Liability of Data Protectors in Cyber Security

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Indraprastha Law Review Summer 2020: Vol.

1: Issue 1

Identity Theft: Extent and Applicability of Data Protection Laws

Abhishek Kushwaha & Aditi Palit1

The nature of data protection laws in the light of identity theft and its analogue namely ATM
skimming and Phishing pose obstacle before the existing cyber laws. Conventional laws have
contributed to evolving number of personal data breaches. Virtual medium of interconnection
among the computers called cyberspace not only provide with anonymity of users online but
also works as a host to facilitate these high-end technical crimes. Drawbacks of personal data
protection laws in Indian are evident in terms of legislations which are in turn only two
Information Technology Act 2000 and Indian Penal Code 1860. The number of legislations
which are inclusive of such techno forward crimes are alarming though attempts have been
made in National Cyber Security Policy 2013 and Data Protection Bill 2019. ATM skimming
is an act of altering the ATMs to make counterfeit of credit or debit cards whereas Phishing
is an act of sending bogus emails luring customers to click. Uncertainty over accountability
and liability of banks for acts of ATM skimming and Phishing gives fraudsters an upper hand.
Contrasting the prospective of legislation, data protection system and initiative regarding
personal data protection by financial institutes of United Kingdom to India indicate the
glaring need of offence specific laws.

I. Introduction: Grey Area Of Cyberspace

“As the world is increasingly interconnected, everyone shares the responsibility of

securing cyberspace.” - Newton Lee

Technology has fostered great advancements. One such advancement is the creation of
arithmetical, logical and high-speed processing machines called Computers2. With the emerging
trends of computers, the word ‘cyber’ appeared like a gate way to virtual reality. In order to
integrate virtual reality to physical reality computers depend on optical or electrical impulses for
establishing connectivity through cyberspace. This virtual medium which interconnects computers
to other computerized devices through rapidly changing electronic combinations can be termed as
cyberspace. According to National Cyber Security Policy 2013, the interactions between people,
software and services which are supported by internet or worldwide distribution of networks and
‘information and communication technology’ (ICT) devices, such a complex environment is called

Cyberspace is parallel to the oral and documentary mediums with no tangible attributes. The rise
of cyber space as an alternative to its tangible counterparts can be subject to mala fide intentions
when deflected from its intended use. Every person has a right to enjoy digital privacy and any
disruptions caused due to interference by individual or computerized gadget are subject to cyber
laws. According to Jay Dratler Jr. Cyber law addresses issues of online speech and business that
arise because of the nature medium, including intellectual property rights, free speech, privacy, e
– commerce, and safety, as well as questions of jurisdiction also termed as cyberspace law 4.

Abhishek Kushwaha & Aditi Palit, Third Year B.A. LL.B. Amity Law School, Delhi.
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 2.
National Cyber Security Policy, 2013, Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology, (Jan, 13, 2020, 10:00
Henry Campbell Black, Black’s Law Dictionary, pg. 443, (9 ed. Thomson Reuters: Minneapolis-St. Paul 2001).

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Indraprastha Law Review Summer 2020: Vol. 1: Issue 1

Furthermore, he explained that Cyberspace law relates more to climbing the steep learning curve
of the internet technological complexities than to changes in the accordance with accepted and
well understood basic legal principles, albeit applied to new technology and new circumstances 5.
Hence to prevent infringement of right to digital privacy, legislators enacted Information
Technology Act 2000 which had a sole objective of giving legal recognition and acceptance to
electrical transactions carried in the virtual medium called cyberspace and for its legally sound
use. According to the statement of object and reasons of Information Technology Act 2000 (IT
Act 2000) the intention behind the enactment of IT act 2000 was to remove the hesitation
surrounding the use computers to create, transmit and store information in the electronic form
instead of traditional paper documents. Information stored in electronic form has many advantages
such as it is cheaper, easier to, store retrieve and speeder to communicate. Such a reluctant
behaviour is due to of lack of appropriate legal Framework6. Thus, IT Act 2000 would act as a
trustful bond with humans and computers.

Technology has alleviated our perspective about boundaries of communications and transactions
but as every cloud has a silver lining technology has paved a way for humans to embezzle the
perks of it. The borderless space, anonymity of users’ online, dynamic e-commerce and rapid
inclusion of technology in businesses and organisations especially banking sectors is a stumbling
block for the application of traditional cyber laws. Hence there is a glaring need for securing
transactions online in order to restrain the criminal developers from having damaging
consequences for such proliferate involvement of e-commerce.

