Nida Taiyeba, Et Al
Nida Taiyeba, Et Al
Nida Taiyeba, Et Al
Utilization of Sweet Potato Peels and Potato Peels for the Department of
Value Added Food Products
Department of Food Nutrition and Public Health, Ethelind College of Home Science,
*Corresponding author
The present study entitled “Utilization of Potato Peels Powder and Sweet Potato Peels
Powder for the Preparation of the Value-Added Food Products” was carried out with the
Objective to determine the Nutritional Composition of mix Powder. The dehydration of
Potato peel and Sweet potato peel was done through tray drying at 60-650C for 10 hours.
The products prepared were Cookies and Muffins by incorporation of dehydrated potato
Keywords peel powder and sweet potato peel powder mix in different proportions and served as
Treatments T1, T2, and T3 respectively T0 without incorporation of dehydrated potato
Value added food
products, Sensory peel powder and sweet potato peel powder served as control. Three replications of control
evaluation, Cookies, and treatments for all three products were carried out and mean values were obtained.
Muffins, Nutritional Sensory evaluation was carried out using the nine point Hedonic scales. Data obtained
composition were statistically analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA), (t) test and critical
difference (CD) techniques. On the basis of findings, it was observed that in case of
Article Info Cookies and Muffins value addition at 5% incorporation level with the potato peel powder
and sweet potato peel powder the best product with regard to sensory attributes and overall
Accepted: acceptability. Sensory evaluation showed that the treatment T1was the most acceptable in
07 September 2020 Cookies and in Muffins showed that the treatment T3 was found most highly acceptable.
Available Online: Nutritional composition was determined by using the food composition tables (Gopalan et
10 October 2020 al., 2007). Cookies and Muffins were rich in Carbohydrates, starch, fat, fiber, vitamin C,
energy. The cost of the two products ranged between Rs.5.3 for Cookies and Rs.7.1 for
Muffins per 100g of dry ingredients. These products can also be helpful for providing
variety in the daily dietary in addition to their nutritional benefits.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 546-553
papers and research papers are summarized product (Karaoglu and Kotancilar, 2009;
the importance of Potato peel and Sweet Martinez-Cervera et al., 2012). The baking
potato peel powder for the improvement of process itself is a decisive factor in producing
sustainability the Food Processing sector. high-quality baked goods. Consumption of
Potato peel is a zero value by- product, which Muffins and baked products is on the increase
occurs in huge amounts after processing. in India as a result of urbanization (Adeyeye
Utilization of potato peel obtained during and Akingbala, 2015). Now people are
processing of potato is important to the becoming more conscious about their health
industry due to the presence of high dietary and nutrition. They require foods that are
fiber. Selvendran et al., (1994) suggested that convenient with good taste, reasonable price,
healthy adults should eat between 20-35 g of and carry favorable nutritional image. Sweet
dietary fiber each day as shown by potato potato peel and potato peel is a cheap but
peels which provide up to the daily excellent source of carbohydrate, Vitamin A,
requirement. Potato is rich in starch, dietary calcium and phosphorous. The ingenuity lead
fiber, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and to the development of cupcake utilizing sweet
phenolics. Potato peels represent the major potatoes realizing the comparability of sweet
waste from the potato processing industry, potato flour to commercial flour used in
and they can be revalorized as a source of making cupcakes.
functional and bioactive compounds with
particular attention to phenolic acids. Thus, Materials and Methods
potato waste represents promising cheap
resources and its recovery and recycling The study entitled was Utilization of the
within the food chain could be a sustainable Sweet potato peel and Potato peel powder for
strategy to address the present challenges of the Preparation of value added Food Products
the industrialized world. conducted in the Nutrition Research
Laboratory, Department of Food Nutrition
Sweet potatoes are good sources of vitamins and Public Health, Ethelind College of Home
C and E as well as dietary fiber, potassium, Science, Sam Higginbottom University of
and iron, and they are low in fat and Agriculture, Technology and Sciences,
cholesterol. It serves as an important protein Prayagraj-211007, U.P India. The details of
source for many world populations and is an materials, equipment, procedure and
important source of starch and other techniques adopted during the course of
carbohydrates the human body needs. A present investigation have been elaborated in
Muffin is a small cake designed to serve one this chapter under the following headings:
person, which may be baked in a small thin
paper or aluminum cup. As with larger cakes, Experimental site
icing and other cake decorations such as fruit
and candy may be applied. The present investigations were carried out in
the Department of Food Nutrition and Public
Sweet baked products in general, and muffins Health, Ethelind College of Home Science,
in particular, are highly appreciated by SHUATS, Prayagraj.
consumers because of their soft texture and
characteristic taste. The principal ingredients Procurement of materials
of muffins-flour, sugar, fat and coco powders
play an important role in the structure, The raw materials for the development of
appearance, and eating quality of the final food products like Potato peel powder, Wheat
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 546-553
flour, Maida, Sweet potato peel powder and Preparation of cookies- Took a bowl and
other ingredients were purchased from the added Butter and powdered sugar and mixed
local markets of Prayagraj. it will take around 10 minutes after that added
all-purpose flour, wheat flour, Potato peel
Preparation of potato peels powder powder, Sweet potato peel powder, Baking
powder in ghee and sugar mixture. Made
small balls of the cookies from this dough and
Washed Potatoes
kept the microwave tray in the pre- heated
Peeled microwave on low rack at 180 degree celsius.
Spreading on flat wooden trays Bake it for 20-25 minute.
Tray drying at 60-650 C for 10-16 hours
(Dehydration till the moisture becomes 6-8%) Preparation of muffins- In a bowl, took
Grinding into powder and stored into container Milk, oil, Vanilla Essence and Sugar and
Source: Srivastava and Kumar (2009)
beated all well. Mixed all purpose flour,
Flow diagram for preparation of potato peels powder
Baking soda, Baking powder and Coco
powder in it and folded gently to make a
smooth batter. Meanwhile, preheated the oven
Preparation of sweet potato peels powder: at 180 degree celsius for 10 min after that
arranged muffin in the muffins tray and baked
these muffins for 25 minutes or until they
Washed Sweet Potatoes
passed the toothpick test. (Shown in plate 1.)
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 546-553
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 546-553
Potato peel powder + Sweet potato peel showed that the treatment T3 was found most
powder + Milk powder + Coco powder + highly acceptable. The findings of the entire
Sugar in ratio of 50:10:10:10:10:10), The study are reported as follows: The observation
organoleptic evaluation of the products with was recorded, tabulated and results were
regard to attributes of color, body and texture, statistically analyzed by analysis of variance
flavor and taste and overall acceptability were technique, critical difference and t-test.
done using a nine point hedonic scale Muffins (shown in Graph 2) (Table 1 and 2).
Table.1(A) The average nutritional composition of control and the best treatment samples of
“Cookies” per 100g
Table.1(B) The average nutritional composition of control and the best treatment samples of
“Muffins” per 100g
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 546-553
Plate.1 Cookies and muffins prepared by incorporation of Potato peel powder and Sweet potato
peel powder
The result is supported by the finding of mean scores of Cookies in relation to overall
Divender Dhingra et al., (2012) that the acceptability indicate that the T1 scored
incorporation of dehydrated Potato peel maximum followed by Treatment T0, T2 and
powder from the result can be shows that the T3 respectively.
treatment T1 was most acceptability. The
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 546-553
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 546-553
Nida Taiyeba, Alka Gupta and Tripti Verma. 2020. Utilization of Sweet Potato Peels and
Potato Peels for the Department of Value Added Food Products. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.
9(10): 546-553. doi: