On Manifolds Supporting Distributionally Uniquely Ergodic Diffeomorphisms
On Manifolds Supporting Distributionally Uniquely Ergodic Diffeomorphisms
On Manifolds Supporting Distributionally Uniquely Ergodic Diffeomorphisms
differential geometry
99 (2015) 191-213
A smooth diffeomorphism is said to be distributionally uniquely
ergodic (DUE for short) when it is uniquely ergodic and its unique
invariant probability measure is the only invariant distribution (up
to multiplication by a constant). Ergodic translations on tori are
classical examples of DUE diffeomorphisms. In this article we con-
struct DUE diffeomorphisms supported on closed manifolds dif-
ferent from tori, providing some counterexamples to a conjecture
proposed by Forni in [For08].
1. Introduction
When we study the dynamics of a homeomorphism f : M → M (for
the time being we can suppose M is a just compact metric space), we
can consider the induced linear automorphism f on C 0 (M, C) given by
f ψ := ψ ◦ f, ∀ψ ∈ C 0 (M, C).
If we endow C 0 (M, C) with the C 0 -uniform topology, f turns out
to be a continuous linear operator and hence, its adjoint f acts on
the topological dual space (C 0 (M, C)) which coincides, by Riesz rep-
resentation theorem, with M(M ), the space of complex finite measures
on M .
To a certain extent we can say that ergodic theory consists in under-
standing the relation between the “non-linear” dynamics of f and the
linear one of f : M(M ) → M(M ). The fixed points of f , the so-called
f -invariant measures, play a key role in this theory.
When M is a closed smooth manifold and f : M → M is a C r -
diffeomorphism, every linear subspace C k (M, C) ⊂ C 0 (M, C) (where
0 ≤ k ≤ r ≤ ∞) is f -invariant. Moreover, when C k (M, C) is equipped
with the C k -uniform topology, f : C k (M, C) → C k (M, C) turns out to
be a continuous isomorphism and hence, its adjoint f acts on Dk (M ),
i.e. the space of distributions up to order k. Of course, the fixed points
of f are called invariant distributions.
Received 11/7/2012.
Acknowledgments. Since the larger part of this work was done while
A. Kocsard was visiting the Institut de Mathématique de Jussieu, in
Paris, he would like to thank P. Le Calvez for the hospitality. He is
also grateful to L. Flaminio for some insightful discussions. A.K. was
partially supported by CAPES and CNPq (Brazil).
αTd := dist(α, Zd ).
(1) ni αi = 0 =⇒ ni = 0, for i = 1, . . . , d.
i=1 Td
2.3.1. Generalities. In this work we shall only deal with real con-
nected Lie groups. As usual, if G denotes an arbitrary Lie group, its
identity element is denoted by 1G (or just 0 when G is abelian), its Lie
algebra by g, and we write exp : g → G for the exponential map.
A smooth manifold is called a homogeneous space when it can be
written as G/H, where G denotes a (real, connected) Lie group and H <
G a closed subgroup. We say H is cocompact when G/H is compact,
and we say that G/H is of compact type when G is compact itself.
Clearly, the group G acts naturally (on the left) on G/H and it is well
known that in such a case there exists at most one G-invariant Borel
probability measure on G/H. When such a measure does exist, we will
call it the Haar measure of G/H. A discrete cocompact subgroup will
be called a uniform lattice. Let us recall that the existence of the Haar
measure on G/H is guaranteed whenever either G is compact, or H is
a uniform lattice.
Making some abuse of notation, we will use the brackets [·, ·] to denote
the Lie brackets on g, as well as the commutator operator in G, i.e.
[g, h] := ghg −1 h−1 , for any g, h ∈ G.
More generally, if A, B ⊂ G we define [A, B] := [a, b] : a ∈ A, b ∈ B,
i.e. the subgroup of G generated by commutators of the set subsets A
and B, respectively. And analogously, if h, k ⊂ g, we define [h, k] :=
spanR {[v, w] : v ∈ h, w ∈ k}.
The centers of G and g are defined by Z(G) := {g ∈ G : [g, h] =
1G , ∀h ∈ G} and Z(g) := {v ∈ g : [v, w] = 0, ∀w ∈ g}, respectively.
1 j
v(x) := − Sf φ(x), ∀x ∈ M.
Now, assuming Lemma 3.2, we can prove Theorem 3.1, and hence-
forth, Theorem A, too:
Proof of Theorem 3.1. Let (φm )m∈N be a dense sequence in Cμ∞ (M ) and
Am := f ∈ AK∞ (T ) : ∃u ∈ C ∞ (M ), u ◦ f − u − φm C m < .
jp jp
= φ t+ ,γ t + γ(t) x
q q
j j
(6) −1
= φ t + ,γ t + γ(t) x
q q
q /q̄−1 q̄−1
s r s r
= φ t + + ,γ t + + γ(t)−1 x
r=0 s=0
q̄ q q̄ q
= 0,
where the last equality is a consequence of condition (ii) of Lemma 3.2
and Lemma 3.3. Thus, we conclude that φ ∈ B(H0,γ Tp /q H0,γ , C ∞ (M )).
−1 −1
(7) φ ◦ H −1 ∈ B HH0,γ Tp /q H0,γ H , C ∞ (M ) ,
for every ∈ N.
On the other hand, Tp /q → Tp0 /q0 in Diff ∞ (M ), as → ∞. Hence,
from (i) of Lemma 3.2, we get
−1 −1 C∞
(8) HH0,γ Tp /q H0,γ H −−→ HTp0 /q0 H −1 , as → ∞.
Now, putting together (5), (7), and (8), we conclude that HTp0 /q0
H −1∈ cl∞ (Am ), as desired. q.e.d.