Banks in order to have a competitive edge on being the most tech-savvy are expanding their
services from “walk in office” to “available online” such services are exposing customer personal
data making them prone to hacking, theft of personal data, phishing, spoofing for gaining
unauthorized information to make illegal profits. Such acts may not appear to be illegal per se but
can reverberate throughout the cyberspace causing immense danger and the customers are left to
suffer the consequences. Initiatives towards the realm of securing banking assets include
surveillance over both physical assets and intangible assets. More banks are prepared to counter
the attacks, more criminals are equipping themselves with the latest technology to ensure that the
banks always keep running -- to learn, to equip and to protect their assets.7

According to national crime record bureau [NCRB] reported ATM frauds and online banking
frauds that were committed in all India in 2017 were about 1543 and 804 respectively. Whereas
total reported cybercrime committed in India in 2017 are about 21796.8Not only ATM frauds, but
ransom ware attacks like “WANNACRY” are also a threat to the digital world. The impact of
WANNACRY in India may have been minimum extending its claws mainly in the state of west
Bengal along with other metropolitan cities. But such a worldwide attack debunked the claims of
the banking institutions and other e- commerce platforms for professing a safe and secure platform
for their users. WANNACRY attack known as a Mega Cyber Attack has already became a global

Henry Campbell Black, Black’s Law Dictionary, pg. 443, (9 ed. Thomson Reuters: Minneapolis-St. Paul 2001).
Statement Of Object And Reasons: Information Technology Bill 2000, Telecom Dispute Settlement And
V. Rajendran, Banking on IT’s Security, 89; The Journal of Indian Institute of Banking And Finance 13 (2018)
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, National Crime Record Bureau Report, National Crime Record
Bureau (Jan, 13, 2020 10:25 am),

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phenomenon.9 Other than malware intrusion, other offenders are also stepping up their game to
knock down Indian laws on cyber security and data protection.

II. Data Protection Challenges:

a. Identity Theft

‘Identity’ is evidence of an individual’s existence and ‘theft’ is possession without ownership or

consent of the entitled person. Therefore, identity theft is when an individual possesses another
person’s existence without ownership. In layman’s language identity is stolen when a person
impersonates to be an individual who he is not. According to black’s law dictionary identity theft
is the unlawful taking and use of another person’s identifying information for fraudulent purpose.10
Identity theft is a very broad term and it extends to a considerable number of offences from
misrepresentation to forgery, some are traditional crimes and some can be considered as newer
versions of cyber-crimes like ATM skimming, phishing. All these offences are under the broad
spectrum of identity theft.

In India identity theft is punishable under two legislations namely Indian Penal Code 1860 (IPC
1860) and Information Technology Act 2000. Identity theft as an offence was recognised after the
Indian penal code was amended by the Information Technology Act 2000. The amended
provisions in the Indian Penal Code 1860 specifically deal with offences related to the electronic
record to be precise. Electronic record as defined in the IPC 1860 is identical under the IT act 2000
i.e. section 2(1)(t)11defines electronic record as data, record or data generated, image, sound which
is sent or received through electronic form.12

Attention should be drawn to the provision which may include the offence of Identity theft. Theft13
under IPC 1860 may not cover identity theft as it only extends to movable, tangible property and
does not include cyberspace. Other provisions of the Indian Penal Code 1860 do not specifically
mention identity theft but sections such as Section 463, 464, 465, 469, 47414 these provisions
penalised forgery and after the amendment identity theft is also included under the scope of these
provisions. Under Section 419 and 42015, identity theft is punishable as cheating specifically
cheating by impersonation. Indian Penal Code 1860 beats around the bush to criminalize identity
theft and adds it as an extended branch of forgery or cheating. The term ‘identity theft’ was added
in 2008 amendment in the Information Technology Act 2000. It took few years to realise the need
of offence specific laws, under section 66C16 which penalises fraudulently or dishonestly making
use of any unique identification feature of any person.
Implementation is another hurdle as there are no trained personnel to cope up with the constantly

Ashok Koujalagi, Shweta Patil & Praveen Akkimaradi, The Wannacry Ransomware: A Mega Cyber Attack and Their
Consequences on The Modern India, 6 International Journal of Management Information Technology And
Engineering 4 (2018)
Henry Campbell Black, Black’s Law Dictionary, pg. 443, (9 ed. Thomson Reuters: Minneapolis-St. Paul 2001)
Indian Penal Code, 1860, § 29.
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 2.
Indian Penal Code, 1860, § 378.
Indian Penal Code, 1860, § 463, 464, 465, 469, 474.
Indian Penal Code, 1860, § 419, 420.
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 66 (c).

