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This study used the descriptive design as it aimed to explore the Technology
and Livelihood (TLE) instruction in the secondary schools in Northern Samar Division
in terms of level of attainment of the objectives of Technology and Livelihood
Education, level of effectiveness of the methods and techniques used in the
Technology and Livelihood Education Instruction, level of adequacy of instructional
materials and equipment used in the instruction of Technology and Livelihood
Education, and the problems encountered in the Technology and Livelihood
Education instruction. This study was conducted in selected public high schools in
the Division of Samar which includes the following secondary schools: University of
Eastern Philippines Laboratory High School, Catubig Valley National High School,
Hibubullao National High School, Somoroy Agro-Industrial School, and Las Navas
National High School. The respondents of the study was one hundred twenty eight
(128) fourth year students who were taking up Technology and Livelihood Education
subjects. The main tool in gathering data and information from the respondents was
the questionnaire. The goals of technology education is to promote technological
literacy of a broad and encompassing nature. Technology and Livelihood Education
has techniques in teaching focuses on the quality of the acts used by the teacher in
representing the subject matter to the pupils. It may also include the skill of the
teacher in accomplishing the task of learning. It is a technical skill, or artistic
execution. Technique in teaching is a factor which promotes learning through
teaching with the aid of devices.
Results of the study, brought out remedial measures may be developed to
improve the Technology and Livelihood Education instruction in Northern Samar
Division such as: The national vocational schools or public secondary schools should
endeavor to offer cluster of practical courses rather than concentrating in only one or
two popular courses, so that students should be fully aware that in all occupational
endeavor, they should have a knowledge of marketing and selling of their goods or
services, and consequently, bookkeeping and accounting. Moreover,
entrepreneurship or self-employment the students need this knowledge when
running his own business; Measures should be made by the schools in providing
adequate and needed essential facilities, tools, equipment, and supplies and
materials to fully implement their program of practical arts in order to attract more
students in interest of improved learning; The institutions need to exert greater
efforts in securing more community resources to aid in the implementation of the
program and to argument insufficient funding for the purchase of materials to enrich
curricular offerings; Teachers need to improve their skills and competence in
imparting knowledge to their students, likewise, the institutions should adequately
provide for the shortage such as lack of books, instructional materials,
equipment/tools and the like in order that the students may be able to derive for the
Key words: Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), Instruction, Northern Samar

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) is one of the significant features
in the secondary education development program curriculum. It is concerned with
activities related to the development of a person or group of learners. It is a subject
that prepares high school students endeavors that will provide them the knowledge
and skills to be productive and earn a living early should the possibility of Tertiary
Education becomes elusive for one reason or the other. Technology and Livelihood
Education is a work education course. It teaches the love and respect for work. It is
the provision of skills to be productive and responsibility to economically uplift the
family, the community and the country.

Vital factors are needed in teaching TLE: First the curriculum should be
enriched and kept abreast to changing conditions; The methods and techniques
applied in teaching, the use of updated and operational equipment, effectively
constructed instructional materials and the teacher herself who professionally grow,
learn and develop skills and expertise. In as much as the teachers are the pillars of
the educational system, it is necessary to develop their potentials by updating their
competencies through seminars, workshops and upgrading their educational growth
and qualifications as well. Dedicated teachers should endeavor to keep with the
latest trends, not only in their field of specialization, but also in other related areas so
that the foundation of teaching is strengthened. Innovations in education depends on
the resourcefulness, creativity, and innovativeness of the teachers, while the school
administrators should meet these challenges with sincere cooperation, and a firm
solution to update themselves professionally to produce better and well-prepared
students for the world of work.

