Selfstudys Com File
Selfstudys Com File
Selfstudys Com File
P (c) (d)
12 0 16 0
i 18. Sinusoidal carrier voltage of frequency 1.5 MHz
and amplitude 50 V is amplitude modulated by
sinusoidal voltage of frequency 10 kHz producing
50% modulation. The lower and upper side-band
2 0i 0i frequencies in kHz are
(a) (b)
l 4 l (a) 1490, 1510 (b) 1510, 1490
1 1 1 1
2 0i 0i (c) , (d) ,
(c) (d) 1490 1510 1510 1490
8 l 2 2 l
13. Zener diode is used for 19. 50 and 100 resistors are connected in series.
(a) producing oscillations in an oscillator This connection is connected with a battery of
(b) amplification 2.4 V. When a voltmeter of 100 resistance is
(c) stabilisation connected across 100 resistor, then the
(d) rectification reading of the voltmeter will be
14. Two light sources are said to be coherent if they (a) 1.6V (b) 1.0V
are obtained from (c) 1.2V (d) 2.0V
(a) two independent point sources emitting 20. In space charge limited region, the plate current
in a diode is 10 mA for plate voltage 150V. If the
light of the same wavelength
plate voltagte is increased to 600V, then the plate
(b) a single point source
current will be
(c) a wide source
(a) 10 mA (b) 40 mA
(d) two ordinary bulbs emitting light of (c) 80 mA (d) 160 mA
different wavelengths
21. Light of wavelength strikes a photo-sensitive 27. Using an AC voltmeter the potential difference
surface and electrons are ejected with kinetic in the electrical line in a house is read to be 234V.
energy E. If the kinetic energy is to be increased If line frequency is known to be 50 cycles/s, the
to 2E, the wavelength must be changed to equation for the line voltage is
(a) V=165sin (100 t)
(a) (b) (b) V=331sin (100 t)
2 (c) V=220sin (100 t)
(d) V=440sin (100 t)
(c) (d)
2 28. There are a 25W – 220 V bulb and a 100W–220V
22. The maximum velocity of electrons emitted from line.Which eletric bulb will glow more brightly?
a metal surface is v, when frequency of light (a) 25W bulb
falling on it is f. The maximum velocity when
(b) 100W bulb
frequency becomes 4f is
(a) 2v (b) > 2v (c) Both will have equal incadescene
(c) < 2v (d) between 2v and 4v (d) Neither 25 W nor 100 W bulb will give light
23. The collector plate in an experiment on 29. Silver has a work function of 4.7 eV. When
photoelectric effect is kept vertically above the ultraviolet light of wavelength 100 nm is incident
emitter plate. Light source is put on and a upon it , potential of 7.7 V is required to stop
saturation photo-current is recorded. An electric photoelectrons from reaching the collector plate.
field is switched on which has a vertically The potential required to stop electrons when
downward direction, then light of wavelength 200 nm is incident upon silver
(a) the photo-current will increase
(b) the kinetic energy of the electrons will
increase (a) 1.5V (b) 1.85V
(c) the stopping potential will decrease (c) 1.95V (d) 2.37V
(d) the threshold wavelength will increase 30. Two particles X and Y having equal charges, after
24. A cylindrical conductor of radius R carries a being accelerated through the same potential
current i. The value of magnetic field at a point difference, enter a region of uniform magnetic
R field and describe circular paths of radii R1 and
which is distance inside from the surface is R2, Respectively. The ratio of masses of X and Y
10 T. The value of magnetic field at point which is
is 4R distance outside from the surface (a) (R1/R2)–2 (b) (R2/R1)
(c) (R1/R2) 2 (d) (R1/R2)
4 8
(a) T (b) T 31. According to the Bohr's theory of hydrogen
3 3
atom, the speed of the electron, energy and the
40 80 radius of its orbit vary with the principal quantum
(c) T (d) T
3 3 number n, respectively, as
25. The power of a thin convex lens (ang= 1.5) is
5.0 D. When it is placed in a liquid of refractive 1 1 2 1 2 1
(a) , ,n (b) ,n , 2
index an , then it behaves as a concave lens of n n2 n n
focal length 100cm. The refractive index of the
liquid anl will be 1 1 1
(c) n2 , , n2 (d) n, 2 , 2
(a) 5/3 (b) 4/3 n 2
n n
(c) 3 (d) 5/4 32. In the hydrogen atom, the electron is making
26. Find the value of magnetic field between plates 6.6 × 1015 rps. If the radius of orbit is 0.53 × 10–10 m,
of capacitor at a distance 1m from centre, where then magnetic field produced at the centre of
