add MCC to the list of evaluation metrics

print(f'Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): {mcc:.2f}')
# Plot the ROC curve
plt.plot(fpr_xg, tpr_xg, color='darkorange', lw=2, label=f'ROC curve (AUC = {roc_auc_xg:.2f})')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=2, linestyle='--')
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title ('Receiver Operating Characteristic')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

# Beautify the evaluation metrics

print("Evaluation Metrics:")
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}')
print(f'Sensitivity: {sensitivity:.2f}')
print(f'Specificity: {specificity:.2f}')
print(f'Precision: {precision:.2f}')
print(f'Recall: {recall:.2f}')
print(f'F1 Score: {f1_score:.2f}')
print(f'AUC-ROC: {roc_auc:.2f}')
print(f'Balanced Accuracy: {balanced_acc:.2f}')

# Output the confusion matrix

print("\nConfusion Matrix:")
labels = ["True Negative", "False Positive", "False Negative", "True Positive"]
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
print(f"{labels[i * 2 + j]:<15}: {conf_matrix[i][j]:<5}", end="\t")
print() # Start a new line for the next row

# Generate and display the classification report

print("\nClassification Report:")
classification_rep = classification_report(y_test, y_pred)

Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): 0.25

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Evaluation Metrics:
Accuracy: 0.68
Sensitivity: 0.48
Specificity: 0.77
Precision: 0.48
Recall: 0.48
F1 Score: 0.48
AUC-ROC: 0.67
Balanced Accuracy: 0.63

Confusion Matrix:
[[366 109]
[110 102]]
True Negative : 366 False Positive : 109
False Negative : 110 True Positive : 102

Classification Report:
precision recall f1-score support

0 0.77 0.77 0.77 475

1 0.48 0.48 0.48 212

accuracy 0.68 687

macro avg 0.63 0.63 0.63 687
weighted avg 0.68 0.68 0.68 687

Random Forest
In [ ]: import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report, roc_auc_score, confusion_matrix, precision_score, r
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load your data into a DataFrame (your_dataframe)

response_variable = 'death_flag'
predictor_variables = [col for col in standardized_data_reduced.columns if col != response_variable]

# Create the design matrix (X) and response variable (y)

X = standardized_data_reduced[predictor_variables]
y = standardized_data_reduced[response_variable]

# Split the data into a training set and a test set

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

# Create and train the Random Forest classifier

clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=best_n_estimators, random_state=42, class_weight='balanced'), y_train)

# Make predictions on the test set

y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)

# Calculate evaluation metrics

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
tn, fp, fn, tp = conf_matrix.ravel()
sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn)
specificity = tn / (tn + fp)
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred)
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)
f1_score = f1_score(y_test, y_pred)
y_prob = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
roc_auc_rf = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_prob)
fpr_rf, tpr_rf, _ = roc_curve(y_test, y_prob)
balanced_acc = (sensitivity + specificity) / 2
mcc = matthews_corrcoef(y_test, y_pred)

# Add MCC to the list of evaluation metrics

print(f'Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): {mcc:.2f}')

# Plot the ROC curve

plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, color='darkorange', lw=2, label=f'ROC curve (AUC = {roc_auc_rf:.2f})')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=2, linestyle='--')
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title('Receiver Operating Characteristic')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

# Beautify the evaluation metrics

print("Evaluation Metrics:")
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}')
print(f'Sensitivity: {sensitivity:.2f}')
print(f'Specificity: {specificity:.2f}')
print(f'Precision: {precision:.2f}')
print(f'Recall: {recall:.2f}')

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print(f'F1 Score: {f1_score:.2f}')
print(f'AUC-ROC: {roc_auc:.2f}')
print(f'Balanced Accuracy: {balanced_acc:.2f}')

# Output the confusion matrix

print("\nConfusion Matrix:")
labels = ["True Negative", "False Positive", "False Negative", "True Positive"]
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
print(f"{labels[i * 2 + j]:<15}: {conf_matrix[i][j]:<5}", end="\t")
print() # Start a new line for the next row

# Generate and display the classification report

print("\nClassification Report:")
classification_rep = classification_report(y_test, y_pred)

Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC): 0.09

Evaluation Metrics:
Accuracy: 0.68
Sensitivity: 0.15
Specificity: 0.91
Precision: 0.43
Recall: 0.15
F1 Score: 0.22
AUC-ROC: 0.67
Balanced Accuracy: 0.53

Confusion Matrix:
[[432 43]
[180 32]]
True Negative : 432 False Positive : 43
False Negative : 180 True Positive : 32

Classification Report:
precision recall f1-score support

0 0.71 0.91 0.79 475

1 0.43 0.15 0.22 212

accuracy 0.68 687

macro avg 0.57 0.53 0.51 687
weighted avg 0.62 0.68 0.62 687

AUC Comparision
In [ ]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc

# Define the ROC curves for your models

roc_curves = {
'Logistic': (fpr_log, tpr_log),
'SVM': (fpr_svm, tpr_svm),
'Random Forest': (fpr_rf, tpr_rf),
'XGBoost': (fpr_xg, tpr_xg)

# Determine the best-performing model (e.g., highest AUC)

best_model = max(roc_curves, key=lambda k: auc(roc_curves[k][0], roc_curves[k][1]))

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# Set Seaborn style with a bright color palette

# Create a figure and axis

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

# Set custom line styles

line_styles = ['--', '-', '-.', ':']

# Plot ROC curves for each model

for i, (label, (fpr, tpr)) in enumerate(roc_curves.items()):
roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
if label == best_model:
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, linestyle=line_styles[i], lw=3, label=f'{label} (Best, AUC = {roc_auc:.2f})')
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, linestyle=line_styles[i], lw=2, label=f'{label} (AUC = {roc_auc:.2f})')

# Plot the diagonal line (random classifier)

plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--', lw=2)

# Set labels and title

plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
plt.title('ROC-AUC Curve Comparison')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

# Customize the appearance of the plot

plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xticks([0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0])
plt.yticks([0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0])

# Save or display the plot

plt.savefig('roc_auc_comparison_final.png') # Save the plot as an image

Clustering Task
Selected Features
In [ ]: selected_features

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Out[ ]:
'Heart Rate',
'Temperature Celsius',
'Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)',
'Alkaline Phosphatase',
'Anion Gap',
'Free Calcium']

Data Prepration
In [ ]: cluster_dataframe = preprocessed_cohort.copy()

In [ ]: cluster_dataframe = cluster_dataframe[selected_features + ['death_flag','gender','bronchoscopy']]

In [ ]: cluster_dataframe['death_flag'].value_counts()

0 1510
Out[ ]:
1 780
Name: death_flag, dtype: int64

Gender Mapping
In [ ]: gender_mapping = {'M': 0, 'F': 1}

cluster_dataframe['gender'] = cluster_dataframe['gender'].replace(gender_mapping)

<ipython-input-176-874157035c01>:3: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

cluster_dataframe['gender'] = cluster_dataframe['gender'].replace(gender_mapping)

Standardize the data

In [ ]: import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Assuming your DataFrame is named cluster_dataframe

columns_to_exclude = ['death_flag', 'gender', 'bronchoscopy']
columns_to_standardize = [col for col in cluster_dataframe.columns if col not in columns_to_exclude]

# Standardize the selected columns and store in a new DataFrame

standardized_data = StandardScaler().fit_transform(cluster_dataframe[columns_to_standardize])
standardized_df = pd.DataFrame(standardized_data, columns=columns_to_standardize)

# Merge the standardized DataFrame with the excluded columns

for col in columns_to_exclude:
standardized_df[col] = cluster_dataframe[col]

Outlier Removal
In [ ]: from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

# Create an Isolation Forest model with the contamination parameter

iso_forest = IsolationForest(contamination=0.05, random_state=0)

# Fit the Isolation Forest model on your data

# Perform outlier detection and add the 'outlier' column to the DataFrame
standardized_df['outlier'] = iso_forest.predict(standardized_df)

# Filter out the outliers (retain only non-outliers)

standardized_df = standardized_df[standardized_df['outlier'] != -1]

# Drop the 'outlier' column if you no longer need it

standardized_df = standardized_df.drop(columns=['outlier'])

