4 - Verb - Advabce (459) by Magneto Bot
4 - Verb - Advabce (459) by Magneto Bot
4 - Verb - Advabce (459) by Magneto Bot
1. She doesn’t mind to be disturbed. (1) Walking along the road, an old
(1) being disturbed man ran behind the lorry
(2) to being disturbed (2) Running along the road, the lorry
(3) being disturbing ran over an old man
(4) No improvement (3) The lorry ran over an old man
(SSC Statistical Investigators walking along the road
Grade-IV Exam. 31.7.2005)
(4) No improvement
2. While crossing the road, a snake was (SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-I
seen. Exam. 26.06.2011 (Second Sitting)
(1) a snake was moving. 6. Being a rainy day, we had to abandon
(2) he saw a snake. the match.
(3) a snake was observed. (1) Having been a rainy day
(4) No improvement. (2) It being a rainy day
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial (3) It been a rainy day
Audit) Exam. 26.11.2006) (4) No improvement
3. The old woman gave her dog biscuits. (FCI Assistant Grade-II
(1) The old woman gave biscuits to Exam. 22.01.2012)
1. (1) After ‘mind’ if any verb comes it 6. (4) From the structure it seems that
is used in gerund form. ‘we’ is the subject of a clause
2. (2) The given sentence is in Active ‘being rainy day’ which gives
Voice hence ‘He saw a snake’ wrong sense.
should be used. Hence add ‘it’ before ‘being a
3. (1) We ‘give something to someone’. rainy day’ to give it a proper
Hence ‘The old woman gave subject.
biscuits to her dog’ is more lucid. 7. (4) No improvement
4. (2) Here ‘subject’ is missing from the 8. (1) After ‘finish’ if any verb comes it
first clause. Hence add proper is used in gerund form.
subject ‘while he was’ in first part
9. (1) Here the structure followed
of the sentence. The sentence
should be:
should read as ... While he was
riding upon the horse, the tiger Subject + Verb + Noun/ Pronoun
jumped at him. + Bare infinitive
5. (3) ‘Run over somebody’ means ‘to I + watch + him + fall.
drive over someone with a 10. (4) After ‘to’, ‘V1’ is used.
vehicle’. (dqpyuk)
11. (4) No Improvement.
Since ‘a man’ cannot run over ‘a
The bull was goaded (incited or
lorry’ so here the main subject driven with a pointed rod) to
should be ‘They lorry’. frenzy (anger) and so it attacked
Here option (3) is correct. its tormentors (who harassed it)