electric field varies by 1010 V/m per second. the orbit is
(a) 5.56×10-8T (b) 5.56×10-3T (a) 140T (b) 12.5T
(c) 5.56 T (d) 5.55T (c) 1.4T (d) 0.14T
33. Two identical light sources S1 and S2 emit light 39. An AM wave has 1800 W of total power content.
of same wavelength . These light rays will For 100% modulation the carrier should have
exhibit interference if power content equal to
(a) their phase differences remain constant (a) 1000 W (b) 1200 W
(b) their phases are distributed randomly (c) 1500 W (d) 1600 W
(c) their light intensities remain constant 40. Two light rays having the same wavelength in
(d) their light intensities change randomly vacuum are in phase initially. Then the first ray
34. In Meter bridge or Wheatstone bridge for travels a path l1 through a medium of refractive
measurement of resistance, the known and the index n1 while the second ray travels a path of
unknown resistances are interchanged. The error length l2 through a medium of refractive index
so removed is n2. The two waves are then combined to observe
(a) end correction interference. The phase difference between the
(b) index error two waves is
(c) due to temperature effect 2 2
(d) random error (a) l2 l1 (b) n1l2 n2 l1
35. A fish, looking up through the water, sees the
outside world contained in a circular horizon. If 2 2 l1 l2
the refractive index of water is 4/3 and the fish is (c) n2 l2 n1l1 (d) n1 n2
12cm below the surface of water, the radius of
the circle in centimetre is
12 3
(a) (b) 12×3× 5 41. The correct formula of the complex
tetraammineaquachlorocobalt (III) chloride is
12 3 (a) [Cl(H2O) (NH3)4 Co] Cl
(c) (d) 12 3 7
7 (b) [CoCl(H2O) (NH3)4] Cl
36. Radio waves diffract around building althrough (c) [Co (NH3)4(H2O)Cl] Cl
light waves do not. The reason is that radio waves (d) [CoCl (H2O) (NH3)4] Cl2
(a) travel with speed larger than c
42. The equivalent conductance at infinite dilution
(b) have much larger wavelength then light
(c) carry news of a weak acid such as HF
(d) are not electromagnetic waves (a) can be determined by extrapolation of
37. In the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, the measurements on dilute solutions of HCl,
centripetal force is furnished by the coulomb HBr and HI
attraction between the proton and the electron. (b) can be determined by measurement on very
If a0 is the radius of the ground state orbit, m is dilute HF solutions
the mass and e is charge on the electron and 0 is (c) can best be determined from measurements
the vacuum permittivity, the speed of the electron on dilute solutions of NaF, NaCl and HCl
(d) is an undefined quantity
Alcoholic Br2 KCN
(a) 0 (b) 43. C2 H5 I X Y Z
0a 0 m KOH CCl4
e 4 0a0m A
(c) (d) The product 'A' is
4 0a0m e
(a) succinic acid (b) melonic acid
38. A potential difference of 2V is applied between
(c) oxalic acid (d) maleic acid
the opposite faces of a Ge crystal plate of area
1 cm2 and thickness 0.5 mm. If the concentration 44. For a reaction of type A + B products, it is
of electrons in Ge is 2×1019/m2 and mobilities of observed that doubling concentration of A
electrons and holes are 0.36 m2V-1s-1 and 0.14 causes the reaction rate to be four times as great,
m2V-1s-1 respectively, then the current flowing but doubling amount of B does not affect the
through the plate will be rate. The unit of rate constant is
(a) 0.25 A (b) 0.45 A (a) s – 1 (b) s–1 mol L–1
(c) s mol L –1 (d) s s–1 mol–2 L2
(c) 0.56 A (d) 0.64 A
45. A chemical reaction was carried out at 320 K and (c) spherically symmetrical
300 K. The rate constants were found to be k1 (d) arranged in planes
and k2 respectively. Then 56. [Co (NH3)4Cl2]NO2 and [Co (NH3)4ClNO2]Cl
(a) k2 = 4k1 (b) k2 = 2k1 exhibit which type of isomerism?
(c) k2 = 0.25 k1 (d) k2 = 0.5 k1 (a) Geometrical (b) Optical
46. The formula of ethyl carbinol is (c) Linkage (d) Ionisation
(a) CH3OH (b) CH3CH2OH 57. Which of the following compounds is not
(c) CH3CH2CH2OH (d) (CH3)3COH
47. Which of the following gives red colour in Victor
Meyer's test? (a) Na2[Cu(Cl4] (b) Na[Cd(Cl)4]
(a) n-propyl alcohol (b) Isopropyl alcohol (c) K4[Fe(CN)6] (d) K3[Fe(CN)6]
(c) tert-butyl alcohol (d) sec-butyl alcohol 58. Which of the following is a Gattermann aldehyde
48. Enthalpy of a compound is equal to its synthesis?
(a) heat of combustion(b) heat of formation H 2 / Pd
(c) heat of reaction (d) heat of solution (a) COCl BaSO 4
49. For which one of the following reactions will there
be a positive S?
