PLC Handbook Agriculture Year 1

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Secondary Education Professional Development Programme

Professional Learning Community Handbook

Year One
Professional Learning
Community Handbook


Year One


Published by the Ministry of Education, Ghana under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

International License.


Introduction 1

PLC SESSION 0: Internal Assessment Structure and Transcript System

for SHS/SHTS and STEM Schools 3

PLC SESSION 1: Misconceptions in Agriculture and how to Dispel them 5

Appendix A: Sample of Portfolio 9

PLC SESSION 2: Meaning and Importance of Agricultural Education 11

Appendix B: Sample of Group Project Work 15

PLC SESSION 3: Interdependence between Agriculture and Industry 18

PLC SESSION 4: Measuring Tools in Agriculture, their Uses and Maintenance 21

PLC SESSION 5: Safety Measures Employed in Operating Farm Machines

and Power in Agricultural Production 24

PLC SESSION 6: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination 28

Appendix C: Table of Specification for Mid Semester Examination 32

PLC SESSION 7: Types and Uses of Farm Machines and Power in Agricultural Production 34

PLC SESSION 8: Principal Parts of Farm Machines and Implements and their Functions 37

PLC SESSION 9: Classification of Crops 41

PLC SESSION 10: Principles of Crop Production 44

PLC SESSION 11: Hands-on and Observation of Farm Practical Activities

to Acquire Skills in the Principles of Crop Production 48

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination 51

Appendix D: Table of Specification for End of Semester Examination 56

PLC SESSION 13: Management Systems Involved in Animal Production 59

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management Practices for Rearing Animals 63

Appendix E: Sample of Individual Project Work 67

PLC SESSION 15: Concepts and Importance of the Interrelations between

Forestry and Agriculture 70

PLC SESSION 16: Meaning and Nature of Soil 74

PLC SESSION 17: Composition of Soil and their Importance 77

PLC SESSION 18: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination 81

Appendix G: Table of Specification for Mid-Semester Examination 85


PLC SESSION 19: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Crop Production 86

PLC SESSION 20: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Animal Production 90

PLC SESSION 21: Farm as an Economic Unit 94

PLC SESSION 22: Strategies for Effective Communication in Agriculture 99

PLC SESSION 23: Activities of Agribusiness Management 102

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination 106

Appendix E: Table of Specification for End of Semester Examination 112

Appendices 114

Appendix 1: Structure of The Senior High School Internal Assessment

and Transcript System 114

Appendix 2: Excerpts from The Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit 122

Appendix 3: Teacher Lesson Observation Form 156

Appendix 4: How to Check CPD Points and Training Records on Teacher Portal Ghana 160

List of Contributors 163


This Professional Learning Community (PLC) Handbook is designed to enable teachers to

deliver effective lessons for Year One of the new Agriculture Curriculum. ‘Effective’ is
defined as meaning that each lesson:

i. Has a weekly learning plan which is aligned with the content and pedagogy set out
in the relevant Teacher Manual;
ii. Incorporates the relevant Learner Material which are available on the curriculum
iii. Contains assessment strategies which are aligned with the Teacher Manual,
Learner Material and Transcript Assessment Guidance;
iv. Is delivered by the teacher in close adherence (Fidelity of Implementation) with i.)
to iii.) above.

The PLC Handbook has a strong focus on assessment, outlining structured approaches to
assessment derived from the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit (TAMTs),
emphasising the attainment of learning outcomes, timely feedback to learners and
recording learning outcomes accurately.
Additionally, this Handbook prescribes nine (9) main assessment events which teachers
should score and record to constitute each learner’s academic transcript for the academic
year as follows: Two (2) Class exercises or Homework, one (1) Individual Portfolio, one (1)
Group Project, two (2) Mid-semester examinations (in first and second semesters), two (2)
End of Semester examinations (in first and second semester) and one (1) Individual project.
It also promotes continuous weekly assessment for learning across all DoK levels,
supporting teachers to deliver an all-inclusive education by inculcating 21st century skills,
ICT, national values and support to special needs learners.
The TAMT identifies six modes of assessment which cover the nine events described above.
The modes, which are described below.

a. Group Project: One (1) group project should be given in week 2 of the first semester
and collected from learners in the 8th week. The scores for the project should be
b. Class Exercise: Class exercises/homework conducted in weeks 3, 5 and 9 in the first
semester and weeks 13,19 and 20 in the second semester. Two (2) best scores of the
learner for these exercises i.e., 1 in each semester should be recorded for the learner.
c. Portfolio: One (1) portfolio should be given in week 1 and submitted in week 22, the
scores of the portfolio should be recorded.
d. Mid-Semester Examination: Two (2) mid-semester examinations should be
conducted, 1 in each semester, in week 6 for first semester and week 18 for the
second semester.

e. Individual Project: One (1) individual project should be given in week 14 and
submitted in week 20 for assessment.
f. End of Semester Examination: At the end of each semester, an end of semester
examination should be conducted, that is in weeks 12 and 24 of the first and second
semester respectively.

PLC SESSION 0: Internal Assessment Structure and
Transcript System for SHS/SHTS and STEM Schools

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

This Professional Learning Community (PLC) session focuses on enhancing internal
assessment and transcript system to ensure it aligns with the new Senior High School,
Senior High Technical School and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
curriculum and effectively supports student learning.
In this session, you will discuss the structure and frequency of assessments, strategies
for involving learners in the assessment process, methods for providing constructive
feedback and the implementation of a robust transcript system.

1.1 Share two ways in which you have used assessment in the past to support teaching
and learning.
1.2 Share your observation on how a colleague used assessment in the past to support
teaching and learning.

2. Internal assessment structure and frequency (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session.

The purpose of the session is to strengthen teachers’ understanding and competence in
assessment techniques to effectively teach and assess the new SHS, SHTS and STEM

Learning Outcome
To ensure teachers understand the assessment structure and acquire the skill to design,
administer and provide feedback of the assessments that accurately reflect the learning
outcomes for each week.

Learning Indicators
1. Discuss the formative and summative assessment strategies recommended for the
new curriculum.
2. Discuss in detail, the relevance and structure of the assessment transcript system
and its use/implementation.

2.2 Discuss formative assessment strategies which can be used in your subject area.

Questioning, etc.

PLC SESSION 0: Internal Assessment Structure and Transcript System for SHS/SHTS and STEM Schools

2.3 Discuss summative assessment strategies which can be used in your subject area.

End of Semester Examinations, etc.

2.4 Discuss as a subject group how you would administer a given assessment strategy.

Class Exercise:

i. Inform learners ahead of time

ii. Write the questions on the board, etc.

2.5 Discuss methods of providing constructive feedback to learners on their


Provide individual comments on learners’ work, etc.

2.6 Discuss as a subject group some of the do’s and don’ts of constructing assessment

Do: Align the purpose of the assessment with the task, etc.
Don’t: Do not give clues in the stem, etc.

2.7 Discuss as a subject group the main assessments that would be recorded in the
transcript system in the academic year.

Class exercise, etc.

2.8 Discuss how and where you would record and submit learners’ assessments for
the transcript system.

Record learners scores immediately, etc.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session.
3.2 Remember to:

a) read PLC Session 1 and related Learner Material

b) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 1 in
preparation for the next session.

PLC SESSION 1: Misconceptions in Agriculture and
how to Dispel them

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share two things you did in the classroom based on your experience in the various
PLC sessions you have attended (NTS 1a-1b, 2a).
1.2 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from previous PLC sessions attended (NTS 2e, 2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of learning plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session.

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 1 by aligning the plan
with the Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 1considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e,
2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 1 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with those in the Learner Material. Indicate
the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a -3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) for the week.
This week’s recommended mode of assessment is group poster presentation
(NTS 3k, 3p).

Make a presentation on five (5) misconceptions in Agriculture as well as how misconceptions
in Agriculture can be dispelled.

PLC SESSION 1: Misconceptions in Agriculture and how to Dispel them

Refer to Teacher Manual Section 1, Week 1, pages 17 to 20 and Learner Material Section 1 for
more task examples.


Give task on Portfolio to learners to be done individually and submitted in week 22. Refer to
Appendix A for sample portfolio.


i. The assessment tasks may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that assessment
is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities in the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total score of 20 marks for the group poster presentation as shown in the rubrics

a) Expected content answers for misconceptions in Agriculture

i. Agriculture is a low-status occupation

ii. Agriculture is only for rural areas
iii. Modern farming practices are not applicable or affordable
iv. Agriculture is solely reliant on rain-fed
v. Agriculture is a male-dominated field

b) Expected content answers for how to dispel misconceptions in Agriculture

i. Hands-on projects
ii. Agricultural clubs and extracurricular activities
iii. Curriculum integration
iv. Resource person/experts
v. Collaboration with local farmers and Agricultural organisations.

c) Rubrics for Scoring Group Poster Presentation in Week 1 (20 marks)

PLC SESSION 1: Misconceptions in Agriculture and how to Dispel them


Excellent Very Goo Fair Poor

(4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark)
Content Provides at Provides three (3) Provides two (2) Provides one (1)
least four (4) misconceptions misconceptions in misconception in
misconceptions in in Agriculture and Agriculture and two Agriculture and one
Agriculture and four three (3) solutions. (2) solutions. (1) solution.
(4) solutions

Graphics/ Slides are attractive. Slides are attractive. Slides are attractive. Slides are not
Text is legible. No Text is legible. Some Text is not very attractive. Text
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. legible. Some is not legible.
grammatical errors. There are several
grammatical errors.

Presentation/ Presenters make Presenters make Presenters make Presenters make

Organisation very good eye good eye contact minimal eye contact no contact with
contact with with the audience. with the audience. the audience.
the audience. Minimal reading Everything is read Everything is read
All material is from the screen or directly from the directly from the
presented using page. screen or page. screen of page.
language that is
original without
reading from the
screen or page.

Time Usage Presentation meets Presentation is 2-3 Presentation is 4-6 Presentation is

the 10-minute time minutes under the minutes under the 8-10 minutes or
requirement. 10-minute time 10-minute time more under the
requirement. requirement. 10-minute time

Collaboration Members actively Members Sometimes listens Members

encourage and participate well; to others but rarely listens or
support each they listen to has difficulty contributes to team
other; they listen others’ ideas contributing discussions.
to others’ ideas; and contributes effectively.
facilitate group effectively.

Total – 20 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.

PLC SESSION 1: Misconceptions in Agriculture and how to Dispel them

iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Explain the task and recommend learning resources to learners, guide them to create
PowerPoints and provide feedback on learners PowerPoint slides, presentation style and
content, etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 97-99 for more information on
poster presentation.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l -3n).

Analyse learners’ PowerPoint presentation to know if they followed the instructions given to
them, note their strengths and weaknesses for discussion in class, and encourage them to use
the feedback on the discussions to improve their next poster presentation, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a – 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 1 to
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 2 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 2 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 1: Misconceptions in Agriculture and how to Dispel them

Appendix A: Sample of Portfolio

Develop a portfolio using your class works, home works, field work, mid-term papers and end
of first semester paper to showcase your progress and achievements throughout the academic
year. After your portfolio is done, write a brief reflection of not more than 250 words, stating
some valuable skills that you have learned, the challenges you faced and things you can do to
improve upon your academic progress in the next academic year.

Artefacts (items) to be included in the Portfolio

a) Learner’s class exercise and homework book for Agriculture
b) Copies of group class exercises
c) Individual project(s)
d) A copy of group project (handwritten or photocopied)
e) A brief reflection (not more than 250 words) on your academic journey for the year,
stating what skills you’ve learned, what challenges you faced on the journey and things
you can do to improve upon your achievements in next academic year, etc.

Structure and organisation of the Portfolio

As part of the structure of the portfolio, learners should have the following details

a) Cover Page (Title, Student name, Student ID, Class, Date of submission)
b) List of Content
c) Items/artefacts should be arranged in order in a ‘clear bag/file’, thus exercise book, group
exercise, individual project, group project, reflection, test papers, etc.

How to Administer
a) Explain the type of portfolio to the learners; a collection of assessments done throughout
the academic year
b) Give the portfolio assignment/task to learners in week 1 of first semester
c) Call for the portfolios routinely for evaluation, ensuring that learners are keeping record/
evidence of work done as intended
d) By the 20th week, instruct learners to write their reflections and design a cover page for
their portfolio
e) Portfolio should be submitted in the 22nd week at a time agreed by both teacher and
learners, etc.

PLC SESSION 1: Misconceptions in Agriculture and how to Dispel them

Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 143-149 for more information
on how to use portfolio as an assessment strategy.

a) Routinely inspect portfolio and provide feedback, pointing out any omissions identified
in the portfolio
b) Share the results of the portfolio with the learners and commend their efforts
c) Return the items/artefacts to the learners unless otherwise decided by the entire class
d) Encourage learners to keep record of their academic works for future reference, etc.

Rubrics for scoring

a) Cover page [3 marks]
b) List of content [2 marks]
c) Introduction [5 marks]
d) At least a copy of one group class exercise [5 marks
e) Individual project work [5 marks]
f) A copy of group project work [5 marks]
g) Learner’s reflection for the year [10 marks]
h) Demonstration of creativity and self-directed learning [5 marks]

PLC SESSION 2: Meaning and Importance of
Agricultural Education

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 1delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 1 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 2 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 2 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e,
2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 2 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 2: Meaning and Importance of Agricultural Education

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is essay (NTS 3k,

Write an essay on the need for Agriculture education.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 1, Week 2, pages 21-22 and Learner Material Section 1 for
more task examples.


Give out group project work this week. It should be submitted in Week 8. See Appendix B for
sample project work.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

1.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total score of 20 marks for the essay as shown in the rubrics below:
Rubrics for Grading Essay in Week 2 on the Need for Agricultural Education

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Needs

(4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) Improvement
(1 mark)
Understanding Demonstrates Shows a good Shows a basic Demonstrates
of Agricultural an in-depth understanding understanding little to no
Education understanding of Agricultural of Agricultural understanding
of Agricultural education but may education but lacks of Agricultural
education and focus on limited depth or misses key education or its
its importance, aspects. elements. relevance.
addressing multiple
facets such as
food security, and

PLC SESSION 2: Meaning and Importance of Agricultural Education

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Needs

(4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) Improvement
(1 mark)
Clarity of Presents a clear, Presents a clear Argument is Argument is
Argument compelling argument with present but lacks unclear, weak, or
argument for some supporting clarity or strong not supported by
the need for reasoning and support. evidence.
Agricultural evidence.
education, backed
by strong reasoning
and evidence.

Organisation Well-organised Has a clear Shows some Essay is

and Structure with a clear structure with an organisation disorganised with
introduction, body, introduction, body, but lacks clear no clear structure
and conclusion; and conclusion, transitions between or logical flow of
ideas flow logically though transitions ideas. ideas.
from one to the may be weak.

Depth of Thoughtfully Provides a solid Offers limited Provides little to

Analysis analyses the need analysis but may analysis; focuses no analysis, with
for Agricultural not explore future more on description vague or superficial
education, implications in than critical discussion.
addressing both the depth. thinking.
current state and
future implications.

Writing Free of Contains a few Contains several Frequent errors in

Mechanics grammatical, minor errors, errors that may grammar, spelling,
(Grammar, spelling, or but they do not distract from the and punctuation
Spelling, punctuation errors; interfere with the overall clarity. significantly hinder
Punctuation) writing is polished overall readability. readability.
and professional.

Total – 20 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide learners with guidelines on how to write essays, and encourage them to collaborate
and tolerate each other’s views, etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 94 to 97 for more information on
how to assess essay.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Share the scoring rubrics and results of the essay with learners, discuss it, and encourage them
to use the feedback for future work, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a – 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 2 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 3 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 3 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 2: Meaning and Importance of Agricultural Education

 Appendix B: Sample of Group Project Work

The project is to identify an agro-based industry in your community and analyse how the
industry and Agriculture are interdependent

Sample Task
a) In groups, design a questionnaire with a maximum of 10 questions on the interdependency
between Agriculture and industry.
b) Visit any agro-based industry in your community and find out about how the work they
do depend on Agriculture and vice versa using the designed questionnaire.
c) Interview at least 10 workers from the agro-based industry, it should include the human
resource manager, production manager and labourers.
d) Keep accurate records of your interviews.
e) Analyse the data collected and write a report on it.
f) The report should consider cover page, goal and objectives, background, methods,
results and recommendations or other deliverables.
g) Record daily attendance for all group members.

Project should be submitted in week 8 of first semester for scoring.

How to Administer
a) At the beginning of lessons for Week 2, inform learners that there will be a group project
for them and help the learners to form groups
b) Share the task with learners and explain it to them
c) Provide learners with letters to seek permission from the agro-based industry prior to
their visit
d) Encourage cooperation among the group members, etc.

Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 34-36 for more information on the
assessment of project.

a) Discuss the scoring rubrics with the learners and share the results with them for

PLC SESSION 2: Meaning and Importance of Agricultural Education

b) Let each group share their success and challenging stories during data collection for the
project and how they overcame it, etc.

Rubrics for Scoring

Assign a total of 27 marks to be scaled down to 20 marks

a) Expected content answers for interdependencies between Agriculture and industry.

i. Processing and manufacturing industry: Agriculture produces the basic raw

materials for most industries, especially the agro-based industries. Agriculture also
depends on industry for the processing of the produce into finished forms for value
ii. Chemical industry: This industry produces fertilisers, insecticides, pesticides and
weedicides for the maintenance of soil fertility, prevention and treatment of
diseases, pests and weeds. Agriculture provides the chemical industry with raw
materials such as farmyard wastes for the manufacturing of organic fertilisers.
iii. Mechanical industry: Various types of farm machineries and implements are
manufactured by mechanical industry to increase Agricultural productivity.
Agriculture intends to provide food to the workers in this industry.
iv. Financial Institutions: Farmers in the Agricultural sector get loans from the banks
and other financial institutions to expand and sustain their farming enterprises.
Farmers on the other hand save with these banks and financial institutions to
sustain the financial institutions
v. Transport industry: They are involved in moving Agricultural produce from the farm
gate to the marketing and processing centres. The transport industry also depends
on the funds obtained from the evacuation of Agricultural produce to sustain their
vi. Research: Researchers carry out experiments to come up with Agricultural
innovations, new techniques and technologies to improve crop and animal
production. Agriculture in turn provides specimens to researchers for their
experiments, feedback on their research outcomes and food for consumption.

b) Rubrics for Grading Group Project Work

 Excellent (3 marks) Good (2 marks) Acceptable (1 mark)

Cover page States the topic, States the topic, At least one of these, the
name, ID and date of name, ID and date of topic, name, ID or date
submission correctly. submission with some of submission is missing
mistakes. and some mistakes are

Background Provides appropriate Provides appropriate Provides appropriate

introduction, problem introduction and introduction but not
statement and problem statement but problem statement and
justification. not justification. justification.

PLC SESSION 2: Meaning and Importance of Agricultural Education

 Excellent (3 marks) Good (2 marks) Acceptable (1 mark)

Objectives Objectives are Objectives are Objectives are specific
specific, measurable, specific, measurable, and measurable,
achievable, relevant, achievable, but lacks but not achievable,
and time-bound. relevance and time- relevant, and time-
bound. bound.

Methods Clearly states the study States the study area, States the study area
area, the experimental the experimental design and data collection
design, data collection and data collection procedure, but lacks
procedure and data procedure, but lacks experimental design
analysis. appropriate data and data analysis.

Results and discussion Provide and discuss Provide and discuss Provide and
at least four three interdependencies discuss two or less
interdependencies between Agriculture interdependencies
between Agriculture and industry. between Agriculture
and industry. and industry.

