Nashpa Plant

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming
that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’
while completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the
relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Oil and Gas (OGDCL) Pvt Ltd. Nashpa plant
Site location* Karak kpk
Number of workers 370
OGDCL is the Leading oil and gas exploration and marketing company Which operating
various oil and gas exploring rigs. This Organization follow the different international health
General description of the organisation and safety standards like ISO 45001, ISO45001, OHSAS18001 and many other health and
safety standards. The Company operating time is 24/7 and there are two shifts of 8 hours a
The departments which are being risk accessed by me during my 4 hour and 30 minutes
inspection includes all areas i.e. rig area, Boozer filling, glycol unit, de-ethanizer section, ,
shale shakers, hydro cyclones, sulphur recovery unit, LPG bullets filling area, separation
Description of the area to be included in the system, production hook-up, tubing system, hoisting system of rig, master bushing working,
risk assessment breaks drums system, blow out preventer, pig section, heating system, shale shakers, Kelly,
generators, mud pumps, agitators, data unit, waste pits, water pits, storage tanks, subsurface
safety valves, and well heads.

Any other relevant information The Operational Manager had direct responsibility of health and safety

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* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided
must be factual.

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
I started the risk-assessment by looking the ILO code of practices related to the oil field
activities and worker’s rights and moral duties of employer regarding the implementation of
health and safety at workplace. The British website has lot of resources, i.e.
safework/documents/normativeinstrument/wcms_107727.pdf and and these resources helped me a lot.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried After these sources of information, I went around the processing area to LPG section area
out this should include: and drilling area talking with the workers and get the information about the various risks at
 sources of information consulted; work which needs to be secured by applying the suitable control measure in these risky
 who you spoke to; and areas. Then i examine the organization health and safety policy and standards for the
 how you identified: workplace activities. I check the medical facilities and first-aid measures at the workplace. I
- the hazards; also consider the arrangements of health and safety and assigning of roles and
- what is already being done; and responsibilities within the management and workers. I check the emergency conditions at
- any additional controls/actions the workplace and checking the alarm system at the workplace.
that may be required. I also checked the accident book to see what types of incidents have occurred in the past 1
year and whether they have occurred again. I also reviewed the reasons for being absent due
to illness to see if there are any recurring themes of bad health.

After the inspection, I went back to the notes I took during the inspection and the sources of
information that I had reviewed to help me determine other necessary control measures or

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Oil and Gas (OGDCL) Pvt Ltd. Nashpa plant
Date of assessment: 07 Aug. 2021
Scope of risk assessment: All the Processing and drilling areas of the organization

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Biological Workers, Visitors, Office Company have created 1. Entry of visitors and task 1 day Administrative
Hazard: Staff, Vulnerable simple and clear policy for related to contractors should be In-charge
persons, contractors, corona virus stopped till virus completely (Action 1, 2
Presence of cleaners and cleaners vanish and 3).
untreated Disinfectant spray is done on 3 days Area
Corona virus Currently corona viral weekly basis 2. WHO and ILO SOPs should be Supervisor
infection is untreated, implemented on work place (Action 4 and
medicine is still 1 day 5).
unavailable for it. It can 3. Disinfectant spray should be
spread from person to done on daily basis on whole
person by sneezing, machinery and frequently used
coughing or using equipment 2 days
similar equipment. It
causes fever with cold, 4. Sanitizers, Hand wash should be
coughing, lungs available at work site for
infection and in everyone use 1 week
extreme case it may
cause death 5. Safe system of work should be
established to mitigate the effect
of COVID-19

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Electricity. All the workers working Main supply boards have the 1. Report the area in-charge Immediate. Warehouse in-
in the warehouse. closing lid which was about the unsafe condition charge (Action
Poor electric During the inspection in remained open all the time. of the warehouse. 2 Weeks. 1, 2 and 3).
wiring in the the main warehouse the Electrical warning signs 2. Planned preventive Area
warehouse of exposed wiring on the were displayed in the maintenance should be 1 Month. Supervisor
the processing roof was broken and warehouse. done. (Action 4 and
area. there was burn marks 3. Periodically inspection 1.5 Months. 5).
on the flex everywhere should be done. HSE Assistant
and fuse on the main 4. Remove the fuses and install 2 Months. (Action 6 and
electrical supply boards the miniature circuit 7).
were broken and some breaker.
were burned this can 5. Remove the burned flex wire 2 Months.
cause serious hazard of or replace the broken wiring 3 Months.
electrical shock and with the new one.
arcing. 6. Install the residual current
This will result in an devices.
electrical burn, fire, 7. Portable appliance testing of
explosion, fatality, wiring should be done
damage of facility and periodically.

