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Detecting Errors
Prepared by Neetu Singh

(Previous Year Questions)
1. You must either (1)/ be regular with 9. All doubts are cleared (1)/ between
your studies (2)/ and study for longer (2)/ you and I.(3)/. No error. (4)
period before the examination. (3)/ (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 10.12.2006)
No error (4)
10. Unless you do not give (1)/ the keys
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 1997) of the safe (2)/you will be shot (3)/.
2. No sooner (1)/ I had spoken, (2) than No error. (4)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
he left. (3)/ No error. (4)
Exam. 10.12.2006)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 09.09.2001) 11. The period (1)/ between 1980 to 1990
3. You must either tell me (1)/ the whole (2)/ was very significant in my life.
story or, at least (2)/ the first half of (3)/ No error (4).
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
it. (3)/ No error. (4) Central Excise) Exam. 25.11.2007)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 09.09.2001) 12. If I had lots of money (1)/ I’d give
4. Your success in the IAS examinations some to anybody (2)/who asked for
depends not only on (1)/what papers it. (3)/No error.(4)
(SSC SAS Exam. 26.06.2010 (Paper-I)
you have selected (2)/but on how you
13. Until the world lasts, (1)/the earth
have written them. (3) No Error. (4)
will go (2)/ round the sun.(3)/ No
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 05.12.2004) error.(4)
5. Scarcely had (1)/I arrived than (2)/ (SSC SAS Exam. 26.06.2010 (Paper-I)

the train left. (3)/No Error. (4). 14. None of the diplomats at the
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) conference (1)/was able either to
Exam. 05.06.2005) comprehend (2)/ or solve the
6. The reason why (1)/he was rejected problem. (3)/No error (4)
(2)/was because he was too young. (SSC Stenographer (Grade'C' &'D')
Exam. 26.09.2010)
(3)/No Error. (4).
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) 15. No sooner did he see (1)/ the traffic
Exam. 05.06.2005) policeman (2)/ he wore seat belt. (3)/
7. Scarcely did I reach the airport, (1)/ No error (4)
nervous and tense, than the plane (SSC Stenographer (Grade'C' &'D')
Exam. 26.09.2010)
took off, (2)/leaving me stranded in
16. The period (1)/ between 1991 to 1995
an alien place. (3)/No error (4). (2)/ was very significant in my life.
(SSC Statistical Investigators
Grade-IV Exam. 31.7.2005) (3)/ No error (4)
8. No sooner had the hockey match (SSC Stenographer Grade 'C' & 'D'
Exam. 16.10.2011)
started (1)/ when it began (2)/ to rain
17. No sooner (1)/ they had received the
(3)/. No error (4). guests (2)/ than they began
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 12.11.2006) entertaining them. (3)/ No error (4)