Conclusion and Delivers clear, Delivers useful Conclusion and

recommendations comprehensive conclusion and recommendations may
conclusion and recommendations not be useful or are
recommendations that that are supported by weakly supported by
are well supported by project findings. project findings.
project findings.

References Sources are directly Sources are related Sources are related to
related to the topic, to the topic and up- the topic, but out-dated
up-to-date and to-date, but adapted and adapted different
adapted APA (American different formats. formats.
Association) style.

Other criteria to be used by the teacher

Creativity Groups exhibit high- Groups exhibit Groups exhibit less

level imaginative skills imaginative and imaginative and critical
such as inclusion of critical thinking skills thinking skills in their
pictures, graphs and with the inclusion of report.
other multimedia few pictures, graphs
contents in their report. and other multimedia
contents in their report.

Teamwork Strong teamwork and Teamwork and active Poor teamwork and
active participation participation by some participation.
by all members of the group members.

Total -30 marks

PLC SESSION 3: Interdependence between Agriculture
and Industry

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 2 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 2 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 3 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 3 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e,
2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 3 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 3: Interdependence between Agriculture and Industry

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) for the week.
This week’s recommended mode of assessment is class exercise (NTS 3k, 3p).

Outline five (5) ways Agriculture and industry depend on each other.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 1, Week 3, pages 27 and 28, and Learner Material Section 1 for
more task examples.


i. The assessment tasks may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that assessment
is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities in the learning plan

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

The total score for the class exercise is 10 marks. Give two (2) marks for each correct answer, 1
mark for the point and another mark for the outline.
Expected answers:

a) Processing industry: Agriculture produces the basic raw materials for processing
industry, and Agriculture depends on processing industry for the processing of the
produce into finished forms.
b) Chemical industry: Produces fertilisers and insecticides for Agricultural activities, and
Agriculture provides the chemical industry with raw materials for the manufacturing of
organic fertilisers and insecticides.
c) Mechanical industry: Manufactures farm machineries and implements for Agricultural
activities, Agriculture intends to provide food to the workers in this industry.
d) Financial Institutions: Provide funds for farmers and Agricultural workers, while farmers
and Agricultural workers save with financial institutions.
e) Transport industry: Moves Agricultural produce from the farm gate to the markets and
consumers, and the transport industry depends on the funds obtained from the
evacuation of Agricultural produce to sustain their business.
2 x 5 = 10 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.

PLC SESSION 3: Interdependence between Agriculture and Industry

iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide necessary resources and support learners to succeed in their class exercise (links to
websites and materials on the interdependency between Agriculture and industry), etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 80-83 for more information on the
assessment of class exercise.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l -3n).

Provide constructive feedback on learners’ work and encourage learners to use the feedback
to improve their next class exercise, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a -1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 3 to
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a. provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b. read PLC Session 4 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c. bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 4 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 4: Measuring Tools in Agriculture, their
Uses and Maintenance

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 3 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 3 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 4 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 4 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 4 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 4: Measuring Tools in Agriculture, their Uses and Maintenance

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) for the week.
This week’s recommended mode of assessment is multiple choice question (NTS
3k, 3p).

Multiple Choice Question
1. The instrument used for precise measurement of length is ……….

A. Surveyor’s tape
B. Tape measure
C. Vernier calliper
D. All of the above 1 mark for the correct answer

Refer to Teacher Manual Section 2, Week 4, pages 34 to 38 and Learner Material Section 2 for
more task examples.


i. The assessment tasks may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that assessment
is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities in the learning plan

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Multiple Choice Question

1. The instrument used for precise measurement of length is ……….

A. Surveyor’s tape
B. Tape measure
C. Vernier calliper
D. All of the above

Correct answer is C (1 mark for the correct answer)


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring

PLC SESSION 4: Measuring Tools in Agriculture, their Uses and Maintenance

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide learners with clear guidelines and sample multiple choice questions and encourage
learners to submit their work on time, etc.
Refer to pages 83-86 of the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit for further information
on multiple choice questions.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Mark the multiple choice questions immediately, provide feedback on learners’ answers and
allow them to do corrections on their work, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a -1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 4 to
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 5 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 5 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 5: Safety Measures Employed in
Operating Farm Machines and Power in Agricultural

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 4 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 4 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 5 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 5 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e,
2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 5 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 5: Safety Measures Employed in Operating Farm Machines and Power in Agricultural Production

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) for the week.
This week’s recommended mode of assessment is group homework (NTS 3k, 3p).

Provide five (5) safety measures that should be put in place during a farming activity to prevent
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 2, Week 5, pages 44 to 46 and Learner Material Section 2 for
more task examples.
The homework should be submitted in week 7.


i. The assessment tasks may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that assessment
is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities in the learning plan

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total score of 13 marks for the homework, 10 marks for the safety measures that
are put in place during a farming activity and a maximum of 3 marks for teamwork and

a) Expected answers:

i. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wear PPE such as helmets, safety goggles, ear
protection, overalls, gloves, and safety boots to protect against potential hazards
including flying debris, noise, chemicals, and falls.
ii. Hazard Identification and Warning Signs: Clear warning signs, labels, and markings
should be placed on machines to alert Agricultural workers about potential dangers.
iii. Training and Education: Proper training and education on the safe operation of
farm machines is crucial.
iv. Machine Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspection and maintenance of
farm machines is necessary to ensure they are in proper working condition.
v. Safe Start-up and Shutdown Procedures: Following correct start-up and shutdown
procedures is crucial for operator safety.

Give 2 marks for each correct item, 1 mark for stating the point and 1 mark for stating the
safety measures that are put in place during a farming activity to prevent injuries on the
farm. 2 x 5 = 10 marks

PLC SESSION 5: Safety Measures Employed in Operating Farm Machines and Power in Agricultural Production

b) Teamwork and collaboration

i. Strong teamwork and active participation by all members of the group = 3 marks
ii. Teamwork and active participation by some group members = 2 marks
iii. Poor teamwork and active participation = 1 mark

Maximum of 3 marks
Total – 13 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Ask learners to start their homework at close of class lessons for the day and encourage them
to consult their parents or use the internet, when necessary, etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 57 to 60 for more examples of how to
administer homework.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Encourage learners to bring up questions on safety measures that were unclear for class
discussion and use feedback to improve upon their understanding, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a -1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 5 to
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).

PLC SESSION 5: Safety Measures Employed in Operating Farm Machines and Power in Agricultural Production

3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 6 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan in week 6 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 6: Preparing for Mid-Semester

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 5 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 5 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 6 lessons and mid-
semester examination by aligning the learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate
assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 6 and prepare for mid-semester examination considering
the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 6 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f and 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 6: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) for the week.
This week’s recommended mode of assessment is mid-semester examination
(NTS 3k, 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. Which branch of agriculture deals with the production and management of forest

A. Apiculture
B. Aquaculture
C. Silviculture
D. Olericulture 1 mark for each correct answer

Section B: Essay Type Question

1. Briefly explain four (4) ways agriculture can be used to solve the unemployment situation
in Ghana. (8 marks)

Refer to the Appendix C for the table of specifications for sampling and writing of the test


i. The assessment tasks may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that assessment
is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities in the learning plan

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. Which branch of agriculture deals with the production and management of forest

A. Apiculture
B. Aquaculture
C. Silviculture
D. Olericulture

Correct answer is C
1 mark for each correct answer (20 questions)
Total – 20 marks

PLC SESSION 6: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

Section B: Essay Type Question

1. Briefly, explain four (4) ways agriculture can be used to solve the unemployment
situation in Ghana.

Expected Answers:

i. Job creation: Farming, processing and marketing agricultural products can generate
employment opportunities.
ii. Entrepreneurship: Encouraging young people to start agribusinesses can create jobs and
stimulate local economies.
iii. Value addition: Processing and transforming raw agricultural products into higher-
value goods can increase income and employment.
iv. Rural development: Investing in agriculture can revitalise rural areas, reducing urban
migration and creating jobs in rural communities.
1 mark for stating the point and 1 mark for a correct sentence, that is, 2 x 4 = 8 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide clear instructions, resources and conducive environment needed for the tasks, etc.
Refer to pages 83-86 and 94-97 of Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit for more
information on assessment of multiple choice and essay type questions, respectively.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Discuss learners’ performance with them individually and as a class and encourage learners
to use the feedback to improve their performance, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

PLC SESSION 6: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a -1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 6 to
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 7 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 7 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 6: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

 Appendix C: Table of Specification for Mid Semester Examination

Consider the following for the Mid-semester Examinations:

a) Cover content from weeks 1-5, taking into consideration DoK 1-4 levels.
b) Resources:

i. Answer Booklets
ii. Learning Material
iii. Teacher Manual
iv. Teacher Assessment Manual Toolkit

c) The test should include

i. Section A- Multiple Choice Questions (20 questions for 20 marks, 1 mark for each
ii. Section B- (5 Essay Type Questions, 3 to be answered by learners for 30 marks, 10
marks per question)

Sample questions:
Section A: Multiple Choice Question: 1 mark for each correct answer

1. Which branch of agriculture deals with the production and management of forest

A. Apiculture
B. Aquaculture
C. Silviculture
D. Olericulture

Section B: Essay Type Question

1. Briefly explain four (4) ways agriculture can be used to solve the unemployment
situation in Ghana. (8 marks)

d) Time: 1 hours 30 minutes

e) Total Score: 50 marks to be scaled down to 20 marks for submission.
f) Prepare table of specification

PLC SESSION 6: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

Table of specification for item construction for section A and B

Weeks Focal Area(s) Types of DoK Levels Total

1 2 3 4
1 Misconceptions in Agriculture and Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6
how to Dispel them
Essay 1 1 1 - 3

2 Meaning and Importance of Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Agricultural Education
Essay 1 - 1 - 2

3 Interdependence between Multiple Choice 1 3 2 1 6

Agriculture and Industry
Essay 1 1 1 - 3

4 Measuring Tools in Agriculture, Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

their Uses and Maintenance
Essay 1 1 1 1 4

5 Safety Measures Employed in Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Operating Farm Machines and
Essay 1 1 - 1 3
Power in Agricultural production

6 Meaning and causes of Injuries in Multiple Choice 1 1 2 - 4

Agricultural Production
Essay - - - - 0

Total 15 20 13 2 50

PLC SESSION 7: Types and Uses of Farm Machines and
Power in Agricultural Production

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 6 and mid-semester examination that:

a) went well (NTS 1a -1b, 2a – 2c)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a -1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 6 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 7 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 7 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e,
2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your lesson
for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 7 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activity(ies) in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 7: Types and Uses of Farm Machines and Power in Agricultural Production

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is discussion (NTS
3k, 3p).

Discuss the uses of farm machines and power in Agricultural production.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 2, Week 7, pages 54 to 60 and Learner Material Section 2 for
more task examples.


The group homework assigned in week 5 is due for submission this week (week 7).


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total of 13 marks for the discussion.

a) Five (5) identified machines with the appropriate discussion of their uses (2 marks each)

For instance;
i. Tractors: Used for ploughing, planting, harvesting, hauling and general fieldwork.
ii. Combine Harvesters: Used for harvesting crops such as wheat, corn, soya beans and
iii. Silage Harvesters: Used for harvesting and chopping forage crops such as corn or
grass for ensiling.
iv. Milking Machines: Used for mechanised milking of dairy animals such as cow or
v. Fish Graders: Used to sort fish by size, etc.

1 mark for stating the farm machines and power in Agricultural and 1 mark for providing the
correct use of it, that is, 2x5=10 marks

b) Teamwork and collaboration

i. Strong teamwork and active participation by all members of the group = 3 marks
ii. Teamwork and active participation by some group members = 2 marks

PLC SESSION 7: Types and Uses of Farm Machines and Power in Agricultural Production

iii. Poor teamwork and active participation = 1 mark

Maximum of 3 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Show short videos or documentaries on the uses of farm machines and power in Agricultural
production, etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 66-69 for more information on

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Provide feedback on common mistakes and areas for improvement during the group discussion
and encourage learners to use the feedback to improve subsequent discussions, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 7 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 8 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 8 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 8: Principal Parts of Farm Machines and
Implements and their Functions

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 7 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a, 1b, 2a – 2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 7 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 8 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 8 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e,
2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 8 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 8: Principal Parts of Farm Machines and Implements and their Functions

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is demonstration
(NTS 3k, 3p).

Demonstrate the use of knapsack sprayer to apply weedicide at the school farm.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 2, Week 8, pages 62-67 and Learner Material Section 2 for
more task examples.


The report of the group project work assigned in week 2 is due for submission this week
(week 8).


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a grade of A, B, C, D and E, that is excellent, very good, good, satisfactory and needs
improvement, respectively for the demonstration.

a) Demonstrating the use of knapsack sprayer to apply weedicide

i. Step 1: Wear protective gear: Put on protective clothing, including gloves, goggles,
and a mask, to protect yourself from contact with the pesticide.
ii. Step 2: Adjust nozzle and spray pattern: Adjust the nozzle to the desired spray
pattern (fan or cone) and adjust the spray intensity by twisting the nozzle
iii. Step 3: Thoroughly inspect the sprayer for any fault such as leaks, damage to
handles and proper functioning of all parts.
iv. Step 4: Calibrate the knapsack to ensure that it is dispensing the correct amount of
liquid per hectare through the selected nozzle.
v. Step 5: Prepare the pesticide solution: Dilute the pesticide or herbicide as instructed
by the manufacturer, ensuring proper mixing.
vi. Step 6: Fill the knapsack sprayer: Pour the prepared pesticide solution into the tank
of the knapsack sprayer. Close the tank securely to prevent leakage.

PLC SESSION 8: Principal Parts of Farm Machines and Implements and their Functions

vii. Step 7: Strap on the knapsack sprayer: Position the knapsack sprayer on your back
and secure the straps for comfortable and secure carrying.
viii. Step 8: Prime and pressurise: Prime the sprayer by pumping the handle to build
pressure in the tank. Ensure sufficient pressure for effective spraying.

b) Grading learners on demonstration

i. Excellent (A): Followed all steps correctly

ii. Very good (B): Missed a step
iii. Good (C): Missed only two steps
iv. Satisfactory (D): Missed three steps
v. Needs improvement (E): Missed 4 or more steps


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration the different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Guide learners to take the necessary steps to prepare for the demonstration by reviewing the
instructions on how to apply weedicides and to wear PPEs prior to spaying, and task them to
follow the instructions during the demonstration, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 62-72 for more information on
how to administer demonstration as assessment.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Identify specific steps where learners need further assistance or practice, seek out additional
resources/support such online videos or as trials/rehearsals to guide their learning and
assessment, etc.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 8 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).

PLC SESSION 8: Principal Parts of Farm Machines and Implements and their Functions

3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 9 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 9 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 9: Classification of Crops

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 8 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 8 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 9 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 9 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 9 in your learning
plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material. Indicate the
activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 9: Classification of Crops

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is homework
(individual) (NTS 3k, 3p).

Create a classification tree of crops based on their growth cycle.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 3, Week 9, pages 79 to 81 and Learner Material Section 3 for
more task examples.
The homework should be submitted in week 11.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assessing learners for a total score of 10 marks on the classification of tree crops based on
growth cycle using the chart below:

1 mark

3 marks

3 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

PLC SESSION 9: Classification of Crops

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Support learners with resources needed to create the charts, go round during the charts,
provide feedback on learners’ charts, and be available to answer and clarify learners’
questions on the task, etc.
Refer to pages 57-60 of the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit for further information
on homework.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Observe learners’ charts, award marks and support learners to correct their mistakes, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a – 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 9 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 10 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 10 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 10: Principles of Crop Production

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 9 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 9 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 10 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 10 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 10 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 10: Principles of Crop Production

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is gamification
(NTS 3k, 3p).

Fill in the puzzle below on principles of crop production using clues under the headings Across
and Down.

Refer to Teacher Manual Section 3, Week 10, pages 82 to 83 and Learner Material Section 3 for
more task examples.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total of 10 marks for completing the puzzle correctly within 5 minutes.
1 mark for each correctly identified word filled in the puzzle (5 marks)
Fastness of completion
5 marks for completing the puzzle correctly within 1 minute
4 marks for completing the puzzle correctly within 2 minutes

PLC SESSION 10: Principles of Crop Production

3 marks for completing the puzzle correctly within 3 minutes.

2 marks for completing the puzzle correctly within 4 minutes.
1 mark for completing the puzzle correctly within 5 minutes.
No marks for completing after 5 minutes.

Across Down

2. Crop 1. Nutrients

3. Weed 5. Soil

4. Pest


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Explain the nature of the exercise to learners, task them to identify key terms associated with
the principles of crop production and develop a puzzle with it, etc.

PLC SESSION 10: Principles of Crop Production

Refer to pages 105-106 of the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit for further information
on assessment using gamification.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Provide feedback on common mistakes of learners and areas of improvement and encourage
learners to use the feedback to improve their next work, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a – 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 10 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 11 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 11 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 11: Hands-on and Observation of Farm
Practical Activities to Acquire Skills in the Principles
of Crop Production

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 10 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a -2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a -1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 10 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 11 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 11 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 11 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 11: Hands-on and Observation of Farm Practical Activities to Acquire Skills in the Principles of Crop Production

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is practical
assessment (NTS 3k, 3p)

Perform seed quality check on maize seeds and write a report on your observation.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 3, Week 11, pages 88 to 90 and Learner Material Section 3 for
more task examples for more information on practical assessment.


i. The individual homework assigned in week 7 is due for submission this week (week 11).
ii. Report on the activity should be submitted before the end of the first semester


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning ‘yes’, ‘in-part’ or ‘no’ for the report presented on the practical. The teacher should
adequately guide and support learners to perform the experiment and concentrate his/her
assessment on the report presented by learners by checking whether the following as shown
in the rubrics below have been addressed.
Rubrics for assessing learners on seed germination practical

Yes In-part No
The topic provided by the learner is appropriate

The introduction is well written

The objective is SMART

The methods are well performed

The results and discussion are well presented

Appropriate conclusion and recommendation have been drawn


This checklist rubrics is necessary for instructional management purposes of formative


PLC SESSION 11: Hands-on and Observation of Farm Practical Activities to Acquire Skills in the Principles of Crop Production


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Discuss the purpose of the practical exercise with learners, put them into mixed gender groups
of 2-5 and provide them with the necessary tools and resources for the activity, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 46-49 for further information on
the assessment of practical activities.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Identify and discuss areas of the report that need improvement and encourage learners to
improve in the next practical and reporting, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 11 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 12 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 12 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 11 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 11 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 12 lessons and end of
semester examination by aligning the learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate
assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 12 and prepare for end of semester examination
considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 12 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is end of semester
examination (NTS 3k, 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice Question
1. Which of the following is a safe practice when applying fertilizers and pesticides?

A. Applying them during strong winds

B. Eating and drinking during application
C. Ignoring weather conditions
D. Using calibrated application equipment (1 mark for each correct answer)

Section B: Essay Type Question

1. Describe the use of each of the following survey instruments on the farm:

a) Tape measure
b) Survey compass (6 marks)

Section C: Practical

1. Specimen A is a complete manual knapsack sprayer

a) State three precautions you will take to ensure that while using the specimen on a
farm, it does not pose health risk to the user. (3 marks)
b) Apart from pesticide application, state three uses of the specimen in a crop farm (3
c) Give two ways of maintaining the specimen after use. (2 marks)
d) State two uses of the specimen in livestock production. (2 marks)


Refer to the Appendix D for the table of specifications for sampling and writing of the test


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. Which of the following is a safe practice when applying fertilizers and pesticides?

