Anglo-Eastern Maritime Academy: Ship Construction
Anglo-Eastern Maritime Academy: Ship Construction
Anglo-Eastern Maritime Academy: Ship Construction
The Hull
The hull is the main body of the ship below
the main outside deck. The hull consists of
an outside covering (or skin) and an inside
framework to which the skin is secured. The
skin and framework are usually made of
steel and secured by welding. The steel skin
may also be called shell plating. The main
centerline structural part of the hull is the
keel, which runs from the stem at the bow to
the sternpost at the stern. The keel is the
backbone of the ship. To the keel are
fastened the frames, which run athwartship.
These are the ribs of the ship and gives
shape and strength to the hull. Deck beams
and bulkheads support the decks and gives
added strength to resist the pressure of the
water on the sides of the hull.
The skin or shell plating, provides water-
tightness. The plates, the principal strength members of a ship, have various thickness. The heaviest
plates are put on amidships. The others are put on so that they taper toward both ends of the ship (from
the keel toward the bilge and from the bilge toward the upper row of plates). Using plates of various
thickness reduces the weight of the metal used and gives the vessel additional strength at its broadest
part. The plates, put on in rows from bow to stern, are called strakes. They are lettered consecutively,
beginning at the keel and going upward.
One or more separate decks are fitted in the cargo holds and are known as tween decks. Greater
flexibility in loading and unloading, together with cargo segregation and improved stability, are possible
using the tween deck spaces. Various combinations of derricks, winches and deck cranes are used for the
handling of cargo. Many modern ships are fitted with deck cranes which reduce cargo-handling times and
manpower requirements. A special heavy lift derrick may also be fitted, covering one or two holds.
Since full cargoes cannot be guaranteed with this type of ship, ballast-carrying tanks must be fitted. In
this way the ship always has a sufficient draught for stability and total propeller immersion. Fore and aft
peak tanks are fitted which also assist in trimming the ship. A double bottom is fitted which extends the
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length of the ship and is divided into separate tanks, some of which carry fuel oil and fresh water. The
remaining tanks are used for ballast when the ship is sailing empty or partly loaded. The accommodation
and machinery spaces are usually located with one hold between them and the aft peak bulkhead. This
arrangement improves the vessel‟s trim when it is partially loaded and reduces the lost cargo space for
shafting tunnels compared with the central machinery space arrangement. The current range of sizes for
general cargo ships is from 2000 to 15 000 displacement tonnes with speeds of 12-18 knots.
Refrigerated general cargo ship
The fitting of refrigeration plants for the cooling of cargo holds enables the carriage of perishable
foodstuffs by sea. Refrigerated ships vary little from general cargo ships. They may have more than one
tween deck, and all hold spaces will be insulated to reduce heat transfer. Cargo may be carried frozen or
chilled depending upon its nature. Refrigerated ships are usually faster than general cargo ships, often
having speeds up to 22 knots.
The tanker is used to carry bulk liquid cargoes, the most common type being the oil tanker. Many other
liquids are carried in tankers and specially constructed vessels are used for chemicals, liquefied
petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas, etc. The oil tanker has the cargo carrying section of the vessel split
up into individual tanks by longitudinal and transverse bulkheads. The size and location of these cargo
tanks is dictated by the International Maritime Organisation Convention MARPOL 1973/78. This
convention and its protocol of 1978 also requires the use of segregated ballast tanks (SBT) and their
location such that they provide a barrier against accidental oil spillage. An oil tanker when on a ballast
voyage may only use its segregated ballast tanks in order to obtain a safe operating condition. No sea
water may be loaded into cargo tanks. The cargo is discharged by cargo pumps fitted in one or more
pumprooms, either at the ends of the tank section or, sometimes, in the middle. Each tank has its own
suction arrangement which connects to the pumps, and a network of piping discharges the cargo to the
deck from where it is pumped ashore. Fore and aft peak tanks are used for ballast with, often, a pair of
wing tanks situated just forward of midships. These wing tanks are ballast-only tanks and are empty
when the ship is fully loaded. Small slop tanks are fitted at the after end of the cargo section and are used
for the normal carriage of oil on loaded voyages. On ballast runs the slop tanks are used for storing the
contaminated residue from tank cleaning operations.