(SSC Graduate Level Tier-II (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 16.09.2012) Exam. 19.05.2013)
18. No sooner did the teacher (1)/ enter 28. Scarcely had (1)/the function started
the class room (2)/ the students got (2)/than it began to rain. (3)/No
up. (3)/ No error. (4) error. (4)
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-II (SSC Graduate Level Tier-II
Exam. Paper-II 04.08.2011) Exam. 29.09.2013)
19. It is (1)/ nothing else (2)/ than pride. 29. Hasan plays (1)/ both cricket and
(3)/ No error. (4) billiards (2)/ at the national level. (3)/
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-II No error. (4)
Exam. Paper-II 04.08.2011) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry
20. My elder brother (1)/ asked me (2)/ Operator & LDC Exam. 20.10.2013)
that what I was doing. (3)/No Error 30. The college library is (1)/ not only
(4) equipped with (2)/ very good books
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry but also with the latest journals. (3)/
Operator & LDC Exam. 21.10.2012
No error (4)
(2nd Sitting)
21. Our vacation is (1)/ between 12th May Police SI Exam. 22.06.2014)
(2)/ to 12th June.(3)/No Error (4) 31. Men are wanted (1)/ for the army (2)/
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff Exam. and the navy, and the air force. (3)/
10.03.2013, Ist Sitting : Patna)
No error (4)
22. He studied (1)/ so hardly (2)/ he was
sure of passing. (3)/ No error (4) Police SI Exam. 22.06.2014)
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff 32. No sooner did the rabbit (1)/come out
Exam. 10.03.2013)
of the bush (2)/ when the hunter
23. No sooner did I finish (1)/ my speech,
killed it. (3)/ No error (4)
I was subjected (2)/ to a barrage of (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC
questions. (3)/ No error.(4) Exam. 02.11.2014, IInd Sitting)
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff 33. Neither he or his wife has arrived.
Exam. 17.03.2013, Ist Sitting)
(1) has arrived (2) Neither he
24. No sooner did the peon (1)/ ring the
(3) No Error (4) or his wife
bell (2)/ the boys left the class. (3)/ (SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 12.04.2015)
No error (4) 34. The process was too simple and easy
(SSC Multi-Tasking Staff
Exam. 24.03.2013, Ist Sitting)
to understand that it hardly took five
25. We had scarcely (1)/ reached the minutes for us to grasp it.
place (2) than it started to rain (1) No Error
heavily. (3)/ No error (4) (2) and easy to understand that it
(SSC FCI Assistant Grade-III Main hardly
Exam. 07.04.2013)
(3) took five minutes for us to grasp
26. As an artist (1)/Raju is as good (2)/,
if not better than, Ramesh. (3)/ No
(4) The process was too simple
error (4).
(SSC CGL Tier-II Exam. 12.04.2015)
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I
Exam. 21.04.2013)
35. We had (1)/ hardly reached the (2)/
27. He is anxious not only (1)/ to acquire platform than the train came in. (3)/
knowledge (2)/ but also eager to No error (4).
(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police
display it. (3)/ No error. (4) SI Exam. 28.09.2014 (TF No. 482 RN 5)


