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Mahalaxmi and Hemalatha Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.

7 (3): 369-376 (2019) ISSN: 2320 – 7051

Available online at www.ijpab.com
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.7328 ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (3): 369-376 (2019)
Research Article

Standardization and Shelf Life of Organic Jaggery Based Millet Cookies

Mahalaxmi B. K.* and Hemalatha S.

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Rural Home Science
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad 580005 Karnataka
*Corresponding Author E-mail: laxmikandakur@gmail.com
Received: 3.05.2019 | Revised: 7.06.2019 | Accepted: 12.06.2019

Jaggery is the natural sweetener and available in solid, liquid & powder form. The
micronutrients which are present in Jaggery has many nutritional & medicinal aspects like its
anti carcinogenic & antitoxic activity. Jaggery has proved itself better as compared to white
sugar. Jaggery is known to produce heat and give instant energy to a human body. Millets are
highly nutritious and are known to have good nutritive value and therapeutic use. In developing
countries like India with increasing urbanization, the demand for processed food is increasing
popularly. Among them, bakery products particularly cookies command wide popularity in both
urban and rural mass. Hence, an attempt was made to develop value added jaggery millet
cookies with acceptable sensory attributes. The present study was conducted for formulating
cookies by substituting sugar with non-organic jaggery and organic jaggery, standardization of
cookies and shelf life of selected and accepted products were evaluated. The findings revealed
that, the little millet jaggery based cookies with ratio of 75:25 of sugar: non organic jaggery
incorporated little millet cookie and 100:0 of organic-jaggery: sugar incorporated little millet
cookie was selected for further evaluations. Storage of cookies in HDPE covers at ambient
temperature increased in moisture content and free fatty acid in little millet sugar cookies, non-
organic jaggery cookies and organic jaggery cookies respectively. The cookies were well
accepted up to 45 days. Organic jaggery cookies could be stored upto 60 days.
Key words: Jaggery, Standardization, Shelf life.

INTRODUCTION America, Japan etc. and is technically known

An organic food is free of synthetic additives as Non Centrifugal Sugar9. India’s climatic
like pesticides, chemical fertilizers and also conditions are more conducive for sugarcane
contains less heavy metal. Jaggery is a natural production thus providing the much needed
traditional sweetener, made by concentrating raw material for jaggery production. Almost
the extracted sugarcane juice. Jaggery been 3/4th of the cane produced in India is being
widely used in parts of India, Africa, Latin utilized for producing jaggery.

Cite this article: Mahalaxmi, B.K. and Hemalatha, S., Standardization and Shelf Life of Organic Jaggery
Based Millet Cookies, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7(3): 369-376 (2019). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-

