EFM Wildcat
EFM Wildcat
EFM Wildcat
Power Supply
The on-board 2 amp +/- 12 - volt power supply. The power rails run down the center of the board. There are 2
access headers to the right and another to the left. These are for testing purposes during construction and can
be used for future expansion.
The WildCat power supply provides plus and minus 12VDC. When S1 is closed line level AC is applied to the
24V center tapped transformer. R1 and LED1 form a power on indicator. D1-4 form a full wave rectifier
supplying about +/- 18VDC at filter capacitors C1 and C2. U1 is a variable-output positive voltage-regulator. R2
and T1 form a voltage divider C4 is used as a capacitance multiplier. The voltage at the R2-T1 junction
determine the regulators output voltage. D5 and D6 are for short circuit protection. Likewise U2 is a variable-
output negative voltage-regulator. R3 and T2 form a voltage divider and C3 is used as a capacitance multiplier.
D7 and D8 are for short circuit protection.
Parts Setup
y T1 24VCT Transformer (1) y Equipment: Digital Multimeter
y S1 SPST Power Switch (1) y Hook up a power LED.
y R1 2.2K 1% Resistor (1 y TIP: I used a PC-board header connector and
y R2.R3 120 Ohm 1% Resistor (2) soldered an LED to it so that I could remove it
y T1,T2 5K 10T Trimmer (2) after testing.
y C1,C2 1000uF 35V Electrolytic Capacitor (2) y There are two 3-terminal power headers on
y C3,C4,C5,C6 10uF 35V Electrolytic Capacitor (4) the power supply rails labelled +, -, and GND.
y D1-D8 1N4001 Diode (8) Set your meter to DC-Voltage and attach your
y U1 LM317 (1) probes. Turn S1 on and look for DC voltage at
y U2 LM337 (1) the power header. You should see something.
If not check for DC voltage at D1 and D4.
y TIP: Use meter probes with removable mini-
clips. It's so much easier than trying to hold
probes while adjusting trimmers.
y Adjust T1 for +12V and T2 for -12V.
Midi to CV Converter
Analog synthesizers are controlled by compatible control-voltages.
y CV - A control voltage is any voltage used to alter the operating parameters of a module. This can range from -V to
y Gate - Simply on and off.
The time was when playing a analog synthesizers involved performing on analogcontrollers. Every piece had it's own
keyboard and there were all sorts of standards. Interfacing was a mess and you could forget about serious sequencing.
The Midi to CV converter allows you to retain the flavor and feel of analog control using midi enabled devices.
y Midi In
y Midi Thru
y Pitch - Note
y Pitch Bend - PB Wheel
y Velocity - Note Pressure
y Gate - Note On-Off
y Mod - Mod Wheel
y Glide - Whenever more than one key is pressed
The midi to CV converter uses a 7805 regulator for its +5V supply C1,C2 and C3 are bypass capacitors for voltage
regulator U1. Midi is transmitted and received on a closed current loop U2 is a optical coupling device that converts the
I/O state on the current loop into serial data the PIC microprocessor U3 can understand. The PIC puts the serial data
together and uses the instruction to do a couple of things seemingly simultaneously. It seems simultaneous because the
PIC is so fast however it does all of this one step at a time. Q1, Q2 form a non-inverting buffer that provides the midi-
thru signal. Midi data, depending of the transmitting device can handle a lot of information we don't necessarily need to
control an analog synthesizer and that's good because it makes doing the job with a low cost PIC possible. We can get
by with fairly minimal set of controls.
y Pitch
y Pitch Bend
y Velocity
y Gate
y Mod
y Glide
The PIC loads the correct number into the DAC digital to analog converter U4 to generate a voltage that
corresponds to the midi message received. Then selects which output is active by strobing the demux U5's
select pins through the Q3-Q5 inverter-buffers. When one of the outputs goes high the voltage is sampled and
held by capacitors C9-C14 until it is refreshed. U8a is the DAC output amp and U8b is the DAC voltage
reference amplifier.
NOTE: R1 is part of the power supply and not shown here.
C1-C2 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor 2
C4 10uF@16V 1 Setup
C5,C6 22pF Ceramic Capacitor 2 To generate a 1V/Octave scale the DAC needs the
C7 10pF Ceramic Capacitor 1 correct reference voltage. Adjust Trimmer T1 until the
C8 .01uF Poly Capacitor 1 voltage on U4, pin-4 is -10.56V.