36. He neither talks too much (1)/ nor SSC CHSL-2016
19th Jan, Evening
he causes any trouble (2)/ during the
46. Hardly had I stepped (1)/ out of my
lesson. (3)/ No error (4).
(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police
house when (2)/ I saw them coming
SI Exam. 28.09.2014 (TF No. 482 RN 5) towards my house. (3)/ No error (4)
37. Professor Lal teaches both history as SSC CHSL-2016
21st Jan, Morning
well as literature each semester.
47. Go up the beach and watch for
(1) Professor Lal teaches
tourists (1)/ so you could warn
(2) No error anyone (2)/ before they get to the
(3) each semester. water. (3) No error (4)
(4) both history as well as literature SSC CHSL-2016
(SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police 24th Jan, Evening
SI Exam, 21.06.2015 IInd Sitting) 48. Sorry to have (1)/ troubled you; since
38. I will have (1)/ both the blue (2)/ or (2)/ it couldn't be helped. (3)/ No
the black pen. (3)/ No error. (4) error (4)
(SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA Exam, SSC CHSL-2016
15.11.2015 (Ist Sitting) TF No. 6636838) 25th Jan, Afternoon
39. The solution (1)/ to the problem was 49. Nothing fantastic there, (1)/ nor
(2)/ not only complicated but anything Riya would find (2)/ either
accurate. (3)/ No error. (4) threatening nor interesting. (3)/ No
40. Make what you write (1)/ and say error (4)
more (2)/ absorbed and engrossing. SSC CHSL-2016
(3)/ No error (4) 27th Jan, Afternoon
(SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA Exam, 50. You might as well (1)/ read a novel
15.11.2015 (IInd Sitting) TF No. 7203752) instead of (2)/ staring at the ceiling.
41. It is not easy for an actor (1)/ to earn (3)/ No error (4)
respect from both, the fans (2)/ as SSC CHSL-2016
well as critic. (4)/ No error 30th Jan, Morning
SSC CHSL-2016 51. Not only we seen (1)/ the Tali temple
9th Jan, Evening but (2)/ also the Thirunelli temple.
42. Although he studied (1)/ very hard, (3)/ No error (4)
he (2)/ could not pass the exam. (3)/ SSC CHSL-2016
No error (4) 30th Jan, Evening
SSC CHSL-2016 52. There was a fine line (1)/ between
17th Jan, Afternoon
being frugal (2)/ and being a miser.
43. I am certain that (1)/ the officer is
(3)/ No error (4)
not only (2)/ greedy but corrupt. (3)/ SSC CHSL-2016
No error (4) (7th February, Morning)
SSC CHSL-2016 53. The plane was too (1)/ far away that
18th Jan, Morning
it was (2)/ just a dot in the sky. (3)/
44. Priya got good grades (1)/ not in Hindi
No error (4)
essay (2)/ but also in arithmetic. (3)/
No error (4) (7th February, Evening)
SSC CHSL-2016 54. Soon as he (1)/saw the policeman,
18th Jan, Afternoon
45. I will try to be on time (1)/ but don't (2)/ he ran away. (3)/ No error (4)
worry when (2)/ I am late. (3)/ No (8th February, Evening)
error (4)
55. Sooner had he come (1)/ his (3) the grass seed covered the ground
colleagues (2)/ organised a get (4) No error
together (3)/ No Error (4) SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016
SSC CGL-2016 63. Being that he is interested in getting
(31st August, Afternoon) himself examined by a heart
56. He'd no sooner (1)/ seen one specialist we must try our best to take
continent (2)/ when he saw another him to a reputed doctor.
(3)/ No error (4) (1) No error
SSC CGL-2016
(1st September, Afternoon) (2) Being that he is interested in
57. The reason Janet came dressed (1) / (3) we must try our best to take him
as Lady Gaga was because she'd been to a reputed doctor.
told (2) / it was a costume party (3) / (4) getting himself examined by a
heart specialist
No error (4) . SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016
SSC CGL-2016
(2nd September, Evening)
64. Neither the chips, which were
58. The reason for (1)/ my absence is (2)/ cheaper, nor the pizza interested the
due to ill health (3)/ No Error (4) kid.
SSC CGL-2016 (1) No error
(8th September, Evening) (2) were cheaper
59. Ashoka the Great was (1)/regarded (3) nor the pizza
one of the greatest emperors (2)/the (4) the chips which
world has ever produced (3)/ No error SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016
(4) 65. She exercised discretion in
SSC (Steno.) 2016 investigating whether her husband
60. Since my mother was angry so I did eloped with his ex-girlfriend.
not utter a word. (1) discretion in
(1) was angry so (2) investigating whether
(2) utter a word. (3) eloped with
(3) Since my mother (4) No error
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016
(4) No error
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016 66. The evergreen trees have a
61. The economic depression is looming characteristic of remaining green
large not only over the first-world throughout the year, nonetheless of
countries but also over the third- the prevailing season.
world countries. (1) prevailing season.
(1) The economic depression is (2) nonetheless of
(2) looming large not only over (3) throughout the year
(3) but also over the third-world (4) No error
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016
67. Though the political party won by
(4) No error.
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016 majority in the preceding elections,
62. By the time the corn was harvested, it failed to form a successful
the grass seed covered the ground government at the centre.
almost entirely. (1) Though the
(1) By the time (2) at the centre.
(2) the corn was harvested (3) the preceding elections


(4) No error 76. Either Ankit (1)/ or Jyoti (2)/ have
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016
done this (3)/ No error (4)
68. Despite the limited budget, the chief SSC (Steno.) 2017, 12 Sept., Morning
minister managed to improve the 77. You have too save the day by (1)/
infrastructure of the state, much cracking the code and (2)/
beyond the expectations of the determining the code word. (3)/ No
general public. error (4)
(1) improve the infrastructure SSC (Steno.) 2017, 13 Sept., Evening
(2) Despite the limited 78. No sooner had she arrive that her (1)/
(3) managed to improve friends arranged a reception in her
(4) No error (2)/ honour in the best resort in the
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2016
town. (3)/ No Error (4)
69. I did not like his (1)/ comments on
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
my paper (2)/ but I had no alternative 1 July, 2018 Morning
as I had agreed to keep quiet. (3)/ No 79. I don't think, Neha is a wiser as (1)/
error (4) Sonali, so she is not (2)/ competent
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2016 for this job. (3)/ No Error (4)
70. We will pack not only (1)/ the SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
material properly (2)/ but will also 1 July, 2018 Evening
80. In the Mathematics class, I sit next
deliver it to your value customers.
to (1)/ Raj, who is the captain of the
(3)/ No error (4)
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2016 basket ball (2)/ team and
71. The old man (1)/ told his sons (2)/ undoubtedly the best basket ball
that there was no such thing like player in Delhi. (3)/ No Error (4)
luck. (3)/ No error (4) SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
1 July, 2018 Evening
81. Not only we saw (1)/ the President
72. We have done everything (1)/ that
but also (2)/ the Chief Minister of
could be done (2)/ to avert the storm
Delhi. (3)/ No Error (4)
which is now coming on. (3)/ No error SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
(4) 2 July, 2018 Morning
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2016 82. Not only her husband (1)/ but even
73. This laboratory of physicists is (1)/ her father (2)/ also find her selfish.
not only equipped with (2)/ all state- (3)/ No Error (4)
of-the-arts instruments but also with SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
3 July, 2018 Evening
outstanding physicists. (3)/ No error
83. Hardly had he come out of the (1)/
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2016 cinema hall then the bomb exploded
74. We might supply so (1)/ much (2)/ and shattered the hall
evidence in try to explain (2)/ it in so completely. (3)/ No Error (4)
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
many ways. (3)/ No Error (4) 3 July, 2018 Evening
SSC (Steno.) 2017, 11 Sept., Morning
84. Low interest rates are tempting (1)/
75. We know it is an extra early start to
many customers to take (2)/ on too
(1)/ your day, but we are certain (2)/
much debt. (3)/ No Error (4)
you too would like to contribute SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017
towards this. (3)/ No Error (4) 5 July, 2018 Morning
SSC (Steno.) 2017, 11 Sept., Evening


