project regrading CTA on the topics based on comparison of Bio Plastics. One of the main cause which is harming our mother earth is normal plastics so on that basis we try to make di erent kind of bio plastics and compared it on the bases their of elasticity, durability , time taken to decompose etc. rstly if we talk about the ingredient we need starch, acetic acid commonly known as fi ff vinegar, glycerin, and few drops of water(H2O). After making solution with these ingredients then we need to heat it until it becomes slimy substance, after cooling it we get a plastic like substance and this is the output of our project (bio plastic). At last but not the least if we got selected in CTA level science project I promise to use my creativity to make such kind of object which is useful in our daily life with the best bio plastics that we have got it in our research. Example:- 1) polythen bag