Spreadsheet Lab Libreoffice Full

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LibreOffice Base
LibreOffice Calc GNUKhata

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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 1
Use of SUM, SUMIF, Lookup functions
Given below is a table showing Name, Designation and Monthly Salary paid for
employees in Eastern Agencies for the month of June 2024.
Name of Designation Monthly
Employee Salary (₹)

Based on the above details, find solutions to the following by using LibreOffice Calc.

a. The Total of monthly salary by naming the concerned range as TOTAL_SALARY

b. The total salary paid to ACCOUNTANTs in June 2024.
c. The Name of employee with monthly salary of Rs.75,000 by using LOOKUP Function.

To prepare solutions to the given question by using LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet.


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter table headings – Employee Name in cell A1, Designation in cell B1 and
Monthly Salary in cell C1.

Step 3 : Enter employee name in the range A2:A7 , Department name in the range B2:B7
and Salary amount in the range C2:C7.

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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Step 4 : Select the range C2:C7 and then click on Define range under Data menu and
enter the range name as “TOTAL_SALARY” and then click on OK button.

Step 5 : Enter the following Text in respective cells as shown below:

Cell Name Description to be entered
A10 Total Monthly Salary

A11 Total Monthly Salary paid to ACCOUNTANT

A12 Name of employee with monthly salary of ₹.75000/-

Step 6 : Calculate total monthly salary in cell B10 by using the formula


Step 7 : Calculate the monthly salary paid to FM in the cell B11 by the formula


Step 8 : Find the employee with monthly salary of ₹ 75,000 in the cell B12 by the
following formula:



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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 2
Use of COUNT functions

Enter the following details in a LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet and answer the given
questions with the help of appropriate COUNT function.

1 175 700 5345 1300 JUNE 1500
2 KL-31 AUGUST 9200 87 3443 OCTOBER

1. How many cells contain Numbers only ?

2. How many cells contain any value ?
3. How many cells contain the value exceeding 1000 ?
4. How many empty cells are there in the table ?


To find solutions to above questions by using COUNT function


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc

Step 2 : Enter the given details in the spreadsheet as shown below:

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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Step 3 : Enter the following Text and Formulas in the cells as in the below table
Cell Name Text / Formula to be entered
B7 No. of cells containing numbers only

F7 =COUNT(A1:G2)

B8 No. of cells containing any data


B9 No. of cells containing the value exceeding 1000

F9 =COUNTIF(A1:G2,">1000")

B10 No. of empty cells



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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 3
Use of IF Function

Keerthana obtained the following scores out of 100 in the Higher Secondary

Examination March 2024.


Convert the above Scores into Grades for each subject using the following criteria by
using IF function.

90 - 100 A+
80 - 89 A
70 - 79 B+
60 - 69 B
50 - 59 C+
40 - 49 C
30 - 39 D+
20 - 29 D
Below 20 E

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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

To convert the score obtained by Keerthana into grades.
Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet
Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter the Labels – SUBJECT, SCORE AND GRADE in the cells A1, B1
and C1 respectively.
Step 3 : Enter the name of subjects and the scores obtained under the
respective labels.
Step 4 : Enter the following formula in the cell C2 under the Label “GRADE”.

Drag and copy the formula up to cell C7 to get the grades of all subjects.


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 4
Use of Maximum, Minimum, Average and Concatenate functions

A. Following are the scores obtained by some students in Business Studies

examination. Find out the Highest, Lowest and Average scores using appropriate
function in spreadsheet.
1 Name Alby Swathika Nitya Anirudh Shreya Esther Agnes

2 Scores 54 68 80 71 78 60 90

B. From the data given below, fill the Address in cell F2 using CONCATENATE
1 Name House Name Place Post PIN
2 Sooryanath Shreyas Pallarimangalam Thekkekara 690107


To find solutions to Part A and B of above question by using Maximum, Minimum,

Average and Concatenate functions in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet.

Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet
Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter the title, Name in A1cell and the title Scores in cell A2. Then
enter name of students from B1 to H1 and Scores from B2 to H2 as given in

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Step 3 : Calculate the HIGHEST Score in cell C5 by the formula
Step 4 : Find the LOWEST rank in cell C6 by the formula
Step 5 : Find the AVERAGE mark in cell C7 by the formula

Step 1 : Enter the titles- Name, House Name, Place, Post, PIN and Address
from cells A11 to F11. Then enter details in respective fields except in Address

Step 2 : To fill address, enter the following formula in the cell F12 :
=CONCATENATE(A12," ",B12," ",C12," ",D12," ",E12)



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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 5

Assume that your school have only Commerce and Science batches. You are required
to enter the following list of students after applying the data validation rules
Data validation rules are :
a) Age should be between 15 and 20
b) The subject combination must limit to Commerce and Science

Admission No. Name Batch Age



To prepare a list of students with the help of Data validation rules by using LibreOffice Calc



Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter table headings (Labels) – Admission No. in cell A1, Name in cell B1,
Batch in cell C1 and Age in the cell D1.
Step 3 : Enter admission numbers of students in the range from A2 to A8 , Name of
students in the range from B2 to B8 .
Step 4 : Set Data validation rule for selecting Batch
Select the range C2:C8. Go to Data →Validity. A data validation rule setting window
appears. Here select List as the criteria under the Allow field. Then an entry field appears.

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Here enter the name of batches as COMMERCE in the first row and SCIENCE in the next row
and click on OK button on the bottom.

Select appropriate batch name for each student from the drop down menu appears while
selecting each cell under the head Batch.

Step 5 : Set Data validation rule for entering Age

Select the range D2:D8. Go to Data →Validity. A data validation rule setting window
appears. Here select Whole Numbers as the criteria under the Allow field. Then select Valid
range under the Data field . Set Minimum value as 15 and Maximum value as 20 and click on
OK button.

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Enter values under the head Age as given in the question.


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 6

From the following information, create a Pivot Table to give country wise sales of
the products.
Sl. No. Products Sales Volume (In Rs.) Country
1 Watches 150000 Switzerland

2 Perfume 100000 France

3 Car 700000 Germany

4 Chocolate 125000 Switzerland

5 Sugar 225000 Mauritius

To prepare a Pivot Table with the given information by using LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet.
Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet
Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter table headings (Labels) –
Sl. No. in cell A1, Products in cell B1, Sales Volume in cell C1 & Country in cell D1.
Step 3 : Enter Serial Numbers in the range from A2 to A6 , Product name in the range
from B2 to B6, Sales volume in the range from C2 to C6 and Country name from D2
to D6.

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Step 4 : Select the range A1:D6 to create a Pivot Table. Then Go to Data →Pivot
Table → Create. A window named Select source appears. Here select Current
selection and click OK button.
Step 5 :In the Pivot Table Layout window, drag fields for the Pivot Table from the
Available fields as follows:
Drag and drop Products field from Available fields to Column fields
Drag and drop Country field from Available fields to Row fields

Drag and drop Sales Volume (Rs) field from Available fields to Data fields and click on
OK button.


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Preparation of PIE Chart
Draw a PIE CHART based on the following data relating to the expenses
incurred by a family for the month of JULY 2024

Electricity Water News paper Telephone Medical Petrol Other

Charges Charges Subscription Charges Expenses Charges Expenses
3300 730 1250 3000 8750 9000 5000


To prepare a PIE chart by using LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter the given details in respective cells as below:

Step 3 : Select the data range A1:G2 to prepare Pie chart.

Then Go to INSERT Menu → CHART
A Chart Wizard window appears.
a) Chart Type: Here select the chart type as PIE Chart. Click Next button

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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

b) Data Range : (A1:G2 range already selected) Click Next button
c) Data Series : (Here we can customise data ranges for individual data series) Click
on Next button
d) Chart Elements : Title, Legend and Grid Settings
Subtitle : JULY 2024
and click FINISH button to insert chart


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical 8
Preparation of Column Chart

The total commission earned by DASAN and VIJAYAN for the years 2019-
2023 were given below:


2019 9000 10500
2020 10000 8000
2021 15000 13000
2022 12000 15000
2023 20000 17000

a) Present the data in a Column Chart

b) Change the Chart type to Line chart


To prepare a Column chart from the given details and then convert the chart type
to a Line chart using LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet


A) Prepare Column Chart

Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet
Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc

Step 2 : Enter the given details in respective cells as below:

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Step 3 : Select the data range A1:C6 to prepare Column chart.

Then Go to INSERT Menu → CHART
A Chart Wizard window appears.
a) Chart Type: Here select the chart type as COLUMN Chart. Click Next button
b) Data Range : (A1:C6 range already selected) Select the Check box against “First
Column as Label”.

