Barium Chloride
Barium Chloride
Barium Chloride
The Anion Present : CARBONATE
The cation Present : CALCIUM
The Given simple salt : CALCIUM CARBONATE
Flame test:
Small amount of salt + A drop of Presence of Barium
Conc. HCl ,form a paste. Take the Apple green Colour is salt
3. paste at the charred end of the Observed.
splinter and introduce it near the
Bunsen flame
Action of Conc.H2SO4:
A colourless gas evolves. It
Small amount of a salt in a dry test
gives a dense white fumes
tube + Conc. H2SO4 and gently heat
5 when a glass rod dipped in Prsence of Chloride
liquid ammonia is brought
close to its mouth
Action of MnO2 and Conc. H2SO4:
Small amount of salt in a dry test A greenish yellow gas turning
tube + pinch of MnO2 + starch iodide paper blue
6 Prsence of Chloride
Conc.H2SO4 and gently heat it
Take about 1 ml of the salt solution in Absence of 1st group
2 a test tube Add about 1mL of dil HCl, No White ppt is formed.
metal ions (Pb2+)
and shake it
To the above solution pass H2S gas. Absence of 2nd group
3 No Black ppt is formed
metal ions (Cu2+)
The Anion Present : CHLORIDE
The cation Present : BARIUM
The Given simple salt : BARIUM CHLORIDE
Flame test:
Small amount of salt + A drop of
Conc. HCl ,form a paste. Take the No Characteristic flame Absence of Copper,
3. paste at the charred end of the Colour is Observed. Barium, Calcium
splinter and introduce it near the
Bunsen flame