Large amounts of piping are to be seen on the deck running from the pumprooms to the discharge
manifolds positioned at midships, port and starboard. Hose handling derricks are fitted port and starboard
near the manifolds. The accommodation spaces and machinery spaces are located aft in modem tankers.
The range of sizes for oil tankers at present is enormous, from small to 700 000 deadweight tonnes.
Speeds range from 12 to 16 knots.
The containership is, as its name implies, designed for the carriage of containers. A container is a re-
usable box of 2435 mm
by 2345 mm section,
with lengths of 60.55,
9125 and 12 190 mm.
Containers are in use for
most general cargoes. In
addition, refrigerated
models are in use.
The cargo-carrying
section of the ship is
divided into several holds
which have hatch
openings the full width
and length of the hold.
The containers are racked
in special frameworks
and stacked one upon the
other within the hold
space. Cargo handling therefore consists only of vertical movement of the cargo in the hold. Containers
can also be stacked on the hatch covers when a low density cargo is carried. Special lashing arrangements
exist for this purpose.
Accommodation and machinery spaces are usually located aft to provide the maximum length of full-
bodied ship for container stowage. Cargo-handling gear is rarely fitted, as these ships travel between
specially equipped terminals for rapid loading and discharge. Container ship sizes vary considerably with
container-carrying capacities from 100 to 4000 or more. As specialist carriers they are designed for rapid
transits and are high powered, high speed vessels with speeds up to 30 knots. Some of the larger vessels
have triple-screw propulsion arrangements.
Roll-on Roll-off ships (ro/ro)
This design of vessel was originally intended for wheeled cargo in the form of trailers. Rapid loading and
unloading is possible by the use of bow or stem ramps. This type of vessels are adopted for its use as a
ferry with appropriate accommodation provided for passengers.
The cargo carrying section is a series of large open decks with vehicle hoists and ramps connecting them.
A bow visor and flap enables vehicles to leave or enter through the bow and a stem door provides similar
arrangements aft.
The passenger accommodation extends along the vessels length above the vehicle decks.
Sizes range considerably with about 16 000 deadweight tonnes being common. Speeds in the region of
18-22 knots are usual.
Passenger ships
The passenger liner, or its modem equivalent the cruise liner, exists to provide a means of luxurious
transport between interesting destinations, in pleasant climates, for its human cargo. The passenger
travelling in such a ship pays for, and expects a superior standard of accommodation and leisure
facilities. Large amounts of superstructure are therefore an interesting feature of passenger ships. Several
tiers of decks are fitted with large open lounges, ballrooms, swimming pools and promenade areas.
Large passenger liners are rare, the moderate-sized cruise liner of 12000 tonnes displacement now being
the more prevalent. Passenger-carrying capacity is around 600, with speed in the region of 22 knots.
Ships Stresses
The ship at sea or lying in still water is constantly being subjected to a wide varietyof stresses and strains,
which result from the action of forces from outside andwithin the ship. Forces within the ship result from
structural weight, cargo, machinery weight and the effects of operating machinery. Exterior forces
include the hydrostatic pressure of the water on the hull and the action of the wind and waves. The ship
must at all times be able to resist and withstand these stresses and strains throughout its structure. It must
therefore be constructed in a manner, and of such materials, that will provide the necessary strength. The
ship must also be ableto function efficiently as a cargo-carrying vessel.
The forces may be classified as static and dynamic. Static forces are dueto the differences in weight and
buoyancy which occur at various points along thelength of the ship. Dynamic forces result from the
ship‟s motion in the sea and theaction of the wind and waves.
These static and dynamic forces create longitudinal, transverse and local stressesin the ship‟s structure.
Longitudinal stresses are greatest in magnitude and result inbending of the ship along its length.
Longitudinal stresses
Static loading
Consider a ship floating in still water. Two different forces will
be acting upon it along its length. The weight of the ship and its
contents will be acting vertically downwards. Thebuoyancy or
vertical component of hydrostatic pressure will be acting
upwards. In total, the two forces exactly equal and balance one
another such that the ship floats at some particular draught. The
centre of the buoyancy force and the centre of the weight will
be vertically in line. However, at various points along the ship‟s
length there may be an excess of buoyancy or an excess of
weight.Consider the curve of buoyancy, which represents the
upward force at various points along the length of the ship. The
buoyancy forces increase fromzero at the ends of the ship‟s
waterline to a constant value over the parallel middle body
section. The area within the curve represents the total upthrust
or buoyancy exerted by the water.