Click Next button

c) Data Series : (Here we can customise data ranges for individual data series) Click
on Next button
d) Chart Elements : Title, Legend and Grid Settings
Title : Commission Earned by Dasan and Vijayan
Sub Title : 2019 to 2023
X-Axis : Years
Y-Axis: Amount
and click FINISH button to insert chart
B) Change Column chart to Line Chart
Step 1 : Double click on Column chart

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Step 2 : Select Format menu → Chart type
Step 3 : Select Line chart from Chart type. Select style of Line chart. Click on OK



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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 9
Calculation of Depreciation – SLN Method

Below are the details of two assets in a firm. Calculate depreciation

under Straight Line Method using spreadsheet software

Cost of Installation Transportation Salvage Life in
Asset operating
Purchase Charges Charges Value years

Machinery 500000 40000 28000 12000 20000 10

Furniture 200000 25000 15000 5000 30000 5


To calculate depreciation of given assets under SLN method by using LibreOffice

Calc spreadsheet


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc

Step 2 : Enter the labels and values as given below:

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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Step 3 : Calculate Total Cost of Machinery in the cell H2 by applying the
formula =SUM(B2:E2) and then copy the formula to cell H3 to find out the
Total cost of Furniture.

Step 4 : Calculate annual depreciation of the asset Machinery in the cell I2

by applying the formula =SLN(H2,F2,G2) and then copy the formula to cell I3
to find out annual depreciation of Furniture.




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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 10
Calculation of Depreciation – DB Method
The following are the details of a Plant and Machinery. Calculate
depreciation under Written Down Value (WDV) method using LibreOffice
Calc spreadsheet.

Name of Asset Plant & Machinery

Date of Purchase 08/07/2022
Date of Installation 12/07/2022
Cost of Plant & Machinery ₹500000
Installation cost ₹75000
Pre-operating cost ₹25000
Salvage Value ₹50000
Expected life of asset 10 Years
1st year end date 31/03/2023
Period 1


To calculate depreciation of Plant and Machinery under DB method by using

LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet
Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter the labels and values in the cells from A1 to B9 as given below:
(To find Total Cost in the cell B5, add purchase cost of Plant and Machinery, Installation cost and
Pre-operating cost. To find number of months in the first year, consider the period from
08/07/2022 to 31/03/2023)

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Step 3 : To find out depreciation of the asset for the first year, enter the following
formula in the cell B10


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical - 11
Preparation of Payroll

Prepare Payroll of Amritha Ltd. for the month of August 2024, from the
following details :

Name Basic Pay (₹) PF Loan (₹)

Appukkuttan 120900 15000
Mahadevan 118100 18000
Thomaskutty 112800 11000
Govindankutty 107800 0
John Honai 105300 12000

Additional Information
1. DA – 9% of Basic pay
2. HRA – Rs.5000 for employees having Basic pay greater than Rs.110000, for others
3. TA – Rs.500 per employee
4. PF Subscription – 6% of Basic pay
5. TDS – 20% of Gross pay


To prepare payroll of employees with given details by using LibreOffice Calc


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc
Step 2 : Enter the Title “Payroll of Employees” in the cell A1
Step 3 : Enter the following Labels in respective cells
Step 4: Enter the Name of Employees from cells A3 to A7
Step 5: Enter Basic pay of each employee from cells B3 to B7
Step 6 : In the cell C3, enter the formula, =B3*10% and press ENTER key.
Drag the formula down up to C7 cell to find the DA amount of remaining
Step 7: Enter In the cell D3, enter the formula, =IF(B3>110000,5000,4000)
and press ENTER key. Drag the formula down up to D7 cell to find the HRA
amount of remaining employees.
Step 8: Enter the TA value Rs.500 in respect of each employee from cell E3 to
Step 9: In the cell F3, enter the formula, =SUM(B3:E3) to calculate Gross
Salary of the first employee and press ENTER key. Drag the formula down up

to F7 cell to find the Gross Salary of remaining employees.

Step 10: In the cell G3, to find out PF Subscription, enter the formula, =B3*6%
and press ENTER key. Drag the formula down up to G7 cell to find the PF
amount of remaining employees.
Step 11: Enter the PF Loan amount as given in question in respect of each
employee from Cell H3 to H7.

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Step 12: To calculate the value of TDS, in the cell I3, enter the formula,
=ROUND(F3*20%,0) and press ENTER key. Drag the formula down up to I7 cell

to find the TDS amount of remaining employees.