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Indraprastha Law Review Summer 2020: Vol. 1: Issue 1

upgrading cybercrimes. Moreover, lack of awareness about such serious cyber-crimes feeds into
the rising cases of identity theft every year. National security policy 2013 (NSP)17 focuses on
creating a nation nodal agency as well as proper and strict certification policy but still lacks in few
areas. Currently under the Information Technology Act 2000 there is only one type of certification
policy namely ISO27001 ISMS certification, which is not satisfactory and NSP does not include
the notion to introduce more certification policies18. The NSP 2013 also encourages compliance
with the open standards and public key infrastructure, without providing with a basic definition.
Moreover, the policy targets at a human resource of creating 5 lakh personnel in next five year
which falls short in reality19. Overall the national cyber security policy 2013 turned out to be
superficial and far away from reality. From an over view the laws may seem to be sufficient to
tackle the offence of identity theft but the growing number of reported cyber outbreaks question
the existing legislations.

b. Identity Theft: Extended Branches

i) ATM Skimming

The idea of “cash anywhere, anytime” encouraged setting up of machines which allow easy
withdrawal of cash by authorized account holders. Within a blink of an eye automated teller
machines (ATMs) became primary and much needed facility provided by banks to their customers.
ATM frauds are being conducted in various forms, from keypad overlays, hacking of the existing
cameras, to installing cameras in the machine itself. Among all of these skimming is a much more
advance form of financial fraud. Thus there is a requirement to approach it with a much more
sophisticated and advanced security mechanism. Technophiles use skimming devices to commit
theft. These new aged thieves can use hidden electronics devices like skimmer and false key pad
overlay to copy all the personal information stored on a card and record the PIN number to access
all that hard-earned cash from an individual’s account20. Further this confidential information can
be used to make counterfeit copy of cards inserted in such infected card insertion slots such an
offence is known as ATM skimming21. Identity theft is only the beginning point as it branches out
to other forms of offences this whole chain of events can incur financial losses. ATM skimming
has not been specifically defined but ATM "Skimming" is an illegal activity that involves the
installation of a device, usually undetectable by ATM users, that secretly records bank account
data when the user inserts an ATM card into the machine. Criminals can then encode the stolen
data onto a blank card and use it to steal money from the customer's bank account.22

ii) Are ATMs computers?

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, National Cyber Security Policy 2013, National Critical
Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (Jan, 13, 2020, 10:00 am),
Dr. Bharat Pancha, De-mystifying payment system challenges: Pragmatic Approach, 84(3) The Journal of Indian
Institute of Banking & Finance 18-19, (2013).
Raymond W. Kelly, Crime Prevention Section Awareness Alert, Skimming at ATM Machines, Community Affairs
Bureau and Police Department Of New York City, (Jan, 13, 2020, 10:00 am),

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Aptness of legislation and accountability for such high-end sinister crime is also an angle which
has to be considered while exploring the offence of ATM skimming. The only strand of legislation
that to some extend can cope up with crimes related to ATM skimming is the Information
Technology Act 2000 along with the information technology (amendment) act 2008.
Can ATMs be considered as computers or electronic devices to enable incorporation of offence
relating to ATM within the preview of the IT act?

Thus, the question needs to be answered to ensure that the provisions of the only strand of
legislation that is the IT act 2000 are applicable. Attention has to be drawn to the meaning of
computers given under the IT act "computer" means any electronic magnetic, optical or other high-
speed data processing device or system which performs logical, arithmetic, and memory functions
by manipulations of electronic, magnetic or optical impulses, and includes all input, output,
processing, storage, computer software, or communication facilities which are connected or related
to the computer in a computer system or computer network23, in simple words computers are
expounded as electronic, magnetic, optical, high speed data processing layering the aspect of
manipulation of electrical impulses to perform logical, arithmetical and memory functions
moreover communication is established through inputs, outputs, processing , storage of such
electrical impulses connected to other computers in a computer system or networks.

Emphasis should also to be given to the meaning of ‘computer systems’ interpreted as device or
collection of devices, including input and output support devices and excluding calculators which
are not programmable and capable of being used in conjunction with external files, which contain
computer programs, electronic instructions, input data and output data, that performs logic,
arithmetic, data storage and retrieval, communication control and other functions24 .Comparing
the mechanism of ATMs they include input, output data as well consist of programmes to enable
cash dispensation. All in all, the meaning and functioning of ATMs was analytically explained in
the case of Diebold Systems Pvt Ltd Vs. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes 25 where the court
stated that ATM has a data terminal with two input and four output devices. The ATM connects
to and communicates with a host processor that is analogous to an Internet Service provider. Then
the Machine is connected through the host processor through what is called a four-wire, point to
point, dedicated telephone line. The ATM docs not have many parts, there is a card reader, which
is what captures a person's account information that is stored on the magnetic strip located on the
back of the ATM/debit card. This information is used by the host processor in routing the
transaction to the appropriate bank. Then in has a 'Key pad', which is used by the cardholder to tell
the machine what type of transaction is needed. It has an 'electric eye' that is used for cash
dispensing mechanism. In addition to the eye, the ATM has a 'sensor' that is capable of evaluating
the thickness of each of the bills being dispensed.26In a nutshell not only computers but all devices
which are capable of inputs, outputs through electronic, magnetic impulses containing computer
programs performing logical, arithmetical, communication control and other functions are
computers, ATMs are not computer per se but are connected to other computers forming a
computer network or system are covered under the Information Technology Act 2000.

