Mindset For IELTS Teaching Guide Part 1

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An Official Cambridge IELTS Course

Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Assessment English

Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781108939980

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ISBN 978-1-108-93998-0 Mindset for IELTS Teaching Guide Part 1

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Cambridge University Press, in collaboration with Cambridge Assessment English, the organisation that produces the IELTS
test, brings you a series of comprehensive teaching guides to provide help and support in using the Mindset for IELTS course
and in teaching IELTS.

Teaching Guide Part 1, the first guide in the series, outlines the benefits of using the Mindset for IELTS course from Foundation
to Level 3, as well as answering some of your most common questions and providing information about the IELTS test, including
the bands and how the scoring works:







Mindset for IELTS offers students a unique exam journey and is designed to build up confidence and help students target the level that
they want to achieve in the IELTS Academic test. All material has been checked and approved by Cambridge Assessment English.

The Foundation Level of Mindset for IELTS is designed for students who are interested in taking the IELTS test, but need to improve
their general English skills before being introduced to a more heavily exam-focused course. Unlike the other three levels it builds
up English knowledge and therefore the book should be taught in order.
• Language development – Students improve their English skills through the step-by-step approach to language development.
• Motivating topics – The selection of topics becomes more difficult as the course progresses. The topics are designed to make
the students feel like they are studying more serious material and topics that are relevant to the IELTS test.
• Exposure to exam tasks – Throughout the course students are exposed to general exam skills and strategies and ones that are
specific to IELTS.
• Remedial help – The Language Builder module is especially designed for students who are struggling at this level and is
designed to build their knowledge and confidence, so that they can participate fully and progress in class.
• Pathways for students who want to take the exam – We really do not recommend that students at this level take the exam.
However, a further Teaching Guide in the series will include a pathway, where students can practise exam tasks if this is where
they want to focus.
• Integrated skills to maximise development – The modules Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking are combined, so that
students can improve and practise active English after improving the passive skills.

Levels 1–3
• Flexibility – Mindset offers flexibility. Lessons can be taught in order and the teacher can go straight through the book, or
lessons can be taught by topic or by skill depending on the needs of your students. In further Teaching Guides in the series
you will also find information on how you can organise the lessons depending on the amount of time you have and the type of
classes you teach.
• Level appropriate – All material is designed to be level appropriate. This means that students will be pushed at each level, but
not beyond their ability, giving them the best chance to understand and improve necessary skills for the IELTS test and their
general English knowledge.
• Full coverage – Every exam skill and task type is covered at least once in the course book and once in the online modules for
Levels 1–3.
• Focused on the IELTS test – Every exercise relates in some way to the IELTS test. The Teacher’s Book makes it clear how each
exercise is relevant. However, this is done without sacrificing the student’s general English development.
• Careful support for students – All lessons are carefully scaffolded, so that they get progressively more difficult. Each lesson
finishes with an exam style task, in order for students to be able to demonstrate what they have learnt and help grow their
• Online skills modules – The online modules (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) are designed for students to be able
to do on their own as homework or as supplementary work in class. Each unit in the skills modules relates to one of the units
in the Student’s Book. In the Listening and Reading sections students practise the same skills that they did in the course book;
for Writing and Speaking they practise the same or a similar topic to help build up subject and vocabulary knowledge. Every
lesson builds up the student’s skills and knowledge before finishing with an exam style task.


• Online language specific modules – There are modules to provide certain language speakers with help where they need it the
most: we have ‘Pronunciation and Speaking’ and ‘Spelling and Writing’ for Chinese speakers. There are also the Plus modules
covering Speaking and Writing, which offer further practice to speakers of all languages. Further Teaching Guides in the series
will include information on how you can integrate these modules into your teaching.
• Online academic skills module – This module helps students understand the links between IELTS and academic English and
helps them bridge the gap between IELTS and academic English study. It also makes them aware of what they may need to do
in order to successfully study in a Higher Education institute in an English-speaking environment.
• Full support for teachers – The Teacher’s Book offers a full description of the tasks and why they have been included. There
is also a glossary of commonly used terms and general information about IELTS. Extension exercises enable you to provide
further practice if you think your students need it. Alternative exercises allow you to try something different if you don’t think
a task is relevant to your class. The Teaching Guides give you more information on how the IELTS test works, how it is marked
and how different marks relate to different band scores. They also give you information on how to fully integrate the modules
into your teaching and what to do if you have a limited amount of time with your students. Furthermore, there is a great deal
of online support at www.cambridge.org/teachingIELTS where you can get help with your IELTS teaching through blogs, videos,
webinars and resources.