Copyright © May-June, 2019; IJPAB 369

Mahalaxmi and Hemalatha Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (3): 369-376 (2019) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Jaggery is widely used in making sweets and 180 ºC and bottom temperature 150 ºC for 20
syrups in India and jaggery is a popular part of min, allowed to cool and evaluated.
the cuisines of the Indian subcontinent in Optimization for incorporation of jaggery
preparing various sweet dishes like candy, The most acceptable proportion of little millet
toffees, jaggery cakes and other similar sweet to refined wheat flour cookie was further used
preparations. Its regular usage is advocated in to standardize optimum addition of jaggery.
the daily diet as it is a healthy and unrefined Cookies were evaluated for physical and
form of sugar. organoleptic characters. Standardization of
The awareness among the general jaggery based cookies was carried out by
public regarding the organic food products has replacing sugar with non-organic or organic
been catching up fast. Consumers are opting jaggery by 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 per
more for organic food products due to higher cent.
health consciousness. Higher the demand, Shelf life evaluation of cookies
higher is the supply of new varieties of organic The cookies and muffins were packed in high-
food. Thus giving scope to develop new density polyethylene pouches and stored at
products with organic value. Bakery products room temperature. The products were
are one of the areas which require higher estimated for sensory evaluation, moisture
diversification in organic food products. There uptake and free fatty acids.
is higher potential to develop bakery products Statistical analysis
with organic ingredients, which can enhance Obtained experimental values were analyzed
the qualitative and quantitative factors of the by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
food product, hence the study was undertaken student’s t test for comparisons. SPSS
with the objective of development, software (version 16.0) was used to analyze
standardization and shelf life of jaggery based the data.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Optimization for incorporation of little
Procurement of sample millet flour
Ingredients: Little millet was purchased from For optimization of little millet cookie, the
the local market and milled in the Department standard recipe with refined wheat flour was
of Food Science. Refined wheat flour, unsalted adopted (Variation I, Table 1). Keeping the
butter, eggs, non-organic jaggery, organic- other ingredients constant, variations replacing
jaggery and other additives like sodium refined wheat flour with little millet flour at
bicarbonate, vanilla flavors etc were procured various levels were tried (Table 1). The
from the local market. cookies with these variations were prepared
Standardization of little millet cookies and subjected to descriptive sensory evaluation
Refined wheat flour cookies recipe developed (Table 2). The maximum acceptable
by Bakery unit, UAS, Dharwad was adopted incorporation at 40:60 proportions was
and varied by replacing refined wheat flour selected for further studies and was used as
with little millet flour (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and little millet control sample for further studies.
100) at various ratios keeping the other Although lower proportions were acceptable,
ingredients constant. the maximum acceptable incorporation of little
Method of preparation of cookies millet level was chosen
Flour was sieved with 0.5 per cent baking Optimization of incorporation of non-
powder. Fat (50 g) and powdered sugar (60 g) organic-jaggery in little millet cookies
was creamed, blended with the flour and made To the selected little millet cookie (40:60),
to dough, sheeted for uniform thickness of 0.5 variation III recipe, sugar was replaced with
mm, punched manually into circular shapes of non-organic jaggery as per the proportions
3 mm diameter, baked at top temperature of given in (Table3) keeping the other ingredients
Copyright © May-June, 2019; IJPAB 370
Mahalaxmi and Hemalatha Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (3): 369-376 (2019) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
flour, butter, curds, essence constant. The jaggery cookie initially recorded a mean score
cookies were evaluated for organoleptic of 7.6 and it reduced to 6.7 at the end of the
parameters on a 9 point hedonic scale. The storage.
results of the organoleptic evaluations indicate Over all acceptability of little millet
that 75:25 of sugar: non-organic jaggery was sugar cookies, organic jaggery cookies and
on par with the little millet cookie with sugar. non-organic jaggery cookies decreased over a
Shelf life of little millet cookies with sugar, period of 60 days. Little millet sugar cookies
non- organic and organic jaggery recorded highest score 7.8 on zero day which
The shelf life of cookies and muffins were decreased to 6.0 at the end of the storage
studied based on organoleptic evaluation, period of 60 days. Similarly in organic jaggery
moisture uptake and free fatty acid content. cookies and non-organic jaggery cookies,
Little millet cookies with sugar, non-organic scores decreased from 7.7 to 6.7 and 7.6 to 6.5
jaggery and organic jaggery were packed in at the end of 60 days.
HDPE pouches and stored at ambient Fig. 2 shows the moisture content of
conditions. The samples were drawn at 15 little millet cookies during storage. The
days interval. The results of impact of storage moisture content in little millet sugar cookies
on the sensory attributes of cookies in and non-organic jaggery gradually increased
comparison with refined sugar with organic from 4.2, to 4.3; 7.5, to 7.4 per cent. In case of
jaggery and non-organic jaggery cookies are organic jaggery, the increase in moisture
depicted in Fig. 1. Among the three different content was comparatively less i.e. 4.6 to 7 per
cookies evaluated for storage quality, the little cent. With regard to free fatty acid content, an
millet cookies with sugar and non-organic indicator for rancidity of the product, the
jaggery exhibited shelf life of 45 days, while content increased gradually during the storage
organic jaggery cookies had a shelf life of 60 period from 1.2 to 5.5 meq/kg of fat in sugar
days. It was observed that during storage, cookie, 1.3 to 5.00 meq/kg in non-organic
appearance and color scores did not vary jaggery cookie and in organic jaggery cookie
significantly in all the types cookies. from 1.5 to 6.2 meq/kg respectively (Fig. 3).
With respect to the taste of the stored
cookies, the mean score for little millet sugar DISCUSSION
cookies at the beginning of storage was 7.9 Shelf life of little millet cookies with sugar,
while at the end of the storage period of 60 non- organic and organic jaggery
days, the score decline to 6.0. Similarly in case Little millet cookies with a flour ratio of 40:60
of organic- jagery cookie and non-organic refined flour: little millet flour cookies with
jaggery cookie the scores decreased from 7.9 100 per cent sugar, 75: 25 sugar: non-organic
to 6.9 and 7.8 to 6.8, respectively. jaggery and 25: 75 sugar: organic jaggery were
With regard to texture, the scores stored in HDPE bags at ambient temperature.
decreased significantly (p<5%) as the storage The products were evaluated for sensory
day increased. The little millet sugar cookies parameters, moisture uptake and free fatty acid
initially recorded a mean score of 7.8 which liberation at regular intervals. The sensory
reduced gradually to 6.5 at the end of the scores revealed that as the storage period
storage period. Similar reduction from 7.7 to increased the acceptability in terms of texture,
6.9 and 7.8 to 6.3 were recorded in organic flavor and taste decreased while colour and
jaggery cookies and non-organic jaggery appearance did not affect much. Moisture
cookies. uptake increased gradually and so also free
Sensory scores for flavor decreased fatty acid content in all the types, however the
significantly as the storage day increased. uptake was higher in sugar and non-organic
Scores of little millet sugar cookies and little millet cookies. This could be due to
organic jaggery cookies reduced from 7.80 to higher hygroscopic nature of sugar and the
6.5 and 7.7 to 7.0 respectively. Non-organic non- organic cookies had lesser per cent of