The total weight of the ship is made up of the steel structure,
items of machinery,cargo. etc. The actual weight at various
points along the length of the ship is unevenly distributed and is
represented by a weight curve.The weight curve actually starts
and finishes at the extremes of the ship‟s structure.
At different points along the ship‟s length the weight may
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exceed the buoyancy, or vice versa. Where a difference occurs this results in a load at that point. The load
diagram,, is used to illustrate the loads at various points.
This loading of the ship‟s structure results in forces which act up or down andcreate shearing forces. The
shear force at any point is the vertical force acting. It canalso be considered as the total load acting on
either side of the point or sectionconsidered. The actual shearing force at any section is, in effect, the area
of the loaddiagram to the point considered. A shear force diagram can thus be drawn for theship.
The loading of the ship‟s structure will also tend to bend it. The bendingmoment at any point is the sum
of the various moments to one side or the other. The bending
moment at a section is also represented by the area of the shear
forcediagram to the point considered. It can be seen from the
bending moment diagram that the maximum bending moment
occurs when theshear force is zero.
Since a bending moment acts on the ship then it will tend to
bend along its length. This still water bending moment
(SWBM) condition will cause the ship totake up one of two
possible extreme conditions.
If the buoyancy forces in the regionof midships are greater
than the weight then the ship will curve upwards or „hog‟,. If
the weight amidships is greater than the buoyancy forces then
theship will curve downwards or „sag‟.
Dynamic loading
If the ship is now considered to be moving
among waves, the distribution of weightis the
same. The distribution of buoyancy, however,
will vary as a result of the waves. The
movement of the ship will also introduce
dynamic forces.
If the wave crest is considered at midships then
the buoyancy in this region willbe increased.
With the wave trough positioned at the ends of
the ship, the buoyancyhere will be reduced.
This loading condition will result in a
significantly increasedbending moment which
will cause the ship to hog. This will be anextreme condition giving the maximum bending moment that
can occur in the ship‟sstructure for this condition.
If the wave trough is now considered at midships then the buoyancy in thisregion will be reduced. With
the wave crests positioned at the ends of the ship, thebuoyancy here will be increased. This loading
condition will result in a bendingmoment which will cause the ship to sag. Since the ship in its stillwater
condition is considered to hog, then this change to a sagging condition hasrequired a bending moment to
overcome the initial hogging bending moment inaddition to
creating sagging. The actual bending moment in this condition
istherefore considerable and, again, it is an extreme condition.
If actual loading conditions for the ship which will make the
above conditionsworse are considered, i.e. heavy loads amidships
when the wave trough is amidships,then the maximum bending
moments in normal operating service can be found.The ship‟s
structure will thus be subjected to constantly fluctuating
stressesresulting from these shear forces and bending moments as
waves move along theship‟s length.
Dynamic stresses
When a ship is rolling it is accelerated and
decelerated, resulting in forces in thestructure
tending to distort it. This condition is known as
racking and its greatesteffect is felt when the ship is
in the light or ballast condition. Thebrackets and
beam knees joining horizontal and vertical items of
structure are usedto resist this distortion.
Localised stresses
The movement of a ship in a seaway results in
forces being generated which arelargely of a local
nature. These forces are, however, liable to cause the structure tovibrate and thus transmit stresses to
other parts of the structure.
Slamming or pounding
In heavy weather, when the ship is heaving and
pitching, the forward end leaves andre-enters the
water with a slamming effect. This slamming down
of theforward region on to the water is known as
pounding. Additional stiffening must befitted in the
pounding region to reduce the possibility of damage
to the structure. This will be discussed later.
The movement of waves along a ship causes
fluctuations in water pressure on theplating. This
tends to create an in-and-out movement of the shell
plating, known aspanting. The effect is particularly evident at the bows as the ship pushes its waythrough
the water.