C9-C14 0.1uF Mono Capacitor 6
R2,R9,R10 220 Ohm 1% Resistor 3
R3,R5,R16-R25 10K 1% Resistor 12
R4 1K 1% Resistor 1
R6,R7,R8 3.3K 1% Resistor 3
R11-R14,R15 4.7K 1% Resistor 5
R26 47K 1% Resistor 1
R27 2.2K 1% Resistor 1
T1 50K 10T Trimmer 1
Q1,Q3-Q6 2N3906 5
Q2 2N3904 1
U1 7805 +5V Voltage Reg 1
U2 6N138 1
U3 PIC16F84 1
U4 AD7528 1
U5 CD4051 1
U6 LM358 1
U9 TLO72 2
U7 LM336Z 5.0V 1
U8 TLO74 1
S2 4 Position Dip Switch 1
J1,J2 5 Pin Din Panel Mount Jack 2
The Glide or Lag module is a variable frequency low-pass filter. As the cutoff frequency is lowered the charge-
time increases and sharp changes in voltage are smoothed. Generally used for pitch-lag (portamento) and
smoothing the sample & hold output. It's called glide because it smoothes the transition from one note to
another. Effectively gliding from one note to the next note played.
y CV - In
y CV - Out
Voltage on the input charges C3 . P1 controls the charge rate.
The Slide module is much like the Glide module, performing the same sort of function it is however gated.
Meaning that the preset lag time is bypassed unless the control input is held high or a gate voltage is present.
y CV - In
y Rate - Lag Time
y Gate - On/Off Time
y CV - Out
P1 controls the charge rate of C3. Q1 is a bypass switch for P1. Q2 is a inverter, if the gate is low the collector
is high holding Q3 on. If Q3 is on the collector voltage is low and Q1 is on or shorted, closing the circuit across
P1. Removing P1 from the signal path.
When a gate voltage turns Q2 on the collector is low. Q3s turns off, the collector goes high turning Q1 off. If Q3
is off or open P1 is inserted into the signal path and controls the charge-rate.
y C1 1.0uF Mono Capacitor
y R1 1K 1% Metal Film Resistor
y R2 100K 1% Metal Film Resistor
y R3,R4,R5 10K 1% Metal Film Resistor
y R6,* 1M 1% Metal Film Resistor
y P1 1M Potentiometer
y D1,D2 1N4148 Diode
y Q1 2N5460 P-Fet Transistor
y Q2,Q2 2N3904 NPN Transistor
y U1 1/2 TLO72
VCOs 1-3
The voltage controlled oscillators are generally used to generate audio range signals but can easily be tuned to
produce low frequency voltage for modulation purposes. There are simultaneous saw, pulse, triangle and sine
outputs. The FM input is a dedicated audio range input for high frequency modulation. It is used to produce
ringing or bell like sounds. The Sync output is not usually used because sync can be obtained from the Saw or
Pulse outputs. It produces a very thin pulse that in addition to sync can be used as a trigger other devices or
CV1 - CV3 - 1 volt per octave CV inputs.
CV4 - Frequency CV
CV5 - Fine Tune CV
FM - Audio Mod
PW - Pulse Width
PWM - Pulse Width Mod
Sync - Sync In Note: Must be connected to -12V when not in use.
U1 and U2 from a linear voltage to exponential current sink. As current flows from the +V source C5 starts to
charge. When the voltage at the output of buffer (U3a) reaches the threshold level of the comparator (U4a) it
turns on . This turns Q1 on and shorts C5 resetting it and the cycle begins again. This oscillation forms a
sawtooth waveform on the output of buffer (U3a)
An external input on the gate of the synchronisation transistor (Q2) causes the transistor to turn off and on
shorting C5 regardless of whether U4a is on. Oscillation occurs in sync with the controlling oscillator.
An FM input causes the oscillator center frequency to change with the signal amplitude or Frequency Modulates
the exponential converter.
The sawtooth waveform is applied to the base of Q3. Q3 is a phase splitter and U3b combines the signals to
form a triangle waveform. The sawtooth waveform is also applied to the non-inverting input of comparator U4b.
U4b is biased through R28 so that it turns on as soon as the voltage starts to rise at the output of U3a. The
output of U4b is a variable pulse waveform A voltage applied to U4a's inverting input changes the duty cycle
altering the pulse width. The Sine output is formed by overdriving the input of Operational Transconductance
Amplifier U6.