(b) H + CO + HCl
(a) H 2 O (g) H 2 O (l )
(b) H2 I2 2HI AlCl3
(c) CaCO 3 (s) CaO(s) CO 2 (g)
(d) N 2 (g) 3H 2 (g) 2NH 3 (g)
(c) + HCl + HCN
50. Across the lanthanide series, the basicity of the
lanthanide hydroxides
(a) increases (i) Anhy. AlCl3
(b) decreases (ii) H 3O
(c) first increases and then decreases
(d) first decreases and then increases CH3 CrO 2Cl 2
51. When p-nitrobromobenzene reacts with sodium (d)
ethoxide, the product obtained is 59. Aldol is
(a) p-nitroanisole (b) ethyl phenyl ether (a) -hydroxybutyraldehyde
(c) p-nitrophenetole (d) no reaction occurs (b) -hydroxybutanal
52. A radioactive element X emits 3 , 1 and 1 - (c) -hydroxypropanal
particles and forms 76Y235. Element X is (d) None of the above
(a) 81 X 247 (b) 80 X 247 60. Nitrobenzene can be converted into azobenzene
(c) 81 X 246 (d) 80 X 246 by reduction with
53. For the reaction, (a) Zn, NH4Cl,
2A(g) B2 (g) 2AB 2 (g) (b) Zn/NaOH, CH3OH
the equilibrium constant, Kp at 300 K is 16.0. The (c) Zn/NaOH
(d) LiAlH4, ether
value of Kp for AB2 (g) A(g) + 1/2 B2 (g) 61. The one which is least basic is
is (a) NH3 (b) C6H5NH2
(a) 8 (b) 0.25 (c) (C6H5)3N (d) (C6H5)2NH
(c) 0.125 (d) 32 62. Coordination number of Ni in [Ni(C2O4)3]4– is
54. Frenkel defect is generally observed in (a) 3 (b) 6
(a) AgBr (b) AgI (c) 4 (d) 5
(c) ZnS (d) All of the above 63. Mg is an important component of which
55. Most crystals show good cleavage because their biomolecule occurring extensively in living
atoms, ions or molecules are world?
(a) weakly bonded together (a) Haemoglobin (b) Chlorophyll
(b) strongly bonded together (c) Florigen (d) ATP
64. Sterling silver is 73. The yield of the product in the reaction
(a) AgNO3 A 2 (g) 2B (g) C (g) Q kJ
(b) Ag2 S would be higher at
(c) Alloy of 80% Ag + 20% Cu (a) high temperature and high pressure
(d) AgCl (b) high temperature and low pressure
65. Identify the statement which is not correct (c) low temperature and high pressure
regarding CuSO4 . (d) low temperature and low pressure
(a) It reacts with KI to give iodine 74. In which of the following case, does the reaction
(b) It reacts with KCl to give Cu2Cl2 go farthest to completion?
(c) It reacts with NaOH and glucose to give (a) K = 102 (b) K = 10
Cu2O (c) K = 10–2 (d) K = 1
(d) It gives CuO on strong heating in air 75. Formation of cyanohydrin from a ketone is an
66. Transition metals usually exhibit highest oxidation example of
states in their (a) electrophilic addition
(a) chlorides (b) fluorides (b) nucleophilic addition
(c) bromides (d) iodides (c) nucleophilic substitution
67. The number of Faradays needed to reduce 4 g (d) electrophilic substitution
equivalents of Cu2+ to Cu metal will be 76. Glycerol on treatment with oxalic acid at 110ºC
(a) 1 (b) 2 forms
1 (a) formic acid (b) allyl alcohol
(c) (d) 4 (c) CO2 and CO (d) acrolein
77. The activity of an old piece of wood is just 25%
68. Which one of the following cells can convert
of the fresh piece of wood. If t 1/2 of C-14 is 6000
chemical energy of H2 and O2 directly into
yr, the age of piece of wood is
electrical energy?