Information Technology Act, 2000, § 2.
Diebold Systems Pvt Ltd Vs. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes ILR, 2005 KAR 2210.

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Also, in the case of Commissioner Of Income Tax-III vs M/S NCR Corporation Pvt Ltd it was
stated by the court that ATMs are under the jurisdiction of cyber penal laws as computer is integral
part of ATM machine and on the basis of information processed by the computer in ATM machine
only, the mechanical function of the dispensation of cash or deposit of cash is done27. Therefore,
ATMs can be considered as computers within the preview of the information technology act 2000.

iii) Shortcomings of Existing Legislations.

With only handful of acts the existing reality of cyber law in India are evident. The working
legislations are only scratching the surface instead of digging deep into the notion of security and
accountability for such serious crimes. Provisions which deal with the offence of ATM skimming
under the Information Technology Act 2000 are section 43, 66, whereas sections 43A, 66C, 66D
added after the amendment in 2008 along with that other provisions such as section 420 of the
Indian penal code. Section 43 of the Information Technology Act 2000 describes civil liability of
a third party, where any person without the permission of the owner or the person in charge of
access, downloads, copies, contamination of virus, damages, disruption or causing interruption,
denial of access, gives access to any person who is unauthorised in accordance to the act, charges
the services availed of by any person to the account of another28. The clauses under this section
are accustomed to section 63 to 74. Whereas clauses (i) and (j) deal with more serious crimes
related to tampering of computer source code, alteration, damage or destroying of any information
residing in the computer resource29. But the section only provides with the liability of third party
instead of data processor or data controller.

These added provisions may seem adequate from a bird’s eye view but in contrast to the glaring
number of skimming done in ATMs, they appear to be more open ended depending more on
interpretation. words like ‘injuriously by any means’30and ‘damage’31 are dependent on the
interpretation of Court rather than expressively incorporating skimming done by third party, by
physically altering the machines through insertion of foreign equipment causing financial losses
punishable by penalty. Although attempt have been made in the recent Data protection bill 2019
to define the damage and the standard on which such fraudsters can be held liable. The Data
protection bill 2019 does not define damage or injury but explains “harm”32 which expressively
includes bodily or mental injury, loss, distortion, theft of identity and financial losses or loss of
property hence identifying the grade on which such offenders can be penalised which is more
inclusive of some crucial aspects of ATM skimming33.

Shortcomings on data protection and liability of the body corporate can be comprehensibly marked

The High court of Karnataka, Commissioner of Income Tax-Iii vs M/S NCR Corporation Pvt Ltd, The High court
of Karnataka (July 30, 2020, 10:00 A.M.),
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 43.
Information Technology Act, 2000, [Amendment 2008], § 43.
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 43.
Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology, Data Protection Bill 2019, MEITY (Jan, 13, 2020, 10:00 am),2018.pdf.

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in section 43A34 where a body corporate possessing, dealing or handling any ‘sensitive personal
data’ is negligent in implementing or maintaining ‘reasonable security practices and procedure’
causing wrongful loss or wrongful gain shall be liable to pay compensation to the person so
affected35. Reasonable security practices and procedure as mentioned in the explanation may arise
by way of agreement, any law in force or as prescribed by the central government in consonance
to expert advice36, such explanation only provides with a brief outline of what can constitute as
reasonable practice and procedure rather than providing a comprehensive meaning to it.