Note: R27 is not used
C1,C2 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor 2
C3,C4,C7 100pF Ceramic Capacitor 3
C5 0.01uF Mono Capacitor 1
C6 470pF Ceramic Capacitor 1
R30,R32,R37 100K 1% Metal Film Resistor 9
R4 330K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
R5,R10,R17 1M 1% Metal Film Resistor 3
R7,R8,R28,R33,R35 22K 1% Metal Film Resistor 5
R9 1K Tempco 1
R24,R26 10K 1% Metal Film Resistor 11
R12 470K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
R18,R31 2.2K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
R20 60K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
R25,R34,R36,R40 1K 1% Metal Film Resistor 4
R28 82K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
R38 220K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
R39 39K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
T1,T2,T4 50K 10T Trimmer 3
T2 10K 10T Trimmer 1
P1,2,3,4,5 50K Potentiometer 5
Q1,Q2 J112 N-Fet Transistor 2
Q3 2N3904 NPN Transistor 1
U1,U3,U5 TLO72 Dual Opamp 3
U2 LM3046 Transistor Array 1
U4 LM393 Dual Comparator 1
y If Q2 is installed make sure Pad-N is connected to -V.
y Turn all trimmers to their center positions.
y Attach a 50K Pulse-Width pot to pad R. Set the PW pot to 50%
y Attach header pin-P to a monitor amp with a level control and turn it way down.
y Hook up your midi keyboard to the midi in on the midi converter.
y Attach a jumper from the midi converters pitch output to header pin-C
y Turn the unit on and check for +V (U1 Pin-8) and -V (U1 Pin-4)
y Adjust T6 until the output is somewhere around 440Hz
y TIP: If you have a mute controller you can use a guitar tuning fork.
y Play low octave apart D notes and adjust T1 until they are in tune.
y Play high octave apart D notes and adjust T2 until they are in tune.
y TIP: You may have to go back and forth between T1 and T2 a few times to get it right.
y When the oscillator is in tune with itself re-adjust T6 for 440Hz
y Check the output pins B- Tri Q- Pulse P- Ramp A-Sine for signals.
y Tip: If you don't have a scope use your monitor amp.
y Adjust T3 for the best looking/sounding sine.
Mixer/Inverters 1-3
There are three 6-input mixers that can be used for audio, CV or a combination of both. There are normal and
inverted outputs.
y 1-6 - Audio and/or CV inputs
y Normal
y Inverted
When signals are present on the inputs U1a adds them together and
outputs the inverted sum of all inputs. U1b is a simple inverting
R1-R9 100K 1% Metal Film Resistor 9
U1 TLO72 Dual Opamp 1
VCF-1 is a 4-pole Moog type transistor ladder with low-pass and high-pass inputs. Notch can be obtained by
splitting the input between both high and low inputs. This filter features voltage controlled resonance and
several dedicated mixers.
y HP In 1-2
y LP In 1-3
y Frequency CV 1-3
y Cutoff parameter
y Resonance parameter
y Resonance CV
y Audio Out
form current to voltage converters that provide a voltage that's the log of
the ladder current to reverse the non-linear effect audio signals cause on
current within the ladder.
This inverse modulation on the ladder causes a push-pull voltage to
develop at the top of the ladder. A high pass input is provided by phase-
splitting transistors Q1-Q2 connected to the top of the ladder. These
voltages are applied to differencing and level shifting amplifier U2a and
then to resonance vca U2b. The gain of U2b is set by bias current supplied
by constant current source Q10 and Q11. The ratio of currents through
these two transistors is a rough exponential function of the voltage
difference between the bases. Current supplied from Q2 is reasonably
constant and repeatable. The resonance signal must be dynamically
are different.
y Attach a jumper from VCO1s ramp output to pad-J
y Attach a Res Pot to pad-G and turn it to the
minimum position.
y Adjust all trimmers to mid position.
y Hook your monitor amp to pad-I
y Turn the unit on and check for +/-V
y Adjust T1 until the sound is about half muffled then
turn the Res-Pot to 80%
y Adjust T2 until the filter just starts to oscillate.
y Turn the Res-Pot to minimum
y Adjust T1 until the sound is almost completely
VCF-2 is a Sallen & Key 2-pole low-pass, band-pass and high-pass filter based on the Korg MS-20 filter.
y BP In - Band-Pass Input
y HP In - Hi-Pass Input
y LP In 1-3 - Low-Pass Input Mixer
y Freq-CV 1-3 - Frequency CV Mixer
y Freq CV 4 - Cutoff Parameter
y Res In - Resonance Parameter
y Outputs:
y BP Out- Band-Pass Output
y LP Out - Low-Pass Output
U1a and U1b are inverting and non-inverting integrators connected in series.