The pitching motion of the ship produces additional variations
in water pressure,particularly at the bow and stern, which also
cause panting of the plating. Additionalstiffening is provided
in the form of panting beams and stringers. This will be
discussed later.
Localised loading
Heavy weights, such as equipment in the machinery spaces or
particular items ofgeneral cargo, can give rise to localised
distortion of the transverse section. Arrangements for
spreading the load, additional stiffening and thicker platingare
methods used in dealing with this problem.
𝑀𝑛 𝐶𝑟+𝑀𝑜 +𝑉 𝑁𝑖+𝐶𝑢
Ceq = 𝐶 + + + (%)
6 5 15
Grade Deoxidation C Si Mn P S Cu Cr Ni Mo Al Nb V
max max min max max
A Rimmed
Semi-killed 0.23 0.35 Cx2.5 0.04 0.04
B Semi-killed
0.21 0.35 0.80 0.04 0.04 Ceq ≤ 0.4
D Semi-killed
0.21 0.35 0.60 0.04 0.04
E Killed 0.18 0.35 0.70 0.04 0.04
0.50 0.35 0.2 0.4 0.08 0.015 0.05 0.1
0.90 -
DH36 Killed 0.18 0.04 0.04
DH46 0.55 Ceq ≤ 0.45
Double-bottom structure
Where a double bottom or inner shell is fitted it is watertight up to the bilges, thus providing complete
watertight integrity should the outer shell be pierced in way of the double bottom. The minimum depth is
determined by rule requirements for the size of vessel but the actual depth is sometimes increased in
places to suit double-bottorn tank capacities.
The structure is made up of vertical floors which may be watertight, solid or of bracket construction. The
floor structure is continuous from the centre girder to the side shell and supports the inner bottom shell.
Side girders are fitted in the longitudinal direction, their number depending on the width of the ship.
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These side girders are broken either side of the floors and are therefore called intercostal girders.
Watertight or oiltight floors are fitted beneath the main bulkheads and are also used to subdivide the
double-bottom space into tanks for various liquids. Solid plate floors of non-watertight construction,
usually lightened by manholes, are positioned in other places as required to stiffen the structure. Between
solid plate floors. bracket floors are fitted. Bracket floors consist of plate brackets attached to the centre
girder and the side shell with bulb plate stiffeners running between. The stiffeners are supported by angle
bar struts at intervals and any side girders which are present in the structure. The arrangement of flooring
will be determined by the type of framing system adopted, which may be either transverse or
Transversely framed double bottom
This is the system favoured as a result of tests and it provides adequate resistance to
distortion on ships of 120 m in length or greater. Offset bulb plates are used as longitudinal stiffeners on
the shell and inner bottom plating, at intervals of about 1m. Solid floors provide support at transverse
bulkheads and at intervals not exceeding
3.8 m along the length of the ship. Brackets are fitted at the centre girder and side shell at intermediate
frame spaces between solid floors. These brackets are flanged at the free edge and extend to the first
longitudinal. Channel bar or angle bar struts are provided to give support at intervals of not more than 2.5
m where solid floors are widely spaced. Intercostal side girders are again fitted, their number depending
upon classification society rules. For a longitudinally framed vessel, solid floors are shown at top and
bracket floors are shown at bottom of the above figure.
Bilge keel
With a flat keel construction there is little resistance to
rolling of the ship. A bilge keel is fitted along the bilge
radius on both side of the ship to damp any tendency the
ship has to roll. The bilge keel is fitted at right-angles to the
bilge radiused plating but does not extend beyond the
extreme breadth line. It runs the extent of the midship
section of the ship and is positioned, after model tests, to
ensure the minimum resistance to forward motion of the
ship. Construction is of steel plate with a stiffened free edge
or a section such as a bulb plate. A means of fastening to
the hull is employed which will break off the bilge keel
without damage to the hull in the event of fouling or collision. The ends are fastened to a doubling plate
on the shell.
The deck of a ship is the horizontal platform which completes the enclosure of the hull. It must provide a
solid working platform capable of supporting any loads resting upon it, and also a watertight top cover to
the hull structure. The deck with its various forms of stiffening and its plating provides considerable
contribution to the strength of the ship. Where the deck is pierced by hatches, special coamings to the
openings must be provided to offset their effect on the structural strength of the ship.