A. Applying them during strong winds

B. Eating and drinking during application
C. Ignoring weather conditions
D. Using calibrated application equipment

Correct answer is D (1 mark for each correct answer)

Section B: Essay Type Question
Expected answers

1. Description of use of survey instruments on the farm:

a) Tape measure

i. Plotting fields/mark out plots

ii. Measuring planting rows
iii. Estimating yields
iv. Irrigation systems/setting up drip lines etc.
v. Measuring size of pens or enclosures
-Garden planning/laying out beds, pathways and proper spacing.

b) Survey compass

i. Land mapping and plotting

ii. Boundary marking
iii. Irrigation planning
iv. Road and pathway layout
v. Plantation layout
vi. Construction planning
vii. Fencing

(3 x 1 + 3 x 1= 6 marks

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

Section C: Practical

1. Specimen A is a complete manual knapsack sprayer

a) Precautions during use of specimen E/manual knapsack sprayer so it does not pose
health risk to user.

i. Read the Instructions for use of sprayer and chemical

ii. Wear Protective gear
iii. Check for leaks
iv. Apply only the recommended amount of chemical/use chemicals responsibly
v. Avoid direct exposure to chemicals when using it
vi. Clean equipment thoroughly
vii. Avoid eating or drinking during use

(3 x 1 = 3 marks)

b) Other uses of the specimen E/manual knapsack sprayer in a crop farm apart from
pesticide application

i. Fertiliser application
ii. Watering
iii. Apply cleaning solutions to farm equipment and tools
iv. Apply soil conditioners or soil amendments in liquid form

(3 x 1 = 3 marks)

c) Ways of maintaining the specimen E/manual knapsack sprayer after use.

i. Clean nozzle and filters

ii. Store in cool dry place
iii. Inspect for damage and repair
iv. Flush the system with clean water to remove chemical residue
v. Wash and dry sprayer
vi. Lubricate moving parts

(2 x 1 = 2 marks)

d) Uses of specimen E/manual knapsack sprayer in livestock production.

i. Spraying pesticides on animals

ii. Spraying pesticides in animal housing
iii. Spraying water on animals
iv. Deworming
v. Vaccination (2 x 1 = 2 marks)

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.4 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Discuss the structure of the test with learners, provide learners further hint for the practical
examination, create a conducive environment during examinations, etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 41-43, 83-86 and 94-97 for more
information on test of practical knowledge, multiple choice and essay type questions,

2.5 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Returned marked answer booklets to learners promptly, discuss their performance with them
(individually and as class) and encourage them to use the feedback to improve their learning,


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 12 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 13 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 13 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

Appendix D: Table of Specification for End of Semester Examination

Consider the following for the end of semester examinations:

a) Cover content from weeks 1-12, taking into consideration DoK levels 1-4.
b) Resources:

i. Answer Booklets
ii. Learning Material
iii. Teacher Manual
iv. Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit
v. Specimen and Materials for Practical Examination

c) The test should include

i. Section A- Multiple Choice Questions (40 questions for 40 marks, 1 mark for each
ii. Section B- (5 Essay Type Questions, 3 to be selected for 60 marks, 20 marks per
iii. Practical Section – (5 questions, Answer all questions for 100 marks, 20 marks per

d) Time: 1 hour 30 minutes for Section A and B and 1 hour for practical examination.
e) Total Score: 200 marks to be scaled down to 60 marks.
f) Sample question:

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. Which of the following is a safe practice when applying fertilizers and pesticides?

A. Applying them during strong winds

B. Eating and drinking during application
C. Ignoring weather conditions
D. Using calibrated application equipment (1 mark for each correct answer)

Section B: Essay Type Question

1. Describe the use of each of the following survey instruments on the farm:

a) Tape measure
b) Survey compass (6 marks)

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

Section C: Practical
1. Specimen A is a complete manual knapsack sprayer

a) State three precautions you will take to ensure that while using the specimen on a farm,
it does not pose health risk to the user. (3 marks)
b) Apart from pesticide application, state three uses of the specimen in a crop farm (3
c) Give two ways of maintaining the specimen after use. (2 marks)
d) State two uses of the specimen in livestock production. (2 marks)

Table of specification for item construction for section A, B and C

Weeks Focal Areas Types of DoK Levels Total

1 2 3 4
1 Misconceptions in Agriculture Multiple Choice 2 2 2 - 6
and how to Dispel them
Essay 1 1 1 - 3

Test of Practical - - - - -

2 Meaning and Importance of Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Agricultural Education
Essay - 1 - - 1

Test of Practical - - - - -

3 Interdependence between Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

Agriculture and Industry
Essay - - 1 - 1

Test of Practical - - - 1 1

4 Measuring Tools in Agriculture, Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

their Uses and Maintenance
Essay - 1 1 - 2

Test of Practical - - - - -

5 Safety Measures Employed in Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Operating Farm Machines and
Essay - 1 1 - 2
Power in Agricultural Production
Test of Practical - - - - -

6 Meaning and causes of Injuries in Multiple Choice 2 2 1 - 5

Agricultural Production
Essay 1 1 1 - 3

Test of Practical - - - - -

7 Types and Uses of Farm Machines Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

and Power in Agricultural
Essay - - 1 - 1
Test of Practical - - - 1 1

PLC SESSION 12: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

Weeks Focal Areas Types of DoK Levels Total

1 2 3 4
8 Principal Parts of Farm Machines Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6
and Implements and their
Essay - 1 1 - 2
Test of Practical - - - - -

9 Classification of Crops Multiple Choice 2 2 2 - 6

Essay - - 1 - 1

Test of Practical - - - 1 1

10 Principles of Crop Production Multiple Choice 3 3 1 - 7

Essay - 1 - - 1

Test of Practical - - - - -

11 Hands-on and Observation of Farm Multiple Choice 3 2 1 - 6

Practical Activities to Acquire Skills
Essay 1 1 1 - 3
in the Principles of Crop Production
Test of Practical - - - - -

12 Meaning and Importance of Farm Multiple Choice 3 2 1 - 6

Essay - 1 - - 1

Test of Practical - - - 1 1

Total 30 40 26 4 100

PLC SESSION 13: Management Systems Involved in
Animal Production

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 12 and end of semester examination that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a- 2e)

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 12 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 13 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 13 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 13 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 13: Management Systems Involved in Animal Production

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is homework
(individual) (NTS 3k, 3p).

Enumerate three (3) advantages and disadvantages each of the management systems in
animal production.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 4, Week 13, pages 16 to 20 and Learner Material Section 4 for
more task examples.
Learners are to submit the homework in week 15.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total mark of 18 to the advantages and disadvantages of the farming systems, that
is 1 mark for each point as indicated below:

a) Extensive system

i. Advantages:
• Utilises natural forage resources and reduces feed costs.
• Allows animals to exhibit natural behaviours and social interactions.
• Generally, requires lower capital investment in housing and infrastructure.

ii. Disadvantages:
• May result in lower production efficiency compared with intensive systems.
• Requires extensive land and may not be suitable for high-density production.
• Animals are expose to bad weather, predators and disease conditions.

1 mark for each point 1 x 6 = 6 marks

b) Semi-Intensive System
i. Advantages:
• Natural forage utilisation and feed cost is better than the intensive system.
• Capital investment is less is less intensive compared to the intensive system.
• Better control of feeding and health management than the extensive system.

PLC SESSION 13: Management Systems Involved in Animal Production

ii. Disadvantages:
• Capital intensive compared to the extensive system.
• May require more land compared to the intensive system.
• Animals can easily be stolen or knock down by vehicles when they are released
for feeding.

1 mark for each point 1 x 6 = 6 marks

c) Intensive Systems

i. Advantages:
• Allows for high-density stocking, maximising production per unit area.
• Provides precise control over nutrition, health and environmental conditions.
• Protects animals from adverse weather and predation.

ii. Disadvantages:
• Requires significant capital investment in housing and equipment.
• Potential for environmental and welfare concerns in crowded conditions.
• Dependency on external feed sources may increase production costs

1 mark for each point 1 x 6 = 6 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Set a reasonable time frame for completion and submission of the homework, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 57-60 for more information on the
assessment of homework.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Score, share and discuss the scoring with learners highlighting on their strengths and areas
for improvement in their next homework, etc.

PLC SESSION 13: Management Systems Involved in Animal Production


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a -1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 13 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 14 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 14 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management
Practices for Rearing Animals

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 13 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 13 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 14 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 14 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your lesson
for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 14 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management Practices for Rearing Animals

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is test of practical
knowledge (NTS 3k, 3p).

1. Specimen A is an equipment used in animal production, study the specimen and answer
the following questions below:

Specimen A

a) Identify specimen A. (1 mark)

b) State the use of specimen A. (1 mark)
c) Outline three (3) importance of using specimen A. (2 marks)
d) List three (3) other methods that can be used to achieve the same purpose as specimen
A. (3 marks)
e) Enumerate two (2) ways of maintaining specimen A (2 marks)

Refer to Teacher Manual Section 4, Week 14, pages 21 to 24 and Learner Material Section 4 for
more task examples.


Give out individual project work this week. It should be submitted in Week 20. See Appendix E
for sample project work.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Expected answers

a) Identification of specimen A.
Ear tag applicator (1 mark)

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management Practices for Rearing Animals

b) Use of specimen A.
For applying ear tags on the ears of farm animals (1 mark)
c) Three importance of using specimen A.

i. Identification of animals to track their performance

ii. Identification of animals to track treatment regimes
iii. Identification of animals to increase the accuracy of record keeping (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

d) Three (3) other methods that can be used to achieve the same purpose as specimen A.

i. Ear notching
ii. Branding
iii. Neck chains (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

e) Two (2) ways of maintaining specimen A

i. Clean after use

ii. Store in a cool dry place (1 x 2= 2 marks)


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Show a documentary on management practices carried out in animal production, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 41-43 for more information on the
assessment of test of practical knowledge.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Provide feedback on learners’ work, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management Practices for Rearing Animals

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 14 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 15 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 15 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management Practices for Rearing Animals

Appendix E: Sample of Individual Project Work

The objective is to undertake a project on how agroforestry systems in our community ensure
sustainable agriculture and present a report on it.

Sample Task
a) Visit your community and find out how agroforestry systems ensure sustainable
b) Interview at least five (5) people including farmers and staff of ministry of Agriculture/
forestry where applicable.
c) Analyse the data collected and write a report on it.
d) The report should consider cover page, goal and objectives, background, methods,
results and recommendations or other deliverables.

Project should be submitted latest in week 20 of second semester for scoring.

How to Administer
a) At the beginning of lessons for Week 13, inform learners that there will be individual
project work
b) Share the task with learners, provide them with guidelines and how the project will be
c) Provide learners with introductory letters to assist them in seeking information from
farmers or staff of ministry of agriculture/forestry where necessary, etc.

Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 34-36 for more information on the
assessment of project.

a) Provide individual feedback on learners’ project and let them reflect on the outcome of
their work
b) Let learners to talk about their work, the challenges they faced when working as
individuals and clarify difficulties of learners, etc.

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management Practices for Rearing Animals

Rubrics for Scoring

Assign a total of 24 marks to be scaled down to 20 marks

a) Expected answers for how agroforestry systems ensure sustainable Agriculture for the
results and discussion.

i. Alley Cropping: Involves the planting of trees or shrubs at regular intervals in rows
within an agricultural field. This system provides shade, reduces wind erosion,
improves soil fertility through nutrient cycling, and provides timber or other tree
ii. Silvopasture: It is the combination of tree planting with livestock grazing. Trees are
spaced to allow for grazing underneath, providing shade and forage for livestock.
This system enhances livestock productivity, improve soil quality, and sequester
iii. Windbreaks: Windbreaks consist of trees or shrubs planted along the edges of fields
or farms to reduce wind speed and protect crops and livestock. They act as physical
barriers, preventing wind erosion and reducing stress on plants and animals.
iv. Agroforestry Gardens: Home gardens are multi-layered agroforestry systems found
around households and typically include fruit trees, timber trees, vegetables, and
medicinal plants. Home gardens provide diverse food sources, support biodiversity,
and contribute to household nutrition and income.
v. Taungya System: The Taungya system involves the temporary association of crops
with tree planting. Farmers cultivate annual crops between newly planted tree
seedlings to make productive use of land during the early establishment of the trees
and once the trees mature, the agricultural component is gradually phased out.
vi. Community Forest Management: Community Forest management involves
collaborative efforts by local communities to manage and utilise forest resources
sustainably. Agroforestry practices such as fruit tree plantations, can be integrated
into community-managed forests to diversify income sources and enhance
ecosystem services.

b) Rubrics for Grading Individual Project Work in Week 15

Excellent (3 marks) Good (2 marks) Acceptable (1 mark)

Cover page States the topic, States the topic, At least one of these, the
name, ID and date of name, ID and date of topic, name, ID or date
submission correctly. submission with some of submission is missing
mistakes. and some mistakes are

Background Provides appropriate Provides appropriate Provides appropriate

introduction, problem introduction and introduction but not
statement and problem statement but problem statement and
justification. not justification. justification.

PLC SESSION 14: Skills in Farm Animal Management Practices for Rearing Animals

Excellent (3 marks) Good (2 marks) Acceptable (1 mark)

Objectives Objectives are Objectives are Objectives are specific
specific, measurable, specific, measurable, and measurable,
achievable, relevant, achievable, but lacks but not achievable,
and time-bound. relevance and time- relevant, and time-
bound. bound.

Methods Clearly states the study States the study area, States the study area
area, the experimental the experimental design and data collection
design, data collection and data collection procedure, but lacks
procedure and data procedure, but lacks experimental design
analysis. appropriate data and data analysis.

Results and discussion Provide and discuss Provide and discuss Provide and discuss two
at least four how three how agroforestry or less how agroforestry
agroforestry systems systems ensure systems ensure
ensure sustainable sustainable Agriculture. sustainable Agriculture.

Conclusion and Delivers clear, Delivers useful Conclusion and

recommendations comprehensive conclusion and recommendations may
conclusion and recommendations not be useful or are
recommendations that that are supported by weakly supported by
are well supported by project findings. project findings.
project findings.

References Sources are directly Sources are related Sources are related to
related to the topic, to the topic and up- the topic, but out-dated
up-to-date and to-date, but adapted and adapted different
adapted APA (American different formats. formats.
Association) style.

Creativity Learner exhibits high- Learner exhibits Learner exhibits less

level imaginative skills imaginative and imaginative and critical
such as inclusion of critical thinking skills thinking skills in their
pictures, graphs and with the inclusion of report.
other multimedia few pictures, graphs
contents in their report. and other multimedia
contents in their report.

Total -24marks

PLC SESSION 15: Concepts and Importance of the
Interrelations between Forestry and Agriculture

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 14 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 14 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 15 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 15 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your lesson
for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 15 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 15: Concepts and Importance of the Interrelations between Forestry and Agriculture

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is individual poster
presentation (NTS 3k, 3p).

Make a poster presentation on the importance of the interrelations between forestry and
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 5, Week 15, pages 31 and 32, and Learner Material Section 5
for more task examples.
Homework assigned in week 13 is due for submission this week (week 15).


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total score of 16 marks for the individual poster presentation as shown in the
rubrics below:

a) Expected content answers for importance of the interrelations between forestry and

i. Economic and Social Benefits: Both Agriculture and forestry contribute significantly
to local and national economies, generating employment, income and economic
ii. Forest Fuelwood and Agro-residue Use: Forests can provide a source of fuelwood for
cooking and heating, reducing pressure on agricultural resources and agro-
residues from crop production can also be used as biomass for energy generation.
iii. Agroforestry: Integrating trees with crops and/or livestock on the same piece of
land which can enhance Agricultural productivity through improved soil fertility,
microclimate regulation and pest control provided by the trees, and the crops and
livestock contribute to the livelihoods and income of farmers.
iv. Land Use and Landscape Integration: The proximity of Agriculture to forests can
lead to increased biodiversity, microclimate regulation, and soil conservation in
agricultural areas, while, forests benefit from ecological interactions with
Agricultural lands such as pollinator movement and soil nutrient cycling.
v. Water Resource Management: Forests play a crucial role in regulating water flow
and quality in watersheds, while well-managed forests act as natural sponges,

PLC SESSION 15: Concepts and Importance of the Interrelations between Forestry and Agriculture

storing and gradually releasing water which benefits Agriculture by ensuring a

stable water supply for irrigation and other uses.

b) Rubrics for Scoring Individual Poster Presentation in Week 15 (16 marks)


Excellent Very Good Fair Poor

(4 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark)
Content Provides at least Provides three Provides two (2) Provides one (1)
four (4) importance (3) importance of importance of importance of
of the interrelations the interrelations the interrelations the interrelations
between forestry between forestry between forestry between forestry
and Agriculture. and Agriculture. and Agriculture. and Agriculture.

Graphics/ Slides are Slides are Slides are Slides are not
attractive. Text attractive. Text attractive. Text is attractive. Text
is legible. No is legible. Some not very legible. is not legible.
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. Some grammatical There are several
errors. grammatical errors.

Presentation/ Presenters make Presenters make Presenters make Presenters make

very good eye good eye contact minimal eye no contact with
contact with with the audience. contact with the audience.
the audience. Minimal reading the audience. Everything is read
All material is from the screen or Everything is read directly from the
presented using page. directly from the screen of page.
language that is screen or page.
original without
reading from the
screen or page.

Time Usage Presentation meets Presentation is 2-3 Presentation is 4-6 Presentation is

the 10-minute time minutes under the minutes under the 8-10 minutes or
requirement. 10-minute time 10-minute time more under the
requirement. requirement. 10-minute time

Total – 16 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

PLC SESSION 15: Concepts and Importance of the Interrelations between Forestry and Agriculture

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Guide learners to create PowerPoints and provide feedback on learners PowerPoint slides,
presentation style and content, etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 97-99 for more information on poster

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Share the results of the PowerPoint presentation with learners, clarify misunderstandings
and acknowledge learners’ achievements to boost their motivation and self-esteem, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC session 15 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 16 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 16 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 16: Meaning and Nature of Soil

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 15 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 15 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 16 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 16 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 16 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 16: Meaning and Nature of Soil

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is peer assessment
(NTS 3k, 3p).

Draw and label the soil stratifications (soil profile) of your school farm.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 5, Week 16, pages 36 to 39 and Learner Material Section 5 for
more task examples.


Groups are to paste their well labelled work on the wall before the start of the next lesson for
peer assessment.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Task learners to go round and peer assess other groups work based on the following criteria
for awarding a total mark of 10.
Criteria for peer assessment

a) Neatly drawn soil profile = 1 mark each for clear drawing of each profile, thus, 1x5= 5
b) Well labelled stratifications of the soil profile = 1 mark for each correct label, that is, 1x5
= 5 marks
For instance;

PLC SESSION 16: Meaning and Nature of Soil


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide clear procedure for carrying out the task and the peer assessment, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 91-94 for more information of peer

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Provide constructive feedback to learners’ work highlighting their strengths and areas for
growth in their interaction during the peer assessments, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 16 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 17 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 17 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 17: Composition of Soil and their

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 16 delivered last week that:

a) went well (NTS 1a -1b, 2a – 2e).

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 16 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 17 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 17 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 17 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 17: Composition of Soil and their Importance

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is display and
exhibition (NTS 3k, 3p).

Display/exhibit five (5) compositions of soil samples collected from the school compound,
garden or farm.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 5, Week 17, pages 44 to 46 and Learner Material Section 5 for
more task examples.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assessing display and exhibition work using excellent, good, fair and poor as presented below:
Rubrics for Grading Display and Exhibition in Week 17 on Soil Composition

Criteria Excellent Very good Good Fair

Content Information is Information is Information is Information is
Accuracy scientifically mostly accurate, somewhat accurate mostly inaccurate
accurate, covers covers all key but incomplete; or lacks critical
soil composition aspects of soil some key aspects aspects of soil
in-depth (minerals, composition with of soil composition composition.
organic matter, minor errors or are missing or
air, water, omissions. unclear.
and includes
advanced concepts
like soil horizons
and types.

