when the level is set up correctly and leveled the line of collimation will be
horizontal telescope is rotated about is its vertical axis it will revolve in a
horizontal plane known as the plane of collimation and therefore, all staffs
readings taken with the will be the vertical measurements made downwards
from this plane.
To find by how much amount the line of sight is above the bench mark and
To ascertain by how much amount the next point is below or above the
GTS bench marks: are established precisely and accurately by Survey of India department
and are used as base for all levelling exercises, particularly when large areas are to be
Permanent bench marks: are Reference bench marks fixed in an area on permanent
structure (parapet of culvert or bridge, plinth of building)are called permanent benchmarks.
These are used for reference and future surveys to provide continuity.
Arbitrary bench marks : In small levelling works, the reduced level of a well defined
reference point is assumed as arbitrary benchmark of levels.(Such as plinth of building )
Temporary bench marks: During the levelling exercise, whenever there is a break of work
continuity, temporary bench marks are established to provide continuity when the survey is
Different Types of Levels Used for Leveling in Surveying
Levels are the different instruments used for leveling in surveying. There are various types
of levels such as:
➢ dumpy level
➢ Y level
➢ Cushing's level
➢ Tilting level
➢ Cooke's reversible level
➢ Automatic level
➢ Digital level
The process of measuring vertical distances in surveying is called leveling. To perform
leveling, we need some level instruments to focus or to read the object. Nowadays, the
technology also introduced in surveying and so many easy measuring instruments are
designed. Here we discuss about the different levels used in leveling.
1. Dumpy Level
Dumpy level is the most commonly used instrument in leveling. In this level the telescope is
restricted against movement in its horizontal plane and telescope is fixed to its support. A
bubble tube is provided on the top of the telescope. But however, the leveling head can be
rotated in horizontal plane with the telescope. The telescope is internal focusing telescope
is a metal tube contains main parts as given below.
Objective lens
2. Y Level
Y level or Wye-level consists y-shaped frames which supports the telescope. Telescope cane be
removed from the y-shaped supports by releasing clamp screws provided. These y-shaped frames
are arranged to vertical spindle which helps to cause the rotation of telescope. Compared to
dumpy level, adjustments can be rapidly tested in y- level. But, there may be a chance of frictional
wear of open parts of level.
3. Cushing’s Level
In case of Cushing’s level, the telescope is restricted against rotation in its longitudinal axis and it is
non-removable. But, the object end and eye piece end can be interchangeable and reversible.
4. Tilting Level
Tilting level consist a telescope which enabled for the horizontal rotation as well as rotation about 4
degree in its vertical plane. Centering of bubble can be easily done in this type of level. But, for every
setup bubble is to be centered with the help of tilting screw. The main advantage of tilting level is it is
useful when the few observations are to be taken with one setup of level.
5. Cooke’s Reversible Level
Cooke’s reversible level is the combination of dumpy level and y-level. In this instrument, the telescope
can be reversed without rotation the instrument. Collimation error can be eliminated in this case
because of bubble left and bubble right reading of telescope.
6. Automatic Level
Automatic level is like the dumpy level. In this case the telescope is fixed to its supports. Circular
spirit can be attached to the side of the telescope for approximate leveling. For more accurate
leveling, compensator is attached inside the telescope. Compensator can help the instrument to
level automatically. Compensator is also called as stabilizer which consists two fixed prisms and it
creates an optical path between eye piece and objective. Due to the action of gravity, the
compensator results the optical system to swing into exact position of line of sight automatically.
But before the process of leveling, compensator should be checked.
7. Digital level: There are fundamentally two types of automatic levels.
First, the optical one whose distinguishing feature is self-leveling i.e., the instruments gets
approximately leveled by means of a circular spirit level and then it maintains a horizontal line of
sight of its own.
Second, the digital levels whose distinguishing features are automatic leveling, reading and
A bar-coded rod having a scale represented through a series of bars of different widths. Bars are
spaced constantly or variably. The spacing and width of the bars denote the code.