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sklearn/ UserWarning: X does not have valid feature names, but Is

olationForest was fitted with feature names

K-Means Clustering
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Function definition
In [ ]: from sklearn.cluster import KMeans # For K-means clustering
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # For Principal Component Analysis
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score # For Silhouette score

#Defining a function that will perform k_means clustering for different k values
def k_means_clustering(tot_clusters, data, clustering_columns ):

data = data.copy()

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters= tot_clusters, random_state=0, n_init=10, init = "k-means++")[clustering_columns])

#Find which cluster each data-point belongs to

clusters = kmeans.predict(data[clustering_columns])

#Add the cluster information as a new column to our DataFrame

data["cluster"] = clusters

return data

#Display the cumulative variance plot that is used to decide the number of PCA components
def cummulative_variance_plot(dataset, columns, title):

#First we determine the number of principal components

pca = PCA()[columns])

# Get explained variance ratio for each PC

explained_variance_ratio = pca.explained_variance_ratio_

# Create a Scree plot

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.xlabel("Principal Component")
plt.ylabel("Explained Variance")
plt.title(f"cumulative variance plot for {title}")

# Perform PCA analysis and visualizes first 2 Principal components (2-D visualization)
def plot_pc_analysis(data, num_clusters):

# PCA with 2 principal components

pca_2d = PCA(n_components=2)

# Calculate the 2 principal components

PCs_2d = pd.DataFrame(pca_2d.fit_transform(data.drop(["cluster"], axis=1)))
PCs_2d.columns = ["PC1", "PC2"]

# Combine original data with the 2 principal components

pca_df = pd.concat([data, PCs_2d], axis=1, join='inner')

# Colors for clusters (red, green, blue, yellow)

cluster_colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']

# Create a scatter plot for each cluster

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))

for cluster_id in range(num_clusters):

# Filter data for the current cluster
cluster_data = pca_df[pca_df['cluster'] == cluster_id]

# Plot cluster data points

plt.scatter(cluster_data['PC1'], cluster_data['PC2'], label=f'Cluster {cluster_id}', c=cluster_colors[cluster_

# Calculate and plot the cluster centroid

centroid = cluster_data[['PC1', 'PC2']].mean()
plt.scatter(centroid[0], centroid[1], marker='o', s=50, c='black', label=f'Centroid {cluster_id}')

# Add cluster number label near the centroid

plt.text(centroid[0] + 0.1, centroid[1] + 0.1, f'Cluster {cluster_id}', fontsize=12)

# Set the plot components

plt.title(f'PCA Components for Clusters K = {num_clusters}')

legend_elements = [plt.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', markersize=10, markerfacecolor=cluster_colors[clust

for cluster_id in range(num_clusters)]
plt.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper right')

# Display the scatter plot with centroids

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In [ ]: columns_to_exclude = ['death_flag']
clustering_columns = [col for col in standardized_df.columns if col not in columns_to_exclude]

In [ ]: kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=0, n_init='auto', init="k-means++")

# Fit the KMeans model to the scaled dataset using selected clustering columns[clustering_columns])

Elbow method to find the optimal k (number of clusters)

In [ ]: # Calculate the intradistance for different values of k
intradistance = []

# List to store silhouette scores for different k values

silhouette_scores = []

# Loop through a range of k values from 2 to 19

for k in range(2, 20):
# Initialize KMeans with the current k value
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0, n_init='auto', init="k-means++")

# Fit the KMeans model to the scaled dataset using selected clustering columns[clustering_columns])

# Calculate and store the inertia (intradistance) for this k value


# Get cluster labels for data points

cluster_labels = kmeans.fit_predict(standardized_df[clustering_columns])

# Calculate the silhouette score and store it

silhouette_avg = silhouette_score(standardized_df[clustering_columns], cluster_labels)

# Plot the elbow curve

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(range(2, 20), intradistance, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='b')
plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters (k)')
plt.title('Elbow Method for Optimal k')

# Annotate the points on the graph with k values

for i, k in enumerate(range(2, 10)):
plt.annotate(f'k={k}', (k, intradistance[i]), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, 10), ha='center')

