Detecting Errors
Prepared by Neetu Singh
(Previous Year Questions)
1. You must either (1)/ be regular with 9. All doubts are cleared (1)/ between
your studies (2)/ and study for longer (2)/ you and I.(3)/. No error. (4)
period before the examination. (3)/ (SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 10.12.2006)
No error (4)
10. Unless you do not give (1)/ the keys
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 1997) of the safe (2)/you will be shot (3)/.
2. No sooner (1)/ I had spoken, (2) than No error. (4)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
he left. (3)/ No error. (4)
Exam. 10.12.2006)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 09.09.2001) 11. The period (1)/ between 1980 to 1990
3. You must either tell me (1)/ the whole (2)/ was very significant in my life.
story or, at least (2)/ the first half of (3)/ No error (4).
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
it. (3)/ No error. (4) Central Excise) Exam. 25.11.2007)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 09.09.2001) 12. If I had lots of money (1)/ I’d give
4. Your success in the IAS examinations some to anybody (2)/who asked for
depends not only on (1)/what papers it. (3)/No error.(4)
(SSC SAS Exam. 26.06.2010 (Paper-I)
you have selected (2)/but on how you
13. Until the world lasts, (1)/the earth
have written them. (3) No Error. (4)
will go (2)/ round the sun.(3)/ No
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 05.12.2004) error.(4)
5. Scarcely had (1)/I arrived than (2)/ (SSC SAS Exam. 26.06.2010 (Paper-I)
the train left. (3)/No Error. (4). 14. None of the diplomats at the
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) conference (1)/was able either to
Exam. 05.06.2005) comprehend (2)/ or solve the
6. The reason why (1)/he was rejected problem. (3)/No error (4)
(2)/was because he was too young. (SSC Stenographer (Grade'C' &'D')
Exam. 26.09.2010)
(3)/No Error. (4).
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) 15. No sooner did he see (1)/ the traffic
Exam. 05.06.2005) policeman (2)/ he wore seat belt. (3)/
7. Scarcely did I reach the airport, (1)/ No error (4)
nervous and tense, than the plane (SSC Stenographer (Grade'C' &'D')
Exam. 26.09.2010)
took off, (2)/leaving me stranded in
16. The period (1)/ between 1991 to 1995
an alien place. (3)/No error (4). (2)/ was very significant in my life.
(SSC Statistical Investigators
Grade-IV Exam. 31.7.2005) (3)/ No error (4)
8. No sooner had the hockey match (SSC Stenographer Grade 'C' & 'D'
Exam. 16.10.2011)
started (1)/ when it began (2)/ to rain
17. No sooner (1)/ they had received the
(3)/. No error (4). guests (2)/ than they began
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 12.11.2006) entertaining them. (3)/ No error (4)
too far away that you are proud of. 97. Unless you do not run fast, you
cannot match the bus.
(3)/ No error (4)
SSC (CPO) MAINS- 2017 (1) you do not (2) catch the bus.
91. Despite of working hard he failed the (3) You cannot (4) Run fast
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
test. 14 March, 2019 Morning
(1) the test (2) he failed 98. He is the same man which I saw
(3) Despite of (4) working hard yesterday at the gate.
5 Feb., 2019 Evening (1) He is
92. Whenever I went to the cinema I (2) the same man
bought myself popcorn and coke for (3) at the gate
a special treat. (4) which I saw
SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
(1) Whenever (2) bought 14 March, 2019 Morning
(3) went (4) for 99. He is not such a clever boy that you
6 Feb., 2019 Morning are.
93. Both my father or my mother can (1) cleaver boy (2) such a
cook. (3) that you are (4) He is not
(1) Both (2) can cook SSC (CPO) PRE- 2018
14 March, 2019 Morning
(3) or my mother (4) my father
STENOGRAPHER- 2018 100. This is the boy which took away the
7 Feb., 2019 Morning books.
1. (3) Replace ‘and’ with ‘or’ because 7. (2) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’ because
correct pair of conjunction is the correct pair is
either ... or scarcely ... when.
2. (2) Replace ‘I had’ with ‘had I’ because 8. (2) Replace ‘when’ with ‘than’ because
when a sentence begin with ‘No the correct pair is
sooner’ it takes inversion form. no sooner ... than
3. (1) ‘Either’ should come after ‘tell me’ 9. (3) Replace ‘I’ with ‘me’ because with
because after ‘or’ at least is given. ‘between ... and’ objective
Co-relative conjunction always pronoun is used.
connects two equal grammatical 10. (1) Here ‘not’ is superfluous with
items. unless. So remove ‘not’ from first
4. (3) After ‘but’ ‘also’ should come part of the sentence.
because correct pair of 11. (2) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’ because the
conjunction is correct pair is Between .... and.
‘not only ... but also’ 12. (4) No error.
5. (2) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’ because The formula applicable here is
correct pair of conjunction is If + subject + V2, Subject + would
scarcely ...when + V1
6. (3) Replace ‘because’ with ‘that’ 13. (4) No error
because the correct pair is 14. (2) Remove ‘either’ or put ‘either’ after
‘The reason ... that’ ‘to’.
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