(a) 6000 yr (b) 3000 yr
(a) Mercury cell (b) Daniel cell
(c) 9000 yr (d) 12000 yr
(c) Fuel cell (d) Lead storage cell
69. On treatment of propanone with dilute Ba(OH)2, 78. The radius of Na+ is 95 pm and that of Cl– ion is
the product formed is 181 pm. Hence, the coordination number of Na +
(a) aldol will be
(b) phorone (a) 4 (b) 6
(c) propionaldehyde (c) 8 (d) unpredictable
(d) 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone 79. The reaction, ROH + H2CN2 in the presence of
70. Which of the following converts CH3CONH2 to HBF4, gives the following product
CH3NH2? (a) ROCH3 (b) RCH2OH
(a) NaBr (b) NaOBr (c) ROHCN2N2 (b) RCH2CH3
(c) Br2 (d) None of the above 80. The fatty acid which shows reducing property is
71. Which metal aprons are worn by radiographer to (a) acetic acid (b) ethanoic acid
protect him from radiation? (c) oxalic acid (d) formic acid
(a) Mercury coated apron
(b) Lead apron
(c) Copper apron 81. If F is function such that F (0) = 2, F (1) = 3,
(d) Aluminimised apron F (x+2)= 2F (x) - F (x+1) for x 0, then F (5) is
72. The standard Gibb's free energy change, Gº is equal to
related to equilibrium constant, Kp as (a) –7 (b) –3
Gº (c) 17 (d) 13
e 82. Let S be a set containing n elements. Then,
(a) Kp RT ln Gº (b) K p
RT number of binary operations on S is
G (a) nn (b) 2n
Kp Gº/ RT
(c) (d) K p e 2
RT (c) nn (d) n2
83. The numerically greatest term in the expansion 92. The chances of defective screws in three boxes
1 1 1 1
of (3–5x)11 when x = , is A, B, C are , , respectively. A box is selected
5 5 6 7
(a) 55 × 39 (b) 55 × 36 at random and a screw drawn from it at random is
(c) 45 × 3 9 (d) 45 × 36 found to be defective. Then, the probability that
84. The number of solutions of the equation it came from box A, is
sin (ex) = 5x + 5–x, is
16 1
(a) 0 (b) 1 (a) (b)
(c) 2 (d) infinitely many 29 15
85. If ax = by = cz = du and a, b, c, d are in GP, then x, 27 42
y, z, u are in (c) (d)
(a) AP (b) G P 59 107
(c) HP (d) None of these cos
86. If z satisfies the equation |z|–z = 1+2i, then z is 93. The value of is equal to
1 sin
equal to
3 3 (a) tan (b) tan
(a) + 2i (b) –2i 2 4 4 2
2 2
3 3 (c) tan (d) tan
(c) 2– i (d) 2 + i 4 2 4 2
2 2
94. If 3sin 5cos 5 , then the value of
1 i 3
87. If z = , then arg (z) is 5 sin – 3 cos is equal to
1 i 3
(a) 5 (b) 3
(a) 60 (b) 120 (c) 4 (d) None of these
(c) 240 (d) 300
95. The principal value of sin 1 sin is
88. If f (x) = log10 x 2 . The set of all values of x for 6
which f (x) is real, is
(a) [–1, 1] (b) [1, ] (a) (b)
(c) (– , –1] (d) (– , –1] [1, ) 6 6
89. For what values of m can the expression 7
2x2 + mxy + 3y2 – 5y – 2 (c) (d) None of these
be expressed as the product of two linear factors?
96. A rod of length l slides with its ends on two
(a) 0 (b) 1 perpendicular lines. Then, the locus of its mid
(c) 7 (d) 49 point is
90. If B is a non-singular matrix and A is a square
matrix, then det (B–1AB) is equal to l2 l2
(a) det (A–1) (b) det (B–1) (a) x2 y2 (b) x 2 y2
4 2
(c) det (A) (d) det (B)
91. If f (x), g(x) and h (x) are three polynomials of l2
degree 2 and (c) x2 y2 (d) None of these
f (x) g(x) h(x) 97. The equation of straight line through the
intersection of line 2x + y=1 and 3x + 2y=5 and
(x) f' (x) g' (x) h' (x)
passing through the origin is
f'' (x) g'' (x) h'' (x) (a) 7x + 3y = 0 (b) 7x – y = 0
then (x) is a polynomial of degree (c) 3x + 2y = 0 (d) x + y = 0
(a) 2 (b) 3 98. The line joining (5,0) to (10 cos , 10 sin ) is
(c) 0 (d) atmost 3 divided internally in the ratio 2:3 at P. If varies,
then the locus of P is
(a) a straight line 105. The equation of the common tangents to the two
(b) a pair of straight lines
x2 y2 y2 x2
(c) a circle hyperbolas 1 and 1 , are
(d) None of the above a2 b2 a2 b2
99. If 2x + y + k = 0 is a normal to the parabola
(a) y= x b2 a2
y2 = – 8x, then the value of k, is
(a) 8 (b) 16 (b) y= x a2 b2
(c) 24 (d) 32
1 1 1 1 (c) y= x a2 b2
100. nlim ..... is equal
1.2 2.3 3.4 n( n 1) (d) y= x a 2 b2
to 106. Domain of the function f (x) log x cos x, is
(a) 1 (b) –1
(c) 0 (d) None of these , {1} , {1}
(a) (b)
101. The condition that the line lx + my =1 may be 2 2 2 2
normal to the curve y2 = 4ax, is
(c) , (d) None of these