Deck plating
The deck plating is made up of longitudinal strakes of plating across its width. The plates or strakes
nearest to the deck edges are termed „stringer plates‟. The large openings in the deck for hatchways,
engine casing, pump room entrances, etc., require compensation to maintain the section modulus of the
material. The deck plating abreast of such openings is therefore increased in thickness. The plating
between the hatches of a cargo ship is thinner than the rest of the deck plating and contributes little to
longitudinal strength.
The plating of the weather decks is cambered towards the ship‟s side to assist drainage of any water
falling on the deck. This camber is usually of the order of one-fiftieth of the breadth of the ship at
Deck stiffening
The deck plating is supported from below in a manner determined by the framing system of the ship.
With longitudinal framing, a series of closely spaced longitudinals are used in addition to deep web
transverses. With transverse framing, transverse deck beams are used at every frame space. Where
hatches are fitted to a ship, continuous longitudinal girders are fitted over the length of the ship running
alongside the hatches. .
Deck beams and transverses
Deck beams are fitted across the width of the ship and are joined to the side frames by brackets known as
„beam knees‟. Continuous longitudinal girders which run alongside the hatchways are fitted on the ship,
and the beams are bracketed to these girders. In this way the unsupported span is reduced. Deck beams
are usually offset bulb plates. For the length of the open hatch space the beams are broken and bracketed
to the longitudinal girder or hatch side coaming. The beams are likewise broken and bracketed to the
longitudinal girders in way of the engine casing. A beam broken in this manner is known as a „half-
Deck transverses support the longitudinally framed deck. These are deep plate webs with a facing flat or
a flanged edge. They are bracketed to the side frames by beam knees. Small tripping brackets are fitted
between alternate longitudinals and the transverse
Deck girders exist in a number of forms, depending upon their location. A flanged girder with tripping
brackets will often be used as part of a hatch coaming. Such a flanged girder is referred to as
unsymmetrical and must have tripping brackets fitted at alternate frame spaces. The symmetrical girder is
often used, particularly as a centreline girder. Brackets join the girder to the deck beams and are fitted at
ever) fourth frame space. At hatch comers these girders must be additionally supported either by pillars
or transverse girders. The combination of longitudinal girders with transverse beams is much in use in
modem ships. The deck longitudinal girders extend as far as possible along the full length of the ship on
the outside of the hatches. This continuous longitudinal material permits a reduction in deck plate
thickness, in terms of classification society requirements.
The deck between the hatches must be supported by longitudinal or transverse beams. Where side girders
join transverse beams, particularly beneath hatch openings, gusset
plates are fitted.
A discontinuity, as discussed here, refers to any break or change in
section, thickness or amount of plating material. Great care
must be taken to compensate for any discontinuities in shell or deck
plating resulting from doors, hatchways, etc. Where the loss
of longitudinal material results, this compensation is of particular
importance. Where changes in the amount of plating material
occur, such as at bulwarks, the change should be gradual and well
Well-radiused corners must be used and sometimes the fitting of doubling plates or thicker insert plates,
at the corners of all openings. Any sharp comer can produce a notch which, after stressing, could result in
a crack. The figure here, shows an insert plate fitted at the comer of a hatch opening.
Hatch coamings
The edges of all hatch openings are framed by hatch coamings. On the weather deck the coamings must
be at a minimum height of 600 mm according to the load line regulations. This is to reduce the risk of
water entry to the holds.
The vertical divisions arranged in the ship‟s structure are known as
bulkheads. Three basic types are found, namely watertight, non-
watertight and oiltight or tank bulkheads. Oiltight or tank bulkheads are
watertight in their construction but are subjected to more rigorous testing
than a simply watertight bulkhead.
The transverse watertight bulkheads subdivide the ship into a number of watertight compartments and
their number is dictated by classification society regulations. Oiltight bulkheads form the boundaries of
tanks used for the carriage of liquid cargoes or fuels. Non-watertight bulkheads are any other bulkheads
such the engine casing, accommodation partitions or stores compartments.
