Department of Electrical Engineering, Semester 3, 2024-25
Q.1 State and explain role of measuring system. Q.2 State types of errors in measuring instruments and explain anyone. Q.3 Explain the difference between precision and accuracy. Q.4 Define Direct Comparison and Indirect Comparison method of Measurement. Q.5 Define the following terms: (a)Precision (b)Scale sensitivity (c)Resolution (d)Drift (e)Percentage error (f)Secondary instrument (g) Reproducibility(h) Range (I) Error (j) True Value (k) Threshold Sensitivity Q.6 Explain Role of Instrument in Measuring System. Q.7 Explain the types of Errors. Q.8 Explain factors to be considered in the selection of measuring instrument. 04 Explain the types sources Errors. Q.9 Draw the block diagram of generalized instrumentation system and explain it. CHAPTER-2 POTENTIOMETERS AND BRIDGES Q.1 Explain use of potentiometer to calibrate wattmeter. Q.2 Write the two main uses of Wien Bridge. Q.3 Write the types of a.c. Potentiometer. Q.4 Draw the circuit for measurement of temperature using single variable arm Unbalanced Wheatstone bridge. Q.5 Draw the circuit for measurement of strain using single variable arm unbalanced Wheatstone bridge. Q.6 List the applications of potentiometer and explain any one of them. Q.7 Explain principle of D.C. potentiometer. State the precautions to be taken while using basic slide wire D.C. potentiometer. Q.8 Draw and explain construction of Crompton Potentiometer. Q.9 Write short note on Universal Impedance Bridge with necessary diagram. Q.10 Draw Crompton potentiometer diagram and explain procedure of standardization Q.11 Write short note on Desauty Bridge. Q.12 Write short note on Anderson Bridge. Q.13 State the types of bridges used for measurement of inductance. Explain Maxwell Bridge for measurement of inductance and state its limitations. Q.14 Explain Kelvin double bridge for measurement of low resistance. Q.15 Draw and explain Wein Bridge for measurement of unknown capacitance. CHAPTER-3 ELECTROMECHANICAL INSTRUMENTS Q.1 Classify Electromechanical Instrument based on the principle of operation. Q.2 Give the Comparison between Gravity Control and Spring Control. Q.3 Explain construction and working principle of PMMC type instrument. Q.4 Explain need of phase sequence indicator and state types of it Q.5 Explain need of phase sequence indicator and state types of it Q.6 Give the Comparison between Indicating and Integrating Instrument. Classify the instruments based on the role of instrument Q.7 Write the basic torques required for the operation of an indicating instrument. Q.8 Write the effect of electric current used for obtaining deflecting torque. Q.9 Write the methods of obtaining controlling torque. Q.10 Write the methods of obtaining damping torque. Q.11 Explain air friction damping with necessary diagram. Q.12 Explain eddy current damping with necessary diagram. Q.13 Give the difference between PMMC and Dynamometer type meter. Q.14 Draw and explain the construction and working of CLIP-ON meter. Q.15 Draw and explain thermal type maximum demand indicator. Q.16 Explain construction and working of dynamometer type ammeter with diagram. Q.17 Explain construction and working of dynamometer type voltmeter with diagram. Q.18 Explain dynamometer type wattmeter. Q.19 Explain construction and working principle of PMMC type instrument. Q.20 Write short note on megger. CHAPTER-4 CALIBRATION AND TESTING Q.1 Define the term calibration Q.2 Explain the need of calibration. Q.3 Discuss the calibration of ammeter as per Indian standard. Q.4 Explain the procedure of calibration of ammeter using potentiometer. Q.5 Discuss the calibration of voltmeter as per Indian standard. Q.6 Explain the procedure of calibration of voltmeter using potentiometer. Q.7 Discuss the calibration of wattmeter as per Indian standard. Q.8 Explain the procedure of calibration of wattmeter using potentiometer. Q.9 State the conditions to be fulfilled for the testing of single-phase energy meter. Q.10 List out the methods of testing of energy meter and explained each one in detail with necessary diagram. CHAPTER-5 TRANSDUCERS Q.1 Define the term Transducer. Q.2 Give the detail classification of Transducer. Q.3 Define primary Transducer and secondary Transducer. Q.4 Write short note on Piezo-electric transducer. Q.5 Write short note on Selsyn(Synchro). Q.6 Draw and explain the construction and working of LVDT. Q.7 Explain factors to be considered in selection of a transducer, Q.8 List out the different errors occur in transducer. Q.9 With neat sketch explain any 2 methods of measuring pressure using transducer. Q.10 Explain the use of RTD to measure temperature. Q.11 Write short note on opto coupler. Q.12 Write short note on photo transistors. Q.13 Write short note on Load cell. Q.14 Explain two acting arm bridge circuit for measuring strain using strain gauge. Q.15 Explain the construction and working of the photo voltaic cell.