# Display the plot

In [ ]: # Plot the silhouette scores

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(range(2, 20), silhouette_scores, marker='o', linestyle='-', color='b')
plt.title('Silhouette Score for Different Numbers of Clusters (k)')
plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters (k)')
plt.ylabel('Silhouette Score')

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# Annotate the points with k values

for i, k in enumerate(range(2, 20)):
plt.annotate(f'k={k}', (range(2, 20)[i], silhouette_scores[i]), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0,10), ha='cen

Number of Clusters = 3
Clustering Plot
In [ ]: standardized_data_reduced_km_2 = k_means_clustering(3, standardized_data_reduced, clustering_columns)

In [ ]: #PCA analysis of dataset with 3 clusters


<ipython-input-49-b54e9936686e>:116: UserWarning: *c* argument looks like a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence, whic
h should be avoided as value-mapping will have precedence in case its length matches with *x* & *y*. Please use the
*color* keyword-argument or provide a 2D array with a single row if you intend to specify the same RGB or RGBA value
for all points.
plt.scatter(cluster_data['PC1'], cluster_data['PC2'], label=f'Cluster {cluster_id}', c=palette[cluster_id], alpha=
<ipython-input-49-b54e9936686e>:116: UserWarning: *c* argument looks like a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence, whic
h should be avoided as value-mapping will have precedence in case its length matches with *x* & *y*. Please use the
*color* keyword-argument or provide a 2D array with a single row if you intend to specify the same RGB or RGBA value
for all points.
plt.scatter(cluster_data['PC1'], cluster_data['PC2'], label=f'Cluster {cluster_id}', c=palette[cluster_id], alpha=
<ipython-input-49-b54e9936686e>:116: UserWarning: *c* argument looks like a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence, whic
h should be avoided as value-mapping will have precedence in case its length matches with *x* & *y*. Please use the
*color* keyword-argument or provide a 2D array with a single row if you intend to specify the same RGB or RGBA value
for all points.
plt.scatter(cluster_data['PC1'], cluster_data['PC2'], label=f'Cluster {cluster_id}', c=palette[cluster_id], alpha=

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Clustering Analysis
In [ ]: cluster_groups = standardized_data_reduced_km_2.groupby('cluster')

# Calculate the mortality percentage within each cluster

mortality_percentage = cluster_groups['death_flag'].mean() * 100

# Print or display the mortality percentage for each cluster

print("Mortality Percentage by Cluster:")

# Calculate mortality percentages by cluster

mortality_percentage = standardized_data_reduced_km_2.groupby('cluster')['death_flag'].mean() * 100
# Calculate survived percentages by subtracting mortality percentage from 100
survived_percentage = 100 - mortality_percentage

# Beautify the output

mortality_percentage = mortality_percentage.reset_index()
mortality_percentage.rename(columns={'death_flag': 'Mortality Percentage'}, inplace=True)

# Add the "Survived Percentage" column

mortality_percentage['Survived Percentage'] = survived_percentage


# Calculate gender percentages by cluster

gender_percentage = standardized_data_reduced_km_2.groupby('cluster')['gender'].mean() * 100

# Beautify the output

gender_percentage = gender_percentage.reset_index()
gender_percentage.rename(columns={'gender': 'Female Percentage'}, inplace=True)
gender_percentage['Male Percentage'] = 100 - gender_percentage['Female Percentage']


# Calculate gender percentages by cluster

bronchoscopy_percentage = standardized_data_reduced_km_2.groupby('cluster')['bronchoscopy'].mean() * 100

# Beautify the output

bronchoscopy_percentage = bronchoscopy_percentage.reset_index()
bronchoscopy_percentage.rename(columns={'bronchoscopy': 'With bronchoscopy'}, inplace=True)
bronchoscopy_percentage['Without bronchoscopy'] = 100 - bronchoscopy_percentage['With bronchoscopy']


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Mortality Percentage by Cluster:
0 27.054610
1 53.979239
2 34.255913
Name: death_flag, dtype: float64
cluster Mortality Percentage Survived Percentage
0 0 27.054610 72.945390
1 1 53.979239 46.020761
2 2 34.255913 65.744087
cluster Female Percentage Male Percentage
0 0 60.308057 39.691943
1 1 69.550173 30.449827
2 2 59.204840 40.795160
cluster With bronchoscopy Without bronchoscopy
0 0 46.682464 53.317536
1 1 39.792388 60.207612
2 2 49.092481 50.907519