The TLE teachers must possess qualities necessary in all good teachers like
poise, self-confidence, knowledge, friendliness, genuine interest in learning
scholastic and personal problems, a sense of humor, impartially, consistency,
physical fitness and neatness. Moreover, they must have virtues like intelligence
wherein a teacher understands the subject matter will be in position to pass it on to
her students; good command of the English language. As long as English is the
medium of instruction in the Philippines, all teachers must possess a mastery of the
language; the third is diligence wherein laboratory work should be supervised,
equipment should be checked, devote more hours of extra-curricular activities to
address the weakness, strengths and recommend possible solutions to the problems
encountered in teaching the subject.
Boser (2008), stated that one of the goals of technology education is to
promote technological literacy of a broad and encompassing nature. To achieve this
goal, technology education must prepare students to understand, control, and use
technology. Students need to learn how to adapt to technological change and how to
deal with forces that influence their lives and potentially control their future.

Likewise, Garcia (2009) stressed that a part of the school area maybe
designed as a shop where students may be given actual work. Here the students will
be given opportunity to develop manipulating skills. An important function of this
workshop is to provide for the development of a good work habits and acceptable
social skills. Habits for punctuality and attendance are more readily required in a
workshop setting. She further stated skills related to the work performance on jobs
common to the community are as follows: a) recognition and use of the basic hand in
carpentry and farming, b) gardening and poultry raining tasks, c) simple food
preparation, d) custodial task, e) stitching, threading and operation of simple
machine, f) assembling and disassembling of electrical gadgets. Further, Gregorio
(2009) says that technique of teaching refers to acts of the quality of the acts used
by the teacher in representing the subject matter to the pupils. It may also include
the skill of the teacher in accomplishing the task of learning. It is a technical skill, or
artistic execution. Technique in teaching is a factor which promotes or effectuates
learning through teaching with the aid of devices; hence, it defined as the skill of the
teacher in manipulating the devices as that the psychological processes of the
learner may be stimulated to effective reactions, particularly in dealing with the
subject matter that is to be learned. Technique is the teacher’s way of containing and
emphasizing the elements of the classroom situation. Moreover, he adds the
successful classroom instruction depends upon the technique of teaching, through it,
learning activity of the pupils is guided. Pupil activity without the organization of
effort, and material to achieve a definite goal, would be as a waste of time and effort
habits. It is the teaching technique that provides this guidance for the pupils.
Therefore, the instructional period should be a learning should have specific
application in every actual situation. Whenever a teacher is teaching, the pupil
should be engaged in a suitable learning activity by utilizing the proper study
technique of learning, which the pupils use in their work. Since the outcomes of
teaching as well as that of learning depends upon the learning outcomes being
brought by the pupil at any time. This gives the teacher his opportunity to determine
the method of teaching that should be used. There is specialized learning technique
for each type of learning. From psychology and education, we have the following
general conclusion in this respect: knowledge is best gained through the technique
called the question and answer; skill and habits may be acquired through the drill
and practice technique, attitudes and appreciation may be best developed by
effective use of the learning called appreciation, and knowledge may also be gained
through socialized recitation.
With the technological advances that we have today, TLE teachers should
adapt to these changes by embracing technology through integration during the
teaching and learning process. In this scenario, provision of quality instruction be
maintained at highest level, particularly in the subject Technology and Livelihood
Education to produce quality and competent graduates. Along with this, the
researcher, as a Technology and Livelihood Education teacher, was motivated to
explore the basis for Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) instruction to be
more relevant to the needs of the public secondary school students in order to
produce effective, skilled and productive graduates whose background in technology
and livelihood is strong and solid.
This study will use the descriptive design as it aims to explore the Technology
and Livelihood (TLE) instruction in the secondary schools in Northern Samar Division
in terms of level of attainment of the objectives of Technology and Livelihood
Education, level of effectiveness of the methods and techniques used in the
Technology and Livelihood Education Instruction, level of adequacy of instructional
materials and equipment used in the instruction of Technology and Livelihood
Education, and the problems encountered in the Technology and Livelihood
Education instruction.