What is IELTS?
Q: What is IELTS and why might I want to take the test?

A: IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. It measures every level of English proficiency; for more information
go to https://www.ielts.org . It is used by universities, immigration departments, government agencies, professional bodies and
multinational companies to determine if a person’s English language level is right for what they are applying for.

Q: What is in the IELTS test?

A: The IELTS test is made up of four parts: Listening (30 minutes); Reading (60 minutes); Writing (60 minutes) and Speaking
(11–14 minutes). The total test time is 2 hours 45 minutes. Note that the Listening, Reading and Writing are done in one sitting
on the same day. The Speaking test is done separately; it might be on the same day as the other tests, but can be up to four
days before or after.

Q: What are the differences between the Academic test and the General test and which one should I take?

A: The IELTS Academic test is mainly for people who want to study at university or an equivalent institution. The IELTS General test
is used for immigration to the UK, Australia and Canada, and by secondary schools and people applying for training programmes
and work experience in English-speaking settings. If you know which institution you are applying for, you should contact them to
be sure of what their requirements are.

Q: What is the difference between what you do in the Academic test and the General test?

A: The Listening and Speaking tests are the same for all candidates. The Academic Reading texts are authentic and academic in
nature, but written for a non-specialist audience. The General Reading texts are about general topics and related to work. The
Academic Writing consists of Task 1 where you need to accurately describe and summarise visual information and Task 2 where
you write a discursive essay. The General Writing consists of Task 1 where you write a letter or email in response to a particular
situation and Task 2 where you write a discursive essay.

Q: What is the difference between the computer-delivered IELTS test and the paper-based test?

A: The only real difference is that one is done with paper and a pencil and the other is done on a keyboard! The Speaking test will
be done face-to-face with an examiner regardless of whether you are doing the computer-delivered test or the paper-based test.

Listening, Reading and Writing tests

Q: What identity documents do I need to take to the test?

A: When you applied to do the IELTS test you will have been asked to provide some proof of identity. You should take the same
identification that you used on the application form.

Q: Will I take all parts of the IELTS test on the same day?

A: The Listening, Reading and Writing tests all take place on the same day. The time and date of the Speaking exam will depend on
the centre. It might be on the same day, but it may be up to four days before or after the other parts of the test.

Q: What happens if I arrive late for the first test?

A: You will not be allowed into the room.


Q: What items am I not allowed to take into the test room?

A: Things such as watches, food, bags or any electronic devices.

Q: How long are the breaks between the Listening, Reading and Writing tests?

A: There are no breaks between these tests.

Q: What should I do if I need to use the bathroom during the test?

A: Raise your hand and tell the invigilator.

Q: Where should I put my personal belongings during the Listening, Reading and Writing tests?

A: There is a special area outside the test room where you can keep your things.

Q: How can I avoid getting hungry during the test?

A: You aren’t allowed to take food into the test and there are no breaks, so make sure that you have something to eat before
the test.

Q: What order do I do the test in?

A: Listening is first followed by Reading and Writing.

Q: Where should I write my answers?

A: There is a special answer sheet for each task. You must write your answers there. Do not write the answers on the question
paper. If you run out of space for the Writing task you can ask for extra paper to complete the task on. Please note that you
should only use pencil for the Listening and Reading answer sheets.

Q: What accents can you hear in the Listening test?

A: You can hear standard accents from Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Q: How many times do I hear the Listening scripts?

A: You will hear the Listening scripts only once.

Q: Are instructions included in the Listening audio and are there any pauses?

A: Yes, there are instructions at the start of the parts.

Q: In the Listening and Reading tests is there any time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet?

A: In the Listening test you have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. In the Reading test you must transfer
your answers in the hour given.

Q: Can I make notes on the Listening and Reading question papers?

A: Yes, you can.

Q: How long should I spend on each task in the Writing test?

A: You should spend about 20 minutes on Writing Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2.

Q: How will I know the time if I can’t wear a watch in the test?

A: There will be a clock in the test room that all candidates can see clearly.


Speaking test
Q: What can I take into the test with me?

A: You just need to take your identification (the same one that you used on the application form for the IELTS test). Paper and pens
will be provided by the exam centre. You are not allowed to take mobile phones, dictionaries or any other electronic devices into
the test with you.