(a) al 3 2alm2 m 2 (b) al 2 2alm3 m2 2 2
(c) al 3 2alm 2 m3 (d) al 3 2alm2 m2 x2
107. Range of the function y = sin 1 , is
102. If f ( x)dx f ( x), then f ( x) dx is equal to 1 x2
1 2 3 0, 0,
(a) f (x) (b) f (x) (a) (b)
2 2 2
f (x) 2 (c) 0, (d) 0,
(c) (d) f (x) 2 2
108. If x = sec cos , y sec n cos n , then
1 (2 x 2)
103. sin dx is equal to dy
4 x 2 8 x 13 (x 2 4) is equal to
2x 2 3 4 x 2 8 x 13
(a) (x+1) tan 1
log c (a) n2 ( y 2 4) (b) n2 (4 y 2 )
3 4 9
(c) n2 ( y 2 4) (d) None of these
3 1 2x 2 3 4 x 2 8 x 13
(b) tan log c dy
2 3 4 9
109. If y= x y x y , then is
1 2x 2 3
(c) ( x 1) tan log 4 x 2 8 x 13 c equal to
3 2
y x y3 x
3 1 2x 2 3 (a) (b)
(d) x 1 tan log 4 x 2 8 x 13 c y 2
2x 2y 2
2 xy 1
2 3 4
104. If the equation of an elipse is y3 x
2 2 (c) 2 (d) None of these
3x 2 y 6 x 8 y 5 0 , then which of the 2y x
following are true ? x
1 110. If = , then x can be equal to
(a) e 1 t t2 1 6
(b) centre is (–1, 2) 2
(c) foci are (–1, 1) and (–1, 3) (a) (b) 3
(d) All of the above (c) 2 (d) None of these
111. The area bounded by the curve y= sin x , x-axis 3 9
(a) (b)
and the lines x = , is 2 2
(a) 2 sq unit (b) 1 sq unit 2 3
(c) 4 sq unit (d) None of these (c) (d)
9 2
112. The degree of the differential equation of all
curves having normal of constant length c is 117. The two curves y = 3 and y = 5x intersect at an
1 02 i 0i 2Br
1. (b) Here, length l = 2 r or r B or i
2 4 r 2r 0
Area of circular loop A r 1/ 2
Magnetic moment M = iA = i r2 Also, A = r2 or r
l2 Magnetic moment,
M i 2
2 Br
M iA A
4 M
l 0
1/ 2
2. (b) Current through arms of resistances P and 2 BA A 2 BA3/ 2
Q in series 1/ 2
0 0
i 330 3
i1 i Y
330 110 4 Y
5. (c) Here, sin
Here i = total current D D
Similarly, current through arms of Angular fringe width 0=
resistances R and S in series (width Y = )
i 110 1 D 1
i2 i
330 110 4 0
D d D d
Heat developed per second = i2R
Ratio of heat developed per sec 1
0 rad and = 6 × 10–7 m
H P : HQ : H R : H S 180
2 2 180 7
3 3 d 6 10 0.03 mm
i 100 : i 10 : 0
4 4
6. (d) Here, charge q = ± 1 × 10–6 C
2 2a = 2.0 cm = 2.0 × 10–2 m
i 300 : i 30 E = 1 × 105 NC–1, max = ?
4 4
W = ?, 1 = 0°, 2 = 180°
= 30 : 3 : 10 : 1
3. (c) Heat taken by water when its temperature max = pE = q(2a)E
= 1 × 10–6 × 2.0 × 10–2 × 1 × 105
changes from 20°C to 100°C.
= 2 × 10–3 Nm
H1 mc( 2 1 ) 1000 1 (100 20) cal
W pE (cos 1 cos 2 )
= 1000 × 80 × 4.2 J
Heat produced in time t due to current in = (10–6 × 2 × 10–2)(105) (cos 0° – cos 180°)
resistor = 4 × 10–3 J
H2 = Vit = 220 × 4 × t J e e ev
According to question, 7. (b) Current, i
t 2 r /v 2 r
220 × 4 × t = 1000 × 80 × 4.2
1000 80 4.2
381.8 s = 6.3 min
Here, v and r
220 4 me 2
11. (d) In a neutral water molecule, there are 10
e (e 2 / ) e3 me 2 me5
i electrons and 10 protons.
2 ( / me2 ) 2 3
2 3
So, its dipole moment p = q (2l) = 10 e (2l)
Hence length of the dipole = distance
(given) between centres of positive and negative
2 charges
me5 4 2 me5 p 6.4 10 30
i 3 3 2l 4 10 12 m
h h 10e 10 1.6 10 19
2 12. (c) Magnetic field due to finite length of a wire,
8. (d) For dark fringe, 0 i
B (sin 1 sin 2)
xd 4 r
(2m 1)
D 2
d P
Here, m = 5, x 45°
2 i
S1 P l
2 Here, 1 = 0°, = 45°
S2 D 0 i 0 i
B (sin 0 sin 45 )
4 r 4 2l
d d
(2 5 1)
2 D 2 2 0i
8 l
or 9 13. (c) Zener diode is suitable for voltage
D regulating purpose. It is used as voltage
d2 stabilizer in many applications in
Wavelength, electronics.
9. (d) Generally, temperature of human body is 14. (a) If two independent sources emitting light
37°C (= 98.4°F) corresponding to which IR of the same wavelength are said to be
and microwave radiations are emitted from coherent.
the human body. 15. (d) Induced charge
10. (d) The path of moving proton in a normal nBA
magnetic field is circular. If r is the radius of Q (cos 2 cos 1 )
the circular path, then from the figure,
From the symmetry of figure, the angle nBA
= 45°. (cos180 cos 0 )
AC 2r cos 45 2r 2r ...(1) QR
2 B
mv 2 mv 16. (d) From an optical fibre due to absorption or
As Bqv or r light leaving the fibre area resulting
r Bq
scattering of light sideways by impurities
2mv 2 1.67 10 27
107 in the glass fibre. And due to this reason a
AC 19 very small part of light energy is lost.