PLC SESSION 17: Composition of Soil and their Importance

Criteria Excellent Very good Good Fair

Creativity and Display/exhibition Display is visually Display has limited Display lacks
Visual Appeal is highly creative, appealing and creativity; basic creativity, is
engaging, and uses some creative visuals and design poorly designed,
visually appealing; elements; design is are used but are or does not
uses innovative neat and supports not particularly capture attention
materials, colours, the content engaging. effectively.
and designs to effectively.
draw attention and
illustrate points

Organisation Display is highly Information is Information Display is

and Layout organised with a organised and is somewhat disorganised
clear, logical flow follows a logical organised but lacks or chaotic;
of information; sequence, though a clear flow or information is
headings and layout could be structure; audience difficult to follow or
sections are easy to slightly improved. may struggle to scattered.
follow; the overall follow the display.
layout enhances

Use of Effectively Uses some charts, Includes minimal Does not use
Supporting integrates charts, diagrams, or supporting charts, diagrams,
Materials diagrams, or models to support materials or uses or models, or those
(e.g., charts, models that the explanation, them in a way used are inaccurate
diagrams, enhance the though they that does not or difficult to
models) explanation of may not be fully strongly enhance interpret.
soil composition; integrated or as understanding.
these materials are effective.
accurate and easy
to interpret.

Engagement Highly engaging Engages the Minimal audience Display does

with Audience and interactive; audience engagement; not engage the
encourages somewhat through interaction is audience at all; no
audience interaction, limited or does not effort to interact or
participation, though may rely actively involve the involve viewers.
asks questions, on passive viewing viewers.
and prompts rather than active
discussions or participation.
hands-on activities
related to soil


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.

ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide learners with clear procedure for carrying out the display/exhibition, go round the
groups during the display and provide guidance and assistance where necessary, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 54-57 for more information on
display and exhibition.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Encourage learners to share their thoughts and feedback about the exercise and use their
feedback to modify your teaching strategies and improvement in future display and exhibition,


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 17 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 18 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 18 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 18: Preparing for Mid-Semester

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 17 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 17 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 18 lessons and mid-
semester examination by aligning the learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate
assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 18 and prepare for mid-semester examination
considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 18 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 18: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is mid-semester
examination (NTS 3k, 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. The growing of crops in between rows of trees or shrubs is known as …….

A. Alley cropping
B. Mono cropping
C. Mixed cropping
D. Pasture cropping 1 mark for each correct answer

Section B: Essay Type Question

1. Discuss how the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil influence crop
growth and yield. (7 marks)

Refer to Appendix F for the table of specifications to aid in the sampling and writing of the test


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice- Question

1. The growing of crops in between rows of trees or shrubs is known as …….

A. Alley cropping
B. Mono cropping
C. Mixed cropping
D. Pasture cropping

Correct answer is A (1 mark for each correct answer)

PLC SESSION 18: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

Section B: Essay Type Question

1. Discuss how the physical properties of soil influence crop growth and yield.

Expected Answers:
The physical properties,
i. such as soil texture and structure (1 x 2 = 2 marks)
ii. affect water infiltration, retention, and root penetration (1 x3 = 3 marks).
iii. Soils with balanced sand, silt and clay provide optimal conditions for crops (2 marks
for complete answer and 1 mark for partial answer).


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide time allocation for the completion of the questions and assign marks to each of the
questions (Give additional time for learners with SEN), etc.
Refer to pages 83-86 and 94-97 of Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit for more
information on assessment of multiple choice and essay type questions, respectively.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Discuss the performance of learners with them (individually and as a class) and encourage
learners to reflect on their performance, review their work and identify areas for improvement,


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a -1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 18 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).

PLC SESSION 18: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 19 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 19 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 18: Preparing for Mid-Semester Examination

Appendix G: Table of Specification for Mid-Semester Examination

Consider the following for the mid-semester examination:

a) Cover content from weeks 1-5. Taking into consideration DoK 1-4 levels.
b) Resources:
i. Answer Booklets
ii. Learning Material
iii. Teacher Manual
iv. Teacher Assessment Manual Toolkit

c) The test should include

i. Section A- Multiple Choice Questions (20 questions for 20 marks, 1 mark for each
ii. Section B- (5 Essay Type Questions, 3 to be answered by learners for 30 marks, 10
marks per question)

d) Time: 1 hours 30 minutes

e) Total Score: 50 marks to be scaled down to 20 marks for submission.
f) Prepare table of specification

Table of specification for item construction for section A and B

Weeks Focal Area(s) Types of DoK Levels Total

1 2 3 4
13 Management Systems Involved Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6
in Animal Production
Essay 1 1 1 - 3

14 Skills in Farm Animal Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Management Practices for
Essay 1 - 1 - 2
Rearing Animals

15 Agroforestry Practices and Multiple Choice 1 3 2 1 6

Systems in Forest Management
Essay 1 1 1 - 3

16 Meaning and Nature of Soil Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

Essay 1 1 1 1 4

17 Composition of Soil and their Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Essay 1 1 - 1 3

18 Meaning and Effects of Climate Multiple Choice 1 1 2 - 4

Change on Food Production and
Essay - - - - 0
their Mitigating Strategies

Total 15 20 13 2 50

PLC SESSION 19: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation
Activities in Crop Production

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 18 and mid-semester examination that:

a) went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b) you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 18 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 19 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 19 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 19 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 19: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Crop Production

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is class exercise
(NTS 3k, 3p).

Draw and explain the uses of five (5) farm hygiene and sanitation tools in maintaining farm
hygiene in crop production.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 6, Week 19, pages 56 to 59 and Learner Material Section 6 for
more task examples.


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total of 15 marks for the class exercise (Drawing the tool = 1 mark, naming the tool
= 1 mark and providing the use of the tool = 1 mark, thus 3 marks per tool)

a) Rake: Use for levelling the soil, removing debris, and creating a smooth seedbed.

b) Hand Fork: Use for loosening soil, aerating the root zone, and removing weeds around
established plants.

c) Pruning Shears: Use for cutting and removing dead or diseased plant parts such as
branches, leaves, or stems.

PLC SESSION 19: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Crop Production

d) Hand Sprayers: Use for applying various treatments such as fungicides, insecticides, or
foliar fertilisers.

e) Cutlass: Used for cutting through vegetation, such as tall grass, weeds, brush etc.

3 x 5 = 15 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Clearly communicate instructions to learners walk around the classroom to observe learners
as they work on the exercise, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 80-83 for more information on the
assessment of class exercise.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Evaluate the exercise based on the assessment criteria with learners and encourage them to
use the feedback to improve their next class exercise, etc.

PLC SESSION 19: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Crop Production


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a -1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 19 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 20 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 20 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 20: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation
Activities in Animal Production

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 19 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 19 that supported learning (NTS 2e, 2f
and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 20 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 20 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 20 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 20: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Animal Production

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is homework (NTS
3k, 3p).

Explain five (5) benefiits of maintaining proper farm hygiene and sanitation in animal
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 6, Week 20, pages 66 to 69 and Learner Material Section 6 for
more task examples.


i. The homework should be submitted in week 21. Learners scores for the project should be
ii. The individual project work in week 14 is due for submission in this week (week 20)


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total of 15 marks for the homework. Give 3 marks for each explained benefit of
maintaining proper farm hygiene and sanitation in animal production, that is, 1 mark for
stating the point, and 1 mark each for two correct sentences explaining the point.
Expected answers:

a) Disease Prevention: (1 mark)

i. Clean and well-maintained facilities reduce the presence of pathogens, parasites,

and vectors that can cause infections. (1 mark)
ii. Regular cleaning, disinfection, and waste management help control disease
transmission and minimise the risk of outbreaks. (1 mark)

b) Animal Health and Welfare: (1 mark)

i. Animals raised in clean surroundings are less prone to stress, injuries, and disease
(1 mark)
ii. They have improved immunity, reduced exposure to harmful pathogens, and a
lower likelihood of developing infections (1 mark)

PLC SESSION 20: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Animal Production

c) Production Efficiency:

i. By maintaining clean and well-ventilated housing, animals are more comfortable,

leading to better feed conversion rates, growth, and reproduction (1 mark)
ii. Reduced disease incidence means fewer veterinary interventions, lower mortality
rates, and improved overall productivity (1 mark)

d) Food Safety: (1 mark)

i. Proper cleaning and disinfection practices minimise the risk of foodborne pathogens
contaminating meat, milk, eggs, or other animal-derived products (1 mark)
ii. This helps protect consumer health and maintain public confidence in the safety of
agricultural products (1 mark)

e) Environmental Impact (1 mark)

i. Proper waste management such as manure handling and disposal, prevents water
and soil contamination, reducing the risk of nutrient runoff and environmental
pollution (1 mark)
ii. By implementing sustainable waste management practices, ecological footprint
will be minimised and the health of surrounding ecosystems maintained (1 mark)

3 x 5 =15 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Ask learners to start their homework at close of class and encourage them to consult their
parent, use textbooks or the internet where necessary to obtain the needed information, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 57-60 for more information on the
assessment of homework.

PLC SESSION 20: Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Activities in Animal Production

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Encourage learners to bring up questions on the benefits of maintaining proper farm hygiene
and sanitation in animal production that were unclear for class discussion and use feedback
to improve upon their understanding, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 19 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 20 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 20 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 21: Farm as an Economic Unit

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 20 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 20 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 21 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 21 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 21 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 21: Farm as an Economic Unit

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is research (group)
(NTS 3k, 3p).

Conduct research on why an agricultural enterprise on your school campus or your community
is considered as an economic unit.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 7, Week 22, pages 79 to 82 and Learner Material Section 7 for
more task examples.


i. The research report should be submitted in week 23.

ii. The homework given in week 20 is due for submission in this week (week 21).


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Rubrics for Scoring:
Assign a total of 27 marks to be scaled down to 20 marks

a) Expected content answers for why an agricultural enterprise is considered as an

economic unit.

i. Production: The enterprise produces agricultural goods. It combines various inputs

such as land, labour, capital and technology, to produce the oil for sale in the market.
The enterprise activities generate revenue and contribute to the overall economic
ii. Profitability: The enterprise generates positive net income by selling their output at
prices that cover production costs and provide a return on investment. Profitability
is crucial for the financial viability, sustainability, and long-term growth of the
iii. Resource Allocation: The farm owner considers factors such as cost, productivity,
market demand and profitability to optimise the use of resources and maximise the
farm’s output and profitability.
iv. Cost and Revenue Analysis: The enterprise owner has employed an accountant who
monitors and controls expenses such as input costs, labour costs, machinery

PLC SESSION 21: Farm as an Economic Unit

maintenance and overhead expenses. Also understands the market prices, market
demand, marketing strategies and sales volume to optimise the farm’s income
v. Financial Management: The enterprise owner has employed an accountant who
assist with the maintenance of sound financial records, prepare budgets and
analyse financial statements to assess the farm’s financial position, profitability,
liquidity and solvency.

b) Rubrics for Grading Research Report (maximum of 27 marks)

Excellent Good Acceptable

(3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark)
Cover page States the topic, States the topic, name, ID At least one of these,
name, ID and date of and date of submission the topic, name, ID or
submission correctly. with some mistakes. date of submission
is missing and some
mistakes are observed.

Background Provides appropriate Provides appropriate Provides appropriate

introduction, problem introduction and problem introduction but not
statement and statement but not problem statement and
justification. justification. justification.

Objectives Objectives are Objectives are specific, Objectives are specific

specific, measurable, measurable, achievable, and measurable,
achievable, relevant, but lacks relevance and but not achievable,
and time-bound. time-bound. relevant, and time-

Methods Clearly states the study States the study area, the States the study area
area, the experimental experimental design and and data collection
design, data collection data collection procedure, procedure, but lacks
procedure and data but lacks appropriate experimental design
analysis. data analysis. and data analysis.

Results and discussion Provide and discuss Provide and discuss Provide and
at least four three interdependencies discuss two or less
interdependencies between Agriculture and interdependencies
between Agriculture industry. between Agriculture
and industry. and industry.

Conclusion and Delivers clear, Delivers useful conclusion Conclusion and

recommendations comprehensive and recommendations recommendations may
conclusion and that are supported by not be useful or are
recommendations that project findings. weakly supported by
are well supported by project findings.
project findings.

PLC SESSION 21: Farm as an Economic Unit

Excellent Good Acceptable

(3 marks) (2 marks) (1 mark)
References Sources are directly Sources are related to the Sources are related to
related to the topic, up- topic and up-to-date, the topic, but out-
to-date and adapted but adapted different dated and adapted
APA (American formats. different formats.
Association) style.

Other criteria to be used by the teacher

Creativity Groups exhibit high- Groups exhibit Groups exhibit less

level imaginative skills imaginative and critical imaginative and
such as inclusion of thinking skills with the critical thinking skills
pictures, graphs and inclusion of few pictures, in their report.
other multimedia graphs and other
contents in their report. multimedia contents in
their report.

Teamwork Strong teamwork and Teamwork and active Poor teamwork and
active participation participation by some participation.
by all members of the group members.


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Put learners into mixed ability groups of 3-7 where applicable, clarify the task to learners and
provide feedback to learners’ questions on the task, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 77-80 for more information on the
assessment of research.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Reflect on learners’ performance with them to identify common strengths and areas for
improvement and use feedback to modify your teaching strategies, etc.

PLC SESSION 21: Farm as an Economic Unit


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 21 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

d) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
e) read PLC Session 22 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
f) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 22 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 22: Strategies for Effective
Communication in Agriculture

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 21 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 21 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 22 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 22 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 22 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 22: Strategies for Effective Communication in Agricultur

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is questioning (NTS
3k, 3p).

Mr. Asamoah is an agricultural extension officer who has been tasked to convince cocoa
farmers at Konongo not to give up their farmlands for mining activities. List any five (5)
effective communication strategies that he can use to perform his duty.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 7, Week 22, pages 89 to 91 and Learner Material Section 7 for
more task examples.


The portfolio given in week 1 is due for submission in this week (week 22)


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total of five (5) marks for listing all the communication channels correctly.
Expected answers
He should

a) Identify and understand his target audience

b) Use clear and simple language that is easy for farmers to understand
c) Choose appropriate communication channels to reach the farmers effectively
d) Provide practical and actionable information and
e) Build relationships and trust with the farmers 1x5=5 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

PLC SESSION 22: Strategies for Effective Communication in Agricultur

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Discuss the assessment criteria with learners, encourage all learners to participate and to
respect each other’s views and opinion, etc.
Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 80-83 for more information on the
assessment of questioning.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Reflect on learners’ performance with them to identify common strengths and areas for
improvement and use feedback to modify your teaching strategies, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a – 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 22 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 23 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 23 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 23: Activities of Agribusiness

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 22 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e).

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e).

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 22 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 23 by aligning the
learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 23 considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c,
2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 23 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 23: Activities of Agribusiness Management

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is discussion (NTS
3k, 3p).

Discuss five (5) activities carried out in agribusiness management.
Refer to Teacher Manual Section 7, Week 23, pages 94 to 97 and Learner Material Section 7 for
more task examples.


The report of the research assigned in week 21 is due for submission this week (week 23)


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Assigning a total of 18 marks for well discussed activities of an agribusiness management, 15
marks for the discussion and a maximum of 3 marks for teamwork.
Expected answers

a) Activities carried out in agribusiness management include;

i. Strategic Planning: (1 mark)

· Agribusiness managers develop long-term strategies to achieve organisational

goals. (1 mark)
· This involves analysing market trends, identifying opportunities and threats,
setting objectives, and formulating plans to allocate resources effectively. (1

ii. Financial Management: (1 mark)

· Agribusiness managers handle financial aspects such as budgeting, cash flow

management, financial analysis and investment decisions. (1 mark)
· They assess the profitability of different activities, manage expenses, secure
financing, and ensure compliance with financial regulations. (1 mark)

iii. Production Management:

PLC SESSION 23: Activities of Agribusiness Management

· This involves planning and overseeing agricultural production activities,

including crop cultivation, livestock rearing and aquaculture. (1 mark)
· Agribusiness managers optimise production processes, monitor yields,
manage input resources (such as seeds, fertilisers, and feed), and implement
quality control measures. (1 mark)

iv. Supply Chain Management:

· Agribusinesses operate within complex supply chains that involve multiple

stakeholders, including suppliers, distributors, retailers and consumers. (1
· Managers coordinate the flow of goods and services, manage inventory levels,
negotiate contracts and ensure timely delivery while minimising costs and
risks. (1 mark)

v. Marketing and Sales: (1 mark)

· Agribusiness managers develop marketing strategies to promote agricultural

products and maximise sales. (1 mark)
· This involves market research, branding, advertising, pricing, distribution
channel management and customer relationship management. (1 mark)

3 x 5 = 15 marks

b) Teamwork and collaboration

i. Strong teamwork and active participation by all members of the group = 3 marks
ii. Teamwork and active participation by some group members = 2 marks
iii. Poor teamwork and active participation = 1 mark

Maximum of 3 marks


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Provide necessary resources, materials to help groups in their work (links to websites and
references to books and journal) and discuss the assessment criteria with learners, etc.

PLC SESSION 23: Activities of Agribusiness Management

Refer to the Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 66-69 for more information on the
assessment of discussion.

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Reflect on learners’ performance with them to identify common strengths and areas for
improvement and use feedback to modify your teaching strategies, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 23 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to:

a) provide constructive feedback to learners and record their assessment scores in the
required format and document where appropriate (NTS 3l – 3n).
b) read PLC Session 24 and related Learner Material (NTS 3a).
c) bring along your Teacher Manual, PLC Handbook and learning plan on week 24 in
preparation for the next session (NTS 3a).

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester

1. Introduction (20 minutes)

1.1 Share one thing on the lesson for week 23 delivered last week that:

a. went well (NTS 1a - 1b, 2a – 2e)

b. you found challenging (NTS 1a – 1b, 2a - 2e)

1.2 Share your experience in conducting and/or recording the assessment for the
previous week.
1.3 Share your observation on what a colleague did by way of application of lessons
learned from the previous session for week 23 that supported learning (NTS 2e,
2f and 3d – 3j).

2. Review of Learning Plans (60 minutes)

2.1 Read the purpose, learning outcome and learning indicators for the session:

The purpose of the session is to review the learning plan for week 24 lessons and end of
semester examination by aligning the learning plan with Learner Material and appropriate
assessment strategies.

Learning Outcome
Review your learning plan for week 24 and prepare for end of semester examination
considering the cross-cutting issues (NTS 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f, 3a, 3d, 3e, 3g-3k and 3o).

Learning Indicators
1. Review the activities in the Learner Material and identify appropriate activities
based on the pedagogical approaches in the Teacher Manual that can support your
lesson for the week.
2. Discuss and develop assessment tasks and rubrics/marking scheme for the learning
indicators for the week.

2.2 Review the pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching week 24 in your
learning plan, identify activities that align with these in the Learner Material.
Indicate the activities in your learning plan (NTS 2a – 2f, 3a – 3j).


The selected activities should be included in the teacher/learner activity section of the learning

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

2.3 Develop assessment tasks/items based on the learning indicator(s) on assessment

for the week. This week’s recommended mode of assessment is end of semester
examination (NTS 3k, 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. Which of the following correctly lists the main components of soil?