Step 13: To calculate the Total deductions, in the cell J3, enter the formula,
=SUM(G3:I3)and press ENTER key. Drag the formula down up to J7 cell to
find the Total deductions of remaining employees.
Step 14: Finally, to calculate the NET SALARY, in the cell K3, enter the
formula, =F3-J3 and press ENTER key. Drag the formula down up to K7 cell to
find the NET Salary of remaining employees.


Commerce Resource Blog


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Calc

Practical 12
Preparation of BAR Chart

The marks scored by the Commerce students of a school is given below.

Present the data in a Bar chart

Marks 0 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 99 Total
No. of
4 7 10 18 11 50


To prepare a Bar chart from the given details using LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Calc

Step 2 : Enter the given details in respective cells as below:

Step 3 : Select the data range A1:F2 to prepare Column chart.

Then Go to INSERT Menu → CHART
A Chart Wizard window appears.
a) Chart Type: Here select the chart type as BAR Chart. Click Next button

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b) Data Range : (A1:F2 range already selected) Select the Check box against “First
Column as Label”.

Click Next button

c) Data Series : (Here we can customise data ranges for individual data series) Click
on Next button
d) Chart Elements : Title, Legend and Grid Settings
Title : Marks scored by Commerce students
X-Axis : Marks
Y-Axis: No. Of Students
and click FINISH button to insert chart


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Practicals 2024-2025

Practical - 13
Preparation of Trial Balance

Following are the transactions taken from VIVEL TRADERS as on 31.03.2024

01.04.2023 Started business with cash ₹ 500000
04.04.2023 Opened bank account with Canara bank ₹ 100000
10.05.2023 Purchased goods from Pradeep ₹ 90000
25.07.2023 Sold goods to Santhosh ₹ 45000
21.10.2023 Purchased Machinery ₹ 125000
10.01.2024 Paid Wages ₹ 40000
31.03.2024 Commission received ₹ 10000

Display Trial Balance on the basis of given transactions


To prepare and display Trial Balance on the basis of above transactions


Step 1 : Start GNUKhata Accounting package

Applications → Office → GNUKhata

Step 2 : Create Organisation

Click on Create Organisation Tab and enter details as given below :
Organisation Name : VIVEL TRADERS
Case : Upper Case
Organisation Type : Profit making
Financial year : 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024
Ensure that ACCOUNTS ONLY option is selected. Click on Proceed button

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Step 3 : Create Admin

Create Admin user with the following details
Username :a
Password :a
Confirm Password :a
Security Question :a
Answer to Security Question : a
Click on Create & Login. Now the organisation is successfully created.
Step 4 : Ledger Creation
Master → Create Account
Create and Save the following Ledger accounts separately under appropriate

Sl. No. Group Sub Group Account

1 Capital None Capital

2 Current Assets Cash Cash

3 Current Assets Bank Canara Bank

4 Direct Expense None Purchase

5 Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors for Pradeep

6 Direct Income None Sales

7 Current Assets Sundry Debtors Santhosh

8 Fixed Assets Plant & Machinery Machinery

9 Direct Expense None Wages

10 Indirect Income None Commission

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Step 5 : Voucher Entry

Voucher → Select appropriate voucher
Analyse each transaction and select appropriate voucher type for voucher entry.
Enter Voucher No., Voucher Date, Accounts to be debited and credited, Amount.
Save each voucher details separately.

Voucher Function Voucher Dr /
Type Account Name Amount
Type Key Date Cr
Cash Dr
Receipt F4 1 01.04.2023 5,00,000
Capital Cr
Canara Bank Dr
Contra F8 1 04.04.2023 1,00,000
Cash Cr
Purchases Dr
Purchase F7 1 10.05.2023 90,000
Pradeep Cr
Santhosh Dr
Sales F6 1 25.07.2023 45,000
Sales Cr
Machinery Dr
Payment F5 1 21.10.2023 1,25,000
Cash Cr
Wages Dr
Payment F5 2 10.01.2024 40,000
Cash Cr
Cash Dr
Receipt F4 2 31.03.2024 10,000
Commission Cr

Step 6 : Display Trial Balance

Report → Trial Balance

Set, View Trial Balance for the period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024,
Trial Balance Type – Net Trial Balance and Click on View button.