85. Prabhat is impressed by his (1)/ 94. He gave jobs to several unemployed
younger brother because he is men in a remote village who is
cleverer (2)/ and amusing than he is. battling poverty.
(3)/ No Error (4) (1) He gave job
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017 (2) in a remote village
5 July, 2018 Evening
(3) to several unemployed
86. Our company not only manufactures (4) who is battling poverty
(1)/ plastic containers but (2)/ also STENOGRAPHER- 2018
steel containers. (3)/ No Error (4) 7 Feb., 2019 Evening
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2017 95. The teacher had hardly left the room
7 July, 2018 Evening than the pupils started enjoying.
87. Suresh have never (1)/ encouraged (1) than
nor (2)/condoned violence. (3)/ No (2) started enjoying
error (4) (3) The teacher
(4) had hardly left
88. The place were (1)/Buddha was STENOGRAPHER- 2018
cremated (2)/has recently been 8 Feb., 2019 Evening
discovered.(3)/ No error (4) 96. In this novel I came across some
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2017 words which meaning I do not know.
89. The consequence of (1)/ his (1) came across
carelessness was (2)/ that the game (2) which meaning
was lost. (3)/ No error (4) (3) In this novel
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2017 (4) do not know
90. Wherever you live, (1)/ there is surely SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
some countryside or coastline (2)/not 12 March, 2019 Morning

too far away that you are proud of. 97. Unless you do not run fast, you
cannot match the bus.
(3)/ No error (4)
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2017 (1) you do not (2) catch the bus.
91. Despite of working hard he failed the (3) You cannot (4) Run fast
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
test. 14 March, 2019 Morning
(1) the test (2) he failed 98. He is the same man which I saw
(3) Despite of (4) working hard yesterday at the gate.
5 Feb., 2019 Evening (1) He is
92. Whenever I went to the cinema I (2) the same man
bought myself popcorn and coke for (3) at the gate
a special treat. (4) which I saw
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
(1) Whenever (2) bought 14 March, 2019 Morning
(3) went (4) for 99. He is not such a clever boy that you
6 Feb., 2019 Morning are.
93. Both my father or my mother can (1) cleaver boy (2) such a
cook. (3) that you are (4) He is not
(1) Both (2) can cook SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
14 March, 2019 Morning
(3) or my mother (4) my father
STENOGRAPHER- 2018 100. This is the boy which took away the
7 Feb., 2019 Morning books.


