Systems 11 00198
Systems 11 00198
Systems 11 00198
Unveiling the Role of Green Logistics Management in
Improving SMEs’ Sustainability Performance: Do Circular
Economy Practices and Supply Chain Traceability Matter?
Bo Zhou 1 , Abu Bakkar Siddik 2 , Guang-Wen Zheng 3 and Mohammad Masukujjaman 4, *
1 School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, China
2 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Jinzhai Road, Hefei 230026, China;
3 School of Economics and Management, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China
4 Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Sustainability has been widely recognized as a pervasive phenomenon that underlies
the operations and performance of businesses. Recent research has examined the effect of green
logistics management on the sustainability performance of businesses. However, we contend that
the relationship between green logistics management and the sustainability performance of firms
is not direct but mediated through circular economy practices. We analyze the direct and indirect
effects of green logistics management on business sustainability performance via circular economy
practices, using the natural resource-based view and resource dependence theory as our theoretical
underpinnings. This study also assesses the moderating effect of supply chain traceability on the
associations. Drawing upon the empirical data from 211 Bangladeshi manufacturing SMEs, we
performed the PLS-SEM technique to assess the hypotheses. The findings show that green logistics
management positively affects organizations’ circular economy practices and sustainability perfor-
Citation: Zhou, B.; Siddik, A.B.; mance. Furthermore, supply chain traceability strongly affects SMEs’ circular economy practice but
Zheng, G.-W.; Masukujjaman, M. fails to moderate the linkage between green logistics and sustainability performance. Finally, circular
Unveiling the Role of Green Logistics economy practice mediates the linkage between SMEs’ green logistics management and sustainability
Management in Improving SMEs’
performance. We also conducted the Sobel test to validate the mediation. Our findings advance the
Sustainability Performance: Do
natural resource-based view and resource dependence theory while improving the understanding
Circular Economy Practices and
of green logistics management, circular economy practices, and sustainability performance. Given
Supply Chain Traceability
the dearth of literature assessing the complex interactions among these variables, our findings have
Matter? Systems 2023, 11, 198.
pivotal implications.
Keywords: green logistics management; circular economy practices; sustainability performance;
Academic Editors: Marco Ardolino
supply chain traceability; small and medium enterprises
and Luna Leoni
2. Literature Review
2.1. The Natural Resource-Based Theory
Since Hart’s [26] introduction of the NRBV in the mid-1990s, more environmental
scholars have emphasized the enterprises’ internal characteristics when investigating corpo-
rate greening. Nevertheless, this paradigm is inadequate since it disregards the significance
of external factors in determining the advancement of corporate environmentalism [27].
In light of today’s very competitive economic climate [28], it is essential to look at how
competitiveness affects environmental activism. Researchers can better comprehend the
boundary conditions in converting environmental drives into environmental policies and,
ultimately, beneficial business results by including this external aspect in the analysis.
According to the NRBV theory, environmental practices such as GLM can prevent environ-
mental pollution and protect the environment by remanufacturing used or malfunctioning
products [21], which can serve as strategic resources for firms. The theory suggests that
recycled products may provide a preemptive competitive advantage for the firm, since
they can be used as preferred materials for production. Numerous studies have utilized
the NRBV to examine the role of green and environmental practices like GLM, SCT, and
CEP in enhancing organizational sustainability. GLM could serve as a strategic resource to
create a competitive advantage in the context of NRBV theory [29]. The literature contends
that green practices such as GLM and CEP may be considered vital in carrying out the
three natural environment strategies proposed by NRBV: “pollution prevention”, “product
stewardship”, and “sustainable development” [21,30]. Hence, this paper draws upon the
NRBV to investigate GLM’s role in promoting a superior CEP and SP.
reliant one firm is on another, the more power the second firm has over the first. Pfeffer and
Salancik [33] proposed the RDT, highlighting the limited resources of individual businesses
and their necessity to form alliances with external partners. RDT asserts that accessibility
to scant materials in an external business setting and a business’s dependency on such
materials is determined by its actions and sustainability [33].
The critical underlying tenet of RDT is that organizations are rarely independent in
terms of strategically vital resources, causing them to depend on other organizations [34].
