Principles of Accounting I (34101) Asma Znaimat 2024 2025-3
Principles of Accounting I (34101) Asma Znaimat 2024 2025-3
Principles of Accounting I (34101) Asma Znaimat 2024 2025-3
Development Goal
2. Course Description:
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This course covers the definition of accounting, the accounting system and its
main elements, the double entry system, transactions related to capital, cash
transactions, inventory transactions, accounts receivable, and preparing the trial
balance, income statement, and statement of financial position.
3. Course Objectives:
The main objective of this course is to prepare students for a successful career in
accounting as accountants (bookkeepers), auditors, or consultants. This
course is vital in progressing students into further topics in accounting (mainly:
auditing, advanced financial accounting, and financial statements analysis). Each
chapter of the course has its objectives, which in turn, are indicated at the
beginning of the chapter. Specifically, this course has the following ‘Course
Objectives’ (CO):
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4. Program Learning Outcomes
The program learning outcomes that are mapped for the course and
accreditation purposes are:
Table 1 BBT Programs Learning Goals and Outcomes
National Learning Learning
Qualifications Goals (LGs) Outcomes (LOs)
PLO1: Demonstrate basic knowledge in the
Knowledge business and technology.
(K) PLO2: Apply business and technology concepts
that can help develop business solutions.
PLO3: Critically analyze business issues taking
into account economic, sustainable, and ethical
Competencies PLO4: Integrate key analytical methods that can
(C) help provide creative and innovative solutions.
PLO5: Collaborate effectively within a team to
build jointly prepared projects.
PLO6: Demonstrate the written communication
Skills skills essential in business settings
(S) PLO7: Demonstrate effective use of the oral
presentation skills that are essential in business
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entry system and journalization and posting of
transactions for service organizations and
preparation of a trial balance
Illustrate and apply knowledge about adjusting
CLO3 PLO 2 SDG 8.3
entries and the adjusted trial balance
Illustrate and apply knowledge about the
accounting cycle and closing and correcting
CLO4 PLO 1 SDG 8.3
entries. Classify the accounts into the
statement of financial position.
Illustrate and apply knowledge about
CLO5 accounting for
merchandising companies.
6. Curriculum Design:
This course will cover core concepts in principles of accounting. The topics and
their respective
chapter in the recommended textbook is highlighted below:
Table 3 Course Topics and their Respective Chapters
Wee Topic Chapte
k r
1-3 Introduction: Accounting in Business 1
4-6 Analyzing and Recording Transactions 2
7-9 Adjusting Accounts and Preparing Financial Statements 3
Midterm Exam
11- Completing the accounting Cycle 4
14- Merchandising Operations 5
16 The Final Exam -
Disclaimer: Instructors may deviate from schedule
7. Teaching Methods:
Several teaching techniques and methods will be used to effectively facilitate the
learning process of this course. These methods will include:
Interactive class activities
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Smart and whiteboards; data show presentations of key topics and
summarizing main points.
Solving exercises, problems, and cases interactively on board.
8. Assessment:
The course is intended to provide students with theoretical and practical
knowledge that will help them in putting theory into practice. Various assessment
techniques will be used to assess students’ understanding of the module. Any
online assessments will be conducted on McGraw Hill Connect, and you
must get access to this course by purchasing the code from the bookshop.
The breakdown of the weight of each element is:
Total 100%
As for the marking criteria for each assessment technique, each has a rubric that
demonstrates the mark/band the students can achieve in this.
Rubric for Final Exam
Criteria/band Fail Marginal Merit Distinction
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Suitability of the answer The answer does not The answer addresses Clear and logical answer question is well-answered
address the question. the questions with that addresses the with a critical analysis of
20 marks limited improvisation on question and attempts to the core concepts covered
the answer. provide critical analysis in the exam.
of core concepts covered
in the exam.
Understanding of the Lacks theoretical Shows a good Shows a good Shows solid understanding
core concepts understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the of the core concepts with a
core concepts covered core concepts and their subject area. There is a strong link between theory
20 marks in the exam. application in practice good link between the and practice.
core concepts and
0-19 20-29 30-35 36-40
(out of 40 marks)
Understanding of the Lacks understanding Shows some Shows a good understanding of Shows solid understanding of
core concepts of core concepts understanding of the subject area and core the core concepts covered in
covered in the exam. core concepts concepts covered in the exam. the exam
30 marks covered in the exam.
0-14 15-20 21-25 26-30
(Out of 25 marks)
Understanding of Lacks understanding of Shows some understanding of Shows a good Shows solid understanding
the theory the core concepts the core concepts covered in understanding of the of the core concepts
covered in the the assignment. subject area. covered in the assignment.
5 marks for each assignment.
0 1-2 3-4 5
(Out of 5 marks)
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9. Rules and Regulations:
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