Bq 1 1.6 10
= 0.14 m
r hc hc
17. (c) Length of the arc = r 21. (c) Here, E W0 and 2E W0
3 2 '
r E W 1 W0 / E
Charge on the arc = 2 E W0 2 W0 / E
Potential at centre v (1 W0 / E ) 1
Since (2 W / E ) 2
kq 1 r 0 2
r 4 0 3 r 12 0 22. (b) According to Einstein's photoelectric
l, 1 2 2(hf W0 )
E W0 mvmax vmax
2 m
If frequency becomes 4f then
r r W0
2 hf
3 2(h 4 f W0 ) 4
v' 2
m m
v ' 2v
18. (a) Herefc = 1.5 MHz = 1500 kHz, fm = 10 kHz 23. (b) In electric field photoelectron will
Lower side-band frequency experience force and accelerate opposite
= fc – fm = 1500 kHz – 10 kHz = 1490 kHz to the field so its KE increases (i.e., stopping
Upper side-band frequency potential will increase), no change in
= fc + fm = 1500 kHz + 10 kHz = 1510 kHz photoelectric current, and threshold
19. (c) Equivalent resistance of the circuit wavelength.
Req = 100 24. (b) Magnetic field inside the cyclindrical
V 2.4 0 2ir
Current through the circuit, i A conductor Bin
R 100 4 R2
(R = radius of cylinder and r = distance of
Potential difference across combination of observation point from axis of cylinder)
voltmeter and 100 resistance Magnetic field outside the cylinder at a
2.4 0 2i
50 1.2 V distance r' from its axis, Bout
100 4 r'
Since the voltmeter and 100 resistance
are in parallel, the voltmeter reads the same R ( R 4 R)
Bin rr ' 10 4
value i.e., 1.2 V.
20. (c) In space charge limited region, the plate Bout R2 Bout R2
or, i p 2 i p1 8 10 8 mA 80 mA 2
5 (1.5 1) ...(i)
If a lens of refractive index g is immersed Since P '1 P '2 , so, 25 W bulb will glow
in a liquid of refractive index 1, then its
focal length in liquid more brightly.
29. (a) Given : = 100 nm = 1000 Å
1 1 1 Energy corresponding to 1000 Å
( g 1)
fl R1 R2 12375
12.375 eV
1.5 2 1000
1 1 ...(ii) Now, 7.7 = 12.375 – 0
n R
or 0 = 12.375 – 7.7 = 4.675 eV
0.5n In the second case,
Dividing, (i) by (ii) 5 Energy corresponding to 2000 Å
1.5 n
7.5 5n 0.5n 7.5 4.5n 12375
eV 6.1875 eV
75 5 2000
45 3 Now, 4.7 = 6.1875 – '0
26. (a) Magnetic field or '0 = 6.1875 – 4.7 = 1.4875 1.5 V
dE0 0r 1 1 2 2qV
B 1010 30. (c) As we know, mv qV or v
2 dt 9 1016 2 2 m
= 5.56 × 10–8 T
27. (b) E E0 sin t mv 2
Centripetal force q B v
Voltmeter read rms value R
1 h2 0
and P '2 i 2 R2 484 4W where a0 5.29 10 11
11 me
32. (b) Current, i = qv 3
l l 0.5 10 25
0i 0 qv A A 4
B 1.6 10
2r 2r
V 2
4 10 7
1.6 10 19
6.6 1015 i 0.64A
R 25 / 8
2 0.53 10
ma 2
21.6 6.6 39. (b) Total power Pt Pc 1
2 ma 2 1
12.513 T
33. (a) For interference phase difference must be 1
constant. 1800 Pc 1 Pc 1200 W
34. (a) To remove the error, resistance box and the
40. (b) Optical path for ray 1 = n1l1
unknown resistance must be interchanged
Optical path for ray 2 = n2l2
and then the mean reading must be taken.
Phase difference,
35. (c) Here, tan ic or r h tan ic 2
( n1l1 n2 l2 )
sin ic sin ic PART - II (CHEMISTRY)
or r h or r h
cos ic 1 sin ic 2
41. (d) The correct formula of the given complex is
tetraammine aqua chlorocobalt (III) chloride
1 is [CoCl(H2O)(NH3)4]Cl2, because in it the
But sin ic
oxidation number of Co is +3. While in rest
other options O. No. of Co is +2
1 [CoCl(H2O)(NH3)4]Cl2
h 12 x + (–1) + 0 + (0 × 4) + (–1) 2 = 0
r h x – 3 = 0 x = +3
1 2
1 16
1 2
1 42. (c) According to Kohlrausch's law, equivalent
conductance at infinite dilution of HF,
HF = NaF + HCl – NaCl
12 3
cm 43. (a) C2 H5 I
Alc. KOH
C2 H 4
7 (dehydrohalogenation) ethylene 'X' CCl 4
36. (b) Diffraction takes places when the
wavelength of waves is comparable with Br CN
the size of the obstacle in path. | |
Pradio > Plight CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 — CH 2
| |
Hence, radio waves are diffracted around Br CN
building. 1, 2-dibromoethane 'Y' 'Z'
37. (c) Centripetal force = force of attraction of
nucleus on electron. COOH
H 3O
mv 2 1 e2 e CH 2 — CH 2
v |
a0 4 0 a02 4 0 ma0 COOH
succinic acid 'A'
38. (d) As we know, conductivity
44. (c) Let the initial rate be R
ne( e h) and order with respect to A be x and B be y.