Secondly a wide power and discretion have been given to the central government on providing
with an appropriate meaning to sensitive personal data as well as personal data which have not
been yet classified in the Act. But an effort has been made in the Data protection bill 2019 to give
meaning to ‘personal data’ and ‘sensitive personal data’ while omitting section 43A completely
and fragmenting the liability of body corporate into liability of data processor and data fiduciary37.
Personal data includes trait, characteristics, attribute or any other information of a natural person
about the identity of such person whether online or offline also may include any data or information
from which an inference can be drawn for the purpose of profiling38. A more of a contemporary
approach have been taken while defining sensitive personal data, which not only include biometric,
financial, health, sex life, caste or tribe, but also include transgender status, intersex status and
sexual orientation39. With reference to what can be considered as personal data or sensitive
personal data the bill also includes an explanation, that if disclosure of such data may cause
significant harm or if there is an expectation of confidentiality such can be classified and
sanctioned as sensitive personal data by the authority under the bill 40. Such a definition
incorporates the loss of personal information through skimming of ATM cards and the subsequent
financial loss as sensitive personal data. Still a little wiggle room is left in terms of the
categorisation of sensitive data and penalty to be imposed according to the seriousness of the loss
occurred due to the negligence and disinvestment of adequate security by such data processor or
data fiduciary. Criminal liability for ATM skimming is covered in relation to other offences under
section 66, explains that any offence covered under section 4341 is punishable with imprisonment
for a term of 3 years or with fine which may extend to five lakh rupees or both42. Whereas section
66C and 66D43 deals with punishment for identity theft and cheating by impersonation by using
computer resource. The available provisions are still are not inclusive of ATM skimming or
skimming in general as a specific offence.

iv) Liability of banks or third party?

Confusion is there with regards to the accountability and liability of the banks in terms of frauds
committed by the third party especially for ATM skimming. Followed by the extent of customers

Information Technology Act, 2000, § 43.
Supra, 32
Information Technology, Act, 2000, § 43.
Information Technology, Act, 2000, § 66.
Information Technology, 2000, § 66D, § 66C.

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personal liability and denial by banks is giving the offenders an upper hand in such techno forward
crime. In 2015 in the case of Vidyawanti vs. State Bank of India44 a revision petition was made by
the petitioner to the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi. In this case,
after a failed transaction at the ATM of State Bank of India installed at Nehru Place, Karnal,
unauthorized transactions took place at the ATM through the account of the complainant. On the
same day, complainant wrote a letter to State Bank of Patiala seeking refund of Rs. 40,000
wrongfully withdrawn from her account but the respondents/opposite parties failed to oblige. This
led to filing of the consumer complaint. It was held that from the evidences it is clear that a third
party has manipulated with the ATM machine which has resulted in unauthorized transactions. As
the money has been wrongly withdrawn from the account of the complainant, the body corporate
who are in banking business and earning profit out of it are liable to make good her loss. This case
clearly defined the scope of the bank’s liability in terms of manipulated ATMs as the burden of
responsibility would be on the banks to make sure the ATM machines are not altered and ensuring
compliance of the standard of security45.

The concept of ‘no fault liability’ of the banks with respect to ATM related frauds especially
skimming was considered in the notification of (reserve bank of India) RBI in July 6, 2017. The
RBI broke down the liability of the customer into following segments:
a. First is the ‘Zero liability’, a customer is entitled zero causality in case where the
transaction occurred due to negligence of the banks whereas in case where the fraud is
occurred neither due to the fault of banks nor the customer but lies elsewhere in the system
then, if the customer notifies the bank within 3 working days then the customer would be
entitled to zero casualty46.
b. Secondly the concept of limited liability of customers in cases where the loss is due to
negligence by a customer, such as where he has shared the payment credentials. In that
case the customer will bear the entire loss until he reports the unauthorised transaction to
the bank. Any loss occurring after the reported unauthorised transaction shall be borne by
the bank47.
c. In cases where the responsibility for the unauthorised electronic banking transaction lies
neither with the bank nor with the customer, but lies elsewhere in the system and when
there is a delay on the part of the customer in notifying the bank about the unauthorised
transaction, the per transaction liability of the customer shall be limited to the transaction
value or the amount mentioned in the notification, whichever is lower.48
Therefore, liability lies with multiple entities in a single unauthorized transaction but the most
affected are the consumers. Even in the concept of zero liability, limited liability or when there is
a delay in the redressal process the initial loss has to be borne by the customers.

v) Phishing

Phishing is not a contemporary issue in the cyberspace but its variants have been evolving through
time. It is one of the most common types of cyber-attack on an individual’s right of security. The
Vidyawanti v. State Bank of India Iii, CPJ 2015 NC 245.
Reserve Bank of India, Customer Protection – Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorised Electronic
Banking, Reserve Bank of India (Jan, 13, 2020, 11:43 am), Rbi/2017-18/15 Dbr. No. Leg.Bc.78/09.07.005/2017-18.

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general definition of phishing as per the oxford dictionary is that it is a fraudulent practice of
sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal
personal information such as passwords and credit card numbers49. Moreover Phishing is a form
of online identity theft that aims to steal sensitive information such as online banking passwords
and credit or debit card information from users50.In layman language it is a activity of tricking
people into giving their financial identity like bank account numbers, pan card numbers, account
passwords etc. over the Internet or by email or by other means, and then using this sensitive
information to dupe them of money.