In [ ]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a grouped bar plot

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

cluster = mortality_percentage['cluster']
mortality_percentage_values = mortality_percentage['Mortality Percentage']
survived_percentage_values = mortality_percentage['Survived Percentage']

bar_width = 0.35
bar_positions = range(len(cluster))

bar1 =, mortality_percentage_values, bar_width, label='Mortality Percentage')

bar2 =[pos + bar_width for pos in bar_positions], survived_percentage_values, bar_width, label='Survived Perc

# Set the x-axis labels

ax.set_xticks([pos + bar_width / 2 for pos in bar_positions])

# Labeling and styling

plt.title('Mortality vs Survived Percentage by Cluster')

# Add percentage values above the bars

def add_percentage_labels(bars):
for bar in bars:
height = bar.get_height()
ax.annotate(f'{height:.2f}%', (bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2, height),
ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=8)


plt.savefig('mortality.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
# Show the graph

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In [ ]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create subplots for the graphs

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 6))

# Plot the Bronchoscopy vs Mortality

bronchoscopy_percentage.plot(x='cluster', y=['With bronchoscopy', 'Without bronchoscopy'], kind='bar', ax=axes[0])
axes[0].set_title('Bronchoscopy by Cluster')
axes[0].set_ylabel('Percentage of Patients')
axes[0].legend(['With bronchoscopy', 'Without bronchoscopy'])

# Plot the Gender vs Mortality

gender_percentage.plot(x='cluster', y=['Female Percentage', 'Male Percentage'], kind='bar', ax=axes[1])
axes[1].set_title('Gender by Cluster')
axes[1].set_ylabel('Percentage of Patients')
axes[1].legend(['Female Percentage', 'Male Percentage'])

# Add percentage values above the bars

def add_percentage_labels(ax):
for p in ax.patches:
ax.annotate(f'{p.get_height():.2f}%', (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2, p.get_height()),
ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=8)


# Adjust the layout


# Show the graphs

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In [ ]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

clusters = mortality_percentage['cluster'].unique()
# Create a figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 8))

# Colors for the lines and markers

line_colors = ['tab:blue', 'tab:orange']
marker_colors = ['blue', 'orange']

# Style the lines

line_styles = ['--', '--']

# Linewidth
line_width = 1

# Marker size
marker_size = 6

# With bronchoscopy vs Mortality Percentage

axes.plot(clusters, bronchoscopy_percentage['With bronchoscopy'], label='Patients with Bronchoscopy', marker='o', mark
axes.plot(clusters, mortality_percentage['Mortality Percentage'], label='Mortality Percentage', marker='o', markersize

# Annotate points with percentage values

for i, txt in enumerate(bronchoscopy_percentage['With bronchoscopy']):
axes.annotate(f'{txt:.2f}%', (clusters[i], txt), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, 10), ha='center', fontsize

for i, txt in enumerate(mortality_percentage['Mortality Percentage']):

axes.annotate(f'{txt:.2f}%', (clusters[i], txt), textcoords="offset points", xytext=(0, -20), color='red', ha='cen

# Labels and title

axes.set_title('Bronchoscopy vs Mortality Percentage by Cluster')

# Set the x-axis to display integer clusters only


# Legend

# Grid

# Tight layout

# Show the plot

In [ ]: # create 3 different datasets (one for each cluster)

cluster_0 = destandardized_data[destandardized_data["cluster"] == 0]
cluster_1 = destandardized_data[destandardized_data["cluster"] == 1]
cluster_2 = destandardized_data[destandardized_data["cluster"] == 2]

In [ ]: print(cluster_2[['total_icu_stays', 'total_vent_stays', 'avg_bmi',

'age', 'charlson_comorbidity_index', 'Heart Rate',
'Temperature Celsius', 'Anion Gap', 'Chloride', 'Creatinine']].describe())