(0.36 + 0.14) Thus, rate law can be written as,
2 1019 1.6 10 19
rate, R = [A]x [B]y ...(i)
= 1.6 ( m)–1
After doubling the concentration of A, rate
becomes 4R,
4R = [2A]x [B]y ...(ii) 48. (b) Heat of formation is equal to enthalpy of a
After doubling the concentration of B, compound.
rate remains R, 49. (c) S (entropy change) is the measure of
R = [A]x [2B]y ...(iii) randomness and thus in solid, liquid and
From Eq. (i) and (ii), we get gas, the order of entropy is
x 2 x gas > liquid > solid
R 1 1 1 Thus, S is positive for the reaction given
4R 2 2 2 in option (c) because solid CaCO3 is
So, x = 2 forming gaseous CO2.
From Eq. (i) and (iii), we get 50. (b) We know that basicity is depend on ionic
y o y
character. So, as the ionic size of lanthanide
R 1 1 1 decreases, the covalent character of their
R 2 1 2 hydroxide increases. Hence, their basicity
So, Y = 0 decreases.
Hence, the rate law is, rate R = [A]2 [B]0 51. (c) Commonly aryl halides do not take part in
This clearly shows that the order of this Williamson's synthesis, due to their high
reaction is 2 and for second order reaction stability but due to the presence of strong
units of rate constant are mol–1 Ls–1. electron withdrawing group like –NO2
45. (c) As we know that for every 10° rise in makes the C–X bond weaker and
temperature, rate constant, k becomes substitution of –Br takes place by –OR.
doubled. Hence, on rising the temperature Br OC2H5
20°, the rate constant will be four times,
1 + C2H5ONa
i.e., k1 4k 2 k2
k1 0.25 k1
46. (c) The other name of methanol is carbinol. So,
the formula of ethyl carbinol is NO2 NO2
52. (a) The complete nuclear reaction is
ethyl carbinol
47. (a) In Victor Meyer's test, Red colour is given z XA 76 Y
32 He 4 1e
Anhy. AlCl3
67. (d) Cu 2 2e Cu
58. (c) + HCN + HCl 1 mol 2F 1 mol
1 1
mol 1F mol
2 2
CHO 1 gequi. 1F 1g equi.
H3 O
Thus, to reduce 4 g equivalent of Cu2+ into
Cu 4F are required.
68. (c) Fuel cell, which convert chemical energy
of fuels like H2, O2, CH4, etc, is converted
This is Gattermann aldehyde synthesis. into electric energy, e.g., H2–O2 fuel cell.
69. (d) In Aldol condensation propanone gives
diacetone alcohol in presence of Ba(OH)2
110°C COOH
Ba(OH) 2 –H2O
H3C – C – CH2COCH3
CH3 –CO 2
4-hydroxy-4-methyl pentanone-2
(diacetone alcohol)
70. (b) CH3CONH 2 NaOBr CH3 NH 2 Na 2 CO3
71. (b) Radiographer to protect themself from
radiation worn lead apron. formic acid
72. (d) G° and Kp are related as
G RT ln K p
77. (d) As we know that,
ln K p K p e G / RT 0.693 0.693 4
RT k 1.155 10
73. (c) A2 ( g ) 2 B ( g ) C ( g ) Q kJ t1/ 2 6000
Since, the reaction is exothermic, So, it is 2.303 N 2.303 100
favoured by low temperature. t log 0 4
k N 1.155 10 25
In addition, the number of moles of
products is lesser than the number of moles = 12000 yr (age of piece of wood)
of reactants, thus high pressure favours Radius of cation, r 95
the forward reaction. 78. (b) 0.525
74. (a) Larger the value of K more the reaction Radius of anion, r 181
moves towards completion. As this value lies in between 0.414 – 0.732,
75. (b) As CN is a nucleophile. So it is an example thus, the coordination number of Na + ion
of nucleophilic addition will be 6.
CN 79. (a) ROH H 2 CN 2 4
– –
80. (d) The compounds having –CHO group
R2C = O + CN R2 – C – O reduces Tollen's reagent, Fehling solution
nucleophile etc. Thus, formic acid (HCO/ OH) has
CN reducing property.