A. Water, minerals, air and organic matter

B. Sand, clay, gravel and silt
C. Rocks, minerals, air and plastic
D. Water, sand, glass and organic matter (1 mark for each correct answer)

Section B: Essay Type Questions

Discuss the importance of farm hygiene and sanitation activities in animal production (5
Section C: Practical

a. Write the names of specimen A to D in the picture below. (4 marks)

b. Give one (1) importance each of the specimen in farm hygiene activities in crop
production. (4 marks)
c. State three (3) effects of unhygienic conditions in crop production. (3 marks)
d. Name 4 tools used in carrying out farm hygiene activities in animal production. (4


Refer to the Appendix H for the table of specifications for sampling and writing of the test

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination


i. The assessment tasks/items may cover levels 1 to 4 where appropriate to ensure that
assessment is differentiated for all.
ii. The selected activities should be included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum
and TM’ section below teacher/learner activities of the learning plan.

2.4 Discuss (and agree as a subject group) how you will develop the marking scheme/
rubrics for scoring the assessment task(s)/item(s) for the week’s recommended
assessment (NTS 3n – 3p).

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. Which of the following correctly lists the main components of soil?

A. Sand, clay, gravel and silt

B. Water, minerals, air and organic matter
C. Rocks, minerals, air and plastic
D. Water, sand, glass and organic matter

Correct answer is B (1 mark for each correct answer)

Section B: Essay Type Question
Expected answers
Discussing the importance of farm hygiene and sanitation activities in animal production (5

Expected solution:

i. Regular cleaning and disinfection of animal housing prevents the buildup of pathogens.
ii. Effective use of the gathered can be used for composting or biogas which are valuable
resources, reducing environmental contamination.
iii. Regular cleaning of water troughs and monitoring water quality help prevent
waterborne diseases.
iv. Implementing pest control measures helps prevent the spread of diseases carried by
rodents and insects.
v. Regular vaccination programs protect animals from common diseases.
vi. Routine health checks and monitoring help detect early signs of illness, allowing for
timely intervention.

1 x 5 = 5 marks

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

Section C: Practical

a. Identification of specimen A to D

A = hand sprayer
B = hand fork
C = rake
D = pruning shears (1 x 4 = 4 marks, wrong spelling of name attracts no mark)

b. State the importance of the specimen in farm hygiene activities in crop production

Expected answer:
i. Hand sprayer: used for the application of treatments such as fungicides, insecticides
or weedicides.
ii. Hand fork: for removing weeds around established plants.
iii. Rake: for removing debris and gathering leaves and other waste materials on the
iv. Pruning shears: for cutting and removing dead or diseased plant parts such as
branches, leaves, or stems (1x4 = 4 marks).

c. State three (3) effect of unhygienic conditions in crop production

Expected answer
i. Unhygienic conditions can create an environment conducive for the spread of plant
diseases and pets which can lead to reduced yields.
ii. Accumulation of harmful microorganisms, chemicals and toxins in the soil due to
poor sanitation practices can degrade soil quality.
iii. Contaminated crops can harbour pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria can
pose serious health risks to consumers and potentially lead to foodborne illness
iv. Disease and pest damage can significantly lower crop yields, leading to financial
losses for farmers.
v. Contaminated or low-quality produce may be rejected by buyers, resulting in lost
income and damaged market reputation.

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

vi. Runoff from fields with poor sanitation can contaminate nearby water sources with
chemicals, pathogens, and sediments, harming aquatic ecosystems and posing
risks to human health. (Any 3 for 3 marks, 1 mark each)

d. Name 4 tools and implements used in carrying out farm hygiene activities in animal

Expected results
i. Brooms and Brushes
ii. Shovels and Spades
iii. Pressure Washers
iv. Scrapers
v. Disinfectant Sprayers
vi. Footbaths (any 4 for 4 marks, 1 mark each)


i. The marking scheme and rubrics for scoring the assessment tasks/items should be
included in the ‘Assessment DoK aligned to Curriculum and TM’ section below teacher/
learner activities in the learning plan.
ii. Take into consideration different modes of responses provided by learners.
iii. Discuss how you will observe and integrate character qualities, national values and 21st
century skills that align with the lesson for the week and include these in your scoring.

2.5 Discuss how you will administer the assessment task(s)/item(s) as a subject group
(NTS 3n – 3p).

Prepare a table of test specifications, provide clear instructions and resources needed for the
tasks and discuss the structure of the test with learners, etc.
Refer to Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit pages 41-43, 83-86 and 94-97 for more
information on test of practical knowledge, multiple choice and essay type questions,

2.6 Discuss how to provide feedback, and where appropriate, record and submit the
assessment scores for each learner in the class (NTS 3l – 3n).

Returned marked answer booklets to learners promptly, discuss learners’ performance with
them (individually and as class) and encourage learners to use the feedback to improve their
learning, etc.


In giving feedback on assessment tasks/items, guide learners to make the necessary corrections
that will improve learning.

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

3. Reflection (10 minutes)

3.1 Reflect and share your views on the session (NTS 1a - 1b).
3.2 Identify a critical friend to observe your lesson in relation to PLC Session 24 and
provide feedback on your lesson (NTS 1f, 3g).
3.3 Remember to provide constructive feedback to learners and record their
assessment scores in the required format and document where appropriate (NTS
3l – 3n).

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

Appendix E: Table of Specification for End of Semester Examination

Consider the following for the end of semester examinations:

a) Cover content from weeks 13-24, taking into consideration DoK levels 1-4.
b) Resources:
i. Answer Booklets
ii. Learning Material
iii. Teacher Manual
iv. Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit
v. Specimen and Materials for Practical Examination
c) The test should include
i. Section A- Multiple Choice Questions (40 questions for 40 marks, 1 mark for each
ii. Section B- (5 Essay Type Questions, 3 to be selected for 60 marks, 20 marks per question)
iii. Practical Section – (5 questions, Answer all questions for 100 marks, 20 marks per
d) Time: 1 hour 30 minutes for Section A and B and 1 hour for practical examination.
e) Total Score: 200 marks to be scaled down to 60 marks.
f) Prepare table of specification

Table of specification for item construction for section A, B and C

Weeks Focal Areas Types of DoK Levels Total

1 2 3 4
13 Management Systems Involved Multiple Choice 2 2 2 - 6
in Animal Production
Essay 1 1 1 - 3

Test of Practical - - - - -

14 Skills in Farm Animal Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Management Practices for
Essay - 1 - - 1
Rearing Animals
Test of Practical - - - - -

15 Agroforestry Practices and Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

Systems in Forest Management
Essay - - 1 - 1

Test of Practical - - - 1 1

PLC SESSION 24: Preparing for End of Semester Examination

Weeks Focal Areas Types of DoK Levels Total

1 2 3 4
16 Meaning and Nature of Soil Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

Essay - 1 1 - 2

Test of Practical - - - - -

17 Composition of Soil and their Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Essay - 1 1 - 2

Test of Practical - - - - -

18 Preparing for Mid-Semester Multiple Choice 2 2 1 - 5

Essay 1 1 1 - 3

Test of Practical - - - - -

19 Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Multiple Choice 2 3 2 - 7

Activities in Crop Production
Essay - - 1 - 1

Test of Practical - - - 1 1

20 Farm Hygiene and Sanitation Multiple Choice 2 3 1 - 6

Activities in Animal Production
Essay - 1 1 - 2

Test of Practical - - - - -

21 Farm as an Economic Unit Multiple Choice 2 2 2 - 6

Essay - - 1 - 1

Test of Practical - - - 1 1

22 Strategies for Effective Multiple Choice 3 3 1 - 7

Communication in Agriculture
Essay - 1 - - 1

Test of Practical - - - - -

23 Activities of Agribusiness Multiple Choice 3 2 1 - 6

Essay 1 1 1 - 3

Test of Practical - - - - -

24 Procedure for Writing an Multiple Choice 3 2 1 - 6

Agribusiness Plan
Essay - 1 - - 1

Test of Practical - - - 1 1

Total 30 40 26 4 100


Appendix 1: Structure of The Senior High School Internal Assessment

and Transcript System

This document provides details on the structure of the internal assessment and transcript
system for effective implementation of the standards-based curriculum at the SHS level.
The structure of the internal assessment involves a comprehensive and systematic
approach to evaluating learners’ performance and learning progress. The frequency of
assessment is carefully planned to ensure regular and consistent monitoring, typically
occurring at multiple points throughout the academic term. It is crucial to capture learner
assessment scores promptly and accurately for the transcript. Therefore, guidance has
been provided to ensure that each assessment is recorded in a timely manner. Effective
management of the transcript system requires meticulous organisation and updated
technology to handle and store data efficiently. Capacity building and training on effective
internal assessment are essential for teachers, heads, assessments officers, providing
them with the skills and knowledge to conduct assessments that are fair, ethical and align
with learning outcomes for valid results. Engaging learners in internal school assessments
fosters a sense of responsibility and self-awareness, encouraging them to take an active
role in their educational journey through prompt and effective feedback.

A. Structure
Formative Assessment
This assessment may be conducted during a class period, after completing or during a
practical activity, or after a teacher completes a sub-strand, strand, or a learning
indicator(s). Distinct types of assessment tools can be used for Formative Assessment.
These include:

· Observation during in-class activities

· Standard homework exercise for class discussion
· Question and answer sessions (formal and informal)
· Quizzes (e.g. class pop-ups)
· In-class activities and presentations (individuals and groups)
· Project work (individuals and groups)
· Practical assessments
· Field trips/Presentation of Reports


· Class assignments/Self/Peer Assessments

· Class tests
· Portfolios
· Performance assessments (roleplay, demonstration oral/aural)

Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment is conducted at the end of the learning sequence (end of semester).
It records the learners’ overall achievement/performance at the end of the learning
sequence. The type of tools used may include:

· Mid-semester examination
· End of semester examination
· Project work/Portfolio/Research/Practical assessments

TABLE 1: Proposed Structure, assessment activities and marks distribution

Mode of Assessment Contribution/ Submission

Weight per Year
1 Class Assessments (e.g., Classwork, Quizzes, 10 % 2
Homework, Debate, Presentation, Drama & Roleplay,
Case Study)

2 Mid-Semester Examination (Assessment/Project/ 10% 2


3 Practical or Portfolio or Performance Assessment 10 % 1


4 Group Projects, Research, or Case Studies, Practical/Lab 10 % 1

work, Workshops, Performances, Presentations (Out of

5 Individual Projects, Research, or Case Studies, 20% 1

Practical/Lab work, Workshops, Performances,
Presentations (Out of Class)

6 Supervised Individual Semester Assessment/Project/ 2

40 %
End of Semester Examination

Total 100 % 9


Character Qualities/National, Values, 21st Century Skills: Teachers should make a

conscious effort to observe these soft skills as learners go about their activities in the
class, take notes, and award marks appropriately. Assessment of these skills should be
deliberately embedded in the various modes of assessment outlined in the table above.


B. Frequency of Assessment
Table 2 provides a suggested schedule of internal assessment for SHS. It is important to
note that whilst assessments should comply with the specific learning outcomes of the
subject area, they should cover the 21st century skills and competencies, GESI, SEL and
National values as espoused in the TAMT using diversity in assessment modes as suggested
in Table 1. Teachers may increase the frequency of assessments using other assessment
strategies. The schedules presented should serve as milestones for schools to comply with.

Table 2: Suggested schedules of internal assessment for SHS

Semester One

SN Modes of Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Individual Class Assessment(s)

2 Practical or Portfolio** or
Performance Assessments

3 Group Projects, Research or

Case Studies (out of class)

4 Supervised Individual
Semester Assessment

Semester Two

SN Modes of Assessment 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
5 Individual Class

6 Group work or Exercises

7 Practical or Portfolio or
Performance Assessments

8 Individual Project work or

Research or Case Study

9 Supervised Individual
Semester Assessment

Note: How and when to capture learner assessment scores for the Transcript.

1. Individual Class Assessment: This can include individual classwork. This

assessment can begin before week 4, but the evaluation scores should be ready by
weeks 4 and 18.
2. Individual Practical/Performance Assessment: This form of assessment should
include orientation of learners at the beginning to provide enough information


concerning the deliverables, progress review, and feedback processes. The

assessment score should be ready by the end of weeks 5 through 10, and 15
through 22.
3. Group Projects/ Research/Case Studies: Learners should be grouped to work on a
common project, case study or research-based problem. The learners should be
given orientation concerning the rubrics and ethical or professional conduct
concerning the assessment. The problems, projects, research assignments, or case
studies should be related to the learners’ environment. The assessment score
should be ready by week 10.
4. Supervised Individual Semester Assessment: This may be a written examination
or project work. It must be noted that regardless of the mode of assessment, there
should be supervision throughout. This assessment should be completed by weeks
13/14 and 27/28.
5. Individual Project Work/Research/Case Study: This can include mini-design
assignments, investigative or case studies or research-based assignments. The
assessment score should be ready by week 24.

Assessments should cover the scope of the 21st century skills and competencies, GESI, SEL
and national values espoused in the TAMT. Table 3 gives examples of the scope. Refer to
the TAMT for a comprehensive list of the scope.

Table 3: Examples of 21st Century skills and competencies, GESI, SEL and National Values to be
covered by scope of assessment

21st Century Skills & GESI & SEL National Values

· Critical Thinking and · Gender Equality and Social · Respect
Problem Solving Inclusion
· Truth and Integrity
· Creativity · Self-Awareness
· Tolerance
· Innovation · Self-Management
· Respect
· Collaboration · Social Awareness
· Equity
· Communication · Relationship Skills
· Communality
· Global and Local Citizenship · Responsible Decision
· Appreciation
· Learning for life
· Stewardship
· Tolerance
· Leadership
· Time Management
· Analytic skills
· Digital Literacy


Table 4 shows the recommended assessment strategies for the scope in Table 3.

Table 4: Recommended assessment strategies for 21st century skills and competencies

21st Century Skills & Competencies Assessment Strategies

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, · Debates
Analytical skills
· Analysis of Case Studies based on learners’
· Research & Project work.
· Objective and Essay type questions/items

Creativity and Innovation · Individual and group projects

· Analysis of Case Studies based on learners’
· Design & product creation to solve societal problems

Communication and Collaboration · Debates

· Group projects.
· Presentations
· Drama & Role play

Global and Local Citizenship · Research & Project work.

· Analysis of Case Studies based on cultural and global

Leadership and learning for life · Individual and Group projects

· Presentations

Digital Literacy · Research & Project work.

· Presentations using ICT tools.
· individual and group projects

The TAMT details the rubrics for the assessment strategies suggested in Table 3. A
combination of the assessment strategies could provide diversity and ensure that the
assessment scope is effectively covered during formative and summative assessments. It
is important to note that the GESI, SEL and National values espoused in the TAMT should
be incorporated into the assessment strategies.

C. Learner Involvement
What should learners contribute?
Learners’ involvement in the internal assessment processes in schools offers valuable
insights into how the learner perceives and experiences of the assessment process. This
engagement process grants learners the opportunity to explain areas of confusion,
frustration, or unfairness, and these help teachers refine their assessment approaches.


Again, learner involvement fosters communication between teachers and students. This
can help clarify expectations, address concerns, and create a more positive learning

When to involve learners

As part of the initial needs assessment for teacher training, gather learner input on areas
needing improvement in the Internal Assessment Score (IAS) process. This helps to
incorporate learner feedback in developing appropriate teacher training materials.

How should learners be involved?

Teachers should organise focus group sessions, to gather learner feedback on past
assessments. This feedback can be used to inform future training sessions for teachers.
e.g., Mock assessments and Co-creation of rubric.
Guide learners on the learning outcome expected. Involve them in the development of the
assessment rubrics, and checklists to evaluate their progress and identify areas for
improvement. Learners would demonstrate respect for diverse perspectives and the ability
to work cooperatively with others.

Integrate reflective activities such as journaling or discussions where students can analyse
their learning experiences and identify areas for growth.
By actively involving teachers and learners in the SBA process, we create a dynamic
learning environment. This empowers students to take ownership of their learning
journey while equipping teachers with the tools to effectively guide and assess student

Transparency and Setting Goals

At the beginning of a lesson, communicate clearly, the assessment criteria to the learners
using appropriate language and structure. Present the information in an organised and
coherent manner.

Incorporate opportunities for self-assessment throughout the learning process. Learners
can use rubrics or checklists to evaluate their progress and identify areas for improvement.
Learners would demonstrate respect for diverse perspectives and the ability to work
cooperatively with others.

Goal Setting
Encourage learners to set achievable learning goals aligned with the assessment criteria.
This empowers them to take ownership of their learning journey.

Peer Assessment
Strategically incorporate peer assessment activities where students evaluate each other’s
work based on established criteria. This fosters critical thinking and collaboration skills.


Student-led presentations or projects

Provide opportunities for students to display their learning through presentations or
projects. This allows them to develop communication and presentation skills.
By actively involving teachers and learners in the SBA process, we create a dynamic
learning environment. This empowers students to take ownership of their learning
journey while equipping teachers with the tools to effectively guide and assess student

D. Feedback Mechanism
A feedback mechanism is a systematic approach for providing learners with information
about their performance. This information helps them understand their strengths,
identify areas for improvement, and achieve their learning goals. In the multi-subject
environment of senior high school, timely and constructive feedback is crucial.
Timely means that feedback is provided soon enough for learners to act upon it after each
assessment. Here are suggested general timelines to consider for the following types of

Type of Assessment Expected Timeline for Feedback

Individual class assessments (mostly written) 1-3 days

Group assignments 1 week, with interim check-ins for assignments

over extended periods of time.

Project work/Semester paper/End of Semester after key milestones and a final comprehensive
examinations review upon completion

For feedback to be constructive, it should focus on the task and not the learner’s personality.
It should be specific, actionable, and delivered in a way that motivates improvement.
In providing feedback, use the sandwich method (CCC), which starts with a positive aspect
of the work (compliment), followed by constructive criticism (correction), and concludes
with another positive note (compliment). To set the stage for effective feedback, clearly
communicate the learning objectives, expectations, and scoring rubrics before any
Learners must maintain an “assessment portfolio” where they compile all their
assignments, reports, and feedback. Parents and other stakeholders review this portfolio
during open days, parent-teacher meetings, or monitoring activities.
Feedback can be delivered using different methods after the assessment is done and
marked. The choice of delivery should be guided by best practices and constraints that
may exist, such as available time and class sizes. The following are some delivery methods
to consider:

◼ Whole Class Feedback: The teacher facilitates a discussion about the assessment
with all the learners. During the discussion, the teacher should highlight common
strengths and weaknesses, provide clarifications, and share best practices.


◼ Individual Feedback: The teacher gives learners personalised (one-on-one)

guidance or written comments. Provide prompts to guide learners to self-correct
their wrong responses.


Provide checklists or rubrics that learners can use to assess their own work before submitting
it. This helps them independently identify errors and make the necessary adjustments.

◼ Group Feedback: The teacher groups learners facing similar challenges for targeted
instruction and provides them with feedback.
◼ Peer Review Feedback: The teacher allows learners to learn from one another by
giving constructive feedback to peers.
◼ Self-Reflection: After receiving feedback, the teacher should encourage learners to
analyse their work, identify areas for improvement, and set goals using rubrics as
a guide.
◼ External Feedback: In specific cases, the teacher should consider feedback from
subject experts, teachers from other institutions, parents, and other stakeholders.

Regardless of the chosen feedback mechanism, note that self-reflection is essential. This
allows learners to internalise feedback, set personal targets for improvement, and develop
a growth mindset. Following the feedback, teachers are to provide opportunities for
learners to correct mistakes through targeted exercises and reassessments.
By implementing these feedback strategies, teachers can empower senior high school
learners to become active participants in their learning journey.