Q: What time should I arrive for the test?

A: It is a good idea to arrive 30 minutes before the test. However, you should check with the test centre, as they may have a
particular time that you need to register ahead of the test. It’s a good idea to arrive early though, as if you are late you may
get stressed and this could have a negative impact on your performance.

Q: How many questions will I have to answer?

A: This will depend on how long your answers are. Apart from in the introductions at the start of the Speaking test, you should try
to explain your answers by giving reasons, explanations and examples. In general, your answers for Part 3 should be longer than
in Part 1.

Q: What documents do I need on the day of the test?

A: You should bring a current passport. If you are an EU national you can bring your ID Card. You should bring the same ID that you
used to apply for the test unless it has expired. You must bring the original document as photocopies will not be accepted.

Q: What happens if I am late?

A: You will not be allowed to sit the test on that day, and will be marked as absent and given a Band 0 for this part of the test, which
will obviously affect your overall score. Unless you can prove that there was a medical emergency and you have a document
stating this, you will not be given a refund.

Q: What should I do if I don’t understand a question?

A: You can ask the examiner to repeat the questions. Sometimes they will repeat or rephrase the question. You will not lose marks
unless you do this regularly during the interview. One good strategy is to use phrases like ‘Do you mean …?’, ‘Are you asking …?’
The examiner will not tell you the meaning of individual words, but you will not lose marks for asking.

After the exam

Q: How long is the IELTS test valid for?

A: The test is valid for two years after the date of taking it.

Q: What is the pass mark for IELTS?

A: There is no pass or fail. Scores go up to Band 9. The place where you are applying will decide which band score you will need.

Q: When will I receive my test results?

A: Your Test Report Form will be posted to you 13 days after your test date. You only receive one copy of the Test Report Form
and you will not be sent further copies, so please keep it safe. Up to five copies can be sent to the places you are applying to
free of charge.

Q: If I don’t get the result I need when can I sit the exam again?

A: You can re-sit the exam as many times as you like. However, it is advisable that you do some further study before taking the
exam again.


Q: What can I do if I think that there has been a mistake with my result?

A: You can apply for an ‘enquiry on results’ procedure at your test centre up to six weeks after you have completed the exam. You
will have to pay a fee to have your test remarked, but this will be refunded if your band score changes. Note that IELTS examiners
and markers are regularly monitored and follow strict assessment guidelines, and that the IELTS testing process has the highest
quality control procedures.



Band score Skill level Description

9 Expert You have full command of the language. Your use of English is appropriate, accurate and
fluent. You show complete understanding.
8 Very good You have a full command of the language with only occasional unsystematic errors and
inappropriate usage. You may misunderstand some things in unfamiliar situations. You
handle complex detailed argumentation well.
7 Good You can handle complex language well and understand detailed reasoning. You can
operate well in English with some occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate usage and
misunderstandings in some situations.
6 Competent You have an effective command of English. You are sometimes inaccurate, sometimes use
language inappropriately and sometimes misunderstand what has been said. However,
you can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
5 Modest You have some knowledge of English and can express and cope with the overall meaning
in most situations, but you are also likely to make a lot of mistakes. You can handle basic
communication in your own field of knowledge.
4 Limited Your English knowledge is limited to familiar situations. You frequently have problems in
understanding others and expressing yourself. You are not able to use complex language.
3 Extremely limited You can only understand and communicate general meaning in very familiar situations.
There are often breakdowns in communication.
2 Intermittent You find it very difficult to understand spoken and written English.
1 Non-user You only know a few isolated words in English.
0 Did not attempt You did not attempt the question and/or attend the test.
the test


Band score Correct answers on Listening test
4 11–12
4.5 13–15
5 16–17
5.5 18–22
6 23–25
6.5 26–29
7 30–31
7.5 32–34
8 35–36
8.5 37–38
9 39–40

Reading (Academic)
Band score Correct answers on Reading (AC) test
4 10–12
4.5 13–14
5 15–18
5.5 19–22
6 23–26
6.5 27–29
7 30–32
7.5 33–34
8 35–36
8.5 37–38
9 39–40


Reading (General Training)
Band score Correct answers on Reading (GT) test
4 15–18
4.5 19–22
5 23–26
5.5 27–29
6 30–31
6.5 32–33
7 34–35
7.5 36
8 37–38
8.5 39
9 40


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