This study was conducted in selected public high schools in the Division of
Samar which includes the following secondary schools: University of Eastern
Philippines Laboratory High School, Catubig Valley National High School, Hibubullao
National High School, Somoroy Agro-Industrial School, and Las Navas National High

The respondents of the study was one hundred twenty eight (128) fourth year
students who were taking up Technology and Livelihood Education subjects. The
main tool in gathering data and information from the respondents was the
questionnaire. It was made up of profile of respondents and question proper. The
research tool was based from the readings of literature related to the study. After the
questions was formulated it was presented to the research adviser for the refinement
or further suggestions for clarity and validity of the research tool before it was
distributed to the target respondents.

A letter of request was forwarded to the office of the district supervisor with
the recommendation of the respective public high school principals, upon approval,
the researcher personally distributed and retrieved the questionnaire upon
completion of the said tool, which was collated and tabulated later and ready for
statistical treatment. The following Likert Scale was used: Level of attainment of the
objectives of Technology and Livelihood Education
5 4.50-5.00 Very Highly Attained VHA
4 3.50-4.49 Highly Attained HA
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Attained MA
2 1.50-2.49 Less Attained LA
1 1.00-1.49 Not Attained NA

I. Degree of Effectiveness of the Methods and Techniques used in Technology

and Livelihood Education instruction
5 4.50-5.00 Very Effective VE
4 3.50-4.49 Highly Effective HE
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Effective ME
2 1.50-2.49 Less Effective LE
1 1.00-1.49 Not Effective NE

II. Level of Adequacy of Instructional Materials and Equipment used in

Technology and Livelihood Education
5 4.50-5.00 Highly Adequate HA
4 3.50-4.49 Adequate A
3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Adequate MA
2 1.50-2.49 Less Adequate LA
1 1.00-1.49 Not Adequate NA

The weighted mean and average weighted mean - were used to interpret the
descriptive data, while the t-test was used- to test the null hypothesis of the study.

Table 1
Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age Students
15 – 16 years old 105 82.03
17 – 18 years old 23 17.97
Total 128 100.00

As shown above Table 1, 105 or 82.03% of the respondents belongs to the

age bracket of 15-16 years old. Basing on the entrance of the students during their
Grade 1 Level, the average age of entrants were six years old, hence, when they
reached fourth year level, majority of them were 15 or 16 years old 23 or 17.97% of
the students belongs to the age bracket of 7-18 years old, perhaps these students
were repeaters or stop schooling for a year or two, during their elementary or
secondary level, hence, they were older than the rest of the fourth-year students.
Table 2
Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Gender

Age Students
Male 52 40.62
Female 76 59.38
Total 128 100.00

As presented in Table 2, majority of the student respondents were females

with a percentage of 59.38, perhaps these students were the ones willing to
participate in the survey during the floating of the questionnaire and they are taking
up Technology and Livelihood Education basing on where they are interested such
as Basic Baking, Cooking, Dressmaking, Beauty Culture, Food Processing, etc. 52
or 40.62% were male student respondents who are interested in Drafting, Carpentry,
Welding, Agriculture, Electronics, Automotive and etc.

1. What is the level of attainment of the objectives of Technology and

Livelihood Education in the public secondary schools in Northern Samar

Table 3
Level of Attainment of the Objectives of Technology and Livelihood Education

Objectives Male Female

1. To gain livelihood experience 3.67 HA 4.26 HA
through training.
2. To acquire working knowledge of
the materials, tools, equipment used 3.76 HA 4.18 HA
in the subject.
3. To understand the processes and 3.83 HA 4.10 HA
products of production.
4. To explore various business 4.00
opportunities and make intelligent 3.92 HA HA
choice of entrepreneurial activity.
5. Demonstrate knowledge and skills
in selecting materials and applying 3.50 HA 4.96 HA
art principles in recycling.
6. Demonstrate managerial and
manipulative skills on the principles, 3.75 HA 3.94 HA
practice and techniques in growing
7. Demonstrate understanding of the 3.83 HA 3.90 HA
basic life skills in lettering.
8. To develop safety working habits. 3.51 HA 4.00 HA
9. To learn the distribution utilization
and conservation of human and 3.92 HA 4.08 HA
material resources.
10. Manifest knowledge and skills in cut 3.83 HA 3.98 HA
flower production.
Average Weighted Mean 3.75 HA 4.14 HA