Indian judiciary system has interpreted phishing in the case of National Association of Software
and Service Companies v. Ajay Sood. The court held that, Phishing is a form of internet fraud. In
a case of phishing, a person pretending to be a legitimate association such as a bank or an insurance
company in order to extract personal data from a user such as access codes, passwords, etc. which
are then used to his own advantage, misrepresents on the identity of the legitimate party. Typically,
phishing scams involve persons who pretend to represent online banks and siphon cash from e
banking accounts after conning consumers into handing over confidential banking details.51

There are upgraded variants or techniques that are employed by phishers which can essentially be
grouped under these headings. First and foremost is the one involving use of spam email, websites
and pop up window or fake banners. The second is where the advertising bears false corporate
identification that are addressed to a large number of people this does not require specific
identification of victims in advance rather it requires a response from the victim to accrue
information causing identity theft52. These include Nigerian lottery emails and home/reshipping
schemes53. The recent example is of Paytm KYC (Know Your Customer) registration through
SMS for using the payment gateway.

Though phishing is not a new threat but the constant upgradation of the attack, is making it less
and less predictable. The introduction of new channels of distribution, like instant messaging and
social networks are posing new threats and detection of phishing is more difficult. Vishing or also
known as voice phishing is a much recent development in the field. This attack is perpetrated
through a phone call. Likewise, Smishing is a new technique that is used to phish through SMS.
Pharming is the newest method of phishing where the attacker redirects the victim to a malicious
site of their choice. This is done through converting an alphabetical URL into a numerical IP
address so that it can locate and direct the visitors to the malicious website54.

vi) Available legislations

Oxford University Press, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Department of the University of Oxford, (July
30, 2020, 10:00 A.M.),
Jyoti Chhikara, Ritu Dahiya, Phishing & Anti-Phishing Techniques: Case Study, 13(5)
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5 (2013).
National Association of Software and Service Companies v. Ajay Sood, 2005 119 DLT 596.
Supra, 50
Australian competition and consumer commission, Nigerian Scams, SCAMWATCH, (Jan, 13, 2020, 10:00 am)
Ezer Osei Yeboah-Boateng, Priscilla Mateko Amanor, Phishing, SMiShing & Vishing: An Assessment of Threats
against Mobile Devices, 5(4) Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, (2014).

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In India, under the Information Technology Act, 2000 phishing is punishable. Phishing involves
fraudulently acquiring sensitive information through masquerading a site as a trusted entity55.
Provisions which are applicable on phishing are Sections 66, 66A and 66D of Information
Technology Act 2000 and Section 420, 379, 468 and 471 of India Penal Code, 186056. The repealed
clause (c) of section 66A of the IT Act which states that an act is punishable if any person, through
computer resource, communication device, any electronic mail or electronic mail sends a message
for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience, to deceive or to mislead the addressee or
recipient about the origin of such messages57.In this section the act of phishing could have been
included under clause (c) as phishing is an act of deceiving and misleading but this section was
later struck down in the year 2015 being against the freedom of speech and expression under the
Article 19(2) of the Constitution of India.58However, Section 66D penalises cheating by
impersonation by means for any communication device or computer resource with imprisonment
of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine
which may extend to one lakh rupees59.Though this section does not mention the word phishing
but is still inclusive of Phishing and its extended forms as in phishing there is impersonation for
the purpose of cheating or duping people to extract data.

The act of phishing though is an act of fraud from a third party but the act is done through online
means. Thus, banks have the responsibility to make the users aware of these kinds of frauds. That
said, there is no legal duty of the banks to do so but rather a moral duty. The only liability is of the
third party i.e. the party which has committed the crime of phishing.

While phishing cases are rising in number but there is no mechanism or authority in place to take
cognizance of these matters. The only possible way for the victims of phishing to find remedy is
to report at the police station where the crime is committed. Due to lack of technology, the Indian
police department is not at all equipped to solve these identity theft related crimes. For the police
department, to be able to take stern actions it is required to have a cyber cell at each district if not
at every police station60. Even in the recent National Cyber Security Policy 2013 there are mere
suggestions but no actual method has been formulated to reduce the increasing number of identity

vii) Comparison to other countries

When compared to the US they have appropriate system for reporting of phishing crimes. Jeffrey
Brett Goodin became the first convicted cybercriminal by a jury in 2007 under the CAN- SPAM
Act, 2003 for sending thousands of e-mails to online users which prompted customers to submit
personal credit card information62. The CAN-SPAM Act is an act that is the direct response of the
alarming number of complaints over spam e-mails and is also the first American cyber law which
establishes the national standards for sending commercial e-mails. These standards keep these

Singh, Netra, Online banking Fraud Using Phishing, 12 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 1-27 (2007).
India Penal Code, 1860, § 420, 379, 468, 471.
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 66A (c).
Shreya Singhal v. Union of India, 2010 12 S.C.C. 73.
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 66D.
Supra, 55
Supra, 17.
Jeffrey Brett Goodin v. The United States of America, 28 U.S.C 2255 (2010).