81. (d) F ( x 2) 2 F ( x) F ( x 1) ...(i)
HOOC Putting x = 0, we get
76. (a) CHOH + F (2) 2 F (0) F (1)
COOH F (2) 2(2) 3
{ F (0) 2, F (1) 3}
F (2) 4 3 F (2) 1 11 10 9 1
311 . 55 39
Putting x = 1, in eq. (i), we get 1.2.3 27
F (3) 2 F (1) F (2) Greatest term (numerically)
2(3) 1 { F (1) 3, F (2) 1} = T3 = T4 = 55 × 39
F (3) 5 84. (a) We have, sin(e x ) 5x 5 x ...(i)
Putting x = 2, in eq. (i), we get Let 5x = t, then eq. (i), reduces to
F (4) 2F (2) F (3) 1
sin(e x ) t
2(1) 5 { F (2) 1, F (3) 5} t
F (4) 3 1
sin(e x ) t 2 2
Putting x = 3, in eq. (i), we get t
F (5) 2F (3) F (4) 1
sin(e ) t 2
2(5) 3 { F (3) 5, F (4) 3} t
F (5) 13
{ 5x 0, 5x t exists}
82. (c) The number of binary operations on a set S
having n elements in n n .
2 sin(e x ) 2
a 2
b 2
l 2 (h 3)2 k 2 16
Therefore, locus of point P is
(2h)2 (2k )2 l2 [using eq. (i)]
( x 3) 2 y 2 16 which is a circle.
l 99. (c) The equation of any normal to the parabola
h2 k2
y2 8 x is y = mx + 4m + 2m3 ...(i)
The equation of locus is
(using equation of normal of parabola in
l2 slope form y = mx – 2am – am3 and a = –2)
x2 y2
4 The given normal is
97. (a) Let L1 2x y 1 0 2x y k 0 y 2x k ...(ii)
Comparing eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
L2 3x 2 y 5 0
m = – 2 and –4m –2m3 = k
The equation of straight line passing k = 8 + 16 = 24
through the intersection point of the lines
L1 and L2 is given by 1 1 1 1
100. (a) lim .....
L1 L2 0 n 1 2 2 3 3 4 n( n 1)
(2 x y 1) (3 x 2 y 5) 0 1 1 1 1 1
Since, this line passes through the origin lim 1 ......
n 2 2 3 3 4
1 1
(0 0 1) (0 0 5) 0
n n 1
5 1
5 1 n
lim 1 lim
Required line is n n 1 n n 1
1 n 1
(2 x y 1) (3 x 2 y 5) 0 lim lim 1
5 n 1 n 1
n 1 1
3 2 n n
2 x 1 y 1 1 0
5 5 101. (d) Let P(x1, y1) be a point on the curve
7 3 y2 4ax ...(i)
x y 0 7x 3y 0
5 5 On differentiating y 2 4ax w.r.t. 'x', we get
98. (c) Let coordinates of P be (h, k), then
2(10 cos ) 3(5) 2y 4a
h 4 cos 3 dx
2 3
dy 2a
2(10 sin ) 3(0)
and k 4 sin dx ( x1 , y1 ) y1
2 3
Thus, the equation of normal at (x1, y1) is
1 2x 2
y 103. (a) Let I sin dx
y y1 – 1 ( x x1 ) 4 x 2 8 x 13
y1 x 2ay y1 ( x1 2a) ...(ii) 1 2x 2
I sin dx
But lx + my = 1 ...(iii) 4x 8x 4 9
is also a normal.
Therefore, coefficients of eqs. (ii) and (iii), 1 2x 2
I sin dx
must be proportional. (2 x 2)2 32
y1 2a y1 ( x1 2a ) Substituting 2x + 2 = 3 tan ,
l m 1 2dx 3sec 2 d , we get
2al 1 1 3tan 3 2
y1 and x1 2a I sin sec d
m l 3sec 2
Putting these values of x1 and y1 in eq. (i),
we get I sin 1 (sin ) sec 2 d
2al 1 3
4a 2a I sec 2 d
m l 2
4a 2l 2 4 a 8a 2 l I tan tan d
m l (integrating by parts)
3 2 2 3 2 2
al m 2am l al 2alm m 3
I [ tan log | sec |] c
f ( x ) dx f ( x) 2
102. (a)
3 1 2x 2 2x 2
d tan
f ( x) f ( x) 2 3 3
d 2x 2
f ( x) f ( x)dx log 1 c
dx 3
y x a 2 b2
111. (c) Required area = Shaded area
dy n(sec n cos n )
dx (sec cos ) Y
dy n 2 {(sec n – cos n ) 2 4}
dx (sec – cos ) 4
2 2 2
dy n (y 4)
dx x 4
x=– x=
( x2 4) n2 ( y 2 4)
| sin x | dx 2 | sin x | dx
109. (d) y x y x y ......
2[cos x]0 2(cos cos 0)
y2 x y x y ...... = 4 sq units
112. (d) Length of normal = c
y2 x y y y2 x 2y
( y 2 x)2 2 y y 1 c
On differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get
dy dy dy
2( y 2 x) 2 y 1 2 y2 1 c2
dx dx dx
Since, a tb is perpendicular to c
[sec 1 t ]1x
6 (a tb) c 0