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Practicals 2024-2025

Practical - 14
Preparation of Final Accounts

Enter the following transactions of Jayadeep Associates and display Profit & Loss
Account and Balance Sheet through GNUKhata Accounting software.
01.04.2024 Started business with cash Rs.500000
05.04.2024 Deposited into Federal Bank Rs.100000
09.04.2024 Purchased Machinery Rs.120000
15.04.2024 Purchased goods for cash Rs.50000
20.04.2024 Sold goods for cash Rs.70000
25.04.2024 Sold goods on credit to Samson Traders Rs.80000
28.04.2024 Paid Salaries Rs.50000


To prepare Profit & Loss A/c and Balance sheet of Jayadeep Associates from the given



Step 1 : Start GNUKhata Accounting package

Applications → Office → GNUKhata

Step 2 : Create Organisation

Click on Create Organisation Tab and enter details as given below :
Organisation Name : Jayadeep Associates
Case : As-is
Organisation Type : Profit making
Financial year : 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025
Ensure that ACCOUNTS ONLY option is selected
Click on Proceed button

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Step 3 : Create Admin

Create Admin user with the following details
Username :a
Password :a
Confirm Password :a
Security Question :a
Answer to Security Question : a
Click on Create & Login. Now the organisation is successfully created.
Step 4 : Ledger Creation
Master → Create Account
Create and Save the following Ledger accounts separately under appropriate

Sl. No. Group Sub Group Account

1 Capital None Capital

2 Current Assets Cash Cash

3 Current Assets Bank Federal Bank

4 Fixed Assets Plant & Machinery Machinery

5 Direct Expense None Purchases

6 Direct Income None Sales

7 Current Assets Sundry Debtors Samson Traders

8 Indirect Expenses None Salaries

Step 5 : Voucher Entry

Voucher → Select appropriate voucher

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Analyse each transaction and select appropriate voucher type for voucher entry.
Enter Voucher No., Voucher Date, Accounts to be debited and credited, Amount.
Save each voucher details separately.

Voucher Function Voucher Dr /
Type Account Name Amount
Type Key Date Cr
Cash Dr
Receipt F4 1 01.04.2024 5,00,000
Capital Cr
Federal Bank Dr
Contra F8 1 05.04.2024 1,00,000
Cash Cr
Machinery Dr
Payment F5 1 09.04.2024 1,20,000
Cash Cr
Purchases Dr
Purchases F7 1 15.04.2024 50,000
Cash Cr
Cash Dr
Sales F6 1 20.04.2024 70,000
Sales Cr
Samson Traders Dr
Sales F6 2 25.04.2024 80,000
Sales Cr
Salaries Dr
Payment F5 2 28.04.2024 50,000
Cash Cr

Step 6 : Display Profit and Loss A/c

Report → Profit & Loss
Set, View Profit & Loss for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 and Click on View

Step 7 : Display Balance Sheet

Report → Balance Sheet
Set, View Balance Sheet for the period from 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025
and Balance Sheet Type as Conventional Balance Sheet. Then Click on View

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Gross Profit : Rs. 1,00,000 Net Profit : Rs. 50,000


Balance Sheet Total : Rs.5,50,000

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Practical - 15
Preparation of Balance Sheet from ledger balance

Create the following ledgers using GNUKhata accounting software and display
the Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2024
Items Amount
Capital 2000000
Furniture 650000
Bank Loan 750000
Land and Buildings 700000
Plant and Machinery 825000
Motor Vehicle 600000
Debtors 200000
Outstanding Salary 50000
Cash in Hand 25000
Creditors 200000


To prepare Balance sheet from the given ledger balances.


Step 1 : Start GNUKhata Accounting package

Applications → Office → GNUKhata

Step 2 : Create Organisation

Click on Create Organisation Tab and enter details as given below :
Organisation Name : GOODWILL TRADERS
Case : Upper Case
Organisation Type : Profit making
Financial year : 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024

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Ensure that ACCOUNTS ONLY option is selected
Click on Proceed button

Step 3 : Create Admin

Create Admin user with the following details
Username :a
Password :a
Confirm Password :a
Security Question :a
Answer to Security Question : a
Click on Create & Login. Now the organisation is successfully created.