In addition to subdividing the ship, transverse bulkheads also provide considerable structural strength as
support for the decks and to resist deformation caused by broadside waves (racking). The spacing of
watertight bulkheads, which is known the watertight subdivision of the ship, is governed by rules
dependent upon ship type, size, etc. All ships must have:
(1) A collision or fore peak bulkhead, which is to be positioned not less than 0.05 x length of the ship,
nor more than 0.08 x length of the ship, from the forward end of the load waterline.
(2) An after peak bulkhead which encloses the sterntube and rudder trunk in a watertight compartment.
(3)A bulkhead at each end of the machinery space; the after bulkhead may, for an aft engine room, be the
after peak bulkhead.
Additional bulkheads are to be fitted according to the vessel‟s length, e.g. a ship between 145 m and 165
m long must have 8 bulkheads with machinerymidships and 7 bulkheads with machinery aft.
Watertight bulkheads must extend to the freeboard deck but may rise to the uppermost continuous deck.
The aft peak bulkhead may extend only to the next deck above the load waterline, where the construction
aft of this deck is fully watertight to the shell.
The purpose of watertight subdivision and the spacing of the bulkheads is to provide an arrangement such
that if one compartment is flooded between bulkheads, the ship‟s waterline will not rise above the margin
line. The margin line is a line drawn parallel to and 76 mm below the upper surface of the bulkhead deck
at the ship‟s side. The subdivision of passenger ships is regulated by statutory requirements which are in
excess of classification society rules for cargo ships, but the objects of confining flooding and avoiding
sinking are the same.
Watertight bulkheads, because of their large area, are formed of several strakes of plating. They are
welded to the shell, deck and tank top. The plating strakes are horizontal and the stiffening is vertical.
Since water pressure in a tank increases with depth and the watertight bulkhead must withstand such
loading, the bulkhead must have increasingly greater strength towards the base. This is achieved by
increasing the thickness of the horizontal strakes of plating towards the bottom. The collision bulkhead
must have plating some 12 per cent thicker than other watertight bulkheads. Also, plating in the aft peak
bulkhead around the sterntube must be doubled or increased in thickness to reduce vibration. The
bulkhead is stiffened by vertical bulb plates or toe-welded angle bar stiffeners spaced about 760 mm
apart. This spacing is reduced to 610 mm for collision and oiltight bulkheads. The ends of the stiffeners
are bracketed to the tanktop and the deck beams. In tween decks, where the loading is less, the stiffeners
may have no end connections.
Corrugated watertight bulkheads
The use of corrugations or swedges in a plate instead of
welded stiffeners produces a strong a structure with a reduction
in weight. The troughs are vertical on transverse bulkheads but
on longitudinal bulkheads they must be horizontal in order to
add to the longitudinal strength of the ship.
The corrugations or swedges are made in the plating strakes
prior to fabrication of the complete bulkhead. As a
consequence, the strakes run vertically and the plating must be
of uniform thickness and adequate to support the greater loads
at the bottom of the bulkhead. This greater thickness of plate
offsets to some extent the saving in weight through not adding
stiffeners to the bulkhead. The edges of the corrugated bulkhead which join to the shell plating may have
stiffened flat plate fitted to increase transverse strength and simplify fitting the bulkhead to the shell. On
high bulkheads with vertical corrugations, diaphragm plates are fitted across the troughs. This prevents
Pillars provide a means of transferring loads between
decks and fastening together the structure in a
vertical direction. The pillars which transfer loads, as
in the cargo holds or beneath items of machinery, are
largely in compression and require little or no
bracketing to the surrounding structure. Pillars which
tie structure together and are subjected to tensile
forces are adequately bracketed at the head or top and
the heel or bottom.
The stem is the terminating point of the forward shell plating. It is made up of a stem bar from the keel to
the load waterline and a stiffened plate structure up to the forecastle deck. The stem bar is a solid round
bar which is welded to the inside of the keep plate at the lower end. At its upper end the bar joins the
stem plate. The shell plating is welded to either side of the stem bar.
The stem plate construction of curved plates is stiffened at intervals by breasthooks which are small
flange plates fitted horizontally. A continuous bulb or flat bar stiffener may be fitted where the stem plate
radius is considerable. Heavier than usual shell plating may be fitted at the stem plate region.