The gain of these amplifiers determine the center frequency of the filter. The
gain is set by bias current supplied by constant current source Q1 and Q2. The
ratio of currents through these two transistors is a rough exponential function of
y C1,C2 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor 2
y C3,C4 470pF Mono Capacitor 2
y R1,R2,R3,R6,R7,R8,
y R11,R13,R16,R18 10K 1% Metal Film Resistor 10
y R4,R5,R9,R10, 220 Ohm 1% Metal Film Resistor
y R12 47 Ohm 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R14,R15,R24,R25 1K 1% Metal Film Resistor 4
y R17 4.7K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R19,R20,R21,R22 100K 1% Metal Film Resistor 5
y R23 47K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y T1 50K 10T Trimmer 1
y P1,P2 50K Potentiometer 2
y D1-D6 1N4148 Diode 6
y Q1,Q2 2N3906 PNP Transistor 2
y U1 LM13600 Dual OTA 1
y U2 TLO71 Opamp 1
VCF-3 is a 2-pole State Variable filter based on the Oberheim SEM with simultaneous High-Pass, Band-Pass,
Low-Pass and Notch outputs.
LP In 1-3 - Low Pass Input Mixer
Freq CV1 - Cutoff Parameter
Freq CV1 - CV4 - Frequency CV Input Mixer
Res In - Resonance Parameter Return
HP Out - High - Pass Output
BP Out - Band- Pass Output
LP Out - Low - Pass Output
Res Out - Resonance Parameter Send
U2a and U2b are identical integrators connected in series. The gain of these amplifiers determine the center
frequency of the filter. The gain is set by bias current supplied by constant current source Q1 and Q2. The ratio
of currents through these two transistors is a rough exponential function of the voltage difference between the
bases. Current supplied from Q2 is reasonably constant and repeatable. High, band and low-pass outputs are
all available at the same time. Notch out is available by mixing the high and low-pass outputs.
LM13700 BP
4 12 10 9
5 7 8 14
Q 50k
LM13700 LM13700
pin 11 pin 6
y C1,C2 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor 2
y C3,C4 220pF Ceramic Capacitor 2
y R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,
y R11,R18,R19,R20,R21,
y R22 100K 1% Metal Film Resistor 13
y R8,R9,R12,R13,R15,
y R16.R17,R23 1K 1% Metal Film Resistor 8
y R10,R14,R24 10K 1% Metal Film Resistor 3
y T1 50K 10T Trimmer 1
y P1,P2 50K Potentiometer 2
y Q1,Q2 2N3906 PNP Transistor 2
y U1 TLO71 Opamp 1
y U2 LM13600 Dual OTA 1
VCA 1-4
There are 4 Voltage Controlled Amplifiers that can be used as audio or CV amplifiers.
y In - Input
y CV In - Control Voltage
y Out - Output
The VCAs are simply non inverting OTAs that have voltage offset compensation. The gain is set by bias current
supplied by constant current source Q1 and Q2. The ratio of currents through these two transistors is a rough
exponential function of the voltage difference between the bases. Current supplied from Q2 is reasonably
constant and repeatable.
Includes Parts For All Four VCAs
y In A - Input A
y In B - Input B
y Mix B - If pin is low Signal-A is muted and B is full-on
y Mix A - If pin is low Signal-B is muted and A is full-on
y Out - Output
y Inv-Out - Inverting Output
EG 1-4
There are four Envelope Generators. That can be configured as Attack/Decay w/Gate-Release, Attack/Decay/Sustain/
Release, Ramp or Attack/Decay-Release/Sustain where the release can be switched in and out.
y Gate - Gate Input
y Sum 1 - Voltage Sum Mixer 1
y Sum 2 - Voltage Sum Mixer 2
y Sum 3 - Voltage Sum Mixer 3
y SUS 1 - Sustain 1
y SUS 2 - Sustain 2
y ATT - Attack
y REL - Release
y Out - Output
Start: (Gate On) When there is a gate on the base of Q1 the collector is low and Q2 turns off. R4 pulls the collector
high and C3 quickly charges and discharges through R5 and D2 causing Q3 to send a low going pulse on the
trigger input (pin-2) of the 555. R4 also pulls the 555s reset pin high and removes the discharge path for release
diode D5.
Attack: When the 555 is triggered the output (pin-3) goes high and starts to charge C5 through the attack diode D4
and P3. P3 sets the charge rate.
Decay: When the 555s threshold (pin-6) is reached the 555s output goes low. R4 is still holding D5 high so C5
starts to discharge through R9, D3, P2 and P1 through the 555s discharge transistor. P2 sets the decay rate.