E. Transcript System
Effective data management is crucial for informed decision-making in today’s dynamic
educational landscape. The computerised transcript system achieves this purpose by
offering second-cycle institutions with a comprehensive record of learner performance.
The transcript system is a centralised repository for learner information. It gathers key
details such as learner profiles, semester information, subjects taken with their respective
scores (including continuous assessments and end of semester examination), credits,
grades, semester, and overall Grade Point Averages (GPAs). Additionally, a dedicated
section captures brief descriptions of learners’ character qualities at the end of each
There should be at least three individual class assessments, at least one group work and at
least one project work.


Appendix 2: Excerpts from The Teacher Assessment Manual and Toolkit

A. Principles of Effective Assessment

As a process of determining the nature and extent of learning and development among
learners, it is important to ensure that the assessment process meets the following

1. Validity
2. Reliability
3. Fairness and ethics
4. Transparency
5. Inclusivity
6. Practicability
7. Assessment utility

Developing a valid assessment (Validity of Assessment Results)

To ensure that assessment scores or results are useful and interpreted appropriately, the
teacher should:

i. Clearly state the purpose of the assessment (e.g., what the test will be used for).
ii. Create a learning and assessment plan (i.e., table of test specification tots)
iii. Write assessment items or tasks that measure important learning outcomes of the
curriculum (e.g., Skills, competencies, collaborative efforts, and lifelong learning).
iv. Clearly define the performance criteria or standards/schemes/rubrics (i.e., define
the specific knowledge, skill or behaviour that learners should demonstrate
v. Score or grade assessment task based on the performance criteria to avoid biases,
stereotyping, among others.
vi. Ensure that the content of the assessment aligns closely with the defined criteria
(thus, the assessment questions, tasks, or activities should directly measure what
they want to assess).
vii. Interpret the assessment results based on the purpose and the performance

Reliability (Consistency of Assessment Results)

In assessment, consistent standards of teacher assessment and fairness are important
goals to aim for. The ‘connoisseur’ approach to assessment; that is, ‘I know it when I see
it, but I can’t put it into words’ is not acceptable. Reliable results must be dependable for
decision making.


For an Assessment result to be reliable, the teacher should:

i. Clearly identify the learning outcomes to be assessed.

ii. Give learners work or completed assessment tasks and activities to other teacher(s)
to review.
iii. Use multiple assessment strategies to measure the same or similar learning
outcomes (e.g., giving the tasks or items of a class exercise as another class exercise
or homework or group project) or using different item formats to assess learning
iv. Prepare scoring rubrics or marking schemes with specific weighting (marks)
v. allocated to the items and use it consistently.
vi. Give rubrics of tasks/activities in the case of performance or practical assessment
ahead of time.
vii. Ensure that the load or the length of the tasks are appropriate to the level of the
learner (e.g., 25 minutes for 20 items; a project for a week or the term/ semester).
viii. Administer assessment in a conducive environment that minimise disruption (e.g.,
noise, lightening, ventilation, among others) and devoid of any cheating.

Fairness and Ethics

Assessment strategies should give learners equitable opportunity to demonstrate what
they know and can do taking into consideration their ability, learning styles, gender,
special educational needs (SEN), among others. The teacher should:

i. Ensure that the assessment tasks/activities align with the learning outcomes and
content covered in class.
ii. Use different forms of assessment tasks to assess learning outcomes (e.g., oral
assessment, class exercises, class tests, homework, assignments, written tests,
projects, and practical demonstrations as well as the end-of-term/ semester
iii. Provide clear and detailed instructions to learners about the assessment’s format,
expectations, and criteria for evaluation.
iv. Identify learners with SEN and make the necessary adaptation by providing extra
time, alternative formats and other necessary accommodations.
v. Avoid using culturally biased or discriminatory content, unfamiliar words,
questioning, or examples in assessments.
vi. Communicate the assessment plan in advance. For example, date, time, location,
and any other relevant logistics.

Transparency in assessment refers to making the assessment process and criteria clear
and understandable to learners. The teacher should:


i. Make learners aware of the demand of the assessment tasks.

ii. Share performance criteria and indicate what will constitute the pass mark.
iii. Readily share assessment results with the appropriate stakeholders (learners,
parents/guidance, teachers).
iv. Provide opportunity for leaners to seek review and redress.
v. Share the learning outcomes the assessment is designed to measure with learners.
vi. be ready to share assessment criteria or rubrics when the need arises.

Inclusivity in assessment will allow teachers to create assessment practices that are fair
and accessible to ALL learners (GESI, SEL and SEN).
The teacher should:

i. Familiarise with the section of inclusivity on the national pre-tertiary learning

and assessment framework (NPLAF, page 32).
ii. Select assessment strategies that are appropriate for different learning needs.
iii. Assign workload in connection with the developmental and learning needs of
iv. Work with special education experts in the school system to adapt and accommodate
assessment to the needs of all learners (i.e., extra time, alternative formats, or
other necessary accommodations should be available).
v. Make use of different formats (braille, oral translation, text-to-speech, ai, sign
language interpretation and other assistive technology forms).
vi. Develop rubrics that are inclusive (taking into consideration grammar, vocabulary,
handwriting, presentation of ideas).

For assessment strategies or processes to be feasible, convenient, efficient and successful.
The teacher should:

i. Ensure that appropriate and adequate assessment materials, resources and security
are available.
ii. Consider appropriate assessment format to match the learning outcome(s), class
size, age and ability levels.
iii. Consider the time available to develop, administer, score and give constructive

Assessment Utility (utilisation and benefits)

To enhance the usefulness and practical value of assessment tasks/activities, the teacher


i. Clearly state the intended use of the assessment results.

ii. Identify the essential learning outcome(s) to be covered in the assessment.
iii. Construct assessment tasks/activities that are well aligned to real-life situations.
iv. Select and allocate the appropriate resources for the assessment activities.
v. Provide constructive feedback to learners on their performances.
vi. Provide credible information that are useful to learners and other stakeholders
(teachers, parent/guardians).
vii. Weigh and indicate the benefits and the cost of the assessment strategies
viii. to be used.
ix. Justify the selection of a particular assessment format over the others (objective-
type, essay, project, portfolio, demonstration, etc.).

B. Ethical considerations in Assessment

1. Designing and Developing the Assessment
i. Identify the specific learning outcome(s) to be assessed.
ii. State clearly the purpose of the assessment(s).
iii. Specify the content area (i.e. Content Standards and/or Indicators) to be assessed
and align them to the learning outcome(s).
iv. Select appropriate format or strategy that should be in line with the learner’s
characteristics, learning outcome(s) and resources.
v. Design different versions (differentiated assessment) of the assessment including
the use of alternative strategies of assessment.
vi. Avoid biassed assessment tasks (e.g., task favouring a group of learners such as
males among others).
vii. Avoid using unfamiliar language and materials in writing the assessment tasks.
viii. Adapt different versions to suit the needs of all learners. For example, make
provision for learners with visual impairment by enlarging the font sizes of the
assessment instrument and providing braille versions.
ix. Develop the marking scheme/ scoring rubrics when developing the assessment
x. Include mark allocation on the individual questions that are given when necessary.
xi. Ensure that the assessment task is stored securely.
xii. Provide clear direction for administration of the assessments.
xiii. Consider logistics.


2. Administering the Assessment

i. Communicate the assessment nature/structure/format, time, content coverage
and location of the assessment tasks clearly to learners.
ii. Ensure the setting is suitable and conducive for the assessment (e.g., lighting,
ventilation, less noise among others).
iii. For learners with SEN establish rapport and communicate in simple and clear
language. Provide alternative settings for learners with SEN to meet their specific
needs. (e.g., providing individualised accommodations such as writing the
assessment in a separate room).
iv. Provide needed logistics (e.g., answer booklets, first aid, pens and pencils among
others) for the assessment task.
v. For learners with SEN make room for the use of translators, assistive devices such
as hearing aids, braille, computers, recorders, and other technologies that are
relevant to their needs.
vi. Administer assessments within appropriate time limits to enhance validity and to
minimise the chance for cheating. Provide additional time for learners with SEN.
vii. For learners with SEN, make room for varied modes such as oral, written, the use
of a computer (text-to-speech and speech-to-text) among others.
viii. Avoid anxiety, intimidating language, and unnecessary announcements.
ix. Provide learners with anonymous identifiers and codes instead of names to
enhance reliability and validity.
x. In the case of practical/performance assessments, share rubrics and marking
schemes with learners.
xi. Ensure controlled and supervised distribution of assessment materials to avoid
leaks or unauthorised sharing.

3. Scoring the Assessment

i. Consistently make use of the marking scheme/ scoring rubrics.
ii. Ensure multiple ratings or scoring/grading are done where necessary (e.g., for
essay-type questions, practical/performance assessment).
iii. Focus on the content (i.e., what is being assessed) instead of handwriting, spelling,
punctuations, concord, and vocabulary when scoring.
iv. For learners with SEN considerations should be made for vocabulary, spelling, and
grammar especially in the English language.
v. Provide opportunity for remarking, review, or redress where necessary.
vi. Record the actual scores/grades of learners as a reflection of their performance. Do
not add or subtract marks based on personal influences.
vii. Keep assessment results of the learners safe (either manually or digitally).


viii. Consider the use of professional scorers, judges, or raters in the case of External

4. Reporting and Feedback in Assessment

i. Ensure that the learner is aware of those who will be receiving the report.
ii. Communicate results to authorised persons such as parents/guardians and other
iii. Seek permission (informed consent) from the learner or parent/guardian if a third
party may be involved.
iv. Ensure that the true performance of the learner is reported (do not manipulate or
distort the results).
v. Present assessment results without stereotyping or biases.
vi. Use language and terminology that is respectful and GESI responsive when
reporting reports.
vii. Provide clear and meaningful interpretation of the assessment results.
viii. Adhere to legal requirements, ethical guidelines and institutional policies
governing the reporting of assessment results.

5. Feedback
i. Provide constructive feedback timely and promptly.
ii. Emphasise the learner’s strengths and opportunities for improvement rather than
focusing solely on weaknesses.
iii. Ensure that the feedback given to the learner, parents/guardians and other teachers
reflects the performance of the learner.
iv. Consider and adjust the mode of providing feedback to suit the needs of learners
(consider GESI and SEN issues).
v. Provide feedback based on the assessment criteria and not on personal influence.
vi. Avoid displaying and announcing learners’ performance unofficially.
vii. Create opportunities for learners to readily access their results through creation of
portals, portfolios and files for individual learners and other stakeholders.
viii. Ensure collaborative assessment by sharing and taking the learner’s information.
ix. Create opportunities for learners to reflect on their own assessment results and
x. Give written comments to learners in formative assessment to help the learner
track their errors and make the necessary corrections.


6. Interpreting and Using the Assessment Results

i. Provide clear and detailed criteria including criterion/pass mark for interpreting
the assessment results.
ii. Avoid biases in interpreting the assessment results. Ensure result interpretation is
not influenced by gender, religion, ethnicity, personal liking among others.
iii. Use simple and clear language in the interpretation of the assessment results.
iv. Interpret assessment results based on evidence and sound assessment practices.
v. Ensure that the interpretation of the results accurately reflects the learner’s ability,
skills, competencies and knowledge.
vi. Ensure the learner is aware of the assessment process and the consequence of the
vii. Ensure assessment results are used for their INTENDED PURPOSE, aligning with
the learning outcomes.
viii. Seek the consent of the learner and parents/guardians before using the assessment
results for any purpose.
ix. Ensure that assessment informs the teaching and learning process in a fair and
unbiased manner and provide remediation where necessary.
x. Ensure that assessment results are confidentially kept and only shared with
relevant stakeholders, such as the learner, parents/guardians, and school
xi. Avoid using assessment results to label (name-calling), stereotype and discriminate
among learners.
xii. Ensure that results are stored and used in a secured manner.
xiii. Avoid discussing the learner’s results and performance unofficially with others
(e.g., with other teachers, staff, learners and among others).

C. Differentiated Assessment
Differentiated assessment adapts strategies to diverse learning needs, strengths, and
interests of all learners. Teachers tailor assessments to accommodate varying levels of
readiness, learning styles, and preferences that ensure that all learners have equitable
opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and skills.

To implement differentiated assessment, teachers should consider the following:

i. Varied assessment formats: provide a range of assessment options, such as written

assignments, oral presentations, projects, or multimedia presentations. This
allows learners to exhibit their knowledge and skills using formats that align with
their abilities and strengths.
ii. Flexible deadlines: give learners the opportunity to complete assessments within a
flexible timeframe. This considers different learning paces and allows learners to
manage their time appropriately.


iii. Varying tasks: Vary levels of difficulty for assessment tasks, allowing learners to
choose the one that best suits their needs and challenges them appropriately.
iv. Accommodations: Provide necessary accommodations for learners with unique
learning needs, such as extended time, modified formats, or additional resources
to support their assessment process.
v. Individualised feedback: Provide individualised and constructive feedback that
addresses the learner-specific needs and areas for improvement. Tailoring feedback
to specific standards and learning outcomes can help learners understand their
strengths and areas for improvement.
vi. Learner involvement: Involve learners in the assessment process by encouraging
self-reflection, self-assessment, and goal setting. Engaging learners in dialogue
about their learning and assessment promotes

D. Guidelines on how to Construct Multiple Choice Questions

1. Clearly define the purpose of the test/assessment
2. Define the learning outcome (i.e. knowledge, comprehension, skills, or
competencies) you want learners to demonstrate through MCQs.
3. Prepare a table of test specifications or blueprints.

i. List topics and subtopics covered during the instructional period

ii. Distribute the number of test items among course content and instructional
objectives or behaviours.

4. Write the test items (note: it should match the content and DoK levels stated in the
table of test specification).

i. The central issue of the items should be in the question statement (stem).
ii. The options should be plausible and homogeneous in content.
iii. All options must follow syntax and punctuation rules.
iv. Repetition of words in the options should be avoided.
v. Vary the placement of the correct option (appropriately, arrange options in
alphabetical order, ascending or descending or in order of magnitude if using
numbers or dates).
vi. Stems and options should be stated positively. However, a negative stem could
be used sparingly, and the word should be emphasized either by underlining
it or writing it in capital form (e.g. not, NOT, not; except, EXCEPT, except).

5. Write clear directions/instructions. (e.g. Answer All Questions. All questions carry
equal marks, Select/Choose from the alternative lettered A-D the correct answer).
6. Review the test items (go through items again after construction i.e. after a few
days to week).


7. Prepare scoring key (scoring keys should be prepared concurrently with item

E. Common Assessment Used in the Classroom

Class Exercise As An Assessment Strategy
Description: Class exercise as an assessment strategy are tasks designed to evaluate
learner’s understanding, knowledge, and skills related to a particular subject to gauge how
well learners are grasping a content being taught.

Teachers should mainly use class exercises for formative purposes to assess learners
across all subject areas, which can take various forms, such as quizzes, problem-solving
tasks, group discussions, reflective questions, case studies, question and answer and
practical activities, performance, observation, checklist/rubrics and demonstration
providing valuable insights into the learning process.

Purpose: Class exercises can be used to:

i. Help identify learning gaps in comprehension, retention, application of knowledge,

values and attitudes.
ii. Allow for immediate feedback and clarification of concepts.
iii. Encourage active participation of learners for deeper understanding.
iv. Modify teaching and learning techniques, strategies, and resources based on
learning outcomes.
v. Gradually build learners performance in a lesson over time to reduce summative
test anxiety.
vi. Help identify learners who may require special educational support.
vii. Accommodate different learning styles and abilities, including group work and
multiple representations for learners with special educational needs.

i. Classroom
ii. Laboratory/Workshops/Resource Centres/Libraries
iii. Studios
iv. Field (school park/garden or community spaces)
v. Online learning platforms/Virtual classrooms e.g. Zoom, Class WhatsApp pages,
Google classrooms.

Time frame: Class exercises often take place in a lesson and may be conducted before,
during and after a lesson depending on the learning outcome and the duration of the
Class size: Class exercises may be conducted for learners either individually, as a group or
whole class.


The teacher should:

i. Define the learning outcomes.

ii. Design exercises using simple and clear language.
iii. Select relevant exercises based on nature of the class exercise and desired skills/
knowledge to be attained. E.g.quizzes, case studies etc.
iv. Develop and discuss assessment criteria with learners.
v. Set a reasonable time frame for completion of exercises to maintain focus and
vi. Clearly communicate instructions, including format, length, and resources.

The learner should:

i. Read and understand instructions to ensure a thorough understanding of the

exercise provided.
ii. Collect all available required resources and tools for the task/exercise.

The teacher should:

i. Assign task/exercise based on the learning outcome as well as learners with special
ii. Walk around the classroom and observe learners as they work on the exercise.

The learner should:

i. Organise and set up their work area to facilitate a smooth workflow.

ii. Plan how to approach the exercise, considering instructions and steps or techniques
to employ.
iii. Commence class exercise timely and promptly to work within the given time for
completion of the task.

The teacher should:

i. Evaluate the assessment outcome based on the assessment criteria with the
ii. Provide constructive feedback for learners’ performance for discussions.

NB: Teachers should pay attention to learners with special educational needs.
Reflect and modify teaching and learning strategies and resources based on feedback


The learner should:

i. Reflect, self and peer assess their exercises and provide constructive feedback.
ii. Use the feedback to improve on their work/exercises.

Homework As An Assessment Strategy

Description: Homework or assignments as an assessment strategy involve the use of
structured tasks or projects that learners complete outside of regular class time to evaluate
their understanding, knowledge and skills gained in a specific learning outcome. This
assessment strategy can take various forms, such as written assignments, projects,
research papers, problem sets, essays, or creative tasks.

Some concepts that can be assessed using homework/ assignments include menu planning
and recipe development, problem solving exercises in mathematics, hands-on experiments
and observations, creative writing assignments and art projects, map development and
application of GIS in locating places.

Purpose: The key purposes of using homework/assignment as an assessment strategy by

the teacher include:

i. Assessment of Understanding
ii. Application of Knowledge
iii. Reinforcement of Learning
iv. Independent Study
v. Provision of valuable feedback
vi. Skill Development
vii. Assessment of Diverse Abilities

i. Classroom
ii. Field work
iii. Online platforms
iv. Home

Class Size: Depending on the intended learning outcomes, assignments/ homework can be
structured for either:

i. Small class sizes

ii. Large class sizes

Time Frame: The time frame for conducting assignments can be adjusted based on the
desired learning outcomes and the complexity of the task.

i. Short-term Assignments (Daily or nightly homework and weekly assignments)

ii. Medium-term Assignments (Bi-weekly or monthly assignments)


iii. Long-term Assignments (Semester/ term-long assignments)

The teachers should:

i. Clearly define the learning outcomes intended to be achieved

ii. Design/ Create a well-structured assignment with clear instructions and
iii. Adapt to the needs of diverse learners especially those with special needs
iv. Provide Resources such as textbooks, online materials, or reference materials, to
support learners in completing the assignment successfully.

The teachers should:

i. Keep track of learners’ progress on the assignment.

ii. Be available to answer questions and provide clarification during the assignment
iii. Provide formative feedback and guidance to help students improve their work.
iv. Teach learners how to properly cite sources and use information ethically/ avoid

The learner should:

i. Seek clarification about the task from teachers or peers where necessary
ii. Actively work on the homework, focusing on comprehension
iii. Manage their time effectively
iv. Learners can reach out to their parents/guardians, peers, or online resources for
guidance and clarification in responding to the tasks

The teacher should:

i. Evaluate the completed assignments using clear and consistent grading criteria
ii. Analyse student performance to identify common strengths and areas for
iii. Discuss feedback with learners
iv. Reflect on the outcomes of the assignment.
v. Share the results of the assignment with learners
vi. Acknowledge and celebrate learners’ achievements to boost motivation and self-


The learner should:

i. Review their work to identify errors or areas for improvement.

ii. Reflect on what they have learned
iii. Bring up questions that were confusing for class discussion.
iv. Use feedback to learn from their mistakes and improve performance.