(1) This is 108. “Unless you did not(1)/do your
(2) which took away homework you(2)/will be punished,”
(3) the boy said the teacher.(3)/No error(4).
(4) the books SSC PRE - 2018
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018 12th June, 2019 Afternoon
14 March, 2019 Evening 109. Different-coloured natural foods not
101. Until I do not get the loan, I cannot only put a smile on children's faces
set up my business. and also benefit their overall growth.
(1) I cannot (2) get the loan (1) benefit their overall growth
(3) do not (4) set up (2) and also benefit
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
14 March, 2019 Evening (3) Different-coloured natural foods
102. Smartphone cameras can now take (4) put a smile on children's faces
pictures of near-professional quality, 2 July, 2019, Evening
so they also have limitations. 110. As you know that I always like to have
(1) pictures of ice-cream after my dinner
(2) so they also have limitations (1) As you know that
(3) can now take (2) to have ice-cream
(4) near-professional quality (3) after my dinner
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
15 March, 2019 Evening (4) I always like
103. We had to decline several orders(1)/ 9 July, 2019, Morning
in case that the production was(2)/ 111. The lady listened carefully to my
held up due to labour strike(3)/No complaint but I doubt she will do
error(4). anything about it.
SSC PRE - 2018
4th June, 2019 Morning
(1) but I doubt she
104. Cyclone ldai killed at least(1)/17 (2) will do anything about it
(3) to my complaint
people in Zimbabwe and Mozambique
(4) The lady listened carefully
although.(2)/ it tore across Southern CHSL-2018
Africa(3)/No error(4). 10 July, 2019, Morning
SSC PRE - 2018 112. Even Sharat tried his best, he could
4th June, 2019 Morning not clear all the examination paper
105. She got(1)/two quick promotions(2)/ in one attempt.
in order that(3)/she has good (1) he could not clear
communication skills.(4) (2) Even Sharat tried his best
SSC PRE - 2018
4th June, 2019 Afternoon
(3) all the examination papers
106. She lost a big order(1)/from a known (4) in one attempt
showroom(2)/in case of her own 10 July, 2019, Afternoon
carelessness. (3)/No error(4). 113. Our nation can make significant
SSC PRE - 2018 growth but if we all work collectively.
4th June, 2019 Evening
(1) but if we all
107. No sooner did he see(1)/the tiger
(2) make significant growth
when he ran(2)/as fast as he (3) Our nation can
could.(3)/No error(4). (4) work collectively
SSC PRE - 2018 CHSL-2018
10th June, 2019 Afternoon 11 July, 2019, Evening


114. I don’t like movies who has an (3) the meeting at the ministry.
unhappy ending. (4) she is the only one
(1) who has 12 September, 2019
(2) I don’t 117. They made her as the Chairperson
(3) like movies of their bank.
(4) an unhappy ending
(1) No error
11 September, 2019 (2) as the Chairperson
115. I was surprised to see as Avika could (3) of their bank.
write such good poems in Hindi. (4) They made her
(1) to see as Avika 12 September, 2019
(2) I was surprised 118. They can’t hardly believe that Article
(3) such good poems in Hindi 370 is no longer valid in Jammu and
(4) could write
12 September, 2019 (1) is no longer valid
116. Despite incessant rains, she is the (2) in Jammu and Kashmir.
only one who plan to attend the (3) that Article 370
meeting at the ministry. (4) They can’t hardly believe
(1) Despite incessant rains 12 September, 2019
(2) who plan to attend

1. (3) Replace ‘and’ with ‘or’ because 7. (2) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’ because
correct pair of conjunction is the correct pair is
either ... or scarcely ... when.
2. (2) Replace ‘I had’ with ‘had I’ because 8. (2) Replace ‘when’ with ‘than’ because
when a sentence begin with ‘No the correct pair is
sooner’ it takes inversion form. no sooner ... than
3. (1) ‘Either’ should come after ‘tell me’ 9. (3) Replace ‘I’ with ‘me’ because with
because after ‘or’ at least is given. ‘between ... and’ objective
Co-relative conjunction always pronoun is used.
connects two equal grammatical 10. (1) Here ‘not’ is superfluous with
items. unless. So remove ‘not’ from first
4. (3) After ‘but’ ‘also’ should come part of the sentence.
because correct pair of 11. (2) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’ because the
conjunction is correct pair is Between .... and.
‘not only ... but also’ 12. (4) No error.
5. (2) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’ because The formula applicable here is
correct pair of conjunction is If + subject + V2, Subject + would
scarcely ...when + V1
6. (3) Replace ‘because’ with ‘that’ 13. (4) No error
because the correct pair is 14. (2) Remove ‘either’ or put ‘either’ after
‘The reason ... that’ ‘to’.