The male student respondents perceived that the objectives of Technology

and Livelihood Education were highly attained as indicated by the average weighted
mean of 3.75. The highest mean was 3.92 or highly attained, “To explore various
opportunities and make intelligent choice of entrepreneurial activity and to learn the
distribution, utilization, and conservation of human and material resources” Followed
by “To understand the processes and products of production, demonstrate
understanding of the basic skills in lettering, and manifest knowledge and skills in cut
flower production” which got the mean of 3.38 or highly attained. Then, a mean of
3.75 or highly attained. Then, a mean of 3.75 or highly attained, “To acquire working
knowledge of the materials, tools, equipment used in the subject”. The least was,
“Demonstrate knowledge and skills in selecting materials and applying art principles
in recycling” with a mean of 3.50 or highly attained.

As for the female student’s perception, the average weighted was 4.14 or high
attained. “Demonstrate knowledge and skills in selecting materials and applying art
principles in recycling” got the highest mean of 4.96 or very highly attained. Followed
by a mean of 4.26 or highly attained, “To gain livelihood experience through training”.
Then “to acquire working knowledge of the materials, tools, equipment used in the
subject,” which got a mean of 4.18 or highly attained. Next, “to understand the
processes and products and production,” and a mean of 4.10 or highly attained. The
least was a mean of 3.90 or highly attained “Demonstrate understanding of the basic
skills in lettering.”

In every subject, there should be objectives that needs to be attained. These

objectives would serve as the parameters for the learners to attain its goals for an
effective teaching-learning process to take place. Objectives in the teaching of
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) should be fully explained and enriched
to obtain a high level of attainment since it is significant in the development of
students. The component areas of technology when properly taught can promote
critical thinking, problem solving, scientific attitude, research, experimentation,
discovery, inventiveness, creativeness and intellectual discipline that are vital
elements in culture characterized by technological development. Many fields are
offered and included in the curriculum of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
and the task of teaching should continue and must be aimed at the preparation of
citizens for a better world.

As stated by Boser (2008), one of the goals of technology education is to

promote technological literacy of a broad and encompassing nature. To achieve this
goal, technology education must prepare students to understand, control, and use
technology. Students need to learn how to adapt to technological change and how to
deal with forces that influence their lives and potentially control their future.
Table 4
Significant Difference between the Perceptions of the Male and Female
Fourth Year Students on the Level of Attainment of the Objectives
of Technology and Livelihood Education

t-comp. 3.5853
t0.05 2.101
df 18
Findings Significant
Decision Reject Hypothesis

As shown in Table 4, the t-computed value of 3.5853 is higher than the

tabular value of 2.101 at 0.05 level of significance and 18 degrees of freedom, hence
findings was significant, therefore the null hypothesis which states “There is no
significant difference between the perceptions of the male and female fourth year
students in the public secondary schools in Northern Samar Division on the level of
attainment of the objectives of Technology and Livelihood Education,” was rejected.

2. What is the level of effectiveness of the methods and techniques used in

the Technology and Livelihood Education Instruction in the public secondary
schools in Northern Samar Division?

Level of Effectiveness of the Methods and Techniques Used
in the Technology and Livelihood Education Instruction