Work Rig labour, deckhands, Robust Personal Protective 1. Cease this unsafe testing Immediate. Area
Equipment grillers and visitors in Equipment’s (PPE’S) were activity. Supervisor
and the drilling area. provided but not considered (Action 1, 2
Machinery Workers were mandatory. 2. Personal Protective and 3).
performing the Tool kit was provided to the Equipment’s (PPE’S) 2 Hours.
Hydraulic hydraulic test on the worker. wearing during the testing
testing of the BOP and they were

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Blow out standing on the rams of should be considered HSE Engineer
Preventer.block the BOP without mandatory. (Action 4 and
offices. releasing the stored 3 Hours. 5).
energy and LOTO was 3. Lock off the in-feed and out-
not applied on BOP and feed. Assistant
this can cause the 5 Hours. Engineer
serious danger to the 4. Release the stored energy. (Action 6 and
workers working in the 7).
area. 5. Install the Lockout/Tagout 1 Day.
This can cause the (LOTO) on the Blowout
fatality, damage of Preventers (BOP).
equipment and damage
of facility. 6. Risk-assessment should be 2 Weeks.
done before the testing
2 Weeks.
7. Local Toolbox Talks (TBT)
should be given to the
Noise. Mud engineers and First-aid box was available at 1. Stop this un-maintained 2 Hours. Rig In-charge
labour working on the the workplace. motor and start the backup (Action 1 and
Un-maintained floor. Area was well ventilated motor for the agitation 2).
agitator motor On the rig floor the where the mixing work was process. 1 Week. HSE Engineer
for mixing the agitator motor was on-going. 2. Risk-assessment should be (Action 3, 4, 5
mud. producing the intensive done at the rig floor before and 6).
noise due to the broken the hazardous activity. 2 Weeks.
shaft of the motor and
all the workers working 1 Month.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
near this motor without 3. Maintain the agitator motor
wearing the ear muffs or which was producing the
ear plugs and exposed intensive noise. 2 Months.
to this intensive noise. 4. Periodic inspection should
This unsafe act can be done to avoid from any
cause the stress, fatigue, kind of failure in the motor.
tinnitus, induce hear 5. Install the guards in front of 2 Months.
loss, ringing bells in the the motor to avoid access of
ear, rupture of ear drum un-authorised persons.
and permanent hear 6. Sound absorbing mats must
loss. be installed to minimize
noise intensity.
Fire. All the workers working Fire extinguisher are in place 1. Risk-assessment should be 1 Week. Field Manager
in the processing area. done in the area to avoid (Action 1, 2
Un-maintained During the inspection of Emergency control buttons from any kind of disaster. and 3).
pressure or the processing area the were installed near the 2. Smoke detector and Fire 1 Week. Area In-charge
temperature boiler pressure and boiler. alarm should be installed (Action 4 and
gauges of the temperature was too 3. Local TBT should be 2 Weeks. 7).
boiler. high and the pressure Monthly inspection and provided to the workers HSE Assistant
and temperature colour coding of electrical working there. 1 Month. (Action 5 and
calibration gauges were equipment is in place. 4. Effective training 6, 8).
not working properly programme should be made
and workers were for the workers. 1 Month.
working near without 5. Effective SOP should be made
the adequacy of control there for the working in the 2 Months.
measures and this can processing area.
cause the major disaster 2 Months.
in the processing area

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
due to the explosion of 6. Replace the pressure and
the boiler. temperature gauges with the
This will result in the new one.
fire, explosion, fatality, 7. Install the safety signs in the
equipment damage, hot processing area.
burns, and facility 8. Conditional base
damage. maintenance should be done
in the processing area.

Radiation. Welders, workers and Welding power system was 1. Provision of face visors and 1 Hour. Rig Manager
visitors at the properly earthed. eye spectacles to the welder. (Action 1 and
Unsafe workplace. Area was well ventilated 2. Provision of insulating 1 Day. 2).
protection from The unsafe activity was where the welding work was robust gloves should be HSE
the ultraviolet on going in the drilling on-going. done to the worker. 1 Week. Supervisor
radiation area where the worker 3. Risk-assessment should be (Action 3 and
during the was welding the joint of done before the welding. 1 Week. 4).
welding. pipe for the production 4. Local TBT should be HSE Assistant
hook-up and during the provided to the worker. 1 Month. (Action 5 and
welding he was not 5. Effective training 6).
wearing the eye programme should be 1.5 Months.
spectacles, insulating established for the welders.
robust gloves and anti- 6. Make the SOP for the safe
penetration goggles to welding procedure
protect themselves
from the ultraviolet
This hazardous work
will result in eye strain,

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
stress, cancer, hot burns
and blindness to the

Manual Worker related to this The floor condition was good 1. Stop the worker from this Immediate. Operational
Handling activity. in the area. unsafe activity. Manager
In the main production Cautions signs were placed (Action 1 and
Poor condition area the worker was on the hazardous area. 2. Rest breaks should be 2 Hours. 2).
of barrel lifts manually pushing the provided to the worker.
trolley. barrel lifter which was
in the poor condition 3. Local Toolbox Talks (TBT) 3 Hours. Processing In-
the wheel of the barrel should be provided to the charge (Action
lifter was sticking with worker. 3 and 4).
the frame and the
handles of the barrel 4. Provision of training should
lifter has the sharp be done. HSE
edges the barrel is too 1 Week. Supervisor
heavy and the worker 5. Conditional base (Action 5 and
was applying the maintenance of the barrel 6).
excessive force to move lifter should be done. 3 Weeks.
the barrel lifter.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
This can cause the 6. Install the hoisting system
muscles crams, tendons for the lifting of heavy oil
injury and ligaments barrels. 3 Months.
injury, twisting of hand,
vertebrae dislocation
and tenosynovitis.

Hazardous All the workers and Fire extinguishers were 1. Provide the face visors, 1 Day. Field Manager
Substance. visitors in the installed in the area. facemasks and respirators (Action 1 and
processing area. Emergency numbers were should be provided to the 3).
Leakage of From the well to the displayed on the main notice worker. 2 Days. Maintenance
Hazadous processing area the board area. 2. Lock off the in-feed and out- 1 Week. In-charge
substances main pipeline was leak. feed. 1 Month. (Action 2, 4
from the main Toxic gases and sand 3. Provision of training should and 5).
pipe line in the was all where around be done. 2 Months.
processing the workplace due to 4. Conditional base
area. the leakage and all the maintenance of pipeline
workers were exposed should be done.
to the hazardous gases 5. Periodically inspection
and sand particles should be done.
because they were not
wearing the face masks
and respirators.
This unsafe condition
can cause the
asphyxiation, lungs
cancer, irritation of
eyes, asthma and

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
inflammation of
respiratory track

Lone Working. Well watchman and Safety signs were installed in 1. Stop the alone visit 1 Hour. Field In-
petroleum engineer the area. especially in the dark. charge (Action
Alone well who visit the well. Pressure gauges were in 2. Assign the duty of the buddy 2 Days. 1, 2 and 3).
visiting work. Well operators were good working condition with the well operator Security in-
visiting the wells which during the visit. 1 Week. charge (Action
were located inside the 3. On well site recruit the 4, 5 and 6).
jungles and near the security officer with the well 2 Weeks.
mountains and valley watchman.
and there is the serious 4. Provide the logging devices 1 Month
threat of being with the well operators.
kidnapped and there 5. Tracker system should be 2 Months.
may be also animals installed in the car which is
attack on the well used for the visit.
watchman. 6. Install the CCTV cameras
This may be result in near the well location which
the fatality and will cover the whole well
kidnaping and various area.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