comprehend or solve 27. (1) First part of the sentence should
Either   . read as ‘he is not only anxious’ ...
verb verb
because while using a co-relative
See explanation of 18. conjunction both clauses should
15. (3) Add ‘than’ before ‘he’ in 3rd part be parallel. Anxious and eager
of the sentence because the (both adjectives) balance each
correct pair is no sooner ... than. other.
16. (2) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’ because the 28. (3) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’ because
correct pair is between ... and. the correct pair is
‘scarcely ... when’.
17. (2) Replace ‘they had’ with ‘had they’
because when a sentence begins 29. (4) No error.
with ‘no sooner’ it takes inversion Co-relative conjunction always
form. connects two equal grammatical
items. (Part of Speech).
18. (2) Add ‘than’ before ‘the’ in 3rd part
30. (2) Replace ‘not only equipped’ with
of the sentence because the
‘equipped not only’ because co-
correct pair is
relative conjunction always
No sooner ... than. connects two equal grammatical
19. (3) Replace ‘than’ with ‘but’ because items.
the correct pair 31. (3) Remove ‘and’ before ‘the navy’
‘nothing else ... but’. 32. (3) Replace ‘when’ with ‘than’ because
20. (3) Remove ‘that’. If direct speech is the correct pair is
of ‘Wh family’, no conjunction is ‘no sooner ... than’.
used when it is converted into 33. (4) Replace ‘or’ with ‘nor’ because the
Indirect Speech. correct pair is ‘neither ... nor’
21. (2) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’ because the 34. (4) Replace ‘too’ with ‘so’ because the
correct pair is ‘between ... and’. correct pair is ‘so ... that’.
22. (2) Add ‘that’ before ‘he’ in 3rd part of 35. (3) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’.
the sentence. Because the correct
pair is ‘so ... that’. Also change 36. (2) Here use of ‘he’ in 2 nd part is
‘hardly’ into ‘hard’. superfluous.
23. (2) Add ‘than’ before ‘I’ because the 37. (4) Replace ‘as well as’ with ‘and’.
correct pair is 38. (3) Replace ‘or’ with ‘and’.
‘No sooner ... than’. 39. (3) Remove ‘not only’. Here as per the
24. (3) Add ‘than’ before ‘the boys’ in 3rd meaning ‘complicated’ and
part. ‘accurate are’ not such adjectives
25. (3) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’ because to be connected with ‘not only ...
the correct pair is but also’.
‘scarcely ... when’. 40. (3) Replace ‘absorbed’ with ‘absorb-
26. (2) The complete form is as + Positive
degree adjective + as. Two same grammatical items are
Hence add ‘as’ before after ‘good’. connected through conjunction.


41. (3) 'Both' is followed by conjunction 57. (2) The correct pair is the reason ----
'and'. Hence replace 'as well as' --- that. 'Reason' with ‘because’
with 'and'. becomes superfluous.
42. (4) No error Hence replace 'because' with
43. (3) The correct pair of correlative 'that'.
conjunction is 'Not only....but 58. (3) Presence of both 'reason' and 'due
also'. Hence add 'also' after 'but'. to' in a sentence makes it
44. (2) Add ‘only’ after ‘not’ because superfluous.
correct correlative is ‘not only .... Hence remove 'due to' from part
but also’. (3).
45. (2) Change ‘when’ into ‘if’ to give a 59. (2) Use 'as' after 'regarded'
proper meaning to the sentence. 60. (1) Remove 'so'. 'Since .... so' is no
46. (4) When a sentence begins with a pair of conjunction.
negative adverbial like never, 61. (4)
rarely, hardly or seldom, the 62. (3) Replace 'covered' with 'had
auxiliary verb comes before the covered'.
subject. Hence the formation of Structure: By the time + Past
the sentence is correct . Also Indefinite + Past Perfect.
'Hardly... when' is a pair. 63. (2) Replace 'being that' with 'since' or
47. (1) Remove ‘for’. 'as'.
48. (2) Replace 'since' with 'but' to give 64. (1)
correct meaning to the sentence. 65. (4)
49. (3) Correct pair of conjunction is 66. (2) Replace 'nonetheless' with
Either.......or 'regardless'. Nonetheless means
50. (4) No error 'in spite of'. So 'of' after
51. (1) Whenever we begin a sentence 'nonetheless' is superfluous.
with negative adverb or adverbial 67. (4)
phrase, we use inversion. In 68. (4)
inversion verb comes before the 69. (4)
subject. Hence replace 'Not only 70. (1) Put 'not only' before 'pack'. This
we seen' with 'Not only did we see'. is a case of misplaced
52. (3) Change ‘a miser’ into ‘miserly’. conjunction.
‘Frugal’ an adjective needs an 71. (3) Replace 'like' with 'as'. such ... as
adjective ‘miserly’ according to the is a pair of conjunction.
rules of parallelism. 72. (4)
53. (1) Correct pair of conjunction is 73. (3) Use 'not only' after 'equipped'.
'so.....that'. So replace 'too' with 'so'. Conjunction must be at the
54. (1) The correct conjunction is 'as soon appropriate place.
as'. Hence replace 'soon as' with 74. (2) Replace 'in try' with 'and try'.
'as soon as'. 75. (4) No Error.
55. (1) Replace 'sooner had he come' with 76. (3) Change 'have' into 'has' because
'as soon as he came'. if two subjects are joined by
56. (3) The correct pair of conjunction is 'either.....or' , the verb agrees to
No sooner ------------ than. the nearest subject.