In addition, businesses aim to reduce uncertainty and control this dependence by carefully
creating official and informal connections with other businesses [35]. According to the RDT,
businesses rely on one another’s environments to access capital, labor, and other essential
resources [36]. Previously conducted studies suggest that businesses tend to develop
harmonious and cooperative relationships with one another [37]. The RDT has been used
in the existing literature to assess the influence of various supply chain procedures and
strategies on company outcomes [21,38]. In order to be implemented effectively, the SCT
supports the notion that necessitates the involvement of external stakeholders. Due to
the SCT’s extensive supply chain-wide activities, it may be practically difficult for its
adoption by a single organization [21]. The SCT incorporates both a specific product and its
constituent parts [39], and, as proposed by the RDT, it necessitates cooperative interaction
between a focal organization and its stakeholders. Surprisingly, the RDT also presents
companies with excellent regulatory processes for readjusting their framework and attitude
to help minimize the unpredictability and reliance on the external environment [40]. These
regulatory mechanisms encompass partnerships based on influence or trust, coalitions,
joint buying contracts, and other strategic alliances that can promote implementing CE in
their supply chain operations.
2.6. Green Logistics Management, Supply Chain Traceability, and Circular Economy Practices
Most supply chain operations are undocumented and untraceable [30], impeding
organizations’ efforts to eliminate detrimental and inessential processes from the supply
chain to help cut down on wastage and emissions and preserve scarce resources [65]. Prior
literature has established the SCT as a solution that enables businesses to monitor and
trace supply chain operations [66]. The SCT can be defined as the “tracing and tracking of
products and activities from the suppliers to the end-consumers and back to the suppliers
or manufacturers, which aims at augmenting the effort of firms toward the achievement
of improved environmental, social, and business sustainability” [21]. Trivellas et al. [24]
suggest that with logistics traceability facilitated by technological innovations, stakehold-
ers may readily obtain reliable and accurate data, resulting in significant resource and
material savings for businesses. Traceability considerably increases product movement,
thus facilitating overall logistics operations. In addition, adopting blockchain technology
for SCT improves information availability and interaction among multiple supply chain
participants, thus enhancing the movement of products and resources [67]. Furthermore, it
is suggested that SCT based on technology ensures the availability of information, thereby
preventing several fraudulent acts such as fake ownership and data manipulation [14].
The CEP entails applying eco-friendly measures that help minimize numerous en-
ergy and production cycles, hence regulating several sustainability challenges, including
harmful emissions and material wastes [68]. Integrating several eco-friendly practices in
logistics management ensures optimal performance by enhancing features such as dura-
bility, maintenance, reuse and refurbishment. However, increased costs, talent gaps, lack
of awareness about these approaches, quality sacrifices, and supply chain complexities
impede the application these green initiatives [69]. Recent research suggests that deploy-
ing SCT can be pivotal in addressing these obstacles and encouraging green practices in
including harmful emissions and material wastes [68]. Integrating several eco-friendly
practices in logistics management ensures optimal performance by enhancing features
such as durability, maintenance, reuse and refurbishment. However, increased costs,
talent gaps, lack of awareness about these approaches, quality sacrifices, and supply chain
Systems 2023, 11, 198 complexities impede the application these green initiatives [69]. Recent research suggests 7 of 19
that deploying SCT can be pivotal in addressing these obstacles and encouraging green
practices in the logistics system to help enhance CE practices [21,24]. Traceability within
the logistics
the supply chain
systemistoessential for improving
help enhance CE practices the[21,24].
green Traceability
supply chain processes
within and
the supply
procedures and a company’s sustainable performance to reduce
chain is essential for improving the green supply chain processes and procedures and a its adverse
company’s effects [70].
sustainable By utilizing
performance a company’s
to reduce its adverse technological
environmental assets to develop
effects [70]. By
supply chain traceability among its members, green practices could significantly
utilizing a company’s technological assets to develop supply chain traceability among impactits
the improvement
members, of sustainability
green practices performance
could significantly [71].the
impact When the supply
improvement of chain is traceable,
sustainability per-
the green [71].
formance logistics
When process and protocols
the supply are simpler
chain is traceable, theto handle
green because
logistics any sustainability
process and protocols
issues can be identified and rectified at the root. Nandi [72] argued that
are simpler to handle because any sustainability issues can be identified and rectified supply at chain
traceability is essential for enhancing the agility of the logistics system to promote
root. Nandi [72] argued that supply chain traceability is essential for enhancing the agility circular
of practices.
the logistics Thus,
system we positcircular
to promote that: economy practices. Thus, we posit that:
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Conceptual
Conceptual model.