Slips and Roustabouts, Smoke and fire alarms were 1. Adjust the trailing cables and 2 Hours. Rig Supervisor
Trips deckhands, drillers and installed on the rig floor. water pipes on the rig floor. (Action 1 and
supervisor on the rig Bug blowers were installed 2).
Poor condition floor. on the rig floor. 2. Keep the rig floor clean and 5 Hours.
of the rig floor. On the rig floor there tidy. 1 Day. In-charge HSE
was the limited area for (Action 3 and
moving and there was 3. Provide the anti-slipping 2 Weeks. 4).
everywhere trailing safety shoes.
cables, water pipes and Operational
chemical mud was 4. Risk-assessment should be 2 Weeks. Manager
spilled on the rig floor done of the rig floor area. (Action 5 and
and workers were 6).
working on the rig floor 5. Effective training 1 Month.
without wearing the programme should be
safety shoes. This established for the workers. 1 week
condition can arise the
serious hazard of slip 6. Supervise the drilling
and trip. activity by assign the
This will result in the competent person.
bones broken, bruises,
head injury and back

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions Timescales
category and and how? doing? are required? for further Responsible
hazard actions to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Moral Arguments

arguments It is OGDCL's moral obligation to protect all workers in the workplace by providing all the
basic equipment in the workplace. In addition, management is obliged to support the victim's
family during the recovery phase. Workers should be provided with safe working systems and
safe plants and equipment and all medical facilities, as well as providing first aid to ensure
better maintained health. The company also focus on to avoid all types of accidents that harm
employees, like team work, safety, dedication and innovation and evolve consensus through
consultative process inter-linking activities at all departments.
Legal arguments
It is legal duty of the organization to provide safe workplace, equipment, and safe environment
to minimize the accident in the workplace. Failure to overcome the accidents or developing
safe system of labour can result in social control actions which can end in prosecution.
Prosecutions will result in the punishments of either individual (worker/manager/director) or
whole organization. Also Law enforcement agencies have the right to prevent any nominal
activity within the entire project or within the organization. Alternatively, it may impose
improvements on the organization for specific activities within a specified time period.

Financial arguments

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Financially the organization can face several of the direct and indirect prices. Among these
some prices area unit insured and a few none.
Direct costs that are measurable in easy terms as follows;

 First aid treatments will be given to the injured workers.

 Sick payments to the workers in case of accident.
 Repair costs associated with the damaged tool and equipment’s.
 Loss of time.

Some of the indirect costs associated with the unwanted event happening as are;
 Staff morals will be lost.
 Difficulties and time lost during recruiting new staff.
 Loss of reputation.
 Damage to the industrial relations.

Justification for action 1

Action Sound absorbing mats must be installed to minimize noise intensity (Hazard Category
Specific legal arguments
Special legal arguments from ILO side for noise is ILO C148- working environment (Air
pollution, Noise and vibrations), 1977(No.148) and Recommendation R156-worming
environment (Air pollution, Noise and vibrations), 1977(No.156) says that exposures to high
noises causes’ noise induced hearing losses as well as other health effects. A normal Noise
exposure standard to workers’ hearing ability for an eight hours shift is 85 db (A). noise
exposures should be controlled by;
Undertaking a noise exposure survey to assess the noises.

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Other controls are; noise elimination at source, interrupting the path ways and protecting the
receiver from the noise by providing them required PPEs.
Consideration of likelihood AND The likelihood of the ill-health caused by the noise is quite high due to the unmaintained mud
severity motors which produce the excessive noise.
The severity of the risk is also high and the following consequences can be cause like stress,
fatigue, tinnitus, induce hearing loss, ringing bells in the ear, rupture of ear drum and
permanent hear loss
How effective the action is likely to be Sound absorbing mats must be installed this have a major impact on the rig floor. To minimize
in controlling the risk. This should noise intensity to protect the workers from the noise hazard because it is mandatory for the
include: workers to work on the rig floor near these motors and they were continuously exposed to the
 the intended impact of the action; noise and it is required to control intensity of noise. I selected the time scale of two months for
 justification for the timescale that the completion and implementation of this control measure and I hope and expect that this
you indicated in your risk work will be completed by the management within the given time period. The action will fully
assessment; and control the risk.
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk.

