Prim Comp tr3 LB Ans
Prim Comp tr3 LB Ans
Prim Comp tr3 LB Ans
3 Steps 2–6 need to be repeated (four times). ‘Move 80 steps’ makes the sprite move to the right.
‘Wait 1 seconds’ pauses the program for 1 second.
1.2 Inputs and outputs
‘Switch costume to elephant-b’ changes the sprite
Now try this! position so its trunk is up.
Both the algorithms will draw a stick person with ‘Say Hello! for 1 seconds’ shows a speech bubble
a head, body, two arms and two legs. with ‘Hello!’ for 1 second.
Arun’s algorithm would probably create a stick ‘Switch costume to elephant-a’ changes sprite
person which is all the same colour. Sofia’s stick position so trunk is down.
person would be red, blue, green and orange. ‘Move -80 steps’ makes sprite move to left.
Questions ‘Wait 1 seconds’ pauses the program for 1 second.
1 When they have finished counting to ten ‘Switch costume to elephant-b’ changes the sprite
position so its trunk is up.
2 When he hears his alarm clock
3 Start when you hear someone shout, “Go!” ‘Say Today we are going to learn about Scratch.
for 2 seconds’ shows a speech bubble with ‘Today
4 Draw an elephant. we are going to learn about Scratch.’ for 2 seconds.
5 When a blue card is shown. ‘Switch costume to elephant-a’ changes sprite
position so trunk is down.
Unplugged activity 1
House A
Programming task 1
Learners’ code should look like this. Note that the
exact x and y coordinates will vary.
1 The ‘say’ command blocks
2 The Looks menu
Activity 1
Learners’ choices for name, colour, lesson, sport
and waiting times will vary.
Learners should add the detail they placed in their
table into the associated say command blocks.
They should also change the number in each wait
command block to allow enough time for each
speech bubble to be read.
Programming task 4
The completed table should look like this:
Programming task 2
Learners should add the following command
block before the first ‘wait’ command block,
directly underneath the ‘when green flag clicked’
command block:
Programming task 2
Learners follow instructions to create a program to
choose the button presses and show the shapes.
Programming task 3
1 Zara has:
• cleared the screen after the first picture
is shown
• used the correct input command block for
1.6 Introducing the micro:bit when the micro:bit is shaken
• created an image of a tick.
Now try this!
2 Zara has:
Creature B
• chosen button A instead of button B
Programming task 1 • not drawn a cross with the LEDs
Learners follow instructions to show the shapes • not paused on the cross for 2 seconds
and then turn off the LEDs. (2000 ms)
Activity 1 • not added a pause of 2000 ms after
the tick
Input Output • not cleared the screen after showing
Pressing button A the tick.
2 Managing data 1 C
2 3
2.1 How data can help us
Activity 1
Now try this!
The picture is a smiley face.
Learners might suggest holding a vote; creating an
online form; sending out questionnaires. Practical task 1
Unplugged activity 1 Learners correctly enter data into the spreadsheet.
1 C, 2 E, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D Questions
Unplugged activity 2 3 Learners should identify the correct buttons to
change the font size and colour and to make
1 b, 2 a, 3 b the text bold.
Questions Practical task 2
1 Learners’ answers will vary. Any problem Learners correctly format the currency and date
where quantitative data can be collected, such cells and change the format of the headings.
as people’s favourite colour, animal, item, etc.
2 Learners’ answers will vary. Any problem
that requires a creative task in which data can 4 Marcus
help less, such as designing a dance routine or 5 Zara
creating a piece of art.
6 Arun
Unplugged activity 3
Practical task 3
Part 1
Learners enter data into the spreadsheet and
1 hobbies, where they live create and format a bar chart.
2 eye colour, hair colour, height
Check your progress
3 sports they like (some learners may also
say hobbies) 1 A and C
4 favourite school subject, where they live 2 Finding out the favourite biscuits and party
games of the invited guests
Part 2
3 a red A3
The three sets of data not used are: favourite
film, favourite animal, how many pets they have. b yellow B2
Learners might suggest problems such as: deciding c blue B3
which film to watch on the last day of term, or
4 B and C
on a family film night; deciding which animal
to sponsor at a wildlife park, or deciding which 5 B
animal to learn about in a lesson; deciding whether 6 C
to buy a new family pet.
7 a Sofia
2.2 Super spreadsheets b Marcus
c Arun
Now try this!
1 people’s favourite art activity
2 model making
3 pottery
4 20
Unplugged activity 3
4 Computer systems The completed table should look like this
(although learners’ answers for the third column
4.1 Hardware and software and the final row will vary):
working together
Name Is it What does
Now try this! hardware it do?
Learners’ answers will vary. software?
Questions keyboard hardware It is used to
1 Learners’ answers will vary. They might type letters
suggest: software for drawing pictures, and numbers.
software for watching videos, software for writing software It makes a text
typing stories. program document.
2 Learners’ answers will vary.
mouse hardware It moves a
3 program or app pointer around
the screen
Unplugged activity 1 and is used to
Hardware: keyboard, screen, printer, microphone choose things.
Software: painting program, writing program, web software It is used to look
web browser browser at things on the
World Wide Web.
Unplugged activity 2
microphone hardware It records sounds.
Marcus – speaker
printer hardware It prints
Sofia – web browser
out work.
Arun – screen
learner’s software learner’s choice
Zara – writing program choice
Activity 4
4 keyboard, screen
Learners’ answers will vary but they are likely to
5 writing program see files from writing or drawing programs.
Unplugged activity 5
1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B