An engineer's level primarily consists of a telescope mounted
upon a level bar which is rigidly fastened to the spindle. Inside
the tube of the telescope, there are objective and eye piece lens
at the either end of the tube. A diaphragm fitted with cross hairs
is present near the eye piece end. A focusing screw is attached
with the telescope. A level tube housing a sensitive plate bubble
is attached to the telescope (or to the level bar) and parallel to it.
The spindle fits into a cone-shaped bearing of the leveling head.
The leveling head consists of tribrach and trivet with three foot
screws known as leveling screws in between. The trivet is
attached to a tripod stand.
Telescope : used to sight a staff placed at desired station and to
read staff reading distinctly.
Diaphragm : holds the cross hairs (fitted with it).
Eye piece : magnifies the image formed in the plane of the
diaphragm and thus to read staff during leveling.
Level Tube : used to make the axis of the telescope horizontal
and thus the line of sight.
Leveling screws : to adjust instrument (level) so that the line of
sight is horizontal for any orientation of the telescope.
Tripod stand : to fix the instrument (level) at a convenient
height of an observer.
Temporary Adjustment of Level: At each set up of a level instrument, temporary adjustment
is required to be carried out prior to any staff observation. It involves some well defined operations
which are required to be carried out in proper sequence. Permanent adjustment need be made only
when fundamental relations between some parts or lines.
The temporary adjustment of a dumpy level consists of Setting , Leveling and Focusing .
During Setting, the tripod stand is set up at a convenient height having its head horizontal (through
eye estimation). The instrument is then fixed on the head by rotating the lower part of the instrument
with right hand and holding firmly the upper part with left hand. Before fixing, the leveling screws
are required to be brought in between the tribrach and trivet. The bull's eye bubble (circular bubble),
if present, is then brought to the centre by adjusting the tripod legs.
Next, Leveling of the instrument is done to make the vertical axis of the instrument truly vertical. It
is achieved by carrying out the following steps:
Focusing is required to be done in order to form image through objective lens at the plane of the
diaphragm and to view the clear image of the object through eye-piece. This is being carried out by
removing parallax by proper focusing of objective and eye-piece.
For focusing the eye-piece, the telescope is first pointed towards the sky. Then the ring of eye-piece is
turned either in or out until the cross-hairs are seen sharp and distinct. Focusing of eye-piece depends
on the vision of observer and thus required whenever there is a change in observer.
For focusing the objective, the telescope is first pointed towards the object. Then, the focusing screw
is turned until the image of the object appears clear and sharp and there is no relative movement
between the image and the cross-hairs. This is required to be done before taking any observation.
Basic Principle of Leveling: The fundamental principle of leveling lies in finding out the
separation of level lines passing through a point of known elevation (B.M.) and that through an
unknown point (whose elevation is required to be determined).
Methods of Leveling: Direct measurement, precise, most commonly used; types:
Simple leveling :
• When the difference in the elevation of two nearby points is required then simple levelling is
• One set up of level. To find elevation of points.
Differential leveling :
• Numbers of set-ups of level. To find elevation of non-intervisible points.
• Performed when the final point is very far from the final point.
Fly leveling : Low precision, to find/check approximate level, generally used during
reconnaissance survey.
• Performed when the work site is very far away from the bench mark.
• The surveyor starts by taking BS at BM and proceed towards worksite till he finds a
• suitable place for temporary BM.
• All works are done with respect to temporary BM.
• At the end of the day the surveyor comes back to original BM
Check levelling: The fly leveling done at the end of the day’s work to connect the finishing
point with the starting point on that particular day is known as check levelling. It is
undertaken in order to check the accuracy of the day’s work
Longitudinal or Profile leveling : finding of elevation along a line and its cross section.
Reciprocal leveling : Along a river or pond. Two level simultaneously used, one at either end.
1. Differential Leveling:
Applied to determine the elevation of point which is some distant apart from B.M i.e., the
unknown elevation of a point cannot be determined in a single set up of an instrument. Thus, in
this method, instrument gets setup number of times to observe reading along a route in between
observed points. For each set up, staff readings are taken back to a point of known elevation
(first sight from the B.M and forward to a point of unknown elevation) final sight to the
terminal station.