Male Female
Methods and Techniques WM VI WM VI
1. Demonstration Method 4.92 VE 5.00 VE
2. Reporting 4.83 VE 4.98 VE
3. Peer Teaching 4.67 VE 4.62 VE
4. Team Teaching 4.83 VE 4.98 VE
5. Experimentation Method 4.67 VE 4.86 VE
6. Discussion/Lecture Method 4.92 VE 4.94 VE
7. Chart/Table Presentation 4.67 VE 4.97 VE
8. Question and Answer 4.67 VE 4.92 VE
9. Hands on Application in the 5.00 VE 5.00 VE
Use of Tools/Equipment
10. Film watching related to the 4.92 VE 4.83 VE
topic covered
Average Weighted Mean 4.81 VE 4.91 VE
As perceived by the male respondents, the level of effectiveness of methods
and techniques used were very effective as indicated by the average weighted mean
of 4.81.
The highest mean was 5.00 or very effective, “Hands on Application in the Use of
Tools/Equipment”. Followed by “Demonstration Method and Discussion/Lecture
Method”, with an average mean of 4.92 respectively or very effective. Then a mean
of 4.83 or very effective, “Reporting and Team Teaching.” The least was a mean of
4.67 or very effective, “Peer Teaching, Experimentation Method, Chart/Table
Presentation and Question and Answer.” As for female respondents, the average
weighted mean was 4.91 or every effective.
The highest mean was 5.00 or very effective. “Hands on Application in the
Use of Tools/Equipment and Demonstration Method.” Then, “Reporting and Team
teaching”, got a mean of 4.98 or very effective,” very effective, “Chart/Table
presentation”. The least was, “Peer Teaching”, with a mean of 4.62 or very effective.
In teaching, the teacher employed different teaching styles or strategies that are
appropriate to their teaching learning process. These styles/strategies would lean in
delivering quality education to students and would also be significant for the students
to learn and understand their lessons properly to the level of their capabilities.

In teaching Technology and Livelihood Education, it is very important for the

students to have hands on application on the knowledge they learned from their
teachers. Merely reading instructional materials is not adequate for them to learn
more effectively. Hands on application would hone their skills or they could practice
whatever learning they acquire. For instance, if they are studying nail art, it is more
effective for them to improve their skills by doing it actually to their co-students or
they will be asking somebody to model their nail art, not just by merely looking at
pictures or illustration of nail arts. And for males, if they are into welding, carpentry or
agriculture, it is imperative that they have to do an actual project (if they are taking
up carpentry, making a stool or side table would be their hands-on application, they
could make an iron flowers, if they are into agriculture, they could cultivate a
vegetable plot), etc.
The philosophy of “learning by doing” is basic in Technology and Livelihood
Education. Students are not only trained how to do things but also how to think about
meaning of what they are learning and doing. Based on this philosophy, it is
significant that the teacher must be familiar with the list of methods, techniques, or
strategies used to provide the learner with this type of experience. Some of these
methods and techniques are class discussions; field observation/simple research
work and project making processes, approach role-playing and reporting. However, it
will focus greatly on demonstration techniques and project method.

Garcia (2009) stressed that a part of the school area maybe designed as a
shop where students may be given actual work. Here the students will be given
opportunity to develop manipulating skills. An important function of this workshop is
to provide for the development of a good work habits and acceptable social skills.
Habits for punctuality and attendance are more readily required in a workshop
setting. She further stated skills related to the work performance on jobs common to
the community are as follows: a) recognition and use of the basic hand in carpentry
and farming, b) gardening and poultry raining tasks, c) simple food preparation, d)
custodial task, e) stitching, threading and operation of simple machine, f) assembling
and disassembling of electrical gadgets.
Teachers are the architect of the citizenry. They are the front liners of
education where the goals and objectives of education depend much on them. There
are varied ways and means presented and it is the duty of a teacher to make a good
use of the most appropriate teaching methodology to attain a high level of degree of
performance. As an educator, teachers should have a variety of strategies employed
in their teaching, all of which are grounded in any educational theories, appropriate
to the level of knowledge of their students, would motivate and gain the interest of
their pupils, hence, they could be able to share their ideas and involve themselves in
the learning process.

Gregorio (2009) says that technique of teaching refers to acts of the quality of
the acts used by the teacher in representing the subject matter to the pupils. It may
also include the skill of the teacher in accomplishing the task of learning. It is a
technical skill, or artistic execution. Technique in teaching is a factor which promotes
or effectuates learning through teaching with the aid of devices; hence, it defined as
the skill of the teacher in manipulating the devices as that the psychological
processes of the learner may be stimulated to effective reactions, particularly in
dealing with the subject matter that is to be learned. Technique is the teacher’s way
of containing and emphasizing the elements of the classroom situation.