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Indraprastha Law Review Summer 2020: Vol. 1: Issue 1

phishing activities in check63. In India there is no body or reporting system for specific offences
like phishing. There is a dire need for these types of standards in India. The Information
Technology Act 2000 has provisions that include phishing but there are no offence specific

In the United States of America, the Electronic Communication Privacy Act 1986 was the first act
to regulate the internet related issues, prohibiting unauthorized intentional access to facility or
network and the interception of data. This act had both civil as well as criminal penalties64.

In England, the Anti-Fraud Act as passed in the year 2006 and in Wales and Northern Ireland by
the name Fraud Act, 200665. This Act banned the usage of phishing kits for creating and sending
e-mails in millions. This Act punishes frauds by the means of false representation, fraud by failing
to disclose information and fraud by abusing one’s position. This act was the first to punish the act
of phishing66.

III. Comparison: Cyber Policies of United Kingdom

A walk towards liberalisation paved way for cyber offences to dig its roots deep into the territorial
boundaries of India. Comparing and contrasting the policies of countries such as United Kingdom
which are having elevated defence mechanisms leaves us with the shortcomings of Indian laws.
First stage of comparison can be made on the bases of legislative prospective. To meet the
international standards India was reluctant to offer high level of security in the realm of cyberspace.
Legislations related to cyberspace began with the enactment of Information Technology Act 2000
with a view to frame a backbone of cyber security in India which ended up with loopholes and
incomplete interpretations. To underpin Information Technology Act 2000, in 2004 a statutory
body under the Ministry of Electronic and Information well known as the Indian computer
emergency response team [CERT-IN] was formed67. The objective of CERT-IN was to forecast,
alert and take emergency measures for handling cyber security incidents. It was also responsible
for providing with annual statistics on cyberattacks68. Shortly, an amendment was made in 2008
to broaden the penalising aspect of the Information Technology act 2000.

The amendment was done to ensure a more defined role to CERT-IN and to include identity theft
and data protection at an individual level only to settle for an overview of theoretically adequate
laws. Policies such as National Encryption Policy69 and National cyber security policy were only

Federal Trade Commission, CAM-SPAM Act 2003, Federal Trade Commission Protecting Americas Consumer,
(Jan, 13, 2020, 10:00 am),
United States Department of Justice, Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA), Justice Information
Sharing, (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),
Government of United Kingdom, Fraud Act 2006, the Crown Prosecution Service, (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, Welcome To CERT-IN, Indian
Computer Emergency Response Team, (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),
Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology, government of India, ICERT, Indian Computer Emergency
Response Team (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),
Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology, Government of India, National Encryption Policy, Ministry
of Electronic And Information Technology, (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),

Journal of University School of Law and Legal Studies 11

Indraprastha Law Review Summer 2020: Vol. 1: Issue 1

like a statement of first principles. The National cyber security policy 2013 was introduced with a
strategy for implementation of integrated approach to guide the policy actions of various
institutions that would result in establishment of national and sectorial CERT-IN and CERT
respectively as well as formation of national information infrastructure protection centre
[NCIIPC]70. In United Kingdom the case of Regina v Gold and Schifreen71in which the court of
appeal coined that the laws in the country were not adequate enough and incapable to deal with
cybercrime thus UK was the first country to enact a legislation in the realm of cybercrime, the
computer misuse act 1990 penalised only 3 offences namely unauthorized access to computer
material72, access with intent to facilitate an offence73, and unauthorised modification of computer
material74. In 2006, the act was amended by the Police and Justice Act 2006 which increased
punishment for the already incorporated 3 offences and added another offence of supplying or
obtaining article for the offences mentioned section 1, 2, 375. It is crystal clear that UK realised the
need for protecting cyberspace long before India drafted its first legislation to tackle cybercrime
and took years to rectify the shortcomings. Computer misuse act 1990 even though a primary
legislation but to some extent is on point to criminate offences of skimming and identity theft76.