Field Book : A field book, also called level book is being used for taking down each staff
reading during leveling and subsequently, used for finding out the elevation of points/ stations.
There are two types of level books Height of instrument method & Rise and Fall method Usually,
level book contains columns of both the types together and it is for a surveyor to use only the
relevant columns only.
Reduction of Level: The observed staff readings as noted in a level book are further required
to be manipulated to find out the elevation of points. The operation is known as reduction of level.
There are two methods for obtaining the elevations at different points:
The difference between the sum of back sight and sum of the fore sights should be equal to the
difference between the sum of rise and sum of fall and should also be equal to the difference between
the first R.L. and Last R.L.
∑ BS - ∑FS = ∑Rise - ∑Fall = First R.L.- Last R.L.
2. Height of Instrument method:
In this method, the height of the instrument (H.I) is calculated for each setting of the instrument by
adding back sight (plus sight) to the elevation of the B.M. The elevation of (Reduced Level) the turning
point is then calculated by subtracting fore sight from H.I the. For the next setting of the instrument the
H.I. is obtained by adding the B.S taken on TP1 to its R.L.
The process continues till the R.L of the last point (fore sight) is obtained by subtracting the staff
reading from height of the last setting of the instrument. If there are some intermediate points the R.L of
those points is calculated by subtracting the intermediate sight (Minus sight) from the height of the
instrument for that setting.
The difference between the sum of back sight and sum of the fore sights should be equal to the
difference between the last and first R.L.
∑B.S – ∑F.S = Last RL – First RL
2. Longitudinal or Profile Leveling:
• Profile leveling is a method of surveying that has been carried out along the central line of a track of land
on which a linear engineering work is to be design and constructed/ laid.
• The operations involved in determining the elevation of ground surface at small regular interval along a
line is called profile leveling.
• The route along which a profile is run may be single straight line, as in case of a short sidewalk; a broken
line, as in the case of a transmission line or sewer; or a series of straight lines connected by curves, as in
case of a railroad, highway or canal.
• After getting the RL of various points the profile is drawn. Normally vertical scale is much larger than
horizontal scale for the clear view of the profile.
A 3.005 108.620 105.615 B.M.
Example 1: Following staff readings were taken with a level. The instrument having been shifted after the 4th,
7th and 10th reading. R.L. of the starting B.M. is 100.00 m. Enter the reading in the form of a level book page.
Find the R.L. of stations and apply usual checks.
2.665, 3.745, 3.830, 2.275, 2.645, 0.385, 0.960, 1.640, 2.845, 3.845, 2.680 and 3.265
Solution :
B.S.(m) I.S.(m) F.S.(m) H.I.(m) R.L.(m) Remark
n Station
1 2.655 102.655 100.00 B.M.
2 3.745 98.910
3 3.830 98.825
4 2.645 2.275 103.025 100.380 CP1
5 0.385 102.640
6 1.640 0.960 103.705 102.065 CP2
7 2.845 100.860
8 2.680 3.485 102.900 100.220 CP3
9 3.265 99.635
S 9.620 9.985
ion Length B.S.(m) I.S.(m) F.S.(m) Rise Fall R.L.(m) Remark
1 0 .855 380.500 B.M.
2 30 1.545
3 60 2.335
4 90 3.115
5 120 0.455 3.825 CP1
6 150 1.380
7 180 2.055
8 210 2.855
9 240 3.455
10 270 3.455
Reciprocal Leveling
• To find accurate relative elevations of two widely separated intervisible points (between which
levels cannot be set), reciprocal leveling is being used.
• We have found by the principle of equalizing backsight and foresight distances that if the level is
placed exactly midway between two points and staff reading are taken to determine the difference
of level, then the errors (due to inclined of collimation line, curvature and refraction) are
automatically eliminated.
• In reciprocal leveling, the level is set up on the both banks of the river or valley and two sets of
staff readings are taken by holding the staff on both banks.
• In this case, it is found that the errors are completely eliminated and true difference of level is equal
to the mean of the true apparent differences of level.