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total_icu_stays total_vent_stays avg_bmi age \
count 1157.000000 1157.000000 1157.000000 1157.000000
mean 2.420916 2.854797 28.275788 69.442304
std 2.379631 2.231344 7.103919 10.329259
min 1.000000 1.000000 0.308642 29.000000
25% 1.000000 1.000000 23.689398 62.000000
50% 2.000000 2.000000 28.061224 70.000000
75% 3.000000 3.000000 31.409788 77.000000
max 25.000000 25.000000 96.604388 91.000000

charlson_comorbidity_index Heart Rate Temperature Celsius \

count 1157.000000 1157.000000 1157.000000
mean 1.896469 84.808210 37.096441
std 0.796656 12.399042 1.295236
min 1.000000 40.556818 0.000000
25% 1.000000 76.600000 37.121196
50% 1.861691 84.349164 37.121196
75% 2.000000 93.483578 37.121196
max 5.000000 133.044776 55.270000

Anion Gap Chloride Creatinine

count 1157.000000 1157.000000 1157.000000
mean 13.996107 104.895903 1.264473
std 2.523404 5.214634 0.658748
min 1.000000 83.500000 0.268421
25% 12.375000 102.062500 0.750000
50% 14.222222 104.000000 1.150000
75% 15.202186 108.000000 1.598185
max 25.000000 124.428571 4.933333

In [ ]: def draw_box_plot(columns_to_plot, j):

# Group the data by the 'cluster' column
cluster_groups = destandardized_data.groupby('cluster')

# Create subplots for the box plots

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(columns_to_plot), figsize=(15, 5))

# Loop through the selected columns

for i, col in enumerate(columns_to_plot):
ax = axes[i]
ax.set_title(f'{col} vs Cluster')
ax.set_ylabel(col) # Set y-axis title to the column name

# Create box plots for each column within each cluster

sns.boxplot(x='cluster', y=col, data=destandardized_data, ax=ax)

# Adjust the layout

#plt.suptitle(f"Box Plots {j} by Cluster")

# Display the box plots

In [ ]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

# Set the style for better readability (you can adjust the style to your preference)

# Define the combinations of features

feature_combinations = [
['total_vent_stays', 'total_icu_stays'],
['age', 'charlson_comorbidity_index'],
['Anion Gap', 'Chloride', 'Creatinine' ]
j = 1
for x in feature_combinations:
draw_box_plot(x, j)

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In [ ]: # Create an empty DataFrame to store the results

result_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cluster'] + [f'{col}_within_range' for col in columns_to_average])

# Check if the average values are within the reference range for each cluster
for cluster in average_values_by_cluster['cluster']:
cluster_data = average_values_by_cluster[average_values_by_cluster['cluster'] == cluster]
within_range = {}
for col in columns_to_average:
if col in ref_ranges:
col_lower, col_upper = ref_ranges[col]
#print (ref_ranges[col])
within_range[f'{col}_within_range'] = (cluster_data[col].values[0] > col_lower) and (cluster_data[col].val
within_range[f'{col}_within_range'] = 'null'
result_df.loc[len(result_df)] = [cluster, *list(within_range.values())]

result_df = result_df.drop(columns=['Heart Rate_within_range', 'Temperature Celsius_within_range'])

In [ ]: result_df

Out[ ]: Alanine Alkaline Anion

cluster Aminotransferase Phosphatase_within_range Gap_within_range Basophils_within_range Chloride_within_range Creatinine_within_
0 0 False False True null True
1 1 False False False null True
2 2 False False True null True

In [ ]: # Merge the dataframes by the 'cluster' column

merged_df = pd.merge(average_values_by_cluster, result_df, on='cluster', how='inner')


cluster Heart Rate Temperature Alkaline Anion Basophils Chloride Free Am
Out[ ]:
Celsius Aminotransferase
(ALT) Phosphatase Gap Creatinine Eosinophils Calcium
0 0 105.173990 37.163008 179.142400 120.606253 14.706229 0.195095 104.533380 1.193389 0.919454 1.108535
1 1 94.074211 37.098196 381.340534 140.365630 21.479079 0.188954 98.293658 4.116356 0.929007 1.088096
2 2 84.808210 37.096441 111.705621 106.118779 13.996107 0.230852 104.895903 1.264473 1.124339 1.156892

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