Discussion As An Assessment Strategy

Description: Discussion is a formative assessment strategy that involves using verbal
communication and group interaction to assess learners’ understanding, knowledge, and
skills. The teacher is to observe and assess learners’ contributions, ability to analyse and
synthesise information, and provide feedback based on their performance. It can be used
for both formative and summative assessments.

Discussion can be used in all subject areas of the secondary education curriculum depending
on the purpose of the assessment and learning outcomes under consideration.

Purpose: The following are the purposes of discussion as an assessment strategy:

i. Build knowledge and develop a learner’s critical and creative thinking.

ii. Develop learners’ communication skills.
iii. Increase the depth of the learner’s understanding and eliminate misconceptions.
iv. Engage learners in active participation in the lesson.

i. A classroom
ii. Small groups
iii. Seminars
iv. Online learning platforms (virtual classroom and discussion forum)
v. Fieldwork

Time frame: Appropriately, discussion as an assessment strategy can last for a lesson
depending on the learning outcomes and learning indicator.
Class size: The class sizes appropriate for discussion as an assessment strategy can vary
from small class to large/whole class.

The teacher should:

i. Determine the learning outcomes to be assessed.

ii. Specify the content to be learnt that aligns with the learning outcome.
iii. Give prepared questions to guide the discussion (i.e., make use of open- ended
questions, adaptive to the diverse/abilities of learners)


iv. Establish discussion guidelines or rules (let learners know what is expected of
them, the content of the discussion and the format of the discussion i.e., individual,
small or whole class)

The learner should:

i. Read any assigned readings, watch videos, or engage with other course materials
related to the discussion topic.
ii. Take notes while reviewing the materials on important concepts, arguments, or
iii. Reflect on their own experiences, prior knowledge, or relevant examples that relate
to the discussion topic.
iv. Seek clarification if needed.

The teacher should:

i. Start and facilitate the discussion (ensure that all learners could participate and
encourage learners to engage in critical thinking and reflective thinking).
ii. Monitor and assess learner’s participation (encourage self and peer assessment).
iii. Provide constructive feedback on learners’ responses and contributions. NB.
Teachers are advised to manage all learners’ responses and accommodate them
but must be fair and ethical.

The learner should:

i. Pay attention, maintain eye contact, and be open to different viewpoints and
contributions from mates.
ii. Share their own unique perspectives, insights, and experiences related to the
discussion topic.
iii. Take notes during the discussion to capture key points, new understanding, or
questions that arise.
iv. Ask follow-up questions, seek clarification, or offer alternatives or suggestions

The teacher and the learners reflect on the discussion in relationship to the expected
learning outcomes to check whether the learning outcomes have been achieved.

Case Study As An Assessment Strategy

Description: A case study can be used as an assessment and or pedagogical strategy.
Usually, it is used as an assessment strategy to examine a learner’s ability to apply acquired
knowledge, skills and experiences by carefully investigating a particular circumstance or
scenario to provide solutions to real-life situations. Usually, it will have the following


1. Theme
2. Case description
3. Study of the case
4. Class Discussions
5. Conclusion and reflection

Types of case studies

i. Descriptive case studies: The teacher should ask learners to analyse and explain
the key features and characteristics of the case.
ii. Explanatory case studies: The teacher should ask learners to give detailed
information on the case by identifying and explaining the factors that contributed
to the situation.
iii. Exploratory case reports: The teacher should ask learners to gather information,
analyse data, and draw conclusions about a topic where limited information is
iv. Cumulative case studies: The teacher should encourage learners to synthesise and
integrate their learning across different subjects


Any of these can be done individually or as a group depending on the class size. For large
class sizes, a group of 3 to 5 members should be used.

Purpose: The purpose of a case study is for learners to apply acquired knowledge, concepts
and theories to solve real-life situations. What should the teacher consider before using a
case study as an assessment strategy?

i. The complexity of the content standard

ii. The availability of resources
iii. Ability level of learners
iv. Time
v. Class size

Steps: To ensure a well-structured and quality case study, it is important for the teacher
to consider the following:

The teacher should:

i. Clearly define the learning outcomes to be assessed.

ii. Identify appropriate issues or cases to be investigated.
iii. Determine the format of the case study (e.g., written document, a multimedia
presentation, a video, or a combination of these), depending on the resources


iv. In form the learner on what to do, time frame, and expectations.
v. Provide materials (i.e., text, videos, pictures etc.) for the case study discussion.
vi. Develop and provide a clear scoring rubric that outlines or defines quality
vii. work to learners.

The teacher should:

i. Create and maintain a sound environment for the case study discussion.
ii. Bring the whole class together and invite each group to share their findings,
iii. solutions, or recommendations.
iv. Ask open-ended questions on the issue of discussion to clarify any misconception.
v. Incorporate peer assessment or peer grading as part of the process.

The teacher should:

i. Provide constructive feedback on learners’ responses.

ii. Ask the learners to reflect on their learning process, such as what they learned,
what they found difficult, or what they would do differently.
iii. Summarise the main points and lessons learned from the case study and link them
to the learning outcomes and content.

Ethical Considerations: In the use of case study as an assessment strategy, the teacher

i. Discuss ethical considerations with learners, especially in cases that involve

sensitive or potentially controversial topics (e.g., gender, cultural, social, emotional,
political and religious issues) when selecting and discussing a case.

Documentation and Record-Keeping: The teacher should keep records of assessments and
learners’ submissions to maintain transparency and fairness (e.g., portfolio)

Portfolio Assessment- General

Description: A portfolio assessment is an evaluative tool to measure learners’ understanding
in a comprehensive manner, looking at the overall progress instead of individual marks
from tests and quizzes.
Purpose: Portfolio assessment is used to establish various cognitive achievements as well
as practical competencies. Portfolio assessment could be used for the different levels of
Depth of Knowledge (Levels 1 – 4). It helps teachers identify areas where the learner may
need additional support or resources to improve learning and provide a wide variety of
learners’ mastery of a particular standard and growth over a defined time.


Types of Portfolio Assessments: A portfolio is a systematic collection of learners’ work that

represents learner’s activities, actions, and achievements over a specific period in one or
more areas of the curriculum. There are three main types of portfolios:

1. Assessment Portfolios
2. Teaching and Learning or Working portfolios
3. Showcase portfolios

Assessment Portfolios
Assessment portfolios, also known as evaluative portfolios, contain work that has been
evaluated according to set standards or criteria. These portfolios demonstrate a learner’s
ability to meet specific learning standards. They often contain rubrics, test results, learner
reflections, teacher’s notes, and graded assignments. For instance, in a science class, an
assessment portfolio may contain lab reports, results from class tests, assessed projects,
and the learner’s reflection on their learning throughout the term/semester/year.

Teaching and Learning or Working Portfolios

Teaching and learning or working portfolios are formative in nature. They allow a learner
to demonstrate his or her ability to perform a particular skill. For example, a working
portfolio may include a collection of lab reports during a semester (term) that highlight a
learner’s improving ability to create hypotheses.

Showcase Portfolios
Showcase portfolios are summative in nature. They include samples of a learner’s best
work to demonstrate mastery at the end of a unit of study, semester or school year. The
showcase portfolio allows the learner to select their most outstanding work, hence
demonstrating their highest level of learning and achievement. It can contain final drafts
of assignments, projects, or any piece of work that the learner is particularly proud of,
demonstrating the learner’s mastery of the relevant skills.

What is in a Portfolio?
A portfolio contains the following:

1. Completed assignments and evaluations (e.g., Self-Assessment, Peer- Assessment)

2. Journal writings (daily report – Date, Time and Activities)
3. Reflections on discussions
4. Photos, sketches, and other visuals
5. A summary statement made at different points regarding what has been learned/

Setting: The portfolio assessment strategy can be used in the following settings:

1. Project-Based Learning
2. Independent Study and Research Projects
3. Classroom-based assessment
4. Field Work


5. Exhibitions/ Fairs
6. Problem-based Learning
7. Laboratory environment
8. Studio
9. Resource Centres

For all approaches, the portfolio must demonstrate clear and close adherence to specific
learning outcomes in the curriculum.

The Teacher should:

i. Determine the purpose of the portfolio. Decide how the results of a portfolio
evaluation will be used to inform the subject.
ii. Identify the learning outcomes the portfolio will address.
iii. Decide what learners will include in their portfolio. Portfolios can contain a range
of items–plans, reports, essays, resumes, checklists, self-assessments, references
from employers or supervisors, and audio and video clips. Limit the portfolio to 3-4
pieces of learner’s work and one reflective essay/memo.
iv. Identify or develop the scoring criteria (e.g., a rubric) to judge the quality of the
v. Establish standards of performance and examples (e.g., examples of a high,
medium, and low-scoring portfolio).
vi. Create learner instructions that specify how learners collect, select, reflect, format,
and submit.
vii. It is the teacher’s responsibility to help learners by explicitly tying subject
assignments to portfolio requirements.

The learner should:

i. Collect evidence related to the outcomes being assessed.

ii. Select the best and appropriate evidence and label each piece of evidence according
to the learning outcome being demonstrated.
iii. Be guided on how to write a one or two-page reflective essay/memo that explains
why they selected the particular examples, how the pieces demonstrate their
achievement of the program outcomes, and/or how their knowledge/ability/
attitude changed.
iv. Be guided on how to format requirements (e.g., type of binder, font and style guide
requirements, online submission requirements).
v. Be given submission (and pickup) dates and instructions.


The teacher should:

i. Clearly establish the criteria for evaluating/scoring in a consistent manner

ii. Mark and record learners’ performances
iii. Reflect on the activity and learner performances
iv. Provide constructive feedback to the learner
v. Identify learners with SEN who may need extra support

The learner should:

i. Reflect on the feedback received

ii. Revise their work for final submission

Time Frame: Deciding on a time frame for Portfolio assessment depends on and includes
the following:

i. Nature of project/problem or assignment

ii. Class size
iii. Resources

However, based on the learning outcome(s) the appropriate time frame for this portfolio
is a week for minor activity and a term for extended projects, especially in Art and Design
or Performing Arts.

i. Individual learner’s portfolios when the class size is relatively small.
ii. Group portfolio when the size is relatively large.
iii. Whole class/ school

Research As An Assessment Strategy

Description: Research as an assessment strategy is a systematic process of inquiry and
investigation that aligns with a particular learning outcome to develop knowledge and
understand a phenomenon. It involves identifying an issue in need of investigation,
collecting and analysing data, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions based on
the findings. Once learners have completed their research work, they will write a report
and do a presentation on their findings.
Purpose: Research as an assessment strategy is used to assess learner’s ability to:

i. Identify a problem and gather information (data) from a variety of sources.

ii. Evaluate the credibility and accuracy of information.
iii. Analyse and synthesise information from multiple sources.
iv. Communicate their findings clearly and concisely.


i. Classrooms
ii. Factories/ Industries
iii. School farms
iv. School communities
v. Libraries
vi. Homes.
vii. Fieldwork
viii. Workshops

Class Size: As a teacher, depending on the number of learners in your class, individual or
group research-based assessment can be used. However, teachers can create large groups
for complex research, where different members can focus on specific aspects of the
Time Frame: The time frame for conducting a research-based assessment can vary
depending on the complexity of the learning outcomes (skill to be achieved) may be:

i. Short-term
ii. Medium-term
iii. Long term

The teacher should:

i. Define the learning outcomes.

ii. Develop a theme in line with learning outcomes.
iii. Design the research work and provide a description that is in line with learning
iv. Define specific tasks to be undertaken in developing the research.
v. create a timeline.
vi. Select resources and materials needed.
vii. Provide guidance and support for learners.
viii. Develop clear assessment rubrics.
ix. Provide feedback and revisions.

The teacher should:

i. Provide clear guidelines for developing the research and how to assess it.
ii. Design and plan the research work to align with the learning outcomes.


iii. Provide necessary resources, materials, and support to help learners succeed in
their research work.
iv. Guide learners in reflecting on their research-based assessments and help them
develop metacognitive skills.

The teacher should:

i. Alignment with learning outcomes: The research work should be aligned with the
learning outcomes of the content standards. This means that the research work
should allow learners to demonstrate their understanding of the course material
and to develop the skills that are being taught.
ii. Originality: The research work should be original and not simply a rehash of existing
information. Learners should be encouraged to develop their ideas and to come up
with their conclusions.
iii. Critical thinking: The research work should demonstrate that learners can
conceptualise, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate the information they have
gathered and come out with an action plan.
iv. Communication skills: The research work should be well-written and well- organised.
Learners should be able to communicate their findings clearly and concisely.

Practical Assessments
Description: Practical assessment gauges a student’s capacity to use their knowledge and
abilities in practical and hands-on settings. It involves evaluating learners’ ability to
perform specific tasks and demonstrate practical skills. It includes laboratory experiments,
simulations, demonstrations or projects.

The exact nature of the assessment will depend on the subject or area a teacher is interested

Purpose: The purpose of conducting a practical assessment is to:

i. Evaluate learners’ proficiency, problem-solving capacity, and aptitude for carrying

out tasks.
ii. Create and deliver tests that ask learners to complete real-world assignments,
experiments, or demonstrations.

Setting: Teachers can use practical assessment in the following settings:

i. Classroom
ii. Laboratory
iii. Field
iv. School farms/gardens/community
v. Technical workshops
vi. Science fair


vii. Virtual/Digital/Remote
viii. Co-curricular activities and clubs
ix. Outdoor spaces
x. Workplace
xi. Team project

Time Frame: Based on the learning outcome and the skills to be acquired, a Practical
assessment can be done in a week, at the end of a term or year depending on the project.
Class size: Class size suitable for practical assessment can be individual, group or whole

Learners can understand the content and theory being used by;

i. Reviewing the theoretical concept

ii. Familiarising themselves with the concept under assessment

Choosing experimental design, learners are required to;

i. Design an experiment using the theoretical concept.

ii. Outline the stages/process for the experiment and formulate hypotheses.

Gathering materials

i. Make a list of the tools and supplies you will need.

ii. Ensure that the necessary materials are available

Choosing experimental procedure:

i. Learners are required describe the step-by-step process in detail including how to
control extraneous factors, along with any safety precautions.

Gathering and analysing data

With support from teachers, learners are required to:

i. Measure the dependent variable appropriately at various factor values to collect

ii. Analyse the data meaningfully.
iii. Sort, examine, and derive conclusions from the data analysis

Display of findings

i. Give a concise visual summary of the results.


ii. Address any restrictions or mistakes.

Reflection and improvement

i. Consider your advantages and disadvantages.
ii. Improve the design of upcoming experiments.
iii. Throughout the process, place a strong emphasis on ethics, integrity, and seeking
advice as appropriate.
iv. Encourage a critical and inquisitive outlook on learning.

Debate As An Assessment Strategy

Description: Debate as an assessment strategy involves structured arguments and
discussions to evaluate learners’ knowledge and understanding of issues/ideas. It
encourages research and articulation of views; it can be used for formative or summative
assessments. Types of debates include formal debates with rules and roles and informal
debates, which are more flexible.
Purpose: Using debate as an assessment strategy offers a comprehensive evaluation of
learners’ ability to generate ideas based on their knowledge and understanding of concepts
and confidence in supporting their own ideas.

i. Classroom
ii. Performance spaces (e.g. dining hall, assembly hall, laboratory)
iii. Electronic platforms
iv. Music and drama theatre

Class Size: Depending on the learning outcomes to be achieved debates can be organised

i. Small classes
ii. Large classes

Time frame: The teacher can conduct a debate within a single class session, it can also span
over several class sessions or weeks.

The teacher should:

i. Select appropriate motion/ topic, ensuring it is relevant to the learning outcome

ii. Offer resources and materials to support learners
iii. Assign roles /create teams or pairings
iv. Establish rules and procedures

The learner should:


i. Undertake research regarding the debate’s topic or motion

ii. Play an active role as a team member (in team-based debates)

The teacher should:

i. Host the debate

ii. Ensure effective time management
iii. Monitor and take notes

The learner should:

i. Participate in the debate

ii. Listen and take notes
iii. Counter argue when necessary

The teacher should:

i. Facilitate a debriefing session (Teachers should utilise the debriefing sessions to

address any misunderstandings or questions that come up from the debate. They
should also highlight the key concepts and important lessons based on the learning
ii. Implement peer assessments.
iii. Organise follow-up activities as necessary.

The learners should:

i. Reflect on their performance and the debate as a whole.

ii. Assess their peers’ performances based on established criteria.

The Test of Practical Knowledge (TPK) Assessment Strategy

Description: This assessment is tailored to evaluate a learner’s capacity to apply acquired
knowledge in real-life situations by engaging in hands-on tasks or simulations that mirror
real-world scenarios, assessing practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and the
application of practical knowledge theoretically. It aims to gauge how effectively learners
can employ their knowledge to solve problems or accomplish tasks.
Purposes: The general purpose of the test of practical knowledge is to assess learners’
ability to apply practical knowledge in theory to:

i. Evaluate their application-based understanding.

ii. Assess their problem-solving skills.
iii. Measure the learner’s practical knowledge and its use in real-life situations.
iv. Provide insights into a learner’s ability to transfer practical knowledge into
theoretical actions.


Setting: The Test of Practical Knowledge is conducted in environments that simulate real-
life situations relevant to the learning outcome and the context being assessed. This could
be a

i. Classroom
ii. Laboratory
iii. Field
iv. School farms/gardens/community
v. Technical workshops
vi. Science fair
vii. Virtual/Digital/Remote
viii. Outdoor spaces
ix. Workplace
x. Team Project

Class Size: The size of the class can vary based on resources and the nature of the practical
tasks. It could be individual, smaller groups, or whole class.
Time Frame: The timing for assessing the Test of Practical Knowledge can range from a
single session to multiple sessions, depending on the complexity of tasks and skills being

The teacher should:
Provide clear instructions and resources needed for the tasks.
Clarify any doubts about the assessment task.
The learner should:

i. Seek clarification from the teacher or other relevant persons before starting the
ii. Familiarise themselves with theoretical concepts beforehand.

The teacher should encourage teamwork and effective communication if tasks involve
group work.
The learner should

i. Focus on applying learned concepts to solve problems or complete tasks accurately

within the given context.
ii. Manage time efficiently to complete tasks within allocated timeframes.



The teacher should encourage learners to reflect on their performance, review their work,
and identify areas for improvement.

Performance Assessment Strategy

Description: In its simplest terms, a performance assessment is one which requires
learners to demonstrate that they have mastered specific skills and competencies by
performing or producing something. It is important that the task be meaningful and
engaging to learners. When learners perform tasks that are meaningful and engaging to
them, they can take ownership of their learning and effectively work, either independently
or in collaboration, depending on the requirement of the task. Performance assessment
can be used as either formative or summative tool.
Purpose: The main purpose of this assessment strategy is to provide learners with the
opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding about a concept and
communicate that understanding through a performance task.
Setting: Performance assessment can be used in the following settings:

i. Classroom
ii. Laboratory/workshops
iii. Field
iv. Theatre

Time Frame: Teachers should note that the learning outcome and learners’ achievement
expectations may inform the appropriate time frame for the use of performance
assessment. However, the designated time of completion of the assessment task should
not be too short or two long.
Class Size: Performance assessment works best for all forms of class size. Teachers should,
however, be strategic in making learners work individually or in moderate/large groups
depending on the unique situation.
Steps: To develop and implement performance assessment, teachers should:

The teacher should:

i. State the purpose of the assessment.

ii. Specify the learning outcome to be assessed using the performance assessment
iii. Make learners aware whether they will work individually or as groups (e.g., group
of 2-5).
iv. Design a performance task which requires the learners to demonstrate the intended
skills and knowledge required of them.
v. Discuss with learners the rules of engagement which includes the performance
criteria that specifies the extent to which learners have mastered the skills and


vi. Discuss with learners the available resources to be used.