Step 4 : Ledger Creation

Master → Create Account
Create and Save the following Ledger accounts separately under appropriate
Group with opening balance

Sl. Opening
Group Sub Group Account
No. Balance

1 Capital None Capital 2000000

2 Fixed Assets Furniture Furniture 650000

3 Current Liabilities Creditors for purchases Creditors 200000

4 Loans (Liability) Secured Bank Loan 750000

Land &
5 Fixed Assets Land 700000
Plant &
6 Fixed Assets Plant & Machinery 825000
7 Fixed Assets Motor Vehicle 600000
(Create New Sub-Group)

8 Current Assets Sundry Debtors Debtors 200000

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Sundry Creditors for Outstanding
9 Current Liabilities 50000
expense Salary

10 Current Assets Cash Cash in Hand 25000

Step 5 : Display Balance Sheet

Report → Balance Sheet
Set, View Balance Sheet for the period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 and Balance
Sheet Type as Conventional Balance Sheet. Then Click on View button.


Balance Sheet Total : Rs.30,00,000

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Practicals 2024-2025

Practical - 16
Enter the following transactions in appropriate vouchers of SUN & STAR TRADERS and
prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement on 30.06.2024
01.06.2024 Started business with cash Rs.4,00,000
02.06.2024 Open a Bank A/c with SBI Rs.1,00,000
05.06.2024 Purchased goods by Cheque (No.3210) Rs.25,000
18.06.2024 Received Cheque (No.44517) from Arun Traders Rs.15,000
23.06.2024 Issued a Cheque (No.3211) to Praveen Rs.12,000
30.06.2024 Withdrew from Bank for office use Rs.16,000
On comparison of Cash book with Passbook, the following details were noticed :
a. Cheque No.3210 was cashed on 17.06.2024
b. Cheque No.3211 was cashed on 22.07.2024
c. Cheque received from Arun Traders (No.44517) was collected on 28.07.2024
All other transactions were effected in the Bank on the transaction date itself

To prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement of SUN & STAR Traders from the given transactions.


Step 1 : Start GNUKhata Accounting package

Applications → Office → GNUKhata

Step 2 : Create Organisation

Click on Create Organisation Tab and enter details as given below :
Organisation Name : SUN & STAR TRADERS
Case : As-is
Organisation Type : Profit making
Financial year : 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025
Ensure that ACCOUNTS ONLY option is selected
Click on Proceed button

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Step 3 : Create Admin
Create Admin user with the following details
Username :a
Password :a
Confirm Password :a
Security Question :a
Answer to Security Question : a
Click on Create & Login. Now the organisation is successfully created.

Step 4 : Ledger Creation

Master → Create Account
Create and Save the following Ledger accounts separately under appropriate

Sl. No. Group Sub Group Account

1 Capital None Capital

2 Current Assets Cash Cash
3 Current Assets Bank SBI
4 Direct Expense None Purchases
5 Current Assets Sundry Debtors Arun Traders
Sundry Creditors
6 Current Liabilities Praveen
for purchase

Step 5 : Voucher Entry

Voucher → Select appropriate voucher
Analyse each transaction and select appropriate voucher type for voucher entry.
Enter Voucher No., Voucher Date, Accounts to be debited and credited, Amount.
Save each voucher details separately.

Voucher Function Voucher Account Dr /
Type Amount
Type Key Date Name Cr
Cash Dr 400000
Receipt F4 1 01.06.2024
Capital Cr 400000

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SBI Dr 100000
Contra F8 1 02.06.2024
Cash Cr 100000
Purchases Dr 25000
Purchases F7 1 05.06.2024
SBI Cr 25000
SBI Dr 15000
Receipt F4 2 18.06.2024
Arun Traders Cr 15000
Praveen Dr 12000
Payment F5 1 23.06.2024
SBI Cr 12000
Cash Dr 16000
Contra F8 2 30.06.2024
SBI Cr 16000

Step 6 : Reconciliation
Master → Bank Reconciliation Statement
Select Account Name → SBI

Set From Date as 01.06.2004 and To Date as 30.06.2024 and Click on View.
Uncleared transaction details of the Bank A/c with a Clearance Date field will be
displayed. In the Clearance Date field of first transaction, enter the date on which the
transaction is effected in the Bank books. Then press ENTER key. Nothing to enter in the
Memo field. Again Press ENTER key. Transactions which are effected in June 2024 itself were
cleared from the Uncleared transaction details and those transactions which are effected in
the next month (July 2024) will remain there as uncleared. Likewise, enter clearance date of
all displayed transactions.
Step 7 : View Reconciled Statement
After entering Clearance Date for transactions, Click on View Statement
at the bottom of the Window to get Reconciled Statement.