Second stage of comparison could be drawn out in terms of Data protection. Apparatus for Data
protection in India can be widely concluded through the national cyber security policy 2013 where
data protection was made a priority but among the prescribed ways only few were operational and
most of the steps mentioned in the policy are vague with whole and sole responsibility on the
government to implement the policy. Authority established under section 70A of the IT act 200077
namely National critical information infrastructure protection [NCIIPC] focuses on establishing
system of critical information infrastructure [CII] to rank the sectors for protection on the bases of
“criticality”78. Under the common law applicable in UK where there is a ‘sufficient relationship of
proximity’ duty of care is owned to another party whose act of carelessness harms the victim.79
Individual privacy is considered as a basic human right the person having control over such
sensitive information has an established relation to make him liable towards the owner of such
information. Considering privacy as a right, Data Protection Act 1998 was enacted to comply with
the EU regulations for privacy to ensure data protection by data controllers as well as penalization
of unauthorised access80. National cyber security strategy 2016 specifically in based on the
principles of defend, deter, develop. Moreover, the established National Cyber Security Centre
which combined parent body GCHQ and other statutory bodies CPNI, CERT-UK, CCA,

Supra, 17.
Regina v Gold and Schifreen, 1116 CACD, QB (1987).
Computer Misuse Act, 1990, § 1.
Computer Misuse Act, 1990, § 2.
Computer Misuse Act, 1990, § 3.
Government of United Kingdom, Computer Misuse Act 1990,, (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),
Information Technology Act, 2000, § 70A.
Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology, Guidelines for critical information infrastructure, National
Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre, (Jan, 13, 2020, 10:00 am),
Caparo Industries Plc v. Dickman, 2 Ac 605 (1990).
Government of United Kingdom, Data Protection Act 1998,, (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),

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Indraprastha Law Review Summer 2020: Vol. 1: Issue 1

CESG81.Still Indian laws lack in unifications, there is no centralised authority to counter the data
theft. On comparing UK laws to the Indian laws, later are vague, more focused on cyber terrorism
and protecting governmental database rather than individual data, whereas the National Cyber
Security Strategy 2016 balances between three components government, business and individual82.
While contrasting the Indians statutes with United Kingdom, former have a more defensive
approach than an offensive approach.

Third stage of comparison can be made on the basis of individual data protection and related
offences. In India section 43, 43A, 66, 66C, 66D, 72, 72A of the IT act deal with identity theft,
ATM skimming and phishing. The liability of such offences as per reserve bank of India
notification rule 3 mandates banks to invest in cyber crises management plan to combat early
threats and such unusual cyber inferences has to be reported to RBI83. Hence such offences are
governed by notification of RBI. Whereas in UK there is no specific authority but the Financial
Conduct Authority covers the area of system controls over financial fraud 84. Moreover, General
Data Protection Regulation 2018 [GDPR] puts a mandatory obligation on the organisations to
notify the individuals about data breaches which are likely to occur and such breach should also
to be reported by the organisation to information commissioner’s office within 72 hours85. Overall
responsibility is on the organisation to carry out work according to GDPR. Under the anti-fraud
act 2006 of England, wales and norther Ireland, phishing kits are banned for sending and creating
bogus emails. Thus, Indian laws are on a back foot when it comes to individual data breaches
leaving room for improvement in policies made in favour of identity theft86.

IV. Conclusion

Thus, Indian laws are on a back foot when it comes to protection of an individual’s data, leaving
a lot of room for improvement in laws as well as policies made in favour of identity theft. The
laxity in specific laws, acts as a host for such manipulative offences which have become more and
more common as compared to the last two decades. Indian cyber law lack in core implementation
and requisite expertise to curb identity theft, ATM skimming and phishing. To ensure adequate
implementation of the existing laws, there arises a need to establish proper system with efficient
hierarchy of jurisdiction. Overlapping of power should be curbed, and adequate humane personnel
should be employed. Advanced laws of different countries like United Kingdom could work as a
frame for improvement in existing laws along with the national cyber security policy 2013 which

Government of United Kingdom, National Cyber Security Strategy 2016, HM government, (Jan, 13, 2020, 11:43
Reserve Bank of India, Basic Cyber Security Framework for Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks, Reserve Bank
of India notifications, (Jan, 13, 2020, 12:15pm)
Government of United Kingdom, Chapter 3: Sysc 3.2 Areas Covered by Systems And Controls Rule, GUIDANCE
Sysc 3.2.6, Financial Conduct Authority Handbook (Jan, 13, 2020, 1:00 pm)
Government of United Kingdom, General Data Protection Regulation 2018 [GDPR], Information Commissioner’s
Office, (Jan, 13, 2020, 1:00 pm),
Government of United Kingdom, Fraud Act 2006, the Crown Prosecution Service, (Jan, 13, 2020, 5:00 pm),

Journal of University School of Law and Legal Studies 13

Indraprastha Law Review Summer 2020: Vol. 1: Issue 1

involve adequate framework for laws but lacks implementation. India lies at the base of well-
developed cyber laws; however, attempts such as Data Protection Bill, 2019 may contribute in the
quest to achieve security of personal data of individuals.

Journal of University School of Law and Legal Studies 14

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