3. Methods
3.1. Sample and
3.1. Sample and Data
Data Collection
The data
data for
for this
this study
study were
were gathered
gathered from
from Bangladeshi
Bangladeshi SMEs
SMEs that
that have
have adopted
green practices to improve sustainability performance. These SMEs were chosen because
practices to improve sustainability performance. These SMEs were chosen because
they conduct business
they conduct business in
in aa highly
highly volatile
volatile setting
setting where
where green
green practices
practices such
such as
as GLM,
and CEP are crucial for ecological success. Furthermore, SMEs make up the core of the
CEP are crucial for ecological success. Furthermore, SMEs make up the core of the
Bangladeshi economy, directly
Bangladeshi economy, directly employing
employing millions
millions of
of people
people [73].
[73]. Although
Although Bangladeshi
SMEs are reluctant
SMEs are reluctant to
to adopt
adopt environmental
environmental practices,
practices, the
the scenario
scenario has
Several international organizations
Several international organizations have
have funded
funded SMEs
SMEs inin different
different sectors
sectors to
to implement
green initiatives and ensure safety [8]. Hence, it is essential to assess how GLM, SCT and
CEP can improve environmental sustainability in Bangladeshi SMEs.
The researchers used a self-administered questionnaire to investigate the influence
of GLM and SCT on CEP and SP in Bangladeshi SMEs. We performed a pilot study with
33 respondents, including four academics and 29 SME owners. Following their feedback,
we made minor modifications to the survey questions. Our survey targeted SME managers
who understood their enterprises’ operations and performance comprehensively. The
researchers distributed the survey to 270 SMEs, accompanied by a cover letter explaining
our research goals and mentioning their voluntary engagement. Our respondents were
advised that their data would be kept anonymous and used exclusively for scholarly study.
Systems 2023, 11, 198 8 of 19
We were able to obtain 211 complete usable questionnaires, resulting in a response rate of
78%. The data collection period was between April to August 2022.
3.3. Measures
We used a variety of questionnaire items to evaluate all of our propositions, which were
obtained from prior studies, with a few items adjusted to fit the context of the investigation.
Exogenous factors were assessed using a seven-point Likert scale. The instrument was
developed according to the guidelines outlined by Mishra et al. [63]. We provided the
research constructs and items to four academics and 29 SME experts for pilot testing. They
were asked to rate the extent to which they believed these items accurately measured
their related concepts. Based on their feedback, some of the questions were revised. We
drew twenty items from relevant literature. To assess the green logistics management of
SMEs, we used five elements from previous research [46,74] as metrics to determine if firms
were engaged in green monitoring, assessment, delivery and transportation, green storage
and green packaging. The supply chain traceability of the companies was assessed using
five elements from the study by Cousins et al. [30]. We then employed five items from
Zeng et al. [75] and Zhu et al. [76] to evaluate the mediator CEP. Finally, we estimated
the sustainability performance of the SMEs using five items developed by Agyabeng-
Mensah et al. [74]. Before conducting the primary inquiry, we revised the questionnaire
based on the feedback received from the SME experts. The measurement items used in this
study are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Measurement Items.
Table 1. Cont.