Copyright © May-June, 2019; IJPAB 371

Mahalaxmi and Hemalatha Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (3): 369-376 (2019) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
jaggery in it. The little millet non organic relatively higher levels of moisture and free
jaggery and sugar cookies could be stored upto fatty acid content were observed in cookies
45 days without affecting the texture, while stored in polyethylene packages than the
organic jaggery could be stored upto 60 days aluminum laminated packaging materials. This
due to lesser moisture absorption. Free fatty may be attributed to the hygroscopic nature of
acid content was high in organic cookies from LDPE (low-density polyethylene) material,
0 to 60 days and it was increased during when stored for longer duration.
storage. Similarly Surekha et al. reported that

Table 1: Standardization of cookies with little millet flour

Refined wheat flour Little millet flour Butter Sugar Curd Baking powder
Variations (vanilla)
(g) (g) (g) (g) Tsp (g)
I 100 0

II 60 40

III 40 60 50 60 2 0.5 2-3

IV 20 80

Table 2: Descriptive profile of little millet flour incorporated cookies

Refined flour: little
Variations Descriptive profile of cookies
millet flour (g)
Control 100:00 Golden brown, evenly baked, attractive, well spread, light and crisp,
pleasant baked aroma and flavor, smooth in mouth feel and acceptable.
I 80:20 Creamish, evenly baked, attractive, well spread, slightly compact, pleasant
baked aroma and flavor, slight coarse mouth feel and acceptable.
II 60:40 Dull creamish, evenly baked, slight compact, crisp, pleasant baked aroma
and flavor slightly coarse mouth feel and acceptable.
III 40:60 Dull creamish, evenly baked, slight compact, crisp, pleasant baked aroma
and flavor slightly coarse mouth feel and acceptable.
IV 20:80 Off white, evenly baked, less spread, highly compact, brittle and gritty
mouths feel, unacceptable.

Table 3: Incorporation of non-organic and organic jaggery in little millet cookies

Variations Sugar (g) Non-organic jaggery (g) Organic jaggery (g) (sugar : jaggery)
Per cent
1 60 0 0 100:00
2 45 15 15 75:25
3 30 30 30 50:50
4 15 45 45 25:75
5 - 60 60 00:100
6 - 70 70 00:125
7 - 90 90 00:150

Copyright © May-June, 2019; IJPAB 372

Mahalaxmi and Hemalatha Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (3): 369-376 (2019) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Sugar cookies Non-organic jaggery cookies Organic jaggery cookies


0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage

Sugar cookies Non-oranic jaggerycookies Organic jaggery cookies


0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage

Sugar cookies Non-organic jaggery cookies Organic jaggery cookies


0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage

Fig. 1: Effect of storage on sensory parameters of cookies

Copyright © May-June, 2019; IJPAB 373

Mahalaxmi and Hemalatha Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (3): 369-376 (2019) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Sugar cookies Non-organic jaggery cookies Organic jaggery cookies


0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage

Sugar cookies Non-organic jaggery cookies Organic jaggery cookies


0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage

Sugar cookies Non-organic jaggery cookies Organic jaggery cookies

Overall acceptability

0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage

Fig. 1: Effect of storage on sensory parameters of cookies (Contd...)

Copyright © May-June, 2019; IJPAB 374

Mahalaxmi and Hemalatha Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7 (3): 369-376 (2019) ISSN: 2320 – 7051
Sugar cookies Non-organic jaggery cookies Organic jaggery cookies

Per cent moisture

0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage

Fig. 2: Moisture content of the stored little millet cookies

Sugar cookies Non-organic jaggery cookies Organic jaggery cookies


Free fatty acids (emq/kg)

0 15 30 45 60
Days of storage
Fig. 3: Free fatty acid content of stored little millet cookies

CONCLUSION Acknowledgement
Little millet flour was incorporated at 20, 40, I sincerely thank to my institute staff for the
60 and 80 per cent to refined wheat flour. The invaluable guidance and encouragement given
incorporation of 60 per cent little millet flour to me throughout my research work. I owe my
was selected for further optimization of thanks to my family and friends for their
cookies. Storage of cookies in HDPE covers at cooperation and encouragement during the
ambient temperature increased in moisture research work.
content and free fatty acid in little millet sugar
cookies, non-organic jaggery cookies and REFERENCES
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