Justification for action 2

Action Install the hoisting system for the lifting of heavy oil barrels (Hazard Category “Manual
Specific legal arguments The ILO Convention and Recommendation No. C155 (R164) require employers to ensure that
the process is reasonable and safe. The International Labor Organization's "Code of Safety for
the Use of Chemicals at Work" (CoP) offers specific recommendations on the appropriate
measures that employers should take to protect employers from the risks identified in the risk

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Consideration of likelihood AND Due to the poor condition of the barrel lifter the likelihood of the physical injuries caused by
severity the manual handling is high.

Severity categories:
Minimal: no injury or ill health will occur.
Minor: minor type injury or ill health will occur which will be cured by first aid treatment.
Major: major injury or ill health will occur which will need hospital treatments.
Catastrophic: death or other sever injuries will cause.
The severity of the risk associated with this manual handling work is quit major and there
are several consequences like the muscles crams, tendons injury, and ligaments injury,
twisting of hand, vertebrae dislocation and tenosynovitis.

How effective the action is likely to be Install the hoisting system for the lifting of heavy oil barrels this will protect the worker from
in controlling the risk. This should the physical injuries associated with lifting of heavy barrels and it is required to ensure the
include: safety of workers while working at workplace that is why it is mandatory for the management
 the intended impact of the action; to safe workers from this hazard. I gave the time period for the installation of this hoisting
 justification for the timescale that system is 3 months. I hope that this should be completed within the given time period. I think
you indicated in your risk the taken action will fully control the risk.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk.

Justification for action 3

Action Smoke detector and Fire alarm should be installed in all workshops and site storage( hazard
category Fire)

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Specific legal arguments

Consideration of likelihood AND Fire and explosion can be a cause of high injuries in the form of burn. Workers who are using
severity powers tools can be overheated if misused. So The likelihood of fire incident is high
Severity categories:
Minimal: no injury or ill health will occur.
Minor: minor type injury or ill health will occur which will be cured by first aid treatment.
Major: major injury or ill health will occur which will need hospital treatments.
Catastrophic: death or other sever injuries will cause.
The severity of injuries is major in this case as the fire burn can be severe.
How effective the action is likely to be By installing smoke detectors and fire alarms system in the flammable areas it will control the
in controlling the risk. This should fire incidents. The smoke detectors will trigger the fire alarm which will inform the fire
include: warden to take fire rescue action.
 the intended impact of the action; I will give the time period for the completion of this project is 1 months and 15 days. I hope
 justification for the timescale that this will be completed within the given time Period. The action will fully control the risk in the
you indicated in your risk given time.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk.
Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with

reasoning Company has a policy to review his all risk assessment after one year. I therefore set the
review date after 01 year at 06 Aug. 2022

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How the risk assessment findings will
be communicated AND who you need First of all, I will arrange a meeting with field manager and Finance Manager and discuss about
to tell the risk assessment findings and actions that are required and get approval from them for
required actions. I also provide the summery of my risk assessment and main finding of this
report through E-mail to field manager to include the next toolbox talk. Through Latter I send
my Risk assessment finding to coordinators and supervisors and workers to be reserved for
the issue of major importance to change in personal work practise. And a summary of this risk
assessment and the actions which I suggest in my report is also posted to general notice board
that all workers and supervisors can read easily.

How you will follow up on the risk

assessment to check that the actions I will send email reminder to the responsible person every 15 days to take the progress on the
have been carried out action items. I will review the progress and will expedite on it by finding out the reason of
delay and finding the solution by tackling it with the higher management. If, the action is
delayed because of the venders search, I will help the management in finding out the best
venders from the market. If the action is delayed due to funding release, I will arrange a
meeting with head of finance in which I will try to convince him by informing about the risk of
accident and the associated cost with it.

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