The learner should:

i. Make ready the available resources that will help them perform the assessment
ii. Seek for clarification on the performance task to be performed when necessary.

The teacher should:

i. Monitor and ensure serenity of the environment for learners to work effectively as
individuals or groups as in the case of a laboratory/field/workshop exercise.
ii. Guide learners to complete the assigned task(s) within the stipulated time.

The learner should:

i. Design the artifact or the idea using the available resources.

ii. Should submit the performance product to class at the stimulated time for

The teacher should:

i. Collaborate with learners to evaluate the performance task(s) outcome.

ii. Communicate constructive feedback of the assessment to the learners.
iii. Provide information on how the assessment feedback would be used.

The learner(s) should:

i. Offer constructive feedback on their colleague’s work.

ii. Self-reflect and make use of constructive feedback to shape his/her work.

Demonstration As An Assessment Strategy

Description: Demonstration as an assessment strategy offers a practical and effective way
to evaluate learners’ knowledge, skills, and abilities by observing their performance in a
real or simulated context. This may include a presentation, a practical experiment, a role-
play, a performance, or a project.
Purpose: The main purpose of using demonstration as an assessment strategy is to allow
learners to showcase their skills and competencies through practical application. Some of
the areas in which learners can demonstrate their proficiencies are:

i. Problem-solving skills
ii. Critical thinking abilities
iii. Communication


i. Classroom
ii. Laboratory/ Workshop /Studio
iii. Simulation studio/environment
iv. Field or real-world settings (e.g., field trips, community projects, or internships)
v. Performance spaces (e.g., theatre, music room, or sports field/studio/rooms)
vi. Online/remote/virtual platform

Time Frame: The time frame for conducting demonstration as an assessment strategy
depends on the following:

i. Learning outcome(s)
ii. Complexity of the task to be performed
iii. Resources

NB: The teacher should provide the learner enough time to demonstrate their abilities and
ensure the assessment process is managed within the constraints of the learning

Class size: Demonstration can be used for individuals or groups (large or small groups) for
the reasons of attention, support, and prompt feedback on factors such as assessors,
resources and equipment, learning outcome and the assessment environment.

The teacher should

i. Set clear expectations of the learning outcomes, specific skills, knowledge and
ii. Provide instructions for the demonstration to include safety precautions, criteria
for assessment and time.
iii. Provide learners the opportunity to rehearse the task or the activity to be
iv. Provide the needed materials and resources to be used for the demonstration.
v. Address the concerns of the learners raised after the rehearsals.
vi. Distribute the task to the learner(s) considering Special Education Needs - SEN)

The learner should:

i. Understand the learning outcomes, specific skills, knowledge, and competencies

expected of them.
ii. Take the necessary steps to prepare for the demonstration by reviewing the
instructions and rehearsing the expected knowledge, skills, and competencies.


iii. Seek clarification about the instructions and materials to be used for the
iv. Take the opportunity to practice and refine their skills or knowledge before the
v. Reflect on their previous learning and experiences related to the skills or knowledge
being assessed.

The teacher should:

i. Observe the learner’s performance of the task demonstrated.

ii. Provide continuous guidance to learner(s) on the task especially when they are
working with or in hazardous situations.
iii. Monitor the progress of the learner(s) on the task.
iv. Pace the timing of the demonstration such that differentiation is considered.
v. Assess the performance of the learners on the task.
vi. Take notes of critical issues such as learners’ strengths and areas for improvement

The learner should:

i. Focus on the demonstration and actively listen to the instructions and explanations
ii. Carefully watch the demonstration, noting the steps, techniques, and key details
being shown.
iii. Take notes of important points, steps, or tips during the demonstration to refer to
iv. Request feedback from the demonstrator or peers to ensure they are on the right
track and identify areas for improvement.

The teacher should:

i. Provide constructive feedback to the learners based on observations highlighting

areas of improvement, reinforcing correct techniques, and encouraging further
ii. Review notes to consider where learners have performed well and areas that need
iii. Provide support to learners who may be struggling with the demonstrated skills.
This can involve additional explanations, demonstrations, or one-on- one

The learner should:

i. Reflect on their own performance during the demonstration and assess their
understanding and execution of the demonstrated skills or techniques.


ii. Share their performance and ask for feedback to improve their learning.
iii. Identify specific areas where they need further assistance or practice; they can
seek out additional resources such as tutorials, online courses, or books to support
their learning and assessment.

Questioning As An Assessment Strategy

Description: Questioning as an assessment strategy is the practice of engaging learners in
an interactive dialogue or a series of carefully crafted questions to evaluate their
understanding, knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities. Teachers can use
questioning as an assessment strategy in all learning areas or subjects.
Purpose: Questioning as an assessment strategy can be used by the teacher to:

1. Identify learning gaps through the assessment of the level of comprehension,

retention and application of knowledge, and skills gained by learners in achieving
a learning outcome of a given content.
2. Actively engage leaners in the teaching and learning process.
3. Assess if a concept taught has been well grasped as learners’ feedback provides
valuable feedback to them and the teacher.
4. Clarify concepts leading to deeper understanding or seek additional information
in solving real-world or imaginary issues.
5. Promote the acquisition of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
6. Encourage immediate or real-time feedback from leaners leading to deeper
7. Investigate misconceptions for clarification.
8. Accommodate diverse learning styles to achieve a specific learning outcome.

Types: The following are various types of questioning techniques based on the Depth of
Knowledge (DoK) levels that the teacher can use in assessment:

i. Closed-ended questions – DoK 1: have a limited number of predetermined answers

and are designed to gather specific information requiring “yes” or “no”, “True or
ii. Open-ended Questions - DoK 2 and 3: allow for a more detailed and
iii. Comprehensive response, which begins with words like “what,” “why,” or “how.”
iv. Funnel Questions- DoK 2 and 3: used to gradually narrow down a topic, starting
with broader questions and proceeding to more specific ones. This technique helps
gather information in a logical and structured manner.
v. Probing Questions - DoK 2 and 3: used to explore a topic in more detail or to gain
deeper insights. They are often used to dig deeper into a previous response or to
uncover hidden information,
vi. Leading Questions - DoK 2 and 3: used to steer learners towards a particular answer
or viewpoint. They may imply an expected or desired response.


vii. Hypothetical Questions- DoK 3 and 4: These questions often involve speculative or
creative thinking. They require learners to make connections, apply knowledge,
and think beyond the immediate context.

i. Classroom
ii. Co-curricular activities, e.g. School Clubs and Games
iii. Field trips/work, e.g., Factories/industries, school farms/gardens/ pantries(kitchen)
iv. Laboratory/Resource Centre
v. Workshops/studios/theatres

Time Frame: Teachers can use questioning in their daily teaching and learning activities.
However, it should be used based on the learning outcome of the subject matter under
consideration. It can specifically be used:

i. Throughout the teaching and learning process (Formative Assessment): before,

during and after the teaching of a lesson.
ii. In summative assessment, questioning can be used together with other forms of
assessment such as oral/aural(listening) assessment at the end of a unit or content
and programme.

Class size: Individual, small group or whole class

Steps: In using questioning as an assessment strategy, the teacher and learner can employ
the following steps:

The teacher should:

i. Define the Learning Outcomes to be achieved and develop key questions before
class based on the outcomes.
ii. Select appropriate question type(s) that align with the content standard/ indicators
to be taught and the DoK levels to be achieved. The questions to be asked should be
clear, relevant, concise, and free from ambiguity and biases.
iii. Design valid questions that will suit the type of questioning strategy to be used to
achieve the learning outcomes.

NB: Avoid or minimise the use of questions that will yield Yes/No or True/False responses
but make more use of questions that allow for explanatory responses.
Plan question sequence and adapt questioning techniques to meet the diverse learning
needs and abilities of their learners to promote active participation.

The Teacher should:

i. Select the context and provide relevant information to give learners the basis for
the questions.


ii. Vary the form of questions: those that gauge knowledge, require diagnosis, or
challenge conclusions considering the learner’s background characteristics to
promote inclusivity.
iii. Ask one question at a time and wait for responses from learners to allow time to
think through responses critically.
iv. Encourage active engagement of all learners.
v. Monitor learners’ performance and learning process to identify areas where
learners may need additional support or clarification or to plan appropriate
remediation where appropriate.
vi. Acknowledge all responses/answers- repeat so the class can hear and/or write
them on the board.
vii. Provide constructive and timely feedback; teachers are advised to accommodate
learners’ varied responses as well as be fair and ethical.
viii. Use assessment data to modify their teaching techniques, strategies and resources.
ix. Move around the classroom or learning centre

The learner should:

i. Ensure they gain an understanding of the learning outcomes and work towards
achieving them through self and peer assessment.
ii. Actively participate in the questioning process by listening carefully to the
questions, thinking critically about their responses, and providing thoughtful
iii. Self and peer assess themselves using a questioning assessment strategy when
learning to enable them to reflect on their learning.
iv. Own their learning by adapting strategies to improve their learning outcomes,
skills and competencies.

The teacher should:

i. Analyse responses
ii. Provide constructive feedback
iii. Modify teaching and learning processes
iv. Document assessment data
v. Reflect and adapt questioning techniques, strategies and resources to check if
expected learning outcomes have been achieved.
vi. Teachers and learners reflect on responses to check if expected learning outcomes
have been achieved.


Peer/Self Assessment Strategy

Description: Peer/self-assessment is a type of performance monitoring and evaluation
related to a learning outcome done by or among learners under the supervision of a teacher
to track their learning progress. It can be used as both formative and summative
assessment. However, it is predominately used for formative assessment purposes.
Purpose: Peer/self-assessment provides an opportunity for learners to reflect and provides
insight, leading to meaningful feedback on their or other learners’ work (behaviours,
competencies and experiences). Peer/self-assessment enhances deep learning and
understanding among learners and trains learners to track their progress and areas for

i. Classroom-based environment
ii. Fieldwork
iii. Laboratory i.e., Science Resources Centres
iv. Studio
v. Workshop

Class size: Peer assessment strategy can be done in small groups or whole class.
Time Frame: The time frame depends on the complexity of the assignment, the estimated
period of the lesson stated in the curriculum and how learners have been adequately
prepared. However, the time should neither be too short nor too long.

The teacher should:

i. Set clear expectations of the learning outcome, skills and competencies

ii. Decide the structure and format of the assessment e.g.: written or oral
iii. Introduce the learners to the assignment to be assessed
iv. Develop the assessment criteria and scoring rubrics with learners.

The teacher should

i. Model peer/self-assessment by letting learners assess or review what he has taught

to open them up to the assessment to be conducted.
ii. For peer assessment, lead the pairing or grouping for the assessment. in doing this,
the teacher should consider mixed groupings, and avoid inter- pairing and pairing
amongst friends. (fairness and transparency)
iii. In self-assessment, the teacher should guide learners with special educational
needs in their assessment through questioning
iv. Provide constructive feedback to learners after the assessment


The learner should:

i. Work and submit assignments

ii. Assess their assignments or that of other learners and give constructive feedback
iii. Reflect on the feedback received and revise the work for final submission

The teacher should:

i. Grade the assignments (summative)

ii. Reflect on the activity with learners
iii. Offer help or intervention in areas learners need help
iv. Work on areas that need improvement

NB: The teacher should be a mediator between arguing learners and should also consider
and guide learners in their approach to providing feedback. (Be conscious of gender,
cultural, social and religious sensitive comments and issues)
Teacher should also provide multiple opportunities or formats for learners to assess to
accommodate all learn.


Appendix 3: Teacher Lesson Observation Form

Name of School: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Subject being observed: ..............................................................…………...........................................


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Sex of the teacher

Male Female

1. Is the purpose of the lesson clearly stated in the lesson plan and focused on learners achieving the
lesson learning outcomes?

Yes In Part No NA

1b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q1 above


2. Are the unique needs of female learners, male learners, and learners with special education needs
adequately catered for in the lesson plan? For example, the choice of teaching methods and learning
activities reflects/does not reflect the learning needs of all learners.

For example, the choice of teaching methods, and learning activities.

Yes In Part No NA

2b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q2 above


3. Does the teacher manage behaviour well, maintaining a positive and non-threatening learning
environment throughout the lesson?

Yes In Part No NA

3b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q3 above


4. Are appropriate teaching and learning materials and other resources (including ICT, books, desks)
available, accessible and being used to support learning of all females, males and learners with
special education needs?

Yes In Part No NA

4b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q4 above



5. Are learners engaged on tasks that challenge them in line with the content standards?
Does the teacher take into consideration the uniqueness of learners?

Yes In Part No NA

5b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q5 above

6. Is there evidence that students are learning?

Yes In Part No NA

6b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q6 above

7. Is teaching differentiated to cater for the varied needs of all learners (i.e., male learners, female
learners, learners with special education needs) and those with poor literacy and/ or numeracy

Yes In Part No NA

7b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q7 above


8. Does the teacher use real life examples which are familiar to learners to explain concepts?

Yes In Part No NA

8b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q8 above


9. Does the teacher point out or question traditional gender roles when they come up during the
lessons as appropriate?

Yes In Part No NA

9b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q9 above


10. Does the lesson include appropriate interactive and creative approaches e.g., group work, role play,
storytelling to support learners achieving the learning outcomes?

If yes, give examples of the issues and skills that have been so integrated.

Yes In Part No NA

10b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q10 above


11. Have cross-cutting issues and /or 21st century skills been integrated into the lesson to support
learners in achieving the learning outcomes e.g., problem-solving, critical thinking,
communication? If yes, give examples of the issues and skills that have been so integrated.

Yes In Part No NA

11b. If yes, give examples of the issues and skills that have been so integrated.



12. Does the teacher incorporate ICT into their practice to support learning?

Yes In Part No NA

12b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q12 above


13. Does the teacher encourage all female male and male learners (including those who may be shy or
afraid to speak) to ask questions, answer questions, participate in group work, etc. during the

Yes In Part No NA

13b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q13 above


14. Is assessment evident in the lesson? If yes, does it include assessment as, for or of learning and go
beyond recall?

If yes, did it include assessment of, for or as learning and go beyond recall?

Yes In Part No NA

14b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q14 above


15. Do learners make use of feedback from teacher and peers?

Yes In Part No NA

15b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q15 above


16. Does the teacher sum up the lesson and evaluate the lesson against the learning outcomes with the

Yes In Part No NA

16b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q16 above


17. Does the teachers’ planning of lessons taught before the one observed show how they plan for
learning over time, considering individual and group needs?

Yes In Part No NA

17b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q17 above


18. Does the teacher pay attention to the composition of females and males during group work and
assigns females leadership roles.

Yes In Part No NA

18b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q18 above



19. Does the teacher provide constructive verbal feedback to both females and males and learners
with special education needs?

Yes In Part No NA

19b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q19 above


20. Does the teacher provide constructive written feedback to both females and males and learners
with special education needs in their exercise book?

Yes In Part No NA

20b. Please provide an explanation to your answer in Q20 above


21. Key strengths in the lesson


22. Areas for development


23. Next steps for teacher


24. Additional Notes (on teacher’s actions, the flow of activities, etc.)



Appendix 4: How to Check CPD Points and Training Records on Teacher

Portal Ghana







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List of Contributors

NaCCA Team

Name of Staff Designation

Matthew Owusu Deputy Director-General, Technical Services

Reginald Quartey Ag. Director, Curriculum Development Directorate

Nii Boye Tagoe Senior Curriculum Development Officer (History)

Abigail Birago Owusu Senior Research, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Sharon Antwi-Baah Assistant Instructional Resource Officer

Dennis Adjasi Instructional Resource Officer

No. Subject Name of Writer Institution

Aviation and Aerospace Kwame Nkrumah University of

1. David Kofi Oppong
Engineering Science and Technology

University of Energy and

2. Agriculture Dr. Esther Fobi Donkor
Natural Resources, Sunyani

3. Dr. Murtada Mahmoud Muaz AAMUSTED

Dr Mohammed Almu University for Development
Mahaman Studies

5. Michael Korblah Tsorgali AAMUSTED

Ziavi Senior High Technical

6. Applied Technology Gilbert S. Odjamgba

CSIR - Forestry Research

7. Eng. Dr. Prosper Mensah
Institute of Ghana

St. Francis Senior High

8. Home Economics Rev. Sr. Jusinta Kwakyewaa
Technical School

University of Education
9. Performing Arts Prof. Emmanuel Obed Acquah

10. French Maurice Adjetey

Art and Design

11. Angela Owusu-Afriyie Opoku Ware School

University of Education
12. Ghanaian Language David Sarpei Nunoo
Winneba, Ajumako Campus

List of Contributors

No. Subject Name of Writer Institution

13. Art and Design Studio Dzorka Etonam Justice Kpando SHS

14. Agricultural Science Issah Abubakari Half-Assini SHS

Kwame Nkrumah University of

15. Dr. Kofi Owura Amoabeng
Science and Technology
16. Ali Morrow Fatormah Mfantsipim School
Kwame Nkrumah University of
17. Benjamin Atribawuni Asaaga
Science and Technology

Design and
Anglican Senior High School,
18. Communication Henry Angmor Mensah

19. Religious Studies Anthony Mensah Abetifi College of Education

20. Spanish Franklina Kabio-Danlebo University of Ghana

21. Social Studies Dr. Frank Awuah Dambai College of Education

Religious and Moral

22. Clement Nsorwineh Atigah Tamale Senior High School

West African Senior High

23. Angela Aninakwah
Ziavi Senior High Technical
24. Blessington Dzah

25. Chemistry Michael Amissah St. Augustine’s College

26. Biology Abraham Kabu Otu Prampram Senior High School

27. Mathematics Collins Kofi Annan Mando Senior High School

Additional University of Education,

28. Gershon Kwame Mantey
Mathematics Winneba

29. General Science Saddik Mohammed Ghana Education Service

30. English Language Perfect Quarshie Mawuko Girls SHS

31. Jennifer Fafa Adzraku Université Libre de Bruxelles

Biomedical Science
32. Davidson N.K. Addo Bosomtwi STEM

33. Dr. Nii Longdon Sowah University of Ghana

34. Isaac Nzoley Wesley Girls High School

List of Contributors

No. Subject Name of Writer Institution

35. Valentina Osei-Himah Atebubu College of Education

Kwabeng Anglican Senior High
36. Daniel Agbogbo

St. Thomas Acquinas Senior

37. Physical Education Benedictus Kondoh
High School
and Health (Core and
Elective) Bagonluri Kizito Mwining-
38. Wa Technical Institute

39. Computing Osei Amankwa Gyampo Wesley Girls SHS, Kumasi

Ziavi Senior High Technical
40. Communication Raphael Senyo Dordoe

41. Geography George Boateng Berekum College of Education

42. History Kofi Adjei Akrasi Opoku Ware School

43. Economics Salitsi Freeman Etornam Anlo Senior High School

44. Government Samuel Kofi Adu Fettehman Senior High School

45. Theodosia Larteley Oppong Aburi Girls Senior High School

Business Studies
Bolgatanga Senior High School,
46. Ansbert Avole Baba

47. Physics John Tetteh Benso SHTS

St. Ambrose College of

48. Benjamin Sundeme

University for Education,

49. Edward Mills Dadson
Technical Support Winneba

50. Eric Abban Mt. Mary College of Education

51. Jennifer Fafa Adzraku Université Libre de Bruxelles


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