Determination of difference of elevation by single and
reciprocal observations
To find the difference in elevation between two points, say X and Y (Figure 15.1), a level is set up at L near
X and readings (X1 and Y1) are observed with staff on both X and Y respectively. The level is then set up
near Y and staff readings (Y2 and X2 ) are taken respectively to the near and distant points. If the
differences in the set of observations are not same, then the observations are fraught with errors. The errors
may arise out of the curvature of the earth or intervening atmosphere (associated with variation in
temperature and refraction) or instrument (due to error in collimation) or any combination of these.
The true difference in elevation and errors associated with observation, if any, can be found as follows:
Let the true difference in elevation between the points be rh and the total error be e. Assuming, no error on
observation of staff near the level (as the distance is very small)
Thus, the true difference in elevation between any two points can be obtained by taking the mean of the two
differences in observation.
Thus, the true difference in elevation between any two points can be obtained by taking the mean of the
two differences in observation.
Thus, total error in observations can be obtained by taking the difference of the two differences in
observation. The total error consist of error due to curvature of the earth, atmospheric errors (due to
temperature and refraction) and instrumental errors (due to error in collimation) etc
Example 3: In order to transfer reduced level across a canyon, a reciprocal leveling campaign was
conducted. Simultaneous readings were observed using two levels one at each side of the canyon. Each of
the levels are having same magnifying power and sensitiveness of level tube. With instruments
interchanged during leveling operation yielded the following average readings:
Find out the R.L. of unknown point. Comment on the errors associated with observations.
Solution :
The difference in elevation between X and Y is
The following notes refer to the reciprocal levels taken with one level:
Staff Readings on
Instrument Station
Near Station Further station
Assuming, mean radius of the earth as 6367 Km, and D is the distance in Km from the instrument
position to the staff station, the error due to the curvature of the earth is
In actual field condition, the line of sight through a level is not straight but it bends downward due to
the refraction of rays of light as it passes through the intervening medium. Thus, reduces the error due
to curvature of the earth by approximately 14%. With reference to Figure 16.1, the actual line of sight
of the instrument set at L is thus L' x a. The observed staff reading at station X is x a. Thus, the
compensation due to refraction is thus x h x a which is error due to refraction (er ) through intervening
atmosphere. In Figure 16.2, HA is the error due to refraction (er ).
• The effect of refraction is therefore 1/7th that of the curvature but of opposite sign.
• The correction of refraction is always added to the staff readings.
ecomb = 0.0675 D2 m
where D is the distance in km
It is finally subtractive in nature as the combined effect provides increase in staff reading. In Figure
16.1, x l x a represents the combined error due to curvature and refraction and in Figure 16.2, it is AL .
In most ordinary leveling operation, the line of sight is rarely more than 2 meter above the ground
(where the variation in temperature causes substantial uncertainties in the refraction index of air).
Fortunately, most lines of sights in leveling are relatively short (< 30 m) and B.S. & F.S. are balanced.
Consequently, curvature and refraction corrections are relatively small thus insignificant except for
precise leveling.
Errors due to wind: Strong wind disturbs leveling of an instrument and verticality of staff. Thus, it is
advisable to suspend the work in this condition.
Errors due to sun : Due to bright sunshine on the objective, staff reading cannot be taken properly. To
avoid such error, it is recommended to maintain a shed to the objective.
Errors due to temperature: Temperature of the atmosphere disturbs setting of parts of instrument as
well as causes fluctuation in the refraction of the intervening medium. These lead to error in staff
reading. Disturbance caused to instrument may be minimized by placing the instrument under shed.
Precaution in Leveling
• Automated Levels
• Easy to use (not power)
• No Needs experience
• Robust even in hostile environment
• Digital Levels
• Push-button technique
• No reading errors, special staff
• Readings are stored and analyzed digitally
• Laser Level
• Has a compensator similar to Automatic Level
• Radiates a Laser Beam 360 through line of
• Laser is then picked by a receiver to indicate
line of collimation
• Some lasers are self leveling
• Survey quality laser levels are designed with
two features:
• Visible or non-visible
• Rotating or non-rotating