Sustain: C5 will continue to discharge until it reaches the voltage level set by the voltage divider formed by the
555s internal discharge transistor and P1. P1 sets the sustain level
Release: (Gate Off) When the gate is removed the collector of Q2 goes low. If this happens before the threshold is
reached. the 555s reset (pin-4) is pulled low and the 555 is reset. C5 starts to discharge through R11, P4, D5 and
Q2 to ground. P4 sets the discharge rate.
Noise Generator
The Noise Source - Generates pink and white noise.
y Pink Noise
y White Noise
Q1 is the noise transistor. It's output is amplified by Q2 and U1a to
generate white noise. U1b is a low pass filter that smoothes the
white noise to output pink noise.
y C1,C2,C4 10uF Electrolytic Capacitor 3
y C3 47pF Ceramic Capacitor 1
y C5 .002uF Ceramic Capacitor 1
y R1,R5 100K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y R2 1M 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R3 2.2M 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R4 4.7K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R6 68K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R7 220K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R8,R9 1K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y Q1,Q2 2N3904 2
y U1 TOL72 11
y In - CV Input
y Clock - Pulse Input
y Out - Output
U1 (5, 6, 7) is a comparator set to turn on at about 1V. When U1 pin-5 is high it's output (pin-7) goes high and
turns on Q1 through D1. If there is a signal on U1 pin-12 it is buffered by U1 (12, 13, 14) and stored by C1 until
U1 pin-5 is low. The voltage is then held by C1 until the next time Q1 is turned on. The voltage stored in C1 is
bufferd by the U1 (1, 2, 3) opamp before the output.
y Gate - Gate Control
y Rate 1 - Delay Parameter 1
y Rate 2 - Delay Parameter 2
y Out - Output
When the input on C1 is high C1 sends a high going pulse to the 4007
C2. The output pin then goes high and recharges C2 through P1. P1
set the charge rate.
y C1 .01uF Ceramic Capacitor 2
y C2 10uF Electrolytic Capacitor 2
y R1 330 Ohm 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y R2 10K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y R3 1K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y D1,D2 1N4148 Diode 4
y U1 1/3 CD4007 1
y U2 1/2 TLO72 1
y P1 1M Potentiometer 2
Staircase Generator
Converts a string of input pulses into a evenly spaced staircase.
y In - Clock In
y Out - Staircase Output
Q1 and R3 form an inverted buffer. C1 and R4 form a pulse converter
making sure that any high going pulse on the base of Q1 is a very
narrow low going pulse on the four bit binary counters (U1 pin-14)
input. U14s outputs are connected to a 4-bit ADC formed by R5-R12
y C1 .01uF Polystyrene Capacitor 1
y R1,R3 22K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y R2,R9,R10,R11,R12 10K 1% Metal Film Resistor 6
y R4 2.2K1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R5,R6,R7,R8,R12 20K 1% Metal Film Resistor 4
y Q1 2N3904 1
y U1 74LS93 1
y U2 TLO71 1
(c) EFM ele4music.com
EFM electronics for music
Ring Modulator
The Ring Modulator is a true balanced modulator. It will output the sum and difference frequencies of the two
input signals.
y IN 1 - Input 1
y IN 2 - Input 2
y Out - Output
The ring modulator uses a special balanced modulator IC (U1) that
accepts two ac signals and in conjunction with an output summing
amplifier(U2), supplies an output that is the sum and difference
frequencies of the two original signals.
y C1,C2 0.1uF Ceramic Capacitor 2
y C3,C4,C5 10uF Electrolytic Capacitor 4
y R1,R2 47K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y R3,R11,R12 10K 1% Metal Film Resistor 3
y R4,R5,R6,R7 4.7K 1% Metal Film Resistor 4
y R8 5.6K 1% Metal Film Resistor 1
y R9,R10 2.2K 1% Metal Film Resistor 2
y T1,T2 10K 10T Trimmer 2
y U1 MC1496 1
y U2 TLO72 1
y Width 1 - Width Parameter 1
y Width 2 - Width Parameter 2
y Rate 1 - Rate Parameter 1
y Rate 2 - Rate Parameter 2
y Sq Out - Variable Width Pulse Output
y Tri Out - Variable Width Triangle Output
through R1. This positive voltage is amplified by U1b and coupled to it's
input through feedback resistor R2. The feedback causes the output of U1b
to go maximum positive almost instantaneously. This voltage is applied to
the inverting input of U1a through a series of resistance and non-linear
devices (diodes). U1a is an integrator charging C3 with a linear negative
going ramp voltage. This output is applied to back to the non-inverting input
This negative voltage is amplified by U1b and coupled to it's input through
Includes Parts For Both LFOs