Panting structure
The rudder is used to steer the ship. The turning action is largely dependent on the area of the rudder,
which is usually of the order of one-sixtieth to one-seventieth ofthe length x depth of the ship. The ratio
of the depth to width of a rudder is known as the aspect ratio and is usually in the region of 2.
Streamlined rudders of a double-plate construction are fitted to all modemand are further described by the
arrangement about their axis. A rudder with all of its area aft of the turning axis is known as
„unbalanced‟. A rudder with a small part of its area forward of the turning axis is known as „semi-
The stock passes through a gland and a rudder carrier before entering the steering compartment. The
gland and carrier may be combined or separate items of equipment.
The rudder carrier consists of two halves which provide an upper and lower bearing surface. The upper
part of the rudder carrier is keyed to thestock so that they turn together. The major part of the rudder‟s
weight is transferred to the rudder carrier by either a shoulder, as part of the stock forging, or a collar
fitted between the tiller and the carrier. The rudder weight is thus transferred to the lower bearing surface
of the carrier which is grease lubricated. A flat or conical bearing surface may be used depending on the
particular design. The lower half of the carrier is bolted into a heavy insert plate in the deck of the
steering flat and is chockedagainst fore and aft and athwartships movement.
A separate watertight gland is often fitted where the stock enters the ruddertrunk. This arrangement
provides access to a greater length of the rudder stock, removes the need for a watertight construction of
the carrier bearing and reduces the unsupported length of the stock.
It is essential for ease of operation of the rudder that the pintles and rudder stock turning axes are in the
same vertical line. Great care is taken duringinstallation to ensure this correct alignment.
The hull form of a ship may be defined by a number of dimensions andterms. Anexplanation of the
principal terms is given below:
After Perpendicular (AP): A perpendicular drawn to the waterline at the pointwhere the aft side of the
rudder post meets the summer load line. Where norudder post is fitted it is taken as the centre line of the
rudder stock.
Forward Perpendicular (FP): A perpendicular drawn to the waterline at thepoint where the foreside of
the stem meets the summer load line.
Length Between Perpendiculars (LBP) : The length between the forward and aftperpendiculars
measured along the summer load line.
Amidships: A point midway between the after and forward perpendiculars.
Length Overall (LOA): Length of vessel taken over all extremities.
Register Length is the length of ship measured from the fore-side of thehead of the stem to the aft side of
the head of the stern post or, in the caseof a ship not having a stern post, to the fore-side of the rudder
stock. If theship does not have a stern post or a rudder stock, the after terminal is takento the aftermost
part of the transom or stern of the ship. This length is theofficial length in the register of ships maintained
by the flag state andappears on official documents relating to ownership and other mattersconcerning the
business of the ship.
Moulded dimensions are often referred to; these are taken to the insideof plating on a metal ship.
Base Line: A horizontal line drawn at the top of the keel plate. All verticalmoulded dimensions are
measured relative to this line.
Moulded Beam: Measured at the midship section is the maximum mouldedbreadth of the ship.
Moulded Draft: Measured from the base line to the summer load line at themidship section.
Moulded Depth: Measured from the base line to the heel of the upper deckbeam at the ship‟s side
Extreme Beam: The maximum beam taken over all extremities.
Extreme Draft: Taken from the lowest point of keel to the summer load line.Draft marks represent
extreme drafts.
Extreme Depth: Depth of vessel at ship‟s side from upper deck to lowestpoint of keel.
Half Breadth: Since a ship‟s hull is symmetrical about the longitudinal centreline, often only the half
beam or half breadth at any section is given.
Classification Societies
Classification societies are organizations that establish and apply technical standards in relation to the
design, construction and survey of marine related facilities including ships and offshore structures. The
vast majority of ships are built and surveyed to the standards laid down by classification societies. These
standards are issued by the classification society as published rules. A vessel that has been designed and
built to the appropriate rules of a society may apply for a certificate of classification from that society.
The society issues this certificate upon completion of relevant classification surveys. More than 50
organizations worldwide define their activities as providing marine classification. Ten of those
organizations form the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). It is estimated that
these ten societies, together with the additional society that has been accorded associate status by IACS,
collectively class about 94 percent of all commercialtonnage involved in international trade worldwide.
Assignment, maintenance, suspension and withdrawal of class