4. Results
4.1. Measurement Model
While assessing the measurement model, we omitted an item (CE1) from the analysis
due to its low factor loadings (<0.60) [81] and employed CA and CR to determine the
reliability of the constructs (Figure 2). All CRs exceeded the recommended value of
0.70 [82]. The CA values for each construct also exceeded the 0.70 criterion, confirming the
reliability assumption as stated by Hair et al. [83]. To establish the convergent validity (CV),
Fornell and Larcker [84] suggest that the AVE values should exceed 0.5 [85]. This study also
confirmed the CV, since each model item has a large and significant standardized loading
on its target construct [86]. The AVE values of our model constructs, ranging from 0.574 to
0.829, corroborate the CV of the measures (Table 2).
reliability assumption as stated by Hair et al. [83]. To establish the convergent validity
(CV), Fornell and Larcker [84] suggest that the AVE values should exceed 0.5 [85]. This
study also confirmed the CV, since each model item has a large and significant
standardized loading on its target construct [86]. The AVE values of our model constructs,
Systems 2023, 11, 198
ranging from 0.574 to 0.829, corroborate the CV of the measures (Table 2). 10 of 19
Figure 2. Measurement
Figure model.
2. Measurement model.
Table 2. Summary
Table Results
2. Summary of of
Results Measurement Model.
Measurement Model.
Constructs. Items FactorFactor
Items Loading
GL1 GL1 0.7700.770
GL2 GL2 0.8180.818
Logistics Management GL3 0.707 0.832 0.880 0.596 1.181
GL3 GL4 0.7070.781 0.832 0.880 0.596 1.181
Management GL5
GL4 0.7810.780
SCT1 0.793
GL5 SCT2 0.7800.806
Supply Chain Traceability SCT3 0.7930.717 0.816 0.871 0.574 1.181
SCT4 0.744
Supply Chain
SCT3 CE2 0.7170.927 0.816 0.871 0.574 1.181
Traceability CE3
Circular Economy Practices 0.7440.954 0.931 0.951 0.829
CE4 0.877 1.155
SCT5 CE5 0.7250.881
Circular Economy CE2 SP1 0.9270.893
SP2 0.914 0.931 0.951 0.829
Practices CE3
Sustainability Performance SP3 0.9540.887 0.890 0.920 0.698 n.a
SP4 0.738
SP5 0.724
Note: CA = Cronbach’s Alpha, CR = Composite Reliability, AVE = Average Variance Extracted, n.a = not applicable.
The HTMT ratio was subsequently employed to assess the model’s DV. Our assessment
revealed that the model possessed a solid DV, as evidence suggests that the HTMT ratios of
the constructs listed in Table 4 are less than the 0.85 recommended by Henseler et al. [89].
The largest HTMT value obtained was 0.667, thus confirming the constructs’ DV. Altogether,
the constructs of our model exhibited a high degree of reliability and validity.
Supply Circular
Green Logistics
Chain Traceability Economy Practices
Supply Chain Traceability 0.474
Circular Economy Practices 0.402 0.579
Sustainability Performance 0.667 0.547 0.532
Sobel test result also corroborated the CEP’s mediating role in the interaction between the
GL and SP (β = 0.062, p < 0.05) (see Table 7).
blockchain technology improves supply chain traceability, which is crucial for implement-
ing circular economy practices in firms [100]. The RDT reveals that enterprises are hardly
self-dependent, requiring resources and stakeholder connections to create a competitive
advantage. As SCT relies on the resources and connections of various stakeholders to
improve sustainable performance, our findings lend credence to RDT. However, evidence
of the SCT’s moderating effect on the GLM-CEP link could not be found.
Considering SMEs are vital contributors to the area’s rising economies, the study will
substantially impact the South Asian region. In conclusion, this study’s findings are pivotal
since they offer a profound comprehension of the actual execution of the GL and CEP to
obtain better SP.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.Z. and A.B.S.; Data curation, M.M.; Formal analysis,
G.-W.Z.; Funding acquisition, B.Z.; Investigation, A.B.S.; Methodology, B.Z. and G.-W.Z.; Project
administration, M.M.; Resources, G.-W.Z. and M.M.; Software, M.M.; Supervision, G.-W.Z.; Validation,
B.Z.; Visualization, A.B.S.; Writing—original draft, B.Z. and A.B.S.; Writing—review & editing, B.Z.,
G.-W.Z. and M.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant no. 2019M663757)
and Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China: “Research on the transmission path and
Improvement Countermeasures of 3PLs’ service capability to the performance under the background
of high quality development (Grant Number is 20XJC790015)”.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
Acknowledgments: The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the anonymous re-
viewers for their efforts to improve the quality of this paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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