Then, for each Δ > 0, let us define CΔ ω (T, G) as the set of real-
is generic in T × CΔ
ω (T, G), and in particular, non-empty.
(1) (1)
where each φ̂k ∈ C ∞ (Rd−1 ). Here, the 0th Fourier-function φ̂0 has a
particularly nice interpretation: it can be naturally considered as defined
on the nilpotent Lie group N (1) := N/N(1) , or more precisely, on the
compact nilmanifold N (1) /Γ(1) (see §2.3.4 for these notations).
On the other hand, observe that the basis {v2 +n(1) , v3 +n(1) , . . . , vd +
n(1) } is a Mal’cev one for n/n(1) strongly based on the lattice Γ(i) =
Γ/Γ(i) .
That means we can repeat our previous argument to prove that φ̂0 is
Z-periodic on its first variable, and hence, we can consider the Fourier-
like development
φ̂0 (x2 , . . . , xd ) = φ̂k (x3 , . . . , xd )e2πikx2 .
Once again, the Fourier-coefficient function φ̂0 can be considered as
an element of C ∞ (N (2) /Γ(2) ) and the set {v3 + n(2) , . . . , vd + n(d) } is a
Mal’cev basis strongly based on Γ(2) .
By induction, we get a family of Fourier-like coefficients
φ̂k ∈ C ∞ (Rd−j ), ∀j ∈ {1, . . . , d}, ∀k ∈ Z,
where each φ̂0 ∈ C ∞ (N (i) /Γ(i) ) ⊂ C ∞ (Rd−j ) and satisfies
φ̂0 (xj+1 , . . . xd ) = φ̂k (xj+2 , . . . , xd )e2πikxj+1 .
with each φ̂k ∈ C ∞ (P ). Of course, by analogy with our definition of
pseudo-polynomials on P , we define
(0) (0)
Poln (M ) := {φ ∈ C ∞ (M ) : φ̂0 ∈ Poln (P ), φ̂k ≡ 0, ∀ |k| > n}.
Combining an inductive argument on the dimension of M with clas-
sical Fourier theory, one can easily show
Proposition 4.1. The linear space
Pol(M ) = Poln (M )
Now we will prove Lemma 3.2, assuming the filtration (Vn ) is given
by Proposition 4.1:
where Hk = H0,γk ⊂ SW∞ (T × P ) and considering φ̂0 as a complex
function on N (k) = N/N(k) (see §2.3.4 for notations).
At this point it is important to notice that, since φ ∈ Vn ⊂ Cμ∞ (M ),
φ̂0 dν = 0, for every 0 ≤ k ≤ d.
Thus, in particular, the complex number φ0 is equal to zero, and so
condition (11) for k = d means that the Birkhoff sum vanishes. By
Lemma 3.3, this is equivalent to φ ∈ B(Hd Tp/q̄d Hd−1 , C ∞ ).
Now let us start with the case k = 0. Observe that without loss of
generality we can assume n < q0 . Let us define γ0 ≡ 1N (so H0 = idM )
and q̄0 := q0 . Hence, for every φ ∈ Vn , and every p ∈ Z coprime with q̄0 ,
we have
0 −1
q̄0 p
SH −1 φ(t, x) = φ t + j ,x
0 Tp/q̄0 H0 q̄0
0 −1
q̄ (0) 2πi(t+ q̄j ) (0)
= φ̂ (x)e 0 = q̄0 φ0 (x),
j=0 ||≤n
e2πimη(t+/2q0 )
0 −1
= e2πim(η(t)+/q0 ) + e−2πim(η(t)+/q0 ) = 0.
Then we define
q̄k := 2q̄k−1 q0 ,
and γk ∈ C ∞ (T, N ) by
2q0 −1 q̄k−1 −1
= φ t+ + , γk t + + γk (t) x
q̄k q̄k−1 q̄k q̄k−1
=0 j=0
0 −1
(k−1) −1 (k−1)
= Ck−1 φ̂0 exp η q̄k−1 t + vk γk (t) xN
0 −1
= Ck−1 φ̂0 x̃k + η q̄k−1 t + , x̃k+1 , . . . , x̃d
0 −1
= Ck−1 φ̂(k)
m (x̃k+1 , . . . , x̃d )e
2πim(x̃k +η(q̄k−1 t+/2q0 ))
=0 |m|≤n
0 −1
= Ck−1 φ̂(k)
m (x̃k+1 , . . . , x̃d )e
e2πimη(t+/2q0 )
|m|≤n =0
(k) (k)
= q0 Ck−1 φ̂0 (x̃k+1 , . . . , x̃d ) = q0 Ck−1 φ̂0 γk (t)−1 xN (k) ,
where the sixth equality is a consequence of (13) and where (x̃k , x̃k+1 ,
. . . , x̃d ) denotes the “coordinates” of the point γk+1 (t)−1 xN (k−1) in the
Lie algebra n(k−1) , i.e. they satisfy the following equation:
x̃k vk + x̃k+1 vk+1 + . . . + x̃d vd + n(k−1) = exp−1 (γ (t)−1 xN (k−1) ).
N (k−1) k
In this way, (14) shows condition (11) holds for k, finishing the proof
of the lemma. q.e.d.
L(Φ(x)) dμ = 0.
Hence, L ◦ Φ should be identically equal to zero, contradicting the linear
independence of the coordinate functions (φi )N i=1 . Thus, CΦ = R .
Thus, by Lemma 3.3, it follows from (27) that Vn ⊂ B(H0,γ Tp/q H0,γ ),
as desired. q.e.d.
for every n ∈ N.
Then, invoking Lemma 5.6 and the above filtration, mutatis mutandis
we can extend the proof of Lemma 3.2 we did in §5.2 in the case H =
{1G } to the general one.
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