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Practicals 2024-2025 LibreOffice Base

Practical - 17
Use of Database objects

Enter the following in a database table with File name, TBL_Employee


3501 HAREESH Male 35000
3502 MANU Male 65000
3503 HRIDYA Female 70000
3504 SMRITHI Female 48000
3505 DAVID Male 55000

(a) Display the name of employees drawing Basic pay greater than or equal to 60000
(b) List the name of all employees beginning with the alphabet “H”


To create a new database table and to find answers to given questions


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Base

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Base
Step 2 : Create New Database.
 Database Wizard → Create a new database → Next → Finish
 Save the new database with file name 'Tbl_Employee' and by selecting Desktop as location.

Step 3 : Create Table

From the Database Panel, select the object Tables and from the Tasks window, select

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Create Table in Design view.
Create the following Field Name with appropriate field Type
Select and set EMP_ID field as Primary Key

Save the Table Design with a name 'Table_employee'

Step 4 : Create Form
From the Database Panel, select the object Forms and from the Tasks window, select Use Wizard to
create Form
Through the Form Wizard, Add Available Fields to Fields in the Form, Select appropriate arrangement
for the Main Form, Select style of the Form and Set name of the Form as Form_employee and Finish.
The form is now ready for data entry. Enter the given details of all employees such as
EMP ID, Name, Gender and Basic pay through the Form.

Step 5 : Create Query to display the name of employees drawing BASIC PAY greater
than or equal to 60000.
From the Database Panel, select the object Queries and from the Tasks window, select Create Query
in Design View.
A small window appears namely, Add Table or Query. Add the Table named Table_employee and
Close the window.
From the Table_employee window, double click on the fields such as EMP_ID, EMP_NAME,
EMP_GENDER and EMP_BASIC to add these fields to Query design grid.
In the Criterion field of EMP_BASIC column, enter the following expression with Comparison
>= 60000
Press F5 key or Run Query button to display the result.
Save the Query with a file name Query_basic>=60000.

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Step 6 : Create Query to display the salary details of employees whose name begins
with 'H'.
From the Database Panel, select the object Queries and from the Tasks window, select Create Query
in Design View.
A small window appears namely, Add Table or Query. Select the object Table and Table_employee.
Then click on Add button at the bottom and Close the window.
From the Table_employee window, double click on all the fields to add these fields to Query design
In the Criterion field of EMP_NAME column, enter the following expression with Special operator,
Press F5 key or Run Query button to display the result.
Save the Query with a file name Query_H

OUTPUT 1 : Employees with Basic pay greater than or equals to 60000

OUTPUT 2 : Employees name begin with letter H


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Practical - 18
Preparation of Payroll

Prepare a Payroll of the below employees to show the Gross pay, with the following details.


(15% of BP)
T_2577 DILSHAD 81000 3500
T_2845 GANESH 83000 4000
L_4310 SAMSON 75600 3000
L_5714 ANUJA 70000 2500
S_0178 FOUSIYA 77200 3000


To prepare a payroll from the given details


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Base

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Base
Step 2 : Create New Database.
 Database Wizard → Create a new database → Next → Finish
 Save the new database with file name 'PAYROLL' and by selecting
Desktop as location.
Step 3 : Create Table
From the Database Panel, select the object Tables and from the Tasks
window, select Create Table in Design view.

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Create the following Field Name with appropriate field Type
Select and set EMP_ID field as Primary Key

Save the Table Design with a name 'TABLE_EMPLOYEE'

Step 4 : Create Form

From the Database Panel, select the object Forms and from the Tasks window,
select Use Wizard to create Form
Through the Form Wizard, Add Available Fields to Fields in the Form, Select
appropriate arrangement for the Main Form, Select style of the Form and Set name
of the Form as Form_employee and Finish.
The form is now ready for data entry. Enter the given details of all
employees such as EMP ID, Name, Basic pay and HRA through the Form.

Step 5 : Create Query to find DA 15% and GROSSPAY

From the Database Panel, select the object Queries and from the Tasks window,
select Create Query in Design View.
A small window appears namely, Add Table or Query. Select the object Table
and Table_Employee. Then click on Add button at the bottom and Close the
From the Table_Payroll window, double click on the fields such as EMP_ID,
EMP_NAME, EMP_BP to add these fields to Query design grid. Then in the next
field of Query design grid, enter the following expression to calculate DA.
“EMP_BP” * 15/100
Enter Alias name as DA to represent name of this field in the Table.
To add HRA field as next field to the grid, double click on HRA at Table_Payroll

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In the next field, to calculate the Gross Salary of employees, enter the following
EMP_BP + EMP_BP * 15/100 + HRA
Enter Alias name as GROSSPAY to represent name of this field in the Table.