77. (1) Change ‘too’ into ‘to’ because ‘to 96. (2) Replace 'which' with 'the meaning
+vb.f’ is the correct structure. of which'.
78. (1) 'Had' takes V3. Change 'arrive' 97. (1) Remove 'do not'. Unless is not
into 'arrived'. followed by a negative word.
79. (1) Use 'as wise as'. As ... as takes 98. (4) Replace 'which' with 'that'. The
positive degree. same is followed by that.
80. (4) No error. 99. (3) Replace 'that' with 'as'. 'Such ...as'
81. (1) Either use 'not only' after saw or is used to categorize.
use structure 'not only did we see'. 100. (2) Replace 'which' with 'who'. For
Conjunction should be followed by person we use 'who'.
same part of speech. 101. (3) Remove 'do not'. Until has a
82. (2) 'not only' always followed by 'but 'hidden not' in it.
also'. 'But also her father' is the 102. (2) Replace 'so' with 'but'.
correct structure. 'Limitations' introduce something,
83. (2) 'Hardly ... when' is the correct contradictory hence use 'but'.
pair. 103. (2) Replace 'in case that' with
84. (3) Remove 'on'. 'Take on' means 'to
'because' to give proper meaning
to the sentence.
85. (3) Use 'more amusing' in place of
104. (2) Replace 'although' with 'when'.
'amusing'. Conjunction Adjective
105. (2) Replace 'in order' with 'because'.
joins same degrees.
106. (3) Replace 'in case of' with 'because
86. (1) Either use 'not only' after saw or
of or due to'.
use structure 'not only did we see'.
Conjunction should be followed by 107. (2) 'No sooner' is followed by than.
same part of speech. Not only will 108. (1) Remove 'did not'. Unless is not
come after manufactures. followed by 'not'.
87. (1) Change 'have never' into 'has 109. (2) Not only is followed by but also
neither'. Neither ... nor is a pair put ‘but’ in place of ‘and’.
of conjunction and Suresh 110. (1) Remove ‘as’.
(Singular Noun) will take singular 111. (1) Add 'if' after 'doubt'.
verb. 112. (2) use ‘though’ in place of ‘even’.
88. (1) Replace 'were' with 'where'. 113. (1) Remove but or add 'only' after
89. (4) 'but'.
90. (4) 114. (1) Replace 'who has' with 'that have'.
91. (3) Remove 'of' or use 'inspite' in place Who is used with human beings.
of 'Despite'. In spite of or Despite Movies will take p.v. 'have'.
will suffice. 115. (1) Replace 'as' with 'that'.
92. (4) Replace 'for' with 'as'. 116. (2) Replace 'plan' with 'plans'. 'She'
93. (3) Replace 'or' with 'and'. Correct will take 'plans' (S.V).
pair of conjunction is 'both..... 117. (2) Remove 'as'. Name, elect, think,
and'. consider, call, appoint, make,
94. (4) Replace 'is' with 'are'. Men take choose, nominate and crown do
plural verb. not take 'as'.
95. (1) Replace 'than' with 'when'. Correct 118. (4) Remove 'hardly' or change can't
pair of conjunction is 'hardly..... into can. Double negative cannot
when'. come together.

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