230 18 007 US The Port Manatee Florida Facility
230 18 007 US The Port Manatee Florida Facility
230 18 007 US The Port Manatee Florida Facility
Florida Facility
World class manufacturer of cryogenic
equipment from the leader in liquefied natural
gas technology, equipment and services
“Being adjacent to the Port of The manufacturing facility is located adjacent to the Port of Manatee and
Manatee allows us to collaborate provides unrestricted access to port services for shipping equipment anywhere
with our clients to offer fabrication in the world. The plant began operations in 2014, and to date, has fabricated
options and construction strategies and shipped heat exchangers and cold boxes within the United States and
that were previously not possible. In Internationally. Our workforce is comprised of highly-skilled and experienced
addition, we are proud that the new craftspeople who take pride in the quality of their work and attention to detail.
facility has offered opportunities The result is a superior product delivered on-time that customers count on to
to the local workforce and the operate safely, reliably, and efficiently for many years.
surrounding community.”
Jim Solomon
LNG at Air Products
The Leading LNG Technology and Equipment
Air Products is the premier global LNG technology, equipment, and services
provider. Our unique ability to integrate the liquefaction process design and
critical liquefaction equipment leads to an optimization of performance, costs,
operability, and reliability that has become the benchmark of the LNG industry.
Air Products has already shipped 116 LNG heat exchangers to 17 countries
around the world. For more than 50 years, we’ve supplied technology and
equipment for small, medium, and large LNG facilities to meet growing market
demands and customer requirements.
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Coastal St
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N Dock St
Harlee Rd Co le A
N Dock St Sca
Eastern Ave
Central Ave
Bulk Circle
World Direct S US
Transport St
Air Products
Reeder Rd
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