Table 6
Significant Difference between the Perceptions of the Male and Female
Fourth Year on the Level of Effectiveness of the Methods and Techniques
Used in the Technology and Livelihood Education Instruction

t-comp 1.8084
T0.05 2.101
df 18
Findings Not Significant
Decision Accept Hypothesis

As gleaned above, the t-computed value of 1.8084 is lesser than the t-tabular
value of 2.101 at 0.05 level of significance and 18 degrees of freedom, hence the
findings was not significant, therefore the null hypothesis which states “There is no
significant difference between the perceptions of the male and female fourth year
students on the level of effectiveness of the methods and techniques used in the
Technology and Livelihood Education Instruction in the Public Secondary Schools in
Northern Samar Division”, was accepted.

3. What is the level of adequacy of instructional materials and equipment

used in the instruction of Technology and Livelihood Education in Northern
Samar Division?

Table 7
Level of Adequacy of International Materials and Equipment Used
in the Instruction of Technology and Livelihood Education

Male Female
Instructional Materials and Equipment WM VI WM VI
1. Teaching Guide 3.92 A 3.98 A
2. Magazines/Journal 3.83 A 3.92 A
3. Instruction Sheet 3.72 A 4.00 A
4. Computer 4.02 A 3.96 A
5. Training Aids and Devices 4.08 A 4.48 A
6. Reference Books 3.78 A 4.50 A
Average Weighted Mean 3.89 A 4.14 A

As shown above, Table 7, as perceived by the male respondents, the average

weighted mean was 3.89 or adequate. “Training Aids or Devices”, got the highest
score of 4.08 or adequate. Followed by a mean of 4.02 or adequate, “computer”.
Then, teaching guide, “garnered a mean of 3.92 or adequate”. “Magazines/Journal”,
got a mean of 3.83 or adequate. The least mean was 3.72 or adequate, “Instruction

As for the female respondents, they perceived that there was also adequate
instructional materials and equipment as evidenced by the average weighted mean
of 4.14. The highest garnered mean was 4.50 or highly adequate, “Reference
Books”. Next, “Training Aids and Devices,” which got a mean of 3.48 or adequate.
Then a mean of 4.00 or adequate, “Instruction Sheet”, the least mean was 3.92 or
adequate, “Magazines/Journal”.

The adequacy of instructional materials and equipment needed by students is

very important in the teaching learning process of the students. These instructional
materials and equipment would pave the way for the students to better understand
their lessons and gain the objective of each lessons. Also having the needed
materials/equipment would help them hone their skills because they could apply
what knowledge they gained from lessons. For instance, if their interest is in basic
cooking or baking, if they only use instructional materials alone without doing the
actual process because there are lacking equipment such as ovens, baking pans,
their learning would not be adequate. Simulating what they have seen or read in
baking instructions will be more interesting than just by reading the instructions.
Actual application is an important aspect of learning because of the students could
be able to apply hands on what they learn. Also, in their interest is in carpentry, how
could they improve their skills if there is no hammer, nails, etc. hence, actual
application of such knowledge is an added factor for the students to learn more.

Lardizabal (2009), pointed out that in order to achieve quality teaching and
learning, there must be adequate facilities such as classrooms, books, etc. He
stressed that these facilities would help the learners in the educative process. If
there are no facilities allocated for the students, they could hardly concentrate and
focus their minds in any school activities.