Press F5 key or Run Query button to display the result.

Save the Query with a file name Query_Payroll.


Commerce Resource Blog

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Practical - 19
Creating Relationship between Tables

Create database tables named EMPLOYEE and PAY_DETAILS with the following
field names. Create relationship between these two tables.

Table Name Fields



To create tables and make relationship between them.


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Base

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Base
Step 2 : Create New Database.
 Database Wizard → Create a new database → Next → Finish
 Save the new database with file name 'EMPLOYEEDATA' and by
selecting Desktop as location.
Step 3 : Create Table 1 - EMPLOYEE
From the Database Panel, select the object Tables and from the Tasks
window, select Create Table in Design view.
Create the following Field Name with appropriate field type

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Select and set EMP_ID field as Primary Key

Save the Table Design with a name 'EMPLOYEE'

Step 4 : Create Table 2 - PAY_DETAILS

From the Database Panel, select the object Tables and from the Tasks
window, select Create Table in Design view.
Create the following Field Name with appropriate field Type

Select and set EMP_ID field as Primary Key

Save the Table Design with a name 'PAY_DETAILS'

Step 5: Create Relationship between Tables

Tools Menu → Relationships

An ADD TABLES dialogue window appears. From the list of tables, select the

table EMPLOYEE and click on Add button. Also select PAY_DETAILS table and

click on add button. This will add the two tables to Relation Design window and

then close the dialogue window.

In the Relation Design window, Click on Emp_ID field of one table and drag and

drop on to the Emp_ID field of the other table. A connecting line between these

two fields is formed that indicates relationship between these two tables.

Then click on Save button to save the relationship and close the window.

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Practical - 20
Preparation of Report

Create STUDENT table in database with the following fields

Field name Data type Field length
STUD_NO Text 5
SEX Text 1
PLACE Text 20
CLASS Text 10

(Hint : Classes are Science, Commerce and Humanities)

a) Enter six records with imaginary details
b) Prepare Report of students from Commerce Class.


To prepare a table with imaginary details and generation of Report by using

LibreOffice Base.


Step 1 : Open LibreOffice Base

Applications → Office → LibreOffice Base
Step 2 : Create New Database.
 Database Wizard → Create a new database → Next → Finish
 Save the new database with file name 'STUDENTDATA' and by selecting
Desktop as location.

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Step 3 : Create Table
From the Database Panel, select the object Tables and from the Tasks
window, select Create Table in Design view.
Create the following Field Name with appropriate field Type. Set Field lengths as
given in the question.

Select and set STUD_NO field as Primary Key

Save the Table Design with a name ' Table_Student'

Step 4: Create Form

From the Database Panel, select the object Forms and from the Tasks window,
select Use Wizard to create Form.
Through the Form Wizard, Select Table_Student and Add Available Fields to
Fields in the Form. Select appropriate arrangement for the Main Form , Select
style of the Form and Set name of the Form as Form_Student and Finish.
The form is now ready for data entry. Enter imaginary details of six students

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Step 5 : Create Query

From the Database Panel, select the object Queries and from the Tasks window,
select Create Query in Design View.
A small window appears namely, Add Table or Query. Select the object Table
and add table Table_Student to the Query window and Close the window. From the
table, double click on all fields to add the same to Query design grid. In the
Criterion field of the CLASS, enter the text 'COMMERCE' to display only
Commerce Students.

Press F5 key or Run Query button to display the result.

Save the Query with a file name Query_Commerce

Step 6 : Create Report

From the Database Panel, select the object Report and from the Tasks window,
select Use Wizard to Create Report.
In the Report Wizard window, Under field selection, Select Query_Commerce.
Then press Add All button (>>) to add all fields in report. Then click Next button.
In Labelling Fields section, change the labels of the fields as to be appeared in
the report, if necessary, and then click Next button. In Grouping Level section
click Next button, as we don't require any grouping level here. In Sort Option,
select any sorting order, if necessary, and click Next button. In Choose Layout

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section, select Tabular lay out. Select Page Orientation (Landscape/Portrait) and
click Next button. In Create Report stage, give the title of report as
'Rpt_Commerce' and select 'Create Report Now' and click Finish button.


Commerce Resource Blog

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