Table 8
Significant Difference between the Perceptions of the Male and Female
Fourth Year Students on the Level of Adequacy of Instructional Materials
and Equipment Used in the Instruction of Technology and Livelihood Education

t-comp. 2.0088
t0.05 2.228
df 10
Findings Not Significant
Decision Accept Hypothesis

As noted above Table 8, on the t-computed value of 2.0088 is lesser than the
t-tabular value of 2.228 at 0.05 level of significance and 10 degrees of freedom,
hence findings was insignificant, therefore the null hypothesis which states, “There is
no significant, therefore the null hypothesis which states, “There is no significant
difference between the perceptions of the male and female fourth year students in
the public secondary high schools in Samar Division on the level of adequacy of
instructional materials and equipment used in the instruction of Technology and
Livelihood Education” was accepted.


Based on the results of the study, the following remedial measures may be
developed to improve the Technology and Livelihood Education instruction in
Northern Samar Division:

1. That the national vocational schools or public secondary schools should

endeavor to offer cluster of practical courses rather that concentrating in only one or
two popular courses, so that students should be fully aware that in all occupational
endeavor they should be fully aware that in all occupational endeavor they should
have a knowledge of marketing and selling of their goods or services, and
consequently, bookkeeping and accounting moreover entrepreneurship or self-
employment the students need this knowledge when running his own business.

2. That measures should be made by the schools in providing adequate and

needed essential facilities, tools, equipment, and supplies and materials to fully
implement their program of practical arts in order to attract more students in interest
of improved learning.

3. The institutions need to exert greater efforts in securing more community

resources to aid in the implementation of the program and to argument insufficient
funding for the purchase of materials to enrich curricular offerings.

4. The teachers need to improve their skills and competence in imparting

knowledge to their students, likewise, the institutions should adequately provide for
the shortage such as lack of books, instructional materials, equipment/tools and the
like in order that the students may be able to derive for the instruction.

5. The national vocational schools should endeavor to have well organized and
functional occupational and placement service before the students graduated from
high school.

6. Technology and Livelihood Education teachers must see to it that the

instructional materials and the equipment which are necessary in the effective and
systematic teaching-learning of Technology and Livelihood Education must be
sufficient in number, functional and updated and school administrators must support
the teachers in mapping out lasting out solutions to the problems which they
encountered as they teach the subject.


In the light of the findings and conclusions derived from the study, the
researcher hereby recommended the following:

1. That the government should allocate more funds to the Department of

Education so that the secondary schools with TLE curriculum could be given enough
allocation, hence, they could be able to provide more teaching materials such as
instructional sheets, magazines and journals and equipment (such as cooking and
baking utensils, gardening tools, beauty care materials, welding and soldering
materials, carpentry materials, lettering and drafting equipment) so that students
could be able to do hands on application of their knowledge.
2. That the schools concern should improve their objectives in lettering, drafting
or recycling lessons in their teaching of TLE curriculum.
3. That teachers concerned teachers should be more committed in their teaching
or imparting knowledge to the pupils by improving peer teaching, experimentation
method, chart and table presentation and improving their questions and answer
method techniques that would result in the improve academic achievement of the
secondary school students taking up Technology and Livelihood Education.
4. That the school principals should exert more effort in motivating their teachers
to be more extensive in their teaching performance.
5. That further studies should be made and with inclusion of other pertinent


Claudio, A. (2009) Teaching of Technology and Home Economics in the Secondary

Schools in Bohol. (Unpublished Thesis, Bohol State University

Galang, N. (2009) a Study of Instructional Problems of Teachers in Handling

Practical Arts in the Secondary Schools in Manila, Adamson University, Manila.

Garcia, L. (2009) Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Instruction in the

Secondary Schools in Mindoro
Matthews, D. (2009) Towards Flexible Skill Instruction and Technological Literacy,
Victorian Ministry of Education, Melbourne Australia

Ngade, M. (2009) Technology and Livelihood Specialization program in the Public

Secondary Schools in Bicol Division.

Umayat, R. (2009) Technology and Livelihood Education program in the Public High
Schools of Negros Occidental, University of Recoletos, Bacolod City.

Vanglit, F. (2009) Industrial Assessment of Technology and Livelihood and

